Showing Posts For MilkCarton.4087:
Can someone who can logically and rationally and objectively do this, PM me and explain what the problem is for engineers? I will say I’m a PVE only player (maybe WvW I am becoming more interested in that too), so if it’s only pvp issues, don’t bother. But I want to understand why this is such a bad patch for us. Aside from a few nerfs (shock shield, some hammer skills, etc) I thought this was a good patch for us. And hammer was incredibly strong anyway.
Judging by your posts in the elementalist forums, I had assumed that you were a pve only player. I guess I was right. The problem for engis is mostly a pvp problem. Same thing with eles, mostly a pvp problem. PVE was mostly left untouched and almost any build works in pve anyway.
We need this weaponset for thief to showcase their 100-0 burst montage on youtube. Ofc with all the deaths edited out.
People arguing this perplexity change is a buff should at LEAST have anecdotal evidence. Sure, on paper you can argue that this is a buff as it gives more condition builds access to confusion but according to the individuals who actually usedbthe runeset before and after the patch, it’s a nerf.
That’s because everyone who used perplex before had an interrupt build. Now it doesn’t proc on interrupt anymore. Obviously, they’re going to consider it a nerf. Wait a few weeks from now and see if people come up with new non-interrupt builds that use perplex. I just came up with one on my permastealth condi build so I guess you can consider it a buff to trapper thief. Permastealth trapper thief is the last thing that needs a buff.
Also, more passive procs is a bad thing. They could have just nerfed it without making it passive proc. You can consider it a nerf if you want but it’s a very poor way of doing it.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
No offense I just dont think mesmer is the best example, if you look at the history mesmer really seems like the class who get the most love, they have been a really clear and defined utility class for a long time, its true they dont have much for a personal dps but they suffer less nerfs then most.
Yes, mesmer was taken as a utility bot for a long time. Not sure how this is a good thing though.
As a former mesmer main, I cannot agree with this. Only in this patch did mesmer get decent and deserved changes. Mesmer got many terrible nerfs on already weak builds in the past like power shatter although perhaps not as bad as what eles got this patch.
I say to take something like mesmer not because of the most recent patch, but all of the care that went into rebalancing their traits and skills starting with the major “specialization patch” that gave everyone 3 full traitlines. Mesmers received a LOT of interesting combos and traits. Plus, the specialization opened to door for a lot of different build directions – it doesn’t pigeon-hole you down one path of a healing-bunker bot to be useful.
Just listening to Robert Gee talk about why he was making changes…it made sense. Sure, he might foul up on the numbers of the exact implementation, but those have honestly seen reasonable tweaks almost every patch since before HoT. Meanwhile, Karl is honestly lost trying to figure out how to beat Svanir. The simple fact that he thought adding this flamestrike “buff” and arcane shield CD reduction to 60s would do anything just shows how disconnected he is. The sad things is, he probably truly believes these were really helpful changes!
Not really, condi chrono shatter is the only thing viable for mesmer. Condi chrono has 3 shatters that can deal condi damage, f1, f2, f3. Power chrono has only 1 damaging shatter, f1. I also remember mesmer being nerfed almost every patch but that was 2-3 years ago (just recently came for HoT after 2 years). We’re better off than eles though that’s for sure.
I can’t understand how a class with the lowest hp and defense like ele gets so little active defense. You get obsidian flesh on 50 sec cd (40 sec traited) if you use focus offhand, burning speed on 15 sec cd untraited, arcane shield on 60 sec cd (trash especially against multihit attacks) and your natural dodge. Maybe add in mist form, but I honestly never see anyone use it probably because of the 75 sec cd. You’re pretty much dead without toughness or healing since you’ll have to tank a lot of hits. This is even assuming you take D/F. You’re better off playing a charr in WvW and taking that racial utility skill that gives you a dodge on 15 sec cd. So pathetic that even a racial skill outclasses your own utility.
Sounds like a great buff actually, the range doesn’t even have to be that long. 300 range should already make this a much better skill. Unfortunately, anet will not buff it and I bet some of the thief tryhards will be against it complaining that CnD “doesn’t take skill anymore”. You should see how hard some of the d/d players try to get d/p nerfed rather than getting their own weaponset buffed.
