Showing Posts For LyzeUH.1398:

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


So since the Clockwork invasions I’ve been storing ALL my champ bags in my bank (not opening them b/c…busy I guess…?). So now that I find this has happened-w/o being mentioned in patch notes either-all the gold I could’ve earned..has now been reduced by a significant amount????

If I had known that this would’ve happened…I would’ve opened up all my bags…………so I wonder how much gold I lost by not opening ~600 boxes…..

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

LFG tool making dungeon running worse?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


In a fit of boredom I decided to try out the new LFG tool and see if it was really as bad as I had heard, after aimlessly scrolling through all the dungeons to see if any of them caught my eye I came across the party listing shown in the screenshot. I didn’t join the group for fear that I would somehow be deemed inadequate.

If this is what a lot of the group listing are going to look like it’s going to be tougher (hilarious?) times ahead for pugging; HoTW P1 is hard.

This is HILARIOUS!!! And I guess that it doesn’t need to be mentioned that not everyone who’s got DM actually got the title themselves…but honestly it’s like everyone expects to be carried…

Arah P4 , 7 hours OMFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


What is this bowbear ranger anyways? Brown Bear is bad? Bow is bad?

And I use still use DM on my main char….I didn’t get carried either…

Bearbow is a ranger with a bow and pet bear, ideally sitting at 1500 range autoattacking. Known for one of the worst dps in the game competing with staff guardians, GS mesmers, flamethrower engis, pistol Thieves, and cleric eles.

Ah I still remember the time when a ranger in my group was melee’ing Alpha with his/her LB…..well for me I don’t really care how people play as long as they don’t die…

And I don’t think pistol thieves are that bad….I sometimes use them myself…

Arah P4 , 7 hours OMFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


What is this bowbear ranger anyways? Brown Bear is bad? Bow is bad?

And I use still use DM on my main char….I didn’t get carried either…

LFG tool making dungeon running worse?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Hmm maybe b/c it’s night time, but for me there’s like no one using the LFG tool…

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I’d like an invite as well please!

Isle of Janthir Oceanic Tequatl Night!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I live on west coast of NA so for me that’d be 3AM PST, Sat morning…yep that is late for me but I’ll prob try to attend.

Guild Wars 2 Taught Me Something About Myself

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Yeah as Thz suggested, tpvp is where the roles are more defined. Although, there isn’t a healer role per say…but specific roles for the team exist.

berserker thief vs regen monster

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


You should be doing CnD+BS, AA chain, CnD+BS, AA chain…etc etc until boss reaches 25% hp at which point spam Heartseeker. The poison from Lotus Strike is obviously really strong here. D/D is our best single target damage weapon set.

I think that’s the best use of your damage and initiative.

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Does your profession...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Mmm…I’m not a huge fan of ranger pets…otherwise I don’t really care so long as they know how to play their profession.

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Hmm…now that I think about it…is it even necessary to put in profession/traits/gear? I mean I get this feeling that anyone who applies gets accepted anyways haha…

Because the 2 most important requirements are nice & considerate (like you). Those said one thing but appear in contrary might find themselves very lonely in a group of nice people.

Hehe thanks!

Ranger in Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Um in regards to the rangers in my party…I like their Healing Spring + my Cluster bomb combination!

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Hmm…now that I think about it…is it even necessary to put in profession/traits/gear? I mean I get this feeling that anyone who applies gets accepted anyways haha…

First dungeon, frustrated and disappointed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


AC p3 encounter is broken aka Gigantus Lupicus

What do you mean by Lupi in regards to AC?

First dungeon, frustrated and disappointed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


AC Story mode is hard…? This is a new one….I still remember completing Story mode back in September when my friends and I were in our lvl 30s…

I honestly can’t recall Story mode being hard but I do remember p3 at the time for sure was hard…we thought it was a great accomplishment when we finally got passed the burrows part after repeatedly failing it.

