that’s exactly the reason why I prefer reddit. Mindless whining is mostly downvoted into oblivion. Well, not always.
I keep it short and simple: The focus on dynamic meta events instead of shorter dynamic event chains makes maps feel empty.
Let me explain:
When I explore Queensdale I never know what happens in a lot of areas. Bandits could raid the farm, there could be a worm-invasion or even a worm queen might appear. You are encouraged to explore because tons of events can happen at any given time.
Now when I’m in one of the new maps it’s all about pushing a meta to the end. Exploring rarely has any surprise events popping up. Masteries also seem to be quite shallow, I haven’t seen a new event started by any of the masteries.
In short: When I’ve done the meta, I feel like I’ve seen it all. I rarely had that experience in the classic maps. I hope the living story brings more depth into the HoT-maps (because the maps itself are the best I’ve seen in any rpg/mmo-game I’ve played so far)
For me personally the masteries didn’t quite deliver what I expected. This bleeds into content.
When I heard about unlocking Itzel language I expected that whole new storylines/dynamic events would get unlocked. When I heard about gliding mastery I expected reaching new areas with new dynamic events.
Instead masteries are mainly good for one thing: unlocking more masteries. The Itzel doesn’t tell you interesting things about his culture, he doesn’t start a new event… he just gives you a one liner and a hero point. Gliding mostly helps you taking shortcuts or unlocking more points.
TLDR: Masteries don’t unlock new content/ interesting stories but more hero / mastery points.
Wow a dev comment on WvW! On reddit of course…
Probably because more people are reading reddit than the official forums.
Did Tyria adventures get cut? I remember jumping puzzles in time trial mode and “activities that haven’t made it into the game yet, will see the light of the day as adventures”.
Was it all a misunderstanding?
happened to mee too a few minutes ago. It seems it spawns where M destoyed the floor once.
Frustrating to get there in about 1 hour and then get killed like this.
it’s a well designed battle, I liked it until the moment the rifts started to spawn outside the flying island…. took me almost an hour to get there and then this.
Tried it a few times again, but everytime at least one of the rifts was off. Frustrating. It worked well only once… and then I died because I couldn’t find/see the updrafts and got stomped by M’s attack.
it’s already quite visible, some people will always ignore it
I’ve got a question:
Does the aoe-snap to target work on world boss targets as well?
What is negative about dungeons?
The responsible designer for dungeons at Anet is long gone. Anet can only balance so much, so they decided to balance the most played stuff / new stuff: Fractals.
With HoT there will be a lot of new skills and traits, so new exploits will show up. The devs are very invested with balancing raids and the new version of fractals, but they don’t have infinite ressources.
If they can’t support dungeons, why do they continue to exist? This is a blatant attempt to cajole people into buying HoT. This is a big screw you to people who bought the original game but haven’t bought HoT.
What? Fractals are part of the original game.
Dungeons in GW2 have their own niche, but you’re removing them in favor of Fractals because…
No reason given.
But they gave us a reason in the Blogpost. They won’t support dungeons and fractals, probably because they feasibly can’t / it takes too much time, so they chose to support only fractals (the newer content).
The devs can only support (balance around new skills, fix upcoming new exploits,…) so much, with raids incoming they have to choose.
Another reason I can see: Since fractals aren’t random anymore with the launch of HoT it will probably get much harder to find people for groups. The playerbase is split between each single fractal and dungeons. The less players are in dungeons, the more will turn to fractals – so it gets much easier to get into pugs.
I had one small issue with the squad ui:
I couln’t see how many players we currently have in the squad without counting the player boxes. The boxes scale and become smaller/larger to fit the open window.
How about adding a black box for the empty spots?
What I really loved was the ability to create specific subgroups. Now people could manage boon share. A Mesmer who shouldn’t have priorities at boonsharing gets his own group. Nice!
Raids excludes players, and it's ok.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843
Don’t get scared, non-elite players. We tried the raid as a pug group and had lot’s of fun. It wasn’t like: BOOM, all bads die. We made progress each try.
Even though it’s brutal hard to kill the boss, it’s decently designed to feel rewarding even for pugs, when dealing with certain mechanics. You’ll die a lot, but you’ll also learn a lot.
Don’t get discouraged! Pug up and learn. Then come back with a more organised group.
I have to applaud Anet for making this encounter also approachable for non-hardcores. Hear me out!
