Co-Leader, I Can Outtweet A Centaur! [TWIT] #twitguild
IGN: Optimus Maleficus
Today is one day after release; you’re presumably not that attached to your Charr and Asura female precursor armor yet. Would you like us to swap out the female-variant breastplate for a male-variant one?
Yes please!
If we must choose one: Vote for flailing!
To suggest a more nuanced option: Could a non-flailing version of the the skin in all 4 colors be introduced for the people who prefer that? Instead of being a separate item, perhaps it could unlock whenever the regular (flailing) skin of that color is unlocked.
Thank you for the swift and public response to DnT’s nonsense!
I’m aware that I can buy keys outright. In the current system, salvaging rings is more efficient (on average) than that, and I’m wondering if that will still be true in the new system.
Balance, Ascended drops, and XP: Sounds awesome! Can’t wait for these changes to go out
Regarding the Stabilizing Matrix change (1 key instead of 2,) is salvaging an Ascended ring still going to be an efficient way of acquiring extra Matrices to buy keys with? I’m concerned that it will be a net loss with the high (and excessive, imo) 1g cost of an Ascended Salvage kit.
Apparently various reward chests that contain Fractal Weapon skins can be sold on the trading post.
I hope this is a bug because it’s very disappointing. Fractal Weapons are meant to be somewhat prestigious because you have to play a lot of Fractals to get them. Please fix ASAP.
Hey folks,
Since the LA revamp, the entrance to Fractals of the Mists doesn’t have a map icon. I thought I was going crazy because I couldn’t find it, so I looked on the wiki and found out there’s really no icon. Can this please be fixed? I attached a screenshot.
Hey folks,
Once upon a time GW2 had a feature called VoiP Ducking, that would automatically lower your game’s master volume to a certain level when a VoiP application (e.g. ventrilo) was running. This feature vanished a few months ago without mention. It seems like I’m the only person who noticed.
I’m filing this in the bugs forum because I assume the removal was an accident. Can VoiP Ducking please come back? It was very convenient, and I miss it.
(edited by Opt.3714)
“LF 1 braindead monkey for COF p1”
There’s a bigger technical issue—during “in game” scenes, the NPCs are moving around and things are happening (gadgets might be activating, props may be animating, etc.) and if you just skipped all that, it could lead to some really bizarre behavior. Trying to manually set a “failsafe” to teleport the NPCs, fire off effects, etc. to replicate what the world state is if the cutscene plays is extremely tedious and error prone.
That’s why the old style “dialogue cutscenes” (and the fancy but rare full blown cinematic sequences, like the Order movies and racial intros) are skippable, because we aren’t doing anything to the world while the dialogue plays, so skipping it doesn’t have any effect. We’ve moved away from those, because the in-game scenes are a lot more satisfying, but there’s a trade off.
Unskippable cutscenes are a very old problem in video games (we’re talking 20+ years at this point,) so it’s difficult to understand how a modern game would not have many different solutions for it.
To offer a compromise: during some of its cutscenes, TA Aetherpath allows the player to break out of the cinematic camera and regain control of their character while the rest of the in-game cutscene plays out. Is this something that could be used more widely in the future?
- Fixed a bug that caused the drop rate of fractal weapon skins to decrease above fractal level 40.
I would say there’s a good chance this research made the devs aware of a bug in the drop rate. Thank you KING, ZoS, et al. for raising awareness, and thanks devs for the fix!
The fix is real. Across two level 49 runs in the last week, my guild has gotten 4 fractal weapon drops. I finally got my fractal shield!
Reading this spreadsheet puts my rewards from 18 months of dedicated fractals play in context—I’ve gotten a few fractal weapon drops, but not a single one of the skins I actually want. It’s nice to see some hard data that shows I am not alone—makes me feel good about deciding to take an indefinite hiatus from fractals.
I play content because I think it’s fun, but rewards help me stick with content after the novelty has worn off. However, I could grind fractals for certain skins for years and never get any of them. That’s not a fun reward system, it’s simply disrespectful to the player’s time. To maintain a healthy attitude when playing the game, I would never play Fractals expecting to get one of these skins again (even though I really like them.)
