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Bracket locking and world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


It may be that they are working on some kind of solution, but this has been discussed to death since the game started.

Yeah that’s why I’m not complaining. I personally think the guy who adapted the model and implemented it did an absolutely BRILLIANT job of it. That’s where the catch-22 of the whole situation comes in, in my opinion. The model is working beautifully and may be, in my opinion, one of the finest implementations of a rating system I’ve seen in this type of environment – so what do you do?

I hope you are joking there. The rating system is probably one of the worse part of WvW. Mismatched matchup that get locked into place for months hardly qualifies for “working beautifully”.

It is working exactly as the system was designed; whether or not they should of chose a different methodology is a different issue. My hope is for a modification to allow people to finish completion.

is open world agony coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I do FoTM casually but, I agree, my first thought when I saw that it was an ascended item was, “here we go…”

One thing I’ve commented on before is the apparent disconnect between what Anet seems to say and what Anet seems to do. I’m not sure if there are somewhat divided factions within Anet or what; but, I seem to run across a fair amount of both contradictory actions and contradictory information from anet – sometimes within hours of each other when they are speaking publicly.

It’s kind of strange really. I /love/ the game but, at this point, I’ve kind of just started ignoring them and just keep playing as usual.

(edited by MattMesa.8401)

Bracket locking and world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


If you check the dev posts, and I believe the particular posts in question are in the WvW forum, you will see that they are working on a solution to move around the colors of the borderlands to enable gamers to achieve some of the goals with which they are having difficulties. Also some things to change the match-ups. I would post links, but it’s 4am here and I am off to some well-deserved rest. I think we won’t have to wait too much longer before we are pleasantly surprised. =)

Ah okay, thank you. I debated on whether or not to put this in WvW forum or General. I went with General because the specific issue is WvW but I figured map completion may be better placed here.

I had heard once before they were talking about rotating the colors but that was over a month ago so I wasn’t sure if there was news I was missing. Thanks for answers though guys. Hopefully us “99%’ers” can get that Gift of Exploration soon!

Emberclaw Skill Point @ Iron Marches

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Just give a shout in map chat, if it’s not a dead time of day someone will come give you a hand; especially, if it’s someone else having trouble.

Lamest Ending in Gaming History in my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I just personally don’t feel anything for the “story” anet is telling me. It could be me. I watched every scene and read all the dialogue leveling my three 80’s and I just never felt that connected to any of it. I’m not a big “mmo story” person though; I prefer MMO’s for the game itself so it may just be lost on me.

Addressing a major flaw in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


The problem is guys, this isn’t the late ‘90s anymore. Too much money is involved in these games now and at the end of the day; regardless of what developers claim, dream about, or say there is going to be someone checking the ROI. And that’s just that. Those of us that were lucky enough to start playing MMO’s when they first came out got to experience new, innovative, and exciting new games because they weren’t yet completely at the mercy of meeting IRR requirements.

I’m not saying games are not “fun” anymore and that someone may pull off playing a game designed around being as fun as possible without regard to profit max; but, it’ll be a fluke like old old ultima online not a carefully planned project.

My suggestion, enjoy the little bits you can from game to game but don’t get your hopes up for some holy grail of an MMO anytime soon, if ever again.

esrb rating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I know little of the rating system or what rating GW2 has but I imagine it has to do with the content that is possible in the chat system. It may have a language filter you can turn on but that doesn’t stop what can be said avoiding the filter…

Bracket locking and world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


It may be that they are working on some kind of solution, but this has been discussed to death since the game started.

Yeah that’s why I’m not complaining. I personally think the guy who adapted the model and implemented it did an absolutely BRILLIANT job of it. That’s where the catch-22 of the whole situation comes in, in my opinion. The model is working beautifully and may be, in my opinion, one of the finest implementations of a rating system I’ve seen in this type of environment – so what do you do?

Bracket locking and world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I’m an avid WvW player (commander tag and all) but due to the effectiveness of the rating system and what I call “point creep” many of us are stuck at 99% world completion.

If you are in one of the more competitive brackets it becomes near impossible for certain key points in different home color borderlands to be kept and held for any length. If you are not there at that random hour, you’re out of luck.

The rating system employed by anet is a wonderful system; it’s actually a system I’ve studied when finishing my undergrad in Finance and Econ (game theory) and it was applied beautifully to GW2. The only problem I’m starting to realize is sometimes things being “perfect” in MMO’s isn’t always advantageous in every situation.

