I don’t think I could ever be so bored that I would watch a stream from wvw.
Hopefully the upcoming patch will be sooner rather than later, although it’s only been three years of zoom hacking so another month or two at this stage doesn’t seem so bad.
Thanks for dropping by and letting us know – I’m guessing the change has been written as a result of something discovered on the new BL in testing where line of sight became an issue, and was then assigned someone to fix it. The alternative is it took 3 years of forums being ignored (I’m told you read them all…) and it’s only just got to the top of the ‘bugs to be fixed’ list.
Let’s hope the fix fixes things in the way it is intended- of course, if there was a test server, this could be discovered before it goes live and some enterprising chap discovers some new exploit.
More likely is when people are forced to move server they will do exactly that- the problem will be that new server they moved to doesn’t involve GW2- they’ve moved to another game.
System is working as intended. SFR had outmanned buff on several borders and even on EB at times this week and is showing ‘full’ whilst mega blob FSP shows as ‘very high’.
I’ll give Junkpile a prod to up those EoTM numbers, we’re in danger of slipping down off ‘full’ soon…
How did that hacker manage to move servers when SFR is full?
I’m guessing he got bored of hacking for FSP and opened a new account choosing SFR as homeworld…
And yes, this thread will be deleted pretty fast, seems the mods are in delete mode again.
wait, we need skill now to play wvw? when did that happen? I just spam 1 and collect loot bags!
It’s been mentioned already but the important point I usually see people miss about making gold from Silverwastes (or any other type of champ/bag farming) is that you need to know, at least roughly, what all the items salvage into and what those materials are worth. Then you sell everything that’s worth more than the mats (on the TP, never to a merchant), salvage everything else (with an appropriate kit based on the item) and sell the materials too. Basically at the end of it you have nothing extra on your account except the gold and maybe some luck.
If you don’t mind making slightly less profit you can do the easier route of selling everything on the TP that is going for more than the merchant price and salvaging everything else.
That’s what I do and even then I can make 3-5 gold (more if I’m lucky) from the event chain, which takes about an hour on a good day.
If you have to work 8 hours to make 80 gold in a game, you may as well move to China and join the gold farmers…
Even at UK minimum wage, you could earn £60 in that time and buy around 6000 gems, convert those to gold..or just work a couple hours then go play something you enjoy rather than grinding out some pixels.
Even 10 gold an hour works out at slave labour..
This sounds great on paper but I doubt it works out well in practice for the majority of people.
In my experience relatively few people have jobs where they can simply choose to do a few hours overtime as and when they feel like it. It has to be when there’s extra work needing to be done and someone is willing to pay you whatever your over-time rate is to do it. (In my case it’s pretty impossible to get overtime in the winter because my field is a lot quieter then. I might work weekends and get extra holiday as compensation, but over time is only in the summer and usually limited to 1 or 2 evenings a month.)
So then there’s the option of getting a second job. I find it hard to believe that even people who have never worked a part-time job believe you can simply show up as and when you feel like it, work for however long you want and then leave until next time you decide you want some extra cash. If you try that they’ll fire you the first (second if you’re lucky) time you don’t turn up to a shift and hire any of the dozens of other people who want that job. No, like any other job you work the hours they tell you when they tell you to do them.
So unless you want about 300-400g a week or more (very rough estimate based on UK minimum wage working 4 hours a week, which is about the minimum I’ve ever seen available) and really hate farming it’s just not worth the hassle.
If I wake up on a Saturday morning and decide I want some extra gold I’d much rather jump into Silverwastes for a few hours, which I actually enjoy and can do right away, in my pyjamas while eating breakfast and maybe watching TV than go looking for a part time job so that in a couple of weeks (allowing time for applying, getting hired, doing the work and the pay check to clear) I’ll have the money to buy whatever it is I wanted.
Do you work at the moment? The point I was making is that from a time point of view, it makes no sense to do something utterly boring for an 8 hour stretch when you could just use some of your hard earned to buy the gems/gold and go and do something fun instead.
