Showing Posts For Leon Heart XIII.4609:
It’s nerfs like these that destorys build diversity,
wanna make a might build anet be like “pffft screw dat”
wanna be a tanky engineer for raids ha good luck anets like “lets makes you squishier”
Anet is still in my top 10 worst for the worst balancing teams for mmo ever (Korea takes the number one spot)!
OP extremely revenant!
“Sees stealth gyro scampering nearby”
“Tells guild mates to bombard area with aoe”
“Everybody ded”
Yeah not your best idea Anet.
Same with shadow refuge and it doesn’t seem to have that much effect.
At least with shadow refuge you don’t have a big blinking indicator following you saying "Hey! We’re over here!
The more I think about it the funnier it gets, lol. But I can’t wait for the next beta test to use it in action to see how useful/useless it is.
(edited by Leon Heart XIII.4609)
“Sees stealth gyro scampering nearby”
“Tells guild mates to bombard area with aoe”
“Everybody ded”
Yeah not your best idea Anet.
I believe(or hope) the drones will work not as AI minions but as passive drones hovering around the engineer like that of the trailer, these drones when slotted in the utility slots will give passive effects like healing drone giving engineer regen or attack drone passively attacking nearby enemies, the drones active abilities will be on the engis toolbelt which he/she can activate at will.
Actually if you think about it this idea would actually be better if not more op than AI minions since you won’t be able to kill them, lol.
And why should it be a problem just buy the dam expansion, I see no point for someone to invest or play this game for a long time without eventually purchasing HoT or future expansions as they add to the core game it self. I’ve invested almost 3 years into this game and I am dam well going to buy the expansion and what ever else come after.
This is just a glorified free trial, you would have to be some kinda of nut to play this game for free with those kinda of restrictions for a long period of time, NCsoft wants to push for more sells of HoT and it’s a good idea as many have done it before. The same happen to me for SWTOR, as I played for free for a while I started liking the game so I subscribed, same concept.
Judging by another thread here on the first page even the white knights have come to a conclusion that Hot will be a thin cash grab bundle of LS leftovers while more content is coming in the “future”.
That sounds very bungie (yes it’s an adjective now).
The Hype train has officially derailed
So any others have their attention focused somewhere else due to anet being a slowpoke.
more like there being on the lazy side… i dont really care for pve but with the glider on this new map …. i would love to see them in wvw….. i men on of the side is built for it has one of the longest drops and lot verticality
In coming zerg!
From where?
Above!They better add some anti-air artiliary, because no ones going to come in through the front gate anymore.
Which does slightly overlook the have-expansion and the have-not-expansions thing.
That actually sounds pretty awesome, Im not going to lie.
Like people said many times anet plans to release content after HoT, but this silence from anet about remaining content that be in HoT is killing me and is deterring me from buying the expansion.
It’s not going to happen. It would require more time and energy than it’s worth. It’ll mean that some vistas will lose integrity. Some jumping puzzles will lose integrity. It would mean a dev team not only having to go through each map, but a dev team having to constantly go back and fix each map. The maps weren’t designed for flight. All the new maps will be.
Don’t know why but that sounds stupid to make an awesome mechanic just for one area, expansion s are supposed to release features not just for new content but for the original content as well.
I know you guys are working hard balancing this massive patch, but after the first couple nerfs after the patch I had to say something. When balance it’s best to take small bites instead of chomping down to nothing, for example the recent mortar for engineers and the 28% damage nerf was is pretty extreme now it barely deals any decent damage, and we can’t forget thieves get nerfed every balance patch (need to call this game “Nerf Thieves 2”).
Anet nerfing practices has me worried cause the issue with burning damage being to high, and I feel that they’ll put a hatchet to it and sever it making condi damage useless again and my dreaming of being a pryomancer elementalist or flame engineer will be over.
So to Anet take it easy you don’t have to be so extreme with the nerfs, not just for condi damage but for everything else as well.
Please make the same post on the pvp board
I just might seems like where most of the complaints about condi it at in the first place.
Seriously power damage has been going strong for years now and conditions has had the short end of the stick. Now after the update conditions finally shine and everyone is saying they’re too strong, does that make any sense to you. Condis are finally on par with power builds and now anet wants to nerf it, but you know what that’s fine it’s okay as long as you nerf power along with it. If I’m capable of one or two shoting players will a power/crit build it shouldn’t be a problem to drain their health within 3-5 secs with a condition build, this is only fair.
I love this idea, it’s funny how I play as an asura engineer inventor yet my kits look like they where made from the scrap yard, seriously Anet please take this into consideration.
I disagree. As one who appreciates the lore they lost sight of the fact it was suppose to be a Krytan city, not sylvari…
The new lions arch is a mix of all the races architecture.
I’m pretty sure thieves could use some of that stealth I’ll tell you that.
I can’t help but feel most players are missing the big picture here about the HoT expansion. From what Anet has revealed that the expansion will be feature rich rather than content rich which is why some of us are trying tho justify it’s price tag is worth it.
