Showing Posts For ShaeMtal.9473:
My bad, the effect is more or less the same tho, a nice reward for sticking with the character (and the game) for so long. Keep it as it is!
I like this as a reward for sticking with a character for a long time. Beats duplicate minis and dye packs, which we’ve had plenty of so far.
Don’t mind these being only in the 5th year presents. When you start reaching that age on a character, it ought to be rewarded in a unique way that can’t be gotten elsewhere.
That would turn GW2 into something that it’s not, and I would be massively put off by it. For me, that would be a sign of taking a more EA/Activision approach of milking the playerbase as much as possible for as long as they can. I’m not against companies making money, but souch an approach would hurt the life of the game, as I can see a lot of veterans quitting over it.
There is a reason big companies are moving away from paid dlc, like ubisoft at are. It’s more important to support the games with updates and content to keep the playerbase, and to keep them happy → make money on cosmetics/convenience.
Look, I’m sure you’re a good guy and all, and that you mean well, but your style of discussion where you go at those who’ve disagreed or challenged you in a rather rude manner aren’t doing your arguments any favours.
You seem very adamant about your view on the sylvari and the dream, but so far it hasn’t done much to convince others. It’s a nice little headcannon if we could call it that, but I don’t see you convincing others or the majority of it. Especially when people like koening can refute more or less all of the claims in such a well laid out manner. You are free to have the headcannon you want, but the way you’ve been going at it won’t convince others of it being “right”.
There is no control mechanism from the pale tree, other than the wyld hunts instilling a sense of purpose or drive for some sylvari, the teachings is simply a written work in stone produced by a centaur we met in gw1.
You are correct in all but one point, Wyld hunts come from the Dream, by her own admission the Tree cannot choose or control what hunts a sylvari has or which sylvari even get a hunt.
Ah, true. Mixed that one up, was a bit late when I was making my post. Thanks. I suppose it would be more correct to say the pale tree can offer guidance or help for the sylvari who have a wyld hunt then, and it would be up to the individual sylvari to choose what to do with said guidance no?
I’m fine with the use of meters, even if I don’t happen to be using them myself. Never seen a case of someone getting kicked over it either, even if I’ve been in some groups where the total dps from my perspective was rather lacking.
If a person joins a group and cannot pull their own weight dps/buff uptime wise, what right has that person to slow down the other 4/9 or potentially make things fail for them?
I would take it as a hint to improve my playstyle if I got kicked over had a bad dps result that couldn’t be explained through class(like druid) or unfortunate accidents like being downed or dead(though, if I keep dying I expect to be kicked all the same for making the group fail).
From my experience and what I believe, it takes a rather atrocious dps to get kicked from your average fractal pug. And, there is a simple solution to the problem; make your own group advertising that it’s without dps checks and that it’s casual and chill. Find likeminded people instead of expecting others to happily accept underperformance.
So in a sense, even the game itself thinks the Pale Tree is manipulating the Silvari by the teachings of the Ventari Tablet? Regardless if the Nightmare court believes right, wrong, or indifferent, they believe it is a control mechanism the Tree is using to at the very least influence the Silvari.
The nightmare court seeks to detach the sylvari from ventaris teachings, akin to breaking with the laws, norms and customs of their society. Those laws if we will, aren’t enforced on the sylvari through any will of the pale tree. It’s a literal tablet where the teachings is written upon, and in the Grove you can come across sylvari teaching other sylvari these teachings. Had the sylvari originated elsewhere, these teachings would not have been central to their society, as the tablet happened to be at the location where the pale tree grew. There is no control mechanism from the pale tree, other than the wyld hunts instilling a sense of purpose or drive for some sylvari, the teachings is simply a written work in stone produced by a centaur we met in gw1.
If anything, the pale tree and the dream help provide to the sylvari the exact opposite of mind control and a hive mind, it’s a shield protecting them, but to explain that and how this is central to what the sylvari are, you’d need to know the main plot of heart of thorns.
The pale tree doesn’t have any control over the sylvari.
Must say I hated how my pc reacted. Being human and you know, having balthazar as his selected God.. His response to the reveal made no sense at all and made me cringe hard.
Like a seventh-day adventist picking a fight with the second coming of Christ level of logic.
Slightly disappointed with the reveal of lazarus. As mentioned, a human reaction should have been different from a char reaction. Big B no longer caring for humanity is also a big break from the lore on the whole relationship between big b and the humans.
Gameplay wise it’s good. Story and lorewise, from a gw1 day 1 vet… It’s jarring and feels like a mess.
Trying to complete an invasion is like rolling the dice for me now.
Will I get to see the end of it, or will I experience a freeze→crash?
Well, specs are;
OS Win7 64bit 6.1, 7601.
