Showing Posts For NotoriousNaru.1705:

10+ loss streak, dev feedback required

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Good thing that trevor boyer baddie isn’t denying he lost 15 in a row because hes bad and skill clicks and it looks like several people have also watched his signature video and have come to the same conclusion. My work here is done.

Bye lads

10+ loss streak, dev feedback required

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Lmao your memes never seem to disappoint.

You can’t lose 15 games in a row, cry on the forums, and expect anyone good at this game to take you seriously. I don’t think you truly grasp how bad ANYONE has to be to lose FIFTEEN ENTIRE GAMES in a row. If matchmaking was so flawed like you claim it to be, then why is there not a single semi decent or good player complaining about them having FIFTEEN games stacked against them. Here’s the reality of your situation Mr. I like to click my skills, of those 15 games you lost you probably had 2 maybe 3 stacked against you, and the other 12-13 you were just not good enough to win. I’m sorry to burst your buble but its true.

Do you notice a pattern here? Good players keep climbing up, and bad players keep losing(15 loss streak xd what a meme). MM isn’t out to get anyone most people coming on this forum crying about where they are and where they should be, are usually just delusional and are exactly where they deserve to be.

10+ loss streak, dev feedback required

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Why do people do this? Why do you go on a massive loss streak and act like matchmaking is working against you. It isn’t. If you lost 10 in a row you need to re-evaluate yourself and see what YOU are doing wrong and fix it to stop that from happening again. This is just like that other guy with his massive rant about losing 15 games in a row, but hes a skill clicker.

8 seasons in you people need to understand that the population is low and MM isn’t going to spend 30mins giving you a perfectly balanced game. If you want to win more then either start improving or play something cheese(condi thief/ventari rev)

Big talk from smurfing culprit #1
Come back and post after you’ve actually experienced legitimate matches.

You didn’t lose 15 games in a row because mm was working against you. You lost 15 in a row because you are actually very bad at the game(i watched ur vid). You have 0 game knowledge, 0 matchup knowledge, 0 map awareness, and 0 mechanics seeing as you skill click everything. Yet you complain about your loss streak.

If you can name one decent player that had mm work against him and they ended up losing 15 in a row maybe i’ll take a meme like yourself more seriously.

10+ loss streak, dev feedback required

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Why do people do this? Why do you go on a massive loss streak and act like matchmaking is working against you. It isn’t. If you lost 10 in a row you need to re-evaluate yourself and see what YOU are doing wrong and fix it to stop that from happening again. This is just like that other guy with his massive rant about losing 15 games in a row, but hes a skill clicker.

8 seasons in you people need to understand that the population is low and MM isn’t going to spend 30mins giving you a perfectly balanced game. If you want to win more then either start improving or play something cheese(condi thief/ventari rev)

Permanently banned players still free to play

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


All Hail the Notorious Cronies.

Melandru's Matchup Bugged

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


I want my 25 gold and 5 mystic coins so I can send it to my permanently dishonored main. Fix your game Anet.

Tome of Healing :^)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


These numbers had to have been randomly generated by a dev last minute, there is no way they tested the impact of f2/f3 live with those ridiculously long cast times AND cooldowns. Maybe they thought it would be alot of sustain but not only were they extremely off with the healing/defensive numbers but also with how slow casting everything is. F2/F3 don’t give us any dmg skills so we cant dps anything while in those kits, so one would assume that you’d be able to have enough sustain because you will have 0 counter pressure when in those kits.

To me, Firebrand feels like a guardian without an f2 or f3. If I’m on dragonhunter and I’m in trouble, I press f2 to reposition and heal, or f3 to block and get stab/prot . On firebrand when I’m in trouble I will start the long process of casting my ridiculously long tomes(dont forget a cast time to ENTER the tome to begin with) and 95% of the time vs decent players I just die because they know my tome kit doesn’t protect me its useless atm.

Edit: Thanks for doing the math. Its clearly taking some people longer to realize not only are the tomes very slow but very unrewarding. Needs alot of work.

