Showing Posts For RJMazz.6798:

Warrior 19/4/2016 Balance Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I don’t think it’s fully up to snuff but it’s definetely a step in the right direction. Good job, A-Net!

Can we just go Trinity already?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Trinity isn’t a bad thing. Staying still casting your rotation for max DPS till boss dies is.

GW1 lost favorites, bring back the nostalgia

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


/roar is a must for when starting a PvP match.

Give men more beards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Please? That is all.

P.S.: Why can’t men have a simple trimmed full beard without it being super long that makes you look like you’re a wizard (Harry) or a mega viking? Norns have it more or less good.

So it's time

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


How about we buff the 3 classes that weren’t in the tourney to viability instead of nerfing rev?

Oh god no!

Stop the power creep. It’s a failed experiment power creeping to balance.

So is nerfbatting to balance. Why would people rather have everyone weak and boring rather than everyone powerful and versatile? All I know is warriors are currently severely lacking. If we buff them so they can compete maybe something about them can be found that counters revenant and tips the balance.

But judging from your arguments you’re not going to accept anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I’m done here.

Weapons you'd like to see?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Off-hand pistol with a spammable, fast firing medium-long “auto-attack”-like 4 skill so we can feel like Assault Space Marines and an off-hand bolter gun. I don’t know what to make of a 5 skill.

So it's time

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


How about we buff the 3 classes that weren’t in the tourney to viability instead of nerfing rev?

Roy, a suggestion for Unrelenting Assault

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I like this. If I could make a suggestion myself it’d be cool if the Revenant did the last hit with a stomp.

So the first 6 hits would hit for 10~15% reduced damage and would stack no might. The seventh hit would be the Revenant dropping down from above and slamming the ground, causing a Blast Finisher and dealing AoE damage on a radius with damage compensated by the reduction of the first hits.

The Revenant would also always drop down on the primary target and then generate 2 stacks of might per target hit (Max 5 targets). This would potentially be more powerful than we have now, yes… But if there are no more targets or they all evade then you’d generate much less might. Besides if you drop down a fire field that’s even more might for everyone.

This would add more counterplay to the skill AND would add more potential if used smartly. Also dropping down and slamming the ground for AoE dmg is always kitten. What do you guys think of this idea?

Sword DPS-Unrelenting Assault Single Target

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Bro, when coming out of Glint with my facets buffing me with Fury and some Might stacks I’m able to kill a thief through a single use of Unrelenting Assault.

I don’t know where you’ve seen it deals little damage ST.

are guardians threatened by reves?

in Guardian

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I ended up here because I had that same concern and decided to google it. I’ve been playing a Guardian since betas and still main it, love playing tanky-supporty builds, and Raids to me sounded like “You waited 3 years for them to acknowledge you as a tank. Your time has come”

Then I was playing with 4 guildies today, and decided to pick up the Herald. Perma-swiftness to the whole party while traveling? Perma-regen, fury AND might during combat? Protection when necessary, with -40% damage to top it off? We all agreed that I should retire my Guardian, hahahah.

Still, it made me scared that they might just be a better version of us.

inb4 ANet manages to end the endless queues waiting for healers; replaces it with endless queues waiting for Heralds.

If you keep all those buffs up you’ll run out of energy fast and the only think you’ll be able to do is autoattack. That’s not how it works…

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Glint is amazing. I can stack might using Sword #3 like crazy. It has great group and area denial with the facets. I like keeping the facets up while regenerating and enduring the enemy’s cooldowns and when I know I can retaliate I swap to Shiro then obliterate them.

Except if it’s a Chronomancer. That thing doesn’t know what are cooldowns, so I have to burst them down before they have the chance to spawn infinite clones on me and pull me or get me out of gravity…

Tooltip bug with Roiling Mists?

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


It does. Either I’m extremely lucky or it’s pretty much confirmed that with my power build I have ~95% crit chance, because almost none of my attacks fail to crit. Despite the bug I think it does apply 40% crit chance.

Condi Cleansing outside of Mallyx and Jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


As I specified in the OP, I’m using Shiro and Glint. Furthermore, I’m using Devastation, Invocation and, obviously, Herald.

Can you tell me what is it you use?

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Stances are superior to the whole traitline.

Condi Cleansing outside of Mallyx and Jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Well I’m not asking for high immunity uptime like Mallyx, I just wish condi cleansing wouldn’t be exactly 0 you know.

Condi Cleansing outside of Mallyx and Jalis

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Do we have any? I’m playing Shiro/Glint right now and it’s very powerful, but I feel like I could use some condition cleansing on the side, even if it’s just a little. Also if I do get that “changing legends cleanse 1 condition” trait it breaks my build.

What would you guys suggest if the answer is negatory?

