Showing Posts For Psykoyul.9147:
Maybe you are just bad resser (is that even word?). Often smaller group win just because of downed state.
You should try to play in a non zerg group at least once it would help you from saying such BS
Why are you only making stats based on less than half the servers?
In your case I don’t know for sure but I can tell you that the other way around works well: I’m in EU, playing on NA servers and don’t experiencing any particular lag.
You could also consider transfering to a higher tier NA server, those are far from empty during EU times
As said it is only a roaming <5v5 problem. It is a big problem though.
Even 10-15, condis are still king.
Playing 10-15 every single day and I strongly disagree.
Seriously people… what are you talking about??
Everyone is talking about this so called “seven week investment”… I call BS on this.
You could have this reward in two ways:
- rushing it if you’re not a usual WvWer. Why not. The 15 achievments needed could easily be done in a week, a few days if you really wanted it done asap. In that case, the reward is not that meh for only a few days. And if it makes people only farming for reward stay away from WvW: good. The massive afflux of players only wishing to farm achievements was a pain in the… foot… for the first weeks of league.
- doing nothing special. Nothing special at all. I am a dedicated WvW player and i just got my key by playing. So basically this chest is pure bonus. Okay I’m exagerating, I had to find someone to port me in ONE puzzle jump, which I never would have done otherwise. 10minutes investment. So all the rewards in that chest are a satisfying bonus.
So stop it please. If you are just here for reward, don’t farm it next time and everyone will be happy. If you enjoy WvW, then just enjoy the free extra candies.
I wish Anet would give the ips of Viz players.
That way the crybabies from SFR could not hang on to made up excuses and would have to face the fact that they are just losing. As they deserve.
Rage more, your tears taste delightful even from as far as the US.
You should have done more sports.
It learns to lose without having to make up imaginary reasons.
Kind of sad that players on servers need to resort to insults when they lose. I had thought we all moved beyond that after middle school. Think about this: was the Euro guild already planning to come to BG and gold was offered to help for transfers after the fact? I say if accusations are going to be made about any server, there needs to be substantial evidence to support the claim.
What you are getting wrong is that ZDs (why is noone naming them?) is NOT a Euro guild. They are Russians ans therefore play in a timezone that is “in between”. When there is absolutely no organised opposition except eventually other russian guilds… which are not on US servers.
That being said and except for the week end, they face either violent and vicious doors or bunch of valiant pug. And I hope that we all know that as valiant as it can be, a bunch of PUG cannot win against a well organised optimised guild raid of 25-30+followers.
Once we get this right… BG simply outplayed everyone, congrats to them. It was mainly on the “diplomacy and transfer” field but we all knew that this was gonna be a decisive field to win the league.
So, without any kind of bitterness, well played BG and see you on the battlefield.
You have an issue with the way ranking people in a competition is done.
If there is a tie at first place, the next ranked one is third, absolutely not second.
To get it simple, your place is determined by adding one to the number of people that did strictly better than you.
Just a small note about some hypocrites posts that can be read here or there.
When we finally decided that we wanted to transfer to an US server (from an EU one), we contacted all top 5 US server at this time.
All 5 were okay to “help” us paying the transfer fees. All 5. No exception. And it seems that the only reason why others didn’t make this proposition is that we didn’t contact them.
So when I see (for example) someone from SoR stating that their server has pride and will never do so… /facepalm.
Cry more. Make more excuses.
Timezone? Russia is like 1~2 hour early than EU?
Precising that you’re from the US wasn’t necessary, this made it clear.
Please learn the geography of the rest of the world.
You might have to first learn about its existence but hey every journey has a first step.
JQ might be a little light in a time zone or two, but as a whole, you’re in a much better place than BG or SoR. I spent the entire last match-up in SoR BL (any time from 8am to 5 pm, and the whole week, SoR was outnumbered by JQ.
8am to 5pm. 9hours. Out of 24hours.
Did your shift included EU prime time? As you’re not specifiying, I assume you’re talking server time so it would be a yes.
And then you have serious issues with maths. “JQ outnumbering SoR during Eu prime time”, thanks a lot this will surely give me a win in our weekly joke contest
JQ is full during SEA.
JQ is surely full during NA as are BG and SoR (or are we ontnumbering you there to?)
But we can map hop as we want during EU and are facing great numbers. It’s not rare that we (SR=12-15 ppl) are the only JQ presence on a map except for some pug (usually doing a great job btw). So calling JQ’s EU TZ stacked is just a way to show that discussion isn’t possible.
