Showing Posts For Lande.5782:

It is time to Disable guesting

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lande.5782


Disabling guesting would take care of the ‘low population’ issue completely. There is a reason your servers feel low pop, and it’s not a lack of people playing the game.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

It is time to Disable guesting

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lande.5782


This has been a problem on TC since guesting was put in and someone suggested making TC the ‘official’ Orr server. It’s gotten worse since.

I am glad this issue is now getting some attention from other servers, as you can see the level of annoyance not being able to play with your own community is.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Overflow, Guesting, and Other Issues

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lande.5782


Give it a few weeks people will get tired of it then it will turn into something your server schedules and overflows will be less common.

It’s been how many months since guesting was introduced? And yet people never got tired of guesting on TC.

The entire thing needs to be removed so victim servers can get their communities back.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Overflow, Guesting, and Other Issues

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Lande.5782


Guesting needs to be removed completely, or guests need to be kicked out if someone from the home server wants to enter the zone.

How it works is completely ridiculous right now.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Permanent royal pass

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lande.5782


Mine ran out today, and I just realized they were removed from the gem shop.

Very, very sad.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Lande.5782


Hard is good. We need more content like this, so please don’t listen to the people complaining.

It’s based on old Nintendo games. Of course it’s going to be hard.

old Nintendo games are not that hard. It might have seemed hard to us back then, because we were children, but I challenge you to pick up old Mario or Sonic

Speaking more like TMNT, Silver Surfer, and the rest of the punishing titles from back in the day.

Beating something quickly isn’t fun for me. I have fun when banging my head against something for a while, then finally beating it. MMOs have ‘progressed’ past that, so it’s nice to see something punishing and will take practice to beat.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Lande.5782


Hard is good. We need more content like this, so please don’t listen to the people complaining.

It’s based on old Nintendo games. Of course it’s going to be hard.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

An Ingame Represantation of WoodenPotatoes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lande.5782


Let’s ignore some of the obvious jealousy in here. WP should be in the game.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Gnashblade and Kiel Minis

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lande.5782


Comparing Kiel to Trahearne is really not fair. Trahearne has way more personality.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

The agony of Charr armor. (Long read)

in Charr

Posted by: Lande.5782


The new Phoenix armor on humans and then charr courtesy of

It’s just a joke at this point. There is no way ANet saw that model on the charr and thought ‘that looks great!’.


A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Zenith Weapon selection bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lande.5782


So my second chest was correct, the the first one wasn’t. Hopefully we get some kind of response to this.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Zenith Weapon selection bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lande.5782


It’s clearly the selection itself is bugged, rather than a mistake made. Wife picked the staff, and got the shortbow. I picked the greatsword and got the hammer. It’s the exact same combo as everyone else in the thread.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Free Trial account eh?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lande.5782


I am a little disappointed on how Anet deals with these intermittent issues. Ya know guys it’s OK to be a little honest and tell us what is going on. I mean if you are going to suck at something have a little integrity.

Game is able to be patched without servers shutting down, and people say they suck because of rare outages. Amazing.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Highly dissapointed about fusion skin chance

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Lande.5782


It keeps the skin rare. I like it.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Fractals History (Lore)

in Lore

Posted by: Lande.5782


Regarding the Svanir fractal, what is odd is the last boss. As far as I know there is no true dragon shaman in normal reality, and Jormag hasn’t (or can’t) “bless” a Norn with that kind of power. Is that boss even a Havroun?

If he is, perhaps that’s a fractal where Jormag has a greater amount of power in the world, or his tactics are different.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Any solution to the problem of people who couldn’t reorganize their life around this event but still one the one time rewards because they paid just as much as everybody else to play this game?

Under that rational I want all legendary weapons sent to me because I paid just as much for the game but don’t have the time to play 24/7 for them.

If you want the one-time rewards, then log in when they are available. If you’re unable to, then you don’t get them.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Wait… people who didn’t even attend want a chest for doing nothing? Seriously?

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

I really want Corrupted Ice Armor(jormag ice)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


I just want something with a dragon head on it. My warrior is sporting a Corrupted Bulwark and Jormag’s Breath, but I need matching armor.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Will they ever bring Abbadon back?

in Lore

Posted by: Lande.5782


I know that Kormir absorbed his power, and he’s technically dead. But can a God truly die?

You’re under the impression they are actually gods, and not just very powerful beings pretending to be deities.

Their power can be stolen, they can die, and none of them are creation deities. Honestly they sound way more like mortals that happened to be infused with a crazy amount of magic rather than gods.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Mike OBrien just responded to my question, but it’s being hidden by a lot of other replies right now:

Hi! I’ll respond to the top part since it’s a quote from me.

Obviously the key phrase I’m going to point you to in that quote is, “if someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it”. That really is the litmus test we’ve used. That’s why, at ship, we gave better stats to exotic gear and didn’t give better stats to legendary gear.
More generally, I hope we’ve been clear that GW2 is not a game with virtually no stat progression in it like GW1 was. That’s why GW2 shipped with a higher level cap, and with a hard separation between PvE and PvP. In GW1 we never advanced the level cap through four campaigns/expansions. The game design didn’t allow for it. But GW2 was designed without those restrictions, and we’ve always expected that we will someday raise the level cap in GW2.
That’s why we’ve always said that GW2 rewards players through both progression and collection, whereas GW1 primarily rewarded through collection. Presumably players aren’t shocked that GW2 rewards through progression, since it has a level 80 cap.