ATI 6970 2gig running akittens default clocks speed of 880/1375.
Corsair Dominator DDR3 1600MHz. 8 gig total.
Amd Phenom II X4 980 running at default 3,7ghz.
Game is installed and running of an Kingston SSDNow V+100 128GB.
(could post a full dxdiag report file i supose, but i feel that that would be unnecesary. It’s not going to tell anything new in terms of system related stuff that would suddenly be the cause of this crashing)
Everything curently instaled is as of this spring, with all drives being wiped clean and set up again.
IT could be due to the culling, that I agree with. But, I cannot see how it suddenly should cause freezes and crashes like these when there is no such problems in WvWvW. It is only happening when I’m active in an invasion event zone. If the culling is the cause, the issue lies with the game client/servers, rather than my hardware and system. Everything was fine pre patch, and everything is stil fine with the exception of the invasion events. Even in the midst of all 3 servers fighting for stonemist in EB, the game stil keeps up and dosnt freeze up.
Only thing that has changed is the game and game client, making it very hard for me to actualy play the games curent focus(living story). The only difference altering the ingame graphic settings do is improve/decrease framerate. It does not prevent the freezes. Nothing about gw2 having an issue in any event viewer I can find, unless it’s hidden deep somewhere sadly:-/
It’s been happening a fair number of times for me now, and it’s getting to be rather annoying to have it happen.
The game will freeze(lock up in a single frame, sound continues to play) and stop responding. Ony way to get out of this state is to use task manager to kill the program.
It can happen 5 min into the event, it can happen 40 min into the event.
As far as I’ve seen, it’s unrelated to the number of characters on my screen at a given time to, as it’s happened both during an event fight and when I’ve been alone walking to the next event. Do bear in mind as per character density on screen, I’ve never experienced something like this in WvWvW.
It’s cost me the end reward a few times now, along with completing frostgorge and firehearts for the achivement. I never experienced anything like this instabillity pre this curent living story, and nothing has changed in either my setup nor settings.
Is there anything to be done about this, or is it just a case of “tough luck, suck it up” ?
Might’ve had more succes in the forum labeled lore, cause you know.. There’s a bit of lore being discussed there.
Might even be able to stir koenig from hist tomes.
I rather dislike how this makes a big change to how likely a person is to get help from their guildies with a dungeon run. Log on to late in the day and the majority of the dungon runners have done their -Insert Dungeon/path- and its a nogo. When someone logs on and asks in guild chat about doing a dungeon I’ve already done that day, I had the option of selecting any of my other chars to do it with him, and get rewarded for it.
Now I’ll have to make a choice wheter to help him and take the hit, or do something else. In effect, I’m somewhat punished for helping. That I do not like at all.
Be it gold or tokens or both, they should be a reward for each character, not account based. I’ve done my share of CoF, CoE and AC. I’m just as likely to do them now, the only thing is I’m now being told that going for that second run with a guild group needing just one more is a booboo and deserves a spanking.
It’s not as much a mismatch as I’ve take off the chest piece for this picture(cof light armour piece). The rest is a mix of cof and coe tho.
Main draw however is the effect played by the bloodseeker and the sylvari glow.
Corrupted by the power of the bloodstone anyone?;P
Well, the bots exist out there at least. At least if we go by a quick google search. Wheter or not they actualy work and function like this is another matter.
I however wont try to prove this by using one to make sure it actualy works. I do invite a naysayer to test one to prove their stand that they dont exist tho.
The implications of these actualy working however, is something that we shouldnt take so lightly.
I’d more call this a effect of how other events used for farming have been handled.
I remember in the early days, all those events with wave uppon wave of mobs that gave loot. When I return to those events now, there is hardly any people there to do them, with far to many just passing by. This is rather evident in the orrian zones. I dont consider some of the steps taken against these events to be good ones, considering that most run on a timer. For events without a timer that keeps spawning, I support the removal of loot as those can and will be exploited.
With less farmable events, people go looking for a new place to farm, before the mobs either get changed or have their loot taken away. If the devs take the usual steps they have in the past to make this event unfarmable, people will just look for a new spot, and on and on it goes.
Wheter or not one is pro farm is another matter, but the changes made to previously farmed events/chains leads to things like this happening. It’s not as much a community issue, player issue or an eploitive issue, its a design issue.
There’s stil a few events where there are wave after wave of spawning mobs that can be farmed at a decent rate, but very few if any remain at the lvl 80 range. One example is the deffense event for CoF, alas the loot there isn’t that good so it’s not as popular(seen it fail a few times even with the area outside the entrance packed with people doing the actual dungeon, go figure)
Theres always the sentences by the royal architect and a sylvari visitor standing by a closed wooden gate that leats to some scafoldings which descends a bit down into the hole itself.
