Showing Posts For Patres.4925:

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Thx all for your replies… About the selling spots: I was only asking, I don’t wrote if is good or not from my point of view… :-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Hi guys,
I’m just planning to return back and try whats new in Tyria after 1,5 year… BUT, now I see that is new DLC comming out, will be possible to play GW2 without this DLC, or most of the ppl will go continue to new DLC…?
Still the ppl selling spots in party in dungeons for gold (at the end of dungeon)?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

(edited by Patres.4925)

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patres.4925


Fully agree with you, TP needs to be changed! I made similar post here yesterday…

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Trading post suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patres.4925


Please change the TP mechanics, now is really waste of time when you need to sell full bags on TP. Please make it more user friendly.
Suggestion from my side:
Make check boxes when you can mark multiple items for sell… …and sell it at once or
give us new “mystic” (like this word :-) ) SELL ALL button.
Not sure if it’s possible, but it will save a lot of time on TP…

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Kicking at the end of runs deserves a ban.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Patres.4925


me and 2 more frieds we’re running CoF today, and we needed 2 more to complete aprty so we went to lfg tool. Went smooth until the boss where this 2 guys kicked us (they were 2 guys from riverside (DE) with commander tags). they got reported, and i hope they get a ban.

But yeah it sucks, even on cof, wich is fast and effortless, great community.

You don’t know how to prevent it? You have to be person who open the dungeon, everytime! You should see party icons also, when you will see “kick” icon you have to dismiss it as quick as possible….

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Additional Ecto??? Why?

in Crafting

Posted by: Patres.4925


Thx Xanthic. Horrible……

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Additional Ecto??? Why?

in Crafting

Posted by: Patres.4925


Yesterday I crafted on weaponsmith (lvl 460) swords – recipe is sword blade + sword hilt + Exotic inscription…. But it didn’t working, there was needed to add 5 globs of ectoplasm…. Why? Bug?

See the recipe on wiki:

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Soulbound Ascended Back piece

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Hi all, I have soulbounded Ascended back piece on my Warrior and now I would like to use them on my Guardian (of course with ascended stats)…. Is there any possibility how to do that?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Suggestion: Remove all loot, everywhere.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patres.4925


This suggestion comes at the simplistic idea that the game would be a lot more enjoyable if it was played for the sake of being a fun game.

“Loot” has taken front center over story, over success, over community, over friendliness, over everything! Honestly, it needs to stop.

No excuses from the players about “it’s designed that way”, or “it’s the dev’s fault”, or “who cares” or whatever excuse can be thrown at it. Know how’s fault it really it? The players; the individuals who voluntarily choose to purposely fail events, to repeatedly farm, to trash talk other players, and to obsess about getting more coin per hour (or whatever else they obsess about).

So, back to my original suggestion: Removing loot drops from the entire game, and making everything “skin only”. It’ll probably never happen in a million years, but it’s a dang good way to fix the people problem. Because the players just wont’ change….

Not, It will remove 90% of players. Suggestion for you: Try to remove gw2.exe from your PC for few days…. You will be back faster than you mean, and you will like your loot also

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

8-bit is comming back?

in Living World

Posted by: Patres.4925


Meh, I hope its just the same one. It was a fun thing but should not be a bigger part of the game.

Agree, it can be in game, but not as a bigger part or new living story…
I’m hungry for new ascended items, anniversary celebration, etc….
…not for some 8-bit;-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

8-bit is comming back?

in Living World

Posted by: Patres.4925


8-bit is comming back? Hope that not!
see the piscture here:

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Ascended weapons + new Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


:-) I know, it was planned for 2nd half of 201š, but I was asking for some detailed term.

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: Patres.4925


I was not original during character creation:

Mesmer = Norn Shadow
Guardian = Norn Battle Guard

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Ascended weapons + new Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Someone knows when will be new ascended weapons / armors or legendary weapons added to the game?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

What do you dont like about gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Prices of precursor weapons and long way to legendary weapon. Legendary is not skill bound, is only time bound….

BUT, I still like GW2 ;-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

RIP in Peace CoF P1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Patres.4925


So CoF farmers you’re welcomed in different dungeons! I was farmer also ;-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Should Guild Wars 2 go free to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


NOT NOT NOT! I personaly don’t like F2P games! ;-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

The Wallet is Sexy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Lol, they broke Golden with it. It’s no longer achievable ;P

Not true. Golden title should be the same. 200 G in wallet….

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Everyone who did not vote earned cash

in Living World

Posted by: Patres.4925


So guys, if it will be 1s per tokken, is not so much…. Doesn’t matter.

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Patres.4925


Thx a lot A-net! This will be best improvement since I joined (12/2012)!!!

Great! Great! Great!

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Thank you Anet for ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Ohh, It’s awesome! When it will be released?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

5 New Monster Races in Guild Wars 2 Expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Crazy, but I want to be Jade Maw with Agony “condition”…. ;-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Back pack transmutation

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Patres.4925


Thanks all for replies! Especially to Tovadaun! I’ll wait for best equip, then I’ll apllied the skins.

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Back pack transmutation

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Patres.4925


Ok, thank you. You meant the helm skin. And what about back item transmutation?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Back pack transmutation

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Patres.4925


Can be back item transmuted? Because I would like to aply dragon wings skin as soon as possible, but currently i have only Exotic back item and in future I would like to craft new ascended back item…
Also for applied dragon helm skin, can I trasmute this helm (with dragon skin) with another one (with different stats)? Will be dragon skin kept on new item?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Gift of the dragon bash Rewarded early bug?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Patres.4925


I have the reward also. Will be refunded back to Anet? Could be, I don´t have any trouble with this, I can wait for regular time at the weekend, but I would like to know before I’ll used them….

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patres.4925


Same here, yesterday 4 times disconnected and a lot of lags.
Latency test 96,8%.

Server: Ruins of Surmia
Location: Chrudim (CZE)
ISP: Omega

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

(edited by Patres.4925)

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Patres.4925


I hope that will be fixed as soon as possible (tomorrow :-)). Can’t be possible that warden from offhand weapon has bigger dmg than zerker from GS…

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád


in Mesmer

Posted by: Patres.4925


Uhh, I’m confused. This build is realy working (20/20/0/25/5 with zerker’s gear)! I tryied condition build, but i was lazy for me. Thanks for that Skoteinos!

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Why a precursor scavenger hunt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


I don’t see why there is need for a Scavenger Hunt, a better way to award players with a precursor is already in game: The Personal Story. Atm, the ultimate reward, the Pact Victory Token, is crap. You can trade it for a rare (what doesn’t makes sense because the Pact Victory Token is Legendary) with a crappy skin. I felt so disappointed, and seeing all these posts about a Precursor Scavenger Hunt, I was thinking…

Why not replace the crappy rare skins for the Pact Victory Token with Precursors?

I mean, Personal Story really isn’t done in 5 minutes. It’s something that you carry with you from Level 1 to 80.

Because this is not Diablo3, this is Guild Wars 2, much more better game! (I still don’t have precursor or Legendary… :-) )

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Survey: Want Ascended Armors & Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Of course. I want ASC armor! When it wil be? :-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád