No expectation = no disappointment.
Considering none of us have a clue about what is to come, its hard to be excited, get hopes up or even prepare for the worst.
All i can say, They better dazzle everyone or prepare to become Wildstar2.
Nice buff’s. Too bad i won’t have any use for them.
Besides maybe warhorn #5 (about time this was changed, this skill cancelled itself too often trough AA.)
I’m glad there is an awareness about signets not being used at all.
Maybe take a look at siphon and model a meta build from that perspective.
At the moment we are missing any combination between siphon, healing, support vs dps trough signets, leeching, traits and well pulses.
Also boonhate needs to be adressed,
Well of corruption: converting 1 boon per second ( if inside a well that pulses and is unblockable yet totally dodgable ) is too little for a utility with huge CD and considering our “stay put” control is minimal these wells serve less and less purpose each patch.
It simply isn’t enough in this meta and now that i can see what damage i do and what boons i convert. (i would invite everyone to take a look at your combat log when using this well in wvw for example) it does nothing unless you cast it on a moving group and even then the effect is minimal.
anyways.. There is still so much to tweak, you might want to take slightly bigger steps.
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
Makes everything better.
Dem bleed stacks on AA within 5 seconds. Oo while evading and healing like a madman.
man, saturday. the best day.wish AI had a D&D session at south
Did we ever actually get our CDI? As far as I was aware they only did Ranger, which actually turned out fairly well for them. But they are working on an expansion (which will be released soon™ ) and that’s bound to take away the free resources they’d use to help us. Not to mention Necromancer is entirely impossible to fix without new content, which probably isn’t something they can heavily address in a CDI.
Afraid not.
welcome back
According to my infractions and bans.
They are most definitely on this sub forum.
And have no sense of humor
Only a True WvW player doesn’t have karma
Only a True WvW player doesn’t have badges
Only a True WvW players doesn’t stay to cap
Only a True WvW player always puts his server first and stays in the keep to tap siege and watch enemy blobs while wasting all funds and resources on helping that server.
iow. Only a True WvW player doesn’t play WvW but is forced to play this way due to game mechanics.
PS: Only a True WvW player wouldn’t dare rolling a power ranger.
I came to the conclusion that the faith of a server depends on 5 people holding their kitten together.
I and some other dedicated players basically held the borderland together and made it playable for the rest of the server.
2 to cap camps, 1 to scout, 2 to build siege.
Even though i spend loads of hours in WvW the rewards i got during the whole period where i was scouting and upgrading amounted to a total of – 50 gold.
No loot, no rewards no nothing except appreciation.
We only could hold 1 keep with a waypoint if we had a decent size group running around in wvw that we could call back to our borderland.
One thing i can say about scouting without swords.
In the end nothing was gained with this event for defensive roamers, heck we don;t even have time to stay in a circle to cap stuff because we need eyes here or there.
if these 5 people who kept the borderland clear were not around (and they won’t be next white swords event) WvW would be deader then dead in a paper borderland where no one would even try to upgrade.
another issue that arose with white swords is that as defender you also have less time and options because every freaking 50 minutes you have to do your rounds to give the server a fighting chance.
yesterday i was relieved and finally could enjoy fights versus players over a camp or tower without having to waypoint or run away to save this or that tower.
also the blobs are bigger then before, showing that white swords make people lazy..
but what do you expect from a game where people come to enjoy and relax.
All white swords did was make sure defending servers sunk more gold and bought more traps.
Without a population fix on ALL SERVERS you can create event after event and never get a good result.. ever.
So: FIX server populations on maps. (especially homeborderlands)
It should never be possible to have a Queue on home and after a population count find out you have no more then 40 people on the map.
Some servers got lucky and had a few transfers to make them competitive and have a handful of dedicated people willing to camp a tower and keep.
Other servers.. are not so lucky.
I was quite negative about the removal of white swords but if you got a reasonable match up with the dedicated scouts holding it together you find some enjoyment
I am wondering what can be added to replace white swords and beef up the defense or at least give 4 vs 20 a fighting chance when defending.
Of course this only counts if servers are equally matched.
I love to see small groups capping a camp before i come to solo it.
But also it is really nice to have some people to lean on, the cornerstone of a server is not the commander. It’s the people taking time to run the dolly, to scout that camp and who siege and defend that one tower.