I went in with a pug group, fully expecting that we won’t last a minute. The 3 trash mobs were a really good source of teaching the mechanics of the encounter. It was also a good choice that you can pause between the encounters and reset them just by running back. We had a few good suggestions in squad chat about what we could change to adapt to the next encounter.
All of this knowledge we could use in the bossencounter. But again: I thought we wouldn’t survive the first minute.
Well, we didn’t at first, BUT we really improved on each try. In the end we made it to the splitting phase. We probably wouldn’t have made it to the kill with that what we had since the timer was low when we died… but it’s really encouraging to try again, and try again, and try again – everytime with little tweaks.
In my opinion the most perfect first raid boss I’ve ever seen. Highly motivational even for pugs. Yes, we didn’t deserve a kill, but with each try we deserved it more than before.
(PS: don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that the boss was easy, because we came far with a pug group. I’m saying that a pug group will have a very hard time when they don’t adjust and the timer becomes more important. We, as a pug group, grew with every try, but we still saw our limits.)
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
also don’t forget raids
@Flimsa: we currently have one quarter of Verdant Brink unlocked. A small part of one map. We will get four maps. All of them count towards the Maaguma mastery track.
Also don’t forget adventures, world bosses, jumping puzzles, story missions
Personally I also had great fun in playing those few events we have now multiple times.
So no, I don’t count doing events (some of them multiple times) to grinding. I call it playing the game. If you don’t enjoy playing the game, don’t play it then. What good are rewards when you don’t enjoy using them?
I don’t see any real reason for locking up essential and needed abilities behind grinding.
Again the misusage of the term grinding. How is it grinding if you can unlock it by any activity that rewards xp. And in case you didn’t know: the fastest way of gaining xp is by doing a variety of different things.
I really like masteries, it’s like new small portions of content get unlocked over time. It’s not like: here you get all there is at once, enjoy a few days/weeks but rather something which controlls the pacing.
I’m quite confident that I won’t join the speedrun-mentality in unlocking everything as fast as possible. I see it more like my take on legendary-crafting: let it happen while I’m playing the game. Over time new things will get unlocked so my experience will stay fresh over a LONG time.
as breakbars are now (for the most part) way overtuned.
I don’t think so, I think most people have no idea about the mechanics. I’m a medium skilled player and I’m reading all the news about GW2, so I know about this mechanic. When I fought this Nuhoch-champion (?) today I noticed that nobody seemed to use cc skills since the bar didn’t move a bit. So I tried to use a soft cc myself (chill). The bar moved noticebly.
This means that if more players would have used cc, the bar would have gone done quite fast. Odd thing though: it didn’t regenerate. I could, slowly but better than nothing, deplete the bar on my own. It was crazy. Even when I posted in mapchat that you should use cc skills nobody did.
It isnt intentional, we were happy with bwe2 difficulty. We will have to investigate what suddenly made it seem easier – was not the plan to do so.
Colin Johanson:
Hey folks,
Coming out of beta weekend two we were really happy with the over all open world difficulty. The only exceptions were that the wyvern was way too easy and didn’t scale well, and mushroom stompers were a little much. Thats all that should have changed for bwe3 – we will have to look into what the issue is here to find out why its being perceived kitten much easier. Simple version: we also liked bwe2 difficulty.
It isnt intentional, we were happy with bwe2 difficulty. We will have to investigate what suddenly made it seem easier – was not the plan to do so.
It isnt intentional, we were happy with bwe2 difficulty. We will have to investigate what suddenly made it seem easier – was not the plan to do so.
It isnt intentional, we were happy with bwe2 difficulty. We will have to investigate what suddenly made it seem easier – was not the plan to do so.
I wasn’t around for BWE2, but I did read many peoples feedbacks in these forums. Everyone that had constructive feedback reported that the mobs were very difficult. This was their opinion and those from the many people in map chat.
yes, and you forgot to mention the most important part: they found that mobs are difficult AND they loved it. Even in BWE1 (when mobs were even harder) people claimed that they like the challenge:
These nerfs were inevitable. They don’t want to alienate the average player. ArenaNet’s goal is to teach them how to play over time, which can be seen in the slight increase in difficulty with every major content patch since launch. There may be more tuning to do, but expect to see the main path through HoT to remain nerfed.
it makes no sense:
- Drytop was a step up from Orr in difficulty
- Silverwastes was a step up from Drytop
- BWE2 was a step up from Silverwastes
BWE3 is a step back being on level of Orr or even below it.
