Showing Posts For Odahviing.4715:

Meta and Arrogance,hand in hand

in PvP

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Did no one else see the filepath to this guys screenshot folder?! OJ IS BACK PEOPLE! stop worrying about pvp and hide blonde women and sports memorabilia! QUICKLY!!

We Are 138 - My Minion Master

in PvP

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Pretty sure this is kind of common place. Only thing i may change at some point are the weapon sigils to something a little more useful, but by and far this is my favorite build. So much CC with the fear, immobilize, kd, interrupt that this build stands up to almost anyone. Learning curve is not too bad an issue because the minions and toughess give a you a good deal of room to learn. However, when you learn to use your skills properly, this build becomes a menace. I doubt i’m getting originality points for this build, but thought i would share. Very new to pvp, only rank 17 but man is this build fun.

Skritt and Halloween Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


sooooooo…are they ever going to send these or…?

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


My thief. just finished her up. aetherblade shirt and pants with assassins shoes


Precursor acquisition not unfair

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


It is getting increasingly annoying listening to the constant whining and complaining about getting precursors. It’s not unfair how you get a precursor, it’s just the way it is. My favorite is when someone takes a righteous stand against ring (sarcasm intended) and says “I’m not making a legendary until they fix how you get a precursor” well good for you, keep swinging the pearl greatsword of dignity while half of the population is enjoying their legendaries. Ever ACTUALLY tried forging a precursor? It’s an amazing feeling when one actually pops. It is not unfair either. Everyone has the same chance to pull a precursor from the forge as the next. The people with gold have more opportunities to throw items in the forge. And who usually has the most gold? The heard core players that you mystic forge bashes all claim to be representing. Anyone.who actually plays this game as much as.they claim to should have no problem amassing 10-15 gold a day. Save it up and forge. And please stop whining because you don’t like it. It’s really getting boring. Now, bring on the backlash…


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I KNOW I shouldn’t be annoyed because it’s a smart thing to do, but it drives me nuts when I get undercut or outbid by 1 effin copper. I find myself yelling (much to the disappointment and annoyance of the Mrs) "AT LEAST OUTBID ME BY A FEW GOLD!! I know there’s really nothing wrong with it but tell me if you agree that it IS kind of a d*** move. :O)

Pawn Brokering Service

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


You can call it a “pawn shop” if you like, but you are advertising to be a loan shark and yet have no way to “enforce” payment of the “loan”.

It is possible that Anet would look at the ’interest" as something that violates the EULA against gold selling.

While I’m not sure ANet would have an issue with the general premise of the venture, the potential Support tickets that could get generated when someone involved inevitably tries to pull a fast one may be a major problem they don’t want to deal with….even telling someone, “not our problem”, takes resources.

Good potential issue identified there if this is a gold selling grey area insofar as the interest goes, will look into this. However, it is similar to loan sharking yes, but no it is much more in line with how a pawn shop operates. I would receive items that can be sold on the TP (collateral). If the loan is not repaid, i sell the items and recover my initial lay-out. So no need to enforce any repayment. They don’t want to pay, they don’t get there stuff back. It makes it interesting in a few other ways such as perhaps the items i take as collateral go way up in price. Then potentially if someone defaults i could make a huge profit from the default. Or maybe the collateral takes a huge dive in price and the loanee decides to keep the money and not repay, hence sticking me with nearly worthless collateral. This is mostly how a pawn shop works. Thanks tho!

And to the poster before, of course I would not conduct any business on the forum, thanks for the reminder tho!

Pawn Brokering Service

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Lilith: haha, have thought about the mafia angle of it myself! hiring players on other servers to gank them in wvwvw for weeks etc. (btw, NOT in the plan)

Bezebu: Agreed. it is definitely a risk. losing some gold would suck but it IS the risk

KehxD: Definitely thinking bigger with it if it succeeds on a smaller scale. Even at a small scale, charging 15% or so on gold that i’m not really using and getting a return on it will be rewarding. And some of the issues with large scale that you mentioned i have also considered and are also why I may have to NOT go bigger scale with it.

Basically the way it would work is i would “buy” the players items for a certain percentage below the low price on the TP (to protect against dips in the market, trading post taxes, etc.) and give them the money with a 15% or so vig on the repayment. Money received, items returned. If they default, or do not repay by the time, i will contact and grant a very small extension (few days) and if the money isn’t repaid, i keep and sell the items. The risk comes on the transfers of money and items. If i send first i run the risk of course of not receiving the repayment or the items for collateral. Will see how it goes. If it all works out i will update on how it went.

