Showing Posts For Mraz.3057:

Razor Naga problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I’m using Naga myself and dont have this problem, just make sure the mouse in the Synapse has enough DPI set under performance tab, see what is he’s polling frequency.

But if you say it happens out of the game as well, I would definetly say its either synapse problem or mouse problem. Try unninstalling synapse as well if the problem persists, but first try those two options I mentioned before!

If the problem still persists even after unninstalling synapse then maybe your mouse is on its way out. :/

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Turned off the memory X.M.P. profile in bios and AUTO DRAM frequency ON,
24h no crashes.
(X.M.P on before and DRAM locked at 1600MHz).

Not only that it worked for me, but I actually am playing with higher FPS than before…

Guild Wars 2 Computer Crash with Blue Screen(ATI)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I am having the same problem, nothing wrong with my hardware as I can play every other game in the world without issue. My problem started out as a constant driver crash (HD4870) that would result in a frozen black screen. I could alt+ctrl+delete my way out but soon it turned in to bsod on every crash.

I followed someones advice in another thread and turned character animation to low and unchecked high res character models and that seems to have helped but I still experience the issue in roughly 50% of my sessions in GW2. I have tried the last 8 set of official drivers, underclocked, overclocked, and standard clocked card, and I have increased the fan speed to max (and monitored the temp) just to ensure no over heating issue. Don’t have my error codes to post up as I am at work but the situation sounds identical. Everything can be fine for hours and then suddenly while chopping a tree or just standing still I freeze and get the bsod.

Overclock you card by a mere 100mhz on core clock and memory clock, and in game set any graphic options you prefere, BUT under resolution set the game to Windowed Fullscreen mode, that helped me stop the crashing and I am playing for over 5 days now without a crash!

Extremely BAD advice,no offense but dont go randomly tell people to overclock their gpu,btw 100mhz is Alot for a gpu,espec in a system with bad airflow.This can actually make things wors for people,and add alot of extra heat.Btw ocing the memory clock is usually Not recommended.

Look, I just gave the best advice possible for the problem that occurs to people while playing this game, do they have the necessary knowledge or not is not my problem, but that is the solution for the problem at least for my PC.

Do I have necessary airflow I do, as well as watercooling and extreme cable managment, with multiple fans inside the case.

But the point here is not can you damage your PC hardware, its about solving the app problem.

Besides everything you ever do from any forum while tinkering with your rig is your own responsibility!

Guild Wars 2 Computer Crash with Blue Screen(ATI)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I am having the same problem, nothing wrong with my hardware as I can play every other game in the world without issue. My problem started out as a constant driver crash (HD4870) that would result in a frozen black screen. I could alt+ctrl+delete my way out but soon it turned in to bsod on every crash.

I followed someones advice in another thread and turned character animation to low and unchecked high res character models and that seems to have helped but I still experience the issue in roughly 50% of my sessions in GW2. I have tried the last 8 set of official drivers, underclocked, overclocked, and standard clocked card, and I have increased the fan speed to max (and monitored the temp) just to ensure no over heating issue. Don’t have my error codes to post up as I am at work but the situation sounds identical. Everything can be fine for hours and then suddenly while chopping a tree or just standing still I freeze and get the bsod.

Overclock you card by a mere 100mhz on core clock and memory clock, and in game set any graphic options you prefere, BUT under resolution set the game to Windowed Fullscreen mode, that helped me stop the crashing and I am playing for over 5 days now without a crash!

Final thoughts and solution's to game crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


You say the oc on your gpu was the fix ,but on the bottom of your post you have OLD —> NEW ram.That could have been the issue aswell as that kingston ram you had wasn’t that great compared to corsair’s.

Nope, if you read once more, you will notice that even after changing the RAM my game was still crashing!

After doing these two steps my game was and is still running stable for over 10 hours straight when I tested it the first day, and ever since I am playing without any problems whatsoever!

Final thoughts and solution's to game crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


EDIT: about FPS and drivers
Please try this and tell me if it works for you!

