Showing Posts For Mclovin.9702:

Solo Q tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


It’s nice to have a solo Q for people that don’t have many friends to party with, but its kind of unfair. Solo Q people and those who join with a full premade SPVP group are picked from the same pool, and it really skews the matches. I solo Q by myself, and am teamed up with a random team of 3 thieves and two elementalist, while the other team has a full guild group with necros guards and engis. At the end of the fight my whole team was below rank 20 and their team was all above rank 40 LOL.

So yeah I think that Solo Q should be in a pool by themselves, while premade groups of 5 should be in their own pool for tournaments, to keep it fair.

Rangers need new skill:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


“Ride your pet.”

idk wat the stats should be but,
imagine a little asuran riding a hound. or a norn riding a polar bear. SOUNDS SO SICK!!!!!!

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Race change is a VERY good idea. The end game has a lot to do with cosmetics, which is why people would pay 110g for RARE t3 armor just for transmute. Race is cosmetic too and if we don’t like the race we chose at the beginning, we should be able to change it!

Salvage Karma Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


It would be awesome if karma armor were salvageable.

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


@ekleenex Why do I think I’m the only one on AR that not only knew where your zerg was, but that you were using veil/invis to break into the zerg. Well, if anything, it was different to watch. Tactic wont work as well after the 28th though, so I guess use it now.

culling is YOUR friend. we don’t know where the zergs are, but when culling shows your zerg after we get through it, there’s a lot of red downed… (;

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


i see you paxa together with the zerg trying to get bay in ARBL, wouldn’t make it easy for you ^^

When was this? we get it in (;

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Wait…Meow didn’t leave NSP did it?! O.o

Yup. Feels good to kill traitors. All they had are numbers, nothing really impressive about them as a whole. Too bad one thing we’re desperately in need of is numbers haha.

Wow, just wow, look at that. No ‘thanks guys for all the hard work you did defending points for NSP?’. Imagine that.
Anyways, for what its worth we enjoyed our stay in NSP, facing challenges from other servers and as well as with players within NSP itself, lol. To be frank, we were quite impressed when we met Kain’s zergs on the field, and I’m not talking about numbers. So for the time being, we’d like to see where this takes us, as is our right. So good luck to you guys, Os, LooT, ROFL, King, and other green tags too numerous to mention. Oh and not forgetting, PAXA, don’t remember you guys too much, but I’m sure you must have done something. Stay strong.

Story of people jumpin on the bandwagon. Laters!

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Bye [Meow] (: we’re not gonna miss ya traitors (: see u under my stomp (:

Breakout Events

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


It’s a good start for teams that have no points, but when we’re this outnumbered, this is what happens..

oh yeah it’s our own borderland too. lol


the last straw

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Many people think theives are bad for dungeons because many go in with their berserker armor and get one shotted by monsters. They also have less support than other classes, most people only support with stealth.

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


[Sekz] So you come to your borderlands after its all blue, PvDoor some wooden towers, finally get to hills and get repelled countless times, you couldn’t even manage to build anything, then you give up and go to SM after DH manages to punch hole in the outer wall.
You guys may be good in open field (not hard since you run all the OP builds) but when it comes to being able to actually siege a defended fortification, you have a long way too go.

ahah its okay we took your Stonemist Castle in EB after we left instead (:

Endless Halloween Tonic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


check if its in a safe box.

Mesmers need +25% movement speed utility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Anet states that mesmers “share some of the stealth and mobility that the Thief enjoys.” <>; (bottom of page)


Even after update, we’re still really slow. haha

Look at the movement speed modifiers of other classes…

Necromancer Signet of locust – buffed to 25%
Thief Signet of shadows – …already has 25% (plus teleports across maps)
Engineer Power Shoes – Increased move speed to 25%.
Warrior – Elite signet – with swiftness, might fury etc basically most of the time. Plus whirls and rushes across the map
Ranger – Signet of the Hunt: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%.
Elementalist – Signet of Air: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%. Plus zaps across maps
Guardian – well, still slow as hell LOL

For mesmer, movement speed modifiers mesmer has like Signet of inspiration is unreliable because the swiftness is a 12.5% chance every 10 seconds, and staff 5 chaos field which randomly gives a several second swiftness. And, even with an additional 2 seconds on temporal curtain, post-patch mesmers are even slower in movement speed compared to other classes QQ

Because of this, ‘d like to see a “more reliable” movement speed modifier for mesmers, like if signet of inspiration gave a permanent 25% movement buff, or if it gave swiftness out of combat 80% of the time (about 25% movement speed), i’d be happy, and so would the other mesmers.

