Showing Posts For Shade.4702:

Bad slow down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shade.4702


I can confirm the OP’s findings. I guested to Sea of Sorrows, went to the described spot, and my FPS dropped from its usual 30+ down to 9. I couldn’t explain why since it was the same number of people doing the same farming done on Tarnished Coast, except on TC my FPS remains at its usual 30+. Very strange.

New Legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shade.4702


She did not say “legendary weapons.” She said “legendary items.” That could mean anything. Legendary earrings, legendary helmets, legendary runes…

Stop 'lf1m' posts, use lfg site!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


It’s been unstickied! Does that mean the official dungeon finder is coming soon? /hopelesslyExcited

We can only hope.

Will the new update stop skipping?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


If you’re afraid about people farming first mobs, why not make mobs drop better loot the further you are in a dungeon and the more you killed already?

This is a good idea!

Dungeons = joke for low levels

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


I level up mostly from dungeons once I hit 30. My guild does dungeons every day, so we just do guild groups usually. We do take random people when we don’t have five though. We don’t care whether people are 80 or not. Most people by now have at least one character who’s 80 and should know how to play as part of a team, so it isn’t really a big deal. If other groups don’t want you because you aren’t 80, they probably aren’t very good at playing as a team.

In fact, I’ve even run with guildmates between 20 and 35 in AC explorable and the runs have always been very smooth. (All three paths in about an hour.) You just need to work together as a team. That makes much more of a difference than what level you are or what gear you have.

Add me if you have trouble getting into dungeons at low levels. My guild does dungeons 24×7 so we can just send you a guild invite too.

Fractal Drinking Game

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shade.4702


Thanks for sharing. Our fractal runs will definitely get more intense with these new rules!

Magic find banner in dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


My guild regularly plants banners outside dungeon entrances – including fractals. What’s nice is the banner will still be there after you’ve finished the dungeon! You can grab the buff again from the same banner when you go back for another round. If you put it inside the instance, and then reset the instance for another round, your banner would be lost.

Fire Shaman Fractal Too Hard at 11+

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


When I was going from 10 to 20 I noticed my groups having more trouble than I remembered having at earlier levels. The agony can be dodged with a little practice, and another thing which made a big difference is getting people to rally those who go down instead of trying to revive them. Rally is much faster and it doesn’t make anyone else more vulnerable by being rooted.

What to do with Fractal Tokens?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


I got 20-slot inventory boxes for all my alts.

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Shade.4702


make it like fractals where you level up and the timer speeds up for higher prizes

I like this suggestion a lot. Everyone I talk to either says it’s very easy or very hard. If it started easy and got progressively harder with each level, that might allow the very skilled to see how high a level they can get, while still allowing the casual/new jumpers to at least see the course. (I don’t think everyone should just be handed rewards and achievement points, but it would be nice for everyone to at least see the whole puzzle.)

Why is fractal progress per-character?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


Why is the fractal difficulty scale progress linked to my individual characters instead of my account? It’s still ME playing each character.

In the other dungeons – where there is a story mode and an explorable mode – I understand the story goes in order so we have to do story first to create explorable instances. Even if I’ve only done story on my other character, I can at least join an explorable mode instance created by someone else. Is there a reason fractals doesn’t work like this?

If I played one character from difficulty 1 to difficulty 10, but now I want to play another character for a while, I would like to be able to pick up right where I left off at level 10. All my friends are at level 10 so I’d like to keep moving forward with them.

I like many professions in the game…so I play them all. The way the other dungeons let me focus on having fun with other professions was a very clever design decision. I’m surprised fractals works differently so I’d just like to know what I’m missing.

Fotm highest lvl transfer to all characters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


I’m surprised the progress is character-based instead of account-wide. Nearly everything else in the game is account-wide. I’d love to be able to play other professions in Fractals without starting over from level 1.

MAC UPdates - Arena Net??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shade.4702


The game itself is not in beta so you won’t lose any of your work building characters. Only the Mac version of the client is in beta; not Guild Wars 2. The Mac and Windows players are all sharing the same persistent world.

Of course we’re all waiting for more improvements so the Mac client won’t be in beta any more, but ANet can’t give you a date because – just like when GW2 entered beta – the results of our testing will determine when the client is no longer in “beta.”