I wonder if the core sentiment is more this: It’s only been two-and-a-half months! We don’t even all have exotics yet, and already you’re introducing another tier. Is this the start of a power progression curve that I’ll never be able to keep up with?

I certainly appreciate that worry. I myself don’t want a constant struggle, as exists in some other games, to keep my equipment viable.

Then we’re left with a balancing act. Some progression is ok, but pushing players onto gear treadmill isn’t ok and isn’t what the game is about.

So I would ask you to judge us by details, and not by making slippery-slope arguments. We introduced a ton of new content in November, and the sum total of new progression rewards we added to go with it provided a 5-10% stat increase in 2 of 12 slots. I hope you’ll agree that that kind of very shallow and gradual progression does not force people onto a gear treadmill.

I think it’s important for GW2 to be able to have this kind of gradual progression. Of course we made some mistakes with the way we introduced ascended gear. (See ChrisW’s answers for details.) But those are addressable issues. I don’t think they invalidate the fundamental concept that GW2 can have gradual stat progression without being a gear treadmill game.

~ MO

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Not happy with the answer he gave me, but at least it was an answer.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Starting A Static Dungeon Group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Have a 80 Engineer and 80 Warrior, would be very interested in a friendly static group.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

This is not the apology we deserve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Mistake or not, there is nothing that can be done to “fix” it.

Let’s assume for a moment they did feel the exotic/precursor hand-out was a mistake. They can’t undo that, it’s already gone through the market, and the there is nothing that can be done. They can’t allow the entire player-base another chance at that, because it would ruin the economy completely.

They made a mistake with the precursors (I personally don’t feel the general exotics were a mistake), and hopefully it won’t happen again.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

population and state of gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Getting Lion’s Arch overflow all the time now. Honestly I may dislike the gear treadmill changes, but population seems to have gone up.

But, as Mulch said, “We can lose a lot of players and still have a lot of players.”

The people that were in Orr are now in Lion’s Arch. This doesn’t mean there is an increase in population.

I don’t think that’s a true statement. Orr is still plenty full on my server, just dispersed away from Plinx.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

population and state of gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Getting Lion’s Arch overflow all the time now. Honestly I may dislike the gear treadmill changes, but population seems to have gone up.

But, as Mulch said, “We can lose a lot of players and still have a lot of players.”

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Sylvari Crave to Eat Meat Near Other Races?

in Lore

Posted by: Lande.5782


There is a sylvari discussion in the Grove about a fantastic rabbit stew one of them cooked. They certainly enjoy meat even at home.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Loot Nerf this patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Yep, I farmed Cursed Shore for 5 hours on Friday, and I ended up with only 1 rare compared to the 2-5 rares I used to find an hour with less than 100% MF. Veteran and champion drops were poo. We’re better off repeating FotM over and over again now.

Which is beyond annoying.

I enjoy farming. It’s relaxing and I don’t have to put much thought into it. Get out there for a couple of hours, put on some music, and just chill. FotM is fun, but it’s not the same experience as open world farming.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Client Crash in FotM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lande.5782


I can verify this. Happened twice, both times I used a repair canister.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


I say go ahead and feel broken and empty inside that Arenanet shattered your fragile expectations by providing you with what you begged for by coincidentally adding another tier to the gear level. Please, if you feel so strongly about it, stop playing the game and stop posting here. Rest assured, you won’t be missed.

I’ll wait out the WoW locusts, and hopefully ANet will come back to their senses.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


If ascended gear had been in at release would you all still be complaining? I think most of the complaints are coming from people with full exotic that don’t like the fact they’re not top-tier any more. I understand the frustration there but I still think people need to look at this as a new rarity and not a new tier.

They explained it pretty well in the dev blog: the rarity levels had a gaping hole between exotic and legendary, they needed something to plug the gap. They’ve already said this stuff will be obtainable in WvW as well so the people whining about having to run the fractals for it have nothing to complain about.

Not sure how many times this needs to be explained, but I’ll try again:

There is no gap between Exotics and Legendary. They are the exact same stats.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Ascended items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Maybe i’m wrong, but i’m fairly sure legendaries have around 90-100 more weapon strength than exotics. (For 2h at least)

You are wrong. In release all Legendaries were normalized to Exotic stat levels.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Ascended items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Because Legendary has the same stats as Exotic, there was no gap to fill.

Because ANet told us, for years, that this game wouldn’t have a gear treadmill.

Because they lied about “slightly”

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Are you kidding me? That’s not even taking into account the stats added to infusions.