Stat / build choices?

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Considering we can make fury give us 40% crit chance and we can probably keep a very high fury uptime it might not be a bad choice to make a mix n match of Soldier and Assassin gear for Shiro/Glint based builds, or even Shiro/Jalis.


in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Please suggest rifle buffs and changes or leave it be and learn to play.

If Killshot is nerfed this weapon will have literally no saving grace. It has one and only one role and that is to setup and do Killshot.


in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


No. Learn to dodge.

Describe the Berserker in 3 Words

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


It’s not Greataxe ;C

Let's see your Revenants!

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Riftslayer Apollyen. Pretty standard.


i have a question for the rev players?

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


The heals are about as strong as some of the Mesmer and/or Necromancer ones. At least from Jalis and Shiro. If it could burst, Shiro’s would be OP. Enchanted Daggers are fine. If you wanna boost heal amount by ~10%, fine by me, though. Besides.

Life Siphon.

i have a question for the rev players?

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Yeah, give it time. Rev has everything it needs to be strong (that is: Roy) and he’s being very cautious about his tweaks, it seems. That’s a good approach since every time something is overbuffed A-Net throws it off the cliff.

i have a question for the rev players?

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


It’s an unfinished class with not everything it has to offer and many tweaks needed for balance.

Also I won 60%+ of my fights by using Dual Swords/Hammer in Shiro and Jalis, with Devastation, Salvation (spec for blind) and Invocation. High fury and stability uptime, air procs, Sigil of Strength, double heals, insane amounts of life siphon, kidnap, huge might and a channeled 50%DR when the situation calls. Also on-demand quickness for fast stomps.

I can definetely do some things as a Revenant with the way I played but it needs lots of tweaks. If I played against myself using my Warrior, the Revenant would never stand a chance.

Revenant Trait Discussion and Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I’d like some more Fury uptime from Invocation traitline. I think Devastation is fine, but maybe that higher Fury uptime could be added to Devastation for more synergy.

Most of the things look like randomly placed, yes. You’d think Retribution would give better stability times and protection but we just got a clone of Engineer’s, some on dodge retaliation and stuff.

(edited by RJMazz.6798)

Whirling Wrath vs Retaliation

in Guardian

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


That’ll be a dmg reduction for the skill since Virtue of Justice’s passive effect will proc less often, unless the dmg is compensated for this as well.

Warrior Elite Specialization Ideas

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Offhand pistol with a spammable, fast autoattack like 4 skill so I can unleash the Space Marine within.

Balance Warrior in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


If instead of learning how to play you’re just gonna cry for nurfs might as well actually bend over. It goes in easier that way and ends faster.

Revenant- The Anti Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Against Shiro? It’s an extremely multi-hitting class, so the answer is obviously RETALIATION.

sword viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I’d rather run Celestial myself for Sword. But in PvE anything works. If I were playing in a dungeon and I had you with me, as long as we finished the dungeon without wiping a lot it doesn’t matter what setup you play. Hell you could even play bearbow an I’d be fine with it.

Shield Rework Suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Well these were made for fun, mostly. I really don’t expect shield to change, though I really miss something with regards to intimidating the enemy by slamming your weapon on your shield. This feels very warrior-like to me and imagine how fun would it be having in the game?

Also I kinda am serious with the first suggestion though. I think shield charge would be amazing if it were controlled by the player. 1s Super Speed would allow us just that.

Shield Rework Suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Thought of these new skills for shield, for fun. A bit inspired on 300, of course, but here we go. Scrap all current skills.

Skill #4:

1- Shield Charge: Block attacks for 2~4s (depending on balance consensus), gain 1 second of Super Speed. At any moment within block channel or up to 1s later, press 4 again to activate Shield Slam.

2 – Shield Slam: Dash forward for 240~400 units like a human battering ram, with force enough to knock down any (up to 3~5) enemy in your path, dealing low-medium damage, for 1~2 seconds. Causes a dash finisher.

Skill #5:

Intimidation: Channel for 1~2 seconds. You bash your main-hand weapon on your shield thrice and roar a challenge. Every time you do, grant 1~3 seconds of protection to allies around you (up to 5). To yourself, grant 2~4 seconds of protection; and 3~5 seconds of weakness to enemies within a large radius of you.

Didn’t think of cooldowns, but that felt pretty warrior-y to me. What do you guys think?

Thanks for buffing Shield...

in Guardian

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


My own suggestion since we’re doing it:

Judgement Charge:
Block attacks for 2~4 seconds, gain 1 second of Super Speed. During block channel and up to 1s later you may reactivate #4 to activate Shield of Judgement.