When I also consider that the ascended box drop rates have been buffed more than once, it makes me shudder to imagine what the original drop rates were.
(edited by Opt.3714)
Conditions aren’t ideal because of condi caps, but I think conditions got too short-changed in this guide. (Scepter didn’t even get a mention, sadface.)
I love my condi necro but I definitely tend not to take her to dungeons anymore, however there are a few situations where condi is valuable in PvE:
Condis also do better when playing “canon,” i.e. no LOS/corner-stacking/etc. But that is certainly not relevant from a speed clear perspective.
Condition Damage, Precision, Ferocity would be great for hybrid glass cannon builds! I think any of the three could work as the main stat.
(edited by Opt.3714)
I really don’t want to memorize the new event schedule. Will the Event APIs be updated to support the new system?
It hope it would be possible to do the following:
I’m so happy this change is being made—the existence of Server Chapters has adversely affected my guild, which is cross-server, for a long time. I’m thrilled to hear these limitations will become a thing of the past. Thank you!
I have a couple of questions regarding how the creation of a unified Guild Chapter will be implemented.
Last week I had a terrible accident in-game that cost me my precursor. I was putting rifles into the mystic forge after having put The Hunter in an invisible bag, unaware that the Mystic Forge does not filter out items in invisible bags. Just like that, my precursor was gone. There was a solid minute of shouting “Oh no, no! Noooo!” at my computer.
Soon after I filed a support ticket explaining what had happened and why, asking if they could help me get my item back. I didn’t really know what to expect, because this kind of error must be difficult to verify.
The initial responses to my ticket indicated that the support team usually cannot restore individual lost items. However, after two business days and a couple more emails, I got good news—they were able to make an exception for my case, and The Hunter had been restored to my account!
The support team was not specific as to why they were able to make an exception, and I don’t know how difficult it is or not to make those kinds of decisions. What I do know is that this was a significant, make-or-break moment for me and my friends. It was a nice reminder that picking GW2 as my MMO of choice was the right call. Not only that, but now I have a new legendary weapon too!
Thanks so much for your help.
1. Engineer
2. Thief
3. Ranger
Necro is in a good spot right now. PvE condition damage on the other hand…
(edited by Opt.3714)
The “Defeat Tequatl the Sunless” event only has the states “Active” and “Warmup.” In order for the “Warmup” state to be meaningful the event should spend some time in its Success state first. I.E., when Tequatl is killed the event should be in the Success state until the start of its next spawn window, when it should switch to Warmup.
Event ID: 568A30CF-8512-462F-9D67-647D69BEFAED
Steps to reproduce:
This is obviously bugged behavior and makes platforming incredibly frustrating. I’ve noticed it both before and after today’s (5/1) patch and only after yesterday’s (4/30) patch.
I’ve attached a screenshot with a convenient place to test this in Lion’s Arch, just south of Fort Marriner’s eastern gate.
(edited by Opt.3714)
My party hit a similar bug. The arm seals didn’t regenerate, but the gate wouldn’t open.
I don’t think this has ever worked in GW2, but I would love to see it make a return from GW1.
Given that the downtime was resolved within minutes on Monday evening with active responses from the community team via the @GuildWars2 twitter account, I’d say they’re well aware of the issues. They probably don’t want to provide an update until they can say they’ve fixed the problem or have a path to fixing it.
This kind of downtime is very atypical of an ArenaNet game, so I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s a complex issue and they’ve had people looking at it since it started happening.
Yep, I was in Fractals (party leader was on Jade Quarry) and when we left Dessa’s lab to go back to LA, we all got a login server error. We lost everything we got from the Jade Maw chest and presumably any karma or reward level increases as well.
The fact there have been login server issues that can cause rollbacks on 3 separate nights in the last few days is cause for concern, especially because last night was after scheduled server maintenance. It’s making me not want to attempt difficult content because my rewards might get rolled back.
Can we please get some kind of assurance that the issue(s) behind this have been identified/fixed?
