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Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


So,to get “Attend the Party” do i need to be that exact time when it starts,or i can get it after too?

It clearly states in the OP that you have a five minute window to attend the party after phase 4 starts.

when is "attend the party"?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


im officially disappointed with the forums. 260 views and cant answer a “yes” or “no” question.

“When is attend the party?”


Decided to get creative with the Clocktower :D

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


If you could run fast enough backwards, that would be pretty hilarious…unfortunately that’s pretty impossible.

Could try a 360 between each jump.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Although its not something that will affect me since I’m free on that timing and will probably be present for that event but I still do agree with them that these one time event would only work if it actually did have separate servers for the different timezone but they don’t. Honestly, imagine for places with GMT+8 like Beijing, Singapore or Malaysia, it’s at an ungodly hour of 3 AM I believe.

Sure, it’s understandable that they’re attempting to please the majority while trying to keep to their game design philosophy and such but still, the minority of the players which I assume are predominantly the asian players that will basically be miffed by the odd event timing so they do have a valid complaint.

All I can say is good luck, hope they hear your complaint, if not for this event then, hopefully for the future events.

I think it’s pretty important that they clarify the importance of this event in terms of otherwise unobtainable rewards. Then, at least, people can make an informed descision as to whether or not it’s worth waking up at said ungodly hour.

Act 3 Event Timing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Is this another way of saying, “We didn’t plan in advance, so to cover this logistical error.” What I gather from this is that to prevent people from being spoiled, those living the in Asia and Oceania are being forced to log in at an absurd time of the day simply because you “don’t want players to be spoilt”?

The ridiculous part is that the players ‘being spoiled’ are the players that are going to miss out. Basically, instead of ‘if you missed the event, there’ll be another one in x hours, steer clear of youtube if you don’t want to be spoiled’, we’ve been given ‘missed the event? oh well, it’s on youtube, enjoy’. The reasoning they’ve given us for not having the event happen multiple times simply doesn’t stand up to reason.

The only way that I can see this as being an acceptable thing is if the event is a flashy show only and participants recieve no tangeable rewards/achievements that cannot otherwise be obtained laer on during the event.

The Very Special, One Time Only Surprise: 3 Questions.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


^ That’s why I’m thinking that that isn’t the reason at all. It simply makes no sense under even the slightest critique.

How to finish the Clock Tower in 2 easy steps

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Can’t disagree more with advising against speed boosts. I’m not sure I’d have been able to do it at all without my 25% boost, I found that even if I fell behind to the last person in the zerg, I was able to easily catch up and avoid being goo’d due to the speed boost. Additionally, anyone who already constantly uses the boost will be used to making jumps with the boost.

To people who complain about Norns and Charrs

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Norn’s finally have a jumping puzzle where they’re at an advantage: Everyone complains.

The Very Special, One Time Only Surprise: 3 Questions.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Is it a tangeable reward, say, a pumpkin helm, for example? Or is it simply a cool event that doesn’t carry any unique reward for being there?

Is the achievement ‘join the party’ tied to this, or something else?

If there is some kind of achievement/reward tied to this one-time event, what is the window in whih we have to be there? When it starts? Within an hour?

Unlike some more unfortunate people, I can make it and have no right to whinge. But when I set my sleeping time around video games, I feel like something’s up.

Bonus question for any Anet fellows that stop by: Why do you think that it’s preferrable to miss the event completely to watching a video of the event online and then participating in a repeat? Surely those who want to experience it first hand and not be spoiled could, say, avoid any related threads/Youtube videos? The reason you’ve provided us for not repeating the event simply doesn’t stand up to logic.

WARNING: Don't Buy Personalised Candy Corn Bags.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Don’t be like me and immediately purchase 35 Personalised Candy Corn Bags for 700 gems, only to realise that they’re easily obtainable from places other than the gem store.

Yeah, I’m an idiot for not doing any research first. But honestly, it’s pretty much turned me off the gem store alltogether.

Any other WvW berserker staff-wielders?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


The condition damage for staff is just useless. We just do a stack of burn and 6 stacks of bleed which they won’t do serious damage no matter how condition damage you have.

I’m rocking full Carrion exotics and 30 fire/earth and I can assure you, those six stacks of bleeds hurt. A lot. If I land two eruptions (not the most difficult task in the world during sieges), that will typically lead to a dead enemy, or close to. One alone is enough to back them off. Additionally, when someone is downed I can generally keep them downed, provided they’re within range.

Ele Patch Notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Dear GOD….did they….did they fix the Ele downed state?

