Showing Posts For SanctumSyte.5019:
Thanks for the help guys. My missing area was in Mount Maelstrom called Magmatic Conjury in the SW corner. It was a small alcove that I right pass before evidently.
This page was extremely helpful in completing the Explorer Achievements. It lists all the areas and shows you in the map zone exactly where the area is at.
My Maguuma Explorer achievement says I have 166/167 areas discovered. I cannot tell what spot I’m missing. Is there a JP or mini dungeon somewhere that maybe I haven’t gone to that would unlock it? Or maybe just some small area that is commonly missed that people know? Any suggestions would be appreciated thank you.
I’ve done AC path 3 on my lvl 56 thief 4 times now and every single time when the NPC turns everyone into ghosts my heal, utilities, and elite is locked out. It has that little locked symbol and the boxes are greyed out. When I’m out of combat and the little arrow appears above each slot I can click and see my skills but selecting them makes no difference.
I went in another time on my level 80 necro and its perfectly fine. I have all my skills available as an ascalonian ghost. At first I thought it might be some weird glitch cause my thief wasn’t lvl 80. However there were 2 other ppl in my party that were lvl 55 and the other in the 40s. Their skills were perfectly fine after being transformed.
So for some odd reason this is affecting only my lower level thief and not my other toon. Its all on the same account.
Its very annoying since I can’t heal and as an undergeared thief I’m very squishy especially against the boss so I go down alot. I can’t use my utilities so my offensive capabilities are are hampered.
I don’t know if its just me but I really hope this gets fixed ASAP. I actually want to do this dungeon on my thief.
I have the exact same problem. Only I’m in Arah so I guess that run is a bust. It said I was out of sqd even though I was still in dungeon. In fact for some reason I’m getting a slight lag just typing in the forums here.
“The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connections through a campus network. For additional support, please visit”
Build: 16974
Error Code: 42:1001:9001:4110
I know it said that there was going to be server maintenance and there might be a slight connectivity issue, but having the party UI glitch and then not being able to even log back is more than a slight issue.
Well since you can’t return it you may as well try to get it installed. While using the customer support Ashley is trying to provide you with.
I think you guys are confusing critical chance % and critical damage % . These are 2 separate stats. Critical chance % is how often you crit so no, getting above 100% is pointless. Even if you had 100% crit chance you still don’t crit on every single hit though. Critical damage % is when you do crit how much damage does it deal.
Just know that everyone’s base crit damage% is 150%. Any thing that adds to critdmg% will just be added to that number. A rune that adds 2% will then increase your damage to 152%.
The OP is asking about critical damage not critical chance.
Simplified example: Base attack of 100 + base critdmg 150% = 250 dmg
Rune that adds 2% to critdmg = 252 dmg
and so on……
Just a warning those zones are a bit difficult to get to just because you have to go though other zones to get to them.
It depends a bit what world server you are on. If you’re on a high population server than you’ll have a higher chance of ppl in any zone at any given time. Also zones with a dungeon or world boss in it will most likely have more people. Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Sparkfly Fen, and Fireheart Rise come to mind that should be around your level range.
The key to any and all classes is dodge. Doesn’t matter if you are a Guardian with Toughness and Vit traited, geared, and runed out the wazoo. No class can just soak up damage and expect to not get downed quickly. Constantly move and time your dodges. I’m not talking about regular mobs you find on the map that are your level or slightly higher but groups of vets, champions, or other player in wvw and s/tpvp.
Play what you have fun with, any class has good survivability as long you know how to not take damage as you’re dealing it.
They both give approximately the same amount of exp when you level the craft from 1-400. You’ll gain 10 levels from start to finish. Though some ingredients can be hard to get because it can only be farmed in certain zones or sold only certain karma vendors. Of course also bought off TP but that can become expensive.
Cooking you can make foods that you can eat to gain buffs. Most foods have a +10% exp from kills and an extra buff like constant regen or +10 vit or something, so it would help with leveling.
Weaponsmith/Armorsmith you could try to keep it level appropriate to your toon but then you would have to farm mats in zones around your level or higher, or buy mats off TP which can get expensive if money isn’t that large.
