I do wonder why anyone bothers spending time coming up with these ideas when you have slightly more chance of winning the lottery than the idea being implemented.
Simple reasoning: currently toughness is more beneficial to heavy then medium and finally paper wearers.
Might need more paper wearers in raids.
So they will make heavy armor get even more of a bonus so that squishies are even more squishy and toughness becomes even more pointless in most pvp where burst damage is now so high it makes no difference having 1k toughness or over 2k on a medium armor toon.
from the patch notes:
Vital Shot: Increased damage by 24%.
Unload: Increased damage per shot by 26%.
Sneak Attack: Increased attack damage per shot by 25%.
Seriously? It’s not like thiefs lacked damage that they can throw on you in milliseconds whilst their venom has you immobilised, you had to increase their damage by a HUGE 25%.
Whatever happened to balancing things slowly, testing it, and moving it slowly up or down.
I’ve been hit by unload for over 1.2k a hot (times 8 isn’t it?), now that will be over 12k while rooted and unable to respond, followed no doubt by another 3-4 10k hits before I get to move.
If anyone needs me I’ll be on my venom thief insta-downing people in wvw with 2k toughness…
for example 200g vs 1000g out of TP
say hello to mithril and elder wood at vendor prices and a couple of copper for t5 fine mats.
yay, that would be so awesome….
remember you can only do prec crafting one time ….
there will be more than enough that still play the flushing toilet game
Yep, so people with lots of alts that still need a precursor are still left out in the cold. Not sure why they restricted it to one per account when the end result is account bound…
Templates are something we would love to do. We have talked about this quite a bit, and with the frequency we’re seeing raid builds get tweaked we agree this would be a huge help.
So, despite it being a core feature of GW1, and more than 3 years in to GW2, no actual work had started on it?
Templates are something that should have been done at the start- I can’t begin to tell you how annoying it is to swap a build then lose the scrap of paper you had it written down on after playing another toon for a while.
Maybe if you all started playing multiple toons you’d have got the need for this basic function 3 years ago.
Oh well, maybe templates will come in time for the 2017/18 expansion…
Wait, wvw missions, as in ‘bring a whole bunch of pvpe’rs to fill up the map but only concentrating on one thing’? oh joy…
Maybe they can work in a way that only people who actually play wvw get the resulting buffs…
Anyway, looks like my tiny guild will have to go and will have to join a bigger one to reap the benefits of the new system.
Just a guess, raid size will be 50.
Raid size is 10.
10? bah. Not really all that much fun then, was hoping for some epic complicated raids where you needed to split teams and where synergy of buffs/heals etc was important.
Now I suspect it will be like fractals with knobs on (more jumping and wind…us oldies love that twitch playstyle, really we do…).
Currently seeing outnumbered buff at various times of the day on SFR – sometimes even on all 4 maps at once.
Maybe we’re still showing as full due to the alts logged in during prime time that sit at spawn or in corners- there’s around 15-30 of them on EB, sometimes 10-15 on home BL depending on where enemy is attacking.
Or maybe we’re still full because Sangchene and his many alts are logged on EB spouting garbage in map chat for hours at a time whilst occupying spaces in the spawn- shame Anet never take any notice of the many reports made by SFR players about his language, etc.
Still, I’d like to thank the FSP/Deso double teams that failed to take our keep last night, despite us having way less on tag than either of your mainly guild squads, the bags were many and plentiful:-)
New guild now formed in SFR called Deso (FSP need to double team with) made me laugh. It’s fun to watch you guys avoid fighting each other when close to us and still fail.
Loving the loot, just wish they would fix the alt afk’rs at prime time to sometimes have more than 20-30 on our tag against the FSP prime time mega blob.
As a system the ‘full/nearly full’ clearly doesn’t work, although Anet must have loved the gem influx from the guilds that hopped over from SFR to FSP and Deso, so maybe working as intended.
At least our average active player’s skill level has increased since they left:-))
I’ll be surprised if they gave much more than a passing thought to how the guild changes will affect wvw guilds, and now someone has mentioned it they will be busy making sure they can spin all the changes to make it look like they did think about it but sadly it wasn’t possible to program, etc etc.
Going to be interesting to see how they balance the range of heals (small) with a large squad doing a raid that may include both melee and ranged and also mechanics that the healers don’t want to be anywhere near while the heavies tank it.
