Showing Posts For ProAlex.4723:

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Haven’t played in a year, holy smokes, so you played like 1.5 months of the game before quitting and want to know what has changed?

I’m curious what was so terrible in those couple of months that made you quit in the first place. Most people hadn’t even hit 80 yet!

By that time most of the people had multiple 80s, there were almost no people in 45+ lvl areas and all what was left was running broken dungeons (did they fix em?), farming Cursed Shore and zerging in WvW with people switching servers every day.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Thanks for your replies!

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Honestly, I don’t want to go through 100 pages worth of patchnotes.

Haven't played for a year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


What are the major changes to PvE, WvW and general balance?
P.S. I left right after the Shadow of the Mad King patch.

I brought you this!

in Community Creations

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Max weapons and armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


The maximum damage for weapons is easily seen. Look at a level 80 exotic weapon from a dungeon vendor. The maximum armor for armor is easily seen, look at a level 80 exotic armor piece from a dungeon vendor.

Wiki is a work in progress, if you’d like to help out, you could write down all those numbers and make us a table. Then you’d have it at a simple /wiki command, and be loved by the community too!

Not so easily: I’ve never been in a dungeon.

Thanks anyhow, though!

There are dungeon armor vendors in LA (most south WP, near WvW gates). There you can see all gear from all dungeons.

Newbie Tips?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Don’t pick the necromancer class.

Skipping Mobs in Dungeons...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


OP, go kill every mob in Arah path 4. See you in a year.

Mesmer vs thief (WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Let’s say you get attacked by a thief as mesmer. What do you do? What is the best tactic to counter them?
What I do is gs 4->switch to sword/pistol -> pistol 5>moa but since moa is 180 sec cd this doesn’t always work.
Any tips?

Mesmer Speed Buff Skill?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I don’t use focus (instead, gs+sword/pistol) and I feel like a snail.

New player Leveling Slow

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


If you don’y mind grinding here is a guide for you:
1. Get to level 35
2. Go to Harathi Hinterlands, there will be a chain event that restarts in ~13 mins after it is finished (top right side of the map). Grind this event until you are 50. You will also get a good amount of money. Be sure to bring AoE weapons and skills.
3. Go to the area right beneath the LA (forgot the name). On the bottom left side of the map there will 2 events that have a really small break between them (escort+town defence). During the break, you can WP to the top of the map and kill the alpha mob and then go back. Grind untill you get to 55-60.
4. Go to Sparkfly Den. In the center of the map (well, not exactly the center) there will be a village of frog-people or whatever they are called. 3 defence events pop-up frequently around this area. When none of them is up, you can check if the undead ship event is up or the escort mission at the keep to the north (again, I don’t remember the names).
5. Straits of devastation evets+skill points until you are 75, then move to next area and do events+skill challanges until you are 80. Ta-dam!

You really missed the fastest way to level up, though – the Mad King’s Labyrinth. I did like a level in 30-40 minutes + drops + event rewards.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Buy blue/green gear every 10 levels. Don’t buy rares until you hit 80. Buy them if you don’t have money for exotics.

Nerf necro and make it fun.

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I understand what OP feels. I started playing GW2 as necro, played like ~220 hours, mostly PvE because I found Wv3 boring. 2 weeks ago I created a mesmer and grinded it to level 80, bought full exotic set of power/prec/crit damage gear+weapons+trinkets (said bye-bye to almost all of my money because I want this stuff to look good lol) and tried to play some Wv3. And I LOVED it. It feels so good when you can kill someone really quick. Yes, I run pure glass-cannon build and I have to be REALLY careful because with 15k hp with 0 toughness you can die in seconds. Still, I love my necro but after playing a direct damage dealing class going back to necro to stack bleeds is boring. Also, I want MOST of the major traits as mesmer while as necro I don’t see anything useful often and actually DON’T want some minor traits but I have literally no choise.

NA rating vs EU rating

in WvW

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


They should merge the rankings and make it global, right after they remove the free 24h transfers.

Transfers are still free but limited to one transfer in 7 days.

Tokens for a legendary? What now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


It may sound obvious but try to do the following.
Simple math: compare the time it tages to get these 1.5k tokens and the time it takes to farm gold to buy cheapest exotic greatswords on TP (or materials to craft them if it will be cheaper).
But I don’t think you should even bother with math because it looks like (for me at least) it is just faster to get some gold.

Necromancer FAQ [completely not serious]

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


After reading the fake patch notes thread I’ve came up with the idea of creating a FAQ list for the necromancer class. Feel free to add stuff!

Q: Why the necromancer class has so many bugs?
A: Most of the bugs you think are bugs are actually features and they work as intended.