The architect talks about new fundations coming along nicely, and that we dont have to worry about a new collapse. Then theres the sylvari who talks about the city having roots of stone, she also talks about finding it odd as she has seen sinkholes before when creatures have tunneled to much in an area. Then goes on saying that she didnt think humans lived underground, finding it curious.
While she may be indeed talking about tunnels as in severs etc, there seems to be a bit more to it. Add to the obvious gate that if bypassed would allow one to descend a good way down the hole.. well.. I hope they expand on the importance of this place. I’ve wanted to get down into that hole since i first saw it during the first bwe events!
But even with gold being the determining factor in a legendary due to how the rng works now, people will stil atain the legendary down the road. 6 months of dedicated farming will see you the gold needed to get it, but it wont necceseraly be an enjoayble ride there.
I agree that there must be an element where the player can fail at getting it, but is RNG the way to prolong getting one?
The game will eventualy reach a state where legendaries are commonplace. This cannot be avoided even if they are rng based. The best way as I see it to keep legendaries rare, is to introduce new ones. As players get to the step where they make the final push for their legendary, there is enough variation amongst them and enough different paths to take that this leads to plenty of diversity amongst the legendaries to keep them rare. (god what an awfull sentence, but I’m to tired to try and make it simplet)
Whats most important is the way to get one, if its percived as fun, challenging and diverse opposed to tedious, luck based and grindy.
I disagree to some extent. At this point I don’t think we risk Legendaries ever becoming very common place.
Because how daunting the task of obtaining a Legendary currently is, (whether that system is good or bad), there are people who have decided not to even try for one.
There are people who have tried for one and given up.
There are people who are trying for one and will yet give up.
And the people who eventually get one or two will only do so on one or two of their characters.
So as it stands right now I don’t think we risk Legendaries becoming common place any time soon and I think that is the way it should be.
I do think that the sytem could be improved, I do think there is a better, more fun, more Legendary way to do it, I just don’t know what that way is and I don’t blame Anet for no knowing yet either.
That being said a Legendary should be rare, or IMO it is no longer a Legendary and the current system accomplishes that.
Yet they will, as legendaries is one, if not the most prominent endgame goal of GW2. People will work for them. Also, when people cannot reliably see themselves getting what they try to work for, they will simply stop. As more of the population get legendaries, and more of the population give up on legendaries and posibly stop playing, legs will become more common due the % of playing players who has them. The only way to keep them truly rare is to create enough variation that you wont see two of the same legendary weapons in the same group as an example. Like you can now with twilight wielding wars, mesmers and guards. Diversity is the best way to keep something rare, rng just prolongs the time it takes before it become common.
But even with gold being the determining factor in a legendary due to how the rng works now, people will stil atain the legendary down the road. 6 months of dedicated farming will see you the gold needed to get it, but it wont necceseraly be an enjoayble ride there.
I agree that there must be an element where the player can fail at getting it, but is RNG the way to prolong getting one?
The game will eventualy reach a state where legendaries are commonplace. This cannot be avoided even if they are rng based. The best way as I see it to keep legendaries rare, is to introduce new ones. As players get to the step where they make the final push for their legendary, there is enough variation amongst them and enough different paths to take that this leads to plenty of diversity amongst the legendaries to keep them rare. (god what an awfull sentence, but I’m to tired to try and make it simpler)
Whats most important is the way to get one, if its percived as fun, challenging and diverse opposed to tedious, luck based and grindy.
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)
Ah yes, I could’ve been more specific I suppose, but being creative with these things are rather hard after a night without sleep.
In terms of what I’d prefer instead of the curent way to obtain it is something related to the gameworld, and exploring and completing it. While I myself wouldn’t mind it being gated behind skill, as I consider taking the time to overcome a difficult task in a game as being dedicated and thus deserving of a reward thats related to this(a legendary is verymuch a symbol of dedication), I see the problems it could cause.
There is stil the option of having it tied to something akin to the gift of exploration, where you could have “gifts” or other ways to aquire it by completing game content like jps and dungeons. It would stil kitten people off, but in terms of an item being legendary and a show of having played the game, that would be preferable to a item determined by its gold value.
You are going to step on toes no matter how you try to aproach issues like this, but as far as my opinion goes, a legendary item should be related to completing game content and showing the dedication to complete hard/time consuming/challenging content. While one could say that gaining the gold needed could qualify as this, I do not see this as the best outcome.
And yes, theres -that- thread. But for different reasons I’d rather not touch that one.
The reward chances are broken, I don’t think proof is needed here. For reference point, I’ve committed close to 2000 hours in Guild Wars 2 and have never had an item worth more than 5 gold.
Nobody ever promised that you’d get a precursor in less than 500 hours, 2000 hours, 4000 hours and so on.
