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Ascended Gear on Black Lion?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


You can buy certain materials, but you’ll have to craft and farm the rest.

Dragonite Ingot, Empyreal Star, and Bloodstone Brick must be crafted.

For the 36 Bolt of Damask you’re looking at about 700 Gold if you buy from the TP, in total it’s about 900gold for a full set of Ascended armour. (1.3k if you have to go from 0 – 500 in crafting.)

Augur’s Stone is 120 shards from the Mystic Forge.

So I just returned.. slightly.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


You should be aware that they changed the way you get traits now. If you start a new char, you have to do specific tasks or pay to get traits. You might want to look that over before you delete and remake.

Well that’s stupid..
I deleted a level 5 to make room. :p

So I just returned.. slightly.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I don’t think there’s a way to change a character’s race at the moment (nor do I think there will ever be due to personal story and all that). From a game-play perspective, racial skills, personal story and appearance are the major aspects of where race is involved.

I would caution you from simply deleting characters as there may be future implications that you may or may not realize. Some of these are a character’s age (for b-day and titles), trait system overhaul (which many people seem to find annoying), and the loss of all soulbound items (effective or literal).

Take some time to decide whether or not changing your race is worth deleting your previous character. If you have an extra character slot, you can just create a new character and keep the old one should you ever decide you liked Asurans after all.

Ahh. :/, doesn’t phase me I just don’t want to get another account to 80 I already have 5 80’s lol

So I just returned.. slightly.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Is it possible to change a characters Race or will I have to delete and remake that character entirely? God knows why I made my Warrior an Asura.. for some reason back then I liked them, now I wanna be a human. :/

How big is the update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Did anyone pay attention lol. :/

After opening 103 bags...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


If you had spent your time in getting gold instead of gambling on chests you would’ve already had 2 if not more of those skins. Just by doing couple dungeon paths and world bosses in a day would’ve got you more than enough money to buy the skins directly from the TP.

Yet another one of those posts where someone whines that gambling wasn’t worth it.

I’m not sure if you skimmed my thread or what-not. I have tried.. I spent 2 months casually farming mobs/events/bosses and each time I got close to nothing, like seriously. Sure it all adds up but it’s only added up to around 18 gold.

I cannot do dungeons, whenever I try the people ask for gold to do it with me, so I leveled Warrior to 80 and geared it a bit and same thing, at first I thought it was just Elemental-ism. I should also add that I don’t play at peak-time, besides being Australian I also have various commitments that effect play times, whether it’s army training or school, I can go days without playing.

So year in regardless to GW2 I’m a casual. I rather in-active one at that :p I also wasn’t complaining, well I was but I was just sharing my badluck with loot/chests. Sorry if this didn’t appeal to you.

After opening 103 bags...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


well, that’s what you get for gambling.

those people who have 8 legendaries and full ascended are probably 0.1% or even 1% of the entire population of the game. You only hear about them because they’re the most interesting to listen to, but the fact is, that over 95% of people are merely average players like you and me, who will gamble 6000g on the toilet to get no precursors, who will open 5000 bag of alliance supplies to never see anything beyond a rare, and who will spend 4 months grinding for a legendary when the guy next to him gets his legendary in 2 weeks, etc…

don’t fret, just because you’re not part of the 1% doesn’t mean you’re not good. I would love nothing more than to be part of that 1% that has so much prestige, but at one point you consider whether investing so much in a game is worth it or not.

I actually understand this, but as far as I know there’s no other way to obtain the skin without buying keys/farming them. And if we think logically. The probability of getting a scrap is like 3%.

You can convert 2k gems to 117 Gold, which is enough to buy 2 skins, I already checked but went against it because once you do that you get addicted to it. Prime example is RP for LoL, I swear I have brought over $1,700 worth of Riot Points.

The issue is limited skins like this that require luck to actually obtain, sure it makes them rarer but it’s also a pain to those that don’t play daily or have any kind of luck at all.

After opening 103 bags...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Seeing as I’m running out of time to get a Lovestruck skin (I’ve missed too many opportunities for skins) I decided it was high-time to open up a few (103) Black Lion chests, I was originally saving for 250 then just mass opening them. But this was good enough.

I’ve always had bad luck opening bags/chests anything in this game, in fact the highest worth item I’ve gotten was 40 Silver. I just went for it.