These builds were viable about 2 years ago when I just started playing gw2. D/D might stacking was all the rage back then. If you got to legendary using core glass staff ele then I guess its true that most of the skilled players have left pvp already. Forget dodging, blocks, teleports and invuls; most of the damaging staff skills can be avoided by simply walking out of it. Did they stand inside meteor shower and lava font or something? Staff ele was laughed at way before HoT and I can’t imagine it becoming any better with the HoT powercreep.
It is not the best for all condition builds. it not the best for the Ele or guardian going conditions . It not the best choice for a Revenant.It not the best choice for en Engineer going conditions, nor a thief or ranger. The only “best choice” i see is the mesmer and maybe some versions of a warrior condition build.
I never see condi ele, guard, ranger or engi in wvw. Maybe i’ve seen like 1 hybrid at most but can’t tell for sure. They don’t seem to viable no matter what rune you use. In my opinion, it’s still the best rune for thief, mesmer and warrior. I also value more condition coverage rather than just stacks and duration so I think it would be a decent choice for revenant since revs don’t really have a way to get confusion. Confusion is rather difficult to get unless you’re a mesmer. If duration is the only thing that matters then all condi thief should take superior rune of krait. Also, you can’t compare base burning and confusion damage. Most of the damage from confusion comes from activating skills. You can still get a lot out of perplex runes, except you have to ditch interrupt builds and you use that to build around something else that’s not interrupt like more evades, more stealth, more healing etc. Right off the top of my head, I can change a utility slot in my condi d/d build to use shadow refuge for more stealth or signet of agility for more dodges. I’m always near my opponent anyway since DB pretty much requires you to stick to opponents so I will have no problem with perplex rune’s range. I can also change one of my sigils from boonstealing on interrupt to something else since I can boonsteal with bountiful theft rather than take pressure striking. So yea, i just came up with 2 condi thief builds that still benefit from perplex runes that is not weaker than my original build. However, both builds are a lot more boring than my original build and that sucks.
Maybe it’s not the best choice for every condi build but it’s a more attractive choice after the patch for more condi builds since you don’t have to spec for interrupts. Eles, engis and all those other classes you listed didn’t use perplex before the patch. Pre-patch, only thief, mesmer and war uses perplex and not all condi thief uses perplex either. There might be more builds that use perplex post-patch is all im saying but all interrupt based builds will have to adapt their builds into something more….cheesy (and boring).
AFK jackholes in the upper tiers aside, I had a blast soloing to Legend division as a Guardian. I didn’t use meta battle, but I developed my own “bunker” type build that required clerics and cruised to a glorious enjoyable & successful season. I loved the experience so much that I have used this off-season to make significant strides on finally crafting the Moot—my first legendary. I have been playing GW2 about as long as humanly possible, so for me to be that re-energized by one PvP season says something!
I had zero expectation they would remove clerics and thrash the build. How have I responded? I pre-ordered WoW: Legion, have PL’d three toons to 100 and I’m anxious waiting RBGs in a game I previously trashed on a regular basis.
I feel completely dirty and I desperately cling to hope I’ll find a new build of something that breaks my resentment over this development cycle. GW2 is way too awesome of a game to leave me disappointed to the extent I spend hundreds of dollars to be able to play a different game—especially in the wake of some actual content delivery in GW2.
TLDR: I am leaving my second favorite game all-time for freaking WoW. Totally sucks.
If you’ve been playing gw2 since the beginning then you should have known that anet will periodically delete entire builds every few months from the game. One can only pray that it isn’t your build. Sometimes it feels like it’s completely random. 2 years ago condi mesmer was much better than power for roaming and it’s still the same now. Instead of buffing power mesmer like any sensible person would. They instead nerfed PU (which condi mesmer was also using) which also hurts power mesmers that use sword/torch and GS that use stealth + mirror blade bounce + shatter combo. Then they proceeded to buff scepter auto attack to have torment (yuck) and scepter 3 to have longer and more confusion stacks and also gave the ability for staff orbs to bounce even more using a certain trait so you can literally auto attack people to death using staff and scepter aa conditions.