Firebrand is B A D(PvP only)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Just missing an “All is vain” in the OP

Actually, scratch that. It gets saltier as you go.

You must be lost, this isn’t a pve thread for firebrand.

Firebrand is B A D(PvP only)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


I reserved my judgement until I played it. But now I can just say. Firebrand is truly and utterly trash, clunky, slow and buggy.

Firebrand is B A D(PvP only)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


The F1 tome is okay. I say okay because even though it is so much better than everything else in the firebrand spec, it is nothing but a kit that applies burning, and has 1 cc. Most classes kill us so easily and we dont even have enough time to go through our defensive tomes because they both have long cooldowns, long cast times, not enough impact, and not enough mobility for the amount of time we spend on them. Also, when we are in these kits we do like no damage, so one would assume if you were in a defensive or heal kit you would be able to out sustain the damage on you but you can’t.

Scourge destroys us 1v1 and its a teamfight spec.
Spellbreaker destroys us just off the sheer speed of their auto attacks and the amount of dazes and ccs they have, a warrior autoing you WHILE you are casting your heal or defensive tomes will still kill you.
Weaver is a bruiser that slowly kills us 1v1 and has more impact in 2v2s and teamfights.
Holosmith has so much burst it is IMPOSSIBLE to outheal it, it is worse than the spellbreaker vs FB matchup. This is while running paladins because holosmith stacks 25might in like 2 seconds.
Both mirage and deadeye, even though they are some of the weaker specs this beta will still just range kill us because we no longer have any good access to range weapons, no mobility skills, no tracking skills, and no dmg upkeep. I dueled a deadeye and literally just got rifle’d down to death because my f2/f3 dont do anything.

I don’t have enough info on how renegade is against a firebrand. I didn’t gather any of this info from ranked qs or random hotjoins. All of this is vs decent players during inhouses that we were doing all day. Everything has a ROLE except FB.

Like someone said earlier in this post, it looks like it can do everything(i thought a decent hybrid build could work), but is good at nothing. It is TOO CLUNKY, and TOO SLOW.
I tried the hybrid route, still die to everything, cant sustain, or do dmg.
I tried the full condi route, vs good players doesnt do anything because no cover condis, burns alone dont do it in top tier play.
I tried a full healer route, and the mantras ARE LITERALLY SWORD AUTO RANGE/RADUIS IT SUCKSSSS. You dont have any access to good on demand heals, and when you’re tryign to cycle through your tomes to help allies you end up being the one dying because even with healing power you dont do much.

Firebrand is B A D(PvP only)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Firebrand is bad.
Firebrand has no mobility.
Firebrand is slow. For the amount of time it takes getting in to your tomes, and the amount of time it takes casting all these ridiculously long super visual cast skills, you are not rewarded for it.
Mantras are slow and none are rewarding. Boy am I glad my mantras are the same range and radius as a sword auto, amazing.
F1 tome is the only okay tome, because it has burning but any rational human being that has any form of experience with gw2 will simply walk out the fire fields.
F2 tome is garbage, you can spec healing power and still not be able to out heal anything that is dpsing you EVEN THOUGH you are in a kit specifically designed to heal you. Lets not forget the long cast times.
F3 tome is also bad, like the fact that a dragonhunter f3 that gives me a 3s block is better overall than all 5 skills of f3 tome combined is just sad. You are not rewarded for entering this kit and using your defensive skills. You still die. Lets not forget the long cast times.
Indomitable courage(stab on f3) is bugged and doesnt work.
Renewed focus is bugged and only resets f1 tome.
Mantra trait does NOT reduce mantra cooldowns.
The 33% cooldown reduction doesn’t affect your tomes just the skills inside it. This is probably not a bug but is very disappointing considering your tomes are kits with ridiculously long cooldowns. But thats okay, they’re useless anyways because you spend so much time casting skills that look like they do alot(great visuals though anet xd) but really don’t do anything at all. Your axe and mantras are all close range which would make one assume the spec should be tanky enough to be on the frontlines, but it is not. Firebrand is very squishy. You are forced to run toughness AND vitality right now, but since every amulet that gives toughness AND vit, does NOT give condi dmg, you are pretty much useless.
All in all firebrand sucks.
I love how burn guardian has always been this niche thing that has never been meta because guardian simply lacks the cover condis, what is the point of stacking 10-20 burns when they will be the first to go. But anet went ahead and made an entire elite spec off a niche concept. Maybe if they buff the f2/f3 support tomes it’ll have a role has a healer/bunker.
I was more effective playing scourge for 5mins than a class I have mained for forever.

