Showing Posts For Ravak.5907:
I would say that average, to high-end average. You can make more for less work crafting, but it may just take a full day or two for your stuff to all sell…if they sell.
To really make good money crafting, you will need to invest a good amount of money first, as there are usually low profit margins. So you will need to sell dozens of items, and so theres a risk that you will be undercut, and hopefully all the mats you bought to make the items don’t get continually undercut as well….allowing new crafters to make and sell the same items for less.
So its more risky than farming in the open world, but you can make more.
I have a ton of Vanilla. I’m pretty sure there is a zone where there is a split chance of getting it from the herbs. I wanna say its a 15-25 zone, making it Herb Sprouts, but I can’t be sure.
Chili Peppers are the charr 1-15 I believe, also from Herbs I think, ‘Herb Seedlings’
perhaps it only affects newly acquired recipes?
5 nodes in 80 zone and 4 ancient wood
5 nodes in 75-80 zone and 3/4 ancient wood
2nodes in 70-80 norn zone and 1 ancient wood
False, there are 2 ancient wood in the Norn zone.
Confirmed on 9/20, both in the northern half.
One was in the far NE where a bunch of people were fighting these dogs that seemed to being appearing out of nowhere (just SE of that heart, the area with the mobs you kill for it),
and the other was at the camp (immediately south of it, just north of the tunnel entrance there) that is just NE of the underwater POI that you have to go through those long tunnels to get to.
How about a bag exclusively for food? You can even expand the loot table and add more type of food. But make them drop from enemies that make sense like gnawls, humans trolls etc
If you gotta keep them as drops, I like this idea the best. Expecting claws or blood and getting butter is a pretty big disappointment.
If you just play, enjoy yourself, do all the various content available in each zone…you will never notice an issue.
Unless of course…you enjoy farming to be able to able to level your crafting without having to purchase mats from the Trading Post.
The issue is that ArenaNet, by adding diminishing mandating that people play their game a certain way. For those that want to be able to supply their own mats for crafts, they now cannot (or at least it now takes a lot longer).
For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!
in Crafting
Posted by: Ravak.5907
I mentioned the “more violets, less violence” earlier, but to be clear.. for me….I do like the NPC-NPC dialogue, its just when youre standing around crafting, you do tend to hear the same thing many many times.
So if anything, I’d say just tone it down a bit in the areas where people congregate (crafting stations, trading posts, etc).
guys, I just learned a teleport spell on my mesmer. Please dont report me.
For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!
in Crafting
Posted by: Ravak.5907
more violets…less violence..
The exotics share the same total value of stats, but which stats are on a given piece depends where you look. The stats you want may only be on a karma vendor in Orr, or they may only be crafted. So figure out what stats you want first, then start the search for where you can get it.
Dulfy has a good site listing the endgame vendors. May want to check there.
..agreed with OP. but at least they need to buff the hell out of their HP so they don’t die from the aoe before you can get one attack in.
Here’s a secret. The only profit margins I’ve found to exist are the recipes that are not gained by discovery, are not used to skill up, and only the ones with the most useful stats.
-Do research on items and their prices at various tiers.
-Buy hundreds of mats at low cost when you can.
-If the profit margin is too low, don’t make it, don’t sell it.
-Keep an eye on the prices of your target items every day.
-Remember, you have to spend money to make money.
Agreed with OP………
I find this really annoying as well. I am having to guess where the enemy mobs and just attack the area.
I would rather it prioritize enemies over other players if there has to be some limitation.
ha, great public service post!! It always confused me why there are so many items posted for 1 copper greater than vend price.
The cooldowns are way to low if you need to fight and move around at all. So they are only good for events and defending/assaulting a fixed location.
Its about NOT playing the game to farm. You get some pretty good drops for the first 30 minutes or so, after that? Move on… play the actual game. Come back and farm some more later, or farm somewhere else. Play the game for the game, not the farming…
You cannot tell people how to play the game. If someone wants to farm to level all their craft skills that should be up to them, and they should be free to do so. For those real non-bot people they should be made aware of what mechanism exists so that they do not waste their time.
When Legendary Weapons require 100’s of such items and farming is an absolute necessity (Providing you don’t want to fork out 100’s of gold) I don’t understand how they could throttle drops.
Agreed. But if there has to be throttling, I’d like an official statement on what exactly the mechanism is……so that non-bots can work around it and not waste their time trying to get mats for crafting.