So Much Blur
So Much Blur
not on that pip distribution u said. But i do agree that win/loss a single pip according to win/loss games is very stupid. There must be a way to equilibrate and separate between afk losses and close ones.
Like it is now it is 100% dependant on luck. As good as u may be, if u get on a bad team u will still lose. Thus making the matchmaking a lucky system instead of a skill based system as it should be.
So Much Blur
Ok. Its been happening with me and im sure with more people.
Match starts, i fight, kill guards, kill players, sometimes even full channeled the MistChamp. Then my net goes off. I get back as quickly as i can. Enter the game, kill more people, do more stuff, win the game……
And then i lose a pip, match doesnt count, lose win streak and get dishounor.
This cant be right, this is absurd.
One thing is a player that is absent for most of the match, other is a player that heavily contributed to the match and got a problem with internet.
So Much Blur
GW2 is very diferente from other games.
In general games like u said u gotta get gear, fight your way trough the maps, and grind each level.
You wont find this in the game, cause their intention is to explore, more life a free game, killing for example is the lowest EXP u can get in this game.
Its more like, climb a mountain, see a view, help npcs, participate in na event.
The “core” map of tyria, except for 2 dungeons is very easy overall. HoT will introduce the first hard content.
The most expensive itens will be fashion oriented, not stats oriented, and max gear is very easy to get.
Hope you enjoy the game, its something we cant really talk you into, you gotta play and say to yourself: i like, i dont like.
You said u like difficult content on leveling, partying each map, for example.
I dont like that stuff, i played WoW for a week and god….i hated it…….and most of the games are all the same……kill kill kill kill…….
So its really a diferente game from all the others u are used to, and if u play this game like u normally would…..indeed u wont find what is good about it…..
But like ppl said, i suggest u play SPvP and WvW (lvl 60).
So Much Blur
A Guildmate got Dusk form Teql wednesday…..then a few days alter got The Legend form Teql again…..and again a few days later…..she discovered a Venom on her inventory but didnt payed attention where she got it.
So yeah….luck…..never got a precursor drop……play since launch.
Just like real life, few have lot, most have none.
So Much Blur
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ox See Sox.3687
Character Slot: 800 gem = 10 $
Character Slot: 800 gem = 10 $
4000 gems = 50 $
So as far as im concerned im paying 30$ for HoT and a mini, finisher, skin and decoration.
Just stop complaining :O
30$ for HoT, mini, finisher, skin, decoration AND BETA weekend acess***
and cool exclusive title***
So Much Blur
(edited by Ox See Sox.3687)
It does affect, but once a reaper u cant play your shroud as it used to be, so Reaper is not only a trait line or an “add” but actually changes the main necro feature from a ranged to a meele one.
It is current the only specialization that does something to actually change the gameplay of a necro. Think of new positioning, new combo skills, etc
The others just have received adds, so as far as anyone wants, they can pick up the new traits and still play like the normal class.
An Ele can still rotate using the new shouts/traits/warhorn without losing its core thing: Fast Attune Swapping. IF, it wants, ut can overcharge, so its an ADD…..not a CHANGE.
Same goes for Guardian, it has ADDED effects to its virtues, but they still have all of the old funtionalities, if they traited for the old stuff is one thing……but baselina guardian PLUS spear, jump,heal……just ADDS….not CHANGES….
On Revenant u can see that very clear… F2 skill……it CHANGES absolutely nothing….its just ADD f2…ADD traitline, ADD utility, ADD ADD ADD… CHANGE….
Chromancer…… shatter, new trait, new weapon….but ALL of the core mesmer things are there……nothing is changed at ALL by equipping Chronomancer………
Reaper is the only one changing……and i like that…..feels unique……just my opinion tough.
So Much Blur
Thief getting an Staff with Evade/Defensive set up and acrobatic stuff.
Rogue style.
U can type “thief staff gw2” on google to get the image.
So Much Blur
Hi, after playing the elites in the BETA i was left under the impression that maybe in the future they will make more of a difference, but now…to me at least….they seem like an evolved class of the current ones except for Reaper….
This is why imp:
1. Necro/Reaper: Changes completely the way we play as by getting reaper wer not getting just a possible new weapon, but we cant acess the old shourd anymore, which impplies in several trait choices u would or wont make cause of that.
So even if u only want greatsword, or only a single trait in “reaper” line u gotta change ur gamestyle, and i like it, cause its a “new” thing,.