Essentially my question is, are there any options being considered that would allow those of us that have been stuck at 99% world completion some recourse? I do not have any exact figures but I’ve spoken to and heard of people that have been stuck for very long periods of time waiting on a single vista. I know I’ve been waiting for (an estimate) around two to three months or so for four vistas.

I remember back in October/November people waiting a few weeks to complete there world completion which I don’t think is unreasonable; but, as glicko reinforces itself people now could be stuck waiting virtually endlessly.

This isn’t a complaint so much as a question of will this be addressed at some point? Will there be any other viable options presented? I finally took to the forums to ask because I’m meeting more and more people that are stuck at 99% and many of them are starting tell me that they have been waiting huge amounts of time.

Thanks in advance guys.

GW2, exploiting vulnerable demographic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


All this “dirty move” “shady company” garbage… Seriously, its comparable to saying video games make people go out and kill others. It is called self control, it is common sense, it is a sense of responsibility. It is not Arenanets fault if people are wasting money on the game when they should be spending it on something to further or better their real lives. But again, they have the right to do as they please with their money. They don’t need big brother telling them what to buy and what not to buy.

In Soviet Russia gems buy you.

Welcome to America. Managed to get a cold war era reference in there and all, good work.

50% retaliation

in Guardian

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I played my main (guardian…) last night for the first time post-patch and got destroyed more than I have ever before in PvE or WvW; an important side note, I came to this conclusion before I hit up the forums. I say this is important because I didn’t know in advance of any nerf so my view wasn’t skewed by that. Back to the point though, I have never been downed so many times in a dungeon or any other environment on my build – it was so inordinately high that it is what pushed me to come looking to see if any changes had been made. What do you ya know? Of course there were. Why wouldn’t fix something that wasn’t broken? I have an 80 ele, thief, and guardian and the only one not completely broken in my opinion was the guardian.

Shame almost every major town is so dead...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


this game need like 100 million players to fiill every city, every zone and every …. map is too large.

For years I’ve thought this whole move to insanely big maps was bad for the feeling of community and immersion in games. Glad to see someone else has noticed this as well… What’s the point in building worlds with more virtual square footage than the real planet Earth? 90% of the world is completely empty at any given time in most of the newer MMO’s I’ve played (i.e., the last 8-10 years essentially).

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


AOE would have the cap limit increased if the overal damaged dealt per target scale DOWN. counterpart of larger effect is less damage on each target to keep balance.


Again, people have mentioned DAOC and WO and even WoW as benchmarks. GW2 has warning circles on all AoE, and the ability to actively dodge out of it, negating damage completely. You don’t need DR because one keystroke and you just negated all of the damage.

Heck most AoE is over time, the only way you receive full damage from a Barrage or Meteor Storm is to stand in it for the full duration.

The only reason I can think of as to why ANet is considering further nerfs to AoE is because they recognize that their player base is either too brainwashed by older MMOs to move out of red circles of death (even though the rest of the game teaches you this simple lesson) or too braindead to do so. Apparently, the braindead part of the playerbase still has enough juice to come on to forums and complain ad nauseum about how OP a class is because it wrecked them and they’re too lazy to find a counter.

Should a condition build be nerfed into the ground because people refuse to bring cleanse skills on their bar? Then why should AoE builds be nerfed because people refuse to dodge/move out of the AoE and/or not zerg into it in the first place?

Its so sad to see really. WvWvW feels so neutered and not really dangerous. The only way to find any excitement is to play a bunker and 1vX a bunch of invaders. But even that falls off as any bunker build would be hard pressed to kill multiple targets, unless you’re one of the top 1% of players.

I agree with you completely but I don’t think there will be any fix because of how much the dominant voice in the community has changed over the last few months. The community used to be one of my favorite things about this game, now, it’s just like all the rest of the major market MMO’s

Food & Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Probably a bug; but, maybe not. Maybe it was intended for people that have really low MF and no one noticed till now.

Do you still do Dailies every day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I do them every time I play. After a while you get down to completing them in 15min or less and the rewards for that amount of time are too good to pass up.

Wasting of Resources and Time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Why is Arenanet wasting resources on this? ->

The time could be used to FIX bugs or ADD new stuff to the game. Even the Super Adventure Box is a WASTE of resources and time when you all could use the time to MAKE CONTENT RELEVANT to the storyline on Tyria. Make a new dragon appear or some new dynamic events that actually did PERMANENT change to the world of Tyria or something!

Yes, the Molten Alliance storyline is cool and all, but if you all could just stop wasting time on making a Mario Brothers wannabe in 3D, you all could have make the Molten Alliance storyline even better.

