Showing Posts For Renquist.9530:
Saying that people use critdamge to counter thougness, is just not the case
there is a reason for thatPpl where always used zerger , expeted from the others to use defensive stats .
Now that the others have toughtness , they refuse to try to make a balance specs .
You are missing the point… people use zerker to get the maximum amount of dps/bunkers sac all that dps for max defence.
Condi specs,… get MAX defence and MAX dps. this here is the problem.
Yes condispec’s have issues, they dont hit as hard as powerspecs/condi’s can be cleansed, however they completely counter bunkers AND glass cannons.
Jack of all trades is good if and only if they do not perform aswell as the specialized ones do… at this time condi has too much to easy.
The boons>conditions situation reminded me for an older idea.
Since we have really good chill uptime even if we dont trait for it, what if we get a new trait for it? While your enemy is chilled reduce its attack speed, like a reverse quickness.
If that trait in a good but not unreachable place it will do the following:
1. As a condi spec, it will force your enemy to cleanse, so you can unload your stuff after that. Just a side note, condi burst should be only A option, not THE option.
2. As a power / whatever spec it will lock down your enemy and help to avoid your face slapped to death. Maybe this will be noticable only in PvE.Maybe gives this condition a duration and ICD to the trait so it prevents to overwhelm your opponent with this unremovable condition even if he / she cleansed chill already.
Chill in itself is already an extremly powerfull tool.
This trait would make us immortal to just about anything that uses weaponskills… aka everything.
On topic, i might be one of the very few, but i have never had to much issues in lockdowns/chasing people.
Being power specced Axe/focus-Dagger/warhorn i have all the tools available to shut or slow someone down without to much of a hassle.
Well exept thief (wich i dont mind that much considering if they could not run they would be a free kill) and Gs warriors ( their mobility is just insane for a heavy class)
See, this is just not true, Max condition damage can be aquired( in tpvp that is) by going full CondDamage/Precision/thougness ,drop a sigil of earth for some more burst.
Also you can get almost 100% bleeduptime with only runes/traits…
Condspam is too easy and has no drawbacks, keep in mind we are talking about a class that has the highest base hp in game already and has the possibility to bunker himself up without sacreficing anything.
To the Op i like most of your suggestion, however having Conditions work scalingwise to the opponents hp would be a very difficult thing to balance, especially considering the difference in base hp’s, not to mention funny traits that increase damage once someone reaches x%hp.
Edit: Necor’s are perfectly able to survive on zerker amulets… if your not then the fault does not lie with the class.
Saying that people use critdamge to counter thougness, is just not the case… apart from condispammers/bunkers, 80% of everyone you will ever meet in pvp is running zerker… there is a reason for that.
(edited by Renquist.9530)
It’s visible in almost any aspect of the game… people just dont want to put effort in anything anymore.
Go do a champ train for a while, “champ trains in itself is a lazy way of doing stuff”, but be amazed about how many people just autoattack.
Staffwielding guardians who spam 1 really annoy me :s
Uh yeah no, being a power necro that uses axe mainhand… you are not a condispec if that is your primary damagetool, you dont need power at all, crit yeah the procs on crit are a nice added dps, but even then if though/vit/cond ever saw the light in tpvp no condispec would ever use anything else.
Axe main hand + Signet of Spite + Dumm + Rampager amulet + Berseker gem + Superior Sigil of Battle = Condition spec with huge amount of physical dps
I usee those 3 last in my Eng , from octomber/2012So even Necros to match up the dps of meeles , they need all these too .
Just because they cant survive , they are force to have reduced dps by equiping toughness .
Conitions + Crit bonus = Toughness penetration
I know this is seriously off topic… but what?
Axe has no condition application exept vurn/ spite has a 60 sec cd,… yeah Dumbfire..whatever really.
Huge phys damage with that setup… again no.
oh… and uh Conditions ignore thougness anyways… so yeah there is that aswell.
if u dont change this game mechanic in some part of it,this game will not be balanced and just skill play based…..this game can still be one of the best pvp games ,new and old people would come i think to play it ,if they fix and change some things…
and they wouldnt come here for e- sport but just for game.
That makes no sense at all balancing should result in a skill based game…
or am i reading “skill play based” wrong or something?
If not then i dont know what to say,… thats the entire point of any pvp game ever to be more skillfull then your opponent (in a perfectly balanced game that is)
Power specs require power prec crit damage. The imbalance is obvious to see.
And condition specs need Power + Crit + Condition for max damage (axe main hand necro ):P
Condition and Crit bonus works as armor penetration
Uh yeah no, being a power necro that uses axe mainhand… you are not a condispec if that is your primary damagetool, you dont need power at all, crit yeah the procs on crit are a nice added dps, but even then if though/vit/cond ever saw the light in tpvp no condispec would ever use anything else.
You do have a choise… you just dont do it. simple your class is neither designed/equipped to do it aka you handicap yourself.
Is aoe spam to easy/rewarding? yes absolutely, however as a thief you can choose the fights, is every point contested with 2 aoe spammers? go to the point with 1 or none, you also (hoepfully) have 4 other teammates who can peel off you, or you can just use them as distraction to get the kills in.
The options are numerous, no one forces you (especially a thief who has the best engage/disengage tools in the game) to stand on a point eating aoe spam.
Okay… maybe, but tahts going a whole different direction, this has 0 to do with area of denial of points, or the so called aoe spam, this is a 1v1 situation, wich honestly if your good a thief still has a very good chance of winning,… this scenario is something completely different in a teamfight what the topic as about no?
the topic is about aoe and condi spam and small points…
i also as thief have hard times dealing with it since i either can try to win fight but lose point or lose die and lose point.. either way points lost
So basicly your saying that because you cannot win versus someone who uses area of denial its completely broken? gg, besides wth are you doing trying to hold a point as a thief, that aint your job.
This game just has too much cleave damage flying around for its own good.
It’s ok to have weapon sets that are designed for AoE damage, like the Thief Shortbow or the Guardian Staff. Using these weapons commit you to the play-style for a while.
But in GW2 most popular weapons deal AoE, and the cleave radius in quite generous. And that’s not even account for all the targeted AoE there is, like Mesmer kitten, Necro wells etc.
And since everything can be used very liberally without consequence (aka. spammed) there’s never a reason to hold back. Just plaster that node with AoE and hope for the best.
You are right on all acounts, however i have to use this opportunity(spelling) to educate some people, not pointed at anyone btw, just general.
the big bad Aoe spammer (necro apparantly) has NO cleave whatsoever on any if its weapons, well not entirely true, staff 1 but who cares about that, also wellmancers do give up x amount of supportskills wich makes them an easier target if not built around, it… in other words a staff wielding wellmancer is a free kill in pvp.
I feel like i need to defend the class to much, im not a rabid (pun intended) necro fanboy, its just there are so many misconceptions about the clas flying rampant to the point i get whispered for being a condispammer while mainwielding an axe -_-
Okay… maybe, but tahts going a whole different direction, this has 0 to do with area of denial of points, or the so called aoe spam, this is a 1v1 situation, wich honestly if your good a thief still has a very good chance of winning,… this scenario is something completely different in a teamfight what the topic as about no?
First off i main necro, just so you know where i come from (however i dont play Condi spam bs, i play power/non dhumbfire)
That being said, exept if the necro has well’s (wich i use) his aoe… is really not as dangerous as you state.. staff aoe’kitten for absolutely nothing if condispecced/got nerfed recently, Scepter/dagger aoe’s are very much telegraphed and can be avoided without any problems.
Now if he is a condispammer that uses wells… well his damage will be more significant indeed, but that also means he has no supportskills=/=easykill.
Now grenade Engi’s yeah… they can flatten an entire area.
So my question is, cause i really wonder this when i read about the aoe’s… what are the aoe’s taht you are so scared off? (necromancer based) and if you say marks,.. well dont trigger them, let the warrior trigger them.
hard not to trigger marks when they cover entire point… besides you assume i have warrior on team, what if i don’t? it doesn’t matter anyway as nearbly allies get affected anyway
Okay true enough that it is hard not to trigger them if they cover small points, and sure you might not have a heavy with you to trigger them/ that being said, what is it that your so afraid of then?
The palrty 3 bleeds?/chillbains? putrid is the only one that actually does any decent damage and no decent necro should use it just like that considering its a condicleanse… i mean i get it it’s annoying that he can fill a point with marks.. but people are greatly overestimating the damage marks do.
First off i main necro, just so you know where i come from (however i dont play Condi spam bs, i play power/non dhumbfire)
That being said, exept if the necro has well’s (wich i use) his aoe… is really not as dangerous as you state.. staff aoe’kitten for absolutely nothing if condispecced/got nerfed recently, Scepter/dagger aoe’s are very much telegraphed and can be avoided without any problems.
Now if he is a condispammer that uses wells… well his damage will be more significant indeed, but that also means he has no supportskills=/=easykill.
Now grenade Engi’s yeah… they can flatten an entire area.
So my question is, cause i really wonder this when i read about the aoe’s… what are the aoe’s taht you are so scared off? (necromancer based) and if you say marks,.. well dont trigger them, let the warrior trigger them.
I think you reaction towards the pvp of Gw2 is only there just because it is new to you.
(That being said… people REALLY need to stop comparing this to GW1, its a totaly different beast)
But a few points.
1. Class/skill diversity is not rigid, yes you have cookiecutter builds/more “powerfull builds” that being said there is stil a lot of room for variation/experimentation.
If you are unable to find builds/work with builds the porblem does not necessarily lie with the system.
2.Build synergie with other players will always be a joke in pug’s,… it just doesnt work, it has never worked and will not work in any game ever period.
you want synergie between players? make a group use some sort of voice, strategize and clean house.
3. It is also VERY obvious what spec/traitline people are using by looking at there weapons, this is just a point of being more knowledgable about specs/traits/pvp’ing more.
4. general annoyances about downed state… yes i agree they are annoying and came make the fight last 5 seconds longer then needed,… however it does have its place in the current type of matches we have( conquest) those few seconds, can and will make the difference in total win if you can keep a point contested.
So all in all, i ahve the feeling you jumped into pvp had no clue what to do and ragemade this post.
Ps the REAL pvp’ers… this stuff doesnt exist, its a stupid title people give themselves to feel special.
Here is the thing, people’s perspective about conditiondamage/survivability is honestly… very wrong.
Having played all classes “exept for ele, cause meh” to 80 doing tpvp/wvw/pve/dungeon, everything there is to do.
now i mostly main my necro and this is what i have seen over the course of many many fights.
Conditions is not the omg op needs nerf that you think it is, is Vit/tough/cond setup strong,… yes, yes it is, however this setup gets demolished by Though/perc/cond setup.
Vit/tough/cond conditionspammers, sacrefice a LOT of dps, not only in crits but sigil procs/trait procs, you name it, they have 0 chance of getting 25 stacks on you.
People just need to learn to counter conditions, take a supportskill that cleanses/redirects whatever, stop trying to be a glasscannon, without any condiremoval and then expect to ram trough the “bunker/condi’s” like butter.
Final note, i have almost as much armor/hp on my powernecro as i would have on my condispec.
Sorry for the rant, but this stuff keeps coming up daily about people who have no clue what they are talking about.
(unless his has changed just now, this should be correct if not my bad)
bottom of the page
only Vampiric get’s a boost to healingpower… at a staggering 0.004% rate… so effectively 0
Siphon skills do not scale with healing power… so yeah
Like others have said… the skill isn’t worth it.
Now that being said, it’s odd you never saw it before since it has been in your skillpage since launch.. kind of strange to be annoyed by it now
Same issues here.
Eu player playing on NA servers.
2 days ago it happend sometimes but a quick relogg fixed it.. now nothing, absolutely unable to enter any dungeon.
How about: SWORD TECH.
Greatsword’s new adrenaline skill has been replaced with [Sword Tech].
Upon use, the cooldowns on all greatsword abilities are refreshed. The Warrior temporarily shifts sword stances and gains the ability to use Hundred Blades while moving, at the expense of lowered damage during the channel.
Soo bullrush/frenzy/hb/swordtech/hb (while being able to move)…. uhm no ty that would be overpowered as hell.
The way you talk about Signet of rage.. kinda tell’s it all.
If your not using it you are doing it wrong, plain and simple.
Battle standard is good in certain situations/ rage signet is ALWAYS good.
Here is a tip… dont let it just stand there passively…. use it every time it come off cd and profit.
I would volunteer but I am not a proponent of the build. I would play at my fullest though.
I don’t think any dungeons would be particularly hard for such a team anyway, assuming all the players are good.
See here in lies the problem… your talking about “very good” players and that’s why theis “experiment” would fail.
This is personal observation, but i’m quite sure i’ll be backed up in this… 90% of the signet warriors are bad. stop making excuses, yes there are some very good signet warriors but those are most of the time guilded and will run with friends… pugging with signet warriors is usually a nightmare, and not nessecaraly because they bring no support.
The biggest problem of this spec is it makes people lazy, they have 5 buttons to press.. that’s it, and they most likely have done so for very long.
the mindset of people who bring utility needs to be broader, to use a shout warrior as an example, he needs to know where his team is, know the ranges, know when to heal/remove conditions And ontop of that still dodge and weave and watch he does not die… the signet warrior just needs to watch the red circles on the floor, that’s it.
5 signet warriors are not bad players per se,… it breeds a bad playstyle.. a playsyle of being solo and only looking out for yourself.
And this is the exact reason they are looked onto as “not that good to bring with you”.
Healing shouts is bad in that it locks you into a specific skill set. Same issue with soldier runes. Even though I use healing shouts, it really bothers me in fights where I have to swap out shouts for stability or knockdowns or whatever.
How about: shouts heal, and shout “Shake it Off” on every weapon swap (cooldown: 20 seconds). Now I can get better use of the trait with less utility investment.
I’m confused… what other support skills do you want to use in a dungeon apart from shouts/banners? and even so do you want to use the “fear me” shout?
Genuine question, because in the whole time ive played my warrior (since launch) the only thing i have ever maybe changed is get my elite standard in stead of signet of rage for a bit of stability.
All our other skill’s resolve around direct damage application, bull rush/stomp/kick etc.
Frenzy might have a place in a guild group where people have set roles.
But apart from that,… you use Banners/shouts to support your group… or you run around with Signet’s.
Since I was kind enough to explain it to Guardians on their mace skill Faithful strike, here is the formula for this trait.
40+((Level^2) x 0.18) + (Healing x 0.8)
so at 0 healing at level 80: 40 + 1152 = 1192
at 1500 healing at level 80: 40+1152+1200= 2192
Any chance for a slight boost?
Eh, eh?
I have to agree that you need to sacrifice a LOT of stats to get to a certain “okayish” amount of healing, altough i do understand it would be tricky to balance.
Maybe a x1.0 healing would help.
i’m confused on what you would try to proof?
5 signet Vs for example 5 sonic booms that go till Healing shouts.. aka 10/30/0/30/0.
Yes there dps will be a bit lower then your (and yes only a bit) but they dont have to be carefull, if they all run Fgj/Sif and soldier runs.. that means constant condition removal 10k healing every 20 seconds… they can smash headfirst into encounters, whereas the 5 signets will need to dance around trying to stay alive.
I run a ranged warrior… Honestly, these days I barely even bother healing in pve or dungeons anymore… All its gonna do is let you get hit one more time by a boss… Yuppie… With the damage output of some of these bosses, I don’t even know why heals are even in this game in the first place… The damage is so high and heals are so weak that they barely do anything besides buy you another 1 or 2 seconds tops…
this is not a design problem,… this happens when 80% of the people pugging dungeons run in full zeker/mf gear.
I’m not saying i can facetank bosses.. but unless i’m afk or sleeping mob’s are going to work to kill me. Thougness=king.
tbh those 2-3k heals for pve are not needed, i run 10/30/0/30/0 full knight/greatsword build. yes my heals only heal for 1.1k or sumthing,… but that combined with soldier runes, well it saves people, its not an oh kitten button, but it helps in long drawn out fight.
….. welcome to 3 moths ago? ^^
No really, you dont need all those runes, i run full soldier and keep up perma rage/15+ stacks of might with 10/30/0/30 shouth heals.
Well yeh i use the 20% boon duration food, but you get what i mean…
People just don’t like frenzy Gs warriors in sPvp, it usually comes down to or you kill someone so quick they yell Nerf and go in a tantrum.
Or you hit a bunker/player who knows what he is doing and just laughs, and at that moment your no asset to your team..
Don’t get me wrong Glascannon Gs/frenzy has it’s place, but sadly it’s very niche.
Yeh thougness seems to be the trigger, i run with 3.3k armor hammer/healingshout build and the moment i enter a room everything wants me dead.
Its a good thing really, makes the job of the glasscannon’s a lot easier.
“Shake it off”
So yeh we have quite some way’s to deal with conditions… honestly with the runes, apart from maybe necro we are THE top dog in removing conditions.
fact is: you can be caugh by 100b once, twice…20times…there will be a day you will avoid every 100b every warrior will try to use against you.
ofc i am talking about tournaments, and it is called “learn to play issue”. if you , like everyone these days, are whining about being killed by 100b in spvp, well. there is no need to post in forum really.Then as I stated above… if this is only a noob killer why is it in the game then? If good players never get hit by it, it’s basically a worthless ability for a pro to use against other pro’s… and all it does is frustrate noobs and discourage them from pvping. Why are one shot moves in the game if all they do is frustrate us “bad” players?
It is in game EXACTLY to frustrate “noob” players.. why?, so it teaches you how to dodge/use stunbrakers/be aware of surroundings.
To use a Starcraft analogy, zerg 1 minute rushes are cheap and frustrating, but people that learn how to play, try to get better in the game don’t get caught by it anymore, they adapt.
The very same for a 100b warrior. yes i guess it sucks if you get caught offguard when fighting someone else.
But here is the thing, to get 1 shot by a 100 blades warrior means you yourslef are a glasscannon burst class… wich means you do the exact same thing with your relative class.
I’m not sure why the suggestion that has already been brought up, which says to patch things up by simply giving a chest to everyone who has not received one in the mail yet, is getting shut down. From an unbiased viewpoint, I see that as the only fair solution.
I appreciate that you’re trying to help, and thanks for the ideas. I can tell you why it won’t work, and you can see that in this very thread:
- But they got one and I attended. Give me two.
- But you accidentally gave my friend a chest and he already looted, where I was disconnected and couldn’t loot. Give me another.
- I wasn’t able to join because I was cleaning my mother’s basement.
Ok, I’m joking about the third one.
But honestly, we’re seeing all sorts of ideas, and believe me, every one of them has been considered and the only fair system has been developed and will continue to be refined until it addresses the issue for everyone as fairly as possible.
Will it be even-Steven? I guess not, with the errors made. Will it be ok? Yes, I think it will, if people will realize that there is no easy and complete solution that addresses every single possible aspect of this, and that, in the end, those who earned the chest will get one.
This really tickles my funnybone “will it be okay? yes i think it will”
methinks you have NO CLUE how the net works “and yes you can ban/kick me of the forum’s i’m done with this anyways”.
You made a mistake with the lost shore.. okay damage done, not too much of a deal.
A month later you do the EXACT same kitten, thinking oh the playerbase is too stupid to see it anyways.
And now your telling us that you are going to use the same exact method that utterly failed and is making your game look like kitten “but hey we are refining it?”
I have no more words,… the stupid it hurts.
I share your sentiments but what is certainly very characteristic of most youth today is a lack of a certain trod-upon virtue known as patience.
Okay the “Youth” thing is getting old.
the so called “youth” you are tlaking about are right now between 20-30 years old, not the teenage boy’s who first played warcraft when it came out.
If you would do some reasearch,.. then you would have found out that there is a pr disaster going on.
you would find out that people have legitimate concerns, and that A-net is just saying “well though luck”.
In response to recent suggestions:
- No, if someone gets a second chest it’s a mistake and not an indication that somehow they are “more valued.” We’re not going to get into a teeter-totter of “give this, give that” to try to even it out beyond what someone earned.
- No, we’re not going to give a chest to every Guild Wars 2 player.
Kindly realize that negative, unhelpful, demanding, and whine-filled posts are not welcome, are not of value, and have been and will be deleted, not because we’re trying to pretend there isn’t a issue, but because we’re working to correct the issue. Off-topic posts with ill-thought demands just do not help!
We made an error. A lot of upset people have managed to control themselves, to post helpfully, and to wait with much-appreciated patience for us to correct our error. Thank you to those (many) of you who have shown your good will. We will do our best to get this corrected ASAP. And please remember, if there are individual issues after we’ve made a more broad-based remedy — and we’ll let you know about that — we’ll help you individually through a support ticket. (If you submitted a ticket and get your chest, kindly go into the ticket and close it out so agents can focus on continuing issues.)
Thanks for understanding.
So if i’m reading this right your basicly saying,… we are sorry people got 2 chests and people who did not attend got chests, but hey we will make it right by trying to give more chests,.. but everyone else who fell out of the rng.. though luck?
Well that decides it for me,… no more moneyspending on Gw2
(and no i did not attend the event, i was “over” it i didn’t care anymore,… till everyone around me got lootmails for no reason at all)
Whether or not someone else got a chest does not affect you.
I understand being upset if you did not receive one but if your legitimately upset that someone who did not attend the event received one by mistake then you need to reexamine your priorities in life.
At the risk of taking an infraction, quit being a little kitten and be happy that your fellow player caught a lucky break.
yes and no, the “lucky break” you are talking about is gamechanging… gamechanging rng, the possibility of jumping up 200gold just because you got a mail is not right.
(yes i am aware precursor’s in the mail are rare, however there have been quite some people that received one…. again i stress for free, for not doing ANYTHING!)
They really made a pr disaster out of this one…. again!
I did not mind not receiving anything from the event (hell i wans’t even online, so i expect nothing)
I was happy for people that did attend and got nice stuff…. however now,… giving people that where not online chests/double chests for people that got to loot.
I have no hope at all they can fix this now.
Gw2 king of Rng, even the mailsystem is random
Nothing… i did not attend to the event, simply because i had rl issues and honestly i didn’t care that i was not able to get loot form it.
However… now that they are giving chests to people who have managed to loot/weren’t online during the event….
Gw2 is staring to become the king of rng,…. even getting a mail with free loot (and possibly precursor’s) is random now.
“might sounds a bit ragy since i just had it happen 20 seconds agao for 2 entire matches”
I think the greatest culling issue’s come from various stealth mechanics being used in sequence.
I know there is a so called “debuff” as to when you can enter stealth again, but it’s very possible to eneter it again before the you render making you gain “permastealth”.
just now me as a bunker warrior fought a thief for minutes on end while maybe seeing him 2 or 3 times when i got lucky with my aoe’s.
Zerker Gs
Zerker trinkets
Knights Armour
Decent hp/lots of thoughness/70+% crit(using shout/signet/food)
Tears trough everything/survives decently as long as you know when to dodge
i belive npc’s make certain checks to the players,
Amount of Thoughness/check
So depending on build/gear aggro is given, at least that’s what i encounter.
I always take aggro over people who are in full zerker vs my knight for example