Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Showing Posts For Memphisjz.1405:
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
More of a QoL issue:
items sold by Scholar Glenna such as
Spectral Talisman
Spectral Ward
Spectral Balm
Spectral Juju
Talisman of Manton
Talisman of Holt
Talisman of Garr
Talisman of Irwyn
Have each time the same icon, and EXACTLY the same description without any further information on what selectable stats they provide? Sure, you can use the wiki.. but i think isn’t good game design to rely on an external wiki to actually know what an item does.
Furthermore, not every player knows how to use the wiki, so it is just bad design. It’s a rather expensive item to buy only to realise ‘oh it doesn’t provide the stats i need.
What so hard about at least re-using names such as Assaulter, Defender, Healer, Malicious
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Half of the options are missing from the menu of the in-game bug reporting menu.
Raids, living story, … so many options not represented.
I’m not even sure the bug reporting even does anything anymore, or is just completely deprecated.
Update or remove from game please.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
This bug has been in the game since launch, and i assume i am one of the few noticing it due to my set-up.
How to replicate:
- Set windows default audio device to your headset
- Set Guild Wars 2 audio setting NOT to windows default, but specifically choose something else like your speakers.
Every sound in-game will play through your speakers as expected, but whenever a cutscene starts in Living story, part of the sound will play though the headset. (i think the sound effects + dialogue goes through headset but some parts remain on the speakers)
Very annoying, as i always have to hurry to pick up my headset whenever a cutscene starts.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Or are we just giving up on trying to ask for a fix?
If an enemy is just running away from you and you rush towards him, you still fling your sword in the air without a hit cause the animation is too slow (or you seem to stop moving for a slight moment just before you fling).
This skill makes no sense 90% of the time.. When you use it when you are right in front of an enemy, you just rush past him and don’t even swing.
It’s been like this for years. can you please fix this annoying kittenty skill?
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
You should also look into finding a way to have the 3-server-matchup system auto-balance itself.
In all these years, the 2 lesser servers never team up vs the winning one.
It’s always like this:
Winner attacks server 2, server 3 is too bad to do anything vs winner, so just picks the easy target, server 2.
There should be a way to encourage the 2 losing servers to actually fight the winner.
Something like increased rewards / points for taking objectives from the winner. Double the score from the next tick on capturing something from the winner, etc.
I don’t know how, just find a way to stop the ’let’s bully the biggest loser for easy points’
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Please rework brutal shot. it’s slow and annoying. Yes, having an evade is nice, but the way this is implemented is just lazy: “shoot, activate dodge animation”
The immobilize is great, but the forced backwards roll make the skill a useless offensive skill when chasing someone.
Two simple changes
- make cast time instant (reduce damage if you feel it needs to because ‘balance’)
- make character dodge instantly as well, in the direction the character is moving
it has to become instant to be of use as a ‘avoid the enemies spike’. by the time it casts, you’re already stunned or whatever
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
- Play Stronghold Only with a 5 man premade
- Have a Mesmer and 2 heal elementalist
- Enemies can’t touch the bombers due to blur, when they can you just heal them.
- But no heals needed though due to perma regen and protection
- Stripping boons is futile
Check out this pro balanced game !
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
With all due respect Anet, can you give me an explanation on why you designed this instancing mechanism so bad? what technical restriction is there to prevent the guild hall from just being 1 instance for every member?
ATM we are 25 minutes in to trying to get into the same instance so we can continue our christmas party.. 25 people alrdy in same instance, someone else joins and somehow gets in an instance alone, and our 25-men occupied instance gets closed and we are spit up again?
This design is just bad, sorry i can’t be constructive about this it’s just awefull
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Can you please fix the Arena Decorations ?
It can’t be that hard to fix it as worked fine before, i assume you just dont hot-fix it cause of low priority. I really need these for my guild’s christmas party this sunday.. pretty please
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
A few UI / usability improvements i would like to see
Skill bar 2 : Remove a single item, highlighted by the cursor
Utility Slot 7-9 : Can be used to slot 3 decorations to quickly swap between them
Clear Decorations : a hover tooltip to indicate what this does. I didn’t dare to press it as i don’t want to remove all my stuff. I would prefer a right-click on a decoration category to delete all the decorations of that type.