Thanks for the feedback!

Pawn Brokering Service

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Basically, I want to open a theoretical pawn shop and wanted to know the legitimacy of it. The way it would basically work is I would lend another player an amount of gold, to be repaid with interest, and they in turn would send me a non-account/soul bound item to hold as collateral. When the principal and interest is repaid within the set time frame, i would return the item. Anyone know if this is ok with ArenaNet? I can’t seem to find anything that would indicate its illegality, so to speak.

For replies, please leave out your personal opinions on the endeavor. I don’t really care if you think it will work or why someone would not trust the process or how i can get ripped off or vice versa…blah blah blah

Thank you!

5 things you'd like to see next patch.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


1. New Dungeons with Story Mode, 3 Explorable modes, and dungeon armor/weapons
2. New Dungeons with Story Mode, 3 Explorable modes, and dungeon armor/weapons
3. New Dungeons with Story Mode, 3 Explorable modes, and dungeon armor/weapons
4. New Dungeons with Story Mode, 3 Explorable modes, and dungeon armor/weapons
5. I think you get the idea….

PLEASE the original dungeons are so played out…

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


My necro main, Bonnie Mcfearlane


Invader weapons still not forgeable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


just a thought, anyone tried equipping the weaps and then throwing in forge? dunno if that would fix :o/

No boulders CoF P1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Some guildies had experienced this along with me a few weeks back where the boulders that you have to run through to put the flaming whateverthehell that thing is in the other cup, well, they’re invisible (holy run on sentence Batman). I can see the shadows on the ground, but no boulders. Everyone that had the bug, it was just once. It is every time for me (and now THAT’S not even a FULL sentence!). Anyone else having this problem?

Invader weapons still not forgeable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I knew this was an issue a month or two back and I also knew that there had been some response that this was being looked into. SO, seeing as its been a while, and figuring the bug to be fixed (as a matter of fact, i asked in map chat and someone chimed in to say that the bug was fixed) i bought 4 invaders daggers for 1 gold (plus whatever the badge number is) and its STILL bugged. Can’t put the exotic daggers in the forge. Has there been any further updates on this bug?

The ruins of the rune market

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


What happened to the rune crafting market? There was a time not so long ago that I was able to make between 12 and 20 gold a night crafting runes for sale. I made enough money to craft my second legendary and took a trading post break. I’ve recently returnedto the market to find it in shambles. The margins suck. The rate of turnaround is horrible. Runes that used to sell in 30 minutes sat all night as the lowest sale offer until I got frustrated and pulled them to sell at buy prices just to recoup. Rune crafters, use this post to vent or tell me that I’m wrong and I need to search out other runes because at THIS point I’ve given up on the market…

Mystic forging for precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I whole heartedly agree with the dungeon tokens. Running dungeons gets you 1 gold minimum per run. So the more dungeons you run, the more gold you get. So its a 2 birds with one stone scenario. I have heard that its a better chance using dungeon exotics in the forge as well. As far as the rares go, it sounds like a great idea because you can get tons of rares for the same gold that you can get fewer exotics but I’ve tried that route and it was a total waste of gold. My suggestion is run dungeons for tokens. By the time you try 4 or 5 times, if you don’t have your precurs you should have a decent bank roll to try with exotics. Good luck! And to show my credentials, I’ve pulled a spark, chosen, dawn, zap, AND the legend out of the forge, so I know what I’m talking about :o)

No changes to existing legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


A guildie told me everyone is getting 100000g for free, along with every legendary…

Where’s my 100000g and legendaries?

very helpful, thanks

No changes to existing legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


A guildie told me that there was a post that there will be no further changes to legendaries. Is this true? I have been waiting for footsteps for meteorlogicus since i ggot it in March. I was SURE they would add it eventually, seeing as there was a big overhaul to legendaries in February or w.e. Say it ain’t so A-net?! i put A LOT of time and effort into that legendary. least they can do is upgrade it the same as the others were.

transmuting legendary

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Hi all, hoping you could help me. I want to transmute my legendary scepter to rabid stats. My question is what happens? IF they ever decide to give it ANY effects, will the transmuted weapon also get those effects? If I transmute it will it still display as purple? Anyone who has xmuted a lege could help me greatly as I’ve worked my butt off to get it and I’m still holding out hope that it will get some effects one day so I don’t want to ruin it :o) thanks in advance!