And there are plenty of ways even people on minimum wage can budget to buy gems and not waste time grinding out pixels- but you’re right, most people won’t. But then they will go out on a Friday and spend £100 drinking themselves senseless over 3-5 hours…
All the main guilds on SFR have gone on the missing list so far this week, and all I see is a whole pile of new guild names and players running strange builds with zero guardians or warriors around, and with a great propensity to run backwards at the first sign of the megablob from the other two servers.
Would be interesting to see a 1v1 this week dawd, so far it’s been 2-3 to 1 and double teamed- which has made for a lot of loot bags for me when I’ve played.
A lot depends on who’s driving and the zerg make up, and how many are on ts as to which server wins even remotely even battles- I’ve seen my fair share of battles won and lost on both sides and don’t think there was much in the way of differences other than the amount of organisation at different times. The more organised group with better group make up tends to win, and recently SFR’s pug seems particularly bad. Are you playing here on your alts?
Hopefully we can drop a few tiers- but with so many servers showing ‘full’ (LOL) it might take a while for bandwaggoners to transfer off.
Chuck- grab a couple of people and pull them in to pvd…..
Did they do anything in the end to address the golem hack (I didn’t log in to GW2 the last two days of the event) — either in a statement or a patch?
We got a red post saying they are gonna try a patch to fix the lag which we complained over 2 years ago and continuously since……
Nothing during or since- close your eyes tap your heels together three times and pretend it never happened!
But apparently I’m assured that they read every post (even those topics that get deleted by mods?), so rest assured your concerns and the rampant exploits will be addressed as soon as resources become available………………………………………………………
I’d like it if they introduced proper gvg maps for 10v10 or 15v15 battles (maybe 20v20?), ideally 15v15, with guild lords etc like they had in Guild Wars (yes, I’m aware those were 8v8) which would bring back a lot of real pvp players.
At the moment, there is no real space for real gvgs, and running into each other in a small space isn’t really what I’d call tactical gvg- whether in EoTM, BL, EB or the new micro space attached to guild halls.
If people want to gvg, let them- been asking for real gvgs and gvg areas since before beta and by now it’s fairly obvious guilds have to make their own arrangements if they want fights.
Maybe the next expansion will feature real gvg maps- 2018, that is.
It would be even cooler if they were tradeable, then I wouldn’t still be faced with the ‘choice’ or either doing JP2 fractals or waiting for enough laurels and ectos to finish equipping my mains…
I can make 240g+ a day with chopping wood .. IF i play 24 hours.
Always use gold per hour .. per day says nothing if you don’t also say how many
hours you play.And yeah .. people often brag with big numbers that don’t really fit with the
reality .. like 30-50g per hour or whatever. That could happen because of a
lucky drop but is far from normal reality.Are you counting your mats? If you hit a lot of events, chest trains, and such you will get a bunch of exotics.
Like that one .. from the last 300 bags i’ve open i have gotten ONE exotic.
This is indeed how it works with lots people. They always use the highest ever occurance as an example.
If they have managed once to get 50g from 1 hour of chest farm, they will claim that it is always 50g/hour rate.
If they have managed get one 1 skill hit of 7000 damage, they will claim that their 1 skill always hits 7000 damage.
If they do 17000 dps on Tequatl burn phase, they will claim that their dps is always 17000.
Averages and different situations are impossible for some to understand.
This is also typical behaviour of gambling addicts:-)
Here’s a thought: work out a way to encourage more players to play wvw on every server, rather than trying to force shift a shrinking player base around.
Maybe they need to work out ways to reward wvw participation (active, not afking at spawn), maybe grant a sensible buff for outnumbered- things which have been mentioned and ignored in hundreds of posts over the years.
If you have to work 8 hours to make 80 gold in a game, you may as well move to China and join the gold farmers…
Even at UK minimum wage, you could earn £60 in that time and buy around 6000 gems, convert those to gold..or just work a couple hours then go play something you enjoy rather than grinding out some pixels.
Even 10 gold an hour works out at slave labour..
The defenders of the faith will tell you it’s because of holidays/taking a break/off week/you logged on at a quiet time/we guild and server are full and active/ insert excuse 400 here.