Just wanted to jump in one last time to give you all heads up with problems of game constantly crashing, giving out of memory/not enough memory issues, weird FPS and graphic problems as well as BSOD and PC freezing.

I was in the same boat as you guys I ran memtest and tried absolutely everything that came across my mind from OS fresh installation, driver updates/uninstalling, chipset and BIOS updating, to even phisically changing my RAM and spending over 100$ on new RAM, and…



I’ve managed to fix my crashes by doing this steps:

1) Changed in game graphic options my resolution to – Windowed mode Fullscreen!
2) Overclocking my video card for only 100 mhz on core clock speed and memory speed.

Since these two steps I took it has been over 5 days now, and I am playing without a single crash since, and my FPS from 1-20 is now around 80 average on everything maxed!

Some also mentioned underclocking your GPU, and fixing they’r crashing as well, so you might wanna try that as well.

My rig is:

W7 64 bit
AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE(overclocked to 4.0 Ghz)
ATi Radeon Sapphire 7950, 3Gb, 384 bit (Catalyst 12.8)
OLD RAM: Kingston, 8 Gb 1333mhz, CAS9
NEW RAM: Corsair Vengeance, 8 Gb 1600 mhz, CAS8

I wish the best of luck for all of you guys and girls that still have these problems!

(edited by Mraz.3057)

Crashing solution found!(out of memory, weird errors, GW2.exe stopped working)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Sorry to hear it from u guys, but I am playing for the third day in a row without crashing like that.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Just set under graphics option- resolution – windowed fullscreen mode, and set any desireable graphic options, no crashes 100% guaranteed!!!!

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Just set under graphics option- resolution – windowed fullscreen mode, and set any desireable graphic options, no crashes 100% guaranteed!!!!

Crashing solution found!(out of memory, weird errors, GW2.exe stopped working)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Once again this is definetly working I would strongly suggest this to everyone!

Just set under graphics option- resolution – windowed fullscreen mode, and set any desireable graphic options, no crashes 100% guaranteed!!!!

Crashing solution found!(out of memory, weird errors, GW2.exe stopped working)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Game crashing every 30 seconds to 10 minutes, GW2.exe stopped working, out of memory, backbone missing from this and that, BSOD, sound freezing, etc…

Crashing solution found!(out of memory, weird errors, GW2.exe stopped working)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


For anyone being doubtful please try it out NOW, and come back and tell if its working for you, I am playing for a third day in a row without problems so far!

Crashing solution found!(out of memory, weird errors, GW2.exe stopped working)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Few days ago I saw a post of a guy saying that he found the solution by simply in graphics option in game he switched under Resolution tab to option Windowed fullscreen, I did the same.

Last two days I am playing without a problem with well over 100 Fps on my Sapphire 7950, the game is no longer crashing, the sound problems also dissapeared and my GPU and CPU usage has reduced to ’’normal’’.

I just want to thank that guy and recommend that to everyone!

My Crash Fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


It’s still crashing for me -.-

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Guild Wars 2 (gw2.exe) also crashes/hangs on me about once an hour. Like others, it’s most often while porting or in Lion’s Arch. The game hangs with an audio loop but I am always able to kill it with Task Manager and relaunch it.

My ArenaNet log identifies the crash most often as Out of Memory. I compared my log with others that were due to Out of Memory and the following code dump was practically identical:

0063DD94 e8178eff ff8b4d14 8b95ecfe ffff83c4 ……M………
0063DDA4 286a0051 528d95fc feffffb9 05000000 (j.QR………..
0063DDB4 e8170001 008b4dfc 5f5e33cd 5be89a8f ……M._^3.[…
0063DDC4 25008be5 5dc21400 cccccccc 558bec8b %…]…….U…
0063DDD4 45086a00 50e892fd ffff5dc2 0400cccc E.j.P…..]…..
0063DDE4 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 8b0db812 …………….

So there is either a bug in the above code or it points to the underlying problem. Is it trying to load textures or something that allocates video memory? I ask this because my video card and the others with the same error and code dump had no more than 1024 MB of video memory.