Truly though I wouldn’t worry about crafting until lvl 60 or 70. Hopefully by then you have collected alot of materials and it’ll be less you have to buy. All crafted items can be found on the TP. If you discover something you want that would be cheaper crafted than bought you can always ask a friend you trust to craft it for you.
Technically there is none it just depends on how you are traited and what gear you have. Just know that everyone’s base crit damage% is 150%. Any thing that adds to critdmg% will just be added to that number. A rune that adds 2% will then increase your damage to 152%.
You just have to deal some damage to it. As long as through some of action of yours that a mob is hurt then you get exp and the drop. Even if it was your pet or minion that dealt the damage. Doesn’t matter how small the damage was.
It means that if you have 1 of that rune in a piece of gear you get the first bonus. If you have 2 of that same rune in 2 pieces of armor you get both of the bonus. Minor runes have only 2 bonuses and can go into any gear. Major runes have 4 bonuses and can only go into gears level 39 and up. Superior runes have 6 bonuses and can only go into armor level 60 and up.
Blood, ruby, and brick are nice red dyes.
For any profit from Karma I would say the best bet is the Orrian Jewel Boxes. Since you can get lodestones, potions, and junk to sell. Also all the karma jugs and stuff you get you can then use to get more karma to buy more boxes.
Then what would you recommend as an alternate rune? This for a dps warrior btw
Seems that stat is still bugged. If there is no way to get this rune then how are people acquiring it to sell on the TP?
How can I get that rune aside from buying it from TP? Is there a recipe to craft it or some dungeon it drops from or a gear I can salvage it from?
Also is the (6) stat on it still bugged? The wiki says:
Superior Rune of Rage does not give the extra +5% Critical Damage while under the effect of Fury.
The page was last edited on November 2012 so I don’t know if its still bugged
Just leave LA and go back in to get another overflow. I believe it also counts for each character on that account. So you can switch to an alt and go to those JPs in LA as well.
Right click their name if you can see it in chat or click the character portrait and a small menu with options will show up. There should be an option to report players there and you can give he reason your reporting.
I would save crafting until higher levels like 50s or 60s since by then you’ll have gathered most of the materials you’ll need and not have to buy them off the TP. Plus the exp you gain from crafting can help with getting past those mid-high levels where you need more exp for each level.
Yeah but its will still costs you less overall then say being an Armorsmith. Since with that you still need all the crafting materials (fangs, bones, blood, totem), cloth (jute, wool, linen, silk, etc), and metals (copper, iron, steel, etc). All of which you need to farm or salvage if you have the time or buy off the TP if you don’t. Plus lots of necessary vendor buys like lumps of tin, coal, primordium, and the various spools of thread.
Overall Chef is the profession that will cost you the least if you are starting from scratch since MOST materials can be bought from karma vendors. As for expensive ingredients like vanilla and eggs well you can go out and harvest them, kill the mobs that drop those loot, or if you’re low on coin and time avoid the recipes that require those ingredients. There are plenty of recipes you can skip while still being able upgrade to chef to each tier level.
At lower levels I wouldn’t worry about crafting your gear. A lot of gear can be picked up as loot or you can just buy it from the TP at relatively low prices. I wouldn’t recommend buying from the Vendors because they sell only white gear. Unless you are buying from karma merchants and have the karma to buy the gear you need that is level appropriate. The issue with buying from karma merchants is that you have to find the right one that sells the gear that has the stats that you want.
The exp is scaled and is the same if you craft at level 10 you’ll get to lvl 20 or start at lvl 40 you’ll hit 50. One profession from 1-400 will give you 10 levels no matter what level you initially started at.
If you’re worried about gold or materials then I suggest Chef as a profession that you craft since most of the ingredients can be bought through karma.
As another side note to the crafting profession many use it as a way to level. When you hit 60 level any craft from 1-400 will net you 10 levels guaranteed. An easy way to get 80 is to craft 2 professions to max and you’ll have entirely skipped 20 levels.