In this patch, stealth attacks got nerfed for thief. It seems like a good change at first until you realize that it hurts d/d power thief the most which is already by far the weakest weaponset the thief has. The change to basil venom by making it 1 stack only also hurts d/d power thief the most because their burst relies on it. The reason they changed basil venom is to make venoms balanced when venomshare became baseline (another stupid change). Pure venomshare thief builds also got deleted this patch because any thief can share venoms now and venom effects were also nerfed to compensate, whereas before you had to spec into venomshare to share venoms but you had more powerful venoms.
tldr: anet will destroy builds in any random order even when they’re not op.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
good place now? Before it was really nice for mesmers and thieves. Now its OP for everyone. Lets nerf condi, beginning with perplexity runes. WHOOPS we boosted it accidently. Go WvW, you will see what I’m talking about
These types of Runes already exist. Balthazar applies burn on a heal. Tormenting applies two stacks of torment on a heal. The reason people did not use them to ang great degree is half the time the bonus would go to waste, Many heal when fleeing from a foe or after a dodge and at range. Healing right next to an opponet can have them interrupt you with a number of attack types.
Further to that there no reason a Condition Elementalist as example would go for 35 percent bonush duration on confusion when they only have the runes as a source. this would hurt their fire durations. Smae too with a Guardian. If a Guardina wanted a condition on heal proc why not fire with that Balthazar which would help their other fre sources?
The reason this was popular with Thives and Mesmers was that it could be applied at range, it would not compromise their heal (healing just to apply a condition is silly) and it would help other sources of confusion duration wise.
Maybe no one uses balthazar because the 6th effect is underwhelming. 1 stack of burn for 3 secs? no thanks. It also benefits eles and guard the most which we all know suck at condis.
Superior rune of tormenting seems pretty expensive on the TP. Are you sure no ones using it? And perplexity still has that passive proc on hit while the other runes don’t have it. I don’t find the confusion on interrupt to be reliable either, too many builds I fight have good access to stability. I use this rune with a thief that’s not using pistol offhand either so I don’t have the luxury of spamming dazes (not that it’s a good idea in the first place). It feels rewarding to interrupt a heal or someone running away with a movement skill and apply 5 stacks of confusion + 3 stacks of torment from pressure striking.
This is kinda the same concept as the cleric amulet removal. Rather than just nerfing the heal in pvp only, they decided to take out cleric completely which destroys an entire build (and other non meta builds as well).
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
Retal doesn’t reveal.
I’d wish they nerfed the passive proc on perplex runes, too, though. That gave me more trouble than the interrupts often did. Good to see the runes getting nerfed after years of blatant dominance. Still not fixing dire/TB, though.
I was hoping they’ve have also nerfed durability runes. Too bad, really.
I would rather they keep the 5 confusion on interrupt and nerf the passive proc on hit to 1 stack of confusion from 3. Or maybe nerf the confusion duration bonus and condi damage bonus. Any one of those is better than this garbage. This isn’t really a nerf, they just changed how the rune completely works so that it doesn’t work at all with some builds anymore but also makes the rune work with builds that it didn’t work with previously. In this case, condi interrupt builds got nerfed but other condi builds that stays in melee range and stealth-heavy condi builds gets buffed (like the perma stealth condi build I just posted). I’m not going to play that build though because it’s too boring for me. I posted it to show that they failed at nerfing perplex.
You’re not supposed to use any of those in the standard trapper thief build. If you get cced while in stealth 100% then that’s really your fault. You have 100% stealth and you have shadow’s embrace, not to mention how are people going to put the condis on you in the first place. No perma stealth trapper thief ever uses lotus or pressure striking for good reason.
I thought Pain Inverter revealed on Retaliation application which threw me off of the trapper variant of the build.
I didn’t test it yet but I used to play a pu mesmer build 2 years ago with decent amount of retal but I never noticed getting accidentally revealed. I’m going to say that it doesn’t reveal you unless they changed something about retal in the last 2 years. Some scrappers I fight also have perma retal but they never get revealed using stealth gyro even when I hit them.
Requires asura tho… Dat pain inverter…
That build is toast against a decent player. No stun break, very limited condi removal, uses Bound instead of Lotus, doesn’t use Pressure Striking, etc.
You’re not supposed to use any of those in the standard trapper thief build. If you get cced while in stealth 100% then that’s really your fault. You have 100% stealth and you have shadow’s embrace, not to mention how are people going to put the condis on you in the first place. No perma stealth trapper thief ever uses lotus or pressure striking for good reason.