Every department is responsible for different things. No resource was wasted or pulled away to make SAB. If SAB didn’t exist, nothing new or additional fixes would have moved faster.

Non-logic. Do you claim that this man is not getting paid?

If you do something in your spare time, you’re not getting paid for it. I used to manage a store where I was paid to work until closing. Often I stayed late and did some work in that store, mostly because I was conscientious. I didn’t get a dime for it. That is, I made the same money whether I did that work or not.

So yes, I worked for a company without getting paid. This is what this programmer did. He programmed this in his spare time, because he thought it was fun.

I didn’t know that he did this in his free time. Thank you for informing me Vayne.

It doesn’t say anywhere that he didn’t get paid…
It says:
They took his treasure and his pride… Now, they will pay with their lives!
Hey, I’m Matthew Oswald, ArenaNet’s Cinematics team lead, and I’d like to share a little behind the scenes info for the Super Adventure Box commercial.

In the opening shot of our commercial (which is based on this incredible classic video game commercial) we needed to show our young actor beating a 16-bit platform game.
The game needed to look like it was being played on an older revision of the “Super Adventure Box.” (Think SNES to N64) So, we came up with a game called Rytlock’s Critter Rampage.

Originally, we just wanted to build out a couple sprites to fake the game in After Effects, but one of the cinematic artists on my team (Delly Sartika) has long harbored an interest in building his own retro platformer, so he volunteered to build out a playable version of our totally fake game.
The version that you see in the commercial was just the first draft. It took Delly about three weeks of work to flesh out the final version. Without further ado, I present the fully realized vision of Rytlock’s Critter Rampage, which I invite you all to play. Good luck, and try not to smash your keyboard in a fit of rage.

As I said before though my issue isn’t with Anet building the S.A.B. or the platformer and whether the time was free or not; which, like I also said before, there is always an opportunity cost. I just feel like they could have put any time spent on the whole project on a much better mini-game to add. It’s cute, it’s funny, I get it – I lived through the 80’s but I tend to believe there is enough talent in that building that even in their free time they could of found something more interesting to add to the game.

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


The AoE cap is the reason I don’t play my ele (which unfortunately has my commander tag) in WvW at all anymore. What’s the point? When a 100 person group is rolling up on you and you can only heal/dmg 5 with a skill on a 30 sec cd? I’ll stick to my guardian thanks….

Conflicting Views on the Future of GW2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Personally I feel like a lot of this confusion is caused by Anet themselves. I spend more time playing the game than I do following their news releases but, even in the bits I do read here and there I’ve seen blatantly contradictory information. Not including when I see statements on things that are going in game, then see completely opposite developments.

I don’t think the game is going away anytime soon, nor do I think we’ll see any crazy new content updates any time soon. What sparks my interest the most about all this is thinking about their organizational structure and the effects it is having on their communication and work both internally and externally.

Outside of anecdotal evidence mostly found on this forum and what I have randomly come across myself I’m beginning to believe that they may have an overly decentralized structure. Or, that, after the release of the game they began a process of restructuring that has led to a more decentralized structure. I’m not arguing that these structures don’t work – they are all the rave in academia and business these days – but, that in this particular case it could be the reason we are getting so many seemingly contradictory statements/developments.

Or it could be a million other things. It’s hard to know since none of us are on the ‘inside’ anyway.

Wasting of Resources and Time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Funny how people complain even when developers add free content in their spare time. You’d think they’d be happy that they were working on the game when they’re not working on the game.

Guess some people are never happy.

It depends on what kind of content they are doing in the first place. Like making a Zelda wannabe / Mario 3D…etc…. Instead of doing something relevant to the game or storyline or even functionality.

And before you even shout that this is all given for free. Yes, I know, it is free. I should happily take what is given. If that is the case, why don’t we start paying USD15 – 20 every month from now on so that Arenanet can get the money they want and we get the content we want? Are you willing to start paying like WoW?

GW2 is a great game. Awesome game I have played in decades. I am 34 btw. I would willingly part with USD15-20 or even 30 every month for Arenanet to post more content. Like the Molten Alliance storyline…etc. The Lost Shores storyline would have been better if it had some major plotline related to the main plotline of Tyria.

I think the whole thing is pretty stupid regardless of the amount of resources or time used. I’m not getting into the debate on the amount of time and resources that were used to design, build, and implement the S.A.B. and its surrounding content which led to a commercial which led to someone building a platformer being built in his/her free time. That being said, there is always an opportunity cost.

