Precision Strike - HIGHLY recommend using this ONLY for catching up to players when Phase Traversal isn’t needed, not to mention you can crit for 2k-3k easily with it.
Use this in fields, quick activation whirl finisher with a 4s cooldown is the key here. It’s awesome for tagging as well. But try not to interrupt your sword autoattack final strike.
Unrelenting Assault - Not the best skill for source of DPS but it does really help provide more might for you, thanks to that skill+sigil of strength, I’m easily stacking for 20+(thanks to all this, you easily hitting 3,279 power, highest it can go is 3,429 power) NOT including bloodlust sigil
Use this early and use it often as possible. The only exception is if your enemy is up against objects or it’ll put you in a questionable position (right into the middle of a death zone) after.
Coalescene of Ruin - One of the BEST skills for DPS on hammer, not only does it provide good dmg, but a low CD as well, not to mention most never avoid it, so that’s a plus!(you’re better off using this and not the AA) on average it does 5k-17k.
The key with this skill is area denial and positioning. While it does have a 2s cooldown and energy is recovered by the time it is cast, it isn’t always the best option but should be weaved through the standard hammer attack rotation. While it lasts, work on positioning targets to be at the ~800 range for potential double hits (depends on your elevation relative to target).
Phase Smash - One of my favorite skills, when entering hibernation from shield, immediately swap to hammer and use this, nuking him for 1k-2k from sigil+XX if you hit him with this one(usually around 2k-3,5k)Only do this when he’s near you waiting for the hibernation to end.
It’s another use it early and use it often skill especially if you can hit a field. The only reason you shouldn’t use it is if you need to catch up or escape.
Enchanted Daggers - Best healing skill that can be used offensively, highly recommend using this when missing some HP, to do a bit more dps, or when you plan on using UA(sword 3#) If possible, always use this as an opener or force some dodge rolls before doing it to secure some more hits on them.
This ability is actually one of the cheapest damage to energy cost skills that Rev has. Before you swap out of Shiro, it should be activated even if you don’t need the heal.
Jade winds - Has to be one of the best CCs in this game in my opinion, always recommend using it when fighting 2+, swap legends(if you have no energy left) and burst out the squishy target immediately.
It’s actually high risk/high reward and can change the entire fight but make sure the other player doesn’t have stab up first. Immediately using on swap is how I beat opponent Revs because the Shiro stance swap is extremely high level graphic, I then evade because I know what’s coming.
Facet of Nature - I can’t stress this enough, I see so many revenants that rarely use this, ALWAYS use this before entering combat, its an insane facet that grants a very good amount of boons(mainly want it for the protection it provides its 6sec!)
Don’t use this when entering combat. Instead activate Facet of Nature during the animation time of your evades (i.e. Sword UA – hello, Might stacks gets a 50% boon duration increase or Hammer PS when aiming at a Fire field) and then as soon as that animation is over, then activate One with Nature. The key of F2 is Protection + Regen + a ton of more offense all subject to the 50% boon increase too. Basically, spam it if in combat; it’s enormous the difference this ability makes to the entire Rev class both offensively and defensively so if you are struggling, master this first.
They’re good but this is mostly my preferred play style, worked so far against most players for me, Facet of nature is probably the only thing I have to keep on since I got a habit of using it 24/7 when in fights, since I mostly do spvp to provide boons for everyone.
As for UA, other than the purpose of might stacking or evading, I find it useless as its insanely buggy and can easily be avoided by good players, not to mention I can always do more dps for autoing.