The experienced ones had enough. Maybe they will buy the expansion which replaces one map with a new one after 3 years, or maybe they will come back for a while to check it out.
So, this is how it goes:
Devs have a meeting to discuss outstanding issues and bug fixes, and on the list is fixing wvw achievements (it’s been on there for three years). A dev agrees to look at it (he was asleep and woke up and said ‘yes’ before he knew what it was). Just as he’s about to start the 30 minutes work needed, it’s noticed that a pixel is out of place on SW and he’s put to work fixing that pixel instead, as it’s clearly much more important than wvw…
I know everybody was hoping this change would help reflect actual WvW populations but it seems the algorithm was specifically designed to make it look like all servers are populated. Some of these servers with high and medium populations are WvW wastelands. Very sad really.
It’s easy, here’s the definitions:
Medium: one player was spotted within a borderland that week.
High: A whole roaming group of 5 can be found for a couple hours a day
Very High: chances are after 30 minutes you will have met an enemy roaming group.
Full: More than 20 players at peak times.
there, now it’s easy to see why they still cost money to transfer to…
less than 40 people in map? not dead
30+ on a tag? not dead
You guys should check out lower tiers if you think numbers like that is considered dead
I’ll give you an example of last week on my server
less than 10 people on the map. outnumbered buff at prime time. 5 people on tag
Don’t worry, that’s fine. Cog’s guild is full of actives and his server is always full, so what happens in the other 23 or so servers is irrelevant…like entire guilds dying off or being full of inactives, etc.
This is not my main account, it’s the account I use to post here- I’ve read a lot of your posts over the years Cog, and the main theme is ’i’m alright jack so everything must be fine everywhere, and anyone who disagrees is a doomsayer/doesn’t know their facts/insert meaningless platitude here’.
Fact is, from my viewpoint (and that of others), wvw has a lot less players in it than a year ago, and a lot of guilds that still play within the mode either gvg or just look for fights rather than take part in the whole wvw mode. That’s what it looks like from the EU side.
No amount of gloss is going to cover those cracks..
How can we force desolation players play wvw when they are losing? Deso sure won’t lack players. That isn’t problem. Maybe anet could use fake score. Deso would have queue 24/7 every map if they think that they leading match.
Actually even when we are 2~4 to 1, we still wipe you guys on open field.
You “win” thanks to 24/7 prime coverage and night cap, and lately we are stuck with all the shenanigans your daily-reward-farm-alts go around doing, including rally-boting.Don’t, even for one solid second, think it’s anything other than that.
So, that fight an hour ago at our keep where you got wiped by half your number didn’t happen….
At least there seems to be less alts parked afk all match this week- are your alt parkers on holidays?
Yep, must admit to being pretty jaded after playing the same maps for 3+ years, same lag problems, same match up system and same broken mechanics, hacks, cheats, lack of balance for wvw, etc.
I wish I could be an eternal optimist that comes on and defends everything or continues to make excuses, but I run a business for a living and that sort of attitude would make my company fold pretty fast.
I note looking through coglin’s post history that there is literally a positive tone or comment in almost every single post made, defending everything and stating that everything will be great, so any response should be taken with the same pinch of salt and viewed from the same upbeat and biased perspective.
Sure there will be an influx of players when the expansion hits- but how long will that upsurge last? I’ll go for 3-6 months before wvw is in the same pit it is now.
I’m comparing to this time last year, where 1pm on a Saturday afternoon had queues on every map on both those servers.
I just wish they had spent more time and money developing what could have been an excellent game mode- but as they can’t even be bothered to fix the achievements (1million yaks anyone?) my old, jaded self tells me from a realistic point of view things just aren’t going to happen.
Kind of reminds me of the old saying ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. then give up, no point in being a kitten fool about it’. Some of us follow that, others are still on the ‘try’ phase…
1pm on a Saturday and no queue for any map- not even EB. less than 40 active in entire map and less than 20 on tag.
Only tag to be seen is a closed guild raid on EB.
That’s on the supposedly number 1 EU server.