I’ll strongly support SoR or BG receiving some SEA reinforcement. EU reinforcements for these two servers is just encouraging PvDooring which you pretend to fight…
JQ have the best coverage
BG is having better coverage
SoR has the weakest coverageSo sure stack on JQ makes perfect sense
Can you define coverage?
NA is stacked for three serv right?
So it might come with three other TZ I guess?
And I know that Iron isn’t much into actual numbers but even you must realise that JQ has the worst EU coverage.
And the best SEA (at least I think so).
Last time I checked our OCX was not dominant…
So as much as I understand your desire to make JQ a monster under the bed, I think that facts might be deceiving.
The best thing is that all of this can be easily verified IG.
@whiteandmilky: did you ever bother to read my post you quote or are you just here to troll?
@fade: define stacked. Then more stacked. At what time? What time zone are you talking about? Are you even playing this game?
@alltheJQhaters: I won’t ask why. I just find it hilarious that you’re criticizing the fact that JQ is PvDooring on one hand (“overstacked” “better coverage”) and then encouraging a guild to come PvDooring on your server… short minded or hypocrit?
@hexin: TC would be a good choice to. As would SoS and Mag. The problem being the after league: due to Anet system the 1-2-3 MU have something like 50% chance to be. which means that being on the 4th server is a bet. Either other EU guilds move soon or you condemned your guild to one week out of two of nothing. If they are willing to take this risk, kudo to them, I don’t think I would.
The best move for Bull would be:
- stay one more week in EU server, fight Piken
- then transfer to JQ.
JQ has obviously the weakest EU force now. Staying another week in EU serv will greatly reduce the effects of the horrible schedule for JQ…
And moving to the weakest of the top three during their timezone would guarantee them fights… even after the season 1. Everyone is like forgeting that game will continue after season 1. And then, having only two servers competing during their timezone would be less more fun than having a good ol’ threeway.
But we all know that it will end with Bull joining SoR… we just need to get used to the idea^^
And for crying out loud, the ZD guys themselves came and said how they are a small casual guild, not some big force. Like do you people seriously have that big of a hole that no one can handle a small guild? Sounds to me like just plain excuses.
You obviously have no clue of what you’re talking about.
And top of that you can’t recognize irony when you see it.
Za Drots is a lot of things but certainly not a small casula guild.
Make yourself a favor and document yourself on the who’s who of EU guilds before adding to this conversation.
Btw welcome ZDs, we’ll try to pinch you when we’ll meet
I don’t get it…
IRON was a good, solid guild back in EU, dedicated to their serv and nice to fight.
How come it is now all about campers and forum trolls?
What happens? Is it the same IRON guys or did the old school IRONs leave the game?
Really shows how much of a fool you are considering you dont know what goes on in them times
Considering that I’m french, GM of a french WvW only guild, playing every evening (french time ofc)…
Really this makes me wonder which one of us is clueless…
We didn’t doubleteamed anyone so stop making up lies, Glad it suits your needs, hence what i am saying, congrats on winning season 1. I just want the fights, so whenever you break inside bay, don’t run away, at least have the decency of dropping loot bags so that everyone is happy.
Thank you, come again
I really don’t understand you.
You are the only force of your size during your playtime hours.
And you are bragging about the fact that you’re camping in your T3 keep?
You are really proud of the fact that Iron manage to have a keep on their map?
Dude, if I had a 30-40 organized guild force during hours when there is nothing comparable against me, I won’t be satisfied with so few.
But hey that must come from me having too high standards.
So… great job Iron what you’re doing with so few is awesome
Seriously JQ.
Stop leaving Bay everytime u see us.
Coin/RK/HB/Pugs blob FTW
Just for the record, art you from Iron?
lol yeah i’m sure just because its only the stacked servers with the problem that stacking isn’t the problem.
You’re playing on a US server aren’t you?
And having a vision completely ignoring EU servers… hum I’d have an educated guess and say that you’re American yourself? Correct?
So fyi: Four out of five french server are experiencing terrible queues.
I won’t pretend to know the situation on German, Spanish or English servers, people from there can tell us.
Oh and btw I’m actually playing of one of those so called super stacked server and not experiencing any queue problem.
Bottom line: JQ is starting 10 points ahead of BG and SOR.
0, 2 or 4 points actually
Depending of the result of the “non easy” MU occuring during the two extra free wins offered to JQ.
I’m from JQ and I totally agree this schedule is really really bad.
Having a 1-2-3 MU to start and to finish is a great idea, don’t modify that.
But please Anet pay attention to the five weeks in between…
Even the free wins 2-2-1 should have been a priority…
what’s the point of a party with ranger, mesmers, eles etc, who cannot really give up stability to other people.
I stopped reading the topi there.