If you want all the stuff you listed, you play a different build like condi d/d.
Requires asura tho… Dat pain inverter…
There are only a limited number of ways to apply condi while in stealth so you kinda need pain inverter even though racial skills are generally weaker.
Oh wait, that don’t reveal you?
It doesn’t have a direct damage component listed so I assume it doesn’t reveal.
Requires asura tho… Dat pain inverter…
There are only a limited number of ways to apply condi while in stealth so you kinda need pain inverter even though racial skills are generally weaker.
I’m sure some of your are familiar with this cancer. This is my own variant of it, I might play it for a few days before getting bored and stop playing wvw until we get a viable interrupt build. I do not consider impacting disruption viable because I need escapist’s absolution. Pressure striking just isn’t good enough by itself in an interrupt condi build, too little reward for too much resources and effort.
I left the gear blank and food buffs blank because its just standard koi cake with traiblazer/dire. Rune is perplexity ofc. You can get permastealth just by BP and using leap finisher on dodge and using HS when you don’t have enough endurance. I can achieve perma stealth without using stealth on steal and vigor on steal so you can get perma stealth ooc as well. You have steal, confusion on heal and pain inverter to cause 11 stacks of confusion and none of it will reveal you from stealth with 6 confusion stacks being aoe. You use needle trap in conjuntion with caltrops if enemy activates needle trap and gets immobilized. Use thieves guild to force enemy to attack/activate defensive skills while having 11 stacks of confusion or risk getting hit by thieves guild.
While similar to trapper condi thief, it does not use rune of trapper because in my opinion you don’t need the stealth on trap to stay in perma stealth and superspeed is useless when you have 50% movement speed in stealth. This is a permastealth condi build and needle trap is just one of the ways to put condi on someone without breaking stealth so it would be inappropriate to call this a trapper thief build. Aoe pressure is definitely much better than regular trapper thief. Standard trapper thief might only have caltrops or no aoe condi at all. This has caltrops, 3 stacks of confusion on a 16 sec cd and another 3 stacks of confusion on 30 sec cd.
Disclaimer: I have not tried out this build in “actual combat”. I might never try it out because it looks so boring and cheesy. That such a build exists in the game that can stack 11 confusion from stealth is enough indication that anet is terrible at balancing and is the reason i quit gw2 2 years ago (I just came back 2-3 months ago to try out HoT and elite specs). It also seems every patch anet removes a pvp amulet which completely destroys builds rather than toning it down. I’m scared of the balancing team after looking at what happened to eles and scrappers and I play neither of those classes. Scrappers needed small nerfs but were overnerfed. They nerfed the effects of passive play but does not buff/add the effects of active play. Scrapper will still be as passive as before but just straight up weaker. Ele changes are the worst changes i’ve ever seen in any gw2 patch notes and I could write an essay on it.
reroll to a viable class
buff the wrong things
But srsly you guizze, this is totally part of core ele gameplay. Huge cd doesn’t matter cuz you’ll be downed before it’s back up anyway.
I think the best buff ele got in this patch is the /facepalm emote.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
I’m not seeing that trend at all. I’m seeing the people I talk to in all game modes not happy with the balancing. I do, however, see them happy with bug fixing. That’s the trend I’m seeing.
A different trend: the first few days after a patch are characterized by large scale negativity and focus on any nerfs or perceived nerfs. By around days 5-7, negativity has been replaced by cautious optimism of the new possibilities. By end of second week, objective assessment of the patch truly begins.
Reasons for this: multiple.
1. Most people hate change, and it takes time for them to accept it and actually adjust.
2. Most (if not all) people are inherently selfish, and tend to look at things for how it benefits or hurts them. If their build is affected, it’s automatically a bad patch or a nerf, even if with a few changes their build would come out stronger. See #1.
3. Corollary to #2. People don’t naturally look at things from the big picture perspective. That takes time and objectivity, and most people are impatient and not willing to look beyond themselves. Once the emotions run their course, then these things become possible.I’m sure there are more, but my point is made (to those objective enough at this time to understand it).