As to being new to MMOs and what class to start with I’d say go with the class that appeals to you. When I started GW2 I knew nothing about the game but a basic idea of the classes and races. I chose Asuran Necromancer just because I liked the idea of having a fleet of pets out and with me being so short I would be lost among them. Of course my view was off but I chose to stick with it and my necro is my main that I do anything first on her before I try with an alt.
You’ll learn as you go with any class, there’s always something new to be learned about your class especially with the way Anet updates a profession in drips and drabs so expect constant tweaks to them all.
*Note: 100% map =/= 100% explorer
So true. Made me sad that after I had 100% map completion I still had like 59/60 Orr and 143/145 Maguuma or something like that. There’s no list or anything either that I can systematically check off where have and haven’t found.
Its a matter of luck really. I got 2 rings from the lvl 10 daily chest after running it maybe 5-6 times on that many days. I got the 2nd ring a day after the 1st. Just make sure to do the even numbered dailies that take you to the 4th Fractal with Jade Maw.
Yes there are Red Borderlands, Blue Borderlands, Green Borderlands, and Eternal Battlefield.
Since you are starting starting college a good thing to note is that there are usually many clubs or groups that exist and with today’s mindset I’m sure are some with interests similar to yours. A gaming or anime club (I find those that enjoy gaming usually like anime/manga too) should exist because I know there were definitely those in high school. Hell I’m sure there are events like a console game tournaments that regularly go on. I’ve seen those fairly often at my friend’s campus. Just gotta take a few minutes to look around.
However you can get the precursor through monster drop or chest loot. A legendary needs many other ingredients in addition to the precursor and those items you’ll have to farm.
Finishing a profession from lvl 1-400 will get you 10 levels. So technically you can get lvl 80 in just a few hours doing all 8 professions but that would be a waste. Get to 60 them max out 2 crafts to hit 80 or more if you want to start at a lower lvl. To get to the lvl you want to start crafting at I would say map completions, dailies, wvw. AC and other dungeons not so much cause most parties won’t want to keep a lowbie for ac exp, they may run 1 or 2 with you but you would have to constantly take pug groups that are ok with you below lvl 50-60.
I prefer using a different name with no accents as opposed to use a taken name with a letter replaced with one with an accent. Makes things easier for myself in the long run so I don’t get locked out of parties that find typing my name too much of a hassle.
You can also go into Heart of Mists, go to the lockers, preview the skins for longbow and any other weapon you want there. The locker has every weapon skin available in game atm. The only issue is that the PvP names and PvE names are different but that’s easy to find out after you know which skin you’re after.
If you’re looking for affordable armor then I recommend farming a dungeon and getting the exotic with dungeon tokens. Just go to the vendors in LA and look through the gear to see which dungeon you need to farm. I don’t remember what stats Knights gear give off the top of my head so you’ll have to check yourself.
Worry about the gear before the runes. In the process of dungeon running you earn alot of coin so by the time you have a full set you might earn enough to buy the runes you need without having to bankrupt yourself.
If you don’t want to level JC then just look up the accessories you want and check out what mats are needed to make it. Send to a friend with JC at 375+ to make them for you.
Though with price of ecto now I wouldn’t recommend buying them outright. Either put a buying price, loot some rares and salvage them, or if you want them quicker buy some cheap 76+ rares and salvage them. Its cheaper per unit than buying ectos and you can get 1-3 ectos per salvage, must make sure to use black lion kits or master if you don’t have those.
If you’re close to 80 then you could probably do some fractals and loot the back and accessories you need. I know I usually get quite a few per run that I end up NPCing or salvaging.
Actually there’s a very easy solution to this. If you find a name that you want to invite to your party and right click Invite to party does not show then just add them as a friend. Press Y to open your friends list and right click the name there and Invite to party. Right after they join you can just delete the name. Same principle if you wish to join a party instead of inviting someone to join yours.
Admittedly it is annoying to have to do this, but until Arenanet fixes the invite glitch these extra steps are a necessity.
This way you won’t have to remember a bunch numbers that correspond to an accent or have to constantly switch between game and the forums just to spell a name.
It finally let me in after flickering between the Heart of Mists and Lion’s Arch loading screen a few times and taking longer than usual loading. My character is now in Lion’s Arch. However I’m now afraid to zone out xD
I logged in my necro and I was in Plains of Ashford. I went into Heart of Mists to get back to Lion’s Arch and on that load screen I get kicked off the game client. Every time I try to log that character I get a load screen then I’m kicked off with an error message.
