Showing Posts For Skewjo.9243:

Coming Back to Game Build Rate

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


it looks like you stole this exact build from koroshi xD – he has a post about 5 under yours in the engi forums. I played a little spvp with it last night and the only thing that really gets you is conditions. Also those kits work great with only condition damage. I don’t recommend carrion because I like toughness quite a bit more than vitality. Also you don’t go with power instead of precision because a lot of things in this build are on crit.

TL:DR; build is fun – condis own you

Cannoneer - the heavy engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


At least 5k dps from the longest range in the game while stacking 25 vuln. It’s pretty good I think…

Elixir U bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I didn’t realize the smoke screen made the shots coming through from an enemy, miss. I thought it only blinded if it was on top of them and could be used as a combo field to blind them. Thanks for the info.

Cannoneer - the heavy engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


For good reason: engi is still one of the strongest classes.

I prefer that the Engineer is a medium armor class. Trenchcoats fit Engineers more than plated shoulders.

I see your good faith if noone else does! Keep fightin the good fight brothers.

To the OP- It would be AMAZING if they changed the mortar to a CANNON turret that lasted 10 seconds and put out massive AOE. I have no idea how balanced or op this would be, but it would be cool.

Current bug thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Yes that is why I have started this thread. Please post any bugs I don’t have listed and I will update the list.

Advice on a Flamethrower wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Cleansing Formula for remove condis instead 15% FT damage.

Also you can take 10 points from Inventions and get speedy kits. Also Medkit.

But it’s built COMPLETELY around FT. The 15% damage is needed. Also the elixir gives might and defensive boon when thrown(HGH) so no real point in dropping it as he also has cd reduction. Also the swiftness on crit allows him to keep up with opponent as swiftness would have 100% uptime without switching from the flamethrower.

TL:DR; I don’t like your advice. Sorry.

Rifled Turret Barrels Broken [Video proof]

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I’d like to see this fixed as fast as other class crippeling bugs.
Those get fixed overnight in a hotfix, and this thusfar has been broken since the patch.

Bump my thread with the big list of bugs plz ^^


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


So we have a weapon that can be traited to long range, yet can only deal damage from range with 1 skill. Never understood that. Rifled Barrels trait is more useful for pistols imo.

It increases jump shots range to 900 which allows you to scoot around the jp like a mad ninja. Also net shot longer range is nice.

Advice on a Flamethrower wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


The link he posted has gear! That’s why I think it looks so awesome!

2k toughness ~3k power + 50% crit with tons of might stacks? YES PLZ 8D

Again thanks for sharing Twigi

Current bug thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


that’s because it doesn’t give the boon “regeneration” – it gives extra regeneration that heals ALONG WITH regeneration…it’s actually a lot better than you would think :P

Current bug thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Also I didn’t want to put this in the bug report because it is not really a bug…
2 important turret traits(deployable turrets & power wrench) are in the tools tree. I’ll have you know NOTHING in this tree benefits them. The trait line stats include crit damage(turrets can’t crit) and toolbelt skill recharge rate(can’t use the toolbelt skill if the turret is deployed) which are 100% useless. The minor traits adrenaline pump and inertial convertor are also useless because they can only be used if you blow up your turrets. I’d love to go around playing whack a mole with my turrets but this trait line definitely won’t let me.

Current bug thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Been browsing the forums for way too long today, and I figure I should do something useful. Maybe if we put them ALL right here for the devs to see, and make their job easier we can get some fixes.

Utility skills
Elixir S – makes you lose your weapon stats and sigils – bug/first#post1956310

Elixir U – when haste is activated it drains all endurance but is not stated in the tooltip – intended?

Inventions 10 & 20 – III-Metal Plating – X – Autotool installation – non-working

Inventions 30 – XII – Rifled turret barrels – non-working

Tools 20 – IX – Scope – believed to be non-working(apparently since launch? lul)


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I would rather Scope get switched to a more shotgun oriented trait.

Plant Feet
Xcrit% for targets 200m or closer with Rifle.
Both Barrels
X% chance to fire double shots with Rifle.

Embrace the Shotgun ppl it will make you feel better.