The people that respond for that 1 supply you need. who come to support when you are contesting a camp.
iow The ones who follow mapchat and respond accordingly working around the commanders and making the map a playable environment for the commanders.
“We just rushed a waypoint in a wooden keep” is to show how important those players are.
but.. In the end you will need a healthy population and match up to enjoy it.
(assuming the players have the same skill level on power builds)
Fitg is a great way to keep on your toes while expecting a knock back especially vs pew pew rangers in WvW. (Retal + cleanse in DS)
Positioning determines the fight, LoS (line of sight) determines the place.
But put a ranger and necro on flat ground without cover and the necro has to have lifeforce to engage, has to blow his stunbreak and cleanse when getting close and finally try finish the ranger. (iow catch rapid fire, roots, the pets cc and the knock back) if you succeded with that then the ranger can be killed.) once you are close and the ranger doesn’t kite, then the ranger should be lunch.
If the ranger knows how to kite you have blown your cd’s and you need to hide/run or go all out in the hope the ranger makes a mistake.
The approach (start of the fight) is crucial, if the pew pew gets the jump on you from elevated range, it’s a auto K.O. (yeah yeah but lifeforce yep yep..) no. you dead period.
The commitment is not to your character but to your friends and family playing the game.
I still play because i have a few people i like being around with, not because this game has a huge draw on me to play or keeps me interested in its mechanics and story. (wich it should). No purely other people who you interact with is what keeps me playing. Otherwise i would have skipped this fluff anet trew out the last year and picked up
the other 50 awesome games released last years.
The other commitment is because of guildwars. there is still a hope that guildwars2 can live up to its predecessor. somewhere deep deep buried under my layers of cynicism.
But yeah, don’t like it don’t play it!
I get what you mean
= @ Work, fireworks all around me.
Good thing i have this bottle with me, now only hope no one calls in with emergencies, So you lot better not do stupid stuff!
Happy holidays
The only thing that excites me about PAX is PA’s D&D sessions.
I wish Chris Perkins would be on PAX south.
I see you met the mesmer, thief engie and warrior conditionbuilds.
And i guess you found out that these builds are way more efficient in wvw then necro can ever be.
Good for you,
Just reroll.
All other necro’s did.You’re kidding right? Necros pretty much hard counter condi builds, especially engi. It’s probably a good thing you rerolled.
maybe read back what i wrote?
“efficient then” is the key phrase here.
but yeah , what would i know ^^
This post, It brings so much feels.
Agree with every line in the post. even the necro sigil line (i can’t defend the class anymore since there is only one build sorta viable)
The meta is a monstrosity.
I see you met the mesmer, thief engie and warrior conditionbuilds.
And i guess you found out that these builds are way more efficient in wvw then necro can ever be.
Good for you,
Just reroll.
All other necro’s did.
necro is ok if supported, terribad when roaming on power spec ad dead meat running into a ranger that can keep it’s range.
Pew pew dead is basicly the reason necro’s can’t roam.
That and lack of mobility/blink/tp/invul/etc/etc/etc
When zerging you play power well spec, when roaming you pay full glass zerk or condi, neither are significant if your opponent is mobile hence you will only win versus overconfidence and basically lose versus anyone that knows how to play their profession. especially because every player knows necro’s weakness. range/mobility/sluggish casttimes/ targeting failures all around. (why does necro need LoS as a casting profession with homing projectiles?? further more, why homing projectiles? they never hit anyway)
Man i can go on and on about how bad this profession is becoming no wonder I hardly visit this subforum
Concerning WvW
The Good (aka clint eastwood):
…. they removed. no! wait , they added… something…. one sec.. .. guys what did anet add to WvW that was good? They removed some bugs they created to begin with…
Ok back.. So Anet removed bugs in WvW! and they … ehrm.. one sec..
Guys anything else they add in WvW? didn’t they add tournaments? no that was 2013 Oh .. well they did.. ehrm.. they added traps and siege and started working on splitting the zerg trough removal of white swords as a test. Cool thanks
So.. anet added the removal of white swords and started working on population balance.. i think!?
Further they added small things like more hp the back door of garry so it can now take a good pounding before prolapsing.
The bad (aka Lee van Cleef):
Not much bad things have happened to WvW, since not much has changed not much could go wrong, besides the population diminishing and people all moving up to higher tiers wasting their gems (that are hard to earn in WvW).