Second server checked: no queue on any server on deso either, although they at least have a couple comms and running 30+ on tag.
FSP have as usual the most on their tag.
Reveal all elite specialisations before PAX
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
Ranger will get a staff and be told to go stand in a corner with their pet. They will get a new skill called ‘synergy attack’ that takes 3 times as long as a pet special to charge while staying rooted so 6-10 seconds after you press the attack button a gas cloud is released with a 240 radius around you that damages players in it’s radius for 1k per second for 5 seconds if they stay in it’s range.
Of course in pvp you’ll be dead or the target will be at the other side of the map, but that’s never stopped them giving pets 2-3 second skill activation times…
Why should they rush out the expansion when so many of you have rushed to fill their pockets by pre ordering (whatever you’re getting, you don’t even know)?
There’s zero pressure for them to release it this year.
Gratz. Also gratz on the huge amount of BLC you must have opened to get all those boosts and tonics.
Oh, and the time is out by one minute in the last picture 12.59 and 5.58.
A fine demonstration of the RNG at work though, very happy for you.
Now to balance it all out a bit, tell us how much you spent over the years per precursor received, and how much you spent that day.
I’m just wondering the replayability of the zone- much like Dry Top or the karka island, I’m wondering what will keep players interested in going back there.
So, when the first rush of excitement wears off, what’s the lure of coming back here? Better loot? More challenging instances? High damage mobs quickly lose their lure, and twitch reaction dodge or die isn’t quite so much fun the further away from the servers you get.
How many people still go to Dry Top for the challenge? SW is popular due to high loot, what’s the longer term draw here?
Will people now have to swap armor sets to survive? Switch builds? None of these are easy over multiple characters especially with ascended being gated and no way to save builds (a very basic oversight that, after 3 years, really should have been fixed).
WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World
in WvW
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
Great marketing speech. Problems have been there for 3 years.
Unless we see a road map of coming changes, or actual changes, or some real communication with the wvw players then most will consign this to the dustbin of Anet promises of doing something to fix wvw.
Glad he mentioned the ‘adopt a dev’, and maybe the other initiatives that also led to nothing happening. Let’s see if this marketing release adds up to something more.
Just going to put this here… This was after TC failed to Golem rush JQ’s Garri on Tuesday evening. Full keep supply burned and no help from the Dev’s for JQ. Going to have to change our name to BGQ or something to get anything out of them.
Trolls are not what they used to be..some of those trebs could in theory be useful…
But yeah, high time they gave lengthy and swift bans to people who do this.
They hate WvW players get used to it^^
With HoT you will prob have to sit through 15sec of mystic forge unskippable cinematic for every sup siege : )
Be careful what you wish for, they might add this!
Now it’s been suggested, Anet will implement it and call it a ‘much asked for by players game improvement’ feature….
Until they remove all the alt accounts that log in and sit around in wvw causing q’s our server will always show full..so the chances of an active wvw bandwaggoning to our server now is zero.
You basically said nothing about the actual combat itself, just described a lot of the npc and wall action and a pve type event in the middle.
Most worrying for a squishy would be that defending NPC damage – might be ok facing it on a regen guard or warrior but having to use up your heal just for one NPC damage amount isn’t fun for squishies.
Maybe one day a dev will actually test some of this stuff out on classes other than guard/warrior..
Summary: looks pretty, lots of shiny pve style mechanics and not sure how it will be playing in three months time after the 100th time your knocked off by an auto air blower or prevented from getting somewhere by a random wall or trapped in a maze whilst ACs rain down from all over.
lol forced…
I love these threads where people make it sound like someone has a gun pointed to their face to do content. When will they learn?
^This. If you want a legendary back piece then do what is required. No one is “forcing” you to do anything.
If I want a new car, I have to earn money to get one. No one is forcing me to do anything. I am doing what I have to in order to get what I want.
The comparison should be ‘if you want this new car, you’ll have to earn the money by washing cars, no matter what other job you might have or enjoy doing’.
Celestial was a dry run for Ascended time gating of needed mats. When introduced it was to prevent the Daddy Warbucks of the game from having a full celestial set on day one.
