Guild Founder
Guild Founder
That BS time availability. Some of us have to budget our money and didn’t have enough to get them immediately. The 24 hour availability on them was Bullcrup. Bring them back for longer Anet. This Flash sale crup is stupid as hell.
Guild Founder
Too busy playing Game Dev Story…..
Guild Founder
Um, I’m just wondering why are there Woodsprites from James Cameron’s motion picture Avatar in the Chinese launch video?
P.S. Congratulations on the Chinese launch!
Guild Founder
Very nice! Here’s another post patch, even though my Charr didn’t change at all!
Guild Founder
Uh-oh. Threadfall incoming…..
My thoughts exactly.
Living Story season 2 surprise plot twist – the dragons are actually here to save us from Thread. (Plus we all get our own dragons to ride.
(Great, now I’m going to be fantasing about a Pern MMO all the way home from work.)
That would be cool, the dragons to ride. Maybe, a small dragon mount with no speed boost, could be sold on the Gem store like the Broom and Tunneler mounts.
Guild Founder
Check this out, this is through the telescope.
Guild Founder
Congratulations Valandil!
Guild Founder
I only read a few posts, but my speculation is that eventually in the achievement reward line, there will be a point where you stop getting Zenith skins, Radiant skins, or Hellfire skins. When it reaches that point the next step is either a full fledged Legendary or a precursor. This is just speculation though. I also have yet to get a precursor drop, I’m full Hall Of Monuments, have characters with birthdays and some coming up, run a mixture of everything (dungeons, wvw, pvp, pve, dragons, farm mats, uncover map, complete hearts, take screens, forge rares, eat a taco, etc.). So don’t feel bad. I hope you enjoy it when it does drop for you as much as I would. I also wish you the utmost of luck, all of you!
Guild Founder
This is very interesting. I like your speculation!
Guild Founder
Thank you very much Lazuli.2098, ozmaniandevil.6805, zenleto.6179, Kurrilino.2706, and Doggie.3184! We have a lot of really artistic people here, and I’m really enjoying all of the screens! And nice catching those funny moments! I just took these of my Necromancer. Scary looking! Which one do you like best?
Guild Founder
(edited by Radio Isotope.3045)
Here’s another one of mine. Still enjoying the screens!
Guild Founder
I’m loving all the screenshots. Here’s another of mine. Creepy. O.o
Guild Founder
Very nice people! Lets see some more!
Guild Founder
I took this tonight, it has now become one of my favorites. I was thinking though, Post your favorite screenshots you have taken.
Guild Founder
I like my little secret loopholes tyvm to remain secret unless needed. Never throw all your cards out at once! Id rather them owe me or have the items given to me. XD Just asking for the right thing to be done here.
Play right by your customers and they will play right by you. I love Tennessee! So many laws that protect us from greedy people! And a little research always does the brain good!
Guild Founder
Ascended is supposed to be the mid step between Exotic and Legendary, and people would like to reach it in one day…
Can people enjoy content without burning it in one hour ?
You are destroying your own experience by rushing it.
Nothing force you to build it in one week.
Nothing force you to equip all your chars with Asc.
People are being trained to finish content in 2 weeks though………..
Guild Founder
doesnt work with bluerays. BUT if you had a toaster and the same model came out with a new addition in my state then you would get the addition sent to you if you requested it.
Guild Founder
Only way to get out of that is to change the name of the product when you change the contents. But that didn’t happen and I’m sure it got overlooked. But as it stands now I am entitled to it and I want it and don’t want to have to pay for it. Economy in this game is already ruined. Sure they are “trying to fix it” but lets face it, Its ruined no matter what lies they post about it.
Guild Founder
And Btw the name is still “Digital Deluxe”.
Guild Founder
Never said —-→I<——- Was going to sue. I was stating a point at what I had seen. And I have seen class actions for less as well. But does not mean —-—>I<——- Am going to start one. But in my state it is illegal for someone to sell a product “digital or not” and not upgrade the product if it retains the same name and appearance and access. So If I was to buy a cell phone and they upgraded the OS. They could not charge me for the new OS and would have to upgrade me for free. Another example would be if Microsoft had a OS and upgraded the version you purchased, they could not sell you the new upgraded version, they would have to upgrade you at no cost. Seems fair yes? that way there is no “double dipping” because we are not cash crops and cattle to be herded into money pits.