Dungeon Etiquette: Attitude and Behavior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I really don’t like this:

“Ranged attacks, Scepter Guardians, Pistol Thieves, Rangers, Rifle Warriors, Thieves”

Considering how I myself use Scepter on my guardian, and occasionally use p/p on my thief…and the fact that I actually main a thief…I don’t like what you’re saying…

I see no reason why people can’t play ranged…there is a reason why ranged weapons exist in this game…Some people enjoy the playstyle, others may not be experienced enough with the content to go in melee, you simply just can’t expect everyone to be experienced enough/want to melee.

You may not consider it support but thieves can support…Shadow Refuge, Smokescreen, Headshot, or Blinding Powder. Frankly, at the end of the day, whether or not you get through the content depends on how fast you kill stuff and it’s generally agreed that thieves have high dps…

As well, I don’t see anything wrong with the Scepter on the Guardian in the context of pve…

Who is your favorite dungeon boss?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Lupi and p2 Subject Alpha as well. And CoF p1’s final boss isn’t bad either, you have to be pretty active in fighting him…unlike…ahem…HotW’s p1 boss…

My feedback about CoF path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398

LyzeUH.1398 this path now harder or easier than from when I last did it last year…? You make it sound like it’s really hard. I vaguely remember the torch part being a pain to do but…otherwise I think it’s alright…?

I think Subject Alpha needs some work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Imo p2 is easiest path to go range, well that’s what I like to do on my thief anyways. And in doing so, I have absolutely no need at all to dodge…like remove my endurance for the entirety of the fight and I’ll still be fine.

But it all boils down to knowing how to read his attacks and honestly…just youtube it…

Subject alpha & the prison crystal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Yeah if you`re in melee range, teleport skills won`t work. Unless I`m mistaken, warriors, engineers, and rangers can`t get out of the crystal prison alone. And if I recall correctly, I don’t think Flashing Blade works…or rather it’s more like you can’t use it while you’re in the crystal.

And as you may already know…I do like to run CoE, so if you need another member, feel free to pm me if I`m online.

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

tips on kiting for the new thief

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


You’re not kiting unless you’ve got a ranged weapon…

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


lol you don’t need to be super fast when you’re planning ahead, you know when you’ll need it. Also remember, the heal dodges/evades… I use it for the evades too and so should you.
Newais ed try doing the content before you have your mini freak outs.

Thats not a freak out, your genuinely bad. And planning ahead doesnt stop you from using kbinds, or, for the lack of better gameplay, better clicking… I dont do pve, just SPVP and WWW, the pve i did was Orr, coz i needed the temples to spend my karma in gear. Also, i use withdraw as well, only i do it a lot better than you, thats beyond belief, the most meritable thing in that skill for me is its insta cast perk, along with immo removal. You completely destroy it with that gameplay. Dont even try to tell me how to play, plz. Your not the example to follow.
@the rocker: Dude, if he tried to solo ME with that amount of clicking, he would die in a flash. Soloing a static monster that doenst know what is a smoke field is quite different from soloing a player, something i do almost everyday. On my thief. And my ele. This is just bad. Ive seen pve players in vids that are a loooooot better than this. This is just bad. Woooooo, he soloed Lupicus. Lulzy.

I’d say before you judge, go solo lupicus, come back and show a video of it before you point fingers, you might find it harder than you think.

sPvP and PvE are different play styles and require different skills to play, you don’t play the same way in PvE and sPvP.

I dont need to solo Lupicus to see that the video displayed a very bad player. I dont do videos, thats for kids, mostly. And im pretty sure im a lot better than dis guy. He wouldnt hold a candle to me in a 1vs1. And youre wrong, pve and pvp dont have to necessarily have different skillset required, thats a myth. Its just different gameplay, its a scripted battle that you will memorize after enough repetitions, unlike pvp. Here, as you can see, the fast reactions that are the bread and butter of pvp, the twitch reflexes, are not required, you also are not required much of awareness, since you know whats gonna happen in advance, you are not required much attention either, you know whats next. Its just easier. And clicking the heal skill, specially one that has insta cast as one of its advantadges, is just awful. Im pretty sure that in the future i will do lupicus, when i bore from www and spvp, but im also sure ill do it just a couple times, as i will with most of the rest of the content. It just bores me like that, i cant see the point in repeting the same content over and over again a million times, like pve guys do it. I finish the content of a game, like i did with skyrim, and the game is over to me.

