Showing Posts For Meiko Isamura.6352:

Losing BGDM hurts players ability to improve

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Losing BGDM will make GW2 less fun to play for me sadly. It was the most accurate DPS meter and had more functionality than Arc does.

Does Anet plan on implementing visible health bars? This feature was very useful for healing roles and has been asked for on both these forums and Reddit previously.

Will Anet develop a tool so players can track boon uptime? Again another very useful tool that was used in raids, fractals, and dungeons.

Without considering the politics surrounding BGDM and its creator, GW2 players just lost a very useful tool that added to our playing experience. I would like to know if Anet has any interest or plan to add the lost features into the game. Having an accurate dps meter gave those of us who wished to improve a tool to measure performance, and the features of float bars and boon up time will also very much be missed. I hope that these are added back into the game since it was something that the player base knows is possible and would like to have to option to toggle on and play with. Please give players that want to get better the ability to gather the data in order to do so.


Bolt projectiles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi, just adding another post to this thread. I also do not like the new bolt projectiles, either bolts of lightning or the original animation back please.

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet, this episode is 2/10. The plot was bad, please write campaigns, these disconnected episodes are not well done. I have little hope or excitement for the expac. Why do you continue to write each episode this way? New fractal is much longer than others and gives same rewards, why? Please follow dungeon model and scale rewards. Dungeons>fractals anyway please use as example. Good 2 legendary weapons out and fine designs, frustrating that expac 3 will release before gen 2 leg are completed when advertised with HoT. Been playing GW for many years, and losing interest sadly. Please do better!

Why does Foefire have more dye channels than Legendary Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

I do not think legendary armor should have less dye channels than others in the game as well. A fourth dye slot would be good for the legendary sets and I don’t understand why legendary armor was made with less. Would be nice if was added in. Honestly if I got a set I would reskin it because I like other sets better, but a legendary set should not lack features that other non-legendary sets have when it could use it.

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Players need to post in their LFG what type of players they are looking for if they are running a specific team comp/set-up. DPS meters provide quantitative data and having more information is a good thing. There will be cases where one player considers their build and gear to be DPS while others do not, but outside of that I think players can fix this issue themselves with being more descriptive in their LFG posts. I think gear check is beneficial for this reason as well. Additional information is a good thing. We just have to be good to each other as a community and if someone joins a group that they shouldn’t have, make a 10 second effort to tell them their mistake before kicking.

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

It’s like in other areas, the majority just does it for casual fun, a minority decides to take it a little bit more serious or even to a professional level. It’s not bad or good, it’s neutral. The more people that get into the game, the more of the serious players will evolve.

Reading through the other thread here about using youtube, I feel like a lot of people have fun just by roaming around in Guild Wars, and that’s fine. Some people here seem to think that if people go less meta about the game, it’s somehow bad. Competition drives skill enhancement, and most people love this game because you can play it without competing.

You will always have people who get into the details because that’s how they have fun playing games. Don’t try to force this upon people who are casual players by making things harder in general, they won’t suddenly change their character or playstyle, they will just look for a game that suits their needs better.

And that’s coming from someone who thinks that numbers are more important than looks, and considers “just roaming around without goal” as a waste of time.

Hi, I think your post is well thought out, but it misses the point of this thread. The hope was to continue creating content in any one area of GW2 that allows for certain skills in the game to be used, and so continue to be relevant. The argument is that class and player skill progression make the game more fun and interesting to play and will help with long-term player retention. Players learning more of their class, different skills such as movement and blasts, fields, and positioning for fights make the game more fun for some players and it would be nice if there was one type of content done approximately in the style of core dungeons so players could continue to learn them. These are all skills and mechanics that existed in the game since launch and learning them was relevant and fun. Unfortunately they are now being lost from the player base as a whole, which you can argue is a bad thing and it would be an improvement for GW2 for Anet to develop content that helped players learn these fun skills.

(edited by Meiko Isamura.6352)

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Agree with Eurhetemec…

You start to lose me when you separate yourself into a different cast “… I’m a veteran player…”

No one cares if you’re a new player or a veteran. ANet’s job is to make everyone’s gaming experience enjoyable. A lot of “normal players” were extremely unhappy with the way they’d go into a dungeon and all people [like you] wanted to do was skip literally everything and rush to bosses in record times. Not everyone wants to do that. The majority of people don’t want to do that. This is not Diablo III.