Atm i have 3 statues and some minor decorations stuck in a zone that was sealed in a recent patch. I cannot reach them so i cannot recover them. I’m not gonna press ‘clear decorations’ and remove a whole JP just for those statues
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
If you say ‘players can also earn a pip by fighting stronger teams and still reaching a certain score’.
So uhm, why don’t players get to see this? if i’m getting steamrolled by a premade i would like to know what score i would have to reach to still get a pip. It would really be motivating.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
So before everyone goes ‘oh look another n00b crying’
I killed the Vale Guardian, but not with the character / build i like playing. (IMO, certain classes are WAY better than others for raids \cough heralds, condi engi) So then i thought ’let’s hope the rest is a bit different’.
- Escaping the ghosts is even more a DPS check
- Gorseval’s mechanic is easier than Vale Guardian but just requires even more DPS
I haven’t gotten any further, but i’m pretty sure you’ll mainly just need DPS.
Don’t get me wrong
Timers are good, as indeed you could otherwise just all be tank/healers and take 15min to kill a boss no problem.
What i would like to see
More complicated mechanics that force build diversity / synergy. You can swap skill / traits for free outside combat and between bosses. So for me, personally, raids should have mechanics like:
- Boss does a massive knockback sometimes, everyone without 2 stacks of stability is knocked out of arena and dies
- Boss has a massive attack that can only be avoided by stacking 10 stacks of blind on the boss (yes i know blind doesn’t stack, just an example)
- Boss immune to dmg, can only reflect his projectiles. Classes without a reflect would have a different role (like killing some adds or standing in certain location)
- Boss with crazy AoE patterns all the time, or just a bullet hell boss.
- Gorseval’s wall doesn’t take normal dmg, players need to throw 10 rocks into it that fall into the arena. They spawn far away so mobility is needed (teleports, etc)
- ..
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
With all due respect, i’m amazed these things get past quality assurance..
If everything works fine in your test environment, maybe also do QA in a live environment?
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Why do Writs have such crazy material requirements compared to other professions’ similar consumables? They serve as personal consumable and their cost to make is insane, and their benefit totally not worth the cost. Regardless of price of the mats (due to high demand now), it’s still totally not normalised with other professions.
Weaponsmith Consumable:
3 Bronze ingots
== 6 copper ore
== lump of tin
3 Piles of glittering dust
5 Rough Sharpening Stones
= 2h 30min worth of Nourishment
Scribing Consumable:
1 Vial of Weak Blood
1 Simple scribing kit
== 1 Green wood Pen ( 3 Copper ingots, 3 geen wood logs)
== 5 Piles of Glittering Dust
== 3 Resonating sliver
== 1 Crystalline bottle
== Jug of water
== 10 Pouches of brown pigment
1 Sheet of Coarse Paper
== 5 Green wood Pulps (= 15 green wood logs)
== Jug of Water
== Bolt of Jute (2 Jute Scraps)
1 Writ of Strengh
= 30min worth of Nourishment
This obviously needs normalisation.
Personal suggestion: it’s crazy that you need to use slivers on a consumable ! In fact, the Simple scribing kit is a crazy requirement.
It should be 1 piece of paper + 5 Piles of Glittering Dust+ 1 Vial of Weak Blood = 5 writs of strength.
Doing so will also make leveling a scribe easier.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Did you read the post? The problem is exactly that you can ONLY enter decoration mode by clicking decorations in your guild panel. So if place all your decorations, you cannot enter the mode anymore.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Hey Anet,
You forgot to add a button to enter decoration mode, so now that i placed all my guild decorations, i cannot remove any :-)
Yes i know, i could buy another decoration to enter the mode again, but still, a button might be handy
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
With all these new map-wide meta events from HoT, there is nothing more annoying than getting a disconnect or crash during one of the big events. People spend 15min+ clicking the ‘join in map’ to get back in their organised map. This is not fun gameplay.
How hard would it be to simply keep your spot reserved for 1 minute after a disconnect or crash, so you can always get back on the same map?