For anyone saying it is good blah blah, I know firebrand is good in wvw and pve(prob cuz quickness stacking) This post is PVP only.

(edited by NotoriousNaru.1705)


in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


U don’t necessarily have to go the condi route, the power route seems viable as well.

as we all know, there’s a firebrand trait that grant quickness whenever u drop aegis. You pair it with wrathful spirit (which grants retaliation when aegis ends), plus the recently buffed retaliation traits for further empowerment.

Condi is not necessarily the end-all, be-all; power-based firebrands seems intriguing and might even end up as a better hybrid/support spec. We might even see the return of the Mace.

Righteous Instinct + Retribution +Wrathful spirit + Stalwart Speed seems like a powerful combo. of course, until we get to test it, this is all speculation.

Hybrid looks very appealing, but firsg we need the right gear set for it, something without any precision.
Like Power, Ferocity, Condi or 4-stat with Expertise

Any stat set without vitality for guardian is no good seeing as we have a base health pool of 11k(pvp). If there were no new stat combos introduced with the xpac, Sage’s amulet seems the most promising for a hybrid firebrand.

Not pleased with Firebrand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Why do you compare Firebrand to Warrior and Ele and not Dragonhunter? Pretty cheesy manipulation strategy.

Actually Firebrand makes DH look very lackluster just off the preview. DH has always been a niche role and at launch, it was very weak and their bandaid solution to making it even remotely viable was buffing damage modifiers on everything. Even the DH traits are just a big dmg modifier.

Firebrand looks more dynamic, and is clearly not a niche role especially with access to 3 new tome skills along with shorter cooldowns compared to DH, and the page system they are introducing.

Obviously this doesn’t mean it will be OP, maybe it will but no one can know that until it is played in comparison to the other elite specs out. As for design, firebrand > DH.

Firebrand stream footage details

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Firebrand already looks like a 1000x better design than dragonhunter.

UGO NA - AT player incident Stance.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Rar’s discord is THE major public pvp discord, and there’s a reason you’re not in it.


Automated Tournament incentives and issues.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Knowing Anet and how they’re disconnected from the pvp community, they will up the daily rewards from 5g to 10g and call it a day. I wouldn’t be excited about anything anet promises unless they actually deliver something thats not trash.

Rank 38 NA, Solo Queue Only Burn Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


You literally got it in reverse, we were all on our mains, and when we saw a random pug team we all swapped to alt classes/meme builds. Hence the bunker guardian. Bunker guard isn’t actually good at anything, I just use it to meme.

In other words you use it to throw if you happen to lose. Only reason you swap to bunker (shout?) guard is if you legitimately thought it would counter that spec. Guess it worked out if OP found it problematic enough to talk about it.

Reread what you just said and hopefully you’ll realize how it makes 0 sense. I got on bunker because there is no way my AT team was going to lose to a bunch of randoms, so we’d rather have fun playing stupid builds(the burn build hes so proud of falls into that category btw) than meta specs. The game hes talking about ended 500-0 basically, and the result would have been the same regardless of what me or the people I was playing with were running. Your comment is actually stupid.

Meta builds are meta for a reason, and theres a reason why burn isn’t meta. Like how can anyone think of burn guardian as anything more of a meme, I could find more success playing 5 shout bunker guardian than he would playing burn guard. OP literally said it cant 1v1 thief, the one class that isn’t even meant to take 1v1s because it doesnt excell in it. One day the pvp community will understand the difference between a meta spec and a pugstomper spec. Pugstomper specs find great success killing BAD players who just eat your damage, but once you reach a level where everyone is actually running meta and is not braindead, you will keep losing till you drop rank to wherever you belong with the meme build that you think is so good.

