Showing Posts For Leothen.7421:

air fire air fire air fire air fire air fire

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


cut the damage for both sigils in half. start there and tweak if needed but im on the side that random sigil procs are a poor design to get bursted. no counterplay, not fun

Tone down overlords plz

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


i think slick shoes can stand to see some sort of nerf. celestial is a bit too strong but anet already said they are planning to nerf ~10% so thats coming.

i have to take objection with overcharge shot though. a lot of non-engis scream to nerf it but what you have to realize is that overcharge shot cc’s the engi as well… this is how they have balanced this skill. this skill has not changed since launch because it is balanced, why now are people complaining so much about it——> b/c the buff to slick shoes makes the cc seem overwhelming?

even if people still feel overcharge shot is too strong (after taking into consideration the self cc built in) – gotta remember engi is the most limited in weapon choices for all professions (only rifle, pistol, shield), if rifle was nerfed you would completely nerf the engi all together

Is interrupting a 1 v 1 unfair

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


i think its rude in practice arena. unranked or ranked is definitely another story, the object is to win and you do that by doing exactly what you did.
But practice arena ….is practice

if you go to a point where two people are 1v1 and they both tell you not to interrupt, let them be, let them practice.

i think it helps everyone get better; sure there is the “go to a duel room for 1v1” but i think a lot of less experienced players are intimidated by duel rooms. i sometimes dont have the patience for going to a duel room when i just want to tweak a build or try something new, i go to practice arena to see how it works and if i find myself in a 1v1 situation i actually prefer not to get help so i can see how well my build works 1v1 and also when i get +1ed i like to see how that works out too. also, 1v1 dueling rooms are usually builds that are only meant for 1v1 and will not be seen in ranked/unranked. also, most 1v1 rooms are 50% thieves.

i think it comes down to this — dont take practice arena so seriously, if they wanna 1v1, lighten up the mood and /cheer your teammate on. I have done it before, i’ve even asked kindly for an enemy player to stop running from me and fight me over a point, with /bow and everything and this was an unranked game. the guy really appreciated it and we had a good fight and it was actually really fun. I think if more people lightened up like this the community would be less toxic and people would enjoy playing more, just my opinion

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


its a serious problem that anet doesnt take seriously

afks should count the same as 4v5s

(edited by Leothen.7421)

HoT & build diversity

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


There are many people questioning build diversity ever since the (in)famous Ready Up streaming showcasing the new traits. It can only get better from here as there is no diversity what so ever. Every class has 1-2 meta builds that everyone copy/pastes around (even the highest of tiered players). And that’s common sense as there’s an optimal way to spread points now. First issue is due to passive stat bonuses from traits, second issue is the abundance of useless traits, third issue is the unneeded complexity of the current system. There will still be a meta (there always will be), but my guess is that people might actually try different variations of those meta builds more often.

Your perspective is very much how i am perceiving the future. right now i feel there is only 1-2 builds per profession that you will see 99% of matches. sometimes there will be a random tweak in a build which is nice to see but i would love to see more than this. Im also hoping there will be more variations to the meta builds, i guess i was just hoping for it to go a bit further then just little tweaks but i feel the general consensus is this is how pvp will be going forward. maybe specialization become the new meta for some profs.

it would be nice if when you see the other teams comp before the match starts, you can actually say “hmmm, XXXX profession can be using 1 of 4 or 5 different builds” instead of how it is now when you say “well guess that XXXXX profession is either this build or the other one, lets flip a coin and see what he landed on…”

i think the way the whole profession system is set up with weapon skills/ utility skills and trait lines, there may always only be 1-2 builds that are generally meta. It just seems, the meta is all about the easiest way to play XXX profession while being effective. I would love to see players who have dedicated most of there time to one profession be able to use a very unique build and not get stomped by equally skilled player using a meta build.

I think thats where i would like to see diversity head towards, it may not be possible with how the build system is set up though?