What’s there to be optimistic about? Eles got nerfed in every single way, damage, healing/support, survivability. Or did you not even read the patch notes? But hey, at least they gave a cool new change to scepter fire aa. Except it can’t even hit moving target golems. Arcane shield still garbage even with the slight cd reduction (a huge emphasis on the slight) that barely ups tempest’s survivability. Other classes’ defensive utility is multiple times better than that on a shorter cd. Then they nerfed the cd reducing traits which hurt not only damage but also survivability because your defensive skills are on a higher cd as well. Then air overload was nerfed 10% which in my opinion is the only dangerous skill tempest has in pvp but also easily interrupted. Base healing is reduced so players that don’t go healing power have even crappier survivability on top of other changes. Healing power now has better scaling, except they removed clerics amulet from pvp. Staff was already crap in anything that isn’t pve and wvw blobbing and was made crappier in all game modes.
I don’t even have an ele but I feel extremely bad for players that do play it. I kill them really easily in wvw and the only time I feel pressure from them is if they gank me with air overload while im fighting another player.
I can think of extremely cheesy ways to abuse this new change to perplex
Hmmm, I was wondering if it would be worth it to just strip down to 4 Runes of Perplexity, and augment the build with Rune of Orr or Krait.
But cheesy ways to abuse the new changes you say?
pulls up chair
Do tell!
Unfortunately, I do not want to say what it is since it may or may not benefit a certain build that I do not want to play against.
I can think of extremely cheesy ways to abuse this new change to perplex on thief. It’s unfortunate that I have to change my build to something that’s less fun and less skillful to play.
What is the reasoning behind this change? Perplexity now has 2 passive procs on confusion instead of 1, on getting hit and on heal. I also haven’t tested the new effect yet but the wording implies that the 6th effect gives AOE confusion around the user. This change is going to make more condi builds take perplexity since you don’t have to spec for interrupt anymore, any condi build can use it effectively as long as you have a short cd heal. No counterplay anymore since cannot be mitigated with stability and what little skill the rune requires from the player is now completely gone.
A small nerf to condi interrupt builds only IF the enemy doesn’t have high stab uptime and if it’s 1v1. A buff to perplexity rune in any fight that isn’t 1v1, against any opponent that has good stability and any non-interrupt condi builds while requiring even less skill. Perplexity is now the best rune to use for ALL condi builds rather than just interrupt condi builds.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
Really are you guys like on EU servers where finding raids is absurdly hard and ppl only want certain classes even if your a boss eng/scrapper? Cause I mean scrapper/eng is a down right versatile class and it’s dps is well near the top both power and condi we simply aren’t the best damage if played equally to say a tempest that doesn’t get downed and I mean come on it’s not like ppl actually have legit dps meters like other games where everyone is peeking at it and going hey eng you need to pick up ur deepz 3k below the airbending tempest? Like reallllly reallllly, Do ppl just want eng to be the 1# at something cause I honestly never ever see that happening in anything just based on the fact that we were intended to be a swiss army knife from the start.
Yes, you have to play meta builds and have mostly ascended gear or you get kicked. I have played games with dps meters and not even the people in those games act as bad as this.
Seriously, conditions were actually op way back 2 years ago. You had food and util that gave you extra 60% condi duration combined, now it’s only half of that. Bleeding was severely nerfed which is a huge hit to condi builds since it’s the most common and easily applied condition. Burning was buffed but the only classes that have a lot of them is DH and ele which suck at condis (and still does). Elite HoT specs mostly benefit power builds. Just look at p/p condi engi, it used to be one of the most dangerous condi builds but now has all but disappeared thanks to elite specs and hammer. I also never see condi rangers anymore.
Also, I call BS on the “70% roamers are condi” unless the only thing you fight are chronos.
Most NPC’s are stronger than players. I mean, Logan has permanent invuln/proj reflection and doesn’t die to falling damage, Caithe gets stealth attacks and doesn’t break stealth, Rytlock was just OP and now is even moreso… have you seen Canach’s bomb kit? The list goes on.
We’re pretty average people in the end who happened to be in the right place at the right time through most elements of the story.
Caithe has no traits, stunbreaks or condi cleanse though. Some builds will wreck her.
The stuff on your screen looks bigger than usual. The circles around the camps looks bigger and it appears you move faster as well. What kind of graphical options did you use to get this?