Anyway, fundamental point is, you’re not the only one that feels this way SirDrygan (or however you spell it). I appreciate that the staff is constantly working on new content, meta and mini-games, etc., but this is the same staff that as a whole developed the wonderful game of GW2 and I don’t believe that the S.A.B. and the new platformer is the maximum utility they are a capable of creating for players as a whole; which, should always be a concern. Personally, I’m just hoping this was a one off kind-of-deal and next round of mini-games/events/stories will leave the 80’s in the 80’s.

Two Key Changes to Improve PvP in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Sorry for this nooby question but what is this AoE cap you guys are talking about? Is it just there is a cap on the amount of people an AoE can damage?

Yes. If you launch an AoE, and there are 10 enemy players standing in your AoE circle, it will only hit 5 of them.

I read earlier in this thread that defensive buffs apply to everyone in the area of the AoE – is this still accurate? What about AoE heals? I remember being told quite a while ago that they also only applied to 5 ppl which led to me re-spec’ing my ele for offense.

Commanders and the return of "Warbands"? More?

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I kind of like it. Adds a little fog of war not knowing where every person is all the time. There are times I find it extremely frustrating; but, something still keeps me coming back so there must be something to it.

i think it was a mistake not to have a healing profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


The worst part about it all to me is the AoE cap. If I remember correctly it taps out at five players; whether it is a defensive or offensive skill.

This game needs more skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I disagree also, the game does not need new skills however 1 extra utility bar would be nice but that’s it, and this is why each class can use different types or weapons and weapon combos which in all “almost” if not equals the same number that roughly other mmo class skills have.

I love my thief because I D/D and I often switch to my P/P to do some ranged attacks and they got their skills and vice versa and plus i could go sword/dagger or pistol/dagger as well and don’t forget about the underwater skills.

I think Guild Wars 2 just simplifies using skills pretty much so you don’t got a horrible UI look with buttons everywhere and this is something I really love about Guild Wars 2 HOWEVER I do feel that some classes mainly focus on using one skill but my thief, when I go D/D I usually go skill 1, and end up using heart seeker when they are half way, and if there is a bunch of mobs? No problem I use skill 3 which is a nice AOE bleed, and when I want to annoy zergs? I stealth in and out using my 5th skill cloak and dagger, and it’s a good way to slowly destroy siege weapons if they don’t think to AOE you down. I sometimes use the 4th skill throwing the dagger to cripple but not often but when I go pistol/pistol I typically only use skill 3 the most and that’s it and I noticed some classes use one skill the most or auto attack. With my engineer I could just switch between my gadgets and what not but the thief is my favorite class by far.

Also don’t forget the the trait line, I’d even call that skills really, well some of them at least, and I don’t need to give examples.

Agreed again

This game needs more skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


In most MMOs you don’t end up using more than ten skills, no matter how many they give you. I think the same is true in Guild Wars 2.

When I played Rift, I had everything macroed to 2 buttons. I used maybe five buttons. more skills, but all the skills did the same thing with different cooldowns. It wasn’t choice…it was the illusion of choice.

To some degree, one might say the same thing about Guild Wars 1. You had optimum builds most people used and then there were skills like mending. Besides a few “trick” farming builds, most skills went unused.

I didn’t know a ton of memsers in Guild Wars 1 that ran around with illusory weapon or Signet of Illusion. There were better skills to use.

And one of the biggest problems in Guild Wars 1, the one that really killed the game for a lot of people was that Anet was unable to balance the skills. Part of this was the number of skills and part was the dual professions. Regardless, the balancing became more and more strained as more and more skills were added.

Which is why I’m against adding skills too quickly. I’m sure more will come with more weapon selections in expansions.


I personally feel that there is a lack of competition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


This is my personal opinion, don’t bash on me. If anyone disagrees with me, atleast be civil. This game has ZERO competition for hardcore gamers. There is no real ’’goal’’ to acomplish, It’s like Anet said ‘’ Here are kittenloads of stuff to do, now do whatever you want’’ But it doesn’t work like that. People want a purpose to play and a goal to aim for, to obtain the things that makes them stand out. Even if it’s only cosmetic.