God forbid they died, or something. Expletives raining from the heavens. People rage quitting the group, etc. It was, and generally still is, awful. A lot of the decent people who were willing to put in the extra work quit because people like you made it impossible to play the game and enjoy themselves while learning what they needed to learn to “get better.” You expect people to watch YouTube Videos and read Wikis and then be near-flawless speed runners in dungeons. Maybe your expectations on “player skill” are completely out of line with what you really should be expecting from other players?

Additionally, how are they supposed to learn how to play the game better, if you’re skipping 3/4th of the dungeon content?

Lastly, I don’t agree that people should have to study up on a game to learn how to play it well. You’re free to put in extra hours watching YouTube Videos and Reading Wikis, but those days are over [for me, and many others]. There are other B2P games like ESO, where these people can actually have fun, while progressing, and actually get stuff done – without constant abuse from a vocal elitist population. Those games also have mechanics which are more suitable for them and their level of play, as well (i.e. no “Dodge or Die”).

At the end of the day, it’s a game. I’m not playing to be a “Pro Vet”; I’m playing to have fun. I have better things to worry about than the average skill level of other players. That’s what other games are for. To give myself variety and less reason to B. and Moan about any of the others I play.

Hi, thank you for your thoughts. You make a few assumptions in your reply that are not correct or appreciated though. We do try to teach players tactics and some of the other aspects of the game I mentioned in my original post. There are many ways to play GW2 and we include in lfg posts what tactics we are playing, I hope other players do too. I agree that Eurhetemec and Doam make good points in their posts as well.

(edited by Meiko Isamura.6352)

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Teach new players then.

I taught a new thief/player about leap stealth finishers not more than an hour ago. See a problem solve a problem.

Hi, I think you meant that as a question. Yes we do teach players that join our groups and I am glad to hear you do too.

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,

The current player skill level of your game has been declining for some time, and this is making it less fun to play as a veteran player. It is more and more difficult on NA servers to find players who know their class, their blasts, movement skills, and positioning. I am not sure if the decision to move in the direction that you did for the HoT expansion has positively affected your bottom line and business, but from an experienced player’s perspective, it has made the game less interesting. I still have fun playing GW2 at the moment, but it might help your veteran player retention levels if there was more daily repeatable content created in the style of pre-HoT dungeon speed running. Possibly in fractals since you ended your dungeon team.

This is not the first time this topic has been brought up. I just still see the continuing decline in skill of the player base in these areas and the lack of interest in GW2 from other veteran players on my friend’s list who don’t play anymore. It would be good if there was new content where players could learn these skills that make GW2 more interesting and fun to play.

Thanks for the work you all put into GW2.

Does ANET just not care about healthbar UI?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

I would like for this feature added as well. There are now play styles in the game that this would be very useful to have as a toggle on/off option. Please add the ability to see friendly player health bars.

Official Episode 5 Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,

Thank you for the work you put in. I rate today’s episode 3/10 sadly. I am long time GW1 player and every campaign was in depth and good. LW S3 story is very rushed. Each episode jumping from one major enemy to a different one and doesn’t flow. It is like a good 500 page book consolidated to a 30 minute show. Please make campaigns like you did in GW1. Did not like the way Jormag and Primordus were “defeated”. Fire Islands could have been a mini campaign instead 2 maps that probably won’t visit again. Episode 5 was fun and enjoyed it. New map per episode is appreciated, wish more of a campaign style storyline with missions worth repeating (think more like challenging instanced GW1 mission). I personally don’t like gen 2 legendary torch, also rate 3/10 won’t make, again sadly. Thanks for your time and effort and enjoy the nice Seattle spring we are having!

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

I don’t like the idea of mounts for gw2, sorry.

Rework Dungeons as Solo story + Fractals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

This idea about making explorable dungeons into fractals is really bad. Really really bad. There is not much left of the dungeon community from pre-HoT, but there are still people who like playing gw2 with the mechanics of blasting might and stealth, burst dps, and running dungeons that exist out in the zones rather than entering the fractal gate and playing disconnected content with instabilities. Basically the kind of ideas put forward in Nike from DnT’s video about why dungeon gold nerf makes players bad.