Honestly…if you haven’t done the content…you shouldn’t be bashing him or making yourself sound so like such a great player…And honestly in the context of pve…there’s it doesn’t matter one way or another how he choose to use his Withdraw skill while fighting lupi…

Oh and also…a video is best way show proof to everyone that you can actually back up your own claims.

Thief still op in PvE after stealth changes

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Since when is soloing Lupi, on any class, an impossible task?…especially after the dungeon update.

Are people being serious in this thread?

what exactly did dungeon update do for lupi? ive run him countless times in groups and it doesn’t feel any different aside from a few less invisible circles owning me (still there though). They didn’t lower his hp (pretty sure) and definitely didn’t lower his damage.

They lowered his HP considerably for one.

They haven’t touched his HP.

How to I beat a D/P wvw thief

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


You’re only further proving how ignorant you are on the subject, you’re obviously clueless. Burst D/P builds are almost identical to burst D/D builds, with only a couple modifications to suit WvW i.e. less power from the DA trait line, all of which is made up from Sigil of Bloodlust stacks. In sPvP, the build is EXACTLY the same, but you wouldn’t know that. I’m only pointing this out because people like you provide wrong information to people trying to learn.

too bad you are the only one on this thread that thinks that way. I’ll just ignore you like the others.

Eh? Hotcake isn’t wrong about this for sPvP…the usual 25/30/0/0/15 D/D build can also be played with D/P instead and is how I run it myself.

High level PvE in unbareable now

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Yeah okay…I barely touched food before patch and have no plans to now either…I say this is another L2P issue here…

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


The people here are great!

Thief melee solo Lupi

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Alright…time to practice melee’ing Lupi on my thief now…

My opinion of the crit food buff nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.

For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Omnomberry pie: long overdue change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398



Food item life steal on crit Cooldown: The best heal in the game can’t be 100 blades or other similar attacks. If you want to play a glass cannon, there should be danger involved, and the food buff mitigated the danger and allowed glass cannons to stand and trade blows without having to utilize their own heals or dodge rolls. They could just stand still and win – and that’s not the type of dynamic combat we want for our game. We test our content without the food buffs to ensure they are capable to players without access to them, and make sure the balance is good enough for players who don’t have those buffs. There are a lot of other viable food buffs in the game, and this one food buff meant a core few items were dominating all the others.

For those also thinking I went rogue and did this, I went through all the checks and balances, and discussed the changes with leads. While I do have the power to change dungeons, things that affect the world outside of dungeons is handled through meetings to make sure everyone is on board with a proposed solution.

I agree with him…there should be risk.

Omnomberry pie: long overdue change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


How is it possible that GC warriors can suddenly become unviable w/o lifesteal food when this entire time I’ve been melee’ing stuff on my thief W/O any food….? How can my thief who is squishier, manage to survive but a warrior who is naturally tankier than me cannot…?

The difference in medium/heavy armor is less then 5% in damage reduction is why.

Warriors naturally have higher base HP than thieves, but fact remains…I melee, warrior melee, why can’t warrior survive but thief can…?
And you run what? Knight gear? Well I run Berserker gear…

Omnomberry pie: long overdue change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


How is it possible that GC warriors can suddenly become unviable w/o lifesteal food when this entire time I’ve been melee’ing stuff on my thief W/O any food….? How can my thief who is squishier, manage to survive but a warrior who is naturally tankier than me cannot…?

