Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I can’t my masteries are locked, theres nothing to click on.
This is so annoying, it keeps coming back every time I take damage or kill an enemy…
Do I seriously have to go to maguuma to fix this? I just wanted to do my personal story first, this never showed up before the update today.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Ever since the last update this pop up keeps coming back every time I kill an enemy and its extreemly annoying!!!
How do I make it go away? I haven’t unlocked masteries yet, I’m still just trying to finish my personal story but its becoming really hard to play with this covering my chat box 90% of the time.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
They are still the tallest race in the game though, just a little bit taller then char.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Just the 60 dollars I used to buy this game on day 1.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Buying gems is donating, why would you want to donate and get nothing in return?
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I really liked that trait, it kept my turrets alive between waves of enemies during events, now they always get attacked at low health and die in 1 hit, why did they remove this?
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Norn males could really use some fixing, the muscular ones have the shoulder armors clip through the arms but the fatter ones have the hands clip through the skirts, you just can’t win with norns, they need to be redone.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Magic find isn’t a choice, you are born that way.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
+1, this is a pc game not a console game, there should of been more options at launch <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Oh thanks for the spoilers guys, jeez… right in the thread title.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Yes please, its the same color as the terrain in most places.
I feel like the ui designer who did this was getting fired that day so he did it on purpose…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
It doesn’t seem like we need them anymore with all the traits listed in the hero panel now. Even if you don’t have the specialization yet you can see on the left each row of traits is the 3 you can choose from, and the 1 on the left is the manditory one you get between the choices. You can visualize your build much easier now without a calculator and see which traits you will choose in the future.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
It seems they missed cleaning up a lot of objects from the old lions arch floating around, I can’t believe they didn’t see this while they where testing it, I ran into all of these within the first hour of the patch going around to all the jumping puzzles.
It feels like this game is back in beta again.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
You know how hard it would be to add a multi color dye, it would take a lot of extra coding to support more then a single color, and if there going to do all that extra work just for you then I want to see new dyes for myself too, like textured dyes or dyes with particle effects.
I’m all for equality but your asking for way more then what the rest of us get.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Sometimes people put these down on the chests on jumping puzzles and I get ported away before I loot the chest v_v
They should be blocked from doing that or at least make the chest have priority over the portal when clicking the use button.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
There isn’t going to be any new races this expansion but I would of loved to see that as well, they are my favorite non human race.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
So I guess this is what you want to know.
Warrior = Warrior
Guardian = Paladin
Thief = Rogue
Ranger = Hunter
Engineer = Hunter with Gnomish Engineering without Pets
Elementalist = Mage
Necromancer = Warlock
Mesmer = Mage/Warlock/Rogue hybrid.
I think you’ll find gw2 is a much better game, it fixes almost every single problem wow had like mob tagging and quest variety, I moved here after Cataclysm and had way more fun with gw2.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
(edited by Mightylink.3816)
This is why this game needs a PTR server, this would of been decided weeks ago, if it was ever put to a vote I’m sure it would be 90-95% in favor of the reset. Instead Arenanet has to play dictator on us and make us play their way instead of how we want to play…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I gatta say I’m not really interested in the new map, I’ve seen enough jungle’s in the base game already, I wish they did something new like a volcanic land or something more alien.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
It’s a really missed oppertunity imo, mounts are always the best selling cash shop items in any game, they could be making a lot more money with this.
Can you give examples?
WoW, I always see tons of people with the new $25 mount when it comes out, that’s half the price of the expansion, if they sold more of those maby HoT wouldn’t of had to be $50 bucks…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
It’s a really missed oppertunity imo, mounts are always the best selling cash shop items in any game, they could be making a lot more money with this.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I agree that losing progress as part of the fix would be a poor solution.
Yet that is what is expected of vet players who don’t pre-purchase. We’re expected to delete a character in order to enjoy the new class in the expac.
I still have free slots but I still feel like this is unfair too, I wish they would give us something so it doesn’t feel like applying the expansion to an existing account isn’t a complete waste, right now there is absolutely zero advantage to that, you would get more starting a new account with the expansion then merging it with the base game, you get a whole separate account with 5 more character slots and a second bank.
They should give existing accounts something, like gems equal to the price of a character slot at least then let everyone choose how to spend it, or else upgrading to the expansion on the same account feels like a loss.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
(edited by Mightylink.3816)
They changed something this patch, I used to do it every day without fail and now it seems impossible to get in there without mesmer tricks or a revive orb <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
The problem with engineer now though is most of the traits require you to be within 240 range, I wonder what the dps is at their max range with none of their conditions working <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
that tour guide is really perky, I love her
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
At this point it seems like its better to start over which is a real game killer to me, its either that or grind through another 30-40 levels of a character I hate and don’t want to play…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I hope they allow non guild members to join the group to fight enemies for your guild hall so you can at least get help for it, and if theres loot rewards as well that would give them inventive to help other guilds.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
That is a good idea, this random build given to low level characters could of been easily avoided weeks ago, no one likes it, we all wish we could of just been refunded our points to start fresh with.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
you obviously havent been with guild wars for a long time. Anet makes changes like this every couple of months or so, which changes the meta, and re encourages other people to play the game. Learn to adapt to this changes and you’ll do well, i have 8 lvl 80s repurchased skills on all of them but cost me 0 gold. i don;t knwo what you are QQing about, but hey if you leave your choice, i’m a gw1 vet since 05 and this change i approve, hated at 1st but i’m used to it and i adapt.
Thats a terrible excuse imo, your basically saying just deal with it when they should come up with a system that works and stick to it, then they can do fun changes like changing the world while we get settled into our builds.
Constantly changing the trait system is not fun at all, its like basically saying don’t bother getting comfortable with your character because its always going to be broken and never fixed <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I feel the same way, they also made engineers a close range class now, almost melee because all the traits only add conditions under 240 range now, if I knew this was going to happen I would of made a ranger instead <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
sounds like someone is having a knee-jerk reaction cause they don’t wanna take 5 minutes to re-make a build.
but you know if your leaving, can i have your stuff?
How do you remake your build? I’ve been asking this everywhere and everyone says you can’t.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I don’t think they care about existing players, their goal is just to sell as many new copies of this game as they can <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
there saved on the server, the only thing not saved on the server is graphics settings but everything else including the keybinds, chat settings and map position is on the server
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
So I just logged into the new patch and instead of starting with a fresh slate the game automatically chosen a build suited for my character but I am really unhappy with it, how do you reset it?
Can I fix this without starting over? Why did they force a random build on me that I don’t like, why couldn’t they just let me choose it <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
(edited by Mightylink.3816)
I thought this game was developed for consoles, the simple action bar, fxaa… why wouldn’t they use the much better msaa if it wasn’t built for consoles <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I would like to see the option to disable that border, it drives me crazy.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
+1 I’m a big fan of custom music I would really like to see this expanded as well. I would love it if you could create a playlist with the zone name and it just plays that music in that 1 zone, and the original playlists need some fixing too.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
All I would want is a free character slot so linking the brand new expansion to my old account doesn’t feel like a total loss.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Isnt the expansion 1 map split into 3 biomes though?
No, No, NO, a thousand times NO! There are multiple PvE maps with 3 biomes. Where are people getting this idea from???
I think they look at the wiki and automatically assume thats all the content theres going to be.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mightylink.3816
I really feel like the standard edition should get a new character slot as well, that would solve a whole slew of problems.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
(edited by Mightylink.3816)
I don’t know why everyone is freaking out about the price, look at all the money we saved by not having to buy a subscription for the last 3 years, how dare they sell an expansion to a b2p game >:D
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
So I was excited to see the game on sale and I wanted to buy some extra keys for people I wanted to invite to the game but when I go to try and purchase a copy and select Canada as the country the State/Provence list just says Not Applicable and I’m unable to purchase the game, the list shows up for every other country except Canada and whats funny is that it shows all the Canada provences when I select United States as a country but it wont show up under Canada…
How am I suppose to buy any keys before the sale ends if the page doesn’t work?
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
(edited by Mightylink.3816)
Why doesn’t arenanet ever optimize their game, they haven’t done anything to make their game run faster other then adding the WvW options.
WoW added a 64 bit and dx11 option and it makes their game run much faster then it previously did, I wish GW2 would do the same…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Why can’t they just open up the old one then once every year, not like thats going to require any more work…
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I don’t understand why this has been bugged for so long, does arenanet not care about their game other then making new content all the time? Theres lots of existing content that needs fixing!
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
I wish you could see your downed skills somewhere before you have to use them, currently the only way to do that is by looking online, they should put them in the weapon skills menu so I can see which buttons I should push when I’m downed.
I know the last one is your self heal but the other 3 could be anything for different classes, some fear, some push, and some even pull which you really don’t want to use by accident <_<
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
On some maps yes, I couldn’t figure out where to go for the lower level areas of the map, and sometimes I’d die a lot running into 5+ level mobs.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Would be nice, the game hasn’t gotten a single performance improvement since it came out, it still lags as much as it did on day 1. I gatta tell you I’m feeling no love from the developers at all, even blizzard added dx11 to their 9 year old game after cataclysm came out and its been running smooth as butter since then.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer
Optimisation Problemns within Guild wars 2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mightylink.3816
I’m going to keep supporting threads like these because I’m getting quite sick of these terrible performance issues, the games almost been out a year now, more including beta and they done nothing about it, absolutely nothing at all, the game still runs just as bad (worse for some people) since the day it launched, what does that tell you about their long term support for this game? To me its going to be a game I’m ganna have to quit soon because I’m feeling no effort from the developers at all in the improvement of this game.
Mythiclink – Asura Engineer