Guys what bad stuff happened to WvW in 2014? nothing changed and it became the stale same old same old repetitiveness.
But can you call that bad? No dude, i call that ugly! . but to come back to your previous question, i did find that they fixed the “stuck bug” and they made people re-spawn when dead In august.
Ah good , so they did add stuff to WvW? No dude, they fixed stuff. Awh come on, they must have added some content that made the gamemode more attractive and fun right? No dude, It depends on what server you are on and what population that server can muster, but even if you are on a stacked server and have fights, nothing has changed in 2014.
The Ugly (Eli Wallach):
Ok moving on, i guess we can skip the ugly huh guys? Dude i havn’t played the game in a couple of months why are you asking me these questions?
Oh sorry, i thought because you were logged in you still play
Naw dude i am only here for the rewards for doing nothing
and chatting with you because you don’t want to install skype.
Ah ok.. wanna do some pve? i need this reward thingy to add to other thingies making me spend 20 gold to have a backpack thingy that i have to grow nto another thingy to spend another 20 gold to finally have the thingy become acsended.
No kitten off.
(The unsalted opinion of “the guild”) ^^
Guildwars had these new story instances where guildwars2 was introduced (sortof)
iow, you were able to play the npc’s.
as i saw the possibility to swap to thief skills last LS i was wondering if it would be possible to play the bad guy in future Living Stories.
I would love to play a Elder dragon minion and raid a town of Quaggan.
Or be a grasping vine and strangle our protagonists.
Maybe play Caith and see her adventures?
etc etc..
Dead Quaggan hanging from a tangled vine after my character gave him bags of gold expecting some karma or something and getting nothing in return but one sentence = good.
Nothing would tempt me, leveling turned grind, skills now have to be bought or unlocked per char and the last thing i want to do is pve for levels.
i’d rather use the 350 ish tomes to level, rob one of the kids in LA and buy my traits.
but it will never happen because i maxed my chars maxed the game and maxed out endgame.
iow only thing to achieve is legendaries, and we all know that won’t ever happen unless you buy your gold.
so.. Meh.. got better things to do, like complaining on the forum.
Don’t care about it.
Simply don’t care about a reward system when base mechanics are overlooked.
Also because of no hard content or decent changes to the game mode i play (Yes the one that offers the least amount of rewards)i used to welcome dailies upon completion.
The salvage daily was the only one i would achieve on regular basis/ not that i ever cared. remodeling laurels are something else.. especially for WvW players.
since no ascended trinklets are to be dropped this becomes freaking annoying!
But since i log into Gw2 to be annoyed instead of entertained it worked out fine.
To be fair, now that our server is fighting out manned it’s way easier to recap after the blob visited. but actually keeping a tower takes lots of dedication and constant guarding of the objective.
Though defending still has a lack of gameplay, (repair and upgrade events?)
Siege use is increasing drastically and gold and badges spending too.
When you are the one with a bigger population (or equal pop) the change can go unnoticed if there is server communication.
If you are the lower populated one the benefit is that you can recap, but forget about winning at PPT or upgrading.
The change has its positive and negative sides, it does demand a lot more dedication from the players.
The initial expectations people had are confirmed, but the experience offensive roamers have did become better.
now, to work on the keep defense players and roamers.
I thought he was going to break up during the holidays. ^^
Oh, we know this feeling.
Really fun video, and i found out I’m not the only one roleplaying with npc’s when alone in a tower.
Ps: Yes you could have bought one easy considering the loot you are missing while being a dedicated sieger upper.
Gamemode destroyed and deader then dead.
Mission accomplised another couple hundered dedicated players kittened off and disenfranchised.
And it is a hundered because basicly most wvw players already bailed when realizing this gamemode will never get something that actually promotes the way of playing everyone want to come out of wvw [i can here people thinking “then don’t blob”]
bleeding out some may say.All i know that the 150 players on our server still want fights and basically we went OS to battle our opponents there, because kitten knows how we could find them otherwise.
Nice “event” though, exactly what we needed in WvW.
