Showing Posts For Pyrophobia.6592:
HMS Divinity
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
agreed. I also feel like the stealth on sniper cover should be way longer. Also the cast time on Kneel has got to go. It feels way to clunky.
Some general thoughts. will expand later
-Kneeling. This skill needs to cancel after you dodge.
- the stealth on Sniper cover should be permanent until revealed, canceled, or attacked. This will DE more escape options, and the fact that we are locked in place should be enough to balance it out.
-Kneeling should not have a cast time. This makes the skill feel slow and ruins the flow.
-increase the distance and damage of rifle attacks while kneeling
-Have deadeye mark half your malice count instead of dropping it completely when you recast/ kill a target.
yeah, daredevil should be perfectly fine.
Seriously, some of y’all need to chill. Just leave your feedback after you play the spec during the demo. There is still a crap-ton of time to change what they need to. Stop being salty.
Disclaimer: I am not someone who does spvp. I’m just curious.
I’ve been hearing a lot of spvp players saying that Deadeye won’t be viable due to having to build up malice on the target. My question is, what exactly builds malice? Is it only ranged damage/ rifle damage? because if not, then i don’t really see the problem. I mean, I think a lot of the Deadeye traits benefit D/P. So, wouldn’t you be able to go in with D/P, use shadow step or something, then do the whole stealth aim thing? I could be completely wrong on this. I’m just curious.
I was trying to preorder the new expansion, but the page won’t load. Is this happening to anyone else?
Just looking for a good P/P build for PvE and HoT. I’m kinda new to theif.
Well, one of the things you might want to work on first is your ascended gear. It’s a flipping grind and will cost you a lot in gold, but it’s the only way to do raids and high level fractals. Other then that, the end game mostly relies on you to make your own fun. Do WvW, start a guild, get a guild hall, do dailies, get titles, finish achievements, create your perfect armor set, do fractals, do jumping puzzles, etc.
That was a great video. I really liked the commentary for each fight. It helps people like me understand how to fight other classes and builds.
I was running around verdant brink a few minutes ago when one of those Ley line spirit things popped up right in front of me, then vanished. Scared me half to death. Is that supposed to be mean something or what?
Thanks for the input guys. I hear what a lot of you are saying and I agree. i feel like the Greatsword is just a weapon I’m going to have to deal with, regardless if I like it or not. I just wish some of the other weapons were on its level. I remember when warhorns could convert conditions into boons and you could pretty much have permanent swiftness. I would love to have that back in the game.
I’m getting nostalgic again…
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.
Don’t get me wrong, the Greatsword is pretty much the best. It has the best damage, the best skins, the best mobility, the best traits, it simply just does everything. But lately, every time I equip it I get so bored with it. When I first started it felt so awesome, but now it just feels like a shackle. I’ve honestly been having more fun using builds that don’t use the Greatsword at all, but I feel that for a lot of occasions the Greatsword is a requirement. I miss the days when warhorn/ hambow builds were a thing, and the Greatsword was less coveted. Does anyone else feel the same?
(I’m sorry if this comes off as a rant, but this has just been something that’s been weighing on me for a long time.)
I read on the wiki that AD has a fire field. I’ve never seen it in game so is this true?
Hats. Lot and lots of hats. Charr hats, sylvari hats, asura hats, norn hats, human hats, skritt hats, golem hats, inquest hats, mordrem hats, hyleck hats, etc. just a lot of hats.
I’ve been seeing a lot of condition PvP builds with mace/ shield or mace/sword, but has anyone tried mace/mace? I mean, I’m no expert or anything, but it does look like a viable option.
Thanks guys. You all have been a great help.
My guild mates and I are trying to 5 man a guild hall, and we’re wondering if there was a preferred build for it. Like, what would be the best armor and runes for the job? The group consists of: 2 warriors, a ranger, a mesmer, and an engineer. Completely open to suggestions.