Mesmer Portal Sub-timer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Hi so i noticed that some abilities with dual activation (like thief sword skill #2, which shadowsteps, then u can activate again to return to original location) have a box that pops up next to your boons, conditions that shows the time left which you can activate the second activation. Mesmer portal skill does not have a timer for the portal second activation, and it would be really nice if i could see how long i have left to make the exit portal. Thanks anet


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Same thing happened to me. I double clicked on a dagger to swap my weapons, and my exotic dagger disappeared from my character. it did not not swap places with the weapon i equipped, it just disappeared. really kitten for sure didn’t delete it or salvage

missing inventory items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Yeah i sent a support ticket. I double clicked on a dagger to swap my weapons, and my exotic dagger disappeared from my character. it did not not swap places with the weapon i equipped, it just disappeared. really kitten for sure didn’t delete it or salvage

Mesmer phantasm delay

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Phantasms are really bad now. they are our main source of damage, and they are so easy to kill. now there’s a delay, and when im fighting a class like a warrior they aoe attack with axe and bam phantasm dies before it even touches the warrior. 12 second cooldown as well, and that’s traited. a dev said that the delay has always been there, however, iberserker has noticeably failed to cripple my targets in wvw when im chasing them because of an attack delay, ever since the update. before the update, they crippled every target unless they dodged of course

Channeled Abilites and Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


It’s a counter to stealth which the masses say there are none of.

There’s a lot of counters to stealth, like warrior’s shield block (if theyre getting attacked), area CC by hammers, ANY area skill that necros and eles have, even auto attacking the air.

Greatsword Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Yeah… but i see some other classes going opposite to their class stereotypes too. elementalists have a staff stereotype, but they can still use daggers. necromancers have a focus, dagger staff stereotype but where the heck did axes come from? Rangers have a longbow/shortbow/dagger stereotype but they can only use offhand dagger, aaand they still have greatsword and axe use, which is out of the blue. Generally, if you thought of these professions outside of Gw2, they typically don’t have these weapons. But Anet made the skills to fit the profession for that weapon, which is why they’ve become accepted. They can do the same thing for thief greatsword I think!

Channeled Abilites and Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Yeah this happens to me all the time. channeled single target skills like mesmer’s greatsword 1 or ranger’s longbow rapid fire keep targeting me, even if i go into stealth and move out of his line of fire.

Whats a good companion to the thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Im kind of a nerd i’ve logged about 500 hours on my thief. From my experience, two thieves is a really squishy combination. There’s a lot of good combos you can make with a thief, a tanky or CC heavy class would really support the damage a thief can do. Some classes I’ve partied with that are good wvw buddies are a tanky condition ranger with entangle, or a staff ele, or a semi-tanky staff necro which can take the focus of the enemy’s damage, apply weakness and chill to everyone while your son goes around and DPS people down. This combo is good for small groups, but if you’re in a mob, usually the bigger mob wins. But typically thieves can’t take much hits, so expect to kill the enemy really fast, or be prepared to take hits for your son lol.

Greatsword Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


I love greatswords. I have a greatsword mesmer, and a greatsword warrior. Something I’d love to see in Gw2 is a greatsword thief because it looks B.A.

Dungeon Token Exchange

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


its ok hah im sure they’re busy with other bugs n stuff lol ill just wait for a fix

Dungeon Token Exchange

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mclovin.9702


Hi so for the rewards of honor of the waves i kind of messed up… i bought medium armor chest and legs for my necromancer -_- is there any way to exchange my armor back to tokens?