Can't launch the application.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shade.4702


Does the Crash.dmp update each time you attempt to launch the game?

Right-click “Guild Wars 2” in the Applications folder, then “Show package contents.” Navigate to Contents\Resources\transgaming\c_drive\GW2\Crash.dmp and look at the “Modified” date and time for that file.

I don’t know how to read what’s in that file, but maybe this will at least confirm whether the game is crashing.

Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shade.4702


+1 for more gem store armors. Since armors are worn in combat, and the majority of the game happens to be combat, I’m more likely to purchase armor skins than town skins because it’s what I’ll be using most of the time. The gem store GW1 armor skins were a wonderful addition.

+1 for option to enable automatic toggle between armor & town clothes depending on whether or not you’re in combat. I personally would prefer more armor skins, but perhaps if town clothes would automatically appear in between fights (when I’m out of combat) people would get more use out of them and therefore be more likely to purchase them.

+1 for a better interface for dealing with gem store skins. A dedicated bank like the one for mini pets would be ideal, but it would also be an improvement to do something similar to what you did with the HoM rewards. Why? I’ve seen a few guildmates buy things and then misclick during transmutation…or accidentally delete when juggling town clothes outfits…forcing them to repurchase the same skin they already paid for.

Back Items Without Level Requirements Only Take Tier 1 Gems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I have the opposite problem! I bought the guild assassin backpack for 5 gold and I have applied an upgrade to the unused slot. My other character just got the strong back brace from personal story, but only the tier 1 gems can be applied. I meet the level requirement for the higher tier gems so why can’t I use them?

Weapon scaling and asura

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shade.4702


The whole reason I wanted a tiny asura was for a big weapon! At least asura ranger pets don’t scale too… It would be nice if I could have a big pet AND a big greatsword.

Updates fragmenting?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shade.4702


I’ve also noticed an incredible wait time on loading screens and also when previewing any armor, weapons, or dyes. I’ll copy the gw2.exe to a new folder and download a new gw2.dat overnight to see if that helps. We really shouldn’t be expected to download the whole game every month, though…

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Yesterday this was still happening with my elemental summons, and I also noticed it still is a problem with ranger pets too. Even though the patch notes from the other week say the excessively loud pet footsteps were fixed, I can confirm the issue is still present.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Thank you very much for the updates, Gaile and Jeffrey. I won’t progress my other character’s personal stories once they get to 55 just to be sure I don’t get broken by the greatest fear choice. Hopefully that issue will be sorted soon!

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shade.4702


New rewards:

I ran AC four times last night (twice before the midnight UTC reset, then twice after) and got 60 tokens each time. Wonderful! One of my guildmates only got 45 each time, though, even after the midnight UTC reset.

This morning I did CoF with a friend who had never done the dungeon before. I got 60 but he got 45.

I think the rewards we get for the time taken to complete the intense explorable paths is good – so long as we actually get the full 60 tokens the first time we do it. It’s more enjoyable to do different paths rather than do the “easy” one over and over, so I am really glad to see that change!

Soulbound vs account bound:

My pre-existing tokens now read “Account bound” but they behave as though soulbound. I can deposit into bank, change characters, and cannot withdraw on my other character. Will the old tokens be made truly account bound? I’d love to see that since it has been my intent to use them on a second character.

Account bound Dungeon tokens, not able to be put in inventory

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I also worked hard with one character, earning tokens planned for use on my second character once it got to 80. I now have four separate partial stacks of tokens for the same dungeon which cannot be stacked together. The storage issue wouldn’t be so bad if I could at least spend them on the right character, but only the new tokens can be withdrawn from the bank on my new character. The old tokens seem to still be soulbound to my first character, even though the description says “account bound.”

Has anyone from ANet confirmed whether these pre-patch tokens will eventually be made truly account bound, instead of just changing the description text? I’d love to be able to someday use them on my second character (who is now 80 and ready to spend the tokens).

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I noticed in the 25th Sept update notes there was an entry for “Fixed a bug that made pet footsteps excessively loud, especially in water.” I hoped that would fix the elementals as well but it did not. I don’t play ranger often, but I can confirm on today the 26th the elemental summons still make excessively loud sounds.