I don’t have any metrics to give as evidence, but from my experiences pre-HoT to now, I think that it may have been a mistake for anet to stop with dungeons in the first place. I’m not sure how the decision to not include dungeons at all in the expansion affected their sales or the amount of players who left the game afterwards, but my dungeon guild mostly quit the game and my long list of friends are mostly inactive all of whom were active players and dungeon runners. If anything I think you could argue that not including any dungeons was a mistake and that more players preferred dungeons to fractals all along and it helped players become better at their class. Not sure if anet feels the same way with how things played out post release of HoT, but if it was a mistake then its another mistake not to correct it.

If you are an experienced dungeon runner and looking for people to do speed tours with pm us in game. We are looking to teach people tactics with a good base level of skill.

Bank Express - Remain Open While Moving?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

I would like to see this changed as well if possible. Having the bank stay open while moving would be nice and if this would be quick and easy to implement please do so.

Option to show party/squad health bars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Arenanet,

Could you please create an option to show player health bars? It would be useful to have for player roles such as regen druid in certain types of game play. There are 3rd party programs that have this option, but it would be great if you added this in as a selectable option under general options so players who want to have this feature don’t have to turn to 3rd party programs to do this.


Add radius on placement of interactibles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,
This is still happening and it would be much appreciated if you could fix this. Some players continue to place aviator boxes, merchant and trading post expresses etc, on top of meta event rewards or material nodes such as the rich quartz crystal formation at the skritt queen in dry top. If you could make the placement of these reward locations and other items that you interact with not conflict with the reward locations it would help the community.

Way to go with Caladbolg event!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

I also like having in game things to do to earn weapons and armor so this was good. Still hoping someday for a rising of the Temple of Ages so we can get back into FoW or UW zones for special weapons and armor skins. It was good though that this weapon was released as in game content and not exclusive on gem store!

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 4 -- Head of the Snake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

@Anet: So far, so good. The PvE game is in a good place right now. It feels like you guys are doing a really good job here. Also, thank you!

They made a dungeon? How can the PvE be in a good place without new dungeons?

All you do on these new maps is farm for skins.

Adding new dungeons wouldn’t do much. Players would grind out the currency daily to get the new skins, and likely achievements, before abandoning it. Fractals are what they’re focusing on as they’re pretty much no different than a dungeon path.

There was an active dungeon running community before HoT came out. Many of the dungeon running guilds disbanded and players quit playing when there were no new dungeons in the expansion. GW2 pretty much lost a whole part of its community when they were ignored for the $50-100 expansion at release. Fractals are what they are focusing on, but the mechanics in them are a bit different with the instabilities and style. A lot of the dungeon speed running skills are gone except for the few players who are still around and teach the tactics. Fractals and dungeons have some similarities, but they aren’t the same.

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 4 -- Head of the Snake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,

This episode was my least favorite so far of LS 3. The idea of a war going on for the new map is good and the map itself is nice, but there was no build up to this battle. The story was fast and very short, the boss fight at the end as many players have pointed out was cramped with camera angle difficulty in the little room. Please allow for map currencies to go into wallet. The Queen Jenna part killing people at will was silly and made me feel irrelevant.

I liked the campaign style missions and stories of GW1 more than the discontinuity with this season so far. First episode we go to bloodstone fen and fight White Mantle, second to fire islands dealing with Primordus, third episode we go to far north to fight with Jormag’s minions, 4th episode back to fighting White Mantle in a sudden large pitched battle. There was no build up because we are hopping from fighting one major enemy to another and we went from the bitterfrost frontier to fighting in a war against White Mantle in span of 1 episode. Please don’t made killing Primordus and Jormag a simple 1 episode mission using Taimi’s technology.

Appreciate all the new maps, please build with a campaign style. Thanks for all your work and effort!

(edited by Meiko Isamura.6352)

The HMS Divinity (new rifle)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,

It is now around 16 months after HoT was released. If possible can you please release a generation 2 legendary that is more widely used. Your last 3 releases have been mace, shield, and rifle. Can you please release a weapon that is used in more builds. Sword, great sword, dagger, or hammer please.