The game client is unable to access the log-in client at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support please visit
That makes no sense since I’m on my home network, I haven’t made any changes to my firewall or security settings, and I haven’t done any updates to my antivirus since yesterday I was able to log in and play GW2 just fine.
Edit: Now I can’t even login to my account on the game client to get to my character select screen.
I get the same error message as before only the code has changed
Build 16100
Error Code 42:4:7:610
(edited by SanctumSyte.5019)
Hmm something like 11am -3pm GMT maybe. Things should be fairly dead in those hours since its about 3am/6am-7am/10am PST/EDT then and many should be asleep or just waking up.
You can get runes from gear dropped from mobs, craft them, dungeons, or just buy from TP. It just depends which runes you want and you go from there to figure out how to acquire the specific one you want.
Just depends which you wish to go for.
Toughness defends against direct damage. Vitality defends against condition damage.
Condition damage is consistent damage over time. Critical damage is occasional spike damage though more often if crit rate is high.
So it just a choice of which you want to work on.
My personal preference is Toughness and high crit damage but I’m sure many will have arguments for or against that. Whichever way you choose is definitely viable.
You’ll also have to go into the 4 WvWvW maps to get 100% world completion. So take this time to test it out as you work on those maps. If you want to use different armor you’ll have to have them in your bag and manually switch each piece. I’d try out WvWvW before investing in an entire set of gear though just to see if you even like it.
I was planning to also make a PvE and PvP set but I find myself not a large fan of WvWvW so I stick with just my regular gear and go in just for my monthly kills as I join zergs.
It would appear this set was removed after the game went live and no new information has been released on when it will be returned or if it even will be reintroduced.
Sounds complicated.
There’s is no legally in game a person can track mail. A developer or someone on Anet’s side that has access to the game logs can look it up. So send in a ticket and follow their steps, give as much information as possible and be accurate, it may take a while though cause it will take that person some time to go through the logs to find your specific entry and I’m sure that person will have to sift through alot of data especially with a game as massive as this.
My best bet for trying to get into any server is to attempt to do it either very late at night or during early morning. Chances are great that you’ll make it in.
Not great. Not ANY server. I recruited my hubby yesterday after playing for a few months w/ a friend on Fort Aspenwood. It’s been FULL ever since – checking constantly from 8:00pm until 2:00am and again today starting at 10:00am on. So now my choices are change servers to be w/ hubby and lose connection w/ BFF (she has a Guild so she’s not going anywhere) or not be w/ hubby after buying him the game so we could play together.
Even at 2am its still a fairly large number online and at 10 am that’s when people are nice and awake and starting their days in game. Off peak hours I would say are early in the morning about 4am-8am and around early to mid afternoon 1pm-5pm. That’s just through what I’ve seen on PST time. Of course times will differ depending on time zones.
For the Kill Variety killing an ice drake and a river drake would only count as 1, they’re both drakes. Its the same if you were to go into an orr map. You could kill a risen chicken or a risen acolyte and it would make no difference since its all risen.
Killing white named mobs definitely count towards the daily kill count and daily kill variety. Killing a hawk and rabbit would count as 2 in the variety.
Actually its made with combining Platinum and Lumps of Primordium which is then used to make items in Artificer, Weaponsmith, Huntsman, Tailor, Armorsmith, and Leatherworker. It makes weapons, runes, sigils, armor and more in the 225-275 skill range.
Though that earring may be a glitch or just something they added but won’t go into effect into the game until later or something that was there during beta but wasn’t fully removed, who knows.
(edited by SanctumSyte.5019)
I think the halloween one its high exotic drop rate was only in the very beginning when it was just implemented. Then they changed it to just once daily loot and lowered the exotic drop rate, though it was still higher than chests on the overworld map. It was probably that high because it was part of a special limited time event and if you noted the exotics it gave out was Mad King related.
Otherwise as to chests ranking I don’t think there is anything that explicitly states which chests are better and what are the possible frops.