WvW and spvp is only carried by gw2’s smooth combat. Otherwise, it lacks so much content it can even be considered a minigame at this point. I say this as someone who almost exclusively plays pvp content. I quit 2 years ago and just came back couple of months ago and everything is still exactly the same in wvw and spvp except with the addition of stronghold. Yet somehow, anet still wants this game to be an esports.
As a note to the hardcore vs casual debate, I think people are confusing hardcore vs casual with good and bad players. I don’t consider people who grind 6 hours a day in pve for legendaries to be considered casual but some of them completely flop at more difficult content. Actually, the pve players in this game is anything but casual. So many of them have fancy skins and legendaries with over 10k AP and 100+ mastery.
Funnily enough, condi mesmer is the easiest condi build for me to fight. Although there doesn’t seem to be many condi builds in the first place. I play thief and taking escapist’s absolution and pain response makes it quite easy to fight them. I can kill condi mesmers with some reliability on both power and condi thief. Who the hell uses PU these days anyway? The other traitlines are so much better and pretty much mandatory.
Are u serious?
go to EB and u will see about 80% of mesmers running condi pu dire/trailblazer
Yes, almost all mesmers in wvw use condi. But there are other classes roaming as well not just mesmer. In my experience condi mesmer is easier to fight than other condi builds too so I can’t complain. The only other condi build I see on a regular basis is condi war. Other condi classes are rare or completely non-existent. I also play in borderlands more often and rarely go to EB so my experience may be different from yours.
Funnily enough, condi mesmer is the easiest condi build for me to fight. Although there doesn’t seem to be many condi builds in the first place. Only mesmer, thief, war and necro have viable condi builds and most thief I see play power. I play thief and taking escapist’s absolution and pain response makes it quite easy to fight them. I can kill condi mesmers with some reliability on both power and condi thief. Who the hell uses PU these days anyway? The other traitlines are so much better and pretty much mandatory.
I started playing condi thief not because condi is giving me huge problems (except condi wars). In fact, it’s because of classes like scrappers, cleric eles, tanky druids, staff revs and wars both power and condi. They either hit too hard, have too much sustain or both. Staff revs 1 shot me from 1200 range using some sort of teleport
(not familiar with rev skills) and surge of the mists and is still an uphill battle when the burst fails. Cleric eles are nearly unkillable on d/p and I need to switch to staff if i want to dent its hp. Inb4 just interrupt overloads, most eles I come across take the trait that gives stab on overloads so I have to spend 8 initiative on headshot just to interrupt and not even do any damage. Tanky druids same problem with ele, too tanky and too much healing while still putting out some pressure. Scrappers are a nightmare on both power and condi thief. Either the aoes, reflects or perma retal will kill you. The scrapper also has a lot of passive and active defenses along with passive offense. Easily the hardest class to beat no matter what build I use. Wars too tanky and hits too hard on both power and condi. They also don’t seem to be the slow and telegraphed class they used to be like 2 years ago when I last stopped playing gw2. My point is, stop pointing fingers at condi builds when people don’t take condi cleanse into pvp, when there are so many other powerful power builds like the ones I mentioned and when there are so few viable condi builds left. All classes have viable power builds but only 4 classes have viable condi builds.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
Yes, this build is indeed a joke. I played for about 2 months now and I have never seen this build in wvw except once in EB, never saw one in BL. Once he pops out of stealth even once, I just interrupted him the next time he tries to go back to stealth and he fumbled around doing nothing. I bursted him and he went down real quick. He probably couldn’t do anything because he was out of ini trying to keep up stealth and on d/p which does nothing for a condi build aside from stealth. Literally any other thief build, power or condi, poses more threat than trapper thief.
LOL getting all up in arms just because anet put a few shinies in pvp. Your rant has barely anything to do with the game. Somehow you attempted to connect “no child left behind” , college education, retirement and video games together. Also, I don’t think the kind of people you’re talking about is anywhere as entitled and petty as some of the pve players.
Only people who can’t handle warriors are the bad players, I play warrior, and sure I win my fights more often than not, but a player who is better than me will beat me everytime. Ele, necros and engis can be a pain to deal with, depending on there skill level, mesmers thief and DH and generally free food.
I seriously hope you don’t play condi war, if you’re talking about power than yea I somewhat agree.