Rank 38 NA, Solo Queue Only Burn Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


You literally got it in reverse, we were all on our mains, and when we saw a random pug team we all swapped to alt classes/meme builds. Hence the bunker guardian. Bunker guard isn’t actually good at anything, I just use it to meme.

AT monetary rewards... severely lacking

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


It takes from 1 hour to an hour 30 to finish a single AT and all of that for 5g? Thats stupid. Anet is literally going out of their way to not promote PvP. Like why is it more rewarding to spam ranked Q’s AND LOSE vs PLACING FIRST in a tournament. Like does anet have a thought process behind this?

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Play whatever you like obviously I’m not forcing you in to anything I’m just letting you know what works where and why is all. Everyone runs what they enjoy.

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Burn guard and symbolic have always been ‘pugstomper’ builds, in low tiers they are extremely efficient but the more you climb and the better players you’re against those builds start to lose effectiveness, and its just because both are niche builds that are easily countered. Obviously everyone has their build preference but the build I linked is most optimal and its effectiveness is consistent in any tier of ranked play, the only catch is it is not as easy to play as symbolic or burn.

Focus #4 - Allow Us to Target it @ Allies

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


F1 does turn your character but you have to stop moving manually. It’s super handy when there’s a rev quickness autoing you with shiro quickness and is just running circles so you press f1 and dont move manually and your character turns to them automatically. If you’re moving it wont turn you.

Basically its exactly like true shot, only difference is that true shot locks your movement automatically, with f1 you manually have to lock your movement to make your character track your enemy and land it.

(edited by NotoriousNaru.1705)

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Meditrapper is miles better than symbolic. Symbolic guardian actually serves 0 purpose in PvP. Meditrapper still maintains its role of being able to easily spike squishy classes(thief,mes,rev,necro) and hold 1v1s against druid/engi.

Basically, if you’re going to run symbolic you may aswell reroll to an engi or druid, they sustain better, with more mobility, more cleanse, and more stun breaks. On top of that meditrapper has teamfight presence, symbolic does not.

You see more symbolics in ranked as opposed to meditrapper because symbolic takes no thought process to play, you simply sit on a node and spam both your symbols on top of it, but the second you’re in a game where they ignore you and force you to teamfight you lose all of your usefulness in a game, which is why I said you may aswell reroll engi or druid because atleast then you will have options.

And idk if you realise this but almost all the nerfs that you think hit meditrapper also hit the symbolic spec with the exception of true shot and test of faith.

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


So after a lot of testing in unranked Q’s and in scrims this is by far the most optimal version of DH. It’s pretty much the same but with shield over focus, and the new sigils.

So there are afew reasons why I now run shield over focus:

1) Condi warrior being absolutely nerfed to the ground this patch.Before the warrior nerfs, guardians role as a side node 1v1er could not run shield over focus competitively because with the amounts of stuns and constant uptime of berserker mode made the focus absolutely necessary to avoid fatal f1s even when you’re CC’d.

2) All pulsing stab is gone. This means that all you have to do is wait in longbow till they swap to berserk mode, then you weapon swap and annul their stability, and you can cc the warrior even in zerk mode. This goes for necro shroud aswell.

3)With guardian being nerfed this patch, and power revenant being the EXACT same, it made that 1v1 close to a 50/50 on focus which is bad because guardian is a 1v1 role whereas rev is more of a roam/teamfight role. Shield makes the rev v dh matchup much easier, also with your new sigils you cripple a revenants dps so much that matchup is 70/30 to your favor(against good revs, bad revs will just melt). I tested this setup vs top revs and it is miles easier with shield.

For sigils you run Revocation/Escape on longbow, and annulment/agility on sword/shield.