MMMM i like both of these 8D

Arah solo engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Ok, rampager ain’t the way to go ^^ crafting full berserk set now

Maybe go with a full cleric’s set. Fights would be slow but it would be much easier to stay alive. I run something similar in sPvP when i feel like being supporty.
Net turret gives you control for those pesky melee bosses. Runes of the flock give a free blind every ~15 seconds I guess. The regen from this build is nuts.(I usually run med kit and rune of water so i can heal every time i switch to medkit for around 1600)
regen+backpack regen+ heal from water runes for using turret+elixir gun 5
and then add in constant bomb area heals and the heal from the turret.

Jetpack for egineers.

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I have it, I’ve bumped the other thread about hobo sacks, I’m slightly kitten .

I thought kitten was bad? <.< I’m confused
Also is this one big enough to cover up your other kits?

Need advice from Pro-Engies

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


our only viable build so far is x/30/x/30/x x= optional

Are you suggesting that Grenadier is not a viable build? Or that Elixir-Infused Bombs is not a viable bunker spec in PvP?

you must be fighting disabled or AFK people if you can down them with nades in face to face combat.

Grenadier is Conditional mainly for lobbing nades down walls wich might get you killed if a mesmer pulls you or Static discharge build wich is still Conditional as you’re 90% likely required to immobilize the oblivion out of your enemy before barraging them.

as for why it lacks viability because in wvw you ll 70% of the time be attacked by multiple targets nades are focused on a single spot.

now bombs sure are nice on a bunker build but someone who knows what a bomb is and Kites will simply shrug away your build and obliterate you with condition damage wich ignores armor,best part they wont even need to do it from your bomb range again making the said build useless.

You’re speaking in ideals.

whats that supposed to mean?

It means you’re generalizing. Also let me blow holes in your argument. With grenades you get the longest range in the game…period. 1500 range for throwing grenades is incredible and you would suffer less than any other ranged class to a mesmer pull so your argument is completely invalid. Second, grenades do take skill and they can be avoided. That is why you have another weapon. Your kit is not the end-all be-all only thing to ever be used. Someone is strafing? net them then grenade them. Someone is staying ranged while you’re bunkering with bombs? Get off the point and LOS or pull out your rifle and go to town. You keep saying all these builds are useless but all you do is name one situation in which a KIT (not a build) are not the optimum choice.

Jetpack for egineers.

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I really like the way it looks and it fits into the Engineer perfectly, but 150 gold is a lot.

I’ll probably just sell it if I get it.

Same. I really want one. It’ll look so boss. But 150g is just too juicy to pass up. I could buy a whole extra set of exotic armor. Or a couple.

If you play PvE for a while you will have more gear than you know what to do with. If you get it, keep it. It will be worth it in 2 months when noone else can get one and you’re the only engi running around with a rocket on your back.

Need advice from Pro-Engies

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


These can mean different things in SPvP and PvE sadly.

berserker = nothing but straight damage – power/crit%/crit%damage
rabid = crit% + condi + take less damage
rampager = mix of crit/power/and condi damage with a tiny bit of health it is good for grenades because grenades have very high base damage while also applying a ton of condtions.
cleric = power + healing power + toughness and is good for running a support build

In spvp you can get these “sets” in the for of amulets from a vendor to your right as you enter heart of the mists

In PvE you can buy a set of any of these from the AH – they will all look the same though, or you can go to the dungeon vendors in lions arch which each offer different styles and different set types.

Also Rezzet – I suggest you watch some of Amadeus’ videos. He has a TON of different specs he plays in WvW and almost always rolls solo.

Once Again

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I’ve seen my harpoon gun #2 have a cd of 4 seconds and hit for 11k. Is this real life?
I remember doing this recently, but sometimes I have a 12 second cooldown and sometimes a 4. Either way, if you can get a 4 second cd on an attack that hits for min 6k to max 11k. I think it would be worth switching out of grenade kit for a moment :P

Also what is the complaint with the harpoon gun? I like it quite a bit in the ways of style, damage, and control. jus’ sayin

Need advice from Pro-Engies

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


our only viable build so far is x/30/x/30/x x= optional

Are you suggesting that Grenadier is not a viable build? Or that Elixir-Infused Bombs is not a viable bunker spec in PvP?