For further information about how to fix WvW see the 3000 posts in this subforum begging for change. literally begging.
bye now. back to playing this war of mine , even though the game only lasts for a couple hours it has more endgame.
deader than dead? idk what server your on but when I was playing last night I got plenty of action, there’s just no massive 100 player zergs wiping maps anymore which is really nice if you ask me.
I agree reset is always pretty packed, there was also an influx of players wanting to check out the damage.
If you are fighting stacked versus stacked i can imagine blobs splitting under commanders.
But.. what if you are low tier?
Or have about 20 people defending on a map versus 100 people or vice versa.
What if your task is to upgrade keeps on home border?
What if you are a dedicated roamer rushing camps to keep the upgrades?
What if you have no people who camp objectives?
Or only have 1 commander online across borders?
etc etc.
The situation i described fits quite well with the situation on lower tier servers, especially from a defending perspective, as far as i have heard.
“Plenty of action” is decided trough population , as you said you don’t know what server i a am fighting on and i don’t know what you consider action
I too had plenty of action because i went OS with my server to fight other servers who also were appalled by the change.
After reset and the people saw what the “event” was about, population dwindled again and the K-trains and blobs were back in full force.
Again. the gamemode is dead it needs more to keep players interested.
I also realize Anet wants to introduce a finished product, unfortunately it won’t be until fall 2015.
I must admit there are some good things about this change, i too like not being jumped, and also the effect, that now, no roamer must pass untouched, which means getting map achievement will also become harder, which means the people who want to do completion are forced to group up and be more involved in WvW.
In the end the main issue remains, server population balance.
First off, nobody in this program is “becoming a dev”.
Second, no. I don’t recall any Necro players joining ArenaNet. I do recall Grouch, who’s an Engineer player, though.
Power was his name, he was hired for a short period.
Solid content across the board.
It’s what is needed especially when talking about GW2 endgame.
Pretty sure we shall see the return of the realm of torment and GvG as in guildwars.
In fact everything has been pointing in this direction.
The question is, will players still be around when it is introduced?
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
I would love to vote for Guildwars.
But unfortunately they will have to wait for next December for some solid voting.
Just like we shall have to wait for some solid content.
You will always encounter these things in alpha, missing window here, missing game mode, story and features there.
Just wait until they release the game and be patient for once.
I predict NCsoft will cut anets budget and eventually scraps anet after destroying the companies flagship game. Take the patented mechanics and implement a new Moba.
As in regards to home borderland:
Are you seeing more soloers? No
Are you seeing more havoc groups? No
Are you seeing more or less upgrades? Upgrades?
Are you seeing more or less upgrades on particular structures? None
Are you seeing more roaming scouts? No
Are the main zergs smaller? If so any idea why? Yes it became smaller because people got tired of the same stuff going on in WvW. iow nothing.
Are you seeing more stationary scouts? Yes, in citadel afk because why would one bother?
Are you doing more scouting than normal? No i stopped defensive scouting.
Are you seeing more or less fighting than normal? Less . way less.
Are you seeing people communicate more/less? More communication, mostly about how awful this “event” is.
Sneak attack event?
Bad idea is Bad, predictable and as many things considered a substantial update for WvW wich it is not.
If you want to test removing white swords, just go EotM.
The results of removing white swords were known when that “testing” map was released.
As an inveterate defender, I logged in last night and spent 5 hours scouting Hills on our home borderland. Probably saw 10-15 opposition players and 1 feeble attack all night. My reward for my diligence? Absolutely nothing, no dailies completed, 1 kill giving the obligatory Spike as a reward.
The only reason for defending was because it had a Waypoint and was fully upgraded but I still had to watch other T3 towers suddenly change colour to 2 or 3 attackers, with no way of stopping them. Even leaving the tower to scout the area or complete dailies left the keep vulnerable.
Come reset I doubt me or anyone else on my server will bother to even start upgrades and because we are a lower tier server there will be little else to do other than run around looking for the usual 10-20 ‘visitors’ we get for reset.
With the ridiculous amount of time it takes to upgrade a keep to T3 why would any sane person consider this to be a fun way of spending their time or see it as an improvement in gameplay?
At least with the white swords it gave defenders a clue as to where the opposition was on the map thereby allowing them time to go and recap a supply camp or kill a sentry or even do the gathering daily without worrying if the keep they have been scouting for the last 4-5 hours will still be there. You may as well remove all the towers from the game and just leave the 3 keeps on each map as they are now worthless to the home team.