My guild mates and I are trying to 5 man a guild hall, and I’m currently running it with my warrior. So, what would be the best armor and runes for the job? Completely open to suggestions.
Is it a crafting recipe or something because I can’t find it.
I’ve noticed that most Revenants use sword/X a lot, Yet I haven’t seen any of them use mace/X. Why?
Warrior is still really good in PvE, but in PvP/WvW you’re going to get slapped around by the other elite specialization.
Whenever I think of the berserkers design something one of the devs said keeps ringing in my head.
“The berserker is the opposite of the reaper.”
Yet when you look at the reaper it takes some traits from warrior. So why didn’t the berserker take traits from necromancer? Imagine a warrior version of Lich form where your adrenaline bar replaced your health when you went into berserker mode, or something along those lines. why wasn’t the berserker centered around keeping your adrenaline full, rather then building it up and spending it?
I haven’t seen anyone talk about it lately. Is it bad or something?
From what I’ve seen, it looks pretty great. I can see it being used for taking advantage of ledges, splitting up groups, or just keeping enemies off of a downed ally. Plus the warrior has a lot of gap closers now. So it could be useful for singling out a target. This is just my opinion though.
I think off hand axe should inflict conditions based on your main hand weapon. For example, using whirling axe while having mace in your main hand inflicts vulnerability per hit.
(edited by Pyrophobia.6592)
Both main and off hand axe.
I’m hoping for melee foci, because a lot of the focus models look like some form of fist weapon. Seriously, tell me you wouldn’t want to punch someone with this:
Or maybe a melee torch :p
That looks pretty fun for WvW. I would suggest switching out one the signets with berserkers stance, and it wouldn’t hurt to get some carrion/ rabid pieces as well.
Well, a very short reflect.
I know it’s short but I did not feel like going on a rant.
The problem with axe is that the auto attack is better than all the other skills. The only one worth using is the axe throw when you aren’t in melee.
The spin does less dps than the auto attack, and they both can hit 5 enemies… so what’s the point of the spin? The fury chop is useless, and the vulnerability chop is rarely worth using because it interrupts the axe chain. You are highly incentivized to let the axe chain complete itself uninterrupted for the third part which does the highest damage.
The axe grandmaster really sucks. Reducing the CD on these abilities is quite pointless. The ferocity gain is nice, but not as good as the 20% flat damage GM its competing with.
I think the axe could use some work. Mainhand seems fine, but offhand axe skills are garbage.
I agree that the axe off- hand needs some serious reworking, but I have admit that axe main-hand isn’t that bad. Axe 2 is good for when things get crowded, and it’s always great to land F1. It would be nice if F1 gave some type of healing effect, or if axe mastery gave a small heatlth regen when you crit.
Honestly, it’s useless as a grandmaster because Berserkers Power is 10x better. The best thing to do would be to move it to master tier. Think about how much damage could be done by slotting AM and BP together!
Hi everyone,
I’m currently looking for a good sword/shield build for mainly PVE and sometimes abit of WvW, I can’t really find any from sites like “intothemists” and “metabattle”. I guess its because sword/shield is currently not Meta. However, I kinda sick of GS and wanting to try out sword/shield for a change. Is there anyone out there who can provide me with a good sword/shield build which I can use? I will be highly appreciate it. Thank you.
Here’s a build that might work for you
It’s not “sword/shield” exactly, but you should be able to switch some of the traits around to get what you’re looking for.
Shield is bad because you won’t get 15% attack speed from the Dual Wielding trait.
