Showing Posts For Sae.8453:

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Although the gem price is a bit high, I luckily still had gems leftover from Christmas and managed to do a couple gathering runs to get all 5 slots.

The only thing I wish I could change about it is the UI for it. I don’t play with the seperate bags showing, so it feels kinda awkward for me having them in the first five slots in the merged inventory. If we could have some more maneuverability in regards to where it shows up that’d be awesome!

Gathering Tools [Suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Currently, gathering tools have to be moved between characters through the bank if you want to use them on other characters. I’m sure for people with lots of alts this can be a bit tedious.

I know this isn’t a new suggestion, but what I’d suggest is that once you buy an infinite gathering tool, it unlocks that certain gathering for all your characters (similar to gliding).

Some people will say that doing so would be giving too much convenience, as well as resulting in lost sales by Anet. However, as someone who enjoys the animations (and has bought several more tools just for the effects), I think having the ability to choose an effect on said gathering would counterbalance the loss of sales by people who just buy one set. I can’t imagine someone buying more than two sets of gathering tools right now, but I think being able to choose the effects on the fly would give much more incentive to buy the different gathering tools- because fashion wars, amirite?

With mining picks I’d reckon there are lost sales because the Watchwork Mining Pick currently has advantages over the other picks. By allowing the ability to change the effects (and retain the bonuses supplied) other options will be much more attractive (I’m looking at you, Firefly Mining Flute!).

Although I know it probably doesn’t touch their list of priorities right now, I think it’d be a reasonable change and would potentially bring more income for them.


Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


That’s officially a wrap I think. No bunny ears, but I can’t complain. :P

Anet said months ago that they wont release any more single armor skins in the gem store, just outfits.

I think you’re thinking about armor sets. I’d group singular armor skins like the bunny ears along with things like backpiece skins which they have been releasing such as the various wings. It also technically wouldn’t be a release, and would just be a return (such as the shadow of the dragon skins they put on sale today).

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


That’s officially a wrap I think. No bunny ears, but I can’t complain. :P

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I got angry many times thanks to this event, I got dc’ed about 3 times, 2x with 20 stacks already, and 1x with 15 stacks. So I spent 1/2 hours for nothing. (I don’t want to do this, but I really want that thoughtless potion!).

So Anet, just pls change it to: instead of getting reward at the end, you’ll get 1 token per event. It will solve this problem with disconnection completely, and prevent players with +20 stacks from just sitting and doing nothing.

This also just happened to me, dc’d, came back and got more stacks- but then got nothing at the end of the event with the stacks still active.

Getting tokens from each event (or as drops) would work much better and provide more incentive and less punishment for people who d/c or need to leave the map.

(edited by Sae.8453)

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I’ll update in 5 minutes.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Sale extended through teh mordrem event!

Thanks Tee Why for pointing that out!
There’s still that faint hope!

Oh god.
And for a second I thought my wallet was in the clear.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Well that’s a wrap I think. Too bad it didn’t end with a bang\

Edit: Nevermind, there’s still hope.

(edited by Sae.8453)

What are those unreachable sky islands?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sae.8453


The designs under the second screenshot remind me of white mantle

Most annoying GW2 sounds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


“Your base is under attack!” when the match hasn’t even started yet.
I always feel the need to go out and try and kill them out of pure rage
That or I mute my speakers until the match starts lol.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Adjusted. I’m guessing the “quantity of 5” applies to the bank access expresses as well :S

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Countdown: 4 more days of sales.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


There goes gold to gem conversion, kinda lol.

Countdown: 5 more days of sales.

(edited by Sae.8453)

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Grenth Hood with Bunny ears is what he is looking for!

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did bunny ears for the last day lol. Everyone’s gems would be depleted and conversion rates would skyrocket

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I’m just hoping for bank tabs and storage expanders… maybe makeover kits as well. :B

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Countdown: 7 more days of sales.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Ok, I shouldn’t have looked. I play every night, but I might have missed the mini-stravaganza if you hadn’t updated.


I think?

How many did you buy Gaile? :P

Great job Sae! Though you missed Braham’s Shield and Rox’s Quiver on the 29th.

Ahh sorry, missed that! Gemstore was unfortunately bugged for me that day.
Was kinda hoping to get the shield too, darn haha.

(edited by Sae.8453)

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Anyone elses gemstore not updating?

Passives and other things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I think that auto attacking takes no brain or skill, please remove ranger from the game.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I’m just wondering…is the Account Jump Start Package a limited time offer thing? Or is it permanent on the Gem store?

My guess is that it’s like the Black Lion Introductory Package where it’s a one time price when you buy it, then afterwards if you wanna buy more it’ll be at the regular price (as a permanent store bundle).

That’s just what I think though. :S

(edited by Sae.8453)

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Happy anniversary GW2!

I don’t think anyone has made a thread to follow all the sales for the anniversary sale, so I guess I’ll compile one and update it daily when I can. I’ll update so that the newest sales are at the top, as well as add video links when possible.

