Showing Posts For MiceElf.6897:

4/19 GoM/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Eh, never, ever again will I let an ET pass by to get a skillpoint or do the jump puzzle. Ever. I was unarmed, obviously trying to get to a skillpoint in EB, and every ET that saw me, jumped me. I have never killed an unarmed toon just trying to complete the map or do the puzzle. What sportsmanship is there is killing an unarmed toon? Hope the badge was worth it.
To the GOM that let me pass, I salute you.

Big servers vs small servers

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


you know whats NOT a way to fix it? asking to be matched against any other server.

asking for a different matchup will result in a similar or harder stomp.

I agree. Rematching won’t fix the fundamental problem. And SF moving up won’t change anything because we will still be matched against a server bigger than ourselves. Dev moved up, and Kain outmanned us. Kain moved up, and now SF outmans us. When SF moves up, an equally big server will move down.

2/22-3/1 Sorrow/Eredon/Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


“To the [MAV] Mesmer from FC who has been glitching into our keep all day and porting his guildies in…. "

It wasn’t me, or my guild but I want to apologize anyway. Most of us on Ferg do not condone that behavior. We are proud of the fact that although we are outnumbered, we fight with honor.

(edited by MiceElf.6897)

Big servers vs small servers

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


I want to feel bad for you guys since you are getting the short end of the Glicko 2 stick but all of this complaining from FC or ET about T8 is getting really old.

LOL. Not as old as watching zergs 1,000 bigger than your entire server regularly roll right through your map again, and again while you try desperately to defend. Our only hope is that it gets old enough that anet will eventually figure out a way to fix it. I’ve seen a lot of suggestions, but no action. At this point, we assume no one cares. :::shrug:::

1/11 ~ Ferguson's C ~ Sorrow's F ~ Eredon T

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


quote=1202734;Ashuri.1387:]Wow Ferg’s what happened to you? Did you guys suddenly choose to be dbags? I’m visiting ET for a week and was doing EB JP and you guys love ganging up on ppl there even when they respectfully bow. Especially that Charr from the guild SIKE. I’m so dissapointed, respect has been lost for some of you.[/quote]

It wasn’t always like this. We had a lot of influx of new guilds who have a different playing style and didn’t really care what our server culture was. We might be winning now, but at what cost?

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


It’s a sad, sad day. Apparently using exploits on Ferg is just fine with some of the influx. Corpse dancing, and exploits, and not a single person spoke up when I said in chat that we don’t do that on Ferg. I would have rather stayed the losing server. Sorry guys, we fought the good fight. It’s not good anymore. I was born on Ferg, and I’m not leaving, but I’m going back to PvE. I’d give away all my siege, but they are soulbound.

(edited by MiceElf.6897)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Ferg is also seeing an influx of new guilds. While the additional manpower is greatly appreciated, there are some growing pains. We try to promote a culture of good sportsmanship on Ferg, and unfortunately we are already seeing people dancing on corpses. I hope Kain and ET know that those of us born on Ferg do not condone such behavior. I hope we don’t start seeing use of exploits and cheats as well. If that happens, I would have rather stayed a losing server than have to stoop to that level to win.
There is also a funny side to the influx of new people. I don’t think some of them are familiar with the different playing style needed when you are 1 vs 300. It’s a whole different ballgame, and when they see that Kain zerg coming, the reactions are priceless.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


But when you do get attacked, don’t whine or ask yourself why these people are being so mean; the people you met in the JP today were doing their server a disservice by allowing enemies free siege. The ideal thing is to kill on sight, just saying.

LOL. You are clearly not on our servers. Even if I ever made it through that jp, a couple of siege wouldn’t be any more bother to them than a gnat or two.
The point was, they could have killed me at any point in time (and do so, on a regular basis when I wander around the map), but they put aside the whole “greater good of the server” schtick to simply help an obviously struggling player with the game. And I appreciated the gesture.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


@ Berk
Thank you! I will certainly try your tips as soon as get over the frustration of today’s fail. Your 3rd point is going to help me tremendously.

:( I guess being on the lowest tier has its perks. I’d rather be on the losing team if it means I am playing against people who still believe in being good sports.

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Yeah, I have no idea why the concept of jumping eludes me. I never seem to land anywhere near where I intended. And the only advice I get is “Keep practicing, you’ll get it!” After countless unsuccessful attempts, hearing that comment makes me want to attack them!