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Now that shield got a buff, i realised that :
Pommel bash : 15s cooldown, 1s daze, 377 damage (on my current build)
Shield bash: 16s cooldown, 2s stun, leap finisher, 849 damage (same build)
yes, OK, this has the shield trait for reduced C/D. But still, considering stun actually disables enemy movement and daze doesn’t, i think pommel bash could:
- Either get a 10s cooldown
- Or become a 2s daze
- Or get +15-20% damage
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
I actually like both ideas !
Please don’t nerf / remove them due to people already complaining before trying them.
I believe WvW people / commanders just need to change their ideas.
If i remember correctly, The point of a 3 way fight was intended that the 2 weakest servers team up vs the winning server. However, this is rarely the case, commanders of the 2nd best server just double team on the weakest server already under attack by the strongest. People just farm the paper towers and rarely bother with T3 stuff (there are exceptions, of course).
Hopefully now this will change a bit. Scared of a T3 SM? scared of getting bombed when attacking it? Don’t let SM reach T3 it’s that easy. If 1 server goes after the Towers / Keep of the SM owner, the third server has an easy time for SM. Outer walls can be trebbed, 1 gate can be rammed in less that a minute.
While i don’t want to insult anyone or try to sound smarter than some players, i do believe a large percentage of WvW population are spoiled brats. they expext to capture every objective without hardly any resistance. Siege Weapons are ridicoulously cheap, cause the current game hardly requires you to use a lot of them. i’m a 100% fan of having epic siege wars, 10+ trebuchets on each side, small groups with ballista’s to take out siege, …
Anyway, i could keep going on like this. The point is, maybe change is good! wait it out and see. Maybe commanders have to stop double teaming the weakest enemy, and unite against the strongest!
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Welcome to the Desert Borderlands Stress Test
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Memphisjz.1405
Great changes!
A humble request for an additional general WvW Change:
Can you please add a number floater for Trebuchet Mastery #5 ‘Basic shots that hit enemy supply depots will now destroy 10 of the objective’s supply’. Or any form of indication that you are actually successfully draining on hit?
Currently, it is impossible to tell whether or not you are actually draining the supply depot, rendering this mastery useless. After all this time i’m still not sure whether you actually have to hit the supplies themselves. or whether it is sufficient to just land a hit on the depot building (e.g. the roof of the supply depot)
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
I’ve browsed through 8 pages of post in here to find a similar post but i can’t.
Is it just me that is immensely bothered by the fact that you have to make a choice between extra agony resistance, or a +5 power/prec/condi or +5 toughness/vitality/.. and – 1% dmg from WvW NPCs?
I’m a player that plays all parts of GW2 (sPvP, WvW, Dungeons, Fractals)
And it really frustrates me that i have a separate set of trinkets/backpack with Agony Resistance just for fractals.. Now with fractals level cap being increased in HoT, i don’t want to replace my current +5 toughness and -% WvW guard dmg infusions for more Agony Resistance.
*Please add additional separate AR slots to all Ascended Gear, or better, change the way AR works all together." Maybe it can work the same way Magic find works now. i.e. Fractals will drop consumable items that increase your AR permanently account wide.
With the craftable infusions, it should really just be possible to freely extract an AR infusion so it can be upgraded. Why would i use a +10 AR infusion if i’ll need another 2 to create a +11 one?
So many QoL changes that can be done to AR…
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
The rush animation should really be 30-50% faster as it currently is.
If you chase a person with swiftness running away from you, you only close the gap with about 300 range. Compared to the ranger GS leap, rush is completely pathetic.
There is even a small slowdown when you start casting the skill, which i noticed running paralel to a random person. Once the animation starts, i fell behind +- 100 range
It wouldn’t be so bad if other classes got fixed. aka fresh air ele can cast all its skills without even facing you. So it’s really annoying to catch up to those classes that can just run away whilst doing damage.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
To keep it short, here is some motivation/insights as to why there is a problem:
Exhibit A: Lower tier crafting material is expensive
Exhibit B: The most lucrative use for karma is to buy low level gear, MF forge it, and salvage it for lower tier materials.