HoT & build diversity

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


would like to get your opinion on how pvp build diversity will be affected with HoT. specifically if there would be more build diversity or less with regards to pvp. I would like to think by introducing specializations yada yada there may be more “options” … but do you guys feel these are going to be viable pvp options or will gw2 slowly become metawars? i have to admit personally, i’ve wanted to believe anet wants more build diversity for a long time, but ive seen too many aspects of every profession put on the backburner and left to never be viable for pvp. will there be more of this with the new specializations yada yada? Your thoughts?

reduce cooldown on supply crate

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


with how fast supply crate blows up now, its not worth 180 sec cd. reduce to 150 at least. either reduce cd or change the name to “magic trick” … now ya see it, now ya dont.

High MMR is punished for solo que

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


After hundreds and thousands of matches, it is very visible that your MMR system functions as this:

  • Ten players que at the same time
  • High MMRs are 10, low MMRs are 1
  • The ten players qued look like this: 10, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
  • System tries to balance two teams from these MMRs
  • Result looks like this -> RED: 10, 4, 3, 2, 1 --- BLUE: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

This is not how the system works. The old solo queue worked like this, sort of.

You can find more details on matchmaking here:

The current system is more likely to produce a result like this…
Red: 10, 5, 4, 3, 2
Blue: 6, 4, 3, 2, 1

Which could be argued is less fair, but really because MMR isn’t the only factor this is an oversimplification.

so how does this work when solo q goes against a premade? if the premade is 10, 8, 8, 8, 7, its been my experience the solo q is not full 10s…. ive seen some pretty obvious lets call them newcomers on the solo q side and it is most definately not balanced at all

fumigate & flame jet - swap

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


great responses from both of you gentlemen. i have to admit, i didnt think about how weak the proposed poison on last tick would be as it forces me to channel the entire fumigate. it should have occurred to me considering i am also one of those guys who never waits for the entire fumigate to cast.

I still feel there is something that can be re-worked here for both of these skills. fumigate for example is very tough to land exactly when a heal is cast. the window is short and with the lack of range i usually find when i see a heal cast, by the time i swap to egun and close distance for fumigate it is too late – or if i am predicting a heal cast and use fumigate, the poison would pass before the heal is fully cast.

How about if for both flame jet and fumigate the condition was applied on the first tick? so for fumigate the first tick would apply 5 seconds of 1 stack of poison, this way you only really channel it to remove allies conditions (which is 90% how it is used now anyways). same for flame jet- burn on first tick this way the 10% damage increase can be used for the rest of the cast if you choose so or you can quickly apply the condition and switch to another skill.

I’d like it to be more of a poison application that i can use when i know i have bursted the enemy down to 20% and he is likely about to heal so that i give myself that 5 seconds of where the enemy realizes, it may be better to wait for poison to resolve or eat the heal for lesser amount. i realize this sounds like “make it easier to use” but sometimes thats how it has to be to become more viable. also, i dont feel the change would make it completely brain dead, just a nice way to tell the enemy “ok bud, i burst you down, now im gonna fumigate you and make you eat lesser heal… i got you now”

I would like to know if people would find this OP? it may, but considering how little flamethrower and egun are used, i think it would create build diversity (both become a little sexier with these changes). also, considering how much kit rotation you would need (and losing 2 utility slots if both flamethrower and egun are taken) i think the changes would be justified.

fumigate & flame jet - swap

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


fumigate skill should work more like flame jet which should work more like fumigate.

mostly relating to pvp – theres already been a lot of discuission about flame jet applying burning per tick instead of at the end of the last tick which is a +1 idea btw. i also think flame jet should apply burn each tick, but i also think fumigate should work more like flame jet. instead of applying poison for each tick, make it apply poison on the last tick and also change the poison from 5 stacks for 1 second, to 1 stack for 5 seconds.

i think it goes without saying why this would be much better. nobody cares about the damage poison does (which would stay the same) but rather the heal effectiveness. 1 second of poison is worthless, no one is going to condition cleanse 1 second of poison and even tho its 5 stacks the damage is still laughable. but if it were 5 seconds long it would be much more useful, particularily in 1v1s when the condition clear is useless.

what do the fellow engies think? i know neither egun or flamethrower are very popular but i think this change might just make egun a little sexier

Even before turrets, fix slick shoes.

