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Raids are Casual Friendly

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I think the problem is people are categorizing themselves as “casual players” vs “hardcore players”. By putting your play style in a box, your instantly throwing yourself in 1 side of the pool mentally.

Everyone who plays video games should know that there is a easy setting, normal setting, and hard setting. When Raids were introduced, it was told to the entire community this would be hard challenging content because it is what people have been complaining about on the GW2 forum about not enough hard challenges to overcome.

That means out of the box, Raids are “HARD” content… “Challenging” content. Anyone I think, who whines about the difficulty setting should not be playing Raids because its not made to be easy mode.

Also if were going to throw around the terms casual vs hardcore players, if Raids were made easier, their would be no content for the hardcore PvE’ers to go.

Most people quit Gw2 due to a lack of motivation to get better gear. As much as people don’t like to hear it, people actually do enjoy grinding for power, as long as its reasonable.

Raids is the introduction to that concept.

Healing Power for Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I love the healing signet and the trait “adrenaline health”. I think by themselves with no changes, you can get 362 health per tick + 351 every 3 second tick. That is 1,437 passive health regeneration every 3 seconds.

I then was hoping for a nomad’s build but couldn’t find gear for it, so I went for cleric instead, with a focus on getting as much healing power as possible. I got up to 1,625.

So now I can heal 443 health per tick + 595 every 3 second tick. That went up to 1,924 passive health regeneration, a 487 hp gain, but add in getting regeneration for the runes + banners giving renegeration stacked with all that healing power, i’m really enjoying this build as a tanking class.

Although the downfall with it is that I lack in offensive power. Has anyone tried this build before? I am really enjoying it and am trying to reach 1,700-1,800 healing power yet haven’t managed to do it yet.

Is Expansion worth just the revenant alone?

in Revenant

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Thinking of buying for the said above reason, but want those who play the class to give their opinion first.

Are Revanants over-powered?

in Revenant

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Just wondering because I was running with a necro-condi build fighting off mobs.. took about 10 seconds to kill 1.

Oh look, here comes a Rev… 1 shots it.

Makes me feel like I should just roll rev and drop the condi’s.

What really disappoints me.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


You’re demonstrating stereotypical white knight rhetoric……

Whaaat? He doesn’t play a guardian.

Should I Purchase HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


After reading the comments here, it seems like 50% of the people on the forums dislike HoT.

Although no one really answered my questions.

1. Is the Reaver fun to play?
2. Is Raiding fun to play?

How to create a condi build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys. I want to make a necro that deals out massive condi damage. Is necro a good class to play for that?

Should I Purchase HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


i’d wait to see if they change the godawful “masteries” which are holding the story and specializations hostage.

if they don’t allow you to play the story and specializations without grinding millions upon millions of mind-numbing xp then i’d whole heartedly not recommend buying it.

Well i’m not really interested in the new map or the story or the mastery system. I understand that people have been playing this game 3+ years and are interested in getting their new toys, only to held back by a time-wall and especially after shelling out hard cash.

I’m only really interested in if the new Revenant is fun and Raiding, which I haven’t heard anyone talk about since the launch of HoT.

Should I Purchase HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Hello GW2 community. I’ve been browsing around and wondering if I should purchase HoT to see if Gw2 has improved since its initial launch. I was very hyped and excited when it came out August 2012, but after 2 months of play, I could not find a playstyle I enjoyed. The lack of clear defined roles left me feeling just another dps, which I hate, because I love support roles.

Now HoT has come out and i’m wondering if the situation has improved or is still the same? I have done some research and the 2 things that appeal to me the most is the new profession and raiding for its challenge factor.

So I would like to ask those who have already bought the expansion, are you happy with your purchase or do you find it lack luster? Also for those who went above and beyond to buy the 100$ pack, did you find that a valuable purchase or was it something you could of just done without?

I would be a casual player and I think the 4,000 gems would save me time from having to grind gold to get decent gear. Thanks for reading my post.

My feedback about Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


2. No skill customization. If you take a game like Guild Wars 1.. its level cap was only 20. That pretty much means that if you compare it to Guild Wars 2.. the level of grinding or progression is lowered. But I played that game for 500+ hours.

Then I thought.. well what is the difference? The difference is I could play this game with “MY” build, instead of what Area net thinks is best for me. Now I know why they did it this way, for balance issues.. but that doesn’t mean I don’t get sick of “their” setup.