Exhibit C: People do not level their characters on purpose just to get more lower level gear (chests etc.)
The problem:
I helped out a friend on a new account lately, and wanted to show her crafting. However, i was unable to show her much, as the crafting materials where insanely expensive for a new player.
Likewise, it is much more profitable as a new player to just sell all you crafting stuff you salvage, rather than exploring crafting yourself.
Can we please just get more appropriate level loot?
Maybe add a rule that every rare/exotic drop is your level, but blue and green items have a much higher chance of being the downscaled level?
After doing a downscaled dungeon run today (TA Exp, no skipping, kill each mob), all my loot is level 80 beside 1 piece of level 75. Not a single piece of level 55 armor or weapon to be found
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
I’ve Google’d about this skill and apparently people were complaining about this skill ages ago already. When would you ever use this skill?
This skill has a very long cast-time and hardly does any damage at all. It feels pretty useless and doesn’t fit with the rest of the tool kit skills IMO.
It should at least give the same bleeding as caltrops IMO.
so instead of a mere 1 stack of bleed for 2s, 2 stacks of bleed for 3s.
The shorter cooldown of Box of Nails is then justified by the fact that they only last 4s while caltrops last 10s.
Cast-time should be 1/4s
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
This skill always misses when shooting towards an opponent slighty sideways of yourself while moving.
Repeatablity: go to heart of the mists, and find a golem. put yourself 3m away from the golem and strafe around it by running circles. look slighty away from the golem. Your autoattack will hit just fine, but blowtorch will always miss. This is really annoying as this skill has a lot of damage.
Here is a screen. you can clearly see the fire trail going straight through the golem, yet no burn is applied.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
The skill clearly says “revives fallen allies”
and not "will heal up allies in an attempt to instantly revive them, but will fail due to poison applied on the downed enemy with low health’
For an elite skill, it should be guaranteed that the downed ally revives from it.
Can’t you just change the skill that instead of healing the ally for a huge amount, you just trigger the ‘revived’ action?
it’s been 3 years … Thanks !
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Love the change, nothing was more irritating than setting up a great bottleneck, only to watch the enemy melee train just Choo Choo through it like they don’t care.
There aren’t nearly enough boon-stripping skills in the game to counter the perma stability these melee trains have.
But i have the feeling i’m the only one who has a different vision of what ‘Massive WvW fights are’, 2 60-men blobs running into each other 24/7 is boring.
I wanna see massive fights like Anet demonstrates in their videos.. several 5-man teams trebbing from various locations, tactical siege play, a 10 man team ramming gate Y while another small team takes a necessary objective. For these smaller scaled fights, you should have enough stability stacks
Taking an objective should be a true effort from everyone, not just 60 people smashing on a gate FTW. All this hate on the forums for defenders shooting AC at you etc. Well, if the defenders took the time to properly siege a tower, I believe it to me more than fair that it should be hard to take. Similarly, stability shouldn’t just be a Press to Win button, allowing you to ignore a nice bottleneck trap
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
The necro downed fear skill still applies fear even if you interrupt the cast.
You can see the downed necro stop casting, but moments after you still get feared.
very annoying if you use mesmer F3 to safe stomp, only to see you still get feared
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Also what’s the “give no credit” thing supposed to do? Surely give them dishonour so that they can’t join another game for a while?
It’s unacceptable someone gets 500 rank up points for doing nothing and just afk’ing at spawn.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
5s standing still in the base.. that should be obvious
I imagine that mechanic would be harder to implement than you realise.
Euhm not really
- They already have an afk kick after certain time (they can reuse this for timer)
- They already have a mechanic to detect whether you are in a certain zone or not (like WvW safe zones at spawn)
it’s as simple as ‘IF in-spawn AND afk-for-X-seconds —> penalty’
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
5s standing still in the base.. that should be obvious. edited it
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Two simple suggestions:
Waiting in queue is already annoying enough, so why on earth do we have to wait an extra 2 minutes before each round to start? Can we please do any of these (or multiple):
- Put the ‘are you ready’ dialog box in the middle of the screen, it can’t be dismissed
- Add a -100 point penalty if you do not ready up
- Reduce the pre-match time to 1 minute?