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Not at all what I was asking about, wanted to know if there were any VISUAL updates that I had missed. I.e. footsteps special effects

Meteorlogicus...any info?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I have posted several times and searched all over the internet. Have I missed anything or has no one commented on the potential update to meteorlogicus? It is in desperate needof some footsteps or ANYTHING that would make it legendary.

Please Anet Update Meteorlogicus

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


When did they say all legendaries will have foot steps?

Why wouldn’t they? It would be a different story if meteorlogicus was easier to make or required fewer gifts, but truth is, it is JUST as difficult and JUST as time other legendaries. That’s why its so frustrating that it was left out of the most recent (which was months ago) update. Don’t know why it was left out and hasn’t been updated to be in league with the other legendary weapons. Frustrating at this point really

Please Anet Update Meteorlogicus

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


When did they say all legendaries will have foot steps?

Why wouldn’t they? It would be a different story if meteorlogicus was easier to make or required fewer gifts, but truth is, it is JUST as difficult and JUST as time other legendaries. That’s why its so frustrating that it was left out of the most recent (which was months ago) update. Don’t know why it was left out and hasn’t been updated to be in league with the other legendary weapons. Frustrating at this point really

Meteorlogicus..frustration turning to anger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I have decided to CONTINUE to post these topics until I get SOME kind of satisfaction. I’ve been playing since launch. I have now had my meteorlogicus for three months. It has been just as long if not longer since they updated a MJORITY of the legendaries. WHY HAVENT YOU UPDATED THE SCEPTER?!?! EVERY OTHER G D LEGENDARY (outside of a select few others) HAS FOOTFALLS!! at this point I would accept a “no you’re never getting foot falls.” But there is NO information on this. Please devs, I’m getting VERY frustrated

Meteorlogicus...and other lacking legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Cmon devs, just a HINT that this is/isn’t being looked at??

How I got my precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Has Anet ever confirmed the minimum lvl of rares/exotics it takes to be eligible for a precursor? Anyone have a link?

I don’t have any links for you but the basic idea is that throwing in 4 rates of a certain lvl I want to say 76+ gives you a low chance of an exotic. Throwimg in 4 lvl 80 exotics is a guarantee of recieving a lvl 80 exotic. Sooo, while lvl 76 rares are MUCH cheaper the chance is ridiculously lower. I have to say that when the precurs popped up it was sooooo effing exciting.

How I got my precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Is it me or a mass number of precursors come from Cursed Shore -.-

To CS with my MF gear tonight! Haha, juuuuuust when I thought precursors were a myth I got The Chosen for my close guildie from the mystic toilet the other night. Threw in like50g worth of exotics so still pretty kitten lucky.

I however bought the pprecursor for meteorlogicus way back when when it was only 45g on the TP…FINALLY I had some foresight!!

Things to do on Southsun Cove (May 14th - May 28th)

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


The goggles do nothing!!!

Hilarious reference there. Thanks guys, the game has really been great fun lately.

i rofl’ed at this…way to go Milhouse, Mr. Wolfcastle gets an acid bath and you diss Mickey Rooney…

Meteorlogicus...and other lacking legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Working as intended? Really? While that’s nice and all, footsteps please. I think we at leastdeserve that.

Meteorlogicus...and other lacking legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


PLLEEASSEEE add some footsteps to the rest of the legendary weapons. It is getting a tad frustrating signing in everyday just HOPING that this will get updated. I would LOVE to get SOME indication that this is AT LEAST being worked on by the DEVS. I busted my…well it would get bleeped anyway but you know what i’m saying…to get the legendary scepter and STILL no footsteps.

My gripe is that it is not any cheaper or easier to obtain than the other legendaries and most have at LEAST footsteps. PLEASE at least give us a heads up on this.

Please devs, at LEAST throw me a bone that this is/isn’t being looked at.

still no love for meteorlogicus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Yes but everybody walks…I WANT MY KITTEN FOOTSTEPS!!!