Shield of Judgement:
Jump forward 300 units and slams the ground with a strike of your fist, dealing damage, causing a blast finisher and giving 5s of Protection; 200~300 unit radius.

Same cooldown.

Retaliation is gonna wreck Shiro Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


You know, just saying. Not complaining whether it’s good or bad.

Do you use Physical skills or just Rampage ?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


You know, to make the trait work they could make Rampage’s skills damage be reduced accordingly so that increasing it by 200% would reach the wanted amount.

Or increase the damage of physical skills by an amount in which increasing everything by 20% would reach the wanted amount.

Or buff everything by 200%, except for rampage, that gets buffed by 20%.

How's Warrior for PvP & WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I’ve been using GS/Hammer, often times GS/Mace&Shield and if I wanna go whack GS/Dual Mace. For mace&shield, Shield Master’s reflect works for the Mace’s parry and if a stupid Ranger starts opening fire at you with Rapid Fire, do a Shield Stance and laugh as he kills himself.

Anything that lets you knock down, stun, swap to GS and Hundred Blades and Arcing Slice the enemy will melt almost anyone in the meta if they don’t stunbreak or toggle invulnerabilities. If they do stunbreak, keep your stability and zerker stance up and keep doing it until they have to run or their breaks are off-CD, in which case they will die.

Funny thing is as glassy as you are running a zerk you are still among the tankiest classes in the game (excluding Plague necros w/ 2 health bars). Personally I run Signet of Stamina. It helps me dodge more often and take less burst dmg. Also if I get 5+ condis stacked on me or if a guard gets me both blinded and 5+stack burned I can cleanse everything away and negate his dmg.

Cleansing Ire is still great imo. When you don’t have a lot of extra fury generation taking lots of hits with Endure Pain up will get your next burst ready quickly. If you’re blinded, move out of the blind field, miss one autoattack and burst anything in your way to get rid of 3 conditions.

I should be running Rampage, but I don’t like to since it’s so cheap right now. I still run Signet of Rage. Battle Standard if I’m playing with an organized groups. The warrior can definetely work right now, but most builds are reliant on GS’s mobility and dmg, or else you can easily get kited. However there are builds out there that use Sword as a main hand and some diehard eviscerate fans make the weapon very effective.

Anything can work, really, but we are definetely not as powerful as Mesmers and Engineers or Elementalists. If you’re a skilled player you’ll find a way to win over the Warrior’s easily telegraphed skills and outsmart opponents.

(edited by RJMazz.6798)

new weapon HoT

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I’d like to get a pistol offhand if we got a spammable, high fire rate, medium-low dmg #4, sort of like a ranged autoattack. That would be AMAZING. Yes, the Space Marine image gave me that inspiration.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


The trinity isn’t a bad thing. In fact it’s a very viable strategy in older games which is why it became the staple of most games nowadays. Guild Wars 2 could implement it in its own way if it wanted, and I think it’d work great.

What is BAD is, along with the trinity you have characters who only click heal skills on their teammates while standing still in a safe distance while the tank stands still doing his aggro rotation against a boss whose sole focus is to single target attack the tank and the melee/ranged DPS all face the boss’ back from a safe distance, unworried they’ll ever be harmed while they do their static optimal DPS rotations until the boss goes down.

Rotations and stale gameplay is bad. The trinity is not.

What can I do against Mesmers and Engineers?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798



I don’t have much trouble against most classes, to be fair. Most of them are able to put up a good fight, and so am I. I lose sometimes, but I win a crushing majority of times too, but there are some people who play Mesmers and Engineers who I just can’t touch. The guys run faster than I do, they apply slowing conditions all the time, Mesmers in particular can blink away once every 30s to a higher ledge causing me to take the scenic route towards them or run for cover while they GS burst me…

It’s a bit annoying. And even if I played longbow right now, it’s just not cutting anymore for me. I want some distance from that weapon as I’m a bit sick of it right now. I’m running a skullcracker build, like so:;0NKVP0d4gL-60;9;4dfh;0246037157;4ING2U;1CoF2CoF2a0a

I am constantly dodging with this and I am able to avoid most bursts through active defenses. If some necro goes ahead and nukes all conditions in the game on me I can also cleanse that. And CI works for me because even if I miss my burst I can still hit some turret or minion or obstacle and cleanse conditions off me. I just have to make sure I’m not blinded. The Shield Master perk is also great against projectile happy classes like most engis and rangers. By the time they notice they took 30%+ HP of themselves it’s too late, and it works with the Mace’s parry, too.

But the blind spam is really strong right now. Often times I see myself missing 4+ attacks in a row and I’m not kidding. Against teams I know won’t spam a lot of blind on me I switch Signet of Rage for Rampage, of course. SoR is great right now because it allows me to keep Swiftness for extended periods of time + the extra might and fury really help on HB bombs. And of course the objective is to land a full Skullcracker (which results in a 3.9s stun, more than enough to land a full HB if they’ve busted all their stunbreakers) and then quickstomp them.