1. Let’s start with the PvE: Dungeons doesn’t even have the rewards that everyone wants. I’m not talking about items. I’m talking about achievements. Like the ‘’Worlds first 80’’ or ‘’Servers first whatever’’ Those are the things people want.
Let’s take sports as an example. We’re in the Beijing olympics, Mens 100m Finals. Every sprinter has been training day in and day out since they were 10 years old. They gave up all the fun in life just to accomplish this world record. And then suddenly someone breaks the world record and the whole crowd goes crazy, his name is printed in every newspaper and gets famous all around the world.
Now let’s go back to Guild Wars 2. The hardcore players that break records, the famous gamers that puts in heart & dedication into the games they play. 30 hours of straight grinding just to accomplish something spectacular. And what do they get in return? Absolutely NOTHING. This is why all the famous players quit. The famous gamers that stream and advertise your game gets nothing in return. This is why Guild wars 2 is dead on twitch… No competition at all.

2. The PvP: Like come on…. It’s like you Anet released a game that wasn’t even finished. There is absolutely no competition in the PvP. No ladders, No achievments. No one knows whos the best PvPers, because there is no system that tells you that. The PvP lacks variety. No Arenas, No deathmatches… What the hell?! The game needs INGAME ladders… Not the useless ones posted on forums. The people that actually play your game to the max and stream everyday to give to the community gets nothing in return. Why Anet? Just why?

Instead of fixing these issues, Anet implents useless new items that no one wants. Useless stuff in the gem store. Rushes into fixing stuff problems, that end up getting even more kittened up. If Arena net really wants to make this game an E-sport you guys have to top it up a notch. Because this game lacks basic features.

Anyway, Don’t get me wrong. I love this game and i think it’s the best MMORPG on the market. But it still lacks basic features that makes the game interesting to play. This is just constructive criticism.

I’m not trying to be derogatory but you literally just described WoW. That is not the game for me, for the reasons you listed above, but I love GW2. The problem is too many people expecting games to conform to THEIR standards of enjoyment; not finding the game that is built for them. If you haven’t played WoW it’s got a free trial and there a TON of other games that meet the qualifications you’re looking for. There are many other games you could look into, I.E., Mortal Online or the very popular Eve Online.

GW2 has done a pretty good job designing and implementing the system they said they were going to. There are quite a few us that thoroughly enjoy it, please for the love of god do not start a campaign to turn it into another game because many of us will be left without an MMO to play again – for those of us that most popular MMO’s don’t appeal to.

Does anyone get 10 legitimate rezzes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I believe the important point is: Do you still rezz dead or downed players even when you already completed your daily by rezzing NPCs?

I yes, no worries.

In my experience most people will go out of their way to revive dead/downed players if they can manage it. GW2 has a pretty kind community as far as that goes.

I agree and it has rubbed off on me too. I’ll run half-way across a zone to rez someone if I see it pop up on my mini-map lol. I’ll be yelling it in map chat on the way too haha

Why I loathe RNG ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


OP, I agree. I have over 1,000 hours in and have found I think one or two exotics (obviously not a memorable experience) in that time. RNG is not the problem per se, it’s the way they’ve implemented and tuned the loot system. There are lotto winners to be sure, but the daily players are not finding their play rewarded. I came to GW2 directly from D3 and the loot experience was the same there. D3 was supposed to be about grinding gear so it was conspicuous by it’s absence. GW2 is simply missing the aspect of reward for play beyond the gameplay itself, which I admit is rewarding. But, in an MMO there are characters to maintain and expand and reward for play is the usual means to do so. So, yeah, I have the same loot experience as you do. If it weren’t for porous bones, I wouldn’t have no bones at all.

Exact same boat, coming straight from D3 and everything. As for the never finding exotics I don’t believe that. I typically have the worst drop luck ever, among all my friends, of all time and when I had my 80 guardian decked out in MF gear I was finding exotics every day. None were named but still, you start dropping them in the Mystic or selling them on the TP you’ll get to where you need to go. I’ve done 1/250th of what you’ve done in the game and found quite a few exotics with all MF gear. The problem with that is though, by wearing MF gear, you are handicapping yourself and your team.

To me the problem stems from levels/classes in games but that is a whole different thread….

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


This is the first monthly I might actually complete since they took out the fractal bs

Supportive/Healing Roles During Events...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I was spec’d for ‘pure’ healing/support as an Ele and I tried and tried and tried but finally I just gave up on it and spec’d dmg live everyone else…

Real Farming, why not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I was talking to a few other players on map chat, and a lot would really enjoy some recreational activities. Including real farming, or fishing.

Personally I’d enjoy a garden where I could just grow some nice cosmetic flowers. Even if they didn’t have any purpose, it would be somewhere I could spend a little time, and have a collection of plants from my travels.