Opened all 103 hoping for maybe one or two tokens, and maybe some other nice things to give me a nice amount of money, I mean I’ve seen 100 of these opened and people have sold it all for 400+ gold. Finally my dreams of having a Legendary after years of playing, well what feels like years.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Out of 103 Chests I got 8 scraps and about 4gold in items as well as 237 Alliance supply bags, which also contained useless gear, I saw Endless Quaggan and got excited (woooo like 15 gold) Lol no the one I got sells for 80 silver and I’m not selling it, so my record is still 40 silver.

When I realized I got jack all for months of work, I just closed the game, I mean there’s people with 8 Legendaries and the best armour I have is worth like 2 gold.
I cannot take much more lmao.

Unluckiest players In gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I’m the same; I’ve been playing for awhile and never seen over 10g.
No one accepts me into dungeons because I have no experience, if I want experience I need to pay them..

Any money I make gets put straight into better gear just so I can kill bosses.

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


My lovely engi


What is that amazing looking armour set?

POLL: Do you like the new Watchwork Pick?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I’m not sure how that’s Pay2Win, it’s just convenient. People really need to touch up on what Pay2Win means, you can buy gold in this game with gems, is that Pay2Win? No.

Go play Planetside2. You can buy the best gun at level 1 and you will one shot everything; that’s Pay2Win.

Character Quote's/Favorite lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Hello! I need some help.

in Thief

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I’ve been a long time Thief I took a break from GW2 around a year ago, I didn’t have any Legendary’s but I was rather ahead of gear and weapon game, today I really want to touch up my build and weapons to a little more “in-date”.

I saw a fellow Thief (who abused me for trying to revive some mortar guy; seems like that FATE is being farmed) and he had lightning daggers or swords or whatever + some pretty cool armour. If you guys could list me some armour and weps that are affordable and good for PvE and WvW. I’d be thankful. I’m hopeless in finding good armour as I tend to stray for looks :s

Thanks in advance!

What are these colours?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201

Millionaires.4201 , the thing is to find the dyes u want xD

D:! I was hoping the maker of the picture would jump forward and tell me :p

What are these colours?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Hate the title limit I wish to know what colours are used in this picture (top right of the Wiki page) –

And the order, as that looks amazing.

For those that don't know : Bonus Killing Exp

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I always thought ArenaNet liked me so they gave me bonus exp.
However thanks for clearing this up, I never knew why I was getting bonus exp for killing things at random xD

Should i continue making my legendary??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Same boat, I want the Bifrost so bad. I’m taking my time and trying to get the money before I get my 8th 80. Lol. (That’s the plan, already at 2, but money is coming in so slow). The best thing to do is take it slow. You can watch the market and still get to pass school

Giant Slayer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I think this is easier then the plant one

I wonder if killing slyvari counts towards it.. ;D

Lifetime Survivor - still bugged?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


If you leave the zone it will stop. So it has to be done without being defeated (you can be downed) or leaving the map area.

Can you change stats of Armour?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Sigh it didn’t post, anyway I thought it only had the first one up to level 79 lol.

-Now if this triple posts I’ll be angry.

Can you change stats of Armour?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I’m not sure if you will understand but the best of luck.

I love the look of the Winged Armour Set that is crafted but it has semi-low stats and at 80 will become obsolete. I wish to know lets say I buy level 80 gear can I swap the stats from the level 80 gear to Winged set which is around level 65 – 70.

$400 GW2 Computer, is it possible?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


TBH = To Be Honest.

$400 is actually pretty low, my $760 laptop could only just run GW2 (it was pretty powerful for a laptop) – I’d save up a bit more then that maybe $600 – $1000.

Need help with Daily Dodger please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I use thief for mine.

Go underwater (I normally wait for the Krait event where you need to save the Quaggan Village – Near the bridge event chain in Kessex Hills) Use my Spear and just mash 5, I have the thing done within 2 minutes.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


wtf 1m karma? What the heck is that? It took me ages to 200k.

The karma component is typically the easiest part of the legendary creation process. Are you completing your daily and/or monthly achievements? Those particular achievements reward jugs of liquid karma that give you 4,500 karma each (which can be boosted with karma boosters for even more karma). Each daily gets you one jug and each monthly gets you ten jugs.

If you run frequent dynamic events as well as regularly complete your daily and/or monthly achievements, you should have no problem getting the karma items needed for the legendary.