As two out of the three classes you’re quoting can actually give great stab to their group…
siege weapons replaced by a green item.
less badges of honor.
and a small currency upgrade.
They call this a boost, I really don’t want to know what they would call a nerf…
If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.
You just proven what I have been saying all along. Your pugs alone can que up multiple maps. Also, at the end of oce/sea, you have multiple Wp’d keeps. Continue crying about jq needing more coverage, it’s just laughable.
Don’t know how you can be such a bad reader _
Or may be you really believe that we have maps queued during EU ?
Would be even more pathetic if possible.
The only reason why we are not under 200ppt during whole EU prime is the weakness of our dearest opponents which often use a 60 to 10 advantage to take camps ans place Treb instead of Ramming everything in sight…
In all seriousness BG, please please recruit more oceanics. This is 500 tick is boring a hell.
Could you lend us a few thousands of gold you are sitting on so we can buy your guilds?
If we are buying so many guilds why is it we still have almost non existant EU Guild Coverage? BG has what 3-4 guilds who are EU exclusively and a few that run during this time zone? JQ has 1 small EU guild and a bunch of pugs. Huge difference yet you guys don’t show up during this timezone at all.
Yeah it is not like there is a massive dead zone where after we have to fix all the damage done so that JQ can get there kitten kicked during NA.
IF it wasen’t for paper keeps on ourside and tier 3 on yours we could do something, but that is now how it is. If we had any SEA we would tear a hole in you, but right now we have a lot of work to do.
We log in and every thing is broken and we need to rebuild it. We show up, but so those yours and while you only have SG that is of any threat it dose not change the fact that it is hard to take tier 3 keeps full of randoms with 15 RK.
SG is a PST prime time guild if there is any SG on during EU it is a select few who have other things to do most times during the time slot and Occasionally are online. If you meant SR then yes they are a god send because they are always helping out where need be and never run from fights.
Thanks for the kind words.
I would like to emphasis on one important point: we are willing to help, we really like to defend. It’s because we like the fights that it induce but it is a win-win situation: we get the fights we want, and we defend our structures for JQ.
So it is essential that everyone on JQ playing during EU prime knows it: there is a band of 10-15 French (OMG!) guys that you may call for help when needed. The only reason why we wouldn’t answer is if we are already defending somewhere.
PM us, we want to fight
I want to point out that it is currently limited to five. Makes no difference to tpvp but it does to wvw.
If it is intended like this it is not wai.
It’s not unusual for us to witness one of us being finished and making 8-10 opponents rally.
The actual system of rally is awful in WvW. A lots of change could be welcome… the best change would be to suppress the down state. But as this is never gonna happen, a one finish=one rally, combined with the need to the rallied to be close to the finish would definitely be a good start.
Oh and btw please, please, please, no more “rally because I killed a mob” in wvw. It is really irrelevant. I’m talking about moas, wolves, etc…
Did SR leave JQ along with GD? Havent seen them in this matchup
Not at all, we are the kind of guys to respect their word ;p
We are here, every evening (EU evening I mean;p), fighting and fighting hard.
I think that you didn’t see us cause we have soooo much work defending our holds against mostly COIN and IRON that we can’t go outside a lot…
And when they let us breath we like to try some golem rush (were a minute short to tag a fully upgraded sorbl garri some nights ago)
tl/dr: we are still here every evening, just seriously busy^^
The only problem with leagues is the 12 servers per league thing. With 4 leagues of 6 everything would be fine. Let’s hope that for once Anet will be reactive. Oh and nice fights over the 3 BL yesterday during EU, hope BG wasn’t emotionnally attached to its 1700/1700 garri
Hey to the JQ that disrupt the BG karma train intentionnaly yesterday, when we didn’t act like this with you on the last match day. Be ready for a week long daily-based pay back. Good week everyone XD.
That might have come from us…
Don’t pay attention, we just transferred and wanted to test US ladder, we won’t do it again.
Won’t do it again cause friday is our PvE day but I think it doesn’t matter.
Kisses from [SR]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Psykoyul.9147
Hi a friend of mine posted ticket 130815-002076 4 days ago and still has no answer.
He’s very sad and feeling that there is absolutely no hope for him to be able to play again… a simple answer would be a great start to remotivate him
Maybe AC changes aren’t that OP, maybe skilled players are lacking.
Of course skilled players are lacking.
You just have to see this thread.
All the players liking the buff don’t even had the skill to correctly use the prebuff AC.
You can’t find a better exemple of skill lacking.
You do realise that there are no AC in the vid shown right?