I personally like it. Open world pve is supposed to be like this outside of events. Just trying to get to point A to point B shouldn’t involve snipers randomly coming out killing me and stopping every 5 seconds for a fight.
but why mobs then? They should just leave all the enemies out, you can’t even tag them anyway considering how fast they die. /sarcasm
They added new mob-ai for a reason. They gave the mobs many attack patterns for a reason. Someone thought it’s probably a good idea to give people a challenge in the open world when they run around carelessly.
This nerf only makes sense in this beta environment where devs want players at specific areas for testing. It makes no sense that this would be final since all of their work on the mobs would be for naught.
another reason for the (hopefully temporary) nerf:
They reset masteries. In order to get it back faster they nerfed mobs/events. People need the gliding mastery in order to get to the added new content: the canopy.
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)
The unfortunate thing is that the open world was in a good place in BW2. That means the nerf must have been a considered decision. This leaves me very little hope that they will change it back and makes me very disheartened and saddened.
there might be a reason why they nerfed it only temporarily
They likely did it due to feedback and it’ll probably release this way. They did the same thing back during the original final BWEs. An ettin’s club smash or a moa’s peck for example used to kill you.
I can’t believe this. Where is that feedback? I also talked with people in mapchat, and not a single one disagreed with me that content is too easy now. Reddit-threads have tons of feedback, 90% of players agree (based on upvotes).
Am I playing a different game to everyone else?
The Legendary Wyvern seems to have 3 times as many HP as before.
Veteran smokescales were challenging before, but this time I have been one-shotted by them more than once running exactly the same build as last time.
people mentioned that they have buffed the Wyvern’s defiance bar. I like this change, a coordinated group could help out open world players in order to defeat the beast much faster (by coordinating cc-skills to drop the defiance bar).
Have you experienced events with multiple mobs in BWE3 yet? Didn’t you notice them melting away quite fast? I had trouble tagging mobs to count as contributing.
Mob-ranks have also been nerfed. Diarmid, previously a legendary boss, is now a champion which dies in 1-2 minutes to a small group.
Yesterday I opened this thread on reddit ( , raising my concerns with the nerfs to open world pve in Verdant Brink. I’m still very emotional and concerned, but I thought about why they did it…
What if they did it intentionally in order to get people into the canopy? Previously the canopy (the third top layer of the map) was locked. Now it’s not, pushing event chains to their end you can enter the helicopter to get up there… to face a bigger threat.
So in short: they want people to test the canopy, so they nerfed everything so that more players get there.
this sounds quite logical, but if this is true, why are the canopy bosses (I’ve only seen one, blade…something) also nerfed? The one I’ve fought today was on champion level and only dropped a champ-bag.
I also heard about a Wyvern fight which seems to be harder than before?!
the more I think about it, the more I think this is only temporary. Why?
- Drytop is more difficult
- Silverwastes is more difficult
- they’ve added the canopy, an area which was locked before… so they want players to experience it this BWE.
it’s probably intentional so that players get faster to the new bosses. At least I hope so.
good post. I also want to add that this nerf is also quite bad for most players:
Enemies die in seconds. If you don’t play ranged or melee shadowstepping it’s quite difficult to contribute to events. Once you reach an enemy, the mob is already dead.
BWE2’s mobs survived much longer, so picking fights was important. Even when many players hit a mob it survived long enough for everyone to do damage on it.
Legendary enemies also got nerfed back to champion level. Diarmid, once a worthy legendary opponent, died in a minute. I didn’t even notice a lot of attack patterns anymore, just dodge when he spins and then back on it and faceroll.
My only explanation: they nerfed it for this BWE only so that more players push to the end of the event chains in order to see the canopy and test it.
It just doesn’t felt rewarding to reach the canopy. There was this one boss in the canopy (blade…something) that died quite fast. His one-shot mechanic was countered easily by Revenant’s reveal.
I really disagree. Open world should be about exploration and minor challenges. For me the nerf to Orr was perfect. No one likes to go through a hundred challenging fights to get to somewhere. After a while it just becomes a drag.
If you want challenges, they’re there in raids.
so why putting mobs in maps in the first place?
Sorry, I disagree. Exploration feels much more rewarding, when you have to get rid of a guardian first. Bypassing any foe feels just not rewarding.
having too easy content also is a negative for new players: mobs melt too fast so a lot of players can’t contribute to the killings. They aren’t fast enough/do too little damage. It happened to me quite a couple of times: when I reached a mob it was already almost dead. I had to switch to Shiro Legend to shadowstep on mobs to contribute.
what I liked about BWE2 difficulty:
- I couldn’t just run by all mobs easily. I couldn’t trivialize content that easily. Once too many mobs were onto me it was really difficult to survive, so choosing the fight became meaningful.