Same problem here!

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I did, I basically did everything almost possible, from HW testing to reinstalling OS, updating drivers, chipsets even BIOS, playing with my router…nothing helps…

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Here’s what I’ve got…sry for double post.

0063DD94 e8178eff ff8b4d14 8b95ecfe ffff83c4 ……M………
0063DDA4 286a0051 528d95fc feffffb9 05000000 (j.QR………..
0063DDB4 e8170001 008b4dfc 5f5e33cd 5be89a8f ……M._^3.[…
0063DDC4 25008be5 5dc21400 cccccccc 558bec8b %…]…….U…
0063DDD4 45086a00 50e892fd ffff5dc2 0400cccc E.j.P…..]…..
0063DDE4 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 8b0db812 …………….

There must be an error here somewhere, but I’m not into code and stuff…

BTW this is what error log popped out…on multiple occasions while crashing.

Cant install the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Try redownloading the client, its probably missing something…

Random game crashing no noticeable pattern

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Welcome to the world of GW2 where everything is crashable even the client itself. Jump on the bandwagon and take a look around in other 9999999999 topics saying theyre game is randomly crashing, including mine. There is no help whatsoever my friend…

Here’s mine:

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I think your best technique would be to start a ticket with Guild Wars 2 support. They will ask for whatever logs and information they need to fully diagnose the problem. It does sound like some sort of unfortunate issue with GW2 and some unique element of your system.. you’re one of the first I’ve read that has this issue.

I seriously hope this is some kind of sick joke you just said, open your eyes a bit and go through the forums, every second topic is about game crashing every few minutes leading to PC freezing and needing hard reset.
In fact I would go so far by saying that only on the tech forums I have seen three issues so far: 1) Crashing every couple of minutes 2) Low Fps problems 3) Random graphic problems in game(such as blue color merging with characters, shadows being weird stripes etc.)

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


The point is, that every wise guy says its my system, but the truth is far from that. I didnt have any problems with my PC, I am playing BF3 for whole day, If I want to with well over 100FPS and nothing happens, I am playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, CSS: GO, Skyrim, Max Payne 3 and so on and on…and NEVER EVER has my PC crashed or I had any problems with performance. So this is definetly not a problem with my PC, its GW2 client problem and an error somewhere in the code.

GW2 unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


I have read over a hundred times now that game is crashing for everyone in 2-10 minutes time span while playing, causing they’r PC’s CTD and needing to hard restart, as well as going BSOD or completely lock up.

The following messages are almost exactly the same such as:
‘’Not enough memory!’’
‘’Address line space 0000005(something) ran out of space, and GW2.exe needs to close’‘!
’’Characters ’’child’’ or something are not found or compatible with backbone(backbone is missing from the following) and the Gw2.exe has stopped responding’’

I have the same problem with many other people that posted they’r topic, and I BEG YOU ARENA NET to look into these problems and solve them ASAP, instead of fixing in game trading company or guild problems, because people actually playing and people not even being able to run the game, are two completely different stories, and those with bigger problems should have been addressed first!

W7 64 bit
AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE(4.0 Ghz with watercooling)
Kingmax 8 Gb DDR3 1333mhz FLFE
Ati Radeon(Sapphire) 7950, 3Gb, 384 bit

Me and many others also probable went through the following:

Fresh OS installation to W7 x86 and/or x64 bit
Updating drivers for GPU to latest
Rolling back drivers one by one to oldest for GPU to see if thats the problem
Updating Dx9 to see if thats the problem
Reinstalling mobo chipset drivers or any other mobo related drivers
Running the game in admin mode
Running the game in compatibility with WXP/W Vista(SP1,2)
Checking out our Catalyst control centers for Ati and what not for GeForce
Running memtest for RAM and testing out our HDD’s
Repairing the game
Reinstalling the game
Moving the game to other folders
Switching to different graphics card to see what will happen
Switching in-game graphics options
Taking out and putting in RAM
Underclocking video cards
Port forwarding
Connecting directly to the modem/router


So please be so kind and at least post an ETA for a solution that you are working on, assuming you are working on one!

