Showing Posts For Shifted.6912:
Half a year.
I was hoping that after a patch that focused on fixing things AND after which the item has been renamed, this would have been fixed.
It has not.
ArenaNet, come on.
Cities still award transmute charges
kitten , I just finished farming all cities on 4 of my 8 characters.
Either way, we’re good.
what I’m hoping is you get 1 transmutation charge with map completion (the equivalent of the 3 stones) ..
I would be more than fine with that.
I can’t really see people changing their transmutation habits that much just because of the wardrobe.
Well I’m definitely looking to transmute some gear after the change hits, some of my pvp skins are pretty unique (PvP The Crossing, for example)
Simple question:
Will we still be able to get transmutation stones for map completion after the patch hits?
Judging by how you’ll be able to convert them to charges I guess it would be more interesting for level 80 players (including me) to look at their unfinished maps and get them done now that the stones will have more value.
I really hope if anet decides to change it it will be at least a slight nerf, not a complete removal.
You’ll still get the rank emote unlocks.
Awesome. I made a lengthy post back when you announced the plan to remove ranks, glad it had an effect.
Great job on the update (so far), looking forward to getting back into the game for real.
Are PvP rank finishers going away, or what?
I understand that everyone is gonna get boosted a few ranks up, but I’m not sure should I grind PvP to secure the next rank’s finisher or can I safely assume I’ll be able to get it (and further ones) after April 15
Clarification would be nice, since the blog post doesn’t explain skritt..
Some notes from the live stream the other day. hope it helps a little
If they “rework” half of the runes and sigils and make them useless for me making me buy new ones I’m gonna flip a kitten table…
We all know anet loves to hype things up and then disappoint.
Lack of a patch preview on the /releases page only increases the hype level, so I’m expecting to be even more disappointed.
I didn’t really read any posts here other than the first two, so I’ll just say what I want to see in terms of character progression:
Addition of legendary armor (and possibly trinkets) is fine. Ascended is already rather expensive to get, but being able to swap stats on your entire gear would be worth the price.
NO more tiers after that, PLEASE. Getting a full set of legendary gear would take years anyway.
More underwater helmets, the best you can get at the moment is a masterwork one with some random stats with no way to replace them.
Fill up gear holes in terms of stats, a player should be able to have access to an item with a certain stat set, of a certain quality (up to exotic at least) for each of his equipment slot. Back slots and previously mentioned underwater helmets are lacking the most, I think.
More ELITE skills, more utility skills, more WEAPON skills.
Elites are of highest priority right now, some classes (elementalist) are SERIOUSLY limited in choice there.
Weapon skills could be done in different ways, either allowing us to pick from a set of skills for a specific button (1/2/3/4/5) or just straight up add new weapons…. Or both.
Variety in how a skill is unlocked would also be nice (how about having to clear a dungeon, kill a world boss, get a specific achievement or something else instead of just dunking over 9000 SP on a skill?)
Bear in mind this is just my personal opinion about what the game needs, so yeah.
Playable Kodan would be EPIC, anet pls.
Another major patch, still not fixed.
I thought now that you’ve released the ascended armor salvaging ascended items would be possible.
But no, I still can’t salvage the useless rings I’ve had in my bank for like half a year.
They’re a little bit too rare to just straight up trash them, and now with ascended materials it would make sense to let us get some by salvaging those.
Anet pls.
I know there’s tons of other threads like this and I should reply to one instead of making a new one, but I felt like venting my rage/disappointment in my own thread instead of being just another of replies, because I want this thing to be heard.
So, this is my personal opinion about what has been recently announced.
Note that I’m not a PvP focused person, and while I used to play PvE quite a lot I now limit myself to only the living world content and occasional fractal / dungeon / champion train run due to less time and other interests.
However I intended to play PvP after it evolves a little, mainly with different types of game modes (KOTH style game isn’t really my thing), looking at that Dragon rank as a final goal.
What you (ArenaNet) have announced – while looking very beneficial for PvP players that want to reach into other areas of the game, which is great – is essentially killing the desire to play PvP for me.
The biggest, and possibly even the only real problem I have with this announcement is something you have done before in PvE and are slowly realizing it’s wrong and moving away from it (or at least that’s what it seems looking at latest living world patches):
Why do ranks and rewards for reaching them need to be removed? Why can’t they stay, as a lasting, permanent progression and reward system for people who don’t have enough time to actively fight for their spot on the ladder? You’re essentially telling me I’ll be able to MAYBE get halfway there and that’s it.
Why can’t the ladder system and rewards for it be built ON TOP of the ranks system, as a highly competitive element available for the best players with NEW, prestigious temporary rewards (meaning rewards that last as long as you keep your ladder spot)
I am confident you as a team are capable of coming up with new and exciting rewards for the ladder system without taking away existing content.