Sir! Please back away from the troll quietly and remove your hands from your keyboard! :P

Advice on a Flamethrower wvw build

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I like this build a lot! May try it out tonight since I’m done with finals ^^.

Since you’re using power and not condition damage I recommend the rifle over pistol shield. Reasons: Net shot would be great for catching up to people, the knockback+netshot will freeze someone right around FT max range, and burst from jump shot is awesome. Also shield 4 makes you stand still and shield 5’s cd is too long IMO.
Also I don’t believe sigil of superior force stacks if used in both weapons(it might, you should double check). I would use sigil of battle for might stacks instead. With your amount of toughness I think a stun break is over rated. Very nice build.

Rifled Turret Barrels Broken [Video proof]

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


attaching multiple images likes these.

Use paint to combine the images. I’m bumping this thread


Revert Elixir-S, or balance 'Endure Pain'

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


On the other side, we can’t do much with that elixir s.

The problem is every one of us is trying to directly compare skills from other classes. The way you make it sound is you want 8 homogeneous classes that look different and play the same. Elixir S is a team skill. You use it to peel off yourself and buy time for your team to help you. Toss elixir S allows you to get crucial stomps and revives.

It cannot be directly compared to endure pain. Also, can’t condition be applied during endure pain?

petty gripe about The Predator

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I’m definitely going to send a +1 here for the effects to come back to grenade kit. Taking them away was a pretty sad move, like taking candy from a baby. A light purple blast when bombs go off or when using the elixir gun would be cool as well. Or glowing purple fluid in your flame thrower 8D
Everyone would be rolling engi lol

Need advice from Pro-Engies

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Rezzet – please take your negativity elsewhere. Also, incorrect. While grenades and hgh are both viable builds there are others that don’t use them. You just may not have mastered them yet.

Need advice from Pro-Engies

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


1. WvW – I only gank in the jumping puzzle because I like being a jerk so my build is quite different from a zerg following build. Crit SD build with little survivability.
bomb kit is replaceable with rifle turret(big ole bomb on a 24 second cooldown is REALLY nice in the jp though.

ZERG – For a zerg following build I have a full power/vit/tough set and use toolkit(for 2 second block on 20 sec cd), grenades for 1500 range, and elixir s to escape zergs.
Build looks something like this.
You can use rifle or pistol because you’ll be in grenade kit 90% of the time. Pistol’s block skill makes you stand still which can be no bueno :/

2. PVE – I should probably be using a rampager’s set, but atm I’m using a full berserker’s set with vuln stacking grenades.
Popping elixir S + goggles = 6 seconds of 70% crit madness. Also toss elixir U is great for blinding bosses – mediocre for reflecting projectiles – throw it right on a boss and he won’t hit anyone for ~9 seconds.

(edited by Skewjo.9243)

Turrets suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Going into tools for turrets makes me sad. The tree gives crit damage when turrets can’t crit and gives toolbelt cd reduction when you can’t use toolbelt skills when turrets are deployed! come on mayne!

Engineer Trait Switch

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I second this idea. I think this would be a great idea if the devs are planning on nerfing us, but we may be fine. Everyone is comparing our first tier trait SD to thieves first tier trait Mug, but these are 2 different classes! The thief is more mobile, has other damage sources, and is generally harder to kill with invises, etc. SD and Mug can not be compared. Also you have choose your utility skills around SD, while Mug can be added to any direct damage build.

TL:DR; While I would not hate this change SD does not deserve a nerf and the devs won’t nerf SD.

In addition to your suggested change I would like to add switching the 30 point tools trait XI(Armor mods) with the 30 point alchemy trait XII as well as making armor mods 5 seconds of retal with 20 second internal.

Armor mods is not an option in the tools trait line as it is almost always used in burst builds. This would make people have a hard choice of going with static discharge or not taking condition damage at 25%.