And since you can’t buy charged quartz, celestial insignia or any form of celestial armor it’s the type of armor that many players were clamoring for, one that required participation, in this case crafting at level 400, to acquire rather than just buying it.
Honestly you need 30 days to make the 30 charged quartz you need for a full set, is that really too much to effort? After all it’s going to cost you more than 1g per 25 quartz for raw materials. Not everyone is speedrunning dungeons or farming Silverwastes.
30 days per set. 4-5 sets for different rune layouts. Add in a couple alts and it’s stretching past a year for the time gating.
Not everyone plays spam 1 guardian.
It’s not wonder people tend to just grab a cookie cutter build and armor set and never think of changing it at all.
The complete silence on the fallout from the golem event is pretty unacceptable in my opinion though. I would expect a word on any event of the sort regardless of outcome.
Was there any communication about the event between Anet and the specialists?
No this was never mentioned.
The complete silence on the fallout from the golem event is pretty unacceptable in my opinion though. I would expect a word on any event of the sort regardless of outcome.
What do you wan them to say?
Sjeez, it was a one-week event.
Because it was a one week event, it deserves no comment? There were a number of exploits and buggy deployment and noting these events could be valuable information for the next time they plan something of the sort. There are certain things that I don’t want to see happen again. So I reject the notion that this topic is restrained to a single week.
Anyhow, a brief note about the event itself, a description, or something about what they perceived as results. Otherwise, why bother?
People have asked for comments on all content from gem store purchases to the next living story event, after all.
They did say it was a test to see if they could do these drop in events for wvw not to see if golmes where ok. Think of it as a test and a test alone though i must say it funny to see ppl try to think more of it. I hope its not the same ppl that say ppt means nothing becuse golme rush was more about giving up the ppt ideal as why you play and just simply play for fun and fights.
That’s fine and all, but that doesn’t really run mutually exclusive with most of what I said.
If you run a test, you ought to share what you learned! The population thread and the associated changes is an example of some interesting communication and note a number of folks were probably more interested in Anet speaking more than the changes themselves.
The thing is they where not testing if ppl wanted free golmes or not as far as we know they where just testing there abitly to drop an event into wvw and to take it out. They even said this and as far as we can tell it worked.
I’m not even referring to finding out if people like golems or not, rather the discussion is now about how to handle events, like the very kind they’re testing. As for it working or not, well, that is indeed just speculation IMO.
The test went perfectly- wvw’rs were cheesed off and the pve players didn’t care, proving to Anet that they can do anything they like to wvw and it won’t affect their main player base.
Next up will probably be double damage AC or catapults, to co incide with the release of the new JP/maze/pve area called the new borderlands.
Do not blob on EB => no skill lag, gg
Yesterday, we (jade sea) destroyed everything on SFR’s map then on our home map (had to switch the raid cause we were facerolling while the other got facerolled). We died only once on our home map (overconfidence and kittened attemp to ninja lord rush XD).
Then we went on eternal lagground …. lost everyfight, including fight that are basically freewin: empower, veil, static on unaware unempowered ennemy … we die …We still had lots of fun before going on spamm1-ground, killing full map blob (~70) while you have 2 roaming group getting objective and are still able to kill this blob (means you’re ~50) is very satisfying. The fight were sometimes close (sometimes not unfortunately ^^)
When i logged on last night on SFR we had a 14 man q for EB, no q’s for the others and one pug comm on Ekittenoaming comm between the other three BL. About 20 following tag in EB (full map…..), and maybe 15 following roaming comm. The opposition full map blob of 60+ came and rolled through our garrison (and probably the rest of BL too).
SFR has a lot of immobile players and not so many actually playing now, and some guilds have quietly folded or moved servers to get away from the bandwagonners just prior to the cost changes.
quote: The map feels very maze like, and will take awhile to learn(so I needed fall dmg trait incase I slipped) but after I learnt the map after the day, I was pretty comfortable roaming around, felt very fun to explore, run through the mazes.
Personally not a fan of JP’s or being treated like a rat being forced to run through a maze to reach a crumb at the other end.