2 or 3, maybe 4, poorly placed and even poorlier used… they don’t even shoot the ram plan…
Seriously guys… you don’t have a clue on how a good defense is set, right that’s not a problem. But don’t argue with people knowing what they’re talking about… specially if it’s to end with this ridiculous type of vids…
Siege of Wildcreek tonight.
Defenders inside roughly matching the attackers’ numbers (~12 each side).
Three catapults built inside the Dredge tunnel along with 2 ballista and 1 arrow cart for point defense.
Wall falls.
Attackers move to the breach, double dodge roll through the rain of arrows from 4 carts.
Attackers storm the stairs to the wall.
Defenders retreat and stack in the lord’s room.
Attackers push up.
Lords’ room battle ensues.
Attackers are eventually victorious.
Attackers destroy the defenders’ 4 arrow carts after capping the tower.
Two casualties on the attackers’ side; neither are from arrow carts.Impact of arrow carts on this siege? Zero; played out like any other pre-patch siege of Wildcreek Tower.
It’s one siege of one tower and is not demonstrative of all sieges everywhere. However, I’m hearing from friends, guildmates, and allies that the sieges they’ve been involved in are largely playing out the same way; the change to the arrow carts are having nearly zero impact.
The only change noticed so far? Fewer mindless zergs at the gates. Battles are being fought between roughly equal numbers and the battles are not being decided solely by numerical superiority.
Thank you, ArenaNet
Imo you’re really saying it all in this post.
The defenders were ultra low players.
Only 4 AC?
No AC in the lord’s room?
No one blocking the way to let AC do their job?
And the sad thing is that Anet is balancing its game around the baddies :/
RIP GW2 for everyone except poorly organised that couldn’t even assist with the pre buff AC.
Was fun.
Over the last few days, from many people I’ve talked to, there seems to be a vast majority of EU guilds and tier 1-2 NA guilds and wvw players who do dislike the arrowcart buff.
Thats strange because out of all the guilds i’m in contact with none of them dislike the ac buff, they see it more of a challenge. Oh and those guilds are all the “top” guilds currently playing, except VoTF who seem to have a major hate campaign going for this buff. Maybe it’s you guys that need to learn how to play and not pretend you’re the spokespeople for all guilds, seeing as most think you’re a joke(moreso after seeing all you’ve written here this last week).
Could you name some of these guilds that are top guilds and like the change?
Or is lieing more convenient?
Anyway… all the top guilds from JS dislike this change. And judging by how they don’t attack keeps anymore, at least 2 top guilds from Elona Bief (GD, GL). And counting.
The ammount of ignorace in this thread is not even funny .Hur durr all day about "it’s ok to hold 50 ppl with 2 acs and YAY zerg buster "
What about the small group ? What can a 10 man team do now except of flipping camps considering a treb costs 100 suply and it will take a tremendous ammount of time to destroy anything with it giving even 1 single ele time to suicide gank the treb down by himself befere doing any damage to the tower/keep.
THIS PATCH IS NOT A ZERG BUSTER PATCH This patch KILLED SMALL SCALE AND SMALL TEAM COMPLETELY And it buffed the server that is not outmanned.Outmanned servers are even more kittened then before now.
Thank you so much.
But the players playing solo and wanting to kill a zerg don’t care about that.
The fact is, we cannot be independant anymore… hey where is the zerg we need to join it now?
Oh wait aren’t the Pvers explaining us that this change will counter the zerg?
I asked for it
Buff stacking groups attacking a tower when your out manned basically ignored arrow carts damage completely.
A fully upgraded tower should be defensible with small amounts of people vs a group otherwise what’s the point of having towers and keeps, might as well just have open group way points to cap which I’d find dull tbh
Did you ever try defending before the buff?
5 superior AC were already enough. Nobody could ignore that.
But ofc the 5 AC had to assist, that was the bigdeal imo…
Honestly, I can imagine the pug zergs and people who run in these zergs having a huge issue with this. In most tiers, trying to coordinate a pug zerg is like trying to teach a blind man to read.
For those of us who run with our guilds, coordinate, and are much more tactical. This is a very much welcomed addition. Long time coming honestly. Now, it FORCES people to think and listen.
This is the exact opposite.
You are facing baddies, that’s the point.
In a correcly fortified keep, I defend with my 10 peeps against your coordinate guild for hours. Hours.
And you can be 40-60 we don’t care. If we play correctly you just have no way to take the keep, ever.
2 of us took a tower last night while the main force was distracted in a big fight, so that’s where it leaves your small ninja crews out there taking towers, maybe if you spent less time complaining about AC and more time playing WvW you could capture some towers yourself. We had garrison inner down to 25% with 5 people too, but a big zerg came and squashed us and they didn’t use any AC to do it. The new WvW changes are for the better I’m loving the new patch and hating the QQ complaining blob on the forums.