I can’t help but feel that Anet took the cheaper and lazy way out with this expansion, I mean whats cheaper adding more features or adding actually content like several maps, quest, dungeons, armor, weapons and classes, etc.
As a person who has been spoiled by the massive expansions from WoW, Final Fantasy, and GW1, I have a high expectations when it comes to expansions content as I don’t want so little content that last like a month or two.
This is the only thing that has been eating me sense the news of HoT, and I will wait patiently until Anet reveals more later on(if they decide to after the out roar from the community) before I can make my final judgement. What do you guys think is more important to an expansion, features, content, or both and please keep your comments constructive.
Quantity over quality, amirtie?
Yeah totally, I’m ready to burn through a month worth of content and be bored afterwards
Even after that blog post I still don’t feel too hot(pun intended) about the expansion pack. Form what we’ve seen and hear so far from anet it doesn’t seem like much content yet it has a 50.00 base price, unless this expansion is up to caliber with expansions like WoW and FF14 then it’s not even worth it tbh. We need Anet to reveal more about the content coming to HoT so I can finally set my mind at ease(or disappointment).
(edited by Leon Heart XIII.4609)
The problem isn’t the price but the value and from the looks of that chart we’re not getting much for our money compared to past content from Anet.
I love this city.
…when will it be destroyed?
Is that a request?
Oh no I don’t like where this is going, now you done it and gave the lead writer an idea….
If you played GW 1 then you also should also think this is full of bull, Factions and Nightfall was $50 but contain alot more content as stand alone games, but then there’s Eyes of the North the actual expansion to guild wars 1 is $40 which contained the following-
41 new armor sets
100 new profession-specific skills
50 new PvE only skills including 3 elite skills
10 new heroes
18 Dungeons
124 new quests
4 New regions
Useless we get more info about the content that’s going to be in HoT, compared to EotN it’s definitelty not worth $50.
Banshee or Screamer (shouts)
I want rifle so I can be a true thief/robber:
burst in to jewelry store “Alright put you hands up this is a hold up, just gimme your jewels and no one gets shot!”
The discussion was over, dead and buried until you decided to chime in. OP was onto something, as it turns out. Rifles coming.
It is speculation that thieves are getting rifles. Remember that. As much as we all want rifles however, we shouldn’t be surprised if it happens because anything is possible with updates.
Although, OP did lay out a raw design for anet which would saved them planning time granted that anet is giving thieves rifles. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that anet has their own version of OP’s idea in the making.
I don’t want rifles, I think it will be a weird, gimmicky weapon set, ill suited for fast paced PvP. It will be okay in PvE, probably, but it will still suck compared to D/D backstab spam. The question is what will we lose speccing into the rifle using sub-class? If it’s indeed a rifle and not a melee weapon, I fear that the second spec will simply never be touched by any Thief.
What I want is not a new weapon, but a revision of useless abilities like traps and venoms.
If you want fast pace play DD, DP, or SP, they whole point of GW2 profession is to have variable play styles that players can choose, want to be an assassin thief choose DD or DP,stealth and poisons, wanna be a duelist there’s SP and SD, wanna be a scout there’s Sb and traps of all kinds to choose.
I would love to be a long range assassin that hits in the shadows and snipes from after it won’t be as fast paced and will suck when fighting more than one enemy but it would provide long range dps support like defending a fort or dealing with problem enemies from a distance, it would open a whole new style of combat that with be unique to thieves.
Nope, put my warrior in the closet to never see the light of day until anet fixes this broken class.
Warrior is not sucking when you work in a team but for roaming its not that good anymore while a year ago it was. Warrior is forced to use melee weapons. Seen many warriors use bow or rifle…….not me or anyone!
So being forced to melee weapons is the achilles spot for Warrior!
Would be fun to have explosive bullets.
Or pistols?Would be nice if bow would become 1100 range with normal bow strings.
If warrior is forced to stay on melee weapons the ammount of warriors will drop for sure when ppl find out the advantages to play other char like engi or thief or necro.
Dream of a lot of warriors out there…give us warrior range weapons that work as smooth as our melee weapons so we can fight for a change with different weapons then always being stuck to melee!
I agree with this, I loved my rifle/killshot warrior it was a breath of fresh air compared typical weapons and I enjoyed it greatlyou regardless what anyone said.
But after that massive adrenaline nerf it has killed this weapon, I can no longer pull off decent killshots anymore cause adrenaline drains way too fast, and it doesn’t help the fact that if I miss I lose it all away and killshot is very easy to dodge if you spot it in time.
What was anet thinking, did they really think this through how a nerf like this can seriously effect other weapons making them non viable or useless. I’ll put my warrior in the closet for now until anet does something to fix this.
Now I hope theives get rifles in HoT to fulfill the role of a sniper assassin.
Oh Oh I know the answer to this question, warriors are an unstoppable OP force of nature that Anet seems to have favortism for……I wish this was a joke but sadly it’s not.