How many times i’ve kindly asked everyone to ready up, just to get a troll response like ‘meh don’t feel like it’
Secondly, i’m fed up with people afk’ing in spawn after we lost the first fight. they immidialty give up. Can’t you come up with something like:
- If you stand still for longer then 5s at the spawn you get no credit
- You get teleported out of spawn after 5s of standing still
- Give no credit if the majority of the time during the round was spend at the spawn
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Well i would be perfectly fine with a “Guild Instances do not contribute towards achievements, nor give rewards” option. I just want to have fun with people I know!
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
I bought all Bag expansion slots for my character,
160 inventory space, i currently have 25 left.
- 10 slots halloween crap food
- 15 slots wintersday clothes, crap, ..
- Bandit crest stacks
- Geode stacks
- Organ bags (keeping for next patch cause “jeeeuj” more RNG)
- Tonics, Toys , ….
Every Patch they come out with more crap that just pollutes my inventory. The worst part is the Container-In-Container-In-Bag. Jezus Christ my finger hurst from just clicking all the lame things!
Click Gift -> Click Clothes Container -> Click Salvage Kit -> Click Clothes
4 Clicks for a pointless item !
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Why is it impossible to enjoy activities as a guild?
- I want to play Lunatic Inquisition with my guild. I’m 100% sure this game is never played as it is intended. Currently people just suicide to become a ghost and get more points. Not a single villager teams up and coordinates. If you would play this as a guild, villagers would team up, lay traps, ambush the ghost. It would actually be possible for the villagers to win this game through fighting, instead of just finding a lame hiding spot and afk’in for the rest of the game.
- I want to play Snowball Mayhem with my guildies, not some random players
- I want to race my Guild in Winter Wonderland
- I want to race my Guild in The Clock Tower
- I want to play Keg Brawl with my Guild
- I want to play Sanctum Sprint with my Guild. I mean, how AWESOME would this be.
- …
It can’t be that hard to implement this, so why don’t you?
No, instead i have to come up with my own open world activities to do as a christmas party for my Guild. Spending 10g on Snowman tonics for everyone just so we can have a snowball fight and keep score. Finding a cool JP to race with my guildies, …
You already have all the activities i need, will you please stop forcing me to use hotjoin for all of them !
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
I would LOVE to see this more generalised towards other activities.
This game is called Guild Wars 2, Yet it is impossible to enjoy this very cool content as a guild
- I want to play Lunatic Inquisition with my guild. I’m 100% sure this game is never played as it is intended. Currently people just suicide to become a ghost and get more points. Not a single villager teams up and coordinates. If you would play this as a guild, villagers would team up, lay traps, ambush the ghost. It would actually be possible for the villagers to win this game through fighting, instead of just finding a lame hiding spot and afk’in for the rest of the game.
- I want to play Snowball Mayhem with my guildies, not some random players
- I want to race my Guild in Winter Wonderland
- I want to Race my Guild in The Clock Tower
- I want to play Keg Brawl with my Guild
- I want to play Sanctum Sprint with my Guild. I mean, how AWESOME would this be.
- …
It can’t be that hard to implement this, so why don’t you? No, instead i have to come up with my own open world activities to do as a christmas party for my Guild. Spending 10g on Snowman tonics for everyone just so we can have a snowball fight and keep score. Finding a cool JP to race with my guildies, …
You already have all the activities i need, will you please stop forcing me to use hotjoin for all of them !
Out of fear being buried here, If you support this idea, post on the more generalised idea:
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
How can you make such a backwards progress towards cool replayable content…
Please add a retry button in EVERY FUTURE patch
As well as a ’Skip Cutscene" Button
BRB, Gonna wait for Wynne to run back for the 10th time …
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Simply suggestion, but it would be so much more rewarding to use a trebuchet:
Can you please add additional number floaters to indicate:
- Whenever i drained 1 supply from an enemy
- Whenever i actually hit the supply depot and drain 10 supplies of a tower
I know there is a draining symbol above enemies, but you can’t see that as trebber yourself. So istead of just seeing my screen filled with the damage floating numbers of poison tick, i’d like to see my drain effects too.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
I’m sure many people are aware of this issue, but i would really like to see it solved.