When I click on a link to a thread on these forms and am prompted to log in, the login screen never properly redirects me back to the thread, it always instead goes to the forum homepage. This means that I have to go back and click on the original link again, which I may no longer have access to or have forgotten where I saw it. Please fix, very annoying.
Just got this for the first time last night. I upgraded my system and updated some firmwares but it seemed fine before did any of that. I tried almost everything I can think of to fix it. Lowered the volume, selected different audio sources, changed video drivers, rebooted and reloaded the game countless times.
Was this before or after the update? We tried another potential fix for this issue with the update, so the timing makes a difference.
Since the March update I’ve been playing with my sound quality on highest, and I haven’t gotten the “annoying sound bug” and/or crashed in highly populated events. I think you may have nailed this, at least for my system.
There are a lot of reasonable explanations for why this could be happening, for instance, taking damage from someone in full zerker gear. You should post your combat log to confirm you are defeating to very little amounts of damage while in downed state.
Good call with re-equipping it, that seems like a quicker workaround until night mode gets fixed to appear correctly on its own. It may also work for the bubble aura. You can see the aura here:
Related issue: Even though your Acquatic Helm and Head Armor do not affect you at the same time (your Acquatic Helm completely replaces your Head Armor while underwater,) both runes will still count. I take the trouble of putting runes on my Aquatic Helm so I am always seeing my rune sets at 7/6.
I’ve noticed a couple of bugs with my Legendary trident that I thought I should report.
Bug 1: The bubble aura that Kraitkin gives my character does not always appear, including when the weapon is drawn. Sometimes it’s enough to sheathe and redraw the weapon or exit and re-enter the water, but often I must jump into character select and reload the map.
At minimum, the bubble aura should always appear when I draw the weapon. That said, can the bubble aura be permanent? Including:
Bug 2: Kraitkin does not transition to its “night mode” correctly when the map transitions from daytime to nighttime, or if I waypoint into a map where it’s nighttime. The eels will petrify, but the green bubbly aura around the trident will not appear. I must go to character select and reload the map for it to appear.
In this respect, Kraitkin should behave the same way as the Ascalonian Catacombs weapons.
That all said, I’m very happy with my first Legendary. I may only be able to see and use it underwater, but it’s amazing.
Yeah, we had a hard mode in, but had to pull it because it was tanking the perf on the server. So we are building some new tech to accommodate it. If we have another release it will have a hard mode option for sure. We are literally working on it this week.
I just hope the day when you can stop sprinkling abundant if’s and maybes when talking about the future of the box is sooner rather than later
It’s possible that this day may come at some point in some cases for some people.
I refuse to absolutely believe nothing that you don’t say about nothing!
I had one of my guildies morph the Champion Risen that hangs out near Shelter’s Gate. She was able to morph it with 0 stacks of Defiant and it gained no Defiant as a result. She then used GS 5 to add 3 stacks of defiant, and was able to morph it a second time through Defiant.
I’ve definitely seen cases where it doesn’t work at all on some dungeon bosses, with no indication why. The duration thing is interesting, and not documented on the wiki, so if you have more details that would be very helpful too.
I feel like the quickness nerf will cause mesmers to experiment with their other elite skills. Let’s use this thread to track which foes around the open world, in dungeons, WvW NPC’s, etc. can/can’t be Moa Morphed. The less obvious, the better.
If this thread takes off I’d be happy to add the information we collect to the Wiki. The devs may also be watching it in case it’s unintended that certain mobs are immune to it, so they can be fixed.
Let’s use a simple format:
mob name or type | location | “Immune” or “Not Immune”
I’ll start us off:
Slave Driver | COF Path 1 | Not Immune
Iaharl: I’m well aware that it’s possible to do a no-fall run, but I’m just going to say to re-read my OP post about all the reasons why I think it should be improved.
Epidemic does not appear to work on multi-hitbox boss monsters. (Tequatl, The Forgeman, etc) (23 Feb, 2013) -Note: The skill may work, but simply be out of range of other mobs because the boss is about the size of Epidemic’s radius to start with. Needs more testing.
I can confirm that epidemic does not work on the Nightmare Tree in Twilight Arbor explorable, which is another boss of this nature. In the forward/forward path of TA there are Veteran Oakheart phantasms that chase you around the end boss room, and they can stand right on top of the Nightmare Tree. I’ve used Epidemic on the Tree when the adds were clearly in range and condition spread did not occur.
It’s my understanding that this is already in place. We still have some unfulfillable orders up that we need to clean, but no more should be created.
Any ETA on when this will be done? The “Sell Your Stuff” tab of the TP would be much easier to read if the unfulfillable orders were gone.
I ran this one enough to get the tokens for my Legendary. It’s a fine gameplay experience, but I don’t think most people like fighting Dredge (immune to blind,) the exotic armor skins are not very popular, and the rare armors are not high enough level that they can be salvaged for ecto.
Glad to hear this is being looked into. Still, I’m very grateful that these new stat-type items were released! My guardian is very happy now.
As others have said, I hope players can be rewarded retroactively for rewards they’ve missed. Thanks!
To those of you who are giving tactics advice and saying that it’s fine: I want to reiterate that my problem is not that the harpies are difficult, it’s that they’re merely annoying and time-consuming without any real challenge to them.
So this achievement is actually called “Master” crafter and requires the use of Masterwork items (and none of the mats you used are Masterwork quality). If you try it with that item quality, it should work.
Fair enough, but “Master Crafter” is the name of the crafting title and thus a fairly generic term in my mind. I would have understood “Masterwork Crafter” at a glance, though. Something to think about for next time.
AC is great now. People might feel AC is trash now just because they can’t run it now anymore in about 30mins.
The fact is that once they have reworked all the dungeons I can feel they will be quite much more better then. CoF get’s harder and the ones like HotW get’s shorter for sure.
You know they don’t do these dungeons for just money/token farming? They are supposed to be fun right? And AC really is that now…
Thank you! I think the AC changes are fun and interesting too.
Necro on console, plague+F, win.
I guess this would work with any sufficiently-long elite transformation that gives stability.
and it’s hard to tell which one Mr. Smith is referring to, since he drops into troll mode when the conversation veers towards private information only he has.
You’re right, that response isn’t necessary. I’ve gotten a bit frustrated sometimes when I spend time to come here and talk to people and get a lot of accusations, but that’s not an excuse for having a short fuse. I apologize and will be more tolerant in the future.
Just remember, the plural of “anecdote” is “data.”
Stealth is an excellent strategy for certain tasks in this fractal, but spy kits were OP. If you want more stealth, play a Thief.
Unfortunately the answer is yes and no. The Dredge Powersuit/Ice Elemental’s healing skills can be interrupted by any attack so long as they are Superheated. This is the only boss skill/encounter I personally know of that works like this (I don’t claim to know everything.) Other skills such as Champion Graveling Scavengers’ leap knockdown can be interrupted through Defiant, but only with a CC. Colossus (when he is working correctly) falls into the latter category.
It seems to vary wildly from player to player – not saying there’s some kind of account-based RNG going on, but I don’t think we have a good idea of what the drop rate is.
This is a big problem I have with FOTM’s RNG reward system – you could hypothetically never get a ring you want to drop. This has at least been fixed by Pristine Fractal Relics, but Murphy’s Law will make sure you get your desired rings as drop right after you buy them.
On a more serious point, Mists Essence and Fractal Weapons are still account-bound random drops. You really could play the game forever with no guarantee of getting any of these items.
Can you please work with the design team on adding some kind of debuff or visual cue for when mobs are easily interrupted? Players have a very poor understanding of the Unshakable/Defiant system in the first place, and unexplained exceptions to the rules only make this problem worse.
All they would need to do is fix the “Interrupt!” message to only display if you actually interrupted something, and not if it gets blocked by a stack of defiant.
That would help, but there are foes that can be interrupted when they have Defiant, such as the two Underground Facility Fractal end bosses and Graveling Scavengers. The UI doesn’t communicate this to the player in any way. Apparently Colossus Rumblus is one such boss as well.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.