P.S. Keep in mind that legendary weapons are meant to be a long term character goal. There are many who have been in this game since launch who still don’t have them (myself included).

I do my daily every day, it was once my goal to have every legendary in the game, lol.
Monthly I’m struggling with as I’m not sure how to approach dungeons and I hate asking people for help.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Instead of making a new thread and you seem rather helpful. I have never done a dungeon before, I tried solo once and a ghost like 2 hit me, lol.

Would using an ele be okay or do I need to use a class like warrior?

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201



Around 4 hours a day I spend on my thief in WvW getting Badges, after I get around 100 swap over and start to level my Ele, getting 100% area completion before moving on making sure to do daily tasks and looting everything, buy some gems and up my bank space and bag slots. Then just pick up everything and sell it on the TP/merchants if they offer better and slowly buy missing materials. Every 2 – 3 days swap over to my thief and get Badges.

Sure fire way to work towards it and not go crazy. :’D

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Its expensive in a lot of ways, cash just being one of them. There are elements of the legendary recipe that you can’t just buy with gold. For example you need to gain 500 badges of honour which you can only get by playing WvW, you need a bloodstone shard which costs 200 skill points ( so you won’t have those as soon as your character turns 80 – it will take some time). You will need to run a particular dungeon for 500 dungeon tokens to buy that specific gift (in the case of Bifrost this needs to be the Arah dungeon). You need 100% World map completion for the gift of exploration you receive and you will also need approx 1million karma saved up to buy obsidian shards – to make mystic clovers with and another stack for your gift of mastery.

The things you can buy with cash are the precursor, tier 6 mats (vicous fangs, crystalline dust, etc), globs of ectoplasm, opal orbs and unidenitified dyes – or you can choose to farm them yourself – in which case the big cost here is time not money.

If you really want the Bifrost you won’t be getting it any time soon unless you buy a finished one that is for sale on the TP. They aren’t supposed be an easy or quick thing to get. I advise you really understand what you are getting into if you decide to go for this – personally I’m working on the legendary Incinerator but I’m not expecting to be able to actually get it for a few more months yet.

Um. Lol

I have a thief for WvW which is 77 at the moment. I have never done a dungeon before. wtf 1m karma? What the heck is that? It took me ages to 200k.

I’m just saving up the 2,500G it seems quicker :P however I still want to try and make it seems like a massive accomplishment to say I made it.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Yup. You can check them out by searching on the wiki page and you should get the information you need.

Yeah Wiki was no help, I may just watch a few vids.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


What you need to craft the bifrost by yourself is:

Legendary Precursor
1 The Legend
Gift of The Bifrost
100 Icy Runestones 100 needed
1 Superior Sigil of Nullification
Gift of Energy
250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
250 Piles of Incandescent Dust
250 Piles of Luminous Dust
250 Piles of Radiant Dust
Gift of Color
250 Unidentified Dyes
250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
100 Opal Orbs
1 Gift of Zhaitan
500 Shards of Zhaitan
1 Gift of Fortune
77 Mystic Clovers
?231 Obsidian Shards (485,100 or 3465 or 231 Laurels needed)
?231 Mystic Coins
?231 Globs of Ectoplasm
Fourth ingredient
?1386 Philosopher’s Stones (139 needed) (if making one at a time)
?231 Crystals (139 needed) (if making ten at a time)
250 Globs of Ectoplasm
1 Gift of Magic
250 Vials of Powerful Blood
250 Powerful Venom Sacs
250 Elaborate Totems
250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
1 Gift of Might
250 Vicious Fangs
250 Armored Scales
250 Vicious Claws
250 Ancient Bones
1 Gift of Mastery
1 Bloodstone Shard (200 needed)
250 Obsidian Shards (525,000 or 3750 or 250 Laurels needed)
1 Gift of Exploration (world completion required)
1 Gift of Battle (500 Badges of Honor needed)

I can safely say I haven’t seen 98% of the items listed their before.
I assume it’s all expensive.

Invisible gatherer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I think it’s a bot. – From reading this forum it’s common, however their pet doesn’t go as fast as them so if you can catch the pet you can catch them.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


No, just the gift of exploration that you need to make Gift of Mastery.
You will need a great many things to make the Bifrost- Just check out that recipe.

