Showing Posts For PPson.7042:

Trait Training at Class Trainer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


I’ve been 80 for a while and still haven’t bought that last book. 2g is a good amount of money and I can throw the points somewhere else for now.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Is farming the Risen Giant grubs reportable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


what Phantax said

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Easy ways to get gold/exp?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


I think its pretty much there as re-skin food/ twink gear, not many people are gonna have enough to get it at 40 on their first character.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

AoE target limit = 5?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


Its 5 per hit, so if you have an aoe dot, it will hit 5, then another 5, then another, etc, if you have a 1 time hit skill then only 5 total, yes. Also aoe skills that shoot multiple projectiles can hit 5 per projectile.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

One Click Crafting too easy?!

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


Why would they rage? They can still buy the end products from the TP, but if they want to craft let them put some effort in it

You underestimate how lazy people are. And the damage from failure idea is interesting, however that would require a complete rework of one feature I like very much, the out of combat recovery rate. There would be no point in taking damage from failure if you just recovered it all 3 seconds later.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Just out of curiosity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


call out for help in map chat…just a guess

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

How much longer will the free world transfers be open?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


Last thing I heard was that Arena Net was not planning on closing transfers at any specific date, but that they would give plenty of warning when they decided to end free transfers.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

My personal opinion: The Exp Dungeon Grind is ridiculous.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


just copy and paste this in to one of the other “dungeons make me sad” topics and delete this

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

One Click Crafting too easy?!

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


The problem with removing mats from the TP is everyone would rage. lol

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

One Click Crafting too easy?!

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


Personally I like this crafting, Aion had a crafting set-up similar to what you were talking about, with chances to fail and so on, and it became incredibly unprofitable to craft unless you were already very rich just because of how expensive the more end game mats (globs of ectoplasm) were and when you failed, you lost it all. RNG based crafting turns many people away from crafting and keeps them from exploring that content. Also with the way gear is set up, no piece of equivalent lvl is inherently better than another, it works with this crafting setup to make sure that it isn’t a “cheap” way of getting OP gear

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Do you use the Mystic Forge on Greens/Blues?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


I sell everything blue to vendors, whites I salvage with the cheapest kits, greens I forge, rares I salvage with master kits, and exotics I save for forge (4 of 1 kind = chance for pieces for legendary gear)

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

PVE Down-level Scaling Pains

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


You do get advantages for being higher lvl because gear doesn’t scale in proportion to lvl when down-scaling, as well as I HATE IT in other games when I go around 1 shotting everything in lowbie areas, I’m not an RPer by any means but it kills all immersion when you go in to an area and 3 hit a giant 3 headed dragon because you are a higher lvl than it.

This also creates the ability to lvl with lower lvl friends without having an insane experience hurt to them. Personally I don’t want to create new characters every time a friend starts playing. I like how the scaling works and don’t think they should change it at all.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Holy Trinity Removal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


I’m with caiden

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Seriously? No black dye for armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


I have abyss, which is darker than black, as well as black. I don’t have white, but I have several things that will pass for white in most lighting.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Holy Trinity Removal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PPson.7042


Long story short if you want a holy trinity game, don’t play GW2, its that simple. They aren’t marketing the game to holy trinity players, and have already shown that they have no problem cutting off sales completely, so I don’t think they care much about players not buying the game because of it. They have far more players because of what they did…there is a reason this game sold #1 in several different areas in the world.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

sPvP VoD

in Suggestions

Posted by: PPson.7042


I used to be a huge fan of MOBAs (games like LoL and Dota2) and in all of those you had the option to view a replay of your previous game. The sPvP in GW2 is almost a first person version of those games, so I was wondering if having a replay downloadable for sPvP matches would be a possible addition to the game (thus getting rid of need for a third party program and reducing lag/connection required).

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Guild/Friend Announcements to Chat Window

in Suggestions

Posted by: PPson.7042


Yes. As well as a friend chat type similar to guild chat or party chat. Some older games had this and it was very nice to be able to address all of your friends (for things like LFG and even just socializing).

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)


in Suggestions

Posted by: PPson.7042


I like this idea. I don’t want necessarily KD or those type of stats up (because they encourage to much of an individual K/D mindset) but I would like some sort of ranking system in place (maybe even similar to those in LoL, HoN, Dota2 and other MOBAs).

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

This game needs PvP Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: PPson.7042


Please don’t add this kind of arena pvp…the 8v8 works great and is the definition of balanced. People don’t like it because they are bad and prefer to spend time getting geared so that they can feel “good” (reminds me of the problem in Aion where gear was 90% of the decision whether someone won or not, and before you say no, thats just cus you were bad, at one point in aion I had the “best” gear and thought this was a problem because people were too easy to kill).

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Who Likes/Loves the Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


Also, this is just gonna turn in to another dungeon QQ fest like all the other topics on this forum section….