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


Well, there is much to be said, its hard to deny Celerifle is a bit too strong. The problem is the full array of what they do that causes an issue. But players (especially engineers who don’t want touched) can justify each thing as being “fine”, but the overall kit and effectiveness is undoubtedly too powerful. Being “weak to conditions” isn’t a free walk to do whatever you want, every build has weaknesses, and usually several but it doesn’t mean some things don’t deserve to be looked at.

Examples for Celerifle (and no, calling them out doesn’t mean they’re the ONLY build that happens to be a bit too strong)
- Too much CC. Slick shoes is incredibly powerful, but its also a low cooldown CC break and mobility skill. Rifle has 2 no cast time CCs, their heal has an incredibly short cast AND aoe knockdowns. It gets to be a bit silly when just about anything they do applies a CC also, because why not? Something somewhere should eventually have to give.

- Healing Turret. tends to be more effective than it should be and is an unjustifiably fast cast huge heal.

- Their damage in celestial is incredibly potent even without the need for might stacking. Its an unusual circumstance to have as much fire power and defense without a huge reliance on boons to make up for weaker stats. There is much to be said about Engineers ability to pull of Celestial while other classes cannot, the issue isn’t the amulet itself but perhaps a base-to-coefficient issue for engineer abilities.

- They have absurd cover, a single (unblockable) grenade can apply something like 6-7 conditions in a single throw. That cover begins to extend to the point of uncounterable, especially since most full-cleanses have really long cooldowns and grenades frequently stack amazing condition pressure.

ALL of that said, a nerf doesn’t have to hit like a rocket turret (hehe). Minor adjustments across the board could fairly easily fix some of these issues without deleting the engineer in the process, so long as it isn’t handled like the Turret “nerf”.

Some GENERAL IDEAS (don’t think too deeply into this)
- Reduce Confusion on Pry Bar to 4.
- Increase cast time of Healing Turret to 1 second.
- Frost grenade is no longer unblockable.
- Either Net shot or OCS gain a .5 second semi-noticable cast. (If net, increase the missile speed)
- Rework IP to something more active.

And this doesn’t have to be without buffs, sure, add a bit of condi removal in replace for some needed tone-downs, and in the long run, people start being happier and when the dust settles, Engineer will still be just fine, just like Hambow was after an arguably much harsher nerf.


the engie hate is real, even after turret nerf announced. look what your turrets have done anet…. you have scarred this man

PSA: Masochists Love SoloQ!

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


I have a 60% winrate over 110 games or so from solo queuing on the current leaderboard. Even my losses aren’t complete blow outs for the most part. Wouldn’t say I’m a masochist.

Think it is time for OP and others to stop and take an honest look at what they’re doing in game or how they’re contributing to their teams, and your builds and classes (some classes just don’t carry well). Maybe record videos to get feedback. There are supposedly elite players who I have seen do the most dogkitten things in games and lose a lot of games when they don’t need to.

ps the majority of premades are beatable.

agree. but then theres those games where its obvious you have won too many in a row so anet is about to punish you. I think this is what OP is talking about. Why does anet punish you for getting better? shouldnt teams be even and then if you get better you play with better players? i just dont like the way its setup right now, the better i get, the more anet spanks me, guess thats what i want?? … thats a masochist to me

New Warrior Spec leak (Screen/vid)

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


when # 1 in NA complains about turrets ITS TIME TO DO SOMETHING ANET!!!!

typical pvp wrapped up in 1 "fun" game

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


just thought i’d share a typical “fun” match in ranked that pretty much sums up most of the complained about issues with current state of pvp by retelling one of my typical matches.