Area effects or aoe damage over time from bosses is also a bad mechanic as some classes can easily stand in aoe condi damage (guard, warrior) and not even need to trigger a heal on a long cooldown whereas others that generally take more damage due to lower armor need to hit that long cooldown heal just to stay up.
Let’s see what cheese is brought in to raids and whether they have managed to balance it across classes rather than test it inhouse with a bunch of guardians and warriors like they did last time.
Depends on yourself if you like it or not.
I picked up GW1 to earn some HoM points. Hated it. After an hour uninstalled. At least linking accounts gave me 3 armour pieces though.
This tells you a lot about the sort of players that are attracted to GW2. An hour? An hour’s not even a start in GW1, shame you missed 99.9999999% of the content and decided it wasn’t for you without getting anywhere. That’s a bit like starting in the first village in GW2, watching the cinematic and deciding you don’t like the mechanics of the game.
GW1 has a lot of active people and guilds, everyone uses the American districts so move your toon there if you start in European ones- it’s that bar, click, select, done (no gem charge!!).
I restarted from scratch in GW1 a while ago and decided to play sin this time around as a main, mostly because I didn’t like it last time around, and now love it.
So much more build variety as well as much more challenging group content- which isn’t possible in GW2 atm due to a lack of a true healer (incoming druid!) which means everything boils down to ‘zerk it’.
Haha good one, totally owned the thread^
Dark Jean, the guild leader of Athenian Knights [kYrO] hits Diamond Invader 6,445 for tier 8 server Devonas Rest!!
since rank 0 to rank 6,445. On rising times to down times. Dark Jean never transfered away, except for those 1 week vacations/training to other servers
Dark Jean: any other diamonds also have dragon pvp rank maxed? or am i the only one? aww i feel special..
more screenshots at Dark Jean’s twitter page:
twitter.com/zzdarkjeanzzDevona’s Rest inviting you to visit us or stay with us and fight beside the newest Diamond rank in gw2 !!!
Is it your account? why do you refer to your own toon in the third person? Has all that karma training on boosters affected your sense of self in EoTM?.
Grats on achieving a new pixel. May you live in interesting times:-)
If worried about loot, spend 1 hour a week in silverwastes and you have way more/better then a whole week of wvw!
What is this Silverwastes you speak of? Some form of pve? If I wanted to play mindless farmbot game there are many of them out there…
pretty sure you still have a pet,
and a weapon switch..
also pretty sure the dungeons as they are now don’t need uber heals .. maybe raids/wvw/high fractals/pvp (which is something the ranger has a hard time with right now)
how is having a high healing/support role something that needs compensation again?
Have you actually played support ele in wvw? the difference in loot between that and a staff spamming guardian is crazy. One hit from my aoe staff on a guardian tags the enemy, whereas on a ranger or ele I frequently get no credit for damage unless it hits that target 2-3 times (happens a lot on meteor shower), and bear in mind I’m spending a lot of my time in water or using other skills that aren’t constantly throwing out damage.
Pets anywhere near a zerg in wvw are pretty much dead meat, so kiss goodbye to that damage.
Switching weapons might not be an option, that weapon switch cooldown is quite a long time in a battle for a ranger.
So, comm improvements finally come in as a side effect of releasing raids, I guess we should be grateful we get scraps from the pve programming….
Just a guess, raid size will be 50.
Cloaking waters sounds awful- 2 minutes stealth means you can transport an entire zerg the length of the map without being seen. Guess this is to justify the forced use of stealth traps…
Airship defence 10k damage and knockdown, 4 rounds sounds like a gimmick given to the already dominating server (hold SM for 2+ hours). Not sure how the ‘10k damage’ works- for low HP classes that’s 2 hits and dead, or is it scaled to armor so squishies once again get the short end of the stick? Once again a bad idea, let’s see how it’s implemented.
I think this is something that is theoretically possible but practically not.
Anet did a good job making the huge zerg vs. zerg actually quite playable and unlaggy.. but imagine what will happen if in the background the game has to keep tabs on all the people that got healed/supported by other people.
You vail 20 people, 7 of them kill Y, 8 kill X, 4 kill Z, 2 people that killed X supported 1 guy that killed Z and so on and on.
All those cross-connections for supporting/healing allied players and getting loot based and what does players do after that.. would simply break the game I think.