To make it in the forge you will need several Gifts made up of different things- once you have all the gifts you combine them in the forge together with the precursor which will give you the Bifrost- at least that is how I understand it- Not having a legendary myself.

best of luck.

So confusing :< Well I have around a week and a half to understand it, as that’s about the time I will hit 80. :p – That staff is so amazing :# Thanks.

I hit 80...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Alienware M14x...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Do not, I repeat DO NOT buy an Alienware. Alienware is just a fancy case. It’s a dell in a $2,000 case.

I suggest Toshiba. :’)

Avoid Acer.

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


to make it.

Here is the recipie for The Bifrost.

I don’t understand – I have never touched the Mystic Forge.

That is to make it. You receive crafting components for legendary weapons at 100% exploration.

So you receive everything for it at 100% Map completion?

The Bifrost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I have never had a legendary and I have only been playing for around a month, but I’m getting Elementalist to 80 next which will be my third level 80.

I have seen this staff and it looks amazing but the price on the TP is pretty crazy 2,500 Gold. I never dare to buy a legendary on the TP at all. However on the wiki it says you need 100% Map completion, does that mean to wield it or make it?

(edited by Millionaires.4201)

Monthly Salvaging Question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I have never salvaged an item before nor have I done a dungeon, oh dear.

Quick question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


They are account bound.

Oh thank god :p Thank you

Quick question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Are Badges of Honor account or soulbind? For an odd reason GW2 wont open, assume it’s my internet.

Shaemoor Garrison Gate Locked :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


This is from the ‘Defend the Keep’ Dynamic Event. I’ve had it happen to me when the Centaurs don’t break down the gate, if the event triggers again it will fix it.

GW2 Abbreviations/Terms/Acronyms

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Some of these have been said.

PS: Personal Story
RH: Renown Heart.
Vis: Vista
WP : Waypoint
LFG: Looking for group


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


So you want an MMORPG like.. Hm what game still uses click to move, I honestly cannot think of a good one, using WASD removes some of the boredom from just clicking.

Is this event even possible?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


“Victurus the Shattered” – I watched as he obliterated 10+ people, this was with the NPC’s and giant whiptail thing, I was in awe shock at how quick everyone died.

Trahearne is stuck :c

in Personal Story

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


He’s being more useless, no matter what he gets stuck in that spot.

I don’t know what his deal is.

Enormous backstab damage

in Thief

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Oh I hate birdies of death … they allways fk up my hair

That made my day.

Dodging Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


You can try it on Wyrms as they’re about to tunnel up dodge back, pretty simple to pick up.

I think a few do but I cannot remember the names, sadly I’m also having issues with this.

how large is the GW2 dat file?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


I downloaded GW2 overnight while leeching the internet off my phone as i have just moved house and still haven’t got any viable internet connection, tethering off my phone (3g network) gave surprisingly good speeds, something to try if your current internet connection is slow, i was honestly surprised at how fast i was able to download it.

I also do this, as my phones net can download up to 1.3MBPS, it’s amazing honestly.

how large is the GW2 dat file?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


Mine is 16GB. (fully up to date).

Regarding "Flame and Frost: Prelude"

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


How to start: I still have no clue.

But regarding the quaggan backpack, it’s a skin, so you would just attach the skin to an existing backpiece.

It says that you don’t have to have one in the patch notes, but I cannot figure out how to just wear it, it’s cute

I found out as stated above, felt a little silly when I didn’t see them on the map.

Regarding "Flame and Frost: Prelude"

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


How do you start it? – I would like to do it as it seems fun, I have spoken to the lady in Hoelbrak but it doesn’t give me the option to move on, she just says to be careful. :/

Also regarding the Quaggan backback, how do you just wear it as a backpack and not replace it with an item?

easy dungeon class beside war guardian

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Millionaires.4201


The Elementalist has a steep learning curve but a master can outplay any other profession. To be honest I only started appreciating it after I hit 80 and clothed it in exotics, it gave me the durability I needed to get good at different dual dagger techniques. You can’t learn to play if you’re out the game in one hit. On the other hand if you go with staff, you’re rarely taking hits and can offer a wide array of support through boons and direct healing.


The Elem has such a bad early start with low armour and HP and it gets instagibbed even when you’re 5 levels infront, but once it gets high it seems to dominate.
I don’t recommend Thief for dungeons though, others may think different as that was a personal opinion.