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Obi Katsu
Profession: Warrior, Mesmer
Traited: Strife’s Builds
Experience: Paths 1, 2, 3, and 4 (from Simin and beyond)
Time: Play during PST weekday evenings and weekends. Up for doing path 3 daily (have full Arah armor on my warrior and casually getting full Arah armor on my Mesmer through this method inbetween WvW, daily Fotm and helping other guildies with their dungeon runs)
Other: CoE Story, p1, and p3 are all I have left for Dungeon Master… I really should just get those over with =)

Oh hey if you want to do CoE anytime, feel free to pm me…I often do CoE and play at around the same time as you (and yeah story is fine too).

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Æsir Loki/Aife Bellona
Profession: Thief/Guardian
Traited: DPS/AH
Experience: All
Time: usually any day after 6PM PST

I think Subject Alpha needs some work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Well the thing is that…if everyone in the party knows how to dodge…and complaining about not enough endurance—>get food, there is no need to rez anyone since they won’t get hit. Stacking the boss makes it so easy but ranged is still doable. I will admit however that his Teeth of Mordemouth is harder to deal with when in ranged, but that’s one of the reasons why I stack.

They could revert his HP nerf and I’d still continue to play all 3 paths every day.

Getting Kicked from AC parties

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Hey at least you didn’t get kicked out of the dungeon when the final boss is at 10% hp. You know how frustrating that is? You did all this work and for some inexplicable reason you and another random party member are both kicked out of the party…thus being denied the end dungeon rewards.

This happened to me 2 days ago, I was lvl 80 and my team also had a lvl 80 necro; everyone else was in their 40s….the necro kicked me and another mesmer out….ARGHHH…

But honestly the whole thing about “needing” 80s…unless it’s fast run, it shouldn’t matter…this whole lvl 80 carrying low lvl people thing…utter garbage…

And you even NEED access to an Elite skill to do AC??? HA! That’s just hilarious….

Recruiting Fun and Fast Dungeon Runners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Funny how people still think the boss in CoE is glitching, when he’s not.
In case you didn’t know…
If you kill enough alpha’s essences, after a certain point the boss will go in cooldown. Cooldown as in he won’t move and he won’t attack at all. If you stop killing essences he’ll start moving/attacking again.
Alas after the HP cut, you won’t see him go in cooldown much if you’re running pugs that: 1. lack coordination and 2. don’t know about the feature.

Huh…this honestly is the first time I’ve ever heard of this…although I PUG most of the time…I actually encounter this feature very often. We just stack and atk the boss, while I myself will use Dancing Dagger whenever the Essences appears. But honestly he glitches at like 2/3 hp, meaning we haven’t actually seen many Essences…and he does this until he dies. I guess I’ve been lucky all this time. Well from now on I will use this feature as much as possible then…making him even more trivially easy…

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Recruiting Fun and Fast Dungeon Runners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Ahh I see…I also am doing the same thing, farming Charged Cores/Lodestones. Generally I kill everything except the “Champion” mobs, such as the wolf, the risen abomination…? after the destroy door with laser event, and the destroyer crab thing.

Yes…I like to kill everything b/c a week ago…one of my teammates while killing either the icebrood elemental or goliath received a Charged Lodestone as a drop…well…then as far as I’m concerned, the mobs are most definitely worth killing…(referring to the mobs at the very beginning anyways and I do believe he was running MF…well MF food at very least)

Also the thing about the 3 in 1 is that it’s really good for farming simply b/c you’re actually doing all 3 paths w/o having to constantly repeat the beginning stuff. And in doing so you’re also getting all the possible chests that you can get from the dungeon, not to mention that most of the cores/lodestones are found from looting the chests (this is assuming that doing the 3 in 1 method actually does give access to all the possible chests that appear in the dungeon, which I “believe” is the case).

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Recruiting Fun and Fast Dungeon Runners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Hmm…so speed running is just for the tokens…and to skip as much as possible? Yet glitching helps immensely with that. Esp. CoE for example. Some things are exploits yes, but other things are glitches which make the runs so much easier.