You conceived an arbitrary expectation for no reason whatsoever, and now rant because it wasn’t fulfilled.
How long do you propose people play before they’re “worthy” in your eyes, of a reward? Because after investing 2000 hours into something and not having anything to show for it most people are going to quit and tell everyone who will listen to avoid the game.
I still don’t get why you’re defending such a bad game mechanic as rng.
Legendaries and similar skins are supposed to be rare, select few people are supposed to have them.
If you insist on arbitrary numbers, let’s do some arbitrary math with your 2000-hour precursors. A population of 2.000.000 players that plays on average only two hours per day, after a year of farming will generate over 700.000 precursors. With 20 precursor models, that’s 35.000 precursors of each type, after only one year.
If you don’t understand how “unrare” that is, consider that TP currently shows about 10.000 Globs of Ectoplasm. Or, there are only about 20-30 each of the cheapest and kittentiest exotic items that are much more easy to come by.
I would far prefer a hard/long way to atain the pre and the other stuff for the legendary, than having rng extend the time it takes to get one.
You have one, grind the gold.
Yet is that good gameplay or a legendary task? Does that truly make the item you grind for and try to make a rare prestige item? Its just a gold barrier. Nothing legendary about it.
You forget that the “Random luck” part only consists for 1/3-at most 1/2 of the total price required for the legendary. The only reason that precursors are given the most attention is that unlike the other parts, you can’t farm for it incrementally (unless you buy one in TP). Gift of fortune alone costs 411g average total. The only ones that the precs cost more than 1/2 of the total cost is bifrost and twilight.
Its hardly forgotten in my post. As I said, the work for a legendary is more about getting the precursor than the other stuff. That is what people are focusing on and where the discussion are the hottest. As long as you can work towards something piece by piece and get closer as you go on, its total cost is not as troubling to players as the one massive chunk a precursor represents. If you gather all the mats in the gift of fortune into one sum, then yes, theyre comperable. But the precursor is just one of the items needed, one of the ingredients yet is the one which represents the most costs and cause the most controversy amongst players.
The main focus becomes getting a precursor because its the single most hard part to get. It’s not on doing set tasks ingame like the gifts of exploration or the gift of battle, its a task that directly transelates to raw gold value. Yes the gift of fortune can be measured in gold too, but it’s at the very least posible to do this in parts and farm bits of it by yourself either through direct drops or gold.
The reward chances are broken, I don’t think proof is needed here. For reference point, I’ve committed close to 2000 hours in Guild Wars 2 and have never had an item worth more than 5 gold.
Nobody ever promised that you’d get a precursor in less than 500 hours, 2000 hours, 4000 hours and so on.
You conceived an arbitrary expectation for no reason whatsoever, and now rant because it wasn’t fulfilled.
How long do you propose people play before they’re “worthy” in your eyes, of a reward? Because after investing 2000 hours into something and not having anything to show for it most people are going to quit and tell everyone who will listen to avoid the game.
I still don’t get why you’re defending such a bad game mechanic as rng.
Legendaries and similar skins are supposed to be rare, select few people are supposed to have them.
If you insist on arbitrary numbers, let’s do some arbitrary math with your 2000-hour precursors. A population of 2.000.000 players that plays on average only two hours per day, after a year of farming will generate over 700.000 precursors. With 20 precursor models, that’s 35.000 precursors of each type, after only one year.
If you don’t understand how “unrare” that is, consider that TP currently shows about 10.000 Globs of Ectoplasm. Or, there are only about 20-30 each of the cheapest and kittentiest exotic items that are much more easy to come by.
Question here is how it is rare. If it took a gargantuan effort to gather the materials and the requirements took time and effort then yes, it’ll be quite rare. But something thats so dependant on luck, will never be a truly “rare” unique prestige item.
Random luck CAN see someone drop two dusks in a short timespan. That’ll give them one to use, and one to sell so they have the mats. The rest, should then be a small step as they are the easier stuff to atain as you have a clear direct way of obtaining them(exception being clovers, which again are rng).
Meanwhile, another person can farm for months and years on end, and never being able to get this due to having poor drops.
I would far prefer a hard/long way to atain the pre and the other stuff for the legendary, than having rng extend the time it takes to get one. A way where you wouldn’t be able to strike gold with a lucky drop or two and thus get you legendary the easy way. It wouldn’t matter if the precursors are easy to get, if the other parts of the legendary took a different route than it curently does. As it is, much of the focus and talk about the legendary weapons are centered on the precursors, and not the legendary achivements needed to forge one. I feel, that in the curent gamestatus, the legendary weapons are less about playing the game and mastering the aspects required to get one(gift of exploration, gift of battle etc) and more about raw gold and the ever so elusive precursor(which can be atained through more gold)
I do agree mostly with the OP in terms of what he adresses in his posts.
