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Bleed->Burn on Deathly Chill please

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Meanwhile, an engineer can land 1 skill on a 15 sec cooldown and drop enough burn to wipe 15k hp in less than 10 seconds. […]

Blowtorch got buffed and has 12 seconds cd now. :P
About topic: reaper already benefits from dhuumfire (at least more than death shroud since rs has a faster AA) and the burn on chill doesn’t really fit the theme… at least in my opinion. Torment would fit the theme perfectly but the devs chose bleeds to make it damaging only. So if we stay with bleed, maybe they could increase the duration?

Bleed->Burn on Deathly Chill please

in Necromancer

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


So now necros will have the easiest access to burns. Torment might be more up the ally of what a necro should apply

Bad Elementalist

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Akrasia.5469


I was initially horrified by the change to Deathly Chill and all the chill nerfs in general. But after some playtesting I’m seeing that this isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Chillomancer isn’t the beast it once was BUT there are several benefits to the new system.

1st if you trait correctly then you hit with 4 conditions each time you apply fear (Fear, Chill, Vuln, Bleed) This is panics most low to mid level players and still mentally messes with experienced players who may pop their condi cleanse too soon. Chill alone applies 3 conditions in this set up. If you pair it up with scepter you can apply poison, cripple, and torment. (I know both on the giving AND receiving end, It’s not fun to instantly see 6-7 conditions hit you at once ack)

2nd You can combo with other Necros and even Eles to apply more bleeds so while individually this may be a nerf, its stronger for team play. Which is the main thing as a class we get complaints about (our strong but selfish abilities).

3rd It’s not as big a nerf as I thought. It’s definitely a bigger nerf if you are not a true chillomancer and wanted a little extra burst damage but for chillomancers and hybrids with lots of chill sources you can easily maintain 3-5 extra stacks of bleed(on top of other sources like scepter) in a sustained fight and possibly burst with your damage chain and apply 5-7 stacks.

4th Cleansing Chill doesn’t remove the damage so people need to remove 2 conditions to stop the pain. I think chill get removed 1st (can someone verify) so in the end you maintain damage longer.

So my opinion on this is it’s not the end for condi reaper. We may just have to tweak it to see what we can really do.

Another understands.

Yeah based on several unranked matches it seems a lot of people are catching on. Chillomancers are becoming what Engineers were (are?) as in stacking a ton of different conditions easily and consistently with a few skills.

I do wish they would have made DC apply Torment stacks instead of bleed. Bleed is so boring and we have enough bleed with scepter. We don’t have enough bleed traits to sync it with to make bleed more fun and useful and torment, while not being much different in amount of damage, is much more thematic and it would be nice to have a 2nd consistant damage condition. If they fix some of our traits (BLOOD MAGIC) to compliment bleeds then all will be good but for now bleed is too blah.

All in all I like some of the new changes and I think Chillomancer will still have a place in PvP as well as PvE if teams learn how to play together. God forbid a necro working with others

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

Well of Darkness: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 50 seconds to 45 seconds.
Well of Blood: The recharge time of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 35 seconds.

oPlz just delete those already, it’s just that ungraceful to let it go on at this point in the game.

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


- Sound change… yeah, why not.

- Reaper’s touch : we said that the travelling time of the projectiles was to slow, we got a CD reduction.

- Spinal’s shiver : we said that the cast time was to long, we got a damage buff.

- Well of darkness : Here we got a very small step on the right direction (still not quite enough). Nothing justify more than 30s base CD on this skill.

Other than that, I feel that the balance nerf are pretty decent. Though Deathly Chill will need a buff now or maybe swaping it with chilling victory or a reworked soul eater. (I wonder why but I always feel like the dev think that a bleed stack do amazing damages while it’s obviously not the case)

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


They wanted to plainly kill Deathly Chill for the season. Thing is…there isn’t really a good GM option in Reaper specialization now, since they didn’t really give any alternatives.

Honestly, there are many changes that I’m scratching my head at. Has to be the weirdest balance patch I’ve seen.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

4/19 Balance Patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jayce.5632


  • Infusing Terror: Reduced the active duration of this skill from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. The recharge time has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.

This is the change that hurts the most. Doesn’t matter if you’re power or condi. Once the dust settles, this change alone is probably enough to warrant skipping the reaper spec line altogether.

i7-6700K – M.2 PCIe 512GB R/W:2500/1500MB/s
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitch.4781


Well, at the very least this explains Colin’s exit. I don’t believe for ONE second the "being closer to home " excuse now.

Question is, is there a future? I know it’s only a game but this news has shaken my confidence in the game.

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: eldrin.6471


2 million people bought guild wars 2 because it wasn’t hard core.Then three years latter after they have taken our money and in some cases thousand of hours of time they decide to change the nature of the product.Does not take a genius to work out why a lot of people are not happy with a net at the moment.

Just wasted an hour of my time in DS.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


We were killing The Mouth, there was no reason to kill the map, we had basically beaten the Meta!

Gift of Gliding?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Never went for new legendaries so I have no idea if there is non merchant way of getting it.

(edited by TheRandomGuy.7246)

Suggested Soul Eater buff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Soul Eater
Reduces recharge on Greatsword skills. (20%)
All attacks whilst wielding a Greatsword cause Life steal. (50 damage/40 healing)
Greatsword attack speed is increased by 15%.


Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Please, nerf us.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leinhart.2981


I am honnestly a necromancer, Leinhart Nox, if you want to talk directly to me IG…

Go back to your ELe necro is not the class for u

Why the necro isn’t a class for me? I played it since the release with no problem at all…

I just give my personal feedback about the reaper. Too strong, not enough challenging. If you like to play an easy class, it’s OK for me, I don’t judge you… I just want to launch a real debate about the reaper. Now, a lot of people are necromancer because the prof is strong. Before HoT, we were a huge minority IG, rejected by the mass because of our “lack of DPS and general utility”.