And from running CoE so much…I’ve noticed that Subject Alpha in the final boss fights just loves to glitch. Almost like…at least once every 3 paths…sometimes two times even every 3 paths, he’ll glitch and do nothing. A not so hard boss fight if you know how to approach it made even easier.

But my point is…for your speed runs, do you glitch/exploit? As no matter how you look at it, doing so will allow for the fastest possible runs (like P3 of Arah). Is this what you are asking for…?

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

"elitists lvl80 only" attitude lately

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Honestly it really is all down to player skill, I’d take an experienced person over an inexperienced person any day if given the choice, no matter the level (well preferably meeting the dungeon’s recommended lvl anyways).

And nor would I agree that just b/c you’re low lvl, you are a newbie. So unless you’re doing really optimized runs, it shouldn’t matter who you bring to the party if they know how the dungeon works and how their class works. Esp. considering how lots of low lvl characters are actually alts and that dungeons aren’t particularly hard to get the hang of in the first place……

It is true however considering you can’t measure skill, a lvl 80 would be more preferable to a lvl 40 just b/c the lvl 80 “should” be more experienced. However with that sort of attitude, the low lvl people can never learn or improve if they’re truly new. So as has been shown about the whole downscaling thing, it really doesn’t matter who you party with unless you’re in a min/max situation.

And for those players who’ve had bad experiences with low lvls…that’s basically a skill issue, whether high lvl or low lvl…skill-less is skill-less. And having issue about having fewer traits…jeez it doesn’t matter unless you’re doing optimized farm runs…since dungeons aren’t terribly difficult in the first place to actually require ALL your traits…

Ahh I repeat myself so much.

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Giganticus Lupicus resets

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Tried doing Arah Path 2 over the weekend and this guy still resets very easily. We did have a thief in the party. I guess we should not bring thieves to this guy? This guy is hard enough as it is without him resetting so easily. Do devs play this game?!

What no…don’t do that…if everyone did that I could never again bring my thief to Arah…
But if you’re really worried (I’m not), just tell him to maybe retrait and to not stealth; using Withdraw as the heal skill instead.

Arah lupicus for guardians

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Ooohh very nice…nice to see mace since I don’t use it myself.

let's talk about CoE Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Stack on him and it’s trivially easy… that earth atk begins a bit before his model so if you stand inside him…or to the side of him, he’ll never hit you….

If you don’t want to do it that way…then, I think he immediately uses that earth atk after he’s used his multi aoe atks…so if that’s the case, you have to dodge?

Hmm…1 path in 3 hours…3 paths can be finished <3 hours…

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

I think this game's population became offending

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Well yesterday I was doing CoE and we were stacking Alpha…one of my rangers was attacking the boss with his Longbow in melee range…I don’t even…someone explain…please…

CoE survivability advice

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


Tbh, a lot of the times there simply isn’t a need to dodge. Path 1 is stack, Path 2 you can walk out of everything assuming everyone spaces out well and Path 3…well this path you kind of have to do dodge if you’re not stacking…due to that linear frontal aoe earth attack.

You only need tanky gear if you plan to take everyone of his attacks in close range. For me as a gc thief, stacking can hurt sometimes due to his aoe flame blast, but that’s not a problem if the group you’re running with can provide regen or condi removal or if I take condi removal.

But basically, you can walk out of every aoe circle w/o having to dodge. If you must though, count 1 and 2 then dodge.

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I did this 3 weeks ago…party comp was 2 thieves, 1 warrior, 1 mesmer, and 1 engie. Both thieves were full gc. Warrior was running…I’ve no idea, he had to respec at Simin…I can only assume he re-specced for more dps. As for mesmer and engie…I’ve no clue, I can only assume mesmer was gc.

