Showing Posts For Nuking.4051:

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Should I ask the same question of you? Without our SEA we would not be T4.

~ Kovu

Your more than welcome to ask that question Usually the third server in the match up is a NA server so two servers have a prime time that align, thus giving us plenty of combat. While your point tick will be reduced on your off times, it will almost always be split in two. Things are the way they are, was only curious.

Can you say the same for your EU?
It seems to me they’re doing a lot of what our SEA does.
Coverage is coverage. Nothing more.

~ Kovu

Yes, I do find it boring when taking the map is easy, thus why I either take a break and wait for some action or shore up our defenses. Not sure where EB is, but I suspect they will show up soon. Good day, thanks for your time

(edited by Nuking.4051)

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Should I ask the same question of you? Without our SEA we would not be T4.

~ Kovu

Your more than welcome to ask that question Usually the third server in the match up is a NA server so two servers have a prime time that align, thus giving us plenty of combat. While your point tick will be reduced on your off times, it will almost always be split in two. Things are the way they are, was only curious.

(edited by Nuking.4051)

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


12 hours in and the score is virtually tied.
This should be a good week. =)
(Don’t let our SEA demoralize you — you’ll do the exact same to us during EU.)

~ Kovu

No disrespect intended, just asking.. Does your SEA ever get bored with the lack of pvp during their playtime? It has been my experience most people who thrive on pk’ing tire easily of what is essentially pve. How do they keep it interesting?

Dec-6: EB, CD, BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


The actual facts being that League drove us as a server closer together than anything else I’ve yet seen. Our tactics improved, our coordination improved, our response times improved. You guys can whine and cry all you like, the bare bones of the matter is, you were facing us at our absolute best as a server. Meanwhile, as the rumors tell, you guys were busy in-fighting and losing one of your best.

Guess timing is bad all the way around, when you guys were “at your best” most of us took the week off as last week meant nothing. Now we are at our supposed “best” you guys are taking the week off. Your posts are generally reasonable, thank you for that.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


If you had started with it at the beginning of the week it would probably have been a more challenging match. By now it is too little, too late.

Let me break it down for you, when you beat the hell out of those who have nothing to play for then you might be left with nobody to play against…… I dare say your lack of a challenge was partially fueled by your servers approach to the week.

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


There isn’t an alliance. We had commanders on all maps and Ebay has so far put up better resistance. Now that may be numbers, skill or a combination but in the end we’re just taking whatever we can whilst hoping for decent fights in the process.

I agree there is not an alliance, but rather differing play style. As you post indicated taking what is easy and hoping for some wvw is one way. Others of us would prefer to forgo pvd and go where the resistance is. Neither is wrong, guess it depends on your goal.

After League ...

in WvW

Posted by: Nuking.4051


What is next? Leagues are destroying the small communities at an alarming rate. My bet is to solve this they start adding in Random Boss spawns who have a .01 chance to drop a legendary. This solves 2 problems it gets rid of the pesky wvw players and opens up spots in the Queue for pve players.

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Do you really think Devon is gonna WvW on our server with a character bearing his name? None of us know him, none of us have seen him, if he’s been in any fights alongside us he’s probably been killed 10x over by megablobs. Your wet dreams of unleashing your petty spiteful angst against a WvW dev sadly, will go unfulfilled. Kind of like most of the WvW pop in this match.

…Is it you?

(edited for ridiculous profanity filters)

Yes, you caught on to my clever ruse! I’m also a seven foot ex basketball pro, hindu, guru, drag queen, alien.

So Dootmaster X is really Devon which is an alias for Dennis Rodman?

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


To those from BP giving us credit for this week, thank you. To the others, i think the issue is that you thought you could roll over us and are now looking for excuses that make you feel better about losing this week.

About respect, BP is not know for showing respect to anyone, you equally look down upon servers whom you are beating (because you are more “skilled”) and those who defeat you (because they can only “Zerg”). So you are actually expecting respect from us? I for my part don’t want yours. I remember plenty of derisive posts from your Forum Warriors when you were winning against us.

I’ve seen BP Zergs this week, we lost our hills once because a group from Ebay was attacking another gate at the same time as the BP Zerg, but we do double team you with them? I’ve also seen plenty of small-group action this week, but sure, we do only Zerg. You called us Zombies at your Forum.