And there is your typical spam 1 tag everything guardian’s response^
Would be interesting to see how long all those elite taggers lasted if the support classes all decided to roll guard too…
Maybe they could change loot to how many enemies died in an area, then every 30 seconds autoloot to all friendlies in an area- not going to happen, but would be a lot fairer than the current system which is 10 times as many bags to the spam 1 guard as to the water ele keeping them all alive.
The other thing that need changing is the way credit is given for capping towers, etc so you don’t have to do damage to get credit..again, not going to happen.
My concern with the healing though, is how would a Druid get credit for an event/kills/loot if they are solely focused on healing others?
This is especially crucial for WvW fights as an example – those on the Druid would receive significantly less credit for doing more work.
No change from now, where playing guard or even warrior nets you 10 times as many bags as playing support ele does- yet I prefer (lag permitting) playing support ele. Anet don’t design things around wvw (or even tagging for loot, it seems) and it’s probably not even been mentioned in any planning meetings when designing it.
Only a wvw player is grateful when the devs finally get around to discussing changes to the achievements after 3 years, coming soon with HoT..
Organising the button to push to start the next tourney is high up on the devs’ list of things to do, just after choosing the best colour for paperclips in the office…
In three years time a dev will get around to pushing the button when they remember wvw exits and a new tourny will start- based almost purely around the pve mechanics coming in with HoT.
How about this for a solution: decide what server your guild is going to wvw on, then make sure everyone is transferred on it by paying for those not already on it to transfer.
It’s not that hard- pretty sure there must be some players in your guild with 1000’s of gold that they can give to poorer members, plus as others have said organise a few guild trips into SW for a few days and you should all be ready to go.
If the guild can’t organise that, then it wouldn’t be much use in wvw as a guild anyway.
Do I need to farm all the heropoints 9x now?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
I like the optimism of 4-10 hours per toon to get 80-170 HP from maps you’ve never been to before..more realistic for non-rushers is a month or two of game time just spent doing HP per toon, repeat 20 times if you want to cover all your alts.
As for ‘play how you want’, that’s thoroughly flushed down the toilet now for wvw players, it’s become ‘grind like a Korean’.
Druid pet mastery brings a new skill to the table- immortal blue comm tag. The pet will now lead the way into battle, giving buffs to all within range whilst with it’s massive regen coupled with synergy on the druids’ spammable heal skills the pet will become unkillable whilst disappearing in stealth every 5 seconds and when it re appears it is always at full health with all conditions converted to boons.
Every 10 seconds it converts all your conditions into boons as a passive.
Druid now converts every red circle it steps in to a blastable water circle, and the new skill ‘blowback’ throws every conversion back on the caster instantly hitting them for 400 damage per tick per person the circle affected.
Permanent reflection of staff 1 skill to all members within 900 range.
Now tags everything within 900 range whether it even looks in the direction of the enemy.
Pets now tag everything in range including own players within 1500 range around the pet.
Pet death now grants new buff ‘I will avenge you’ giving the equivalent of healing signet passive heal, guardian passive condi removal and 25 stacks of might for 3 minutes and +500 to all stats.
Instadeath would make wvw much less fun, as you will find even more ranged players running backwards in every fight and afraid they might scratch their armor if they push.
My issue with downed state is being able to stomp while in stealth- this just shouldn’t be possible, as it completely negates all down state skills. But then again, stealthy people shouldn’t be able to run like a boss whilst in stealth either…and we all know how likely either of these problems are to be fixed.
I have to also wonder how many of the afk alt logs are counted too, as SFR seems to have more of these than on other servers ( as far as I can tell with my limited server coverage).
I’m not sure they they count ‘active’, probably just count time spent in wvw, which would then include all the space wasters doing nada for hours.
Agreed Deniara, not the best comparison, but to get outnumbered on EB is quite unusual at 10.30 at night on SFR- our own home BL frequently gets it, as well as the two other BL’s.
We appear to have a lot more ‘fair weather’ wvw players now, and a lot more that stand around doing nothing if they don’t see a tag to follow rather than form a group and go capping/roaming/harassing the enemy.
Have to agree, since that title was farmed it doesn’t mean much, but the devs comments once again reflect the lack of connection they have with what really happens in wvw. Maybe they should stop looking at metrics and actually talk to some real wvw players and be ingame a bit more often.