Revocation sigil: The reasoning for this sigil is to basically make every tough DH matchup easier, and gurantee that you almost never die to a revenant. Druid/engis are both tough matchups for DH but they both also rely heavily on stacking might to do dmg, with revocation you are constantly ripping boons, and from testing I think it removes the most recent boon that they apply, and with might stacking classes(like rev/druid) alot of the times you rip their might and a rev or druid that just got 10-15 might stacks ripped doesnt do much.

Escape sigil: This sigil is really good for peeling out of situations, and you can control when to do it. When you swap to LB it removes chill,cripple, and immob to peel out and get some distance to range with your longbow.

Annulment/Agility sigils: Both of these on sword/shield give you a really strong burst right as you weapon swap. Weapon swap to quickness sword2 for the instant rip and then combo it with either 3 or 5 knockback. This burst hits really hard and vs necros/warriors should always be timed to rip their shroud or zerk mode stability.

After all the testing I’ve done here’s my take on the patch:
The meta is exactly the same. Nothing has changed except for anet absolutely being too brutal in nerfing warrior. But this post is about dh: Its role is still the same. The matchups we won before the patch, we still win now(with slight build adjustments), the matchups we stalemated we still stalemate and the matchups we lose we still lose.

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


You’re wrong, before the patch guardian was a 100% better 1v1er than rev.If you were losing to revs before the patch then you were playing bad. Now even if you’re a god guardian a good rev can beat you, and they are not cooldown dependant like you are so in conquest its even easier because you don’t start out with every defensive CD. S7 isn’t going to change anything. The quality of games off season are the exact same during the season. It’s just monkeys everywhere. My point is that for any future tourny guardian no longer has a place in a competitive setting where the 10 players in that particular game are not absolute ranked Q level idiots. Even before the patch guardian was 6th maybe 7th in the meta competitively and the most optimal comps didn’t even run guardian, but me and mobs made it work. Like how does Anet manage to hit the weakest classes the hardest. I hate every single person on that balance team.

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


I don’t care about what you do in unranked Q vs a bunch of silvers and bronze players(cause Anet can’t matchmake) who are running meme builds to begin with. Guardian is not the same. Its dead. A good revenant will kill a good guardian. They hit guardian everywhere. We literally cannot even play around these nerfs competitively. Mobs literally uninstalled thats how bad guard is now.

Spike nerfed because of sigil revamp and that hit DH hardest cause its a spike class.
F2 nerfed
F3 nerfed
RF nerfed
Passive stab nerfed
TOF nerfed
smite condi nerfed
True shot nerfed

Like the fact that you think its the same is so mind boggling. I’ve been qing unranked and the same monkeys I’ve been destroying before the patch I will still destroy after the patch, but the second I’m against players of my skill level I just won’t be able to do anything. Like literally the fact that a rev has:
more mobility
more teamfight presence
more cleave
and on top of that is now a better 1v1er than guard should give you an idea of how bad guardian is competitively now.

(edited by NotoriousNaru.1705)

My Take on 'Next Best Sigils'

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Who cares guardian is dead in pvp

New meta analysis and what went wrong.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Everything Jeff said was on point.
99% of the players in this game are low-mid tier casuals, so I can understand why Anet nerfed DH,warrior and druid to appease them but what I don’t get is how they can knowingly delete the only viable build for a class, without buffing another aspect of it. That just shows how incompetent and lazy the balance team is. This game only has 9 classes, and the fact that some pro players can’t compete because their profession got absolutely deleted is disappointing. I wish they learned from their past mistakes and stopped this cycle of RNG class deletion every balance patch. This is a new record though, every balance patch they usually manage to kill one class, and break another but this time they’ve killed 3, and right before a community tourny.

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Killing off 3 classes is NOT okay. The fact that you people don’t see that is just sad, its literally like i’m talking to a wall. If Anet feels the meta is too stale and boring, they can shake it up in a manner that does not kill 1/3 of the classes in the game. That is poor balance.

I’m out, there’s no reasoning with people that just never understood the meta because they are too busy in bronze running full traps, or dps eles.

Edit: A good example of shaking up the meta would if it is too boring would be:
Nerf power rev, buff condi rev.
Nerf meditrapper, buff bunker guard.
Nerf 1v1 warrior, buff other stuff and make it a teamfighter or w/e.