I do feel that the game has lost some of its vigor, and to some extent are falling behind in terms of its potential.
I do not realy like this entire fight between casual and hardcore style of play, but truly belive that there is room for both playstyles in GW2 without a gear grind. Either side telling the other that they are wrong or that the game isnt for them and that they should move on, isnt doing anyone a favour, least of all themselves. That’ll only lead to stagnation over time.
I do feel the numbers of players that have left. Many of them were friends from my gw1 days, other mmos and the like. A few real life friends also got the game. I have very few of these left. I still keep going as I’ve been running a guild since beta, up until early march, where I got burnt out trying to manage the guild and the constant pain of keeping the guilds playing and active memberbase up. I returned a month later, and has since been sort of co leading it with one of the 4 people that i know of who still are in the game since BWE 1.
During that time, close to 250 people have been removed from the guild for inactivity. 250. The guild has never seen a membercount above 160, and back when it was that high it was due to inactive players. To me, as a guild leader, that is a very bad sign as that has made it realy hard to create any kind of lasting community whithin the game and been a cause of a lot of concern.
The people who quit that I’ve spoken to, has mostly quit due to a multitude of the reasons the op has outlined, and a few of the pros he has outlined as well.
I wont lie and not say I’m concerned with the way GW2 has developed, or its curent state. I do stil belive and hope that Anet can take steps to remidy what i feel is a negative trend in the game, and thats causing a lot of friction within the curent community that the game has. I do feel that this needs to happen -soon- and not be outlined to happen “sometime later”. Anet can do this through more transparancy, and more direct communication on a more regular basis.
I’ve always been of the opinion that the more players that are satisfied with gw2, the more financialy viable the game will be and thus see more development. The game can certainly achive this by catering to several “crowds” and “playstyles”. Even if the game by some oppinion is doing ok enough now, the potential could be and always will be more, and that is what we realy should whish for and strive for as a community, instead of being content with what is.
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)
He said they’re gonna update the dungeons through the living story. As in giving a meaning to the changes.
Correct! I think some of you are making assumptions that living world means the stuff we’ve done the last few months and that’s all you’re going to see. My point is saying we’ve seen folks feedback and are adjusting that strategy to include a much larger mix of permanent updates going forward.
Dungeons will be part of this strategy, living world teams will be doing work on our permanent dungeons rather than them being ignored, the types of things you’re asking for will be rolled into living world updates to give a reason for them happening in the world. It simply means we’re going to be doing more of exactly what you’re asking for here in this thread, but under the context of a story of why it happens in the world, rather than just magically have it appear (as happened with AC).
Hope that helps a bit, I’m actually agreeing with a lot you, apparently that wasn’t clear enough!
Edited to add: We also plan to do a lot of reward work across the board, including on our dungeons, but we’ll go into more specific detail on that in July as a comprehensive summary.
Thank you for this reply. Just hope you guys are able to get these things out sooner, rather than later as to wipe away the sour taste a number of players are left with after all the temporary content. It’ll be rather good for your game community to, as the curent development and trend is sort of splitting us into different camps which is having a go at each other. The things you outline may indeed help the mood of your playerbase.
Cant be too good for you guys with all the topics/rage/arguments thats ongoing in general discussions, esp if players new to the game/considering buying them takes a look at it. We need the changes you talk of soon, both for the communitys sake and for the sake of the gameplay.
I say that because anyone who comes to the conclusion going to CoF p1 to get more gold is the solution to achieving their desires IS a gold farmer. Producing gold instead of producing the goods you actually want drives the prices up (or rather drives the value of coin down). I don’t spend my time digging up mithril to insure the prices stay low, I do it to get the maximum amount of coin possible out of the material, and the same is true of T6 mats. Good harvesting is not charity work, its just as competitive and aggressive as flipping.
I simply brought forth the fact that running cof p1 will gain you the mats faster than farming the mats themselves in the open world.
And as long as that is true, or appears to be true, harvesters who don’t act out of altruism not only want to see the prices rise, but also take steps to make it rise.
I view this as problematic due to this taking players out of the open world and into cof, and this means less people farming the actual mats and prices that keep rising.
It’s actually rather self-correcting. The game does a LOT of things to punish following the herd and to reward doing the things that get done less often.
What you do I honestly do not care about.
Evidently you do, since you are concerned that my self-interest serves to push prices up, when prices should go up every time someone says “I’m not gonna work for what I want, I’m gonna work for gold instead…” in the blithe assumption that working for gold should have any value at all. More gold doesn’t get anyone closer to their objectives since gold doesn’t add the necessary tools to actually advance to the economy.