So, matchmaking (issue the first) 4 man premade +1 against 5 soloq – about 50% of my matches are like this and i cant say its really imbalanced because i still win close to 50% of these matches but if we had in game voice (issue the second) would be much more fun and proabably see more soloqers as they would feel more confident and involved when facing premades.

Now the fun part, what classes were on each team, the 4 man had 2 necros and 2 engis and as it happened the 5th man was another engi (issue the third – profession stacking). Not unexpected either considering it was daily engi day (issue the fourth).

Coincidentally, our team actually had decent enough professions to have a fighting chance though, we had 2 engis (neither turret build), a necro, an ele, and a warrior. Can’t remember if our ele switched to staff or not, but it did not affect the outcome i can say that.

heres where it got really fun tho, were on Legacy of the Foefire the largest mid out of the maps, 3 turret engis go mid (issue the fifth – AIDS), flying rocket turrets (issue the sixth), multiple supply drops, yada yada, mid is loss. we have home, they have mid and far. 2 of their turret engis go to our home to contest, one brings all his turrets there, the other leaves his at mid (issue the seventh – turrets being on the other side of the map then the engi is just too strong defensively); the 2 necros guard the path to far from the ledge around the corner alternating lich forms to down us as we rotate. if we were better coordinated we could have all waited to leave base at the same time, a few seconds apart is all a lich needs to eat 3 quarts of your health while the other necro fears the oncoming help.

one of the elite people on our team starts getting frustrated, understandably so but instead of being cool about it, just spamming hateful messages not making anyone feel good (issue the eighth – toxicity, i feel this is really rooted from cheese builds tho). we all know we need to outrotate them, its gonna be tough tho, were already 110 points down, mid is a no go with 1 engi and 6 turrets its like having 2 people on 1 point really while 2 engis and 3 turrets are trying to decap our home.

we fight off home, 1 of the engis went back to mid the other is down and now a couple of us need to rotate far. this is the most annoying thing about Foefire tho, if you go thru mid with 6 turrets and 2 engis – ur chain cc and dead, if u run all the way around the mid point, the other engi will respawn and go to help their home before you can down one of the necros.

so the elite guy instead of trying to help just says hes going to afk in base (issue the ninth) because hes frustrated. I try to tell him to take the rag out of his v and stop acting like a b so we can actually muster up some points in what was now looking to be a loss.

at least three of us were on the same page (think the warrior was just suiciding mid), just outrotate them – this is the best way to counter turret engis (issue the tenth) because they take too long to go down its not worth it. but on foefire, rotating around mid and not thru it (cc chain trap) also takes long, lose -lose scenario. other maps its very easy to avoid mid, temple, forest, battle, all easy to go around mid without losing too much time. but foefire sucks for going around mid.

so overall, pretty typical game in pvp but i just wanted to write this and highlight some of the less fun issues i continue to see on these forums and players complaining about in game chat so hopefully i have done that.

final score for those of you interested was 500 to, i think we got 250ish? not horribly one sided score but was very difficult match for a bunch of soloqers even with help from the elite guy who afk in base after 5 minutes.

and lastly the biggest point i want to make, issue the eleventh, the fun is being lost.


(edited by Leothen.7421)

does GW2 have matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


The main problem with matchmaking in GW2 is that as you improve your MMR instead of fighting with and against better players, you play with worse teammates against the same players.


does GW2 have matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


achievement points = PvP skills


it doesnt but when u got 150 and the rest of your team has 30…. its obv the rest of your team cant 1v1 anyone or rotate or any of the basics

but i think ops point is matchmaking does put 1 better player with multiple worse players agasint a team of average players

edit: my bad i thot he was talking about in game points which also dont mean anything

(edited by Leothen.7421)

does GW2 have matchmaking?