Whatever makes you feel better. Doesn’t change that you are losing this week.

Sure we lost this week, and quite a few of us (as you said) complimented your server. Glad to see you exemplify the true spirit of sportsmanship and embody the grace of a true winner.

So to the YB server as a whole Kudos on a job well done, and don’t sweat this poster we have toolz on our server too.

Pls remove achivments from Season of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nuking.4051


PvE people come into WvW for achievements —> get addicted --> more WvW people. Sure, not 100% of the people who are achievement hunting will stay, but even 10% staying will be great!

Worked for me, I had to do world completion and decided to try just one fight in wvw. Hooked from then on.

Good to see this happening but I suspect the end result is more of a zero sum game. Currently on my server you would need to gain 5 dedicated WvW players to offset the loss of me and my 4 friends. No complaints from us, the game has just gone in a direction we would rather not follow.

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


I just quickly browsed Yaks Bend forum and honestly all I have to say is hats off to you guys for your preparation and execution for your plan for the leagues.

Well kittening done.

If only you knew…

Our Real plan.

Cue Lightning and thunder.

I agree with skeet you guys really have one heck of a game plan for this match up. Honestly asking was your strategy was to sit on BP and not really engage EB? Did you predict there was a better chance that would give you the commanding lead you earned?

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


You actually make my point for me..Nobody was around when you took the camp, a few of us ported into bay to respond. Typical fashion many of us go over the wall as shown in the foreground of you ss. It is not uncommon for the stragglers to grab the cannons next to the afk guy on the treb.

I agree it is funny but probably for a different reason than you

You obviously don’t know the whole story. This guy was literally trebbing us in the camp as soon as the swords showed up, rather than coming out to see what was up.

That guy was on the treb for hours I concede he was being useless. You see people hiding on a wall, I see people hiding behind a camp full of guards… I usually try to get my opponent to move north a little for a fair fight, but too many have cement shoes and can’t seem to get past the the guards. I don’t even mind a 2 on 1 so please feel free to let your buddy know it is ok to leave the camp.

If your goal is to protect the camp, have at it just don’t delude yourself into thinking sitting on a wall is any different than being hit by a wall (guild claimer with buff).

Ridiculous post.

There is no comparison to fighting right outside a tower or keep with a door to run into and fighting in a camp, even with the buff. It always amuses me how some people think they are really safe standing next to a buffed supervisor.

Hint: You aren’t

Ridiculous counter post
Reread my post. I was suggesting both sides move north to a more neutral point. Selectively viewing you opponents advantages while dismissing your own is what I find funny.

Please enlighten me as to why you think 3+ guards vrs 1 mesmer is a sign of someone looking for a good fight? Complaining about a fight that did not take place while avoiding the one right in front of you seems odd to me.

WTH are you talking about? They have two at the sentry spot with five of you at the keep. You can come out and 5v2 them at the sentry. If their third comes out then it would be a 5v3 at the sentry.

So, I take it that the five of you didn’t come out and fight them. Reason: You were scared of a buffed supervisor that was nowhere near where the fight would have taken place. Okay, then.

You do know that a screen shot only captures what happens at that very second right? Since you were not there try to imagine that things did happen before and after it was taken……

I’m sure if I roam around your homelands long enough I can get a shot of a few of your buddies on a wall and make it out to be something it is not.

(edited by Nuking.4051)

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


You actually make my point for me..Nobody was around when you took the camp, a few of us ported into bay to respond. Typical fashion many of us go over the wall as shown in the foreground of you ss. It is not uncommon for the stragglers to grab the cannons next to the afk guy on the treb.

I agree it is funny but probably for a different reason than you

You obviously don’t know the whole story. This guy was literally trebbing us in the camp as soon as the swords showed up, rather than coming out to see what was up.

That guy was on the treb for hours I concede he was being useless. You see people hiding on a wall, I see people hiding behind a camp full of guards… I usually try to get my opponent to move north a little for a fair fight, but too many have cement shoes and can’t seem to get past the the guards. I don’t even mind a 2 on 1 so please feel free to let your buddy know it is ok to leave the camp.

If your goal is to protect the camp, have at it just don’t delude yourself into thinking sitting on a wall is any different than being hit by a wall (guild claimer with buff).