I’m worried how healthy this will be for the game and community in the long run. I also worry how this may have an effect on new players who will be at a severe disadvantage here with the rising prices. If the development you seem to be ok with continues, people will just not bother as they don’t feel the time they spend is rewarding them enough.
If I’m worried it’s because people are being given the impression that gold lets people advance in their goals, and that therefore getting gold fast is the ultimate goal of the game. Gold doesn’t let anyone advance – it just sets the order in which individual people do it. Ultimately the rate at which Gifts of Might and Magic (for example) are made cannot exceed the rate at which harvesting behavior kicks 250 of each T6 mat into the system. They aren’t made of gold, they’re made of mats.
Supose I should say then, that I do a mix of activites ingame. Yes, I’ll run cof a few times a day, but this is for the tokens I convert to ectos, not for the gold grinding that some do. I do farm different spots from time to time, but this mostly depends on me having any downtime between following the boss slaying train, or running other dungeons/WvWvW and doing stuff with my guild.
Your motivation for farming seems to be to sell for gold, good. Keep at it as that will at least keep the wheels turning for a while. My motivation for farming is to get the mats I want, then sell of the surpluss.
The curent ingame situation is that working for gold, will get you the materials and items you want faster than working for the mats themselves. Do you argue on this point? If it corrects itself down the road is something we will have to wait and see, but I do not think material prices rising to the same amount that people are able to farm gold is a healthy development for the game as a whole. Increased prices just makes it seem like the goal of getting that 250 stack or item X to be that much further away.
It’s “exploit” protection.. Like how the rare karma weapons in Ebonhawke are 63k karma (vs 42k for exotics in Orr). Those used to be significantly cheaper..
Making karma convertible to gold at a reasonable rate would upset the economy, with a large number of players taking up karma farming with the expectation they will make more gold than from the typical means.
It’s all about limiting the effectiveness of farming, which IMHO makes no sense in a game where the major achievements are reached by collecting huge amounts of materials. (On my second Legendary now, I’m not someone who feels entitled to easy rewards.)
Fortunately, the same rules apply to all Tyrians…
Back to the grind!
Yet the items I’m bringing up isn’t atained by karma. They’re chest drops, alongside other exotics and rares that you either can salvage or trade on the tp or both.
I fail to see how it’s exploit protection when said item is dependant on RNG. You’re not trying to tell me people could posibly exploit and mess up the economy by these exotic backpieces that drops in the FOTM chests being either able to be salvaged or sold on the tp?
Karma items is fine, I dont mind a item bought for karma having those limitations. What I find odd is when a drop has those, when that drop is part of a loot table where other items dosnt have these limitations, and where the rare version of the same stats item can be sold normaly on the trading post.
Except for that with the curent drop rates and potential farming spots, its way more time effective to just run cof p1 over and over again for the gold to buy the mats on the tp, than actualy being out there and playing in the open world gaining the mats yourself.
Hi, I’m a harvester. I’m one of the people that goes out and gets those mats to drop so people who think like you have something to buy. I’m all for the people who actually add value to the system reaping the rewards. I’ll keep posting my stuff at or ABOVE lowest sale offer and watch the prices rise ’til it becomes apparent to everyone that gold (and gold farming) is nearly worthless and the mats are where the value is at.
Not sure as to why you felt the need to label me as a gold farmer tho, as where in the post i made did I say that? I simply brought fort the fact that running cof p1 will gain you the mats faster than farming the mats themselves in the open world. I view this as problematic due to this taking players out of the open world and into cof, and this means less people farming the actual mats and prices that keep rising.
What you do I honestly do not care about. I’m worried how healthy this will be for the game and community in the long run. I also worry how this may have an effect on new players who will be at a severe disadvantage here with the rising prices. If the development you seem to be ok with continues, people will just not bother as they don’t feel the time they spend is rewarding them enough.
It’s an odd implementation of an item then. Like they don’t realy know what they wanted to do with it but threw it into the bag anyway just to do so. It’s realy odd when in the same fractals, you get rare backpieces thats perfectly sellable on the tp(not salvagable) but get an exotic with the same prefix(ie Cavalier) then it cant do either. Logic!
Thank you for clarifying that post, was unsure as to what it was as it just went down as -Rant- —→ -I quit-
So the exotic one is a potential mix up with the karma one then? I can see karma items being neither, but this particular item i linked a screenshot of was from a fractal chest.
It could be a simple mistake on their part making these item not able to be salvaged or traded due to the initial data for the item coming from a karma item. I’d hope to catch the attention of someone who could clarify this a bit, and seeing that the resident economist usaly has a good explenation on things regarding the tp, I’d hope to see if he can clarify these items a bit.