You could even have a small veg patch that you farm for materials to make town clothes. You could grow certain items for making cotton and silk.

i often get tired of just plain killing, and besides wandering around, there’s not much to do to just relax and spend time chilling. I usually end up in the grove playing with dyes on my armour.

How do you guys feel about some recreational activities? Mini games? What’s your ideas?

I miss ~99 UO when I read posts like this :/

Been 2 months, invisible armies r still here

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Buy a i7 OC 5Ghz, SSD PCIe 3.0 WITH 800MB/s R/W, 32GB RAM and NVIDIA GTX 690
And say bye to WvsW problems.

It has nothing to do with the comp you are using. Thankfully I have reached a point in my life where I can afford a rig very similar to this to play one video game and, post-patch I am experiencing these same issues. I did not experience them before; which, leads me to believe that originally it was left to do with the users computer but not everyone is as fortunate as us (or at least me and the few friends I have that can afford super-top-end gaming rigs).

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Well there is space on the other servers.. you know the ones that got abandoned for the next great thing. SBI has no queue on any map.

Every day there are a few posts asking for number increases, new maps, something that anet should do.. how about maybe- just maybe, consider your choice as a player and guild not to choose such high wvw population servers?

I am truly sorry for the players that had been on servers since the beginning and having to face queues because of the mass transfers, but honestly most of those servers were asking people to move there. Sure there was a 5 min queue before you attracted 1000s of new players. Just think what the queue will be with the new wvw additions that are suppose to be coming.

I do not think it is right that everyone crammed into 4 or 5 servers knowing that there are max capacity for maps and then complain about having to wait. That was something that should have been considered before moving imo.

Again sorry if it was your server before and if it is a weird bug that sucks and hope it is fixed, but seriously consider how many people moved in the last week expecting their wvw experience to be so amazing now that they are on “the” server to be on.

I hope they do not raise the population caps so that maybe there will be people that do transfer to the lower population servers and in time maybe they will all be somewhat even and fun for everyone involved.

Yah I agree. I prefer high population servers but I am fully aware of the consequences of that when I make my decision. I feel bad for a lot of people that are getting screwed by the mass exodus that we recently witnessed though.

My server was on the side of a bunch of guilds leaving though so even being an upper-middle tier server we still have no major issues with queues. You can always find some map to play on.

There may be some issue with ‘ghosting’ though. I never noticed till the other night that a friend of mine that has DC issues was never leaving the map, even when he finally left for good. If it was happening before the patch it didn’t stand out to me; but, it does seem to be happening now. I read about it on this thread so I am apparently not the only one who has noticed this.

(edited by MattMesa.8401)

WvWvW Culling is ruining fights

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Honestly, I kind of thought peoples complaints were exaggerated till this update and now I see big time what everyone was talking about. I never really have any idea how many people I’m GOING TO BE fighting at this point.

I must be missing something in this issue because I really had no problems with it till the update which was supposed to fix whatever problem was apparently common. I have (very happily) reached a point in my life where I can afford an overpowered desktop and a very fast internet connection so maybe that is what saved me to begin with? I hope there is some real hack or fix for this soon though because WvW is what most of my friends and I play GW2 for and this is def taking away from the enjoyment level.

New Thief Trend in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I have a thief that I thoroughly enjoying playing in WvW that is built around stealth and mobility. That being said, he is probably the weakest 80 I have in WvW. The thieves that have the highest damage output ability have to sacrifice mobility/stealth. No offense to any thieves out there but I can’t remember the last one killed me 1v1 that was built around using stealth – of course, it may be because I have one and know how to fight them. Regardless, I am always against nerfing – I tend to follow the novel train of thought that if a class is ‘op’ then bring everyone else up! It’s a video game, weakening people isn’t fun.

As a whole though I think it’s hard for people to really determine the impact of stealth on WvW. I run the game on the highest settings (with room to spare) and at any given time I realize suddenly there is a whole zerg on standing on top of me and they all did not stealth in for sure. Until the culling issue is resolved it’s hard to tell if someone is really exploiting stealth or they just caught a lucky break and stop getting rendered on your screen.

(edited by MattMesa.8401)

In my opinion, this game requires too much grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Yes, we were lied to. Grinding dailies and grinding FOTM is the current endgame in GW2… which is an exact copy of WoW. If I wanted to grind dailies and instanced dungeons then I would be playing WoW.

We were promised something different than WoW, but what we got was a just another WoW clone.