One of the primary reasons I left Aion back in the day was because I got tired of hitting.. 1.. 1… 1.. 2.. 3.. 1.. 2.. 1..

It feels very much the same here. Sure, I can customize it to be alittle bit different from someone elses build, but the reality is, we all have the same build, we can’t change it if we wanted to.. and that lack of customization of creating your own deck of cards means I cannot develop new strategies to tack a enemy. I have to work with the lemons given to me.

Now some may disagree, but this is how I feel and its my constructive criticism about it. I honestly don’t think it was such a good idea how to tell players how to play. Generally when it comes to play styles, the more freedom, the better. I would have to say there must be a better way to balance the game than binding players hands.
3. No distinct role. Gone are the days of needing a tank or healer and all can just run into the game and play as they will. Sounds good to the ears and even on paper, but in reality, if everyone is the same, no one is different. Making us all mediocre players and a jack of all trades rather than a master of one really doesn’t make for enjoyable gameplay.

Do I hate waiting for other players who I may need to depend on? You bet you I do!

However, I am learning as the game goes on that instead of lacking on one area as before, say.. tanking abilities, I now lack in all area’s to the point that if I try to buff one, I loose in the other area, but “too” much as to make it impossible to join the game.

Another words, if I buff my power, I loose in defense, and I find myself dodging and rolling more often than not to stay afloat. Where as if I buff my tanking abilities, I loose in power, and it takes me all the more longer to kill a mob.

It seems the best route is balance obviously, but thats just the problem, you can never be “too” powerful, less you get 1 shotted, so the possibility is open, but its like a treat you can never have, because you’ll always be dieing.

4. Last and not least, social aspects. For a game that was designed in hopes for players to work together.. its surprisingly very anti-social and isolated.

To be honest, I think its because no one needs each other because the game was designed that you don’t need tanks or healers. I joined a guild but those guys are into some really weird stuff.. that don’t even deal with this game. I should probably join another guild.

Anyway.. thats my 2 cents.. I know everyone doesn’t feel the same.. but hopefully this gets read by the devs and someone can understand why some of the playerbase isn’t really responding to this game as they probably hoped?

Anyway.. thats my 2 cents.. I know everyone doesn’t feel the same.. but hopefully this gets read by the devs and someone can understand why some of the playerbase isn’t really responding to this game as they probably hoped?For all those fanboys out there, your free to flame me now.. i’m expecting it, lol.

My feedback about Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Hello everyone.

This may come off as a rant, but its really constructive criticism about Guild Wars 2, in hopes that the devs can see it for future suggestions about where to progress with Guild Wars 2. I know they are always looking for feedback and I hope that my bit helps them progress.

Before I even got my hands onto Guild Wars 2, you might want to know a short backdrop. To say the least, I was a fanboy. Anyone who dared criticize this game on youtube was met with fanboyism furry. I was burned out of many of the games on the current market, and my only hope and faith I had left was in GW2.

For the first month, I had a absolute blast about this game. It was like a dream come true.. dynamic events, massive pvp with siege weapons.. fluid combat.. and above all, NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE! (WOO!)

Then around the 2nd month after the hype had died down I began to notice problems. Not problems with the game, but problems with me as to why I wasn’t enjoying it as I was the first month. This is where my “constructive criticism” part comes into play as people may feel or view this differently.

After around level 40 or so.. The drive to play just died. My motivation was pretty much zero. I didn’t think much of it at the time and I just re-rolled another character.. almost as if forcing myself to grind to 80. When I did finally hit level 80 on my trusty warrior tank.. (which I happen to love for playstyle).. I never noticed, but the months rolled by.. and I woke up one day and realized.. I haven’t played GW2 in 3 months time!

I then began to go back and wonder why I haven’t even touched this game? This.. “was it”. This was the game I been waiting for years and years and years.. and now.. I can’t find myself to pick it up? And this is just me, but its my feedback to the developers on to why I have no motivation to play this game. I even tried to come back recently, but the lack of motivation remains.

1. The lack of “true” dynamic content. You take a video game like left 4 dead which only has 20 maps, you could say there is a lot to be desired. However, what makes it such a great game for its time was it had “true” dynamic content. Every zombie placement was “different” on every map so no map playthrough was ever played the same.

This is not true in Guild Wars 2. You have a set of dynamic events that are more like world quests that anyone can join, but they NEVER change the world. Yes, they change the scenery for awhile.. but do they effect the ENTIRE world? Or perhaps even the map your playing on? Hardly.