Your fan from Croatia, Bojan… =’/


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Thought i should add a few screenies for you guys to see CPU and GPU usage while ingame, not sure if it helps.
As you can see, currently running the game with max settings having 44FPS with both GTX 680s in SLI.
It’s like that in pretty much all areas. In WvW it can drop below 30s, about 26 – 30FPS.

That perfomance would be really okay for me if i wouldn’t have such an high-end PC Setup. In other games i have zero issues.

Cards, the entire PC are correctly setup. Yes the cards are in the right slow, yes the PCIE 3.0 slots give what they can just give.
Yes the ram is correctly Setup to use the QUAD-Channel technology.

Oh and turning V-Sync on or off makes no difference.
Playing in full-screen and changing the default refresh stuff thingies doesn’t make any difference.

To avoid confusion i added the dxdiag again in this post.

Yeah bro u need to turn that supersampling down to normal, otherwise you get cra**y FPS…trust me I’m on Ati 7950, and with supersample off I get on high to max settings about 70 Fps…

Computer Crashes when running game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


Crash/Freeze/Stuck - Possible Fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


ATI Radeon/Nvidia PC crashes (possible solutions)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mraz.3057


EDIT: It would help that if any of you managed to fix your problems with posted solutions, would post something so that the post doesnt end on the last page of the forums, so it can help to others as well without me needing to bump it.

Ok so here is the deal what happened to me personally my cousin and my best friend when trying to play the GW2.

First of all I would like to point out that all three of us have medium to high end PC’s and that system requirements or system specs themselves are not a problem for us.

My PC specs are: AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE(clocked to 4.0 Ghz with watercooling), 8 Gb DDR3@1333 mhz and Ati Radeon HD(Sapphire) 7950, 3Gb, 384 bit.

The problems that occured to myself personally were getting the game to crash to desktop after 2-10 minutes max. showing the message that I am out of memory(or my memory is leaking), and immediately after that showing weird purple artifacts that would lead to the PC completely freezing after about 10 seconds of the error occuring. Or the PC would simply from well over 70Fps frop to 1 and wouldnt want to budge out of it, making it almost completely unresponsive.

Solution for the following was:

I used Ati Radeon drivers version 12.8 catalyst, that were always downloaded from official website, what I did I tried unninstalling and going one version at a time backwards until I didnt notice gameplay improvements or actual changes in behaviour with my PC. The results were that at version 12.3(display driver only) my problems were completely eliminated, and I am now playing for a few days in a row, approx. 5-6 hours straight without crashing.

My cousins problem:

Either the game crashed in the same way as mine did, or the PC simply kick him out of the game notifying him that the GW2.exe has stopped working and it needs to close.

Now you are gonna love this one I promise you that 100%!

He reinstalled he’s OS fresh to W7 64bit, what he previously had, and he has same graphics brand Ati Radeon, but the problem still persisted and wasnt solved even by using 12.3 drivers(display driver only), after trying to play like that for a few days we both finnaly noticed that the client keeps crashing every 2 hours or less when he’s desktop wallpaper changed(he had many pictures set to shuffle every 2 hours), and after simply uncheking the desktop wallpaper shuffle option, he’s problems dissappeared! How about that one ? -.-

Friends problem:
My friends problem was BSOD and game dropping out just like cousins, causing .exe to stop working, but he has GTX 680.

It wasnt PC related and we couldnt do anything basically, so one day he got really mad and he tried everything that he could possibly think of, he solved he’s problem for BSOD by connecting he’s PC directly to the router instead of any external switches or hubs, but he’s game dropping still occured(.exe stopped working), so he switched to newest BETA drivers from Nvidia and that solved he’s problem.

Extra note to all those reading is always try everything that goes through your mind, before actually blaming the machine you are playing on, because the problem is in the client itself and not your PC’s…

Sorry for any mistakes in grammar, my native language is not English I hope this helped at least one of you!

See you in game, Svaar!

(edited by Mraz.3057)