As for PPK? Whoopie kitten Doop! On a good night that may give us 40-60 points on our home BL as we have most of our people in EB. Our last 3 matchups have had our few guild groups jumping from map to map looking for anything to fight during primetime and now, by the time something has flipped and we have called reinforcements from EB the opposition have disappeared to another map.
I fail to see how things like this, along with some pathetic rewards is supposed to encourage people into WvW and with PvE hardly giving a challenge it is no wonder the WvW population is shrinking.
Maybe it is time for Anet to revisit their pre-launch manifesto?
I like everyone to meet Tich.
Tich is the most dedicated defender residing on GH, If not in the whole game.
Want proof? GH has a tower named after him.
If anyone wants a honest opinion about objective defense, then the words Tich speaks are to be considered the Defenders Commandments.
A few T2 EU servers decided to instead of playing WvW to go to OS to fight eachother.
after one server got beaten they decided to go to the winning servers garrison to farm and be farmed.
Ended up with a huge fight in Garri without the attacking server wanting to cap it because they would probably spend another x amount of time trying to find the opponents.
-As for defending, keeps are mostly untouched , we have players porting around the maps to see it stuff is being attacked.. iow not playing the game they want to play it. and we outnumber our opponents at certain hours.
Also towers are now hard to defend by a roaming borderland patrol group.
objectives are flipping and flipping making the upgrade system less important.
Upgrading doesn’t matter anymore unless you can get your keeps to T3 wich means rushing waypoints is now a valid tactic.
Defense is gone unless you are stacked or camping towers.
“Thank god our server has some really tough and dedicated defenders” and one tower never falls when they are online.
The emptyness of the borderland maps and the distances people have to run to scout becomes even more obvious and rules some classes out as a roaming scouting class if you are into the ppt thing. (Dont get me wrong ppt is nice if you have a equal matchup with something to fight about , besides server pride)
Small roaming groups can do real damage now.
Golem rushing and soloing keeps is now too easy. ( promotes pay to win indirectly)
Meta builds are more wanted then ever.
I imagine a pew pew power ranger and pouf pouf thief camping routes to attacked objectives.
But considering no one really cares about ppt anymore its annoying to get jumped when you want to reach the bigger fights in your niche setup ^^
iow, offensive roaming paradise, defensive roaming nightmare.
I mostly regret not being able to use the word “contested” much anymore.
As far as the update goes: Too little too late for many players dedicated to WvW , however it does show how these changes can have an impact. for good or bad.
Suggestion for next update:
-Server achievements and events.
-WvW reward track.
-PPK zones around claimed objectives
-Removal of Keep lord rewards
-Increase of Rewards in WvW in general.
-Keep bag drops (they are a nice extra if people bother to pick them up, or see them at all in the first place)
-Server achievements and events:
Each server gets a list of objectives (balanced) and a reward for completion.
The events are something like holding a keep for a set amount of hours over a day.
however the events and achievements are conflicting with the events the other servers have and thus putting them in direct conflict.
Example: One server needs to capture each tower on a borderland map and hold them for a consecutive amount of time.
The defending server needs to hold two towers and 2 keeps for a consecutive amount of time too.
Clear UI messaging is required across borderlands once the objectives are held and the event starts. (much like the ruins and bloodlust)
-WvW rewardtrack:
Rewards per kill add up over the week adding to the reward track.
-PPK zone on claimed objectives
-Claimed objectives can be guild buffed to reward more points and loot per stomp/kill. Adding to the reward track.
Also make npc’s patrol the borders of these zones giving a clear indication the buff is active and giving roamers some extra tactical advantages. even designating a place where they can duke it out.
Example: a border can be right on a dolyak route to a tower. one side of the road is blue territory the other side is red, both sides have the buff on giving a slight advantage to either side. “someone has to cross to either kill or defend the dolyak”
Add zones to the ruins and maybe add smaller objectives that create extra “buffed zones” (gemstore or more ruin type of ojectives)
-Removal of keep lord loot and Wxp.
Instead add to the reward track.
-Give RNG rewards or killing spree rewards (for not dying yet getting a certain amount of kills over time = rng) goes well with certain gem store items and foods. In the form of a chest like daily rewards.
-Bag drops.