If I’m not able to, please post the sales in order to keep everyone updated.

NOTES: Thank you all for constantly updating/ answering each others questions. That’s a wrap. See you guys again next year!

- Sae

Returning items, and existing items on sale.


  • Living World Season 2 | 20% Off / 40% Off

ARCHIVE: All sales below this notification have ended.

SEP 13

  • Shadow of the Dragon Value Pack | 900 Gems / 350 Gems (61% Off)
    … Comes with
    (1) Shadow of the Dragon Helmet Skin
    (1) Shadow of the Dragon Shoulder Skin
    (1) Shadow of the Dragon Gloves Skin
  • Pet Rock| 350 / 87 Gems(75% Off)
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price.

SEP 12

  • Junge Explorer Outfit | 700 / 350 Gems (50% Off)
  • Transmutation Charges | 5 / 37 Gems
    Note: Quantity of 3 available at this price.
  • Note: Account Jump Start discounted from 2000 to 1829 Gems, Account Bump down from 800 to 674 Gems (if you haven’t bought them already).

SEP 11

  • Total Makeover Kit | 350 Gems 122 Gems (65% Off)
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price.
  • Heroic Booster | 1 / 105 Gems | 5 / 445 Gems | 20 / 1470 Gems|
    Note: Original gem prices at 150, 637 and 2100

SEP 10

  • Additional Crafting License | 800 Gems 560 Gems (30% Off)
    Note: Quantity of 2 available at this price.
  • Trademan’s Package | 1/ 20 Gems, 10 /160 Gems
    Note: Quantity of 10 available at this price.



  • Tiami’s Dye Kit | 5 / 250 Gems
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price.
  • Bag Slot Value Pack | 350 Gems
    … Comes with
    ~ (1) Bag Slot Expansion
    ~ (3) Item Boosters
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price.



  • Black Lion Keys | 5 Keys / 450 Gems 5 Keys / 112 Gems
    (Quantity of 1 available at this price. *adjusted)
  • Bank Access Express | 5 for 125 Gems 5 / 12 Gems
    (Quantity of 1 available at this price.)
    Note: Gemstore advertises that you can buy the keys 5 times at this price, but it goes away after an initial purchase)
  • Note: Account Jump Start discounted from 2000 to 1813 Gems, Account Bump down from 800 to 662 Gems (if you haven’t bought them already).
  • ! After buying the discounted keys, discount for the bundles will be gone.


  • Bank Tab Expansion | 600 Gems / 480 Gems (20% Off)
  • Magic Carpet | 250 Gems / 62 Gems (75% Off)
  • Note: Account Jump Start discounted from 2000 to 1867 Gems



  • Snow Owl Mail Carrier | 350 Gems / 35 Gems (90% Off)
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price.
  • Merchant Express | 1 / 3 Gems | 5 / 12 Gems
    Note: Quantity of 5 available at this price.



  • Bag Slot Expansion | 400 Gems / 200 Gems (50% Off)
    Note: Quantity of 1 available at this price
  • Flame Dye Kit | 25 Gems each | 5/500 Gems | 25/2500 Gems
  • Shadow Dye Kit | 25 Gems each | 5/500 Gems | 25/2500 Gems
    Note: Quantity of 1 available for price @ 25 Gems

AUG 31

Miniatures | 80 Gems each
(Return @ 80% Off)

  • Mini Arctodus Cub
  • Mini Bear Cub
  • Mini Black Bear Cub
  • Mini Hippo Calf
  • Mini Jaguar Cub
  • Mini Lion Cub
  • Mini Moa Chick
  • Mini Orange Kitten
  • Mini Piglet
  • Mini Polar Bear Cub
  • Mini Snow Cougar Cub
  • Mini White Kitten

AUG 30

AUG 29

AUG 28

  • Black Lion Keys | (26% Off)
    … 93 Gems/ 1 Key
    … 337 Gems/ 5 Keys
    … 1575 Gems/ 25 Keys

AUG 27

AUG 26

AUG 25

AUG 24

AUG 23

AUG 22

AUG 21


(Note: Shoutout to Donari & Linfang for constantly updating/moderating the thread, its appreciated! Thank you as well for the suggestions StinVec & Just a flesh wound- noted!)

Happy shopping Tyrians!

(edited by Sae.8453)

Theres definately a movement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sae.8453


This has happened to me as well while running CoF on my ele the other day.
Couldn’t move until I use a movement skill (Burning retreat).

Extra account

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sae.8453


“A game serial code for account creation OR upgrade for the GW2: HoT expansion and the award-winning Guild Wars 2 core game”

It’s an either/or. Either you make a new account which has the HoT expansion (and your old account will remain in its original form) OR you upgrade your old account to give it the HoT (and you won’t also get a new, separate account).

This. I can see how it can be confusing though- could be worded much better.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Sae.8453


Agreed, its pretty frustrating to play against premades with pugs that are new to the game that literally just aa in place.