- Having mobs survive longer made me realize the new mechanics they use, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
- Mobs which have really hard hitting attacks made me adjust my build in order to survive, it felt great to use reflects effectively and satisfying when enemies hurt themselves.
- I remember that one cave with the small mushroom guys in it. I really wanted to know what’s in there, but I had to go through the mobs first. It built a tension, one of them downed me and made me realize that I have to earn that exploration.
- The jungle actually felt really dangerous. It all fit together, the sound, the graphics, the difficult gameplay.
- playing with other players became meaningful. It really made a difference and I had many szenerios where someone came to help me and vice versa.
Some people here just demand change. Probably myself too. I’m sorry about that, it’s just a lot of emotions going on right now and I’ll try and stay constructive. I’m sure the devs have read our threads here and on reddit and are already thinking about it.
The reality we might face could look like this: New players are overwhelmed with the difficulty in the 1st HoT map. Metrics might say that people are killed too often.
Now we should find fair arguments, why these facts would still be good for the new zones.
Just stating: “give us,… we want” will get us nowhere and would probably lead to a disconnect between players and developers (just like we had in the dungeons forum, where devs just disappeared).
I don’t want to demand anything from Anet since they should know best about their game.
I agree that difficulty felt on par in BWE2. I did a few events yesterday and the mobs just melted away. And away was the feeling of danger in the jungle zone. I was pretty bummed and emotional… they removed the perfect open world difficulty. May it have frustrated some people? Probably yes. Should a new lv.80 zone which introduces hardcore content be harder than what we had before? Absolutely imo.
In my experience yesterday I wore defensive celestial armor and the enemies literally melted away in seconds. I took little to no damage most of the time. I have to admit that I saw some difficulty spikes where I met mobs which still posed a challenge, but it was rare.
When traversing the map I had the feeling that I cheated through it. BWE2 had that fun experience that pulling too many enemies made the situation escalate pretty fast. That was awesome.
I agree with some points (can’t say anything to the others since I don’t know if it’s accurate).
What I like:
- some champions still posed a threat to soloplayers
I haven’t been in Verdant Brink, but this point jumped out at me. Is that what you meant, that some CHAMPIONS posed a threat to solo players? Because in the last beta, there were VETERANS who could smoke you if you weren’t paying attention.
I agree, being challenged by veterans was tons of fun. Even normal mobs weren’t afk-food. It feels different now imo.
Ehm they said this weekend the canopy would be available, how exactly? Haven’t seen any way to go up…
During night, pact choppers land at rally points. You can use them to get up.
as I sadly noticed you can do this only if you have gliding unlocked. It’s a good thing for the final release of HoT, but not so good for beta when you only have a weekend to play imo.
I feel like balancing in open world pve is totally off now, mobs die just too fast and you don’t have to watch out like you did in BWE2. I hope this isn’t intentional, I feel like cheating through the map now.
more feedback here:
What I loved about BWE2: the tension when traversing the map. Enemies posed a real threat and could stop me and kill me if I wasn’t careful.
Now I can run by all of the mobs with ease, it just feels like cheating me through the map. The sense of danger got lost completely. (with the exeption of that small mushroom guy, who downed me out of the blue lol).
Yes its annoying to see all these nerfs. Even the raid bit felt too easy.
from what I’ve seen of the raid (via twitch) it looked quite fun. Trash-mobs needed strategy and the first boss seemed just brutal. Reading about some suggestions of how it probably could be handled it sounded even more fun to me.
I just don’t like this disconnect: raids for difficult content and open world for easy content? No, please! Soloplayers also like challenges, and it looked so fine in BWE2 :-/
I agree with some points (can’t say anything to the others since I don’t know if it’s accurate).
Enemies seemed nerved and I really don’t like this. Small groups just melt away mobs and the sense of danger was gone for me personally. It felt really faceroll. I’m not sure how to give constructive feedback on this. It looks like the professions got buffed while the mobs got nerved pretty hard. BWE2 had the perfect balancing in my opinion.
What I like:
- some champions still posed a threat to soloplayers
- amount of aoes seemed to be the same as before
What I don’t like:
- almost all enemies in Verdant Brink (including story instances) are too weak (too little health)
- …and do too little damage
(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)