Showing Posts For OZFugazi.6178:

Slayer:Plant Slayer. Vines/Roots don't count?

in Living World

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



as intended? I would imagine vines and roots (tendrils) as well as the corrupted “plants” would fit under this category?



100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



well over 150 chests now.. not one fossil to be found. the frustration is second only to the anger. it takes a great deal of “farming” from the events to collect that many geodes for keys, not to mention the two recipes I have to go along with it (800 geodes) and then the 50 geodes for the inscription. Now to be fair, I got some of those keys from dust piles, drops ect. but even at 1/2 (which it isn’t) coming from that alone.. I spent close to 3200 geodes.

if you (Anet) were trying to get me NOT to play your content again, your doing a mighty fine job of it.

I get the whole RNG concept of keeping folks engaged to the area for shinys. but do your devs know the concept of frustrating the players enough to not want to play your game?

open up the drop rate, make the drops possible from champ or sand giant. or make them tradable please. something.

100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



can’t say that I’ve opened 100 chests.. but dang near close. I’ve gotten three goggles and would gladly exchange them for one fossil. Spent most of yesterday, running events, helping folks with chest locations ect. had fun early on, but by the end was just frustrated..

maybe add a small chance in some of the champ chests? or how about a chance for a fossil in the sand giant chests.. as not to many people find the sand giant worth the time anyway. might spark some interest in actually wanting to fight that pain. I would offer skritt queen reward.. but that requires t4.

it was mentioned up top.. sooner or later this content will become “old”, and the people needed to reach t4 will become extremely difficult. Terrible design. Pretty soon there will be people complaining about having fossils and no way to purchase the recipe, due to not being able to reach t4. (and rightly so) I am grinding the heck out of it now.. for fear that the eventual “ghost town” will hit.

wish the folks that put these areas and rewards together.. put a bit more thought into the long term. acquisition of items/recipes that are only accessible, by having gobs of people running timed events, to push the tiers up.. lol.. sooner or later the gobs move on.

ah well.. all the best.

Can’t the recipes be purchased at tier 2?
Wiki says they are the same price at all tiers, 2 and above.

Surely a couple of people can at least reach tier 2.

The recipes for the bug skin weapons are tier 4.. you can check yourself.. go to a vendor. and cycle each of the tabs to tier 4. after all .. that is what this topic is about. Bug skin fossils and drop rates.

all the best

ps.. the wiki shows that as well.

100+ chests opened, no fossil

in Living World

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



can’t say that I’ve opened 100 chests.. but dang near close. I’ve gotten three goggles and would gladly exchange them for one fossil. Spent most of yesterday, running events, helping folks with chest locations ect. had fun early on, but by the end was just frustrated..

maybe add a small chance in some of the champ chests? or how about a chance for a fossil in the sand giant chests.. as not to many people find the sand giant worth the time anyway. might spark some interest in actually wanting to fight that pain. I would offer skritt queen reward.. but that requires t4.

it was mentioned up top.. sooner or later this content will become “old”, and the people needed to reach t4 will become extremely difficult. Terrible design. Pretty soon there will be people complaining about having fossils and no way to purchase the recipe, due to not being able to reach t4. (and rightly so) I am grinding the heck out of it now.. for fear that the eventual “ghost town” will hit.

wish the folks that put these areas and rewards together.. put a bit more thought into the long term. acquisition of items/recipes that are only accessible, by having gobs of people running timed events, to push the tiers up.. lol.. sooner or later the gobs move on.

ah well.. all the best.

DPS Tests need to Stop.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


the “event” itself encourages low level or new players (by up leveling for the event), clearly out of said 50 players (given the best test conditions) you should have at least 1/4 of that number NOT geared to the specific needs of optimal.

there are guilds/groups that are purposely trying to organize to take down ONE knight and having extreme problems doing so. How can a mixed group comprised of up leveled newness as well as “zerker” spec’d experience, collude to bring down a legendary that is designed for ONE type of fight.

this arbitrary timer system mixed with tossed together mechanics was NOT tested.. at all. Somebody making the decisions on this team is guessing.. and not within the parameters of existing event mechanics.. ie; will the group have upleveled, non geared, non skilled (as in the availability of specific skills or builds) players? If there is even a remote possibility that there will be such an environment.. the end result should be a more relaxed requirement to achieve positive results. In other words.