On a sidenote, i have no idea as to what Titans reply was about, and cant see it being on topic for this, so please dont reply/bite on it or potentialy if a mod could move/delete it so this dosnt devole into a argument over something else.
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)
Instead of nerfing something, I’d prefer if they buffed and brought other game elements up towards cof p1 level.
Make other dungeons reward more according to time/difficulty it takes to do them.
Slow down on the open world farm spots nerfs which only channels people to do what they feel is most effective to do with their game time.
There’s always two solutions to one thing being to efficient, one is to nerf it and bring it down to the curent -ok- level, the other is to buff other aspects as to make them viable compared to the first one.
Indeed. Account bound items you have to acomplish a certain task/challenge/farm/jump-a-loop for is something I’d whish to see more of.
I just whish we can have some clarification on this. Having nonsalvageable and nontradable items as part of a loot table with items that are either or none of the two is odd. Even more so when its a generic exotic/rare piece.
Named/unique items would at least make sense from a lore point of view, as they would be something to actualy consider collecting.
These items that you get from FotM or special events are Account Bound. The only time Exotics aren’t bound are when you Forge them or get them as a drop in the open world. Working as intended.
Special event items are fine. That’s not realy the issue at hand here.
The question is why put something into the loot table amongs other, more valuable/usefull items that can be either sold or salvaged when its imposible to do any of these things to said item. If a item can be sold on the tp, usaly we can salvage it. If we cant salvage, we usaly can sell it. Example of the first would be the armageddon exotics from fotm. Cant be sold on the tp, but can be salvaged. Example of the later would be the rare backpieces from cof, which at least can be sold on the tp but not salvaged. Either of these are fine. But not both on the same item when said item occupy a slot in the loot table and is classified as a exotic/rare and thus posible to get instead of a armorpiece exotic/rare or a weapon exotic/rare. At least, thats how i understand the loot system works.
This is rather confusing and makes me scratch my head in wonder as to what reasoning this particular design choice have, and is the reason behind me making this topic hoping to get a clearer answer from someone with insight into how these things work, which I’m sad to say isn’t you. You are sort of jumping the gun saying that it’s working as intended. How do you know?
I can understand it with some rare event items, like living story completion items. But even then I’d say one should have the option to salvage it.
Drops and regular rewards however which goes no salvage;no salvage just makes me wonder what’s the thought behind it.
A question about these rare/exotic backpieces you sometime get, that arent neither tradable nor salvagable.
Is this intended?
I can understand a item not being able to salvage, and a item not being able to be sold on the trading post. I cant however come up with a good reason as to why it should be both on some items, as this just reduces rare/exotic level items into vendor junk and takes up space in loot tables that could drop you something that would’ve been more benificial.
Not sure if this is the right subforum for this, so if I have misplaced the topic, please point me in the right direction:)
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)
I don’t see what rising prices has to do with changing the drop rate. If you think about it, rising T6 prices might be exactly what a game developer wants to see. It get’s you out playing the game instead of running CoF p1 for a week straight.
Except for that with the curent drop rates and potential farming spots, its way more time effective to just run cof p1 over and over again for the gold to buy the mats on the tp, than actualy being out there and playing in the open world gaining the mats yourself.
But dont worry, I’m sure the solution to that will be to nerf cof p1, instead of actually buffing/making it more viable to go out in the world and farm stuff.
Going to miss that spot. I only farmed it in a few short sessions, so didnt get that much out of it. Stil, i enjoyed the option of having a spot where one could earn a profit in the open world, as oposed to running cof again and again and again. Then add a few more agains. It’s not like running cof is that a good solution to getting t6 mats either tho, as they need to enter the economy in the first place. If everyone went to cof to get their T6 mats through buying em on the tp, how would the prices develop?:-/
And no need to go on a vayne bash trend, he has his views and we have ours. No need to ridicule him.
Supose if i may sugest it to the op, that having made the topic name something akin to discussion about change to skelk farming or something similar would make more people notice the topic. The curent one can be a bit vague;P
My human guardian, in a armourset i spent some time piecing together from various stuff.
Supose the collourtheme isnt truly guardianesque, but i have been experimenting on it for some time now and found that I like the curent look^^
And It’s not a black and white mix;D
Another gandaran refugee here. Same story.
Same, tried entering queensdale and boom. Out i was.
Just did our first guild missions with my guild over on gandara, and i must say it can do with improvements.
We had a bit over 30 people participating, so we started off with a Tier 1 bunty, organised people into parties coordinated by officers on mumble. All good right?
We got brisbain and maelstrom as our first bunty zones, great. Lets roll, groups divided into the respective zones and started searching.
I was lucky in maelstrom and came across half baked, at 30%hp and being hammered by two other guilds… By the end, myself and 4 more people of the 3 group team we had in maelstrom actualy made it there in time to get any kind of contribution. Upon the boss dying, the mission status in the guild panel was marked as cleared.