I, as most players do, constantly use my right-mouse to rotate my camera. Which leads to following situations over and over again.
- I play a warrior, i fight a thief, i shoot my bow at him.
- The thief stealths in front of me! Oh No!
- Perfectly aware of his location right next to me, i want to hit him hard with my fan of fire.
- Instead of shooting straight forward to where my camera is aiming, my character just shoots straight into the ground.
This happens cause your camera direction is also used to aim without a target. Problem is i like to look at the floor beneath me too for AoE spells, so let’s say my camera is at a 45 degree angle.
Is it really that hard to ensure that a targetless shot will be a shot above ground? Surely some code should be able to fix this.
While this might seem like a silly bug, i’m pretty sure it results in a significant dps loss cause of all the missed attacks.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Can you please reduce the distance between Rox’s Quiver and the back of a Charr? i know most charr back pieces look ugly anyway, but since this is a gem-store item, it would be nice if it would actually look nice. With my weapons drawn, the Quiver is just floating so far from the back. (even when not drawn does it look silly)
Since i payed for it, i’d like to see this fixed! Pretty please! I imagine it is only a variable that needs to be changed
See attachment
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Since the last patch, Call To Arms (warhorn skill on warrior that applies weakness), now gets you into combat with critters.
This is very annoying when just running around. Please fix this :-)
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Please stay on topic guys.
As long as the defenders outsmart the attackers by countering any siege, no reinforcements should ever be needed to show up. You are supposed to be safe inside your tower!
Only when the attackers find high ground, or countered your siege before you could react, ONLY THEN should reinforcement come to wipe them.
Why have supply in the game in the first place if there is absolutely no need to use it?
Player vs Door has to go!
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
I Play on Far Shiverpeaks, We have Queue’s on all maps during primetime.
I’m even talking about EB towers that just get PvD’d.
But i’ll stop discussing this with you. You don’t bring any reasonable argument to this topic, and calling me a whiner doesn’t make you a very mature forum user.
If you would have actually read my posts, you would know we spot the blob incoming, and i even start draining their supplies with a cow before they reach the gate.
Ac’s are gone is mere seconds due to AoE.
I have given tons of arguments why PvD has to go. Where is your reasonable argument?
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
So, I wanted to come up with some real numbers.
Due to reset night, we had a 60 man blob on TS willing to PvD a door down for science .
For Science:
- 60 Man Blob
- Not everyone had 25 might stacks (nor full bloodlust stacks)
- No rams used
- Wooden gate
Time to PvD this gate: Exactly 45 Seconds.
If we buffed a bit better we could probably reach 35-30 seconds (since Fiery Greatsword are OP on gates)
As a next test, i timed how far i can run in 45 Seconds, having permanent swiftness.
As it turns out, running from the South hills gate to the Greenlake gate is a 45 seconds run. In other words, the whole ‘You just delay em by killing siege till backup arrives’ is completely invalid. Your backup will almost always be late!
Running from the SE Waypoint to the lake tower is 55 seconds run btw.
AkA Blobs melt ridicilously fast with PvD alone, if we would have bothered to build a ram to speed it up, we would be inside in 20 seconds.
No blob ever would have been able to react to the report of Greenlake being under attack….
Get rid of PvD !
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
It has nothing to do with time Blix. This game shouldn’t all be "All blob together, wait for reports and then go fight blob vs blob there.
There are situations (e.g nightcapping) where our server is down to say 30, and the enemy has a blob of 60. There is no way we will be able to ever wipe them. The only thing we can do to prevent from losing our keeps during the night is:
- upgrade them
- place siege everywhere
- put supply traps
All this effort is useless as a 60 man blob can just PvD
That group of 30 defenders should be able to defend that keep for as long as they outsmart the enemy.
If the blob loses all their supply for being too dumb and standing in supply draining cows, then that is their fault. It takes a while to resupply a full blob, giving the defenders some time to recap a camp, preventing the attackers from getting more supply etc.