I have never, ever felt more betrayed by a game dev I trusted. They outright, without a doubt lied to us. Blatantly.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

(edited by Lande.5782)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


For those who are not happy with the stat increase, why don’t we decide on a day where no one logs into the game for a day? A weekend day (say Saturday Nov 24, one week after the content update, starting GMT 0:00 for 24 hours) would have the largest impact as player logins are highest. The benefits are two-fold:
1) For those claiming that this direction alienates a majority of the playerbase, ANet will have some concrete numbers to work with. It could be the case that much of what we see here is grandstanding and we are all happily chasing giant crabs to care, or ANet might see a 50% drop in playerbase for that period.
2) Talk is cheap. If we all feel as strongly about this as the forum posts suggest, we need to do more than complain.

This is only a suggestion and we should decide on its merits or lack-thereof after this weekend once we have a better idea of how frequently Ascended loop drops and what the Infusions are.

Just some thoughts.

Now that Ascended gear is here for good, I’d like to bring back my earlier suggestion. What are people’s interests in this? Any traction?

Good luck organizing it. Anet is moving every thread about this issue into this merged thread, making sure there can never be true discussion about it. Not enough people will see your suggestion in a couple of hours.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


New content patch at prime time, and not a single full NA server. Expanded account limits per server or massive exodus?

It’s quite possible they expanded the capacities due to the refer-a-friend trial. I would be somewhat surprised of a mass exodus due to the gear situation. We will know for sure if Anet moves forward with their plans, or this gives them pause to reconsider.

They put further stats on the Infusions themselves. This is a clear permanent shift in how their view their game, sadly.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


The Priory Explorer Plinx event chain in Cursed Shore will now occur less frequently.

It did get changed, yes. I’m sure we can find another location.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Yes, I have. I know, they are adding more ascended gear, but that isnt treadmill. It is lower class than legendary, according to arenanet, who MADE the game. That means that we dont have something higher to work to, its just something in between. She didnt say that they are adding more tiers, she said they are adding more ascended.

It’s actually higher class than legendary, since legendary was the same stat-wise as exotics. Stop believing their PR speak.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


800+ hours played. Not casual. Hate this change so much.

I want to have viable alts, I want to log in and do what I find fun, not grind something just to stay at the same tier as everyone else.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Extended Experience ETA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Here’s the thing. The guy who wrote this blog:

Was in charge of that team. “Was” being the key word, there. Rick Ellis no longer works at ArenaNet, and we’ve heard nothing about an “Extended Experience” team since then.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Silvari immune to Zhaitan?

in Lore

Posted by: Lande.5782


Just to add to Redamz’s very correct outline of the theory, it would mean the Pale Tree is a dragon champion, not an actual dragon.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Please make defending on a wall an advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Lande.5782


You should be manning siege equipment anyway. Arrow Carts/Ballistas will do more for your defense then trying to hit people with your aoe from on top of the wall.

My grenades beg to differ.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

13 Full, 11 High US Servers @ 8:41 am PST (Wed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


2) Shills for another game to hurt this game. Read up on it. A quick google search will find some interesting stuff. Do you know like 33 percent of reviews are intentionally bad made by the competition? You can’t believe everything you read on the internet.

For a wonderful example of this, go to Massively and take a look at the comments for GW2 articles. Always the same paid shills, sometimes they will make a new account once their old one becomes known.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Loving the Endgame, Anyone Else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


People are way too used to gear treadmills. So ingrained because they never played anything other than that one type of game.

There is an endgame in GW2, and it’s fantastic.

Care to explain what it is? I have 100% world completion and can’t name anything else to do.

WvW, sPvP, alts, working on your legendary, playing the Trading Post, farming, dungeons, exploring further (even at 100% there is still a lot to find in the world, as I was surprised to find out).

The fantastic thing about GW2 is you have so many things you can do every time you log in. The only thing this game is missing would be the gear treadmill, which to many people is a great thing.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Loving the Endgame, Anyone Else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


People are way too used to gear treadmills. So ingrained because they never played anything other than that one type of game.

There is an endgame in GW2, and it’s fantastic.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

13 Full, 11 High US Servers @ 8:41 am PST (Wed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Instant EB queues Jade Quarry all day everyday…

20-30 Spvp servers running. Remember when it was 200?

edit – these forums sure are moving slow now-a-days..

There is more to the game than WvW and sPvP.

And these forums always moved fairly slow. I assume it was due to most of the community going to fan sites since this forum wasn’t open until after release.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

GW2: 2.3 Million Copies Sold (theorycrafted #'s)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Wasn’t there a press release about hitting 2 million accounts about a month ago?

I doubt 300k more since then, but it’s at least in the right ballpark.

September 13th that was announced, I believe.

I am sure they sold a lot more than 300k since then. This report is only for Q3.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Wish: Add an invisibility option for shoes on charr

in Charr

Posted by: Lande.5782


With races like Norn and Charr we should be able to hide everything but pants.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Lost Shores heads up....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lande.5782


Just want to say thank you ANet for bringing back one-time events to MMOs! They’ve been missing for far too long. Please keep it up, and don’t let the vocal minority make you stop doing it.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Why were dungeons added to the monthly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lande.5782


Don’t do the monthly.

You’re not forced to complete the monthly, you don’t have to complete the monthly. Just don’t do it.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?