This community should not accept them killing off 3 classes just like that because they felt like it, thats stupid. Maybe you like this patch because it wasn’t your class, but next time it might be.

(edited by NotoriousNaru.1705)

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Worst or best meta for you, is an opinion.
Having 9/9 viable classes is GOOD balance.
Having 6/9 viable classes is BAD balance.
I honestly don’t know how to break it down more than this to all you forum warriors.

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Nop, I told Anet why their balance patch made absolutely zero sense and the only logical reasoning for a patch so random and stupid was simply to prep for the new elite specs during the expansion.

The game needs to be balanced around top tier gameplay, and not idiots that walked through test of faith one too many times and claimed “traps are not okay”. This patch is actually so atrocious, and aero was right when he said it was probably by far the worst patch ever.

The previous meta, anet had finally reached a spot where EVERY single class was meta, and any comp could work granted the players playing those classes were good. The old meta had 2 classes that were basically on the edge of not being meta, but if you were good u made it work. Those 2 classes were druid and DH. This patch hit those 2 classes the hardest, and the stronger classes barely got hit.

Sucks anet had to listen to all those monkeys spamming the pvp forum about how they walked through test of faith 4 times or how they fought a druid on the druids node forever and cried OP. Anet cut their meta in half, and their biggest mistake was listening to forum warriors that have 0 clue what the meta really is and ignoring the players that know exactly whats going on.

Mystic Chromatic Ooze

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Yes.This.Make it atleast 15mins+

Warrior vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


I don’t know what everyone is on about, DH vs warrior is a winning matchup for the DH. If the warrior runs rabid amulet it is more annoying for the guard and gives the warrior better odds but the dh should still win it.

Quick note on Ep4 bundled updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Good job anet, delay legendary armor some more I mean at this point its just hilarious how you guys are so off base with your expectations/promises. Who announces the release of an entire set of legendary weapons(20+), and only release like 3 on hot(then a year and a half later only 3 more) ,like why even say you’re going to ship an entire set of weapons when u can barely make one in a timely fashion. And why announce legendary armor in 2015 when 2 years later 2017, you’re telling us to wait another 3 months for a MAYBE which will prob be delayed to Ep6. The way you guys function just seems crazy to me.

Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


It’s partly delayed because it requires the next round of raids to patch into the game. That was my understanding anyway.

If anything is getting delayed it’s the actual raid because of legendary armor. They are horrendously slow at creating armors for some reason.

That has been explained. With each armor they not only need to make sure there’s as little clipping/misjoins as possible. They also need to make sure there’s no clipping/misjoins on every combination between each new armor piece and every already existing one within the same weight category.

Which, of course, means that each next armor takes them longer to make than the previous one.

I assume, that, with legendary having animated pieces, it’s even harder.

And that’s only technical problems. There might be an additional slowdown if they decided to, for example, make a second legendary set for a different content (which, frankly, they should have done at the very beginning).

It is players like you that make Anet think they can do whatever they want because they will feed you a bunch of excuses and you’ll believe it instantly.

I can’t believe you’re trying to justify them taking over a year to create armor (yes it was promised with hot on October 23rd,2015 and it is still on the website) by saying they need to fix clipping? How insanely gullible are you?

Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Hello? Anet? It’s been forever.

Academy Gaming PvP Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Some day, hopefully this year, we’ll get our gems. :/

DH doesn't seem op in pvp Pro League

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


LOL Other things like what? All it takes is one tempest putting up aoe magnetic aura and about 90% of our DPS is nulled. LB skills except for 3,5 are projectiles. Sword 1,3 are projectiles and 2 isn’t even a dps skill. What makes DH viable in PvP is our traps and the CC cleave we bring with it. I’m going to assume you’re one of those PvErs who have never played PvP and just want 25% movement speed so I’ll tell you this, reroll to any of the other 5 or 6 classes that have it and run around Tyria with that 25% speed you want so much. Us Dragonhunters would rather keep our CC cleave. I can tell you dont even play DH because anyone who mains a dragonhunter knows how important those dazes are, otherwise all teams may aswell swap the DH for a rev cause atleast those can deal dps while a reflect is up.