There is no NEED for 4 warriors…having 4 warriors just makes this fight trivially easy…

Core drop rate from chests [COE/COF]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


For me personally it does feel like CoE drops cores less often than CoF but…my party between the 5 of us will usually receive at least 1 Charged Core so…it’s hard to say. I mean…I’ve even had one of my party members receive a Charged Lodestone as a drop from the beginning mobs in CoE…the 3 ice things before the wolves in the very beginning.

Dungeon build?

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I’m still new to dungeons, but a 0/30/30/10/0 on my S/D, SB has been working rather well. My utilities are Withdraw, Blind Powder, Shadow Refuge, Smoke Wall/misc, Daggerstorm/Thief’s Guild.
I favour this for the abundance of Blinds, Dazes, Regen, Blast Finishers and Condition Removal.
That said, against bosses with a lot of AoE, you’re best off managing your initiative sparingly, you may need to use SB3 a lot.

Instead of SB consider P/P for those single-target encounters where you’re unsure of melee’ing .

If I did that, I’d keep P/P in a change out. Disabling shot has gotten me out of a lot of jams and overall SB has better utility.

Oh that’s entirely up to you, depends if you want to finish faster or not.

Please post on starting as a Thief!

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I think 1 has been answered so I’ll go with 2 and 3.

2. Stealth can be used to drop aggro, to heal your allies, to heal yourself and possibly remove conditions if you traited for it, to capture certain skill points that require you to Commune, and to easily open up chests safely. You can also use it to mine or gather stuff safely when you don’t want aggro.

3. Critical Strikes imo is by far our best traitline. Basically gives you crit chance and crit dmg. At 30 points you get access to Executioner which is just really really good.

If you want to go into Deadly Arts for more damage, I’d suggest getting 15 at least to get the trait which weakens your targets if you poison them. Your D/D autoatk applies poison on third hit so you can more or less perma weaken the target you’re attacking. And from range your SB has Choking Gas so you’ve got aoe perma weakness there.

Shadow Arts if you want have a bit more toughness, it’s basically if you want more stealth or if you want to gain additional benefits when going into stealth. If you want a stealth orientated build, consider going at least 15 points in.

Acrobatics gives more hp and lets you dodge more often if you go at least 15 points in. This is the trait-line to go into for better initiative management(although Trickery also has some initiative related stuff too).

Trickery has…many uses I guess. Most people would go 10 points in for Thrill of the Crime-> gives you and your allies Fury and Power when you Steal. 15 points to add an extra 3 maximum Initiative. There’s more but….

So I’d recommend always specc’ing into Critical Strikes…very useful. Acrobatics is also a useful line to start out in too. Makes you a bit tankier and when you dodge you gain swiftness. Go into SA for the stealth utilities and go into DA if you want more dmg.

So really it depends on how you want to play in regards to which trait-line to begin with. Perhaps Acrobatics? It’s pretty versatile, extra hp isn’t terrible.

(edited by LyzeUH.1398)

Dungeon build?

in Thief

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I’m still new to dungeons, but a 0/30/30/10/0 on my S/D, SB has been working rather well. My utilities are Withdraw, Blind Powder, Shadow Refuge, Smoke Wall/misc, Daggerstorm/Thief’s Guild.
I favour this for the abundance of Blinds, Dazes, Regen, Blast Finishers and Condition Removal.
That said, against bosses with a lot of AoE, you’re best off managing your initiative sparingly, you may need to use SB3 a lot.

Instead of SB consider P/P for those single-target encounters where you’re unsure of melee’ing .

Relogging = Exploit?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LyzeUH.1398


I do this too…swap in my lvl 30ish ranger whenever on last boss of HotW or CoF. I let my party know ahead of time though and I’ve yet to have any complaints either. I usually leave at 20-30%…

I think it’s a great way to put that xp to good use not to mention the bosses aren’t too hard…But leaving before boss even reaches 40% is kind of…lazy…

Honestly the final bosses aren’t particularly hard, it’s just getting there that’s tricky…so as long as the player was contributing during the entire dungeon run…I see no reason why they should be kicked them out if they swap when the boss is low…