Dungeon Lobby System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shade.4702


I agree we need a better way to form dungeon parties, since as stated the dungeons are often in areas where people who want to do those dungeons wouldn’t normally be playing.

A physical lobby room is not appealing to me at all. Why would I want to sit in a boring room when I could rather be out in the world playing? Boring.

The LFG tab in the [Y] Contacts menu is a start, but I’d like to see something more like the PvP Browser window (accessed by talking to the “PvP Browser” NPC). So instead of just listing people nearby with the status “LFG” we could also see what those people are LFG for (i.e. a particular dungeon).

I could mark myself LFG and then a pop-up could appear where I’d choose which things I’m LFG for. Maybe I want to do explorable mode in AC and CoE, but I don’t prefer one over the other. I could then mark a check in the box by each. Then other people who are marked for the same could see me on their LFG lists, even if we’re not currently on the same map. Doesn’t that sound convenient? I know this is something easier said than done, but I know a lot of people would love an in-game LFG system like this.

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I hear this often with ranger pets and elemental summons (not just fire; the earth and water ones stomp their feet very loudly). Sometimes I’ll hear it too loudly when my guildmates hear it at an appropriate volume…but then other times it sounds fine to me when my guildmates complain about the volume! So something weird is going on, definitely.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Character name: Jacyndra Eqostia
Story quest level: 70 & 71
Changed: I was previously working with Apatia but now it thinks I was working with Tonn.

Before the Battle of Fort Trinity I was working with a norn named Apatia. We went to ambush the Krait to steal a device which prevents dragon corruption, but Apatia was lost along the way and left behind.

During the Battle of Fort Trinity, Traherne told me my partner was Tonn and I was responsible for his death. WHAT? I’ve never met anyone named Tonn. My partner was Apatia!

Now my quest is level 71 named “A Sad Duty” and I need to inform Tonn’s widow I accidentally killed him. What happened to Apatia? Shouldn’t we go back for her, since that is what my character vowed in a previous quest?

Apparently this is still broken.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Guild: Twice Avenged [TwiA]
World: Stormbluff Isle

We have a guild emblem and unlocked guild armor. All ranks have permission to display the emblem, but when anyone in our guild talks to the guild armor NPC (while representing our guild, of course) the NPC says we don’t have permission to display the emblem.

When we first unlocked the guild armor we could buy it and wear it, so it used to work but sometime in the last 2 weeks it has stopped working for people who want to buy it. Very odd!

Investing Gold??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shade.4702


You could invest it in gems…

If gold does depreciate, then gems should naturally appreciate relative to gold because the value of gems is tied to real money.

Invest your 6 gold in gems now, then maybe take 10 gold out 8 months later.

That seems sound. I did this, and I’m sure my gems will be worth more gold after a few months or a year when there is a lot more gold inside the game.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


Is there any specific rules to the order guild members appear in the roster? The only consistent thing I’ve noticed is the player’s own name is listed at the top.

I like having the option to sort by columns, but I’d like it even more if it remembered the way it’s sorted so I don’t have to make so many clicks every time I open the roster.

For example, I like to sort by the rank column and then the online column. This shows me all the online people above all the offline people, and within those two groups the highest rank is at the top and the lowest is at the bottom. This requires me to make two clicks each time I go to the roster tab, because when I close and reopen the G window I see a mix of everyone in no particular order. With 200 guild members, that’s not really a helpful way to present the roster information.

Option to adjust camera height

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I noticed the camera height doesn’t change with character height. You can see what I mean by making a tall asura and/or a short norn. Although asuras are short, your tall asura will fill a significant portion of your screen. Although norns are tall, your short norn will only have its shoulders and head on screen. (Obviously zooming the camera all the way out allows you to see both more of your character and more of the world around it. I don’t like to play zoomed out all the way though.)

Allowing us to move the camera position higher or lower to our liking would solve all these things. There is a slider to move from side to side now, so I assume you could just add another slider for higher and lower.

Thanks for hearing us out!

Karma rewards?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shade.4702


I understand why DEs around Tyria give karma. That makes sense to me.

What I don’t understand is why helping other people with their personal stories doesn’t award karma any more. Isn’t going out of our way to do something for someone else what karma is all about?