Supply traps, Supply draining cows for players, supply drain for buildings on normal shot..
They all illustrate that there is the idea that supply should be a valuable thing to have.
However, due to PvD, there is absolutely no need to “abort an assault due to lack of supplies”.
The whole “Buying time for reinforcements to come wipe” argument is invalid too IMO, As long as the attackers can’t clear all the siege in the tower, it should be impossible for them to take it. How often do you see blobs look for high ground to place a treb to clear a tower? Oh that is right, never! No tactics needed to farm the WXP now.
Give defenders (and outnumbered groups) a chance to mean something for the server. I’m perfectly fine to lose my tower if the attackers outsmarted me by using a Treb spot I never thought of, or place catapults in one of our “blind spots”. I even learn from these losses. But if some dedicated defenders spend hours to make a super fortified fortress, Give them the epic defence they deserve!
Still waiting for the first decent counter-argument!
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
Most annoying thing ever. Just do a rollback on whatever you changed since last patch on the minimap please…
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
VOLKON, you still seem to lack the points i have made in this post.
Even if you use the glitch to throw siege from below (making it semi-float in the air), at the very edge of the stairs leading up to the walls, it is still in range of AoE. (Meteor shower OP radius)
So you can’t stand on a wall as a defender to shoot down the enemy AC that they build 4meter behing the gate. Every AC you build inside the courtyard can’t hit that 1 AC, so you lose ALL your siege.
PvD isn’t the only problem with AoE, it’s the fact that walls are actually advantages to attackers (blocks arcing shots of trebs/mortars)/ and creates a safezone for the attackers since every defender stupid enough to go stand on the wall will pulled of, or nuked to death from AoE.
Defenders have to stand on the very edge (dead-zone) not to get a Line of sight problem to shoot down.
Attackers can hug the wall in their safe zone and just spam AoE on the top of the wall (no LoS needed to hit those on the wall)
PvD has to go, once i made that clear to Anet, i’ll start a new thread: “Stop the Bullet Hell!” How to fix?
- NO skills can be casted on the side of walls (the circle will just appear as red and say ’can’t cast here’). Only on the horizontal surfaces should players be able to cast skills.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)
Exactly, if defenders bother to repair a gate (and thus spend at least 30-40 supply to close it), attackers should also be forced to spend supply to open it again. Now you can just kitten on a gate for a few seconds and it’s open again…
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
If you’re losing structures to PvD, blame your own server for failing to seige, scout and respond.
What an original reply! Calling us failures without even knowing who we are and how properly we can siege/scout a tower. Gates melt too fast, it is impossible to get back to every tower in 20 seconds.
Additionally, as most people, you don’t seem to have read this whole post, as you forget that 1 silly shot of a thief can contest a keep for 3 minutes, thus preventing the main force from arriving faster. Another reason why PvD has to go.
And to everyone that can only counter-argument with “You expect to win 5 vs 60, hahaha”. Read this post more clearly.
5 SMART people residing in a heavily fortified tower should be able to hold 60 DUMB attackers. Indeed, theoretically there is no way that those 5 guys will be able to stop 60 people IF that 60 people would actually use their brain instead of Trololo Karmatrain.
If those 60 people build 4 trebs in spread out location, preventing the defenders from countering them all at once (assuming 1 defensive treb + mortar), there is indeed no stopping them.
Currently, Defenders are required to use smart siege tactics, trap placement, long scouting etc. for almost 0 rewards. Attackers aren’t required to do anything but spam 1 on a gate and get all the WXP. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. It shouldn’t be so easy for attackers if defenders have such a hard time
Currently, i haven’t seen a single decent counter argument. Everyone claiming we are elitist etc. You are clearly not a dedicated WvW player that plays it for the WAR. Everyone against the removal of PvD is just karma/XP train noobs that see WvW as fast leveling for their alt. You are just scared that kitten ing around in a blob won’t be as rewarding as it is atm. Your opinion is invalid.
Treb Master of the Shiverpeaks
(edited by Memphisjz.1405)