MAKE IT EASIER for the sake of all players.. because you make the instance accessible to all players. Including new players that have been upleveled or alts wanting to experience the content that may not be geared for it.

The main content should not be gated by timed content that is only possible given specific circumstances. WHY are the knights and access to the Scarlett event even on a timer to begin with? The achievement? FINE. But general access?! This makes me angry. You force people on smaller populated servers to guest to other servers just for the ability to complete the gated content. If you want to do this with friends from your home server, you will all have to guest together.. not to mention, I am not sure that those servers really want the explosion of guests to begin with.

take the timers OFF the knights. no.. seriously.. take them off. You can leave the timer on the Halo event (as this makes sense given EVERYONE is now together and helping), but having 3 specific events that need to be completed at said short time levels was not thought out.

Eliminate the condition damage penalty. Why even have it? With so many specific skills having the inherent ability to apply conditions.. what? I just don’t know. Again.. this event is not tucked away somewhere in a fractal, or dungeon where you are required to be max level, and expected to be capable of gearing for the event.

You can’t say.. “This event is open to all players new and experienced” and then make a fight only work optimal or even successful, with specific group composition because of TIMERS or damage type penalties.

I love the events, the story, the atmosphere.. the whole idea of losing and taking back our beloved Lions Arch.. but the whole Knights timer gated fiasco was just plain poorly thought out.

all the best.

Peter the Lost is lost?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


I give this advice to anyone who asks in chat.. and it has been successful for many.

park yourself at the light house (bottom far left on map, look for Lion’s Gate POI), and wait.. he will spawn in two very close locations. makes your odds a little better.

1. loc: down by the light house just left of the plaque.

2. up near the house by the stairs.

I have even witnessed him appear at the light house.. disappear after 3 min.. then re appear at the house location for another 3 min, back to back.

hope this helps you.

Nowhere to Hide (Very Frustrating)

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


I appreciate the fb on the necro end of it..

I did complete by using spectral walk.. but only for the sprint. I used the dodge method. There are actually three different obstacles btw. 1rst is her shocking grasp like stun, then her Shocking knock back field, and then if your too close to her. she has an interrupt that she can use during your finisher. It wasn’t a problem understanding her attacks/disrupts.. it was a problem with the overall timing of dodges and the immediate f key finish.

another VERY good point that was brought up .. was how does one with possible disabilities get through this solo. (at least a group does help and ty Taygus)

my overall issue with this cheevo.. is that it is simply NOT fun at all, not fun having to perfectly execute, or watch the same cut scenes over and over and over…with no way to skip. its frustrating and even more so irritating.

I understand that achievements are meant to be a challenge. but not one that makes you want to twist your keyboard in half. I have helped a great deal of folks with rubble piles, peter ect.. but there is no way In hell, I’m watching that cut scene again.. even to help someone out.

hope they loosen the timing on this a bit..
all the best and ty for the replies.

Nowhere to Hide (Very Frustrating)

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


Are you Oceanic?

Pretty sure our ping makes us a second or so too slow to be able to do it.

People from the states (with 600% better ping) are having a hard enough time anyway!

I wish it was that.. it would be a decent reason. No, I am NA. but I appreciate your reply.

I completed the “task”. as it felt no where near an achievement. Took me almost 3 hours. This is NOT, the way you make a gratifying achievement. As close to impossible, without specific skill sets, or relying on timers/chanting/channelers that can possibly be influenced by latency.. or having to watch youtube, over and over. Just overall very unhappy with this “design” If I ever have to see this cut scene again.. it will be to soon. A wonderful story cut.. destroyed by having to watch it over and over again. sad really.

I will take a break, have some Cpt. Crunch. at get back at it. Need some fun after that horrible event.

all the best to everyone having troubles with this.

Nowhere to Hide (Very Frustrating)

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


I realize that many classes have a “goto” skill that helps with getting this achievement. But as a necro main.. it is very VERY hard. I have been going at this for almost 2 hours (with non skip able cut scenes, I might add. seriously?) To be honest. This alone is getting me to such a point of frustration. Was this meant?

Please.. at least remotely consider turning off the second knockback.. or at the very least decrease the range that it throws the player back.

OR.. make the cut scenes skip able.