(BTW, as a pre-emptive strike I wrote “kitten” myself, take THAT censorship)

still no love for meteorlogicus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


TINY SNOWFLAKES NOTHING!! lol sorry, I’m just dying for some footfalls. The design of the weapon itself I feel is the best one out there. And agreed, some of the other legendaries without effectals would be pretty dull. But I think some footfalls would be MUCH appreciated.

still no love for meteorlogicus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Just read the update notes for April 30. I still see NO mention of footsteps/effects for meteorlogicus…say it ain’t so! ALL I WANT IS FOOTFALLS!!!!PPPPPUHHHLLLLLLLLEEEASE ANET?!?!

giant eyes: any farming spots?

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Farming in general is not rewarding in this game. I have farmed the sparks in orr for charged cores whenever I need daily kills. Have NEVER gotten
a single charged core. However, running CoE, totally different story. I guess I’m just wondering if there is an event or something that would drop them at a higher rate. Currently I think there’s only like 70 something eyes on the TP.

giant eyes: any farming spots?

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Yeah I’ve probably opened about that many myself, still waiting to get one haha.

giant eyes: any farming spots?

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I’m just wondering if anyone has any success farming for giant eyes. I want to craft the immobulous scepter. I have spent LOTS of time in Orr and come up empty. I was able to craft my legendary scepter easier than I think I’ll be able to craft immobulous. Thanks in advance community!

meteorlogicus - getting any special FX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Just an update to this post, I got the meteorlogicus last night!!!! I maintain that I want at least foot stepping effects but it DOES have a nice trailing effect that I had no idea about. Overall, very happy I picked it :o)

meteorlogicus - getting any special FX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Does anybody know if there are plans to add special effects to the meteorlogicus, ie footsteps/projectiles? I certainly hope so, I’m just about to craft one in a few weeks :o)

time for a new gfx card...need input!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Well I have it running on high/ medium settings for the most part but I want all high settings and smooth gameplay. Here’s the thing, I have to have sync on or the screen tearing is atrocious. But if I keep my settings like that I get frame dips in dungeons and any high traffic area ie lions arch. Other than that, yeah its not bad but I’ve turned the settings all the way up to see, and I can tell the diff. Really I would be happy with the settings I have now but with steady 60 fps

time for a new gfx card...need input!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


OK so I currently have Intel core i7 2600k sandy bridge 3.4 GHz and a geforce gtx 550ti. I need a better GPU. I am tired of watching videos and seeing the graphic potential if this game and not being able to see it in game. I am willing to go up to 300 bucks. Really looking for suggestions on the best one to go with. Thanks in advance!

will prepaid visa work?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


This may have been answered before but I was thinking about purchasing a 50 dollar visa gift card to use to buy gems as I do not want to explain the charge on my credit card. If I register my name with the card online to activate does anyone know if the gem shop accepts this method of payment? Has anyone done this yet?

anyone up for CoE em tonight?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Henge of denravi server. Around 11pm or midnight eastern. Hit me up.

since you obviously have good taste in games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I should also specify that I don’t want it to be a time sink as I’ll be devoting most of my time and energy into gw2.

since you obviously have good taste in games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Being that you play gw2, you obviously have good taste in games. I am currently looking for a mindless game to play here and there aside from gw2 in hopes of keeping this game as fresh as possible. I’m looking for a sides roller or space shooter type. Preferably for PC. Hope this post isn’t in the wrong section, and if it is I apologize. Thanks all, happy hunting!

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


OK so I rolled a guardian and play her specifically in wvwvw. I don’t care how long it takes, this is kitten fun. Thanks for all the help. GW2 community rules.

where can i buy recipes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


I’m looking to buy a recipe for my level 390 artificer and I can’t seem to find who sells these? Was this taken out on a patch? If anyone can tell me who sells recipes for karma etc it would help greatly. Thanks!

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Cool, thanks for the ideas

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


great advice! was thinking that but then I would leave my guild behind no?

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Yeah i think i’m going to roll a warrior dedicated to WvWvW. Since the badge are account bound atleast I can send ‘em to my necromancer for the gift of battle :o) Other than that, my guild is mainly a PvE guild; which is fine because that’s what I enjoy the mos. Celestial Champions woot!

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


At SOME point I would like to get my legendary weapon. I find that mostly everything I need I am well on my way to attaining (that 100% map completion is going to be a pain in the kitten luckily the world is AWESOME).

HOWEVER, I suck at pvp to begin with. Never really enjoyed it all that much (prolly cuz i SUUUUCK at it) but I need badges of honor from the WvWvW. My server seems to NEVER have presence in WvWvW so its even hard to even GET to one of the jumping puzzles. Any ideas???