Same thing with the brisbain boss, we had to compete with other guilds for completion of what we had initialy thought of as OUR mission.
Fast forward and i rush a new T1 bunty so the people who didnt get completion will get a chance. We get sent to Lornars and diessa. Same story with the boss in lornars, already being hammered by another guild, completion for a few of the people who made it there in time. The second boss in diessa we got lucky with, and it was green upon discovery, so we managed to get all of our people there.
The fight lasted 6 seconds.
6 seconds.
We killed him so fast, I only pulled off one hundred blades combo.
We did try a T2 mission, which was more or less the same story, a rush against other guilds in terms of finding the bosses and landing a hit so we would get guild merits from it. This was not how me or any of my guildmates had figured the missions to be like, a stressing fight not against time or boss difficulty but against competing guild ahed of us simply by being a minute ahead of us on the same mission. As an event fort he entire guild, our members actualy being able to get there in time to get contribution proved to cause a lot of frustration.
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)
I really enjoyed path 2! It wasn’t that much harder than before. And you’re right, you need to coordinate: we had 2 people lifting and 3 people pulling.
It won’t be as fast, but it was definitely more fun.
Just to reply based on my experience in path 2;
It dosn’t seem to be a simple “add more adds”.
If the first word you read is ADD, then decide upon the quality of the new figths based on that, good for you.So far, my experience seems to be that it has gotten easier and faster. Granted we did it with a rather decently skilled group, but no mobs or bosses were of any threat. Figuring out how to handle the boss at the end was a fresh take on the fights.
Well when the terms “rebuilt” and “revamped” are thrown around I expect much more than adds or a larger AoE or a laser.
The dungeon is hardly more interesting. I won’t use it to judge any future dungeon changes because that would be stupid but these fights are no more entertaining then they were before.
Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.
Good to hear you impression matched mine
One thing that should be noted about AC and it being in the curent state is that its the first dungeon, and the first explorable. I hardly expected the revamp to totaly redo the entire dungeon and how it works, adding pink unicorns sneezing a hail of exploding strawberries that need to be baked into a cake fed to the boss..
It’s basic, but the dungeon felt smoother than the old version and a lot of the fights were faster. Good for learning dungeons id say
Gonna tackle this mysteriously evil path 2 after daily.
Any tips?
One person lifts, person pulls. Move.
You’ll get it.
Unless your group fails the simple art of comunicating, if so you are in for frustration
Let’s hope one of your 4 new guilds dont happen to have anyone reading this and by chance remembering your name:)
Just to reply based on my experience in path 2;
It dosn’t seem to be a simple “add more adds”.
If the first word you read is ADD, then decide upon the quality of the new figths based on that, good for you.
So far, my experience seems to be that it has gotten easier and faster. Granted we did it with a rather decently skilled group, but no mobs or bosses were of any threat. Figuring out how to handle the boss at the end was a fresh take on the fights.
I wouldn’t call condition dmg weak, but gimped somewhat where there is more than one person placing conditions.
Damage wise, when I use my carrion armor and condition trinkets, i easely hit 130 a tick on my sword and shield warrior. Utilising my buffs and debuffs, ive seen it go into the 150s. Add to the fact I can place 20 stacks of that rather fast, thats a decent amount of dot on the target.
However, when playing with others this is kinda useless, as the hardcap is 25 and I need to compete with everyone in terms of putting them on whatever we are hitting on.
I wont compete with a direct damage crit build, but at least if i get disabled or have to back off during the fight, my damage stil stays on and keeps ticking for a while.
P2 with jumping up the rocks is one thing, but glitching out of the map completely is another. I can understand being able to jump up a glitched surface, but not passing through the entry portal itself to become “out of bounds” so to speak
Utilising a mesmer it seems like its posible to pass through the entry portal, run around the map and onto the cliffside on the right side of the map. Following this, you drop down into the boss room of Wahlen. After killing him, the same method is repeated and the whole map is circled alongside the very edge of the map(you can see rigth down into the water which suround the entire map)
As I hardly think this kind of skipping is what Anet want, I’d sugest either changing the portal bit so you cannot teleport/shadowstep past it.
Secondly, I’d change the surface of the rock to not have colision detecting except for the walls/cliff faces. That would stop skipping the entire map by making it imposible to run it like that.
If Anet so desires, I can provide screenshots of the entire rute and key points.
While this was my first time being part of this glitch, I’ll accept any punishment for having participated in it.
After thinking of it a bit, I would guess this could be used on the other paths to some extent too. A quick fix is in order IMO
So its on page 2 now and no responses from player or anything.. Guess its old news then.
(edited by ShaeMtal.9473)