Now if your going through this event 1 or 2 times.. its fresh.. its new.. but eventually it gets very stale. Its like watching a movie you liked for the 7th.. 8th.. 9th time. Overtime, you eventually get sick of watching re-runs.

That made me believe that there was not any real world life changing events. I thought to myself.. If I don’t stop this centuar attack.. or dragon attack.. then they will rampage through the town and other area’s and destroy our peaceful civilization! But nothing was further from the truth. When a dragon attacks.. if you do nothing, well, guess what happens? NOTHING! Its a stationary boss, that doesn’t change or effect the world. I have not once ever seen a dragon attack a town. I haven’t seen people fail and centuars take over and control territories in the sense that it mattered.

Its not like you loose spawn points.. or money.. or gold.. or the economy sinks for failing, you just don’t get rewarded. Thats not true dynamic content. Its a great quest system, but I think a lot of people believed that if they failed in these events, something drastic would happen.. but nothing ever did. That makes this game feel “static”. You can slap dynamic on it.. but the reality is.. these events are in bubbles that very rarely ever effect the world itself. Besides.. you didn’t win the first time? Wait 10 minutes and it will happen again.

Thats just my feelings on the matter. I know some will disagree but I was hoping for a more true dynamic world.

Make my tank, tankier!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup community.

I’m trying to build the ultimate tank for dungeon runs and so far I managed to build a pretty decent build. The DPS is on the low end unfortunately, but my team makes up for the rest of the damage output.

Currently my test subject is in the dungeon of Ascalon Catacombs, the general who does his scorpion pull, then spin attack.

In the past with my tank build, he would pop me with 1,500 damage. Now, he pops me for 500. With that said, I don’t know what it is about “me” or my character, but they always love to aggro on me. Thats a good thing though. I managed to tank him pretty much the entire time while my team just unloaded on the guy. (felt like a champ!)

Anyways, my current build is 30 in toughness and 30 in vitality trait. Then a additional 90+ armor with shield equipped trait. Then I updated all my armor into the toughness line, with toughness runes. Even my weapon is toughness. Trinkets and Rings, all toughness.

Any other way I can make my tank have additional armor? Keep in mind, i’m only 71 so I haven’t hit 80 yet. I’m currently running about 1000+ armor at level 35 in the dungeon.

Building a tank

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys.

So I decided to make my warrior a tank build in which I have high toughness + vitality. To say the least, i’m loving it! Now my dps has crashed down to 250 per swipe minus power utility skills, but overwall, I love the ability to “tank” things.

I"m 45 now and going to hit 50 soon. My question is, at 50, the rare (yellow) items become available, but the boosts they give seem insignificant, yet the cost much higher, as much as 20 times higher than a green item.

I’m currently at 1450 armor and the mobs at my level hit about 300. Also in a field test, a warrior my level at 44 at the time, had half his health taken out when we was figting the giant skull crusher dude in one of his stomp attacks. For me, it took out 2k hp out of 10k. Meaning in short term, his warrior took a 50% hit, while mine took a 20% hit, making my surviability 2.5 if not 3 times more likely than him.

I put toughness on all my armor with major runes (saving superior for 80 armor). Toughness weapons, and toughness trinkets.

Some things I did not do:

Defense banner —> I like my armor to be mobile rather than in 1 spot.
Shield (90+ armor)--> Dps is to low compared to my aoe hard hitting hammer.

Any other ideas on how I can raise my toughness? And is the rares at 50 worth it or should I just stick with green.

Epic PC with Non-Epic FPS's

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


May I ask what Operating System your using? I know you said Windows 7, but is it 32 bit or 64?

I know when I was using Windows Xp 32 bit home edition, my FPS were on average 22 FPS. Thats “with” a clean installation.

After I installed Windows 7 64 bit, I expected a small 5 to 10 fps increase. I was SHOCKED when I started cranking out 60 fps in most area’s and 45 in heavily far out looking area’s. I have NEVER dropped below 30 fps!!!

Its like it was the cure I was looking for!

Please tell us if your windows 7 is 32 bit or 64. I know it worked for me, but i’m curious if your suffering from these performance issues because you have a 32 bit going, which limits your memory heavily! I noticed a all round improvement to all my video games now since going 64 bit and never been happier!

Major FPS increase

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I just did another test.