Play reaper to counter berzerker. Play daredevil to counter reaper. Play herald to counter daredevil. Play berzerker to counter herald.
Play chronomancer/scrapper to offensively support countering teammates.
Play tempest/druid to defensively support countering teammates.
Play dragonhunter for lolz.
How the hell does daredevil counter reaper. Necros in general have a lot of aoe and create a no go zone for thiefs. Not to mention they are impossible to burst down thanks to their health sponge.
So it’s okay for WvW players to be forced into PvE but not vice versa?
PVE players are extremely entitled nothing new here. However, it’s better for us to be forced into pve than the other way around. At least this way, they won’t be stinking up wvw or spvp. If we give them what they want, maybe they will stay out of our game mode permanently.
To be fair it was shortsighted to make the change that they did. Is anyone really surprised that PvE players who don’t care about or want to do WvW are doing this?
The only reason we don’t get this toxicity from WvW/PvP players in PvE is because NPCs don’t have feelings and generally hearts are so easy to do/few people are actively doing them it doesn’t make a difference. If the shoe was on the other foot where WvW players had to land the final blow on a certain mob or world boss to get something for legendary WvW items then you bet they would be every bit as toxic to the game mode its in as the OP is to WvW.
The problem comes from forcing people to do things they don’t want to do, so they will do the bare minimum and say screw everyone else.
You can progress in the reward track just by playing wvw normally. What is this BS about getting the last hit in or whatever. It has nothing to do with anything and you’re just coming up with baseless arguments. Also, the shoe has been in the other foot since the start of the game when we’re forced to gather mats and grind out dungeons to get anything. Some exotic stats you can’t even buy of TP, you have to play pve to get them.
Anet should remove almost all rewards from pvp and wvw. While it means we have to grind pve to get stuff for wvw, at least we won’t have petty pve players clogging up wvw and spvp and acting like they own the entire game mode.
PvE players didn’t ask to be forced to play WvW, you can thank Anet for that.
Doesn’t change the fact that you lot are incredibly petty people.
Ahh, the gw2 community. Reminds me of one of the reasons I stopped playing for 2 years. I come back to find the exact same toxic PVE players ruining wvw, spvp and even PVE for everyone else. Reminds me of the karma trainers in eotm.
I wish I could earn gold and craft all the exotics and ascendeds I need by doing spvp or wvw but I can’t. Should I now go sabotaging raids, dungeons and events to spite other people? Absolutely not
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
Honestly, Daredevil actually has some of the best cleansing if played properly via EA. Core thief is garbo, but DrD fares quite well. This shouldn’t be the case, however, since as we should all recall, elite specs are not supposed to provide innate superiority to core, so we shouldn’t be looking to solve the problems of condition imbalance through elite specs, either. This also creates more disparity per build, which as I also mentioned above, is not something that’s healthy for the game at all.
I play power daredevil now and it absolutely makes me cringe everytime i see a build posted that takes impacting disruption or god forbid, staff mastery over EA. This happens more often than not. They finally gave us an amazing condition cleansing option that isn’t tied to stealth and SA yet so few take it. EA gives you the tool to constantly cleanse conditions put on you over time. If you get condi bombed though, it’s kinda your fault.
I played condi mesmer 2 years ago before I very recently came back to try out HoT. The builds I’m most scared of are zerker builds with amazing condition cleansing. Other condi builds didn’t pose much of a threat to me. They put out so much damage even with toughness from rabid and protection from PU yet I can’t put a dent on them even when they have no toughness or vit at all. But I have only met 2 players with such a build (not including myself) in my entire time playing gw2. People just have the mistaken mentality that taking condi cleanse is optional.
People can say what they want about the devs being bad at balancing. But in my opinion the playerbase itself are 10x worse at balancing suggestions.
Any build that counters your own build
Just like in real life, people who blow all their money on expensive pointless stuff end up with no money and the people who save and invest get richer. Anet can’t change common sense.
(edited by MilkCarton.4087)
Any new news or breakthroughs in latency compensation? And correct me if I’m wrong but does it mean that if I have 50 ms ping , the latency compensation will make my action start 50 ms earlier into the action? What about for actions that are near instantaneous like dodging?
In order of most difficult to easiest to kill in my experience:
1. Silver rank
2.Copper rank
3.Gold rank
4.Below copper
That is all