I’d better get slapping those yaks, I checked and my second main a/c only has 1775- maybe I should play guard more, where you glance in the direction of something and it’;s tagged rather than staff ele where you need to smack it repeatedly to get any credit for a kill…
You just benefit f2p model. Your numbers are like 2x more than before. SFR with much ppl loss has still full status – here’s problem. You got queues to all maps so save more trashtalking.This is my last comment to your words. There is no reason to get impolite. I just went to check the queue situation and tried to find the most full moment of prime time. We had small queues to EB and 2 BLs, but no queue to home border. I joined the queue on a full map and got in after waiting for few mins. Most of our players were still gathering up in the spawn, not on the field.
I personally consider that the free-2-play be more of a curse than a boon and many Deso Pugmanders share my opinions. Yes, we have lately gotten new players. Some are old very skilled veterans like Stence from SFR, but some seem to be totally new players, so they tend to rally enemies all the time. The invasion of rallybots makes any zerg fights a true challenge. But we will train them to be good players. So if you play on Deso, you can always join my party, no matter what profession and skill level.
I attached a screen shot taken this evening at the start of our prime time, when we usually have the highest queues.
Three queued maps on a Sunday night is pretty busy. At 10.30pm or so tonight we had the outnumbered buff on EB and no queues anywhere else on SFR. Prior to that there was a 10-15 q on eb and the actual force on EB was many no guilds I’d not heard of – but still managed to run through the enemy zerg then chase the rest of deso’s zerg before we called it a night. Fun fights.
Later on we looked for enemies and found hardly any until suddenly we found Deso’s 60 man blob against our 10-15.
SFR isn’t full any more, and they need to sort out the system to make it more dynamic.
I have to say it’s more fun now with less noise and egos, good luck wherever they decided to bandwagon to.
Woopie. After 3 years, they finally decide to correct the numbers- but only as part of HoT, not before.
My guess is that the changes will break wvw with all sorts of weird things happening and lots of patches required before it stabilises in a couple of months time.
2,500 yaks is more than enough. A new players starting out will still take years to get there, given the increase in people that will be slapping them now the target is actually doable. Now make the achievement worth something, and repeatable, and there might finally be some targets to go for in wvw. Or do we have to wait another three years for that?
Depends if you want to play just for yourself or whether you see yourself as useful support as well.
Generally anything other than staff tends to be ‘selfish’ whereas generally staff is more group friendly.
Huge generalisations!
Why don’t you want to use the SMS? Extra security is actually a good thing.
I don’t like giving companies my phone number. I tend to get spam calls all the time when I do. Companies will sell your number.
I can assure you ArenaNet didn’t sell mine. Oh, yeah, and sold none of the ones they got actually.
Go ahead, assure me.
Considering that I set up the SMS when it became available, and to this day I still do not get any kind of solicitation calls on my smart phone.
That doesn’t assure me- it just means that you rank so low on the metrics that your number never ends up on the marketing lists. Alternatively, they just haven’t sold the list (yet) and are waiting to hit 1 million numbers before they cash in.
Of course, if Anet’s telephone number database gets hacked then that could also be fun and games.
On the other hand, loads of people use twitter and facebook and post there all the time in supposedly private albums and then find to their cost they weren’t secure either, so what’s one more data source/risk….
Maybe it’s a generational thing, and in another two or three generations the whole concept of privacy will be gone (it’s actually quite a recent invention anyway).
So now it’s happening on my old account- when I log in I get two options ‘now’ or ‘remind me later’ .
Where’s the ‘no thanks’ option, or is this going to annoy me every time I log in?
Maybe someone can dig out the Anet employee’s cell number for this one and we can all link it back to it, so he gets all the texts.
I read this as ’I’ve played the game for 30 minutes and it’s too easy in the starter zone’.
Seriously, people these days…
Roll a pvp only character if you like pvp.
New! Complete all achievements in wvw for a bonus! Your choice of account bound precursor (because we know you don’t get the mats to make the legendary in wvw).
Get cracking, only 990,000 yaks to go to complete the first of those, then you can start on Stonemist flipping and in the year 3015 earn your shiny precursor!!
Looks like a huge marketing ploy from Anet, drawing people in and then asking them to stump up if they want the good parts of the game and also hopefully hooking them in for the expansion.
As a veteran, I don’t really see anything terrible about this ploy, especially given the restrictions on the free accounts.
If anything, it creates second class citizens of the F2P players.