Guild Founder
I’m serious. Seen lawyers get happy over less. Just most people don’t know their own rights and what they are and are not entitled to. Like my state for instance, I am entitled to this.
Guild Founder
also, i didn’t say your opinion doesn’t count..nice try putting words in my mouth. Trollin hard.
Sorry my mistake.. Must have misunderstood
can you please explain what you meant by this then please?
“Galens been trolling this thread for about 4 pages now putting down everyone who doesn’t agree with him.”
If you think that’s the same as saying you opinion is invalid then there’s something wrong. Your opinions fine, saying it over and over again to everyone who has a different opinion is trolling. Take a class or something if you don’t understand what words mean. That’s just something I can’t help you with.
maybe I really dont know the meaning of the word trolling, but for someone to be considered trolling as far as I know his posts have to be out off topic, unrelated, disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing etc…
Lets put it this way, the board defines trolling as:
We define “trolling” as commenting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses for mere shock value, attempting to derail threads, persistently posting off-topic, or engaging in personal attacks on another forum member.As far as I know none of my posts fall under that category.
I only made 1 post in this thread, all the others were replies to people who replied to that post. So not ignoring replies is considered trolling in your books ?
They might have meant “Griefing”. Would make more sense. More “Lifetime Forum Junkie Griefers” on this Forum than any I have seen anywhere else.
Guild Founder
Where is my stuff at?
Guild Founder
Well I see it as pay to win and so does majority of my guild. You few forum lifers dont think so then so be it but im getting off the forums to go play some more gw2. argue amongst yourselves until you turn blue. Its my 2 cents and im not paying it to arena net to win.
Guild Founder
As I remember Fused Weapons used to be account bound as well. Which made me want one. Now they are not so rare huh?
Guild Founder
I dont know…. Candy crush is pretty pay to win and GW2 is going to the same model. Make something sooo difficult majority of players cant accomplish it. But wait lets give them an easy way out that they can pay for with REAL MONEY if they have no gold to spend “which majority of players have under 10g normally (not enough for 600G nowadays)” then once said purchase is complete spam spawn win and profit!
Guild Founder
Paying 600Gems for Infinite Continues to win SAB and get Tribulation items by spam spawning. Then I’m assuming later one would profit from said tribulation items. If you dont see it then you dont but me and 30 active of my 80 active/nonactive members in my guild see it as pay to win. About 40 of the 80 members are perma inactive. Just stopped playing before clockwork…. So roughly over half of my guild thinks its pay to win.
Guild Founder
Its official! Guild Wars 2 is officially pay to win. Infinite coin and tribulation mode makes it so. Sorry if you don’t see it that way but I do. Even world 2 zone 2 on infantile mode is way too hard for majority of people “who end up running out of continue coins (pay for this kitten kitten Infinite Continue Coin to keep playing)”. I speak for my guild and the things they have brought to my attention. I love SAB and have Distinction in Applied Jumping. But World 2 zone 2 seems a bit too long and too hard for most people and not enough baubles to make it worth the effort. When we can just farm World 1 easy peasy and get several bubbles in just one run….
Guild Founder
World 1 Zone 2 BoB Ach wont work.
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Radio Isotope.3045
For some reason this did not work. Twice, I got all the baubles ran through double checked everything. My achievement did not register. I will end up going back through but only if it gets fixed. Otherwise its very tedious and I would like to explore the rest of the Super Adventure Box. Don’t really want to go through all that tedium again……
Guild Founder
I have also gotten the falling forever bug when waypointing.
Edit: I forgot about this until it happened again, Weapon swapping not working every so often. To fix I normally have to get out of combat then un-equip and re-equip my weapon.
Guild Founder
(edited by Radio Isotope.3045)
I’m entitled to these since you are upgrading my version of purchase. I’m not going to sit back and jip myself out of $25 worth of product I don’t have/cant afford. I bought the Digital Deluxe Version and Expect to have any upgrades made to this purchase delivered to my account punctually and efficiently. Anyone who disagrees it is your loss, but I am sticking to my entitlement and I expect these.