MAYBE the “new system you’re not ready to discuss yet” will be better what we currently have, but taking away things people have set their minds on is a REALLY bad idea.
You haven’t really disappointed me with the updates yet, but this is the first time I’m really concerned about the future of by far the best MMO I’ve played.
TL;DR Don’t remove ranks and their rewards, add new stuff to ladder rewards instead.
PS For people who want to tell me to “go grind the ranks while I can” and “go back to PvE you noob”:
Just move along. I’m sure you have something better to do.
Another month, another two major patches, issue still not fixed.
Anet pls.
Just in case you are not trolling.
ANet will nerf the Hammer/Longbow build. Is a 0/10/30/0/30 build with lyssa runes.
This build must have UF in arms, cleansing ire in defense and burst mastery in the last line.
I belive they will nerf this build because the amount of QQ this build have of people dont wanting to adapt their builds. If you want to try it go ahead.
Thanks. Gonna take a look at it
And no, I wasn’t trolling. I didn’t touch PvP for like four months and browsing through the first couple of pages didn’t get me any specific build links considered OP.
Thread can be closed now, thanks.
So Anet is saying Warriors are OP in PvP.
Last time I tried using my warrior in sPvP it was quite the opposite, warriors sucked other than the 100 lolz build.
Since then I’ve been using my warr exclusively for PvE and with my silly greatsword tank build I love it.
However I still have no idea what build Anet is referring to, so can somebody link or describe it for me?
I reported this bug a month ago (New TA path patch) as that’s when it occurred and it’s still not fixed.
Considering my charr is my main now this is getting kinda annoying.
What’s the bug?
Well, check out the attatchment first.
Or imgur, if you wish:
Yeah, the feet are pink.
From what I’ve researched it’s the boots that are bugged, however they’re pink because of the armor. If I take off the armor or replace it with anything else the boots seem to use the texture of the fur.
So, can I get this fixed finally, please?
Oh, just to make it clear, my armor set is:
Ascalonian Helm [AC Dungeon]
Flame Legion Pauldrons [CoF Dungeon]
Dredge Breastplate [SE Dungeon]
Dreadnought Fists [T3 Charr Cultural]
Legion Tassets [T2 Charr Cultural]
Dredge Greaves [SE Dungeon]
All heavy, obviously.
Braham looks more like an emo drag queen than a punk.
He looked awesome in the wallpaper art, I don’t know what happened.
Anet seems to think making stuff time-limited will make people want to play it. I don’t know about others but with SAB the fact that it was time limited actually did the opposite, and I abandoned my idea of farming baubles for the weapons.
I’m not gonna cry about this dungeon being gone (even though the final boss fight is brilliant) but it annoys the skritt out of me that all that development time could’ve been put into something that would stay in the game forever, making it a richer experience.
Instead we get the same situation we’ve had months ago: Other than fractals, there’s not much to do once you got BiS gear.
Not receiving WXP for destroying/building is a stupid idea.
How is it less beneficial than stomping a single player?
Anet fix pls.
This is still bugged, at least on Endure Pain and balanced stance..
“I hadn’t take a leave of my senses! I’ve seen creatures of metal and steam!”
Transmute stones generate gem purchases, doubt it’ll happen.
I’d love to see players rewarded for being smart as opposed to being limited by the game.
Pushing mobs off cliffs is one idea, but I’d also like to see “Invulnerable” sorted out. It’s a cheap way to limit players. Why mobs can’t try to use ranged attacks when they can’t reach us in melee, or try to pull us closer to them? Would make combat so much more interesting..
I’ve begged them to add this to the game in some form months ago.. Still hoping it will happen.
CoF P3 would be full of rewards…
It should be an addition to your gear, not a replacement of one of important stats.
Like enchanting your gear with MF or something, without losing other stats.
So I grinded all this stuff for nothing?!
I’m like 10 events away from 100%.
Don’t change, add.
I enjoy my Rampagers gear, I don’t want it to be altered.
It will likely be released for a holiday event, like all the other missing combinations. It’ll be from recipes people will really want and materials people will hoard and sell on the market. It will have the rarity and cost matching it’s value.
And that is the dumbest idea anet has come up with.
Why the HELL would you make certain stat combo time-limited is beyond any logic.
I’m fine with inspection as long as there’s an option to disable it.
There I was, hoping the new ascended gear will FINALLY allow me to replace my exotics, but no, there’s still no Power/Precision/Condition or Power/Toughness/Healing items. All you’ve done is added necklaces with the same stat types as the rings.
I am disappointed.
ArenaNet, when will you finally add items that will let us build our characters how WE want to?
Or better yet, just let us modify stats on the gear ourselves?
Should I still wait for it, or should I just give up?
Nice, can we get reduced spell effects now?