Idiots like you always assume the burst class needs a nerf because you couldn’t handle some CC or got 1 shot. The real issue is the abundance of bruiser classes in this game. When reaper,tempest, or scrapper get nerfed then you can come crying about DH balance. Reaper and scrapper stack upto 25 might while being cele tanks and still deal insane amounts of power AND condi dmg.Druids can hold 1v2s for the longest amount of time and can still kill people 1v1, AND heal allies in the process. Tempests give out perma auras and stack so much boons its not even funny and completely blocking out DH dps. And you come here crying about a daze on trap? Seriously lol, Gtfo.

DH doesn't seem op in pvp Pro League

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Lol this idiot wants to nerf trap daze which is one of the most important aspects to a DH and what gives it decent cleave and replace it with 25% movement speed which only pvers will benefit from. Go watch the pro leagues or something and see how DH’s struggle against all the cele bruiser and sustain classes, and you want to remove CC’s and good cleave from a burst class? Gtfo.

Balance, bug fixes, and honor.

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Guardian F3 is intended to block all attacks from the front(melee/projectiles). This was confirmed by Karl during beta testing. The radius can be larger if traited, otherwise its normal.

Lets stop the QQ now

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Anet doesn’t care about the opinions of all these terrible solo q’ers who sit on traps,then cross the trap and eat more damage and die. They watch tournaments on a competitive level to decide what needs fixing and what doesn’t. Dragonhunter does not dominate the competitive scene because unlike all you dumb solo q’ers players with even half a brain know how to get out of traps.

This game has bruisers, bunkers, and burst for a reason. Just because your reaction time is slow and you die to burst doesn’t mean its overpowered. Burst is needed because specializations like tempest,druids,scrappers, reapers wouldn’t die without burst. This is where dragonhunters/revenants come into play.

QQ more please its funny reading a different post every hour about how some idiot got 1 shot by traps.

So its been like three weeks

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Oh look another baddie solo q’er crying about DH. You’re in the wrong subforum, goto the PvP section with your baddie friends and cry together. When DH can dominate tournaments then maybe we’ll take your QQ posts seriously but that will never happen because any player with half a brain won’t get 1 shot by a DH or their traps.

Guardian traps are way to strong!!

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Says this is not a complain thread and then proceeds to complain and cry. DH traps don’t one shot people. Test of faith only hits 66% dmg initially which won’t even take half your hp, its not our fault if you’re dumb enough to cross or teleport through the trap and eat 100% of the dmg. Procession of blades is the most telegraphed skill in this game, it is literally flashy greatswords whirling on point, if you eat that its also your fault. Dragon’s maw is not op because
1.its an elite
2.we give up RF to use it making us vulnerable can stun break out of it or teleport or stab or invuln or w.e
Fragments of faith is a defensive trap which barely deals damage. No one even uses the reveal trap and the heal trap is a trade off of shelter meaning we have less blocks.
Please understand how a set of skills work before you make a forum post crying about it and claiming they “1 shot” you. If you react slowly to skills and are unable to dodge thats not our problem, go away to the PvP section with the rest of the baddie solo q’ers and cry more about DH there. I’ll take all you bads seriously when DH actually dominates a legitimate tournament like ESLs/Proleagues.

Thank you Karl for not listening to noobs QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


The only people who cry and complain about DH on the forums 24/7 are literally kittened solo qers who most likely only recently got in to PvP. No one who plays this game even semi competitively or is a frequent PvPer cries about DH. If you watch esls,pro leagues etc there isn’t that many DH on a competitive level because no competent enough player gets ‘1 shot’ by traps.
People who title their threads “dh traps 1 shot’ ’dragon maw op” ‘true shot needs dmg nerf’ are just bad because you can literally see a guardian place a trap, the guardian is rooted for true shot, and dragon’s maw is an elite that makes the guardian give up RF making them even more vulnerable. Half those threads anyways are by thieves dumb enough to take a 1v1 against a DH, but then again when has thief ever been able to 1v1 a guardian?(hammer medi,gs medi,longbow meditrapper). The other half ate some traps, instead of dodging walked out of ToF(or teleported) and made a salt post about it.
Those Saying we need ‘sustain damage’ over burst damage dont understand the meta. Guard needs that burst dmg to take out things like scrappers, druids, tempests, reapers who wouldn’t die otherwise.