Guild Founder
Im having the issue of my screen freezing at the end or around the end of the invasions. I am now also having the issues of when loading Divinity’s Reach being able to see through the whole map for a good minute while it loads up. Sorry Anet but I was playing fine before(able to run max but play on medium settings), ran all system checks and everything is fine on my side, so that leaves you guys/gals. I started having this problem shortly before the mini watchknights disappeared from everyone’s accounts. Please fix this issue and update me on the fix as soon as possible. I wont be able to complete this living story at all thanks to your errors. And what a great time for a free trial huh? Seems like someone is sabotaging your free trial time from the inside. Might be Evon Gnashblade and his good fractal trying to come through…….. Who knows maybe that’s why im still getting support tokens…………… Might want to rethink your “Quality Assurance”.
Guild Founder
This is a 4 day old thread. There is another thread that is 6 days old you should look at so you don’t rehash the same arguments.
Guild Founder
Anyway, this topic has been discussed in another thread. I suggest you guys all hop over there and read it so you don’t rehash the same arguments.
check your dates and you will see this thread is older….
Guild Founder
the cloth would get in the gears……..
Guild Founder
Craft huh?
I guess Sculpting is a craft then……. oh wait it is
I guess Painting is a craft as well……..oh wait it isI’m using specific definitions here for the sake of argument and you know it, bro.
I don’t know, it kinda sounded like you didn’t know that painting and sculpting and video game designing was a craft? oh wait you knew that?
Guild Founder
I said I was going to laugh and call it a day I know i know. BUT Video games are pure art as well, just a different form, like the statue and the painting. Now think of this game as a canvas without the colors and objects there is nothing its empty and blank. Then an ARTIST draws a concept, then the concepts are filtered out to just the best pieces, then the ART is put into coding and another ARTIST makes a 3D version of the concepts and “paints” and “sculpts” the world to create what we play. The flagship for the manifesto of GW2 was that this is an ARTISTIC game. To say this game is NOT PURE ART is to be closed minded in what your own definitions of art is. If you are so upset about not having fat people in the game then make a fat toon (which you can, I checked (which I don’t see many of ingame. WHO KNEW?) to explore this beautiful handcrafted collaborative ART that you experience.
This is a craft, not an art, to me. A craft is something that is practical but ornate, but primarily practical. In this case, the assets are required for the game to function. Pure art to me is making something purely for the sake of expression, and not because it’s required.
By the way, man, relax. Remember what I said about people being blinded by emotion? That kinda sounds like you right now.
Craft huh?
I guess Sculpting is a craft then……. oh wait it is
I guess Painting is a craft as well……..oh wait it is
Art is not above criticism for its societal impact. Neither are absurdly busty sexbots in a vidya gaem.
Guild Founder
(edited by Moderator)
I said I was going to laugh and call it a day I know i know. BUT Video games are pure art as well, just a different form, like the statue and the painting. Now think of this game as a canvas without the colors and objects there is nothing its empty and blank. Then an ARTIST draws a concept, then the concepts are filtered out to just the best pieces, then the ART is put into coding and another ARTIST makes a 3D version of the concepts and “paints” and “sculpts” the world to create what we play. The flagship for the manifesto of GW2 was that this is an ARTISTIC game. To say this game is NOT PURE ART is to be closed minded in what your own definitions of art is. If you are so upset about not having fat people in the game then make a fat toon (which you can, I checked (which I don’t see many of ingame. WHO KNEW?) to explore this beautiful handcrafted collaborative ART that you experience.
Guild Founder
its w/e I don’t care and all your fussing wont make anyone change it so im just going to laugh and call it a day.
Guild Founder
Honestly most “feminists” that I have met are normally lesbians who are jealous of others appearances and absolutely despise Men in every form
Yeesh, ok, dial it back a notch there, sir.
Next time you quote me, quote my entire sentence, don’t pick and choose. That’s called a misquote and takes the entire sentence out of context.
Whats the point then? Whats offensive about the human body?