Some people might enjoy that sort of thing, but for me it goes firmly in the bin labelled ‘crappy pve things that should not exist on a pvp map’.
Map is not good for roamers/camp flippers
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
I run a havoc guild, this map is made for us. Solo roamers may have issues and blobs will be easily countered. 5 man groups and 15-20 man organized groups will be the key here imo. Either way it is a game changer for wvw that I feel is sorely needed. The current meta is a push-pull with giant zergs, fight guilds and “roamers”/gankers that has become very stale. I feel this will change wvw to the point where the old guard will die off and a new breed of commanders and players will emerge. I like this:)
The problem comes when the old guard die off, and there aren’t enough people left playing to be able to take anything in a reasonable time scale. Pve’rs won’t play it if they don’t start clocking up rewards, so after the third time trying to cap something for half an hour with 10 people against 2 on ACs they’ll go back to SW.
Map is not good for roamers/camp flippers
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: Notsoperky.4291
Do you get anything for capping a shrine or just the buff?
I predict two months after it’s released if no changes are made 90% of the time there will be no q for any BL and only EB will have huge q’s.
Small roaming groups can’t cap the towers. Throw in some defenders and it becomes impossible. After a while people will stop even trying.
One rank up chest and a pat on the back, but only if you streamed and loved every minute of it, cutting out the long boring run back (and around, as you got lost with the terrible map) every time you were feared off the cliff.
I think the main issue is that people don’t know the map and aren’t organized enough yet. Sure, there is some PvE in the map, but relatively I would say it is about the same as the current maps. There will be more fights when people have learned how the map works and where all the hidden little things are.
Yes, I’m sure you’re right, the map is wonderful and we’ll all love those unhittable indestructible siege, choke points, fear wars, rally bait pve mobs, etc and it will revitalise wvw completely.
I for one can’t wait to run across a map where pve mobs slow me down for 5 minutes to reach that gate that is protected by 20 ac’s and environmental effects (oh wait, revs can ignore a lot of them, wonder why there’s so many of those dazes..), finally got through the gate to enter a maze like structure, fight to a lord that gives a 10 man advantage to the defenders, finally cap it to have it flipped 5 minutes later by the portalled team with the hidden mesmer…
I literally can’t wait. Really. I’m not waiting.
Yay! Force people to go to fractals to obtain stuff! Great move!
I always hated the place, mainly due to the fact you had to run 4 maps before you got to the end boss and if, like me, you can’t stay ingame for that amount of time actually active at the keyboard, it’s one reason why i never got past level 3 or whatever.
With the change to one map rewarding something it might be a place to visit, but as I don’t enjoy cheese mechanics or jumping I’ll probably still not go.
Is there any other way to make this backpack that doesn’t involve going to a place I loathe? Can’t even buy it, as it’s account bound…how do wvw ’rs get it?
What would be useful is if they actually came out with details of how the map cap is determined, what it is, what if anything affects it and how it has changed since launch.
Wouldn’t be hard to do, but instead they avoid giving a straight answer, leading to speculation and a suspicion that players wouldn’t like what they heard (like they care about what wvw players think anyway…).
If you get rid of servers, and allow guilds to form alliances on their own, you solve all of the population problems and give players a fair, balanced, competitive match every week. Also, players get to discover new allies each week while keeping their core alliance intact. (There of course has to be a limit to the size of an alliance, and alliance size should be determined not by headcount, but the player hours spent in WvW.) The matchmaking algorithm for this is quite doable. You can also consider not just how many WvW hours a guild plays, but when they are active in the 24 hour clock to help balance coverage.
The coolest thing about Alliances over Servers is they are so fluid, and allow players to self-balance, and guilds to find new partnerships, and dissolve failing ones.
Here’s what happens in an alliance style game: one alliance starts winning, everyone transfers/joins that alliance, it wins by even more, and eventually there is virtually no opposition to the leading alliance. Seen it happen on several games.
Players don’t auto balance, they go where the winning is easiest or where the greatest ‘rewards’ are.