Thank you Kains!

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Many thanks to the Kain who tried to help me through the jumping puzzle, and the several other Kains who saw me but did not attack. I was an unarmed Ferg, and clearly struggling. I would have been an easy kill for any of them as I struggled over and over to complete the puzzle. It escapes me yet, my jumping skills are non-existent, but I bow to the Kains who let me continue to try. You are honorable warriors indeed.

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


We serve epic disaster upon our enemies and marvel at the sheer audacity of our courage and determination. Everyone in our army is extraordinary! It is from extraordinary contributions of extraordinary people that legends are born, legacies are forged, and tales are told across worlds.

:::::raises one eyebrow:::::

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Ah but see, if you keep 1-3 people in each tower with the following siege, then they’ll hold the tower long enough for reinforcements to arrive:
2x Catapult
3x Arrow Cart
2x Ballista

I can tell you from experience that even with those, plus a few more and a flame ram, cannons and oil – a huge zerg with three golems will take your garrison so fast, help will not have time to arrive.

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


It is reasonable to expect commanders to be people with (above average) charisma, courage, determination, battlefield awareness, and/or guile.

It is reasonable to expect new or young commanders to be unprepared for all the challenges of leadership and that they would seek out mentors to shepherd them to a better place.

Wow. Again, I feel the need to point out – it’s just a game, and we are all just normal people. Really.

WvW suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


My offer still stands developers. Come play as Ferg and tell me this is what you intended the game to be.

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Personally if you can’t handle the hate you ain’t cut out for the job.
And that’s the simple truth of it.

I have to disagree with this sentiment here. This is a game. Our commanders aren’t trained army leaders. They are people just like the rest of us, trying to help us all have fun, and maybe win once in a while. To expect that they have the outer crust of a seasoned warrior is unreasonable.
Sometimes the anonymity of the internet makes us forget the simple fact that we are all just regular people, trying to have a good time. She’s a good leader, and she does it effectively. The personal attacks on her are uncalled for, and telling her to toughen up is not appropriate either. It wasn’t fun when we had a leader that swore and called everyone names. I nearly left myself when that was going on. That was not an effective leader, and I’m sure that person didn’t care about the haters. But Ramen and others stepped up and made it fun again. It’s a game and we are struggling to keep playing in the face of a company that sees no need to make the battles a little less one-sided. Taking it personally doesn’t make her ineffective. It makes her a real person. I wish she wouldn’t take it personally, because such things are hurtful and I don’t want to see her hurting from the unkindness of trolls that think playing as a toon means they can be jerks. But in no way do I think it makes her ineffective.

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Ramen, you are an awesome commander. I know that you and Amaenita put your heart and soul into it. You are appreciated by the many who don’t tell you that often enough. The problem is not you. You are truly awesome, and I would be sad if you left. We wouldn’t have any hope at all then.

The problem is a game that does not reward anyone for defending. The only reward for an individual is to zerg around the map over and over again. That’s not your fault. It’s poor game design. (Software tester by trade here. I know a usability/design defect when I see one.) The problem is a game that allows us to get run over by zergs over and over again, without any way to truly defend. The other day, I spent all the cash I had to upgrade the garrision and build siege, and Kain walked in with 3 golems, and more people than I had ever seen, and took the garrison in less time than it took me to yell for help. People are frustrated. They no longer see any value in defending something that Kain can take in less than a minute. Kain is doing exactly what Dev did to us. It’s deja vu, and we never recovered from the last steamrolling. The way the game is structured makes it no contest for a server like ours. I would love to be engaging with ET right now, they seem like a lot of fun, but the fact that Kain has more people than our two servers put together makes this a no win situation. And unfortunately, some people take it out on our commanders. Please don’t take it personally. Those of us who still haven’t given up love the job you are doing. I often pop in to see what is going on, and stay to play if you or Ama are commanding. Like Harbinger said, haters are gonna hate. Don’t let them win. Let them be the ones to leave. We are all doing our best to maintain morale, knowing we can never win, and knowing that people are ditching our server because of it. Don’t let them get you, or us down. If you leave, we all lose.
(Edited for typos and clarity)

(edited by MiceElf.6897)

WvW suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


What I see when I go to WvW is commanders leading zergs in a game of round robin of who controls what. While this can be fun, It definitely lacks the epic-ness I had hoped for.