2.Dragonhunter/Guardian: To me, just another traitline, if u want to use longbow, trait it and play like a guardian with a longbow….if u want a trait…u can still use a greatsword/scepter build and just…..keep doing your stuff……..u dont actually have to consider changing almost anything on your build to be a dragonhunter…..its all still there…..ur missing nothing….feels to me not like a new playstyle….more like a new weapon…..
3:Chronomancer/Mesmer: Just another evolution like dragonhunter, u can actually see a lot ppl going chronomancer just and only for the 25% passive speed……the way mesmers play…..chronos will also play….its just some new stuff…..not “changing” stuff.
4:Tempest/Ele: Lets say i like a skill, the warhorn, or a trait line in there……in taking tempest im absolutely changing nothing in the Ele playstyle…i can still do the exact same rotation as always…….i feel like just another “add”…..not a “change”.
5:Herald/Revenant: To me this is the class were the point which im complaining shows the most…..its HUGE add to reve mechanics having that One with Nature on F2, and again…..u are not changing, modyfying, absolutely nothing…….its not even taking out a legend slot…..feel to me like…..ok Herald its the finishing work of Reve class.
Final Consid: I will for SURE be playing the elites, Chronomancer the most, its an awesome traitline and awesome skill. But…..i do still think aside from the Reaper, the other specs arent “losing” nothing to specialize. Which i believe could be better.
Suggestion(i know everyone will look at this and say: NO):
1:Dragonhunter: Remove the old virtues effects, they will only happen if u trait them.
2:Chronomancer: Change the 4ª shatter to Continuum instead of adding, that will definetely make ppl think “mesmer or chrono, i gotta decide”.
3:Tempest: Make Overcharge automatic, happening when staying on the same att for more than 4/5 sec.
4:Herald: Remove the legend swap option for it. In order to have One with Nature, it has to channel only one more legend.
So Much Blur
Dont forget another great episode:
When the shamans also worshipped the Destroyers as false gods and not only they were defeated but they also attacked the chaars.
So Much Blur
Berserker Elite Spec:
Gaing a F2 skill, which uses the Adrenaline Bar to Transform. Acess to Torch off-hand.
The Transform sucks adrenaline up
Adrenal traits will continue to work on the new form (similar to shourd, but no “extra hp pool”).
Cheers, Peace.
So Much Blur
1. Trait Points keep giving the red dot as they werent used.
(resolved)2. My HoM titles have been stripped……both AP and titles…..tough i have them till the XX points (which gave me all skins).
3. Characters cant swap trait lines.
(resolved)4. Daily keeps reseting itself.
(resolved)5. HoM skins are blocked….
6. Several characters have been locked to LSS2. Even tough other characters have them completed.
So Much Blur
(edited by Ox See Sox.3687)
Total: 12 Characters
- Mesmer 1 – 80
- Guardian 1 – 80
- Necromancer 1 – 80
- Ranger 3 – 80, 80, 80
- Elementalist 1 – 80
- Warrior 3 – 80, 80, 80
- Thief 1 – 80
- Engineer 1 – 80
So Much Blur
(edited by Ox See Sox.3687)
Aye =D Cheeeerrssss
So Much Blur
I understood that (my account is from 07/2012) by getting standart HoT i would receive 0 slots.
Deluxe: 1 Slot
Ultimate: 1 Slot
But many ppl are saying i get 2 slots instead of one.
Is that confirmed? Everybody understood that?
So Much Blur
Warriors lost most of their Dual-Weilding benefits……..i would bet they getting something like “Duelist” as new spec on HoT.
Thief will get a Rifle and suddenly loses pistol most important skill?
Bet the new Thief Spec will be something with Core Rifle / P/P weapons. Like a “Bandit” or something similar.
So Much Blur
If i buy Eternity directly from TP and use it, do i unlock twilight/dusk/sunrise/dawn at same time?
So Much Blur
Somehow it hasnt bugged for me this time…..
So Much Blur
Im a Ranger, im wondering if this makes any difference.
So Much Blur
Same for me……..please if anyone can figure this BUG out sent word….
So Much Blur
At the mission on taking out Vorp, if i am detected at second phase, and dont hit anyone in some seconds i cant interact anymore, neither can i fight or die…..
Each time i am detected in the 2 phase i have to reestart the whole quest…
So Much Blur
THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart!
So Much Blur
1. New Skills, Builds
2. Simplified UI (Toggle On/Off UI elements)
3. Mini-Pet System (Slot for auto-use)
So Much Blur
I have 10 lvl 80 characters, and i keep creating new guys.
Each time i make a new character i end up seeing new parts of the map, new events, new dialogues and all.
So i want to ask, is there any planning on letting us choose the UI we want to use?
For example, today we have ALL or NOTHING for screens. Could we ever choose to hide(simplify) some stuff.
-Move and reduce/enlarge UI boxes
-Give some transparency
-Hide map/options/exp/buffs/history/daily (toggle on/off)
I got the feeling when u said in todays blog that old players know the game better, if u acknoledge that, we could use simple UI versions and SEE more of the game.
Sorry my bad english. Hope u understood.
What u guys(players) think?
The perfect would be:
Only cooldowns and npc text boxes wold appear, with the option of “holding N” to see mini-map.
So Much Blur
I just pressed 5(greatsword charge) and the game auto targeted, but was very nice to discover that each world leader is very different and acted in his own way:
-Jenna protected herself.
-Knut and Smoldur fighted, saying things that those races would say.
-Phlunt coward =D
So Much Blur
Also using the info on backpiece, it shows that if given love, not hate, it can grow good. Pale….tree?
So Much Blur
After DR ep.2 its possible to conclude:
-Pale Tree know about Mordre
-Pale Tree is Glint version for Mordre
-She (Like our backpiece phrase) is good cause it was created by Ventari/Ronan
-Shadow of the Dragon from Sylvari first story IS this same shadow dragon.
-She waited patiently, hoping he(mordre) didnt wake.
-She see us(Commander/Trehearne friend) like a great hero, and as she did with treahearne, guiding him to defeat zhaitan, she hopes and believes that if mordre can be defeated it will be with our hands or by our help
-As she finally encountered such person, she decide to tell us the truth when the attack happened.
-She guides her sylvari to fight against Zhaitan first using the shadow of the dragon as basis. (she might ,or not, know if zhaitan is the same dragon that breed her)
-Theres a lot of indications that Mordre was imprisioned and/or sealed away at the last dragon fight, cause hes the only dragon not know to all elder races and MAYBE more powerfull and intelligent(this last one was just a maybe…..)
So Much Blur
This game has so much free content that we end up losing ourselves.
Im on my 9ª (80)character, and i was just like you on my early gaming.
If you really say your a roleplay player, then u have (as i did) read all of possible dialogues on zhaitan story and LS so far.
Its actually pretty good, and trehearne is actually interesting, and scarlet is a nice character.
The REAL Anet problem is that they lack mechanics to actually catch our interest on thing that matter, so we end up seeing only 10% of the true history after defeating zhaitan.
Its actually good, we just miss the stuff that is there cause of bad mechanics, bugs, and no “catch method” for our attention.
LS is very good so far, and zhaitan story IS very good as well…..but i had to defeat him 7 times to actually see some lost dialogues, some lost descriptions and actually pay attention to litlle and hide details.
Hope you find what i did.
So Much Blur
About Caithe, may be nothing(cause we are on the grove), but she was the only destiny edge member near the summit…..
EDIT: But naaahh…..probly Caithe’s secret is the same as the pale tree would have told us if she hasnt fainted…..
So Much Blur
Super awesome this episode!
wheres the katana²²²²²
So Much Blur
OP…..that fight can be anything but difficult for a Mes.
Im sure u can end it very fast if u procceed without rush.
Stay near the walls , using GS/Sword.Focus, u leave the weak ghost be with low life in order to rally, GS4/2/3 the Menders and Focus5/Dodge/Sword2/Dodge Back the statue whenever it is not Invul.
Use Mantra that remove conditions, basic heal and dodge the boss’s AoE. Dodge roll the bomb things the statue emits.
So Much Roar/Grim/Blur/Brute (PM me in game if need help)
So Much Blur
Well, i did what Feirlista Xv above me said, and all i got was the same never ending loadscreen on all characters……
And now at character panel it shows like i have 0 achievement points……
So Much Blur
ISP:NET Virtua
Region: Brasilia – Brazil
Server: Darkhaven
I got my chars stucked on (apparently) maps where “Dragons Reach P1” Develops. Tough im not sure if it was just a coincidence.
But this started with the update, thats for sure.
Edit: My achievements are fine inside the game, so far the only character working is on Queensdale….others all Infinite Loading…
So Much Blur
(edited by Ox See Sox.3687)
Lots of double posting with the same issue:
Stuck in Map Load till disconnect!
Random Maps
Random Characters
Pls a word…Anet
So Much Blur
Same problem…..really in random maps on random characters….