On that logic, breathing air is an option- in theory you can breathe water…
Know why I left servers? (I’m on my fourth right now) because the people were bitter kittens who wanted to disable server transfers so they have a higher population and who sat around in a keep watching it being taken by the enemies because there was no commander around and who blamed each and everybody to be the reason why wvw sucks for them.
It doesn’t help if you guys from lower tiers start thread after thread showing the exact same behaviour as I wouldn’t want to join your “community”
And although I’m a wvw solo roamer who upgrades quite a lot I am pretty rich – even with only wvw I would be at 80 gold in 3 weeks max.
Sorry to disappoint, but I’m on two EU T1 servers.
Also, I don’t want to disable server transfers, far from it. I’d love to see a more even spread of players across servers, and more players coming in to wvw- but in order to do that, spreading out the existing player base isn’t the best option. Making wvw a more attractive place to play is- but one new map in 3 years and totally ignoring wvw adjustments, hacks, cheats , etc isn’t going to retain or bring back the players who left.
What’s 80 gold got to do with anything? I’m glad you can make 80 gold in 3 weeks solely doing wvw as a solo camp flipper, though the transfer fees are a lot more than that to anything other than a medium (ie dead) server. I suppose I could play guardian and spam 1 and maybe make that, if I don’t upgrade anything and don’t use foods and don’t try and get any runes, sigils, armor pieces, ascended stuff or any new weapons.
I don’t see why I should pay to change servers for a gamemode that could/should be fixed by the developers.
And if you can’t understand that you need to move out from your parents house and start earning your own money coz clearly you don’t know what spending personal money is for something that shouldn’t be broken in the first place.
1. then don’t Anet offers the service you are free at anytime not to pay for it.
2. I own my own home and make plenty of money – anet put out a good product the players are the ones who broke it. and even then its not really broken just not optimalNot to mention gems can be purchased with gold if real cash is an issue….
Yes, because you make SO much gold from playing wvw that purchasing gems is a breeze…
I really wish pve’rs would stop posting this sort of crap in the wvw forums. Wvw players end up buying gems to convert to gold to pay for the things you want in order to play wvw- or force themselves to go on a mindless boss event 100 times or chase chests in SW in order to raise the gold to do what they actually log on to do, which is play wvw.
Not a PVE – pointing out you have a choice. I know most will buy the gems. My comment was in direct reference to someone who said they couldn’t afford with real money to pay to move. THAT part of the argument is false – there is indeed an option to move without paying real $$. The option may or may not be desirable, but it is an option.
On that logic, breathing air is an option- in theory you can breathe water…
Equally annoying is wanting to play some other toon while waiting for the q to pop, or even to swap from say mes to ele half way through a night of wvw but being unable to as to do so you have to re enter the q…
I don’t see why I should pay to change servers for a gamemode that could/should be fixed by the developers.
And if you can’t understand that you need to move out from your parents house and start earning your own money coz clearly you don’t know what spending personal money is for something that shouldn’t be broken in the first place.
1. then don’t Anet offers the service you are free at anytime not to pay for it.
2. I own my own home and make plenty of money – anet put out a good product the players are the ones who broke it. and even then its not really broken just not optimalNot to mention gems can be purchased with gold if real cash is an issue….
Yes, because you make SO much gold from playing wvw that purchasing gems is a breeze…
I really wish pve’rs would stop posting this sort of crap in the wvw forums. Wvw players end up buying gems to convert to gold to pay for the things you want in order to play wvw- or force themselves to go on a mindless boss event 100 times or chase chests in SW in order to raise the gold to do what they actually log on to do, which is play wvw.
Every public test, beta weekend or event always has an element of advertising to it. This is nothing new.
As for your thought that this is not a stress test, it still is a stress test; they will be packing the servers with the number of players they expect to be using the map during a matchup for WvW. If they find that there is too much lag during the stress test, they can reduce the player cap (which is what they have done for the current maps). Further, any bugs that are encountered will be identified and might be fixed.
It is still a stress test.
20-30 a side? instead of the old cap of 80-100 each (and the early days when they were talking about 500 a map..lols).