Q: Why I feel underpowered compared to the other classes in Guild Wars 2?
A: The question lies in depths of necromancer class philosophy. We’ve been given a mighty tool – Death Shroud. With this, you can literally destroy everyting you see.

Q: But I use Death Shroud a lot and I don’t feel that powerful!
A: That is right! You just haven’t mastered it yet!

Q: How do I master Death Shroud?
A: Legends say that there is a man named John Peters who was able to master Death Shroud. No other living man or woman was able to achieve that.

Q: Why you necromancer guys are so mean?
A: In fact, we are the nicest people on Earth (not OP, he is an kitten). Also, very patient. We love GW2 and want it to become better. And to master Death Shroud.

Kodans as playable race.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I want to be a quagan.
Nice teeth!

Leveling gear on TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I did maybe ~10 hearts in total, I mostly grinded event chains +h’ween labyrinth
The problem is, I don’t want to be forced to grind hearts.
I have 100% world completion on my “main” character and I have no desire to do the hearts again.

Leveling gear on TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Yesterday I wanted to buy a full set of gear for my alt level 70 mesmer and I was surprised that there was only one set of green light armor gear for this level. Also there were sets for lvls 72, 74 but still none of them had the stats I needed (power, prec, crit damage). Blue gear also didn’t have the stats I was looking for. And buying rares for leveling is not a wise decision unless you have 1m gold. I understand that it is not a big issue since this gear will be vendored in ~5-8 hours. Though, it still feels wrong.
Why this happens? Because vendoring gear you find that is below level 80 gives you more money than putting it on the TP. Something has to be done about it. Sure, you can still find gear for the price of vendoring price+TP tax but not with stats you want.

How do I feel useful when fighting structures?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Respec to destoy, say, a weapon rack? What a nice idea!
…Oh, wait. No. It is not.
What other class abokittenely HAS TO respec in order to damage structures? I don’t know any. Do you?

80 exotic necro vs 50 green mesmer in Mad King's Lair

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Mostly, lower TTK.
Also, sending berserker into a group of enemies is so fun. Seeing some real damage numbers is also nice.

80 exotic necro vs 50 green mesmer in Mad King's Lair

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


The first time I’ve killed the Mad King was on my Necro, It was pretty easy.
I though, hey, you are scaled up to level 80 there so I decided to try my lvl 50 mesmer in greens/blues there.
And I did better. Like, 100000 times better. Made me sad. Very sad.

80 exotic necro vs 50 green mesmer in Mad King's Lair

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


The first time I’ve killed the Mad King was on my Necro, It was pretty easy.
I though, hey, you are scaled up to level 80 there so I decided to try my lvl 50 mesmer in greens/blues there.
And I did better. Like, 100000 times better. Made me sad. Very sad.
Edit: Wrong forum

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


You know, if I were a dev, I wouldn’t even fix the Necromancer. The amount of cynicism is just disgusting.

But then again it is the Necromancer forum.

Cynical Curse
We have been receiving numerous comments about necromancer being underpowered and useless. We take players’ feedback very seriously and that is why we added the new skill that will balance the necromancer class. It replaces all necromancer abilties since most of them were useless anyway and allows necromancer to post comments in this thread filling it with cynicism.

Chain event leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


What are the best chain events to make leveling even faster?
Right now I’m doing one in Harathi Hinterlands (the higher level one). I get decent XP and lots of loot. But I don’t think time will worth the effort after I hit level 50 (45 atm).

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Lich Form
Using this elite skill caused all summoned minions to disappear and also turned player into a giant lich which is able to actually deal some damage which was not the intended behavior. Now it only despawns minions.

Upon activation, turns your Windows/Mac into DOS, GW2 into DOOM I, sets the hardest difficulty level, gives you pistol with no rounds and spawns you in front of the final boss.

Death Shound Underwater Mode
Many players complained that DS is weak underwater. The problem is there is still not even a single necromancer who mastered DS. We think it is still overpowered. To balance this, we removed all skills except Gathering Plague (4) and altered it in a way that not only you draw conditions from allies and inflict weakness on yourself but all conditions are now impossible to remove and you recieve 25 stacks of each condition no matter how many stacks allies had.

Grasping Dead
This ability does not inflict cripple and damage anymore. Instead, it summons two hands that clap every time you get hit.

Life Siphon
This ability now siphons health from necromancer to his/her target.

Summoned Creatures AI
Sometimes summoned creatures were actually helping necromancer killing the targeted enemy, to balance this, we removed summons AI.

Spectral Armor
CD was increased by 180 seconds. The reason was that the first necromancer to master DS would be able to gather LF faster and have huge advantage overy every other class in the game.

Well of Suffering
Now it inflicts damage and conditions on necromancer and his allies to match the ability’s name.

My Wells and Life Stealing are HEALING the enemies

in Necromancer

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I am a nercomancer and this bug made me laugh…and also sad.