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Who Likes/Loves the Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


I posted in another section (no, I don’t expect you to have read it) that I have done crucible and I still like dungeons. Crucible isn’t fun per say, but I don’t hate it. And yea, the dungeons are buggy but that’s because they were never mass tested, in beta, alpha or anything, the first mass runs of that content is all post release and I’m sure they’ll work on the bugs as soon as they finish the more pressing issues, like the hacked accounts for example.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

I do not like Crucible of Eternity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


I’ve hit 80, done crucible, still like dungeons (just not crucible in particular, but there is always one). No offense but people are expecting this to be like other MMOs way to much, the dungeons are supposed to be a really big challenge.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

I feel several of the underlying premises behind dungeon design are flawed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


All of this was pointed out in early alpha tests with press putting a lot of this information out and telling arena net personally. If they haven’t changed it since then, I don’t see it coming quickly. Also, there is still a reward to doing things the right way (small repair bills and less rage). The game is called GUILD wars and I feel as if the dungeons were meant to be done in groups of people who know each other and can work together. I’ve done the dungeons with friends and it runs much smoother and is an overall better experience (mentally, as well as doing things efficiently) where as PUGS generally fail or make a lot of hate. That same thing gets rid of your problem with finding group members, you can use your guild/friends and make it a much quicker and enjoyable experience.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Who Likes/Loves the Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PPson.7042


I’m with you, I think their fun and I think its nice that Arena net put something in their game which no other game has done well so far, something that bad players simply cannot do. I havn’t done them all, but I’d say about 80% of them and I find it very good that they are challenging enough that you actually feel like you’ve accomplished something and that you are a good player for completing. In most other games if you are notkitten or have good gear you can finish most dungeons/instances/raids, where in GW2 I get the feeling that an MLG level gamer could do a dungeon in explorable in whites and be better than a lot of players running and failing them in full exotics.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Am I missing something here?

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


you are also most likely getting better gear from drops because you probably out lvl’d the gear you can craft at that point (until lvl 60 or so I was always about 10 lvls ahead of whatever I was making)

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Discovering new recipes after reaching 400 crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


The only diff for crafting at 400 and other lvls is that at 400 there are more than the normal amount of armor/weapon/whatever sets and you don’t get free experience from it anymore. Also if you want experience you can change out your crafts with a fee (goes up with the amount of recipes you have) and you keep you lvl and recipes if you ever want to go back

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Legendary weapons, Mystic Clover and 2 million karma

in Crafting

Posted by: PPson.7042


They wouldn’t be legendary if everyone could get them easily. It sounds like half the people here wish the legendary stuff was just sold for 20g on a vendor somewhere

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Exotic Armour, Some Advice Please!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


Crafting if you wanna find the mats

You could do events in lvl 80 areas and save up around 10-15 gold and buy a set off the auction house (That’s what I did but I saved a ton of money from like lvl 40)

There’s also armor sets for the same price at the HQ of whatever order you chose during the storyline.

There’s cultural but thats like…. over 100g for full set.

Also in my experience, even if you buy the mats it costs less or at most the same as any of the crafted armor on the TP already made.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Exotic Armour, Some Advice Please!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


yea once you get your crafting up there you can start looking at the various inscriptions(the part of the armor recipe that decides the stats), there are somewhere around 10 different stat combinations, and you don’t have to have every piece with the same one. Also most of the combinations that anyone would normally want are there (i.e glass cannon stuff or tanky stuff, crit focused, dot focused, pure dmg focused etc).

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Exotic crafting, help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


Ectoplasms are from salvaging high lvl rares and exotics with the master salvage kits (not 100% chance), lodestones are from various mobs

the armor quality is on par with the armor that comes from drops or other non karma/pvp methods, and stat wise is generally better than the pvp/karma stuff at least for pve. Depends on the class for pvp. As for WvW you can’t switch sets while in combat so I don’t see a huge advantage in having more than maybe 2 sets, but its your money. Also, runes you put in your armor have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the armor, look in to the superior rune sets.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Exotic Armour, Some Advice Please!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


Crafting is your best option, you can lvl it fairly quickly and it gives you the ability to make exotic armor with many different stat combinations. Some of the combinations are precision power crit dmg, or vitality power and condition dmg, depends on the items you use mostly

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Support / DPS Class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


honestly it depends most on how you build the character. Thief for example can be supportive by running group invis skills (there are several), elementalist can be as close to a healer as you can get in this game while in water spec, ranger can get group buffs depending on the weapon set. Each class can go supportive just depends on how you build them. Sorry this isn’t the best answer but there are no set supportive classes in GW2, every class is itself basically

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Inability to queue for WvW as a group (with friends) is really bad!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


I agree with your first point. However the ques don’t give whole priority to those who queue first. For example if it is your first time ever queuing for WvW you take higher priority

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

End Game at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


My end game is running around and doing random stuff with my friends who either have or have not hit 80 yet.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

What is the Funnest Profession/Race combo?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


Let the grammar wars begin!