At this point GW1 is a much better game than GW2. If ANET ever delivers on their promises for GW2 then I’ll come back, but I have better things to do than grind in another cheap WoW clone.

I have to admit, as much as I like this game, the ascended gear made me nervous but now the increased importance of dailies (for laurels) has really put me on edge. I still love the game and play any chance I get but, yes, some of the things that seem to be in motion already are making me rather nervous.

I’ve always said I hate class/level based games because there is NO avoiding grinding – by literal definition. This is the first MMO I’ve truly enjoyed in a long time regardless of the decision to be class/level based and I’d hate to see it ruined for me so quickly. I was really hoping I’d be able to play this game long-term.

That being said, I can’t see the future or read the designers minds. I keep reading different things from them, 50% of it makes me feel good about the future of the game but 50% makes me nervous about which direction they will take GW2. I’m not sure which group to put my faith in because they release – to me at least – seemingly contradictory information.

I am still a huge supporter of the game but if they go the popular MMO route then I’ll go back to my usual roaming of the internet looking for someone to bring back the days of UO and AC1…

Scaling Change Gone Too Far?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


So it was too easy, faceroll, pointless etc. so far, now its too heavy and should we expect flood of co,plaints about how its too heavy? People complained its easy and not challanging, now they will complain its too hard…but really? This just goes as proof that taking forum complainers seriously is nothing but stupid and pointless.

Great contribution. Due to the fact that the OP was hardly “trolling” or “ranting” about the subject your post is completely unwarranted. If, by your logic, people are not even capable of discussing mechanics at all without some useless opinion maybe they should just do away with the forums all together!

If anything, the only post so far in this thread that is even close to supporting the logic behind your post is yours.

Scaling Change Gone Too Far?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


It’s def tougher. I haven’t had it too bad yet but I def can’t run through the lower areas like I used to.

POLL: Would you like level cap to be raised?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


This is the first game I could even deal with in a long time that even had levels/classes. I usually can’t even play an MMO with those restrictions due to the fact that I started on games like Ultima Online and Asheron’s Call.

So far I love this game, if they start adding more levels that is pretty much an instant deal breaker for me. So far they have managed to walk a very fine line that makes this game enjoyable – even to someone who typically hates mmo’s with level/class restrictions.

For whatever god forsaken reason level grinding is the popular thing in MMO’s released since Asheron’s Call (in general) and the thought of them doing that to this game is terrible.

If it isn’t clear my vote is please please please NO.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Those of you who think that our servers are lucky to be matched up together are blind.

Our servers have been forever connected. We have been destined to do battle in GW2. The prophecy of this struggle has been written in the land for so long.

Coincidence? Not likely.

Love this lol

Paid transfers did what free couldn't do!

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I think the best option for everyone is to try and continue attracting as many new players to the game as a whole as possible. Beyond this, everyone making WvW as inclusive as possible for everyone on their server will keep more people playing WvW. I think many people often forget that there are in fact a lot of people who play this game alone (essentially) and that by being overtly rude or taking any kind of exclusionary attitude toward the “stragglers” in WvW will only serve to hurt it in the long run.

My thought processes behind this are that people’s first experiences in GW2 are generally not WvW and that if a large population sample becomes disgruntled and feels like the “wvw people are kitten” that they will spread that word among new people playing the game; that their first time in WvW, seeing someone make a derogatory remark about noobs in WvW will only reinforce their belief and lead to them spreading it.

Some people are going to gravitate toward high population servers when they create their first character and some are going to look for low population servers – I know people that do both. People that are ‘recruited’ are going to go wherever their friends are regardless. Both offer different and unique experiences and I don’t think there will ever be a complete solution – to population differences – outside of hardware getting to a point where we no longer need different servers or instances.

I am in full support of free server transfers being eliminated; unfortunately, I believe this is punishing individuals because of a problem caused by guilds. I do not feel that server transfers are a problem until you begin having guilds transfer en masse – especially when those guilds have hundreds of people.

Sorry for the rambling post but it is just some random thoughts on the different topics I’ve seen brought up here. As a whole I think it is a wonderful game and I do not harbor ill will towards almost anyone I’ve come across in-game or in these forums. Even the most divisive topics I’ve seen covered are generally handled with out becoming personal or insulting. GW2 has a uniquely mature audience in that regard and that is one of the fundamental reasons I’ll be playing this game for a long time to come regardless!

See you all later from inside your keep’s lord room!

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Is there not a whole map dedicated to PvE already? Did I miss something? Is that not enough for the people who want to do PvE? Now you need part of our world; which, already has a player cap on it?!