Keep em, add more bloodstone dust though maybe up the drop rate of certain stuff . (you know)
Of course you will need to think about out manned servers and have some reward tracks suitable for roaming groups, upgrading parties and scouts.
(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)
I use RNG to answer
Apparently my answer is:
I automobile forthcoming thus place 42 insurrection on red periodically.
Gamemode destroyed and deader then dead.
Mission accomplised another couple hundered dedicated players kittened off and disenfranchised.
And it is a hundered because basicly most wvw players already bailed when realizing this gamemode will never get something that actually promotes the way of playing everyone want to come out of wvw [i can here people thinking “then don’t blob”]
bleeding out some may say.
All i know that the 150 players on our server still want fights and basically we went OS to battle our opponents there, because kitten knows how we could find them otherwise.
Nice “event” though, exactly what we needed in WvW.
For further information about how to fix WvW see the 3000 posts in this subforum begging for change. literally begging.
bye now. back to playing this war of mine , even though the game only lasts for a couple hours it has more endgame.
Eotm.. the so called WvW test map.. where nothing gets tested or introduced.
Delete the kittening thing already, and while you are at it delete WvW.
The Seasons in WvW were already pretty bad, now it’s just so bad people are refusing to play because there is no enjoyment left for them since they prefer to play this gamemode over other modes.
you even made some pure WvW check out LS because , why not.. nothing happening in WvW anyway and they want to see where all the effort is being put into.
they were quite dissapointed after doing the LS.
iow. wvw is dead near dying, introduction of faulty mechanics next week wont help it, eotm is kitten and its time to play games that have some patches done more regularly.
Either remove WvW or don’t leave your customers hanging like they have been hanging for 2 years now.
Just give servers an objective line (and reward track), where when a server reaches an objective( within a certain time limit) they get a good reward. when they fail the objective the defending server(s) get 1/2 that reward.
Make these server objectives overlap in time with opposing servers.
implement a alliance score if a server completes objectives too easy.
etc etc etc etc.
See 3000 posts full of suggestions for more info.
It’s becoming more obvious that this game mode is an afterthought
I bet this will make sure rewards are equalized trough out the game.
going to play some sim city 2000 apparently you get it free with an Origin account.
Can you imagine getting an Origin account while you can play gw2?
yeah i never thought this would happen either.
I considered it, but I procrastinate too much. May give it a shot anyway.
You should.
Too many infractions floating around for the rest ^^ (Also EU)
To be fair it does cater to the WvW crowd.
log in, check wvw, tumbleweed, log out.
See you soon!
(They always come back.. you shall see..)
But totally logical man, most people taking a little siesta from here.
Is Bawb still around?
Maybe add siphon sigils and inteligence sigils, and energy sig.
Otherwise, considering you take siphon add a little healing power to the build. crits are nice but not the main focus om a mm build.
maybe take Consume conditions to heal some more and cleanse.
But if he is playing with family then the build is good and it already has healing..
Maybe add siphon sigils and inteligence sigils, and energy sig.
I don’t see this as a bad build at all. there is one variety and that is withTraining of the master and putrid explosion.
good build keep it!
New compname: EEEEW (T)
it’s kinda stinky ^^
Same discussion same answer:
WvW has not seen significant changes.
Spvp besides finally getting the foundation ready should see some significant changes (soon)
Pve got the best of it at the moment, but since they have their program set now and are getting more efficient in production. The wind of focus will probably change.
At least that is what i assume a lot of people are thinking.
ps nothing beats metaxa
im gonna get banned so quick due to miss interpretation ^^
To be fair GH has some amazing and well known communities dating back from Gw1 Launch, you don’t hear much about them but they are always there
Some questions:
-Are gathered infraction points a deciding factor in your application?
-Do we get XP for the amount of forum bans we accumulated.
-Is Anet to implement a collection tab for the two things mentioned above?
-Can spamming dev’s mailboxes ingame be added to the communicative experience section in the application?
-Does using – to make a point in a post help? (people love -’s)
If so i’ll apply!
Good initiative to be fair, and the results are unknown until you try.
wow it sure is promising when this is what our pvp devs know..
You’d be amazed at number of things I don’t know. :P
+1 , (as im always kittening at dev’s) good to see you’re up and out addressing your project and taking input.
(Man, can we vote to add to your workload and put you on WvW?)