I am also starting to think that Asura have a slower finish animation.

lol.. So ANGRY.

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


good times.

kitten GoM running the numbers big! good fights in ARbl.

all the best to everyone this week and this season.

10/11 GoM/NSP/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


If this tanking continues. |XOXO| will be looking for a new home. We’ve talked about it after today’s shenanigans. I’ve had enough. The guild is disappointed that this server has stooped the the lowest of levels as to throwing a match to not advance.

I hope we pull a comeback I really do. If so we will stay. If not, I know I am 100% sure I am leaving Nsp. My guild totally agrees with me.

Ups and downs our guild has always thrown itself into the enemy zerg or taxi’d many of golems for pvdoor. We have done everything we can to help Nsp get better with what little numbers we had. Zerged or not

I personally loved being on Nsp. This week after being told I should xfer ( for being against teh tanking). It opened my eyes. People here want ez fights and there extra blue in the chest. Well you can have them. Salvage some for me.

Tanks for nothing

you and crew are more than welcome to call ARock your new home. Enough room here to grow, and I promise we wont destroy your siege. I played on NSP for a bit with this alt accnt. I remember NSP being the one that brought the fight no matter the odds. Thick or thin, there was a certain fellowship and culture that really impressed me about NSP. Its one thing to sit out the match or maybe have a pve holiday. But to deliberately sabotage supply or other guilds made siege?

Very disappointing to see what is going on.

all the best wherever you and xoxo remain or end up.

Let's boost Northern Shivpeak to 15th place!

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


The current match-up guarantees that NSP will be in Bronze League. Last spot in Silver League will go to either Kain or HoD.

from ARock here..

what’s equally troubling is that these types of matchups demoralize all servers involved. AR and GoM get hammered.. to a point of frustration… NSP is left trying to find more involved fights. As usual, we bring out the best we can for reset.. but come Monday, the motivation wanes. the frustration is just to strong, just cant field the numbers, much less the coverage. Our best and motivated weeks come with equal (or close to) server match ups, we have good times and active match threads.

to add.. NSP could control every asset on every map and STILL lose evolution ppt avg simply from the pairing alone. And most likely still remain top of bronze league. Its like a minni vacation haha. No offense NSP, nothing but mad love from me.

working as intended Devon? I sure hope not.

all the best to everyone

10/11 GoM/NSP/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


haha .. yeah.

nothing like a nice well balanced match up to start the week off!. nice to see you again nsp. GoM we feel your pain. oh, and (nsp) tell Devon “hi”. no tin foil hat here.. just, yeah.

all the best to everyone this week! chins up.


9/27 AR/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



just wanted to say thank you to all that participated in this weeks matchup! with only one hour to go till reset and the new league system coming on (so many changes) its good to know that the fights still remain strong in the lower tiers. lower being AR and ET. HoD was simply the numbers giant this go round but some good fights when the odds were even/close. cheers!

hopefully this next matchup will be a wee bit closer matched. I know AR would like to see something to a bottom 5 area instead of two weeks of T15 and T18. Painful last couple of weeks.. BUT.

Heres to AR for staying at 23! Almost made 22! Good job all the way around, from everyone. We stayed in the green 90% of the time this week on avg in ppt evolution. In other words we have shown 2 weeks of productive consistency. Even against heavy odds.

ET! you played well. You lost a spot dropping to t21. I have to think that is due to defending your bl, not attacking HoD, and focusing on AR. But hey.. GJ on your fights! Maybe we get the opportunity this week to give it a go again. strong comp. TY.

HoD, well. numbers. haha! no really.. ty all for the great fights and participation. Even though you hit AR and ET fairly hard.. you only managed to stay positive in evolution 1 day this week. today. Lets hope you get better matched this next week. I am sure we will meet again.

again a big TY to all that showed the motivation and dedication to fight the good fight on all sides. and as always..

all the best.

ps. humble opinion.

9/20 DH/GoM/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


as this week has only a couple hours left..

I would just like to give a big thank you! for all that participated in this matchup. DH was a little heavy handed on the populous compared to us smaller servers, but the fights that were somewhat evenly matched were very competitive and with respect.

G of Madness, as usual your roam, havoc and small zergs bring it hard, fast and BAM! always fun to match It up with you.