How about we reverse this? The days I miss the most are of pre-t2a of UO. Instead of PvE “people” coming into WvW – why don’t you just let all of us “PvP” free to fight in, around, and with the people on the PvE map?

Also let us have full loot – and the loss of our own if we die too.

Of course, this is coming from someone who made the call sign of their guild [PK]

(edited by MattMesa.8401)

Portal Bombing Negates Small Defences.

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Portals being limited to 5 people would make them worthless, though. AoE does damage or heals which is hugely effective in large engagements. The portal does no damage, it is entirely reliant on teammates who come through it. Without players to go through the portal, it’s a gimmicky escape/movement skill. Portals are still entirely reliant on organized groups.

I think the AoE cap should be raised or gotten rid of entirely. If you want to break the meta of zergs, and give smaller forces the actually ability to use tactics, you take away AoE caps and you make the maps larger. This forces players to split up into smaller battlegroups or they lose objectives because they can’t cover a whole map, even with a waypoint. If there was no AoE cap for damage, heals, or boons, you’d see an entirely different style of play, one where people can’t just mob everywhere because they’d get blown up. You could take the limit off portals because if a server wants to put 40-50 people all in one place, they could be my guest.

I agree 100%. I think taking the cap of AoE’s would make things way more interesting and fun in general. I also think it would add a much larger and useful distinction between classes, and even build choices within classes.

Please rewert token inflation

in Suggestions

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


And you still endlessly repeat(aka GRIND) the same 3 dungeon paths instead of actually having fun and running some other dungeon or fractal for a change.

Your idea would make it inpossible to find groups for everything other than AC. Expecting ArenaNet to perfectly balance all dungeons so they offer the exact same “time:reward” ratio is ridiculous. There will always be a dungeon or a couple dungeons more effective than everything else; under an unified token system, people would only run those two dungeons over and over, leaving everything else empty. Someone who wanted to play Arah would never find a group.

And what would the gain be? Less inventory clutter for the (very likely few) players who keep a lot of tokens in their inventoires?

I’d say this already happens in the name of getting the strongest gear with fashion being a secondary consideration

The weekly matching system needs to change

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


I love WvW and it’s hard to think of a quantitatively more effective system than the Glicko-2 system that’s being employed but, yes, playing the same servers for weeks on end is boring.

The first change that is needed in my opinion is the free 7 day transfer. That’s great as a one time option (or random promo period) for friends to get together but to leave it in place is one of the crazier things I’ve seen in an MMO; ESPECIALLY one that puts so much emphasis on WvW. I refuse to believe that some one in ANet didn’t point out the terrible effects that could have.

queue's and realm transfers

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


My suggestion is get rid of the free weekly realm transfer. I know people transferring left and right – from RL friends to Borlis TS friends. It’s getting a little crazy. At the very least bump it up to once a month…

Same-team griefing - how do you handle it?

in WvW

Posted by: MattMesa.8401


Unfortunately, the best response at the moment is to take screenshots/fraps it, report it (even though that is likely pointless), inform people in your BL it is happening and that they shouldn’t rely on supply, and then man up and play through it.

I personally try to think of it like a negative random event that happens from time to time (i.e., “a spy has spawned in your keep and wasted 200 supply”), but it does suck and it’s unfortunate when players do it because you know that there is a thinking person behind the keyboard who is choosing to be antisocial.

Most of the time, the person doing it is likely a troll/griefer just looking for attention and to ruin your day. It was good you didn’t say their name or post screenshots here, in fact. It’s fine to tell ppl in your map that so-and-so is wasting supply though, but don’t feed the troll or give them publicity here.

And, yeah, honestly… Pinko has a point. The only thing that really prevents ppl from doing stuff like that is a social contract between players. Not everybody is going to conform to those rules and it is very hard to stop people from violating the intended design of the game.

Of course, there are rules against players engaging in activities that disrupt matches (which supply wasting definitely qualifies as), but the manpower and time needed to enforce that kind of a rule makes it very unlikely you’ll see anything done about it. If you want that kind of support in an MMO you play, your best bet is to build a time machine and go back and play UO or Meridian 59 when they first launched. Not that I agree, just saying what I think the reality is at the moment… ;P

I love that you referenced the old UO. I miss that game more than any game ever. The best thing about that game was that it was implicitly balanced because of the open PvP. Idiots got handled. I’d give anything to go back to playing UO around ’99. There was – and as far as I can tell – there never will be another game as great as that one.