Thank you and take care!

Weapons and Armor to earn in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Anet,

I am a long time player of GW, both GW1 and now GW2. If it is possible could you please put more weapons and armor to be earned in game. It is great to have these things in game to work towards and I would be more inclined to purchase gems more often if this was the focus. Chaos gloves and the tormented weapon set are examples of things that players in GW1 had to earn through elite zone play or save up for in game. I would have liked to have earned them again in game. The open world that was released at launch has so much content to add things to. I would very much enjoy earning new things in game, whether in existing or newly created zones or events than purchasing them through gems! I hope there are creative ways you could add things into our existing zones. I hope that you will make this small change and find creative ways to add things in game, and that there are other players that feel the same way.

Thank you for all the work you do and for the great game you all make!
Take care!

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi ANet,

The new map is overall good. Here is some feedback…

The art is great, I wish there was more of the forest and that there was some more meaningful things to do there to justify being there more often. A world boss event or chain event would be nice. Please reduce the amount of mobs in the forest, the constant combat and chill condition becomes annoying. The forest is amazing though please make more of it and more reason to be there!

The torch map meta event is sort of disconnected, I don’t really see the purpose or meaning if it succeeds or fails. I like having a map event to do, please give it more meaning and purpose and be more clear about what happens if it succeeds or fails. Is there some reward if we keep all 9 torches lit and kill every champ before it concludes?

I would like more reason to be in the bitter cold as well. I like the concept of having to prepare to go into a dangerous area, but after completing story give me a reason to go back to it.

More relevant instanced content would be great. Since HoT came out and my dungeon guild died I just play solo everywhere and would be nice to have an instanced thing to do in a zone. I liked the GW1 dungeon concepts from EoTN, or something similar to this. If you only want to make new fractals then please do a fractal relating to recent events. A fractal from each of the new maps within a few months of them being released I think would help connect them to the game more than a fractal from LS season 1 that occurred a few years ago. I like playing as small teams so instanced things are good!

I like more serious maps, having one or two entertaining things in the game is ok, but less silly things like the circus in Ember Bay etc is good. Those of us who played the zones in GW1 would probably like for them to sort of feel like they are still related, dangerous areas and not where silly things exist.

I hope this was helpful and constructive feedback please keep up the good work and Happy Thanksgiving!

Severe DC Issues in Bitterfrost Frontier

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352


I have been dc’ing all over Tyria, in the new Bitterfrost map and anywhere else in the world I go since last night. My progress is saved, but the dc’s are too frequent to accomplish much! Hopefully this is fixed soonish!

[Guide] Adventures: Silver, Gold, and beyond

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Thank you for making this guide it is very helpful. I really dislike that the adventures are part of the mastery system. I really dislike repeating them over and over to try and get mastery points that I need to make generation 2 legendary weapons and for progress in mastery lines. Please Anet do not make a similar system again where required things are hidden behind these side games.

Feedback: Heart of Thorns (1-Year Follow-Up)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hello ArenaNet,

I am a long term GW player, I don’t play any other MMO’s or computer games for that matter, just GW1 then GW2. You made a great game at launch, I hope that you can continue that way! Having played all of your GW1 and GW2 campaigns, HoT is my least favorite. I have been trying to appreciate it more, but I still have to place it last. The adventures are really far too difficult to be a part of mastery points and repeating them takes my enjoyment out of playing GW, which is quite hard to do. I also very much enjoyed the 5 player instanced format and the expansion unfortunately didn’t include anything in that. I hope that future expansions will take place in all of the worlds that GW1 included and that you will include many types of game play in them as you did in GW1 with the various forms of PvP and PvE. That is me hoping and what I really enjoyed! Thanks for the work you do, cheers and good luck!


STEALTH BUG after Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hi Arena Net, just throwing another comment on here to please fix stealth bug! Players are being revealed for no reason and skills such as Shadow Refuge are only lasting about 3-5 seconds before we are randomly revealed again. Thanks and hope can find solution soon.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meiko Isamura.6352

Meiko Isamura.6352

Hello this is a post for my friend who is locked out of their account and their support ticket was started over 7 days ago please reference ticket #1370162. Hoping this can help their account issue get resolved so they can log into GW2 and play again. Thanks!