The “mass reroll effect” isn’t a coincidence… Just admit it. It’s better to communicate with the devs for a correct nerf than a surprise one…

(edited by Leinhart.2981)

you just deleted a balanced amulet

in PvP

Posted by: princode.2750


Its a good change…with tht amulet a bunker can facetank 3 or more in pvp..there’s a different between bunker and unkillable

you just deleted a balanced amulet

in PvP

Posted by: orfeoulis.4325


They removed a massive cancerous tumor from spvp imo. Thank you devs for making the game more ejoyable.

First Reaper nerf of the expansion!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Carlos.7915


So what about making it so BB procs on allies defensive boons like regen/prot/vigor/resistance/aegis on top of any boons the Reaper aplies to himself(as we pretty much only stack might) ? It would stop the excessive boon spam as it mostly comes from outside might and swiftness. From this point foward it could use some testing to see if it stills needs a ICD.
The way it was nerfed, just completely removing the factor that made Reapers good at team fights was just too harsh…

To those who say we're whining

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


After seeing posts on these forums, as well as chatter in game, from my experience it seems that the grind to unlock elite specs is not being accepted. I think they’ll see a dramatic population drop in the next week or so when people get tired of grinding all day every day just to unlock the elite spec so they can replay all the content they’ve already done 50+ times.

GW2 is now one of the games where players say “I worked and grinded for days to get this thing, so now I can have fun”.

Huge buff to PvE minionmasters

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tim.6450


Minions are still lower damage in PvE than simply performing standardized rotations. I definitely expect that this will benefit PvE minionmancers substantially, but that doesn’t mean you suddenly start running one if you plan on moving through content quickly and efficiently.

Don’t be like that, think about the positives, rise might become a serious defense tool with this change.


Huge buff to PvE minionmasters

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Well that’s a big buff for rise…and all my minions….I is a happy necro. Can’t wait to see if this MIGhT in some way transition to PvP or WvW. If so, just imagine…..

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Dagger life force necros

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


tbh, necros should get either 25% or 50% life force out of the gate anyway.

Handful of HoT Notes:

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fade.1743


Fractal Dungeon Leaderboards

Back when we announced all the updates to Fractals for Heart of Thorns – the announce blog also discussed more information coming before HoT about leaderboards for Fractals. Our team of folks working on Fractal dungeons kept iterating on this concept and ultimately we have decided to make it something more involved (re: exciting) than our original plans which will extend our development a bit more. This also means you’ll be able to earn the new fractal backpack precursor, but a few of the components for the new legendary will come with this expanded future fractals feature.

As always, we’ll discuss features once they’re far enough along to share development details on; our Fractal Dungeon team will be back with more updates about this and other plans for Fractal Dungeons in the future: when it’s ready™.

While I’m glad to hear that the Fractal team moved against needing something from a certain rank on the leaderboard for the legendary backpiece, can we get a specific number on how many components are going to be left out of crafting at the start?

The Fractal Backpiece was pretty much my main goal for the start of the expansion. Knowing which components I can work towards and which ones I can’t at the start would be really helpful in trying to divide my time amongst all the content.

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

"Nothing can save you!" in PvE

in Necromancer

Posted by: Charblaze.6958


1) Thaumanova Reactor Fractal : Champion Subject 6 “Shield Form”. Instead of waiting, you just interrupt the boss and DPS him down.

2) Volcanic Fractal : Legendary Imbued Shaman “Shield Bubble”. Stun/Chill/Slow the boss. He is never going to reach a NPC even with bad DPS groups.

Thanks to the defiance bar those mobs can’t be interrupted and are immune to Stun/Chill/Slow.

I doubt NCSY will see any use in PvE, unless they add a Raid boss specifically requiring unblockable attacks.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Currently, the most complains I’ve read about reaper is not its damage but its sustain, most specifically Bligher’s boon.

The base heal or LF regen of BB can be easily tweaked. But considering that Reaper is so restricted to melee AND has little mobility, I believe we should wait for people to realize how much counterplay there is to the reaper before changing anything.

This is the post that best describes my current feelings on the situation of Reaper in PvP.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: mordran.4750


Before they nerf reaper they should remove chronomancer from the game. That is the most overpowered stupid kitten i’ ve ever seen. After that we can talk.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


Dont worry ppl, its a Warrior that made the Thread

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dristig.9678


Stop calling for Nerfs before the profession is even live! What is wrong with you people? You don’t know anything about the final iteration of the class so what makes you think you have ANY idea how or why to nerf it?

Focus needs some changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tman.6349


Ruduce Spinal Shivers to a 1 sec cast. Make Reaper’s Touch a 100% proj finisher and change the regen to 5 secs of Fury on ally bounce. (Even the trait knows this is a power weapon. :/)

Yay. Focus is now fixed.

CPC - this has to change

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not a kittening risk/reward scenario. Other classes don’t have risk/reward stuff on their strongest skills. And corruptions aren’t even close to what other skills can do.

From aoe cleanses to aoe stability, proper fields, reflects, invulnerabilities..what exactly do they sacrifice? How would it feel if a warrior using shake it off would self-weakness? Nobody would run it. What about a mesmer using timewarp self-inflicted slow?

Corruptions are garbage and nobody really uses them except if they really need to. Like plague form cuz lich sucks and golem is potatoes, both regarding AI and utility. Oh and some use CPC for soloing stuff but I doubt solo capabilities are reasons for balance.