There is a area in the grove where the roots glow and sparkle. Orginally I would get 11 FPS in this area. When I formated my computer in attempt to get better FPS, I got 20-22 fps there.

Now, i’m getting 47 FPS at least, and 60 fps at highest. Wow. Well i’m happy, I finally fixed it!!!

Major FPS increase

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Hello guys,

I don’t know if this will help anyone but it helped me. For those who don’t know the story, I quit this game due to the unbearable FPS at a average of 22 FPS in most area’s.

Specs below:

Nvidia GTX680
I2500k 3.3ghz
4GB of DDR3 1800ghz ram

I did something today that suprisingly boosted my FPS from 22 on average to 45 to high 60’s. This may or may not be your problem but anyway, here it goes and hope it helps anyone out there.

My operating system for this game was Windows XP home edition 32 bit. There was another video game I wanted (Xcom) that forces you to use Windows 7 in order to play it.

Well I wanted windows 7 before I wanted Xcom so having a motivation went ahead and bought it. I installed Windows 7 64 bit over my previous 32 bit.

Well, you know the results. Pretty dam amazing. My guess is if your having low fps, check to see if your running a 32 bit OS.

It helped me, so I just figured I toss that out there to see if it might help someone else or if i’m just lucky.

Have you quit playing due to FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


What resolution, how much VRAM is on the card, and what graphics settings are you using?

I’m doubtful its a general problem with the engine, and could be one of those very specific combination in your setup that leads to the problem. Or it could be your pushing it too hard, and its pushing back.

It has 2 GB’s of Vram.

Don’t you guys know anything about computers???

Have you quit playing due to FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


My CPU is a i5-2500k unlocked quad 3.3ghz. Its not my CPU either.

Have you quit playing due to FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


In the beginning I played this game a lot! Inspite of the horrible FPS. I endured the stuttering from 90 degree turns, the 60 fps landscapes down to the 10 fps when you got in a certain area.

But eventually I just quit. Most of the time I would be hanging on 22 FPS on average at most places.

Now when I log in, and I see those low frame rates… I just have no desire to play. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?

I have a Nvidia 680GTX and it is one of the best cards around you can buy at this time. I enjoy 60 FPS on the majority of games and to go from that.. to GW2 which I was hoping would be more optimized than it is today.. I just can’t do it.

I’m tired of switching drivers every week only to see zero performance gain. I figured I will come back and play once the FPS issue is resolved. I didn’t drop over 1,000 dollars on my computer just to get this poor performance whlie those with lower end machines are having a better time than we are.

Just my thoughts and wondered if anyone else felt the same.

Why I can't get into this game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


After playing for atleast over 100 hours, I think I finally came to the realization of why I can’t get into this game. It isn’t the repeatable dynamic events, its not lag, its not the lack of freedom of character customization for builds.

Its the FPS.

I have took the time to work hard to carefully craft and build my own computer JUST to play Guild Wars 2 and on the majority of video games, I eat them like dirt. Solid 60 fps or higher with eye candy. (Build spec below).

However, with the fact that this game is not optimized and their is no drivers out, and inspite arena net have kept extremely quiet about what they are doing on their end to fix this.. let alone address it. (Haven’t seen any real statements on the issue).

I just can’t do it anymore. Its a fun game, but I just can’t handle the stuttering anymore. The low 20 fps area’s. The choppy visuals. Its like forcing yourself to watch a movie that has blips in it.

Well I’m going to put Guild Wars 2 down and come back in a month or two and hopefully this issue will be resolved. Till then, I just can’t get into it. Its unplayable.

I have seen other video’s of people playing this game with solid 60 fps and having no issues, but apparently upgrading your PC is BAD for Guild Wars 2. I"m not going to downgrade and I’ll just have to wait it out till its resolved.. if it gets resolved.

Anyone else having similar feelings?

Build Specs:

I-2500k 3.3ghz
Nvidia GTX680
Kingston 4GB Ram DDR3 1800

Hidden Fee's on the Trading Post!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I’m a bit upset because the trading post is either broken or anet has implemented something very sneaky.

For one, you have to pay 5% of your total listing price. No biggy. But then it will tell you “hey, your going to get 10 silver back once someone buys your item”. Well thats great.. but wait!

When you go to the actual “profit” tab to collect, there is only 9 silver! They literally take out a extra 10% of your total earnings!

This is BS and should be removed! Why do they feel the need to charge me 5% for listing it, then another hidden 10% fee?!