For players who want a harder dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Well, last time I checked you can’t craft precision, toughness, condition damage light armor and there is only one set you can’t buy on TP but it is like 40-60 gold for full set. So it is either running Arah or farming gold for ages. I may be wrong, though.

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Thanks again, Joxy. We had some problems running from boss 1 to boss 2, but it is a matter or practice, I think. We killed Giganticus in his room, it went pretty smooth (all things considering). The rest of the path 3 was a piece of cake. Tomorrow going to try to improve our results and probably do 2 paths. I guess, path 1 is the best choice then?

(edited by ProAlex.4723)

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Did you actually read my post? No, you did not. It is NOT about Giganticus or difficulty of other fights. It is about the time it takes to complete some paths (like path 4, 2).
I guess I had to made it capsbold:
“I don’t want it to be an easy-mode. I want it to be challenging but possible to beat (and it is). "

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


That is a very interesing video, thank you. It seems that you just skipped all the monsters we fought, need to try that. Though, we need more practice with Giganticus. I’m pretty sure we have a decent success chance of killing him in his chamber (judging by our progress so far and that’s without voice communication), need also try that.
I know it would probably not happen but if you will ever need a guy to run Arah with, I’ll join you with a great pleasure (got vent and mumble, can download whatever VOIP client you are using; EST).

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Can you please post a video of a group clearing path 3 under 25 minutes? I tried searching on Youtube but most of the videos I found were Giganticus fights that are at least 25 minutes long. I would really like to find out how to complete path 3 THAT fast so I can get my armor set sooner (I’m serious). Thanks!

Arah rewards and YOU

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


I know, there are a lot of posts like this one but the more we scream about it the more attention we get, right?

I’m pretty new to Arah and ran it only 3 times (2x path 3, 1x path 2) with the same PUG, we are doing very well. Did path 2 only with 1 or 2 wipes I believe 4 of us (not sure, maybe even 5) were first-timers. First time we killed Giganticus by pulling him to the WP and literally corpse-running him, at the end of the fight most of us were naked. Second time we did the same but ended up with most of our gear on after Giganticus hit the ground. Today we pulled him to the WP again but did so much better than before. I died only ~4 times (mostly because I was phase-walked 3 times in a row and/or because AoE circles are actually have a bigger area of effect than it visually appears). But that is not the point.

The point is the amount of tokens you get from running different paths is unbalanced. We do path 3 in under 1.5h and get 60 tokens for that, looks reasonable. Path 3 took us 3-3.5 hours. Yes, we were first-timers but I don’t see any way a group can complete it in 1.5-2 hours. Path 1, as I heard, is even more unrewarding, it is just harder and longer. And finally path 4 with 8 (not sure if I am correct) bosses that will take an average PUG 6+ hours to complete.
So really there is no point running anything but path 3 if you don’t have A LOT of time. And even if you have that much time, I think you won’t be satisfied with the fact that other paths take much more effort to complete while rewarding the same number of tokens.
I see two options here:
1. Reduce the difficulty of trash mobs and/or length of other paths (10/17/12 corrected)
2. Reward more tokens for completing time-consuming paths. For example, path 3 – 60 tokens, path 2 – 90 tokens, path 1 – 120 tokens, path 4 – 160 tokens. And also reduce the time it takes to beat it. The numbers, of course, do not have to be the same but it gives the idea of what I am talking about.

I am a condition necromancer and I really want the Arah light armor set and scepter+dagger with precision, toughness and condition damage (sure, you can buy Khilbron armor set but, uh, well, it’s sort of pricey). I would love to do more than 1 path of Arah a day but it is just too time consuming. I don’t want it to be an easy-mode. I want it to be challenging but possible to beat (and it is). What I definetely don’t want is to stay underground (well, technically Arah is not located underground) 24/7 to get my dungeon set somewhat soon.

(edited by ProAlex.4723)

ATT DEV'S dungeon finder needed !!!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Sunday, 8:30 PM Eastern time. Waited about 15-20 minutes to find a group for CoF path 1 or/and 2. Our group needed just one more person. There also were few other groups that needed one or two more players.
P.S. We had a pretty unbalanced party classwise: a guardian, 2 warriors, and a necromancer. I found a guy who wanted to run path 1 or path 2 but he declined my request. When I asked him why he did that he told me that he was a warrior and it would take ages to kill last boss on path 1 with 3 warriors. I don’t know your name but if you are reading this, I want to let you know that we basically roflstomped everything on our way 2 times in a row (both paths) and did Magg defence stage without kiting.

"With universal tokens, people would only run the easiest dungeon"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Same. I’m only interested in CoF light armor (I really like the looks) and mask+legs from Arah. Maybe after I get those I will run every dungeon path once but that’s about it.