AR! what can I say.. excellent work with the resources we have. All around beers for everyone for keeping that avg point evolution in the 30’s all week. Maybe we hit that FC #22 soon. Twenty two baby! its like so close. gj AR and a special shout out to all the newcomers that have joined the ranks to help up.

as always.. until we meet again.
All the best

ps. inspiration for the next matchup.

9/20 DH/GoM/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



A rank 16 server.. vs rank 21 and 23 respectively. now. what does anyone expect. This is not about ability nor skill, its about numbers. Its irrelevant to suggest anything else, DH should be matched a wee bit closer than a 5 and 7 spread. Keep in mind that when GoM, FC, and AR were matched, (wk 36) it was VERY close and extremely fun.

@meph. I respect your “roamer” mentality. But when you have the masses looking for any fight.. (keyword any). even an organized gvg at the mill will get steamrolled.

AR and GoM have been decimated by in-server losses. And probably for the best, as they will now build stronger and the movement will be worth that effort (grats to AR moving to #23!). But expecting any kind of challenge to your masses is silly. Our server challenges come from the bottom 5 servers. atm. And some of the best players I have seen also play on those servers.

Worse.. is the DH wvw culture (generalized I know). I can not express how many times I’ve been sit on or danced on or laughed at by the DH masses, simply for trying to accommodate that ego. AR comes to fight and take on most any challenge.. (and I’m sure the same be said about the Mad).. but when your outnumbered and being kittend at the same time.. well.. a 5 vs 30 rumble followed by corpse sitting.. haha.. yeah.

soon enough it will be back to “normal” and we can have our decent, somewhat equal, mutual respected fights and not 15 replies as to why Abyss and SE are no longer with DH. And DH can finally have a counter to its masses.

all the best

9/20 DH/GoM/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


We might be pretty even, SE and Abys left and they were our main fighting force during the day, and we are garbo at night. might be somewhat interesting.

no meph.. you still have vast more numbers comparatively. but both ARock and The Mad will bring a fight.

all the best to everyone.

9/13 DR - FC - AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


a grand thank you all for a fun and intense matchup.

congratulations to ARock for moving up to #23! progress one step ata time.

FC and DR most likely see you again in a couple hours after reset. again. great fights and great times.

all the best.

Mind Blown. Confused (bloodlust)

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


First.. not a rant nor an outburst. Honestly, confused.

It’s a known that wvw outcomes and motivations are based on a few key points.

1. coverage
2. numbers
3. rewards
4. time vs feeling of accomplishment.

and probably in that order.

OK. fair enough. The wvw dev team is aware of these challenges and are doing their best to accommodate solutions to create a more well balanced and fun environ to play. Whether that be new ranks, new mechanics, new rewards.. and now a major change to the bl maps and the bloodlust mechanic. But really, and this is what confuses me, how does this in anyway help to diminish the current challenges with systems in place. How does bloodlust, or a change in map dynamics fix coverage mitigation, or matchups with higher populated (wvw active) servers?

All I can conceptualize is an area somewhat similar to Stonemist, in the center of the map that rewards the more populated/coverage even MORE rewards, because by default, they will be able to defend said taken area, easier. What happens if your undermanned, what is going to keep or allow for balance for the server that has not enough people to defend their own keeps, much less this bloodlust “incentive” objective. And more importantly, where is the motivation to stay and fight? For what exactly? Free repair costs?

Eventually, no matter how much a server loves the “underdog” fight.. going up against a stacked field, first by numbers, second by bloodlust, and third by just being overall frustrated.. will lead to loss of motivation to play. The undermanned, out buffed, underdogs will leave or flock to EB. And with no one TO fight.. the overpopulated offender .. well you get the picture.

You offer an incentive for the winner or offense.. why in Anets name cant you offer an incentive for the defenders at the same time? an idea off the top of my head.. there are a good deal of resource nodes through out the BL’s, (that for the most part are simply ignored). why cant I, an outmanned playing, underdog run around and gather these resources to then donate to an NPC at Cit that will allow for defensive buffs for the entire BL defenders. ie. Ore for toughness/def, Trees for Healing power, and plants for Vitality. Allowing for equal amounts of stacks equivalent to the stacks possible with bloodlust. Only available if outmanned or no control over ruins.

heres another.. there are mercenary camps available.. skrit, centaur. why couldn’t I farm some of those nodes to an “emissary” located in Cit to send out a rather large attacking force to weaken or disrupt the ruins of power. Or maybe specific monster trophies.. skrit = shiny worm scales or centaur = wolf meat .. or even make the farm random based on creatures around the map. (corny but yeah) This emissary would only be available if the home BL has no control of the Ruins and these mercs would only attack ruins. That alone would help “level” the playing field at least a little bit or even give a challenge to the aggressor and incentive to hold ground.

what about ways to help make taking back objectives easier. If the home server bl is outmanned, maybe keeps that have been taken by the aggressor start to degrade over time (gates/walls) up to a cap.. like 50%. Making taking back objectives a little easier for smaller havocs. (yes yes.. this is pvdoor for ppt but there are some that actually still enjoy objective based play as well as gvg)

I could go on.. and on.. but really, me getting sleepy.

All the above takes man power, time, money.. but at the very least it helps to fix the real issues with wvw and allows for a way to compliment BOTH aggressor and defender.. instead of just “winner”

I will give this a serious go and do my best to find the positive, as I really want to see wvw grow and be fun for everyone. But honestly.. I am confused.


Plans to address the failing ranking system?

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



the battle of nomnomnom?

why I otta

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



RISE comes to GoM T7. ?


(has to be a different RISE.. just has to be) haha.

WvW Livestream on GW2 Twitch Channel

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


thanks iz

for taking the time.

ps. next time get that “other” keyboard, for your “big” hands.. never has a make do move been over scrutinized. although, your click skills are old school pro.


Throwing in my Commander tag. [RISE]

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



to assume that anyone gives a toss what you do, especially on a global wv3 forums encompassing 24 distinct and individual server cultures.. speaks volumes to the transparency of your ego.

newsflash cowboy.. its not your tag you need to step down off of. its your high horse. fall from grace is best served quietly and with a dash of humble pie.


realize that most of BG tops .. knew of your dealings with other servers, before you even decided to “inject” yourselves there. respect is earned on the field with loyalty. What makes you think your disposable candor (RISE) should be anything different on BG.

have fun on BG. or do what you do best..
xfer off.


Holy God CD IS ON FIRE !!!

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


gj cd. your teamwork and fights have been awesome.


5/3 - SoS/CD/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



as a fly on the wall from tier 1. imo, there is a good amount of positive going on for this tier that should be appreciated, and appreciated/respected with each other. Cd has some excellent dispersion with its razing and sbi with its movement and choice of coverage. sos (as I play here now most the time), has incredible synergy amongst its leaders and of course.. numbers to lead and those numbers try to learn and help.

tier 1? lol. everyone is a commander.. to many chiefs. and its epic in the “elite” persona. gets rather old and stale. sure, its not always like that.. but definitely a different culture.

this arrow cart card that gets played.. yeah.. played out. its part of the game, every server uses them and uses them at the most opportune time. either rally and adapt by changing tactics, or keep pointing fingers in anger. seriously.. I highly doubt the circumstance juxtaposed would be any different with any server/player. you do what you can to keep what you have taken. done.

the ol sayin, “you don’t know what you got, till its gone”. yup. I am breathing life into my game by playing here. could have been cd or sbi, wouldn’t matter. this is good times people. enjoy the moment.


large guild looking to move

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178



fantastic server with good people. NA slot would be a perfect fit.


Remove rams and golems. Don't need them.

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


variety.. the spice of siege.
remove nothing.. add more.

variety.. the spice of siege.
remove nothing.. add more.oz

SoS - The Comeback Kid [Recruitment]

in Looking for...

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


call answered.

fun server. having a good time with it and for the most part organized and cheerful zerg mates

would like to thank Luv, Slim, Rooster, and the GoD guild for letting me run with last night. nice to run with organized crew and humor in chat to boot. could only imagine the laughs in voice. (have yet to join that)

makes the purchase of a new account worth the bother. (refuse to xfer main accnt from BG)

all the best and highly recommended

CD/SBI/SOS and pvp bots

in WvW

Posted by: OZFugazi.6178


agreed and witnessed.

it could almost be considered a form of “griefing” the amount of fps drop it creates.

all bot mobs (mostly bears) were tagged with guild name PREP.

sad really.