Not too worried about the economy, I’m sure it will level out and let’s face it, only those that power trade on the TP care about it (although why they bother after the 5th or 6th legendery i don’t know). If I wanted to spend hours trading I’d be doing it on real markets not a bunch of pixels…
WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World
in WvW
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
“Many of our developers are dedicated WvW players”
Dedicated eotm or t50 players maybe
It’s what they do instead of actually working on it- when they are instructed to fix something in wvw, they go play it, then run out of the alloted time and go back to pve stuff.
Don’t really have a problem with ranger trappers now that they can’t throw the traps. Good ones will try and lure you into their nest of traps, frequently together with another class (with a pull).
Don’t think they are OP at all as long as you pay a small amount of attention to what’s going on.
Why would anyone want to bind their phone to a game account?
Will Anet guarantee not to sell all that lovely data to third parties for marketing purposes?
I can’t see people being thrilled with the prospect of a gaming company knowing their mobile number and being able to sell that info on- although no doubt there will be enough people who don’t care to be able to push it through.
If I was looking to sign up on a game and it said I needed to give them my phone number in order to have basic features in game, I’d be moving on.
Fun has everything to do with it. This is a game. Not a job. Or a duty. A game. And people play games for fun.
.If you don’t find it fun, here’s a novel idea: Don’t do it!
But don’t complain if your objectives flip either.
It really is your choice.
Here, I’ll give you a real-world analogy: If you don’t lock your car when you leave it, you are at risk of having it stolen. Is locking your car any fun? Well, not really. But do you value your car, is it important for you and your overall “fun”… well yes.
What you’re doing is complaining about having to lock your car. Thieves should just be nice and not touch if because it’s too much of a hassle to lock it.
The correct analogy would be having to sit in your car despite having locked it, then putting on a blindfold and ear muffs, and if a thief breaks in he brings 20 friends who persuade you to hand over the keys. The tower or keep has gates, they are locked.
What’s being complained about is despite locking the car and spending time looking around the area, the thief was in the car all along and you couldn’t find them, or if you did you didn’t bring enough people to remove him, and he stole your car.
Having to use 10-15 people to sweep isn’t fun, and in less populated servers that’s three times the amount of people you have anyway.
After a while, rather than spend 20 minutes not finding the stealthed mesmer out of your hour of gaming time, people would rather do something they find even vaguelt rewarding, like, for instance, fighting other players.
Not everyone plays wvw 24/7 and thinks nothing of hunting mesmers for 2-3 hours at a time.
Any time I struggle with countering a class in WvW, I create that class, learn its weaknesses and strengths, then drive a stake into their little hearts. Stealth classes are counterable.
Please no EZ mode. If I can do it, so can you!
We even do it while outmanned. You’re SFR right? You have the most players 24/7 of all servers, lol. Sounds like too many are lazy.
or, I hate to say it, it’s a L2P issue.
It’s nothing to do with L2p- one of my two mains is mesmer (but not the hiding in a keep variety).
It’s nothing to do with EZ mode.
It’s nothing to do with ‘they are counterable’.
It’s the fact it takes ten times as many people to find one mesmer and a huge pile of supplies (if you bother using traps, then positioning enough people near each one so if it triggers you have half a chance of downing the mesmer), and after the first hundred times it’s just boring, tedious and shows up the broken mechanic for what it is.
I don’t mind stealth per se- but it should come with pitfalls, like in Assassin’s Creed, where if you move too fast you are revealed or seen. To be able to stealth and run freely is a bad mechanic.
Very good mesmers can be almost impossible to kill even when revealed and with 4-5 players near them as their objective is not to fight back but rather to survive long enough to get away- and frequently they can burst down one of your party too.
Not everyone wants to spend their precious leisure time chasing shadows for no reward watching someone exploit a broken mechanic- they’d rather be fighting or whatever it is they logged in to do.
Anyway, let’s see how the new keeps make you enjoy sweeping for mesmers…
Fun has everything to do with it. This is a game. Not a job. Or a duty. A game. And people play games for fun.
.If you don’t find it fun, here’s a novel idea: Don’t do it!
But don’t complain if your objectives flip either.
It really is your choice.
Here, I’ll give you a real-world analogy: If you don’t lock your car when you leave it, you are at risk of having it stolen. Is locking your car any fun? Well, not really. But do you value your car, is it important for you and your overall “fun”… well yes.
What you’re doing is complaining about having to lock your car. Thieves should just be nice and not touch if because it’s too much of a hassle to lock it.