So Much Blur
Same issue here….9/10 tries i have to alt+f4 the game……
Wasnt happening before Dragon’s Reach and its not an internet problem.
So Much Blur
First to say, i had 7×80 characters before update, and after i created and leveled 2 more.
At first i was annoyed with the whole unlock thing, cause u get to certain levels and u dont seem to progress much.
But after i gave up and really hunted some Traits, i ended up being very happy and satisfied. I got to know a few places, events, areas that otherwise i would never discover. And its very satisfying to do a “new” content u have not see and then being awarded with a certain kind of reward associated to that.
Suggestion: On future expand the system for New Skills, Armor Skins, Weapon Skins, Titles, Consumables.
Its very pleaseant to complete content and be awarded differently.
So Much Blur
Hey, i loved when they call me Boss in a so natural way. its kinda funny. And a lot better than being with trehearne…..
at least in this Season 2 every NPC see me as a legend! im awesome! i defeated zhaitan! :P
it makes so much sense, i pwned a elder dragon after all… =D
SPOILER below!
At Timberline Falls, when u rescua the lionguard:
“i shouldnt tell u this, but you are….you”
Fell like a God =D
Also, at season 1, we were just friend with them, as the Commander of the Pact, but then we killed Scarlet!!!!! AND the elder dragon!! we are absolutely awesome in their point of view! and if u notice the dialogs, since that we are kinda ordering them around.!!! yeahhhh
So Much Blur
My Necro: So Much Grim, and her Tequatl mini
So Much Blur
(edited by Ox See Sox.3687)
So Much Faith
Helm: Vigil
Shoulder: Kodan
Chest: T3 Norn
Glove: T3 Norn
Legging: Draconic
Shoes: T3 Norn
Weapon: Kasmeer Staff
So Much Blur
So Much Godlike
Helm: Glowing Crimsom Mask/Toughless Potion
Shoulders: Kodan
Chest: Seraph Pit Fighter
Glove: Bhaltazar HoM
Legging: Arah
Shoes: Arah
So Much Blur
Hi, just did the Fire Shaman Group Event, and my damage was stacking, instead of doing/disapearing, i not sure if that affected anything tought…
And at the end, many ppl didnt got chest…….
So Much Blur
Im So Much and i play this game since launch, same with gw1.
Despite lots of things i dislike…..yesterday and today i saw 2 thing that REALLY made me sad:
Yesterday: I wp’ed for Fireheart Rise for dungeon, and there was this guy asking for group on Dungeon Story, at first i said no, but after couple minutes i saw him again asking another guy (“say” chat) if he would join him. Thats when i realized he just didnt knew about LFG and neither had a guild. Then i told him about it and he was like a child tasting an icecream…..
Today: I saw a guy with a nice set, (asura with a mask, looking like a cubone or marowak{pokemon}), and i complimented him, then he was like “no one ever spoke to me”, and when talking to him i ended up inviting him to my(not mine) guild so he could meet people, whatever.
Im somehow disappointed in a lot of overall aspects in this game, but none of them made me so sad as those 2 guys…….
Those social hubs should be more advertised trough the game, and encouraged.
Ex: A lvl 30 second tutorial for players, teaching them dungeons, LFG and Guilds. I know theres the “tips” for beginners, but its a pain in the heart to see guys like those, lonely…..
So Much Blur
Hi, here is the result for 50 BLC opened:
4000 Gems / 50 $ / 270 Gold
220 Gems i turned to 15 gold.
Rest bought 50 Keys and got the screenshot result.
From Mini Caithe to Box of Fun***
So Much Blur
actually……i should have screenshotted….but once i closed it is showing 600 again xD
So Much Blur
Hi, i have just bought 800 gems, than bought a 200gem item for gift.
And instead of going 600, now i have 1001 gems…..
Is there any promotion happening or what?
So Much Blur
Im from DarkHaven and there the PvE stuff is pretty much weak….as i am a only PvE player, i would like to know, aside from (BlackGate, Jade Quarry and Tarnished Coast), is there any other good-pve dedication in any of the free-servers?
So Much Blur
Lilith Ajit. NAAAHHH, i stayed on him like 10-15 minutes, dont worth the exp ^^
would be fine if i couldnt handle him alone, im sad cause i died just at 0,5% of his life =/
Paul.4081, thats why u keep kiteen him till the moment when he loses agroo, it happens, i know, but if u dont want that to happen, u gotta take a few hits and make him move less possible.
So Much Blur
Paul.4081, he would not, i soloed him till that point.
So Much Blur
no one in the map ….
So Much Blur