WvWvW or PvP and its updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Your mixing “reward” with “gameplay”.

For example, what if everyone was just straight up level 80 right away? No going from 1 to 79, you was just instantly given 80.

Well, people would enjoy the dynamic events for awhile, but eventually they would ask and say.. “whats the point?”

Thats where the rewards come in. When Arena net said they got rid of grinding, they got rid of grinding LEVELS, they said nothing about not grinding for rewards, which is inevitable, because if everything is handed to you on a silver platter, you lose all sense of achievement and progression, and you would have no economy to boot.

By grinding out for GOOD rewards, you essentially keep the game going. Just because they have anti-grind philosophy doesn’t mean they are completely against grinding. Grinding is good in much like one exercises to achieve quality health. But to grind to gain 1 level that has no impact on gameplay is just tedious.

How do I move the map???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


I was playing today and realize that the map seemed a bit too small. I was practically blind so I forgot that the map needed to be bigger on my previous toon. So I basically opened the map up fully so its a big sqaure in the bottom right corner.

Well with a quick flick of the mouse, I have no idea what I did but now the map jumped to the north east corner and I can’t move it back down to the south east. I have no idea what I did to cause it to do that and I pressed all the buttons I could think of.

Anyone here know how to fix this?

How I got higher FPS.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys.

For those who don’t know my situation, I been upset lately because I have what you could consider a high end computer but getting TERRIBLE fps in this game which is just unacceptable to me.

So after having tried all I could possibly try, I did do ONE thing that did make a substantial improvement. Keep in mind it didn’t completely fix my problem and i’m not blazing 60 fps, but I did notice a 50% to 100% (that would be double) in FPS increases in areas that I would consider “heavy on the cpu”.

For example, in the slyvari city, near the top floor was a heavy zone for me. I got a staggering 11 fps from the lighting effects. As a result, I just couldn’t play this game.

So as a last ditch effort, I completely wiped out my computers hard drive, reformatted the entire thing, reinstalled Windows and ONLY installed Guild Wars 2.

The results is now I get 17 to 22 FPS in the same area and thats a “heavy” zone.

Granted, i’m sure some of you guys tried this, and completely wiping out all your data shouldn’t be a requirement to get decent FPS, but it worked for me. I"m just hoping it might help for someone else out there. So, in conclusion:

1. Turn off V-Sync.
2. Reformat your computer.

Its a temporary fix but it got the job done. If you guys do the same, let me know how it goes. I"ll also post back here later once I play a bit more for more updates on how my FPS situation is going.

Comp Specs:

I5-2500k unlock Quad Core 3.3ghz processor
Nvidia GTX680
4GM Kingston Ram DDR3-1600
Current Driver: 106.32

We need Outward Scaling, not just Upward.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


All I can say is I 100% agree.

Instead of spawning more NPC’s, spawn more NPC’s they do different things. For centuars, all I have seen is melee and ranger, thats it.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Actually this is my first ATI card, and im very satisfied. The price/performance ratio is excellent, I would say the “best bang for my buck” ever on a new card purchase.

Im sure over time the game will be optimzed for Nvidia cards. And Nvidia is probably making a driver that specifically enhances GW2 support since it is quite a good selling game.

I know this is a tough thing to hear when you have good equipment- consider lowering your settings?

Yet another happy ATI user.. Hmmm. Well as I said above, which is strange, is that I have my settings on High, and lowering the settings all the way down to LOW or evening lowering the resolution does not give me ANY extra FPS boost.

So if I get no FPS boost, I might as well keep all my settings on high and enjoy what I can get in terms of eye candy. Its really really strange. I never seen a game operate like this one.

But I must say, my graphics card feels like its not even running when I play this game, but my CPU takes the brunt of it. It goes from 36C idle to 61C!

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Its a shame you are having trouble getting better FPS. Maybe if you post in the tech support they can help you solve your problem.

I have an ATI card and it runs the game just fantastic.

Thats the problem. I"m getting reports from ATI user’s of fantastic FPS, but for NVIDIA card users like myself, the cards just aren’t optimized to play this game.

I was pretty loyal to nvidia, but the GTX680 has been out since like march? If ATI can get their stuff together, then I may hop ships.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys.

I’m just gonna be blunt because I don’t know how else to put it, but what in the world did Arena Net do to get 70 FPS on a GTX680!?