To be honest they really need to “boost” the damage of certain skills rather than nerf, I don’t know if I’m right or wrong be shouldn’t a rogue class be doing even more damage than a warrior cause something just isn’t right here. But if this isn’t the case for ever nerf to our damage that Anet has given to thieves they need to increase our HP by 5000 and our toughness by 100…..I’m serious Anet… it.
Wait I though stabbing someone in the back is suppose to be powerful for a rogue class, take that away what do they have left…nothing! Do you whiners even know what a theif, rogue, or assassin is or how their mechanics work? sigh Freaken idiots!
@obtuse Well that would be a better idea, but I think it would be way to short for an elite skill compare to the mesmers Time Warp elite: 10 freaken secs of quickness, I wouldn’t even need to use my own haste ability but could spam PW for 10secs straight. So if they remove haste(quickness) from thief they’ll have to remove it from EVERYONE and Anet isn’t going to do that.
If you’re playing this game for damage, you might as well reroll to warrior. You’re tankier and hit a lot harder.
Fire the guy who’s doing the balancing for you. Clearly, he has no idea what’s he doing.
Thats the who point of a thief to deal high burst damage in a short amount of time to make up for their terrible survivability. Honestly for every nerf ArenaNet does to theives damage they need to increase their survivability by that much cause I’m getting sick and tried of this. It’ll be a matter of time when this class become just not worth the hassle of playing, which it’s somewhat of a hassle already.
Thieves got stupid burst? Well… if you really believe that, roll one, make a full dps build and join tournaments. Two things will happen:
1. you will be able to kill some players which are new to the game, unaware of the combat situation, already low on health (add more reasons…) and even pump out some high damage numbers
2. you will die often to the more experienced players and will notice, that your “burst” is laughable compared to the ability-chains other classes can use. If you are out of initiative —> no burst. Think of it.
Just another “OP” thread. Move along… nothing to see here.
I wouldn’t know about sPVP because I don’t play that garbage. I have full exotic gear with a health dose of toughness and was 3-shotted by a thief using backstab. It is absolutely kitten just how little skill that requires.
It takes alot more skill than you think, backstabing requires precision, postioning, and timing which all has to be done within 3-4secs and if you miss a backstab you’re screwed. I remember when I was a newbie theif and tried to backstab someone while they where moving all over the place I missed the backstab and got destoryed. But eventually I got better at playing my theif and now I can backstab flawlessly…..see skill is a key factor regardless, good day to you sir.
No nerf is incoming. You are all whining about haste basilisk and steal which are all on ludacrisly long cooldowns, and can be used only once per encounter.
And on top of that, there would be no reason to play a Thief if you take away their burst, because that is all they bring to the table, if they have no burst, they become underpowered and are already extremely ludacrisly squishy.
A thief kills 1 person quick that is bad and doesnt dodge or kite. I don’t understand how people can be so bad? I mean, I have fought every class, and the better players can get it right, and time dodges negating my opener, and kite my steal.
But you always have the majority, which happens to be the less skilled population, the bads, whine and want nerfs to offset their lack of skill, when in fact, the class is already working as intended and balanced.
This, it’s a thief guys seriously that in itself should explain it. Thieves, rogues, assassins, etc are all about taking down your opponent as fast and as soon as possible with no room for error cause they know they can be easily kill in less than 5sec (especailly by a warrior, they scare me everytime I appraoch). So the whining is pointless it’s how the mechanics of this class works and if you don’t like it…well nothing I can say but deal with it.
That’s the whole point…it’s suppose to be an end game objective where you spend ridiculous amount of time to obtain it, much like legendary item. It is unique for someone who manage to get it because not many people can afford it…same reason why someone would want to buy a luxury car/watch…it’s for show. If everyone can afford it, then it’s no longer unique/special.
So people with no lives or too much time on their hands can get it is what you’re telling me. I can’t tell you how much of a pain it was to amass 10 gold during the WEEK with all the things I have to do in my real life, not to mention I had to use some of it for things like crafting. The armor is not really that special it’s just for looks, why spend an arm and a leg for cosmetics, it doesn’t makes sense. The only people who aready have it are either farming their lives away, buying gold from the gem to gold or from gold farmers and that’s that.
your kidding right? i feel ripped off because i bought the deluxe edition with real money and then noticed in game i could have bought it with gems which is massively cheaper then buying it IRL, tbh that i think is a bit of a problem but whatever.
the current gem to gold ratio is ridiculously cheap.
level up some more, get more money for selling higher level items and doing dynamic events and it will be super easy to get.
atm its been around 1 gold for 400 gems.could have bought that upgrade a few times already without farming for money.
But it is a problem it’s cheaper to buy gems for gold than is to buy gems for real money. I mean about 500 gems=1 gold yet 1gold=400 gems….yeah it’s like what’s the point of using real money to buy gems or earn gold when it’s not very much in the first place ($20 worth of gems will net you about 3 gold), since seeing this I honestly think that the gold:gem ratio should be much higher than it is right now, but with time I believe it will stablize to what it should be.