Sometimes, though, I meet really skilled Mesmers and Engineers and I can’t get to them. Launch me around, knock me down, blink away, disappear forever, drown me with clones. These are the classes I have the most trouble with. Against particularly skilled players I feel powerless. Bladetrail + Rush isn’t cutting to hit them. They’re too unreliable.

Now I’ve been playing Warrior ever since GW2’s beta and I’m a veteran of the class but there must be something someone is doing that I don’t know and can help my struggle. What are you guys’ tips against dealing with skilled players of these particular classes? I want to know. Thanks in advance!

(edited by RJMazz.6798)

Why is Axe slapped in the face?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Because they dread seeing the day people wouldn’t dodge a potentially 13k strong Eviscerate to the face.

My buddy saw this image in a video.

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Well the guy is using a greataxe… xD It’s something!

My buddy saw this image in a video.

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


I had never seen the pic before and given the artstyle it looked official to me.

My buddy saw this image in a video.

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


They could make a new weapon set. I mean all that’s left for us are staves, torches, scepters, focus, daggers, non-warrior-y stuff. It’d be pretty lame to see us being Berserkers using… Torches.

My buddy saw this image in a video.

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Apologies, link fixed!

My buddy saw this image in a video.

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


What do you guys think it is? Could it be? That the warrior specialization is probably being saved for last ‘cause it brings a greataxe for the Berserker? The image right afterwards is also of a traitline illustration, that of the staff thief. I’d like to get any confirmation. This would get me so hyped.

(edited by RJMazz.6798)

Stance overhaul Ideas

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


They’re nurfs, but they’re interactive, I like it. They could use more work.

But I think it Balanced Stance shouldn’t apply only to stunbreaking, it could apply to “when a stun is negated from 1 or 2 seconds from first activating Balanced Stance, reactivate it, gaining double the bonuses”.

When playing sword, I generally foresee incoming CC and use Balanced Stance so I can keep flurrying my enemy without being interrupted. See where I’m getting at?

Dear Warrior Community

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798



Sincerely: A warrior.

(edited by RJMazz.6798)

@josh: what about mending/physc skills?

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Josh, what are your plans for other weapons? The community consider that there is only one viable build for PvP (Shoutbow) and two for PvE (Shoutbow and Phalanx Strength) which are honestly boring to play and fill very specific niches.

I mean, we are warriors, we’re supposed to go in the middle of the fight first, kill kitten, survive and walk away until the end. I don’t want to be trash-talked by the rest of the entire game’s community because I’m not running Shoutbow. It doesn’t feel like a true warrior, and we all feel any other weapons are incredibly subpar to Shoutbow in terms of effectiveness.

What gives?

Cleansing Ire no longer 'on hit'

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Josh answer me something, why are you buffing shoutbow (a considered OP build) and nerfing everything else? (Which are considered unviable for anything else)?

Do you love shoutbow that much? Do you want to pidgeonhole Warriors into something more predictable? What’s the logic with those changes, are you guys seeing something we are not?

I want to not play Shoutbow or Hambow

in Warrior

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


… And not be considered a major hindrance to my team in case I decided to not run with bow. kitten me, right?

I’ve been playing warrior ever since launch and I don’t want to play stupid bow builds, it doesn’t feel like a real warrior! People say warriors are strong, but we only have ONE stupid build to make it compete and that’s the only thing that shines, we can’t measure a whole class because of a single build! The only other thing that’s remotely viable is Hambow and even then people would prefer I ran shoutbow.

Can we please just do something to buff all other weapons? Offhand axe is stupid, Mainhand Axe’s 2 is just plain useless. Maybe, MAYBE sword will be useful with Condition buffs, but Final Strike is still a joke. Some people also use mace. People laugh at rifle.

If I’m not using bow I’m severely hindering myself, can we just get this right and please start suggesting skill changes that are actually going to make more builds viable instead of the whole “Nerf Cleansing Ire” or “Nerf Shoutbow” bullkitten? By the way, please nerf Shoutbow to the ground. Maybe then when warriors are completely kitten and USELESS people will start noticing how not-that-powerful we are, just because of one stupid build that stood above the others.

By the way, you’re also buffing bows. BRAVO A-Net, BRAVO. I am seriously thinking over just giving up and waiting for Revenant to come so I can roll it and give up on the only truly brute class in this game because you cater to people who can’t do a single dodge roll or blind to dodge an Eviscerate or stunbreak to avoid a Hundred Blades.

(edited by RJMazz.6798)