The correct analogy would be having to sit in your car despite having locked it, then putting on a blindfold and ear muffs, and if a thief breaks in he brings 20 friends who persuade you to hand over the keys. The tower or keep has gates, they are locked.
What’s being complained about is despite locking the car and spending time looking around the area, the thief was in the car all along and you couldn’t find them, or if you did you didn’t bring enough people to remove him, and he stole your car.
Having to use 10-15 people to sweep isn’t fun, and in less populated servers that’s three times the amount of people you have anyway.
After a while, rather than spend 20 minutes not finding the stealthed mesmer out of your hour of gaming time, people would rather do something they find even vaguelt rewarding, like, for instance, fighting other players.
Not everyone plays wvw 24/7 and thinks nothing of hunting mesmers for 2-3 hours at a time.
I love the fact that so many people like to play dress up in a game- and so do games companies, who will feed players a different outfit (limited time availability, of course) every couple of weeks at inflated prices ($10 for some pixels designed by some subbed out design team who are paid less than that per hour) and cream in huge profits.
I’d like to thank all those that buy these pixels for supporting the game and keeping it running.
Hopefully your real life wardrobes are full too, got to feed those designer label companies! (because it’s worth $500 more when the same factory slaps a designer label on that pair of jeans. It is! It is!).
It’s a workaround for the travelling under the map exploits I guess?
three times, reports sent, topic in main forum section too.
Let’s hope someone reads this or the main forum section and waves at the programmers for a fix sometime this week.
WvW is crashing out repeatedly on SFR in EU at the moment- everyone on the map is getting it, not sure if affecting other servers.
Please point this in the direction of the programmers asap.
(Posted in general in the hope it gets read this week, as anything wvw related goes to the back of the pile).
It would be nice to have a summary of the changes made to the above that has forced everyone to have to re accept these on log in.
I might have missed it, but didn’t see it mentioned in the patch notes anywhere.
Or do they seriously expect everyone (or even anyone) to read through the pages after page of legalese just to try and spot what changed? Do I need a lawyer now to play the game?
I wonder how many people ever read those things they sign. I’m from the old school of thought that if an agreement has to be more than a couple sides of A4, one of the parties is either trying to hide something or get out of any responsibility for it.
I’d wait a few months until they sort out all the bugs and the map population dies down a little as people rush the content then go back to chasing chests (or whatever it is that pve players do).
Just some tips since people seem to have left their brains switched off…
- Ranger has access to “Sic Em” – it applies Revealed
- Engineer trait has access to Revealed debuff via traits
- Stealth Disruptor Trap exists. Start using it. But first, start using your brains.
- Most PU Mesmers don’t carry much condi-cleanse, or only have 1, therefore they are weak against conditions. Immobilize them to set up a burst, CC them etc… preferably AFTER you’ve applied Revealed to them to make it easier.
- Trapper builds via thief/ranger work well against a stealthed mesmer
- Turn your sound up/on; you can hear the enemy Mesmer’s skills (stealth) going on/off CD and may help you distinguish where exactly they are
Seriously guys, get it together.
If the game supported that much loved feature of Guild Wars, namely being able to swap builds by clicking on that saved template, then I’d agree that they wouldn’t be so hard to deal with.
Is it is, most of the above suggestions would involve getting out of combat, fiddling around with stats and build and then starting the mesmer hunt- none of which rewards anything much other than plenty of frustration unless at least 3 others are around to help kill the revealed mesmer before he disappears again. Then when your done, swapping back to a sensible build and carrying on.
HoT keeps will need 20 people sweeping to ensure a couple of mes/thief teams aren’t missed.
New keeps and towers in HoT will be mesmer portal heaven unless they fix stealth. No one is going to spend all their time hunting out mesmers in those places, they are just way too big. After doing it for the 10th time even the most hard core will just accept that portal flipping is a fact of life and here comes the EoTM part 2 karma train.
Stealth as a mechanic is fine if classes have counters to it, or if stealth causes you to move slowly and/or degen energy whilst in stealth so that you cannot perma stealth and secondly by being in stealth you can’t port around the map.
While I agree that they are currently way too hard to achieve, you are making a mistake in assuming that all achievements should cater to casual players.
That has got to be the funniest post ever made on these forums.
There’s clueless about how stupid the wvw achievement targets are, and now we have a new class of stupidity above even that: LK stupid.
They’re not just unreachable by casual players, they are unreachable by the most hard core 24/7 bot within 20 years.