Also agree with above suggestion of a /resign /ff function, at like 10 minute mark or something with a unanimous surrender (3-2) so it isn’t exploited. While we’re at it lets add dishonor back as well. If it worked in GW1, I’m sure it’ll work in GW2.

Annoyed - Upcoming Level Rewards pop-up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I noticed this as well when using an experience scroll on a new character, and oh god- I face palmed so hard. I’m sure its nice for newer players to see what they’re getting in the next level, but as people have said before: please please please make an option to turn it off/disable it for the veterans.

Dealing with level gated material was already bad enough to deal with on new toons, but now I have additional pop ups that irk me when leveling instead of feeling satisfaction. It’s almost like we’ve gone back in time to internet explorer circa early 2000’s when pop-up ads were a normal thing to encounter- which is unfortunate.

tempest weapon skin already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


He’s probably assuming that the tempest skin line was made for the Tempest specialization- its not. There’s a new warhorn skin for the specialization.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sae.8453


Someone’s gonna cash in on the tempest warhorns lol.
There’s only one in TP and its 2000g, yikes.

gw2 need to offer special to new starter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


From past events we all know how “Veterans” feel already. Giving another bonus alongside getting the core game for free would just be a slap in the face to them, and would create so much backlash on the forums.

Log-In Rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sae.8453


Is anyone experiencing problems with the Log-In Rewards?

When I got the pop-up during reset, mine skipped the one I was supposed to get (which was the Chest of Loyalty, unfortunately :S) and gave me the first one (mystic coins).
A guildy of mine reported that he didn’t even get the chest pop up. > <

Watchwork Mining Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Do you think its worth to get? :S
How often do you get sprockets from it?

Exiting the game..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


lol… you are a windows user through and through.

I’d be the first to camp in front of Anet’s building or chain me to their doors until they would remove such a “are you really, really, absolutely, 100% sure?” feature.

Haha, sadly- can’t be too sure okay?! :P
Item deletion on the other hand… typing “Hall of Monuments Portal Stone” is one of my favorite past times!

You know you can hit F12 to get a different menu that let’s you choose between logging out and character select, right?

I actually never even knew that was an option- thanks xD

Exiting the game..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


I don’t know if this has been suggested, but can there be some sort of secondary check if you click “Exit to Desktop”. In a few occasions I’ve only meant to log out and accidentally clicked “Exit to Desktop” and had to re-log.

I’m sure this is just a small little thing, but I was just wondering why this option is instant compared to logging out which prompts “Are you sure you want to log out?”.

Mini Fawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Ahh okay, thanks! Was gone for both times so I guess I’ll just have to wait for this winter, haha. I think it was only one set that they put into the chests no?

Mini Fawn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sae.8453


Did this mini only come out in 2013? It’s the only mini I want (alongside the mini puppy…) that I’ve seen so far.

Mobile authenticator...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sae.8453


So I just logged on a couple minutes ago and noticed that I didn’t have to put the mobile authenticator code on. So I checked my account on here and saw that it was still active, so I logged out and tried it again but it didn’t prompt me for the code again. Is this happening to anyone else?

I checked the history for logins and apparenlty someone logged on/tried to log in to my account from a location I’m unfamiliar with.

So far I’ve changed my password and reset my mobile authenticator, but I’m not sure how I’d go about changing my account email… how do I go about this? :S

(edited by Sae.8453)

Character slot sale as of April 9, 2014

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sae.8453


I just bought one a couple days ago since I didn’t think it’d be on sale for a while after the march sales, urgh. Bought another one anyways though, lol

March Sale item record

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sae.8453


I’m hoping they bring back the unlimited royal terrace pass (even though that was still pretty recently), but I missed it as well as the captains airship pass when they went onto the gem store, argh.

Only one colour.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sae.8453


Only one color spawned at all attunement locations once we beat all three knights (it was the green attunement).


in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Sae.8453


So once we killed all three knights, only one colour attunement spawned at all attunement locations- meaning there was no red or blue buff to be found, only green.

Frustrating to encounter after staying on the map for four hours just to finish all three bosses in time. Zzz

no heirlooms when I loot rubble piles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sae.8453


This has been happening to me as well, I’ve tried looting most of them and I haven’t gotten any so far.

Bought the Witches Outfit and still haven't gotten anything in the mail after 12 hours...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sae.8453


Update: 18 hours and nothing yet :/

Are the doors all gone??? [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sae.8453


Yak’s Bend is bugged as well.

Bought the Witches Outfit and still haven't gotten anything in the mail after 12 hours...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sae.8453


Is anyone else not getting their stuff from the Gem Store? I know that one other person made a thread and got their costume after one hour… but it’s been 12 hours and I still haven’t gotten anything that I purchased in the mail.

I actually accidentally bought 2 witches outfits because I thought I had to pick them up from the Recent Purchases section zzzz.

(edited by Sae.8453)