I think that’s the biggest fps killer..
I thought dungeons are about timing, cooperation, skill and intelligence, not trolling people with random walls.
I doubt jumping over the walls is the intended way to do it, and if it is, whoever came up with it needs to get their head checked.
Level 80s, Haunted Door Campings, Lower-level farming, and problems with level scaling
Posted by: Shifted.6912
Just make the doors player exclusive, like gathering nodes are.
Oh, and either make them be there 24/7 or disappear instantly, I’ve ran into an opened ones seeing them from far away WAY too many times.
Oh. I guess I derped out, I meant actual rune crafting (thus no mystic forge)
Do I need to have the recipe from the Mystic Forge however? I think you can stuff items in discovery tab and it will pop out anyways, won’t it?
Hello everyone,
I am wondering if the mystic forge recipe for the rune is time-limited and available only during halloween or can I stock up mats and craft it after the event is gone.
Would love to see some clarification as I don’t really have enough money for a full rune set at the moment.
Hey Anet, you added a binding for town clothes switch, so why not the new PvP panel?
Would love to see that implemented, thanks.
In a game that emphasizes dynamic combat it’s silly that you can’t fight while jumping.
Come on Anet, WoW is the one getting bashed for turret combat and even it has jump and fight option.
Hi guys.
I just wanted to figure out am I the only one who’s being affected by this and what may be causing it.
Let’s start by introducing my rig:
Intel i3-2100
MSI Radeon HD 5770
Kingston 8GB DDR3
I’ve noticed extreme fps drops during zerg fights in either WvW or events (such as dragons and Orr). While in normal conditions I run the game between 40 and 60 FPS, during mentioned fights the fps drops down to below 15.
The interesting facts are:
- This doesn’t seem to affect a friend of mine, whose rig only differs from mine by having an i5 instead of i3 (thus the problem possibly being the 4 cores being virtual, not physical)
- Changing graphical options seem to give little to no difference, which leads to conclusion that the graphical settings we CANNOT adjust (such as spell effects, among others) might be the solution here.
Let me know if you guys have similar issues / rigs.
If any ArenaNet employee reads this, more graphical settings is a thing the community seems to really want, and even splitting some of the existing options (such as post-processing being clumped up together) would be great.
Just change your message each time. “LF1M Arah” will get blocked after a couple of repeats, but if you write “Need 1 more Arah” after that, it will go through.
Accommodating both extremes, and thus more players, therefor more happy faces!
And far more development, support and maintenance issues for Anet. Never gonna happen – just look at WoW, same cartoonish look for several years now. Once the graphics are locked in that’s it.
Yeah, graphics locked… Because Blizzard didn’t add dynamic shadows, better fire effects and more realistic water..
Sounds like you’re running a laptop, but a nice one nonetheless.
It’s not a laptop…
I’m running 40-60 fps in “NORMAL” conditions (city, spvp, dungeons).
In WvW during zerg fights the fps drops to below 15, and stays in that range no matter how high or low I set my settings.
This game NEEDS more graphical options, ESPECIALLY on spell effects, looks to me like that is the main fps leak.
Just fyi, I’m running a rig that can still be considered good enough to power latest games: i3-2100, 8GB RAM, HD 5770.
so they start to glow whenever you enter a combat stance.
“The force is strong in this one.”
<Lightsaber activation sound>
YES! Please ANet, add that. I want the commando pants soo bad, and I skipped them during the mission without realizing it.
4 or 5 pieces are available ONCE from the story mode rewards on the last final missions. Unfortunately I skipped them. I’m crying to ArenaNet now to bring it back somehow, be it story mission replays or just add it as a drop.
Not a bit, a lot.
First of all, in game he looks like he’s made of drakes, not dragons. Come on, his head in the loading artwork is bigger than his in game model.
Secondly, the fight needs nearly a total overhaul. I get the part with the cannon, but instead of making us shove a few undead off Zojja’s ears, how about making us feel desperate, trying to make the cannon work while Zhaitan literally chews off parts of the ship?
And you CAN make a person feel desperate. Just a mission before, trying to keep the risen clear off Trahearne in that cave, with the fadeout on the sound effects, the music kicking in, it was great. Do it again!
Finally, moving to the second part of the fight… Five or so minutes, sitting in one place, spamming one key, while THE ELDER DRAGON, ZHAITAN, sits on a rock, eating fireworks in the face, going “HURR, WUT DO NAO”. This part needs to be completely deleted, it’s probably the most boring moment of the whole game.
(edited by Shifted.6912)
You get karma for helping your friends in story mode.. Observe your karma amount
Kralkatorrik and Jormag, there’s so much more references to them in the game compared to the other dragons. Then it’s Bubbles, “out of nowhere”, and Primordius as the biggest, baddest of em all at the end.