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

The Longer I Farm the Worse My Drops Get

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


This game is not built for grinding or farming, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were programmed in a way where you get less and less. They don’t want you doing it.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Crafting help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


You gotta stick with discovery, I doubt you’ve done every combination of inscription/weapon and even if it would be grey once you’ve discovered it you still gain a good deal of crafting exp just from discovering alone

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

best way to get abyss dye? besides from buying from trade post

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


I got lucky, that seems like the only inexpensive way

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Least popular race/class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


least played class as far as I can tell seems to be engineer, I don’t see many of them around

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Some Quick Tips

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


Hey, I got to lvl 80 fairly quickly and I just want to throw out a couple suggestions on lvling in GW2 that are 1. different from most MMO’s and 2. a lot of people don’t seem to realize.

  • 1. Always do events you run by. Most events help with renown hearts nearby and allow you to get a good exp boost on top of completing the heart.
  • 2. As you are going through a map and doing the hearts, visit any waypoints/vistas/points of interest you see when you are near them. I know some vistas (cough* sylvari) are really annoying JQ’s, but you’ll be happy when you wont have to scour a map for hours to get that last 1 before you complete the map.
  • 3. Complete maps. You get exp and gear (usually upgrades in my experience) from completing maps, not to mention the fact that just exploring in general can level you up.
  • 4. If you get stuck being underlvled in one zone, try going and doing zones that are your lvl in other races areas. This provides you with more exp from exploring as well as more hearts to complete. I believe if you finished all the lvl 10-20 zones starting at lvl 10, you would probably be about lvl 30-35 when you finished. as a side note, asura gates in lions arch get you to the other capitols
  • *5. Crafting! GW2 is not like most other games where crafting takes for ever and gives you .02% of a lvl for 2 hours of work. Crafting in GW2 gives an awesome amount of exp for how simple it is, especially if you continuously gather as you are lvling up (do this! it gives exp and mats for crafting!). I got my weaponsmithing to 400, and getting from 350 to 400 alone got me 2 lvls in the 70-80 range.
  • 6. WvW(vW). This is more of a side note than a universal tip, but if you get bored of the normal PvE grind, WvW gives a good amount of exp if you actually participate in the sieges/defenses. Each of these is an individual event that will give significantly more exp than the events in the PvE world, and scale to your lvl (like everything else).
  • 7. Do your personal story quests. Many people already do these avidly, but they give insane amounts of exp, as well as good gear/items to have, and until higher lvls they are easily soloable and take little time (as another side note, you CAN bring other players in to your storymode quests, just have them in the same map, in a party, and go in, it will act like an instance entrance would for them).
  • 8. It may seem minor, but do your daily achievement activities. Each time you go to a new tier, you get a good amount of experience points. As well as a decent reward at the end of the set.

Finally, as more of a general suggestion/advice, GW2 is not other MMOs. This game does not reward you for grinding in one area on one mob, in fact, it punishes you. In my little time on the forums it seems as if most of the players who complain about being underlvled are staying in one spot. GW2 wants you to explore its map, it wants you to try new things and rewards you very nicely for doing it. If you go in to the, which set of options gives the most exp for the least amount of mental effort, mentality you will fall behind, while your friend Jimmy who was never higher than lvl 20 in WoW will be far ahead of you because he decided to run around killing random things and clicking buttons while you were in Homelandville killing Bandit Outlaws in a pattern that the first would be up right as the last died. Speaking of this, did you ever notice you get less and less loot the longer you kill one type of mob? I have. I don’t know if its a real mechanic or just me being psycho, but it seems to be legit.

  • The reason crafting is starred is because this is something that will be incredibly useful to you in other ways, because unlike other MMOs (a phrase it seems I’ve said 100 times) the gear in GW2 is equivalent at every lvl no matter what source it comes from. (Greens have similar stats as other greens and Rares have similar stats to other rares) Because of this you can make yourself upgrades with the mats you find that give you experience. When I hit lvl 80, I got a whole new set of weapons and armor without spending much money at all.

Thanks for reading and feel free to add additional tips if you want, this is by no means a comprehensive list.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Suggestions for not dying in dungeons as melee?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


My general suggestion is stay at range until you see them use their bigger skills, blow your mele cd’s, run back out at range and repeat. This is what I do on my thief and it works very well, swapping weapons is more core to this game than most people think.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PPson.7042


thieves damage in pvp is so high mostly because people run away from them, when attacking from the side or back thieves can get up to a 20% atk bonus with stacking certain traits (i believe, I know it is at least 10%). As a thief I love it when people try to run from me because we have so many cripples it doesn’t work, but most classes if they evade and are smart about it can take a thief down by kiting and slowing. Flat out retreat almost never works considering most PvP thiefs will run a skill that gives 25% movement increase.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)