Armor mods in the alchemy tree would allow bunkers who go heavy into alchemy to get some more damage out with retal+boon duration from the tree stats. ^^

Revert Elixir-S, or balance 'Endure Pain'

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Why do threads like this get so much attention? The change was needed and 95% of the engi community realizes this, but the 5% take to the forums and cry. When everyone playing a class is taking a utility skill 100% of the time, something is wrong and it needs to be toned down, or equivalents scaled up. In this case, other stun breaks work very well and elixir S gave access to more utility than it needed to.

Instead of crying over a nerf, suggest buffs to things that work and bump threads that report bugs, or interesting changes.

(edited by Skewjo.9243)

Elixir U bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


It just seems a little heavy handed that you get an endurance wipe as well as 50% reduced regen, compared to 25% additional damage taken. Maybe they left the endurance wipe out of the tooltip, or maybe it is only supposed to be -50% regen ^^(this seems like not enough) Just looking for clarification. I also want to direct eyes to my toss elixir U idea. READ IT – thanks

Elixir U bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Anyone else had this problem? Also I’d like to propose a toss elixir U change. Instead of it being RNG, could it be made to Wall of reflection if thrown closer than 300 units away and smoke screen if thrown 500-900 units away, and RNG if 300-500 away? The smoke screen is amazing but it’s unreliable and when you throw it on someone far away, and you get Wall of reflection you can’t use the spell to your advantage at all. Just a thought.

Elixir U bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


So I’m using elixir U in my amazing “engi can only use grenades and elixirs” build and everytime I get the haste"utility skill" (it’s a debuff not a skill <.<) my endurance vanishes, even though the tooltip states “Decreases endurance regeneration by 50%” .

I feel like we’re getting shafted because it seems to take all endurance as well as reduce regen of endurance by 50%…

Fix Scope or remove it

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I’ve been using this trait for 8 months since the game came out. Are you kitten me right now?

I just assumed it kitten worked! no reason to think otherwise!

Proposing a trade.

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


lol I’m not going to theorize on what may or may not happen to might. I just want the KITTEN RNG GONE.

Proposing a trade.

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I would like to propose a trade to the devs before HGH gets nerfed and we have nothing to show for it.

2 seconds off the basetime of HGH might and sigil of battle might, as this would make it slightly harder for our might stacks to get so high, in trade for RNG removed from elixir u, throw exlixir S, and make blow torch and rocket boots toolbelt skill actually hit. Who’s with me? ^^

I'm having a Blast!

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Hey Cleyran Knight.8291,

I run a build extremely similar even though it is for Spvp.;TkAgzCmo6x0joHbPuek9MaA

I would like to suggest moving to medkit. Using 6 water runes or 6 runes of the flock allows you to heal yourself and everyone around you for ~1100. This heal can happen every 10 seconds just by switching to the medkit. I also like to drop bandages for myself that heal for ~1500. This also gives you a way to get swiftness OOC as well as fury, and another condition removal.

You were also considering dropping Formula 409, but I believe the elixir gun 5(the healing light field thingy) is considered an elixir and will remove a condition – I’m not sure if this is from 409 or another trait that I missed.. (The EG 4 is considered an elixir but WILL NOT remove a condition.

You were also considering more vitality gear that you could get by dropping 10 points in explosives and putting 10 more into Alchemy. This will also allow you to pickup backpack regenerator. I don’t feel the cooldown for bombs is that necessary considering this is a power based spec and all the bombs with cooldowns are condi damage based. Also with medkit and elixir guns you shouldn’t need to worry about bomb cooldowns.

As far as sigil goes I’m a little confused as well. If healing gets diminishing returns heal stacking from sigil of superior life may be out the window. With as much kit switching as we are doing sigil of superior energy for some extra dodges may be the way to go.

Also I see you’re using fast acting elixirs but only using one elixir, and you have no stun break. I have subbed elixir B for elixir R for a stun break, a revive, and another light field. A long range revive in PVE is always awesome. You can now drop the fast acting elixirs for
A. Protection injection for PVP
B. Self regulating defenses (I guess this would be PVP too :/ lol)

(edited by Skewjo.9243)

Why engi is #1

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Nice, now