Fix stomping

in PvP

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Either you’re lagging, or the enemy is lagging. If its neither, go to your general options and see if your “Allow Skill Retargeting” is checked. If it is, and you swap to a different target while your stomp is still casting, the game will think you’re stomping the current target you have and ignore the one in downstate. Other than that, I haven’t had any issues with stomping.


in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Purification is better than shelter.
Its an 11,865 heal on zerk specs.
Its a blind
Its a daze
Its on a 24s cd
You just need to know how to use it properly, because its strong as kitten.
Shelter doesn’t compete

Meditrapper is plain crap, I killed so many meta scrubs yesterday it’s so laughable.

There’s alot of bad meditrappers, it’s called a hype train. Fight one who actually played guard prior to it being op and you’ll see why that build is meta. Also, that has nothing to do with Purification/Shelter. A heal doesn’t define a build.


in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Purification is better than shelter.
Its an 11,865 heal on zerk specs.
Its a blind
Its a daze
Its on a 24s cd
You just need to know how to use it properly, because its strong as kitten.
Shelter doesn’t compete

(edited by NotoriousNaru.1705)

Dragonhunter updates, post BWE3 (launch)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Really nice changes but the current virtue mechanics are really bad. Especially f3, having that interupted puts it on a full 75s CD without getting any of the virtue benefits, and the same with f2, it gets put on full CD without the heal/regen. Maybe make f3 instant cast and f2 an evade while leaping that would help with the DH sustain alot.

Can we have this addressed too before launch? This is a serious issue and is something that put quite the frowny face on me during BWE3. 2/3 of our entire class mechanic should not go down the drain just because we were unlucky enough to get randomly interrupted.

Naru’s fixes here for our f2 are great. For our f3 I might add: Let the stun break, and stability (traited) on our f3 come instantly. The stability should last 0.25 seconds longer to account for cast time. Then, we spend 0.25 seconds casting before the shield actually appears.

These changes to our f2 and f3 would still maintain the whole “virtues need to be casted” theme while making them balanced. Honestly, these virtues don’t deserve to be interruptible, or else they should go on a 3-4 second cooldown (which they don’t). So please make it so that either they have a 3-4s interruptible cooldown, or are not interruptible. Take your pick ANET

I find it funny when people complain about interrupts. It’s always the ability being bad, and not whoever they’re facing being skillful at interrupting key skills. Yes they go on full CD but that goes for any skill that has any effect before finishing its cast.

Why are you here? You clearly haven’t played guard and don’t understand the importance of virtues successfully going off. You’re prob one of those people who think the dh virtues are better than the standard ones.

Roy Cronacher on Rev Sword auto chain

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Lol amazing. How long I’ve wished for it not to be projectiles. While they’re at it they should fix the fact that sword 3 doesn’t destroy reflected projectiles, and also suck at hitting the target

If they really wanna prove that they listen to the forums, this is the easiest thing they can do. My longbow, sword focus build literally gets countered by any projectile destruction, despite me using a melee weapon.

Lol especially when you’re at lord and there’s nothing you can do cause every lb skill except ward and every sword skill is a projectile.

Dragonhunter updates, post BWE3 (launch)

in Guardian

Posted by: NotoriousNaru.1705


Really nice changes but the current virtue mechanics are really bad. Especially f3, having that interupted puts it on a full 75s CD without getting any of the virtue benefits, and the same with f2, it gets put on full CD without the heal/regen. Maybe make f3 instant cast and f2 an evade while leaping that would help with the DH sustain alot.