That’s not really the reason, since the dual-wielding trait is really bad a gimps all of your leap skills. No, the reason people don’t use the shield in pve is because there are just better options, like off-hand mace.
if its solo, or small group- sword/sword LB is great for a condition or hybrid build. gear just depends on how tanky/hybrid you want to be. maces, shield, and hammer could be cool if you decide to go into the strength line. you can go into tactics for the longbow burning and shoutheals while running apothecary gear. there are a huge amount of options here.
the last time i played condi warr in wvw i ran s/s lb, full dire gear and krait runes. it’s very tanky, but just does condi. for hybrid sinister or rampagers gear with carrion or celestial accessories could be nice. i very much enjoy rampagers + celestial on my engineer.
that with Krait runes and a mix of sinister and carrion gear should work very well. high condi pressure and lots of crit chance from traits.I wouldn’t mind doing a full condition build, but I heard that builds like that are frowned upon by most warriors. Do you think soldiers+rabid would be a good substitute?
hybrid carrion/sinisters(or rampage if you don’t want to craft it) would be your best choice imo. you can get great condi and big crits. full condi will allow you to be more tanky, but no power burst. some people give condi players a hard time, but they normally play glass cannons with no condi clear and are just scared of you. condi is viable for many classes and an excellent choice for roaming. however, hybrid is dang good right now and it’s what I would use. Shin runs sinister warrior and wrecks face on twitch.
Thanks for the advice. I give it a try once I get my armor together.
if its solo, or small group- sword/sword LB is great for a condition or hybrid build. gear just depends on how tanky/hybrid you want to be. maces, shield, and hammer could be cool if you decide to go into the strength line. you can go into tactics for the longbow burning and shoutheals while running apothecary gear. there are a huge amount of options here.
the last time i played condi warr in wvw i ran s/s lb, full dire gear and krait runes. it’s very tanky, but just does condi. for hybrid sinister or rampagers gear with carrion or celestial accessories could be nice. i very much enjoy rampagers + celestial on my engineer.
that with Krait runes and a mix of sinister and carrion gear should work very well. high condi pressure and lots of crit chance from traits.
I wouldn’t mind doing a full condition build, but I heard that builds like that are frowned upon by most warriors. Do you think soldiers+rabid would be a good substitute?
If so, then what are some good builds involving the longbow and what type of armor should I use?
A lot the new trait changes kinda skip over the concept of dual- wielding, and the traits that do focus on it are just…..lame. I’m looking at you axe mastery. Plus, they still haven’t fixed most of the off-hand weapons. So what’s the point in dual-wielding anymore?
(edited by Pyrophobia.6592)
I’m seeing a lot of people talk about the new warrior traits and skills, but I don’t know where to find them. Can someone help?
i think a warrior with off-hand dagger would be pretty neat. I always pictures this samurai type of play-style where he uses mantras and counter-attacks.
Trust me dude, axe off-hand does not hold up to the others. If your going to duel- wield then try one of these:
Axe/ sword
Axe/ mace
Sword/ mace- maybe, not to sure about that one.
Soon 6/0/6/0/6
For now go GS+Axe/shield for WvW
GS for its mobilitytraits: 4/0/6/0/4 (more dmg to GS) or 2/0/6/0/6 (more dmg to Axe)
You can go 4/0/4/0/6 also but it doesnt really chance much..Anyway soon its all 6/0/6/0/6 no question needed anymore…
Thanks for the help
So I’ve been playing a lot of WvW and I really like using the axe and shield. Are there any good builds centered around these two?
I hope warrior gets torches or maybe off-hand long sword.
I don’t know if it’s my weapons or me but I can never seem to do much damage when I duel-wield, even when I have the traits for duel-wielding active. Any suggestions?
It depends. Depends if it is PvP, dungeon, PvE, or WvW. Also depends on your role. Give us more information.
I have tried different combinations before using banners, dual axe, and rifle. I mainly play WvW.
Well, I’m mostly going for dungeons and PvE. I haven’t tried WvW or PvP yet. Also, I’m thinking about off-handing the Warhorn if that helps.
I’ve been playing warrior for a while now, and I really like using Banners with duel-axes and the rifle. I’m trying to make a build/ skill bar that synergies all of them together. Any advice, or i’m I just wasting my time?
This is my first forum post.