Ridiculous post.

There is no comparison to fighting right outside a tower or keep with a door to run into and fighting in a camp, even with the buff. It always amuses me how some people think they are really safe standing next to a buffed supervisor.

Hint: You aren’t

Ridiculous counter post
Reread my post. I was suggesting both sides move north to a more neutral point. Selectively viewing you opponents advantages while dismissing your own is what I find funny.

Please enlighten me as to why you think 3+ guards vrs 1 mesmer is a sign of someone looking for a good fight? Complaining about a fight that did not take place while avoiding the one right in front of you seems odd to me.

(edited by Nuking.4051)

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


You actually make my point for me..Nobody was around when you took the camp, a few of us ported into bay to respond. Typical fashion many of us go over the wall as shown in the foreground of you ss. It is not uncommon for the stragglers to grab the cannons next to the afk guy on the treb.

I agree it is funny but probably for a different reason than you

You obviously don’t know the whole story. This guy was literally trebbing us in the camp as soon as the swords showed up, rather than coming out to see what was up.

That guy was on the treb for hours I concede he was being useless. You see people hiding on a wall, I see people hiding behind a camp full of guards… I usually try to get my opponent to move north a little for a fair fight, but too many have cement shoes and can’t seem to get past the the guards. I don’t even mind a 2 on 1 so please feel free to let your buddy know it is ok to leave the camp.

If your goal is to protect the camp, have at it just don’t delude yourself into thinking sitting on a wall is any different than being hit by a wall (guild claimer with buff).

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Oh BP… Some things just never change

Agreed, almost forgot about all the great screen shots that only tell 1/2 the story.

Oh I think this screenshot tells the entire story. Absolutely nobody around (we entered the camp through the hill), and BP has both cannons as well as the treb manned.

I just think it’s funny that’s all

You actually make my point for me..Nobody was around when you took the camp, a few of us ported into bay to respond. Typical fashion many of us go over the wall as shown in the foreground of you ss. It is not uncommon for the stragglers to grab the cannons next to the afk guy on the treb.

I agree it is funny but probably for a different reason than you

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Oh BP… Some things just never change

Agreed, almost forgot about all the great screen shots that only tell 1/2 the story.

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051



From your post I’d wager you enjoy kicking puppies and pushing down the elderly.

We are all terribly impressed with your bloated population and ability to zerg maps. /golf clap.

And to answer…not really mad. Just extremely bored with this match up and the inability of two of the servers to really do anything without being turned into a greasy stain in the wake of the third’s obscene coverage and scenery chewing zergs.

Congratulations on your transfers!

btw: Nice fights with DB this week! Look forward to more in the future!


Woohoo, SBI will face top 12 servers now

in WvW

Posted by: Nuking.4051


They are facing BP (rank 11) and Yak (rank 12).

Wanna bet SBI will win this matchup?

Congrats, glad to see all the new found skill pushed them over the top /golfclap

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


I see that zara still has her God complex in full form, however, her lack of response only proves that what I am saying is fact. For those that remain on BP that I still talk to, I feel sorry for. They’ll learn, though, that in time BP is a server lost to bandwagoning guilds that enjoy server hopping to conduct their own weird experiments. Whatever.

I know your mom called them frosted flakes, but the rest of the world calls them paint chips.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


For a server that gets their butts handed to them by EBay, BP sure knows how to zerg it up! Thanks for showing up and fighting the good fight on DB BL.

We wipe the floor with Ebay now. Glad you got to see how we’ve improved over the 13 week massacre we endured with Ebay when the tables were turned.

is that something to make your balls swell?? to chest thump about?? only way you guys got “Better” is with DR joining you

And BURN leaving us.

Could you please enlighten us on why one/two guilds leaving your server is so important that you can’t just let it go and move on? I mean seriously, every server had guilds and players that left either because the server was losing, there was drama, or whatever. Why is BP being so EBay about this?

I’m genuinely curious.

It’s like this. Before we left borlis, burn and goat were 2 of the more prominent and active WvW guilds. Zara, after riding cattails for months, decided to be a burn member after bouncing from a couple of other guilds and servers. After about 3-4 months of carrying borlis, burn and goat got tired of being 2 of the 3 guilds that actually defended home map. We started becoming vocal on a lack of support and she didn’t like truth, so she got kitten ed off at everyone from said guilds, ESP. Me and pestilence. Goat and burn decided to leave and she got all kitten ed off. She can’t just let it go. Just that simple.