And if you are on a lower populated server, it gets old really fast when you spend all the cash you have on upgrades and seige, and the bigger server blasts in with 3 golems, and a bigger zerg than the entire population of your server, and takes it in less than 2 minutes.
I invite the developers to play for a day on one of the lower populated servers, and then try to tell me this game is fun.

ZERGS -any idea ?

in WvW

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Make defending worth something. The zergs get all the rewards while those of us defending get nothing. There’s no reward in defense, except for the occasional siege hit.

Q/A Department Overhaul

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


As a software tester myself, I have to respond to this. First of all, buggy software is not the fault of the QA. Why aren’t you asking why the defect was created in the first place? QA did not create the defects. And I have no doubt, that like every other tester I know, they do everything possible to find as many bugs as they can. Their hurdles are many – time is their enemy, and finding every bug is not possible, nor is it cost effective. And they do have help. The help is us. Crowdsourcing will find the bugs faster than anything else. So help. If you find a bug, enter a bug report.

"I can puke rainbows" dye suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


LOL! I can puke rainbows is a great idea.

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


People need to stop playing GW2 for character progression and play it for the fun of the game, for the sake of playing the game. It’s obvious that that’s what ArenaNet have always wanted with this game design.

And if they’re not fun, why are you doing them in the first place?

And therein lies the problem. It was fun. For awhile. Now it is just the same old thing over and over again. I played GW1 for years and never got bored. But I’m already bored with GW2. I think GW2 will survive as a PvP game, but I have doubts about PvE. There is no strategy involved. It’s all hack and slash and as long as you have a big enough crowd you can beat any event. There’s no planning, no figuring out what build is best against a given boss, or what professions were best to bring along. Everything that made GW1 awesome was just thrown out.

Enable trainers to buy back manuals or add error checking

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Please enable the trainers to buy back manuals if you mistakenly bought one you already had. Or, add error checking so that the trainer warns you that you’ve already completed that training. It’s a lot of coin to blow on stupid mistake. (Yeah, I was that dumb. )

Sky lab puzzle - make it less irritating.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


That’s the problem. I don’t mind hard, but irritating makes me not want to play. And I’m pretty sure they were sort of hoping I would like the game and continue to play.

Sky lab puzzle - make it less irritating.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


That the sky lab puzzle is hard is one thing, but the fact that you die when falling off the upper steps and it costs a fortune to rez at the waypoint you landed right next to is really irritating.

Please implement a party travel system

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


A group chat is definitely be a cool feature to have. I see that as different functionality from party play though. And for the reason you mentioned, it wouldn’t work to have them one and the same.
It can take longer than 30 seconds to group up. Even then, that wouldn’t be such a big deal if you did it once and that was it. It’s that is compounded by having to constantly do it, simply because you took your eyes off that blue dot for just a second or two.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


GW1 had the perfect solution. You could follow someone in your party as long as they were in range, and didn’t stop. As soon as they stopped and your character caught up with the char you were following, the follow command ended. This at least allowed you to stay with your party without having to keep your eyes on a little blue dot in a little map in the corner.

Please implement a party travel system

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


Party play is so difficult it’s as if they didn’t even consider it to be part of the game. There is nothing special about being in a party except you get the blue dot on the map, and from that point on, you have to stay focused on that blue dot.

1) If you are a in a party, and a person is doing their story, every time they jump to their instance, you get a dialog that you get a few seconds to answer in order to go with them. You are in a party! Why wouldn’t you want to go with them? Get rid of the dialog. It’s pointless.
2) Speaking of being in a story instance – what is the point in even allowing that? If I am in a story instance with my buddy the only thing I can help with is the fighting. I cannot participate in any thing else. If it is a scenario where the person has to gather parts or something, all I can do is stand there and wait. What fun is that?
3) The terrain in some areas makes following the blue dot very difficult. Unless the leader is constantly watching the people behind him, it’s easy to get left behind. If I’m concentrating on following the blue dot, I can easily fall into a crevice and get left behind while I try to find my way out. Then hooking up with your party again is a huge pain. There is a whole lot of where are you? Which waypoint is that near? Seriously, it’s usually just my buddy and I, and we spend more time trying to stay together than anything else.

Please implement a party travel system

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


When I try to play PvE with my friends, we spend so much time looking for each other, and trying to follow each other that it just isn’t fun.
I want to log on, join my friends, and stick with them, and play.