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


sadly this is the state of matchmaking, for the sake of mmr magic lets go by numbers, say 10 is the highest, 1 the lowest. if you are facing a 6, 6, 6, 8, 8 team and you are a 10 you will get 3, 3, 6, 6 as your teammates. this is how the matchmaking system balances.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


nerf turrets … message body must at least be 15

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


Hey guys, happy to see so many people interested in this topic. Also glad the first reply to this topic caught the sarcasm right off the bat:

Sarcasm, right? I don’t know of a single build that goes 6 deep in alchemy.

albeit a little confusing in hindsight, i will elaborate a bit so maybe more people can at least understand where im coming from.

Basically, Backpack Regenerator is quite literally the backbone for almost every build in the current meta for the engie (pvp) except for turrets – im not even gonna touch turrets here. I feel that this retracts from build diversity because the Alchemy Line is so stuffed with useful traits for other builds that could also benefit from BR but cant b/c it is essential.

Also, i feel BR would benefit more from moving to the inventions line b/c it would give +200 toughness and +200 healing power which would mean your health would go further because of the added toughness, and your BR would regenerate more b/c of the healing power. Not a crazy amount more but +10hp/sec is about 600 health/minute which with the added toughness goes further then it is right now.

The trade off from the current 60044 meta would be -200 vitality and -20% boon duration if you still wanted to go power wrench which i think most people would then go 60422 and drop power wrench so you would only have -100 vitality and -10% boon. I would prefer the minor trait trade off though, you lose elixir B on a 90 sec cd (not much) but also the transmute condi every 15 secs which is nice. however, you gain regen on a 10 sec cd below 25% health with additional 250 healing with added healing power and also a nice automated medical response for your healing skill on a 90 sec cd, which with the added healing power also improves and extra condi clear here too which, imo makes you last a bit longer in fights for the real price of losing -4sec on gear shield.

TLDR; So the trade off is meh, i dont feel it will completely break the current meta and would probably still be the chosen build for most. But this is where I feel the build diversity gains will make many more engies happy with at least 3-4 builds that would be created/improved.

Elixir infused bomb / HGH build – 20660 – something I would love to see improved with BR, prot inj + some elixir cds, duration increases or cleaning formula. elixir B, bomb kit, elixir s – i would even try using elixir X w this.

Egun / HGH build – 04460 – another build that id like to try, BR w prot inj, elixir cds, dur increases or cleaning formulas. elixir C, egun, elixir B or S, i would definately love to throw elixir X in this build to go from water field egun to tornado, or just flip the script in the middle of a fight from condi to rampaging brute.

my personal favorite that would be improved FT builds – now you get BR with deadly mixture without having to go 6 into Alchemy, added toughness would help out a zerk FT build. could go 04442 or 40460 if you wanted HGH or 40424 if you ran FT with TK you’d have BR, prot inj, speedy kits, invig speed.

I think the most important thing this would open up is using invigorating speed with prot inj. Engies are really tied to using either invig speed or energy sigil and because of only having 1 weapon, this leaves only 1 other sigil which sucks. so i usually run invig speed so i can get the 2 sigils ( so much to ask for as an engie) but with builds lacking toughness, prot inj is necessary for survivability and the inventions line is tied to toughness which is by far the worst line imo.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


This trait line is too stacked. They should move a couple of the traits to the inventions line. I would love to see Protection Injection and Backpack Regenerator go to the inventions line. This would help out with build diversity and maybe not every engie build would involve going 6 deep into alchemy. Your thoughts?

Engineer Flamethrower Bugged to Death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leothen.7421


These bugs have gone unfixed for way too long. Deadly Mixture trait and Juggernaut trait are both bugged for the flamethrower!

Deadly Mixture : Deal 15% extra damage with a flamethrower or elixir gun.

Instead it deals 15% LESS damage when spec’d.

And Juggernaut is supposed to give 200 toughness when wielding a flamethrower which it does not.

My question is, how long has this gone on for? Could this be why I never see any engineers using flamethrower builds.

Wouldn’t the world be better if they fixed this and we can wield our flaming guns like were out of a lethal weapon movie?

Please ANet, please.