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Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Prev.4879


I tried to find the correct thread to post in, which doesn’t seem to exist.

Yeah lag was so awesome it was an event in it’s own right. Yay! I was there. Noll bugged. I didn’t get beyond that so far. Still, I’m glad to be playing an MMO where the devs try to do something different. One time events seem to be hard beyond belief to get right. Here’s one vote that Anet keeps trying.

One of the deadly qualities about MMO’s is the sameness and eventual tedium. Holiday events are huge because they break that a bit. I admire the attempt to do something different. Was it a magnificent failure? I don’t know, don’t think it was that bad. Glad I was there and excited to participate. I hope Anet learns and keeps plugging away on the one time occasional events. Let’s put everyone in the server in one 10 foot space. — That can be safely checked off the experiment list. Probably.

They call me Mr. Pig

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


So what are our thoughts on you or the pig, Mr. Pig? Sounds like you have a fitting almost son there.

Personally I like a pet #2 skill that’s less… that’s more… somewhat useful.
(Harsh, Bunuka, harsh )

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Hah, you didn’t play a WoW druid. Waiting breathlessly for the next expansion. Some crumb that your broken profession would not totally suck (dps). First break the profession, then the player. That won’t wash anymore.

My problem is that I’m finding playing a warrior just because it’s mechanics work isn’t satisfying. I’ve parked my ranger, but not willing to write it off. Not only the profession that I love, but all the baggage that goes with a main, crafting development, best dyes etc. So my disappointment is that I’m soldiering on when I’d rather to be rangering!

The thing is silence and non action is an answer of sorts. I guess a couple of months is reasonable to wait to see what Anet does. In this fast leveling game, that’s a long time. My biggest disappointment will be if Anet still doesn’t want to bother with balancing a ranger and pet and proves it by inaction.

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Got it. Ranger. SB1 SPAM. Facerolled. Warrior. Nerf.

Okay so, being nerfed because of bots begins to sound plausible.

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Okay so, the warrior doesn’t use any of his signets.. probably had a cramp in that hand. Maybe he had a migraine to start with and the glare from the screen was bothering him a lot. I can work with this. Can’t we use my idea and he has to go afk in the middle of the fight?

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Wulfrim, you opinion is noted. This thread is probably teetering on the brink of being closed. So far it’s been remarkably flame free. Maybe open another thread on your thoughts about ranger players?

Good job ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


I had this idea myself when the magnitude of the SB change became clear… that it was about bots.

The notion that the security team is dictating profession changes is so so depressing. Can we please return to the ridiculous fantasy that Jon Peters’ warrior was “facerolled” by a ranger? (Why is it always “facerolled” anyway?)

Will that ranger please post here? I want details. I figure that JonP had to be afk for about 10 minutes for this cold blooded murder to occur. That’s a given. Then what happened?

Are rangers really that bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Psychrome, good on ya if you can get results from your melee ranger. Sure, a good-great player can play a warm bowl of oatmeal and tear up with it. Not sure I can and I don’t like playing a range class melee to compensate for it’s problems.

As for "i am pretty sure that they have a full plate when it comes to bugs and such not including all the other bugs out side of class fixes. im not syaing you guys are wrong but seriously the game is brand new and this will be fixed and adjusted in time. "

Balancing ranged pet professions is a mixed bag in MMO’s. Some never get it right, or take years. I was hoping Anet would polish GW’s ranger and bring something better to GW2. Why include it in the profession mix, if they were going to leave it lousy?

The first red flag was a semi-broken pet, despite a year of promises to fix it by launch. Where will ranger go from here? I think players are upset that this whole SB deal is an ill omen for the future. A weak profession was moved in the wrong direction.

(edited by Prev.4879)

Which Class to Switch to From Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


I’d suggest warrior or thief also, leaning towards warrior because it’s more versatile. Thief is like ele, lots of work for mostly single target damage. Gets tough to play at higher levels with the multiple mobs we deal with in pve.

Also, I’d throw in the engineer just for kicks. Once you get that you’re supposed to play the utilities, not the weapons so much, it can be a lot of fun with grenades for aoe and mines for close up mobs.

Try a couple and see which play style grabs you.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prev.4879


Server: Stormbluff Isle
Guild: Heroes Etc (HeEt)

Disconnect when I try to chose represent for my guild on an alt. Log in error. I’m only
in one guild.

Edit: Still can’t represent as of 10/1. Is it possible to get reimbursed for lost influence for the guild?

(edited by Prev.4879)

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Prev.4879


Blood fiend should not pull aggro if it’s going to die so easily. With the minion AI wonky, it wanders off and attacks something behind your back, leaving you without healing option. Aggravating at low levels when we still use them.

Set to blow (Order of Whispers) too hard

in Personal Story

Posted by: Prev.4879


Yay! Super.

I found the trick for the ranger was serially pulling without the pet active. Then tanking the queen with bear pets and staying ranged wasn’t a problem.

Set to blow (Order of Whispers) too hard

in Personal Story

Posted by: Prev.4879


I’m having the same problem. The queen comes in with the destroyers, which is intended (?) according to the cut scene that says she’s coming early.

Playing as ranger. I pulled everything that could be separated and ones that followed me back after dying and were in small groups. Now I’m going to try running back and dying close to the entrance to see if some stay there and can be separated that way. Npcs are all down and same as above re Tybalt.

This really needs to be looked at for absurd difficulty.

Why do waves of enemies come after me when I'm all alone?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Prev.4879


I was doing The Sting. Human, Noble, looking for parents. I was at level, 16 I think, mesmer. There is a group of Seraphs, Logan, Countess Anise, two named Seraphs. They all go down and I died I don’t know how many times soloing, one at a time, the group of White Mantle cultists. 1s, 32 c or so worth. I couldn’t rez more than one npc and they were no help anyway. The Veteran Boss was much easier. Logan and Anise rezzed themselves for that.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Prev.4879


Guild: Heroes Etc
Tag: HeEt
World: Stormbluff Isle

Problem: The guild window is open on every character that I log on to. I get a disconnect within 10 seconds regardless of any action I take, i.e. closing the window or not touching anything. Cannot play on my account because of this.

I don’t know if this is relevant. This morning I got a unsolicited guild invite on a new character. When I tried to decline the invitation on the guild panel, I got a disconnect. Same error message for everything: The game client lost connection to the server. Code=58.11:5:501:101 When I tried to select represent for my guild, I get a disconnect.

After playing on my main this evening, I got a message from the guild bank that I had to be in a guild to use it. I opened the guild window to confirm that I was represented and got a disconnect. I am still on the members list on that character as represented. Now the guild window is open on every character. Again, no idea if any of this is relevant.

Edit: Issue is resolved this morning. Thank you!

(edited by Prev.4879)