I…I….I don’t know what to say…..

Yeah, I’m going to miss skipping half the Borderlands jumping puzzle

Nice to see some buffs and fixes though. If they ever make eruption slightly easier to hit, I’ll be one very happy staff ele.

Earth-spec Elementalists tally

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Unfortunately your traits aren’t loading for whatever reason, but what Nick said. Also, grab elemental storms as one of your skill points, PvE melee mobs would be screaming for a nerf on that if they had a will of their own (decent damage + aoe blind for 5ish seconds when in earth attunement).

In terms of actually killing stuff, I tend to just stick to earth when I’m doing hearts and what-not, a single eruption is enough to take out any non-80 mobs, and I haven’t been back to Orr to test it out now that I have some rares.

That said, switching to fire to compliment earth will increase your damage dramatically. Typically in a veteran fight I’ll send in my earth elemental, lay down two eruptions, then switch to fire and go through those skills (only using meteor shower if it’s a high health mob). For a champion/boss fight, It’s the same, typically switching between earth and fire to use all of their skills, occasionally swapping into water if I need to lay down some healing/condition removal.

Here’s the build I’m using currently for WvW and PvE:

Arcane Shield and armour of earth can be swapped out for whatever (I can’t even remember if I’m using Armour of Earth). The cooldown reduction in earth and fire are basically mandatory imo and the one in water is useful for dungeons. I run full carrion gear.

Elementalist Changes I Would Like To See.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


I’ve played Ele for a while now, mainly in PvE with some experience in sPvP. I’d place myself as average, at best, and I acknowledge that there are many, many better players out there than me. That said, I’ve had plenty of random thought on things that could use improving on the elementalist (specifically staff). Some wouldn’t change much, some would change a lot and if taken alltogether, would be extremely overpowered. That said, I’m in the mood for writing them down, so here goes.

(note: after writing down my thoughts, I realise that there is so much that I’m not experienced with, particularly air/water specs. So, I suppose most of my suggestions revolve around some QoL improvements for a fire/earth spec).


Eruption needs improving. Hell, it’s the reason I made this thread. The problem with eruption is that it’s almost impossible to hit on anyone with half a brain, or unless you have teammates laying down the CC on enemies standing near the eruption. Some things I’d like to see (again, to be taken as individual improvements, not alltogether):

1) Stealthed eruption, either the whole spell or just the cast time. It would still be problematic to land on a moving target, but at least people wouldn’t be jumping out of the way as soon as it went down.

2) Combine eruption and unsteady ground. This way we can at least get a cripple off, even if they move out of the way shortly after.

3) Give eruption a one second root after the cast time is finished.

Shockwave also needs looking at (which actually ties in with eruption).

1) Dramatically increase shockwave’s travel time. It is ridiculously easy to dodge at this point.

2) Allow shockwave to travel up walls/over gaps.

3) Remove the cast time for shockwave.

Also, since one of my suggestions was to combine two skills, I might as well suggest a new one (’cause why not?)

*Molten Rock: Conjure a rock that homes in on the target player at x% movement speed (slow enough that an enemy can kite it). The rock will burst when it hits an enemy, inflicting burning, bleeding and a short (thinking 0.1-0.2 second) aoe stun.

The purpose of the ability would be to force enemies to move/interrupt revivals, and adding some extra damage in PvE (though I’m unsure if that’s necessary).


The main problem I have with air is that I switch to it, use it’s abilities and I’m done. Maybe I’m doing it wrong. A small CD reduction on lightning surge might help. It’s entirely possible that I’m just doin’ it wrong, but I feel like if I switch to air after my other attunements, I just have deadtime until they come back up.


I’m actually pretty content with water. The only thing I’d change is making the auto attack a bit more obvious.


Wouldn’t change much here either, fire isn’t terribly lacking.


*I’d like to see the attunement recharge rate reduction on Arcane moved to the elemental attunements. That is to say, putting points into fire would reduce the recharge rate on fire, etc. This way if we want to spec heavily into two traits, we don’t feel as punished by long attunement cooldowns. Then again, that might be overpowered, I couldn’t really say.

*AoE staff spells could use a radius increase that doesn’t require 20 points invested into arcane, be it an across the board buff, or just a re-arrangment of traits.

Anyway, those are just some of the thoughts I’ve had pertaining to elementalists. I think there were more, but I tend not to keep track of them. Keep in mind that my intent is not to make elementalists overpowered (like I have the authority, heh), simply to improve their playability against other classes.