What do the changes of AC have to do with you being able to take a tower with 2 ppl? Nothing.
You could do this before.
And you can do this because your opponents are bad and don’t scout.
Seriously ppl why are you mixing everything?
Please stop theorycrafting around the baddies… well that mean realising that they are baddies, may be there lies the problem.
This AC buff is a solid contender to the “worst decision ever in a video game design” award.
GJ Anet, at last a reason why GW2 will stay in our memories for ever. In 20 or 30 years from here we’ll still make fun of this “hey remember when those devs thought that buffing AC by 80% was a good idea – oh my”. It’s really great to be part of this, being able to say “I was there”.
Hi guys!
Is a server highly dominating the 16h GMT-23h GMT time period?
Or is a server badly dominated during this time?
If so do you have any estimated number? Is the server dominating doing so with 40ppl or more 400 ppl?
In Warhammer, frenchies were the biggest Zerglings.
Nhatows guild never stopped bombin in zerg, even after bombingnerv. I guess meleeassisting was too mainstream :-P.
Soul Reapers I think.Cheers to them. Good times back then!
/agree, really good times back then
And sorry if we were among the few that still understood that bombing>>meleeassisting even after the devnerf.
Still funny to remember how this nerf came after a blowout taken by a dev team in a 24v24 match
And we really thank you for the compliment! We were 10-12 on WAR just as we are on GW2 and still you feel it as if it was a zerg… really nice for us ;p
I hope this explanation helped clear up a few misconceptions that are floating around.
You are the one expressing misconceptions while pretending to hold the truth…
We are able to communicate with people on the map. And we know how to count. I know both these things seem unbelievable.
There are fewer people on maps than before. It’s just plain maths. And this has been verified (aka counted) on multiple occurences on multiple servers.
Thanks for fanboying anyway.
See Dev post on page one.
This post has nothing to do with the bug discussed here…
Btw any chance that Anet will look at this?
Hi all,
Queues are per map, per team – so there is a queue for TC players on the Eternal Battlegrounds and a different queue for TC players on each Borderlands, and a different queue for each of the other teams on each of the maps.
During the time it takes for players to change maps it is possible for there to be a queue even if there are less players in a map than the maximum capacity because the players taking up those empty slots are still “in flight” between maps. It’s also possible for a slot to take a while to fill if e.g. people see the queue pop, wait until the progress bar for the automatic transfer is almost empty, and then choose to renter the queue. At that point the system will move on and look for other players to fill that slot but all of that takes a bit of time. We’ve watched the queue numbers a lot and generally it’s only a few slots that are in this reserved state at any time.
Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.
So I don’t know where in the map those players are when you’re looking for them, but they’re definitely in there somewhere!
Could you please:
- first go IG and see by yourself
- second, stop assuming that we are complete butterflies. WE made the job seriously. People on vocal spread all over the map and all this kind of stuff. And we have several occurences of no more than 60 people from our server on the map, while having people stucks in queues for hours.
Bump ’cause this surely deserve at least investigations from Anet.
This could explain why maps are full, with huge queues and when you finally get into WvW, there’s almost noone there.
Did you also post in Bug section of this forum?
Seriously… Anet… Do you have some playtesters playing WvW? And doing other things than Zerg? If anything, Aoe need a boost (cancel the 5 people max nonsense) to help smaller squads to down spam1 Zergs… Nerf Aoe and you’ll lose all the small scale guilds (running with 5-15 ppl). Do you really think that this is what is needed?
GG deso and BT for leaving 3w at western europe’s prime and coming back when arborstone is sleeping, thanks god there’s not splinters on the doors you’ll shouldn’t be able to reach T1
Do you people just copy&paste these posts?
Was already kinda boring 3 months ago..
Actually, you did take a break of 2 hours during the prime time.
And this come just after three prime time in a row where thou were dominated…
Avoiding opponent when you know they’re too strong for you is a totally legit tactic, np. But the respect I had for deso or the Iron guild has gone away, and is having a beer with the respect I had for VS (this one lad has been drinking for a looooog time now^^).
Even in primtime we got the highest score.
You got a serious math problem.
Sunday during prime time we got as high as 490.
yesterday (monday) was 350.
I absolutely don’t care about desolation beating the kitten out of us at night or during day time while we’re at work. It’s Anet that chose to make those hours more important than the hours when the majority is online, I won’t blame players to use that to their advantage.
I have to admit that atm Desolation is a good server, nice to fight against and I wish you good luck against VS, my thoughts will be with you.