It’s not what’s offensive about the human body itself, but the artists’ intentions, and the prominence across media over time and the impression and influence it leaves upon its consumers. There is nothing wrong with a woman who is conventionally attractive, and she has every right to feel good about herself, and to be represented in the media she consumes. She has the right to be sexual, dress however she wants, et cetera. But there are many women who aren’t conventionally attractive, who not only rarely see themselves in the media they consume, but are insulted and disregarded by the men (and sometimes women!) who believe the only attractive women are the ones they see in media. And people’s impressions of what are beautiful are definitely influenced by media (and vice versa), if you consider what people considered beautiful across different times and cultures, and compare it to their works of art. There’s also a problem of artists using sex to sell, or just casually thinking, I want a sexy women, so they put in a sexy women, because she’s sexy, not because they want to show her as empowered and capable of choice. Of course, someone who would want to put in just that might very well create the same product, which is why issues such as the watch knight are tricky to discuss.
The problem is that there is a very small definition of beauty, and that small definition is everywhere. If you’re a woman who doesn’t fall into that definition, there’s a good chance life will be harder for you. And yes, some people will rage and think all women who fit this standard of beauty (fictional or otherwise) are terrible, but just because they argue it poorly doesn’t make the problem a non-issue.
I’m sure there’s a lot of details I’m missing here. But it’s not about ruining the game for those who don’t have their problems.
Honestly I don’t think fat women are attractive nor will I ever think fat men are attractive. But there is a science behind what is appealing to our eyes. and the science says that when we see a “beautiful person” we get certain stimuli that actually prolongs your life. So this image has been portrayed for a very very long time. the fact still remains though if you don’t like it then don’t play! In this game they have artistic rights and therefore it does not matter what you or the (guessed—->3% <—-guessed) of you that are offended think and it will stay.
Maybe we should censor these as well then and make them fat? and give them covered breasts?
Guild Founder
There are feminists who are bad at making arguments for sure, but your wife’s missing the point entirely. :/
Whats the point then? Whats offensive about the human body?
Guild Founder
I’m not sure inflation should be judged by items on the trading post when it might need to be judged on gold to gems and gems to gold prices which I saw it go over 4g for 100 gems……
Guild Founder
I think the Watchknights look awesome! A little like they could have come from Elona! Crazy wicked design in my opinion with a lot of technical bits of coding and such. Great addition to the lore of Tyria!
Kinda look like robotic Sunspear guards!
Guild Founder
I still love you Anet!
Guild Founder
I am a player that likes playing my toons how I want to play them. But you have to build specific builds to even complete Queens Gauntlet. This is actually against everything you have told us about what you want GW2 to be. You keep saying that people don’t use certain skills enough and don’t have enough variety in builds, yet you keep releasing content and “Fun/Exciting” content that requires specific builds. I’m not trying to insult you Anet, but more-less trying to get you to realize the flaws in what you tell us and what you release. Please I have so much hope for this game and you, but you’re making yourselves look like hypocrites. Just my opinion and observation that you want us to give you. I try to give you good and bad criticism. Oh and also, the prices of Gold to Gems are horrendous and I actually think there needs to be a cap on how high the price gets. If you keep your players poor with too many gold sinks people will stop playing.
Guild Founder
You’ve awnsred your own question : She is present in PS. It would be a great failure of A-net change her personality, due to some player are in middle of the PS.
They will be alikely of : Defeating she at LS x Helping she at PS. I think that all NPC’s significative of LS had nothing relationed with PS.
But she is a good candidate, But I vote for another sylvari nemesis. I’m yet sure that all sylvaris are dragonborns, minions of Jungle dragon.
You’re lazy. I’m quite positive that the newer players or the uniformed players that don’t do PERSONAL STORY wouldn’t know what the hell you’re talking about with your BS “PS/LS” crud. And the plural of Sylvari is actually Sylvari. And your cross-referencing is quite out of place due to the fact of The Pale Tree’s history. Please learn to GW2 before you open your mouth and hurt the newbies with your lies about “Jungle Dragon” and abbreviations. But honestly when I read your comment, I have never laughed AT anything harder than I laughed at your comment. Even my wife joined in! I’m also quite astounded you used “You’ve” but the rest is hardly legible.
Guild Founder
I am glad my mind has not left me. Anet please fix this. I dont like being reminded that people chose a stupid reactor meltdown (AKA: Fukishima reenactment/ AKA: Chernobyl reenactment/ AKA: Boring) over a WAR BETWEEN GODS THAT ACCORDING TO GW1 ABBADON LORE WAS LIKE NUCLEAR COSMIC POWERS FIGHTING EACHOTHER THAT SCARRED THE PLANET!
Guild Founder