There isn't an overpowered class, just underpowered players.

in PvP

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


I have no idea how skilled I am on my elementalist. Not very, I’m sure, though it is leveled to 80 at least. I’m even less skilled on my level two thief.

Why is it, then, that I perform so much better on my thief? More kills, more caps, more teammate revivals and I never swap out of D/D. Hell, I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve remembered to use my thief’s signets, and I barely remember to use the elite half of the time. I’m the epitome of a terrible thief. But I do better on it.

Let me put it this way. On my glass cannon specced thief, I sometimes remember to steal, then I run around in circles spamming 1 until they’re at 50%, then I run around in circles spamming 2 until they die. Occassionally I’ll throw in a 3, and if I’ve been chasing someone for 20 seconds I’ll remember that I have a 4. Against pretty much anything but a mesmer, this will net me a kill.

On my toughness/power specced elementalist, I’ll ride the lightning in, activate armour of earth, switch to earth attunement, use earthquake, channel churning earth, flash to them if they leave the churning earth AoE, switch to fire attunement (if I’m not dead by this point), go through that five button rotation and… Sometimes they die. If they don’t have a condition removal. Or they haven’t killed me yet. Or they didn’t dodge anything.

Even if I could net a kill going through all of that on an Ele, why bother when a thief can do it with a third of the skills? Skill level has nothing to do with it, at best I’m moderately skilled at Ele and poorly skilled at thief. There’s obviously a problem with certain classes and honestly, I’m not sure how anyone can argue against that.

My problem with all casters including ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


…Shouldn’t get blocked because it’s buggy? I can count the times I’m been stuck in Ride the Lightning for no apparent reason while me enemy wailed on me.

Am I the only one that hates the Ele elites?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


We have Elites o.O ?

Silly me using Hounds all the time when there were such useful Elementalist elites ….

Hun …everybody hates our elites, they’re useless.
Earth Elemental is good but he has no taunt or fear …soo …useless XD

Sure he doesn’t have a taunt? He always seems to hold aggro off me.

Very Powerful Ele Exploit in sPvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


So, I decided to follow the advice of this video.

Holy balls is a theif easier to play than an elementalist. I don’t care that maybe an elementalist is great if you’re pro. I’m sure a theif is much better if said theif is pro.

Let me put it this way, I have a level 80 elementalist with an admittedly small amount of experience in sPvP on it (only around ten games or so), but that’s still some experience. I literally created a theif, did the tutorial, entered a spec I thought looked cool and entered a match. Killing people as a theif compared to an elementalist is like night and day.

Elementalist, dual dagger earth/fire spec: Chain lightning to engage, pop earth shield, use earthquake, use churning earth, flash to enemy if they roll out of the aoe, use ability 2 (can’t even remember its name), through down some more bleeds, switch to fire, go through that rotation. Maybe the enemy dies. Maybe I’m just going through that ideal rotation in my head while I’m downed because it takes sokittenlong to get off.

Theif: Steal. Then spam ability one until they’re at 50%. Then spam ability two. Am I a baddie for using two abilities? Hell yeah I am! Yet it’s more effective than actually trying to set up some good plays as an elementalist. (Also, I have like… 3 escapes?)

I guarentee someone is quoting me right now to call me bad, tell me to learn to play, etc. Well, that’s kind of the point. I’m a mediocre elementalist and a bad theif, yet being a bad theif is far easier and more effective than being a mediocre elementalist.

Just my 2 cents.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682



Yesterday, I placed Architecture 3 in our guild queue. After the guild problems in the past couple of hours, it is no longer in the queue (it is listed under architecture again) and we’re still down 5000 influence points.

Is this happening to anyone else (not specifically architecture, of course).

Um... auto-balance? What the pancakes?

in PvP

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


Losing 5 games in a row due to autobalance is a wee bit infuriating.

They just need to turn off the autobalance feature after a certain amount of time passes/points are scored. Say, the first 3 mins/100 points, before a match is decided.

If I’m going over to the other team because they didn’t start with enough/people left at the start of the match, fine. If I’m going over to the other team because a couple of them rage quit after I busted mykitten off trying to win? Yeah, I have a problem with that.

Monthly Achievement - EXP without Dying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rodriguez.7682


I got this achievement last night through crafting (quite easily, I might add).

Just bulk up on crafting supplies and go nuts, it only took me half an hour getting my jewelcrafting from 190ish to 230ish (honestly can’t remember the range). The important thing is to do it all in one go without switching zones or going to the overflow.

It is an annoying bug, definately, but at least there’s this workaround. Hope it helps!