I have a I5-2500k Unlock quad core with a GTX680 and 4g DDR3 1600 Ram.

I basically have a custom built home computer that can run practically almost any game with absolute solid 60 FPS hands down, any game, except Guild Wars 2.

Now granted, I know the game isn’t fully optimized, and I know nvidia is working on drivers, but i’m alittle bit upset.

I should NOT be getting 11 frames per second in a city. My average fps is 25 and I do have the lastest drivers from nvidia.

So my question is, what in the world did Arena Net do to claim they get 70 FPS!? Im not a console gamer so I spend the extra coin to get solid and smooth gameplay, but i’m finding it very difficult to enjoy my experience when i’m literally stuttering 90% of the time.

What am I suppose to do? Go out and buy 2 graphics cards??? Not gonna happen.

Anyway, thats just a bit of a rant. I can’t make my computer any better than it is, but I have seen other people play this game as smooth as ice. Also, any settings of lowering the graphics or even the resolution of the game gives no extra FPS returns.

Do we have any ETA on when this can be fixed? I really just want to stop till they fix it because I can’t enjoy some beautiful area’s in the game because the FPS drops so low.

I don't feel that Dynamic Events shouldn't be called Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys, I know this may sound like a bit of a rant, but its really just a small disappointment in what Arena Net calls Dynamic Events.

Before the launch of GW2, I remember in the news how they spoke of Dynamic events where their would be things such as centaurs randomly attacking a town, then taking over the town or setting up outposts, and then proceeding to send out scouts or attack other villages.

The truth is, this isn’t how its set up at all. Before launch, I found a map which had area’s scribble on it on what “events” happen there. Thats when I got my first let-down on what I thought or perceived to be true dynamic events. Perhaps I just didn’t read into it well enough, but let me give you my thought process on how I thought the system would work.

As of currently, the system is designed in “bubbles” or geographical locations. In these bubbles, the same event will happen over.. and over.. and over.. and over again. If you win or fail, you will spark down a chain, but thats it. Consider it like a static roller coaster ride with the option to take a nice turn once in awhile, but you know no matter what you do in the world, that roller coaster will always be there, everyday for you to experience which does not give me the feeling of have accomplished something. Oh I slayed the undead in this area? Not a problem, they will spawn and attack again in the next 5 to 15 minutes. My achievements are just a illusion of real progress.

Now here is how I thought it would work and the best description I could describe it is that I thought dynamic events would more work like a virus. Centaurs would inevitable hold a “you can never die” zone so you couldn’t wipe them out from existence and the other playable races would hold their own small “you can never die” zone so you can’t be completely wiped out.

The centaurs would not wait for players to arrive to start any event. They would automatically be given a order by the game to go scout a area, gather forces, launch a assault on a town, set “real” traps (not tapping the F key to disperse a trap that will never trigger or hurt you), or perhaps even fortify their own position.

Eventually they make their way town to town, and as they conquer more towns, you lose benefits for not holding those towns. Eventually the players realize its a battlefield of territorial control. You just can’t walk in and do your thing, you have a horde of centaurs running around.

The objective is to ultimately take back and control as much territory as possible and with every centaur defeat, the difficult could be ramped up intill you have a inevitable defeat for the players and their “zerg” fest, which by then will reset the difficulty.

Eventually the chain could lead down to centaurs attempting to lay siege to divinitys reach and breaching its walls. You would hear screams and crys in the streets and citizens are being butchered, all thanks to your failure to keep them safe. The more you do not contain the centaur threat, the more they become a threat to you.

Now of course, thats 1 example in 1 zone. Obviously multiple zones could have multiple area’s where enemy npc’s have dominated control and its up to you as your players as a team to tackle each area at a time. Then, not only would you feel like you achieved something, but you would actually really see the change in the world, as opposed to knowing in the back of your head that the same event will happen over and over and over.

So I would call the static bubbles we have now dynamic events, but more like repeatable quests. I was hoping for a more free-form events.

But the dragons will always spawn where they spawn at. They will never take or hold territory and to be honest, the kind of setup feels like i’m on a tread mill, just looking for the next roller coaster to ride, rather than feel like i’ve made progress, took ground, and holding back a force that desires our destruction.

Perhaps my “virus events” in theory wouldn’t work well in practice and thats why we have these bubble type events, but I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this.

If your curious about my level or where I am in the game, i’m level 55 and currently at the zone where you fight the first dragon, taquala something the sunless.