Zara, burn leaving borlis, in all honesty, wasn’t a good thing for borlis. If just a few things would have changed, this is a moot discussion, but unfortunately, they didn’t. Plea Zara, pick up the pieces of your miserable existence, build a bridge, crawl over it and move on.

Contrary to my favorite emo raging friend, it is more like this. They left we are still here and most of us could care less.

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Credit where it’s do, ZERG did actually stand and fight tonight. I only wish I had a bigger group than 3 so I could actually give them the fight they deserved.

all good fun. i guess we can make general statements that all SPLT players hide in spawn when faced with generally equal fights? no, im sure i can chalk it up to kitten happens and you didn’t want to get yourself killed for the hell of it. anyways – i enjoyed the run in, hope to catch you guys more often the rest of the week =)

You should be careful when making video call outs.

Next time, make sure your opponent doesn’t have better footage than you do.

you’re reight… we didn’t kill near as many up arrows and pugs as you did… touché!

You’re missing the point. The video is showing how you turned tail and ran every time the numbers were evened out, which I may remind you was the comment someone made that started this whole mess.
First fight in particular, there was no pugs on either side. Were you just trying to string us out and flank us or something? I think you guys were far too cautious.

sigh – yes your right – you guys are uber and all we do is run from you… im going to play video games now =P

Don’t think I ever commented on either side’s skill. I just wondered why you didn’t want to fight.

Of course we want to fight, but that does not mean we have to do a pickett’s charge to prove it. Can we all agree that using a tactical retreat while allowing conditions work is just as viable as slugging it out in the mud if your group composition benefits from it?

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


ZERG guild,

Why do you constantly run away? In NSP BL the only time I didn’t see you running was when it was 20-4… yet the 4 of us were willing to stand and fight. When the numbers evened you ran. Thankfully Lost was still around to give us a good fight.

Don’t worry, even if you can’t figure out the truth after watching the video the rest of the community sure can.

I am with Hadan on this one. If team work and tactics are now defined as “running away”. Then call me a coward while we spike some of your friends before making our get away.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


My gosh does Bp sound just like egobay with the amount of chest thumping you guys do now.. I can remember my 5 months stay on Bp, you all use to be so humble. What the kitten happened to you people?

Let me give your generalizing tactic a shot: My gosh you and those who left Bp sound like fair weather, bandwagon, server jumpers. I can remember during the 5 months you were on Bp, you all had spines and did not take the easy way out…What the kitten happened to you people?

Your post is about as fair to most of us as mine is to those like you.

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuking.4051


Just had a chuckle, BP actually has a guild named [ZERG] now. Though they weren’t exactly a zerg at the time they passed me up. Only 5-6.

New guild, core members are from what you may remember as Soul.

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Nuking.4051


For the ones who aren’t forum warriors, I’m sorry you feel slighted. You drew the short straw at reset, and stuff like this happens to everyone at some point. Shake it off and keep trying. In the end, its a long week and we are only 1/6 of the way through it. Things can change.

Respectfully speaking many of us who don’t speak up are tired of feeling like we have a piano on our chest every week. Most of my friends either won’t wvw until this match up is over, or simply stopped logging in. There are no points for being “brave little” soldiers. The silent majority has no ability to quiet down the forum warriors, and believing it is acceptable to curb stomp us because of the actions of a few is bad form.

I am not taking anything away from the accomplishments of EB, just pointing out that Bp is full of great people sitting behind their monitors and they play to have fun. If EB seriously wants “good competition” take your boots off our throats once in awhile, let us regroup and lets slug it out.

If punishing an entire server for the actions of a few is what floats your boat, then don’t break your arms patting yourselves on the back while fighting boredom.

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Nuking.4051


What happened is BP got soft having a weak target to sponge points from and can’t play actual WvW when you have 2 solid opponents.

I never thought AR was weak when we climbed up and over you into this tier. If we do drop will be fun seeing how well you fare when EB no longer has us to look at, and turns their microscope towards your back side. My guess is you will miss sponging points off of us.