Showing Posts For Ouro.5846:

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ouro.5846


That Comrade Ouro guy is one good looking Charr Guardian…

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Hey [GH] thanks for the fun fights earlier tonight.

P.s hills in EBBL is the place to be right now.

Happy to oblige. I wish we could have finished that North Camp skirmish (nice chokepointage btws). Sadly, the rest of your sever seemed to have other ideas

Ya sorry they were showing up a lot in the same place as us that night. It was close for either side till then. What kind of numbers did u have with u up there?

We ran to the choke cuz it was a terrible position to engage on that orb area. Especially with eb pugs manning seige behind you.

Thanks for the fights you guys were definitely the most fun to run into.

Hook me up with a link to the footage once its on YT. I wanna see my sexy kitty pouncing all over

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ouro.5846


So which BP guilds are the best at running 10-15 mans?

BP has a few good teams in that weight division.

Why do you ask?


Looking to make some new friends. Having a hard time convincing my bros to come back to GW2

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ouro.5846


So which BP guilds are the best at running 10-15 mans?

State of the Warrior (Discussion)

in Warrior

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Presently, Warriors have too many good tools available to them. As is, the typical sPvP/WvW Warrior build packs a ton of control and condition removal, which when coupled with a Warrior’s natural Vitaly and mobility creates a very strong character (especially in WvW where a Warrior can use consumables to become Godlike).

The solution isn’t easy though since the control is integrated into their weapons, and the point of buffing Warriors in the past was to make them desirable classes for sPvP/WvW.

That said, I would like to see some of the following changes:

- Endure Pain should be changed to a 90 second cool down to reduce how often players can become immune to direct damage.

- Cleansing Ire changed to a Grand Master trait because lets face it, very few, if any Warriors spec Spiked Armor. This in turn forces players to decide what they would like to defend against since they can no longer spec Defy Pain and Cleansing Ire .

- The leftover Spiked Armor can be swapped with Adrenal Reserves . Adrenal Reserves now becomes a Master trait.

- Pommel Bash changed to an ability that applies Weakness .

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: Ouro.5846


When they fix para sigil wr need bufing not nerfing ,
especialy warhorn since its only weapon in game that does 0(zero) dmg i think

Except it is extremely useful to groups because of the Vigor and cleanses it can provide.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ouro.5846


This is going to be a fun match up. Lots of spaniards to kill!

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ouro.5846


This match up has become so stale. Zerg on zerg combat isn’t fun at all

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Good fun today on EBG versus [PX] first force of AG I’ve seen outside the JP, so kudos to you guys – definitely got the pain factor still, true to your Piken heritage.

Tonight we had a trial leader running, his second time leading – we had at peak 26 members at one point, however with those numbers and his lack of experience, I think he both did amazingly and improved a lot, proud of him

We guessed you guys had about 15, maybe more towards the end, we were winning consistently until the latter stages, I think you wiped us twice altogether, both times with infantry support (I think, wasn’t there for Pangloss though, afk at the time) ; however that’s nothing for me to cry about we’re the infantry supporting Guild of our Server, at our best with some good old Gandaran soldiers at our backs and listening to our orders no doubt in hell we would get wiped repeatedly and farmed should we ever take you guys on with equal numbers, that’s not our focus, what we do we do well, I think that can be said for the both of us.

Despite having lesser numbers you guys sure as hell put fear and anxiety into us, shouts of incoming [PX] resounded through TS and we were always on the look out for you guys. Definitely not lost the fire of Piken, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hopefully you guys can take this without flaming or jeering, you’re well respected opponents, and last I remember you were respectful too; I only mention it because of the attitude of the above poster :P

Will see you guys on the battlefield, many more badges to be had of us, I fear…


You think I’m being disrespectful?

I hope you will be willing to accept my flowers as an apology.

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Ran with the [WvW] crew a bit today and crossed paths with [PX] a couple times; fun battles, win or lose (some of both).

Yeah it is always fun wiping groups twice our size!


in WvW

Posted by: Ouro.5846


D/D provides damage, resiliency, and control with one weapon set. They need to tone it down some.

Tournament chests and transferring between server regions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Will we be retroactively rewarded? I was on NA servers and won something like 70-90 tournament matches (can’t check right now) before transferring to EU – Aurora Glade. While I don’t need the rewards to continue PvPing, I can’t help but cry a little everytime I see someone in some cool looking gear :’(

How can you pull off Hundred Blades?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ouro.5846


Force them to dodge/block other moves before hitting them with 100B. The easiest way to go about this is probably Axe+Shield/Greatsword. You’ve got two ranged snares, two gap closers, a stun, and a root(s) (with Throw Bolas/Leg Specialist). If you already have adrenaline built up even better because they will not want to get hit by Eviscerate!

Watch buffs too, you don’t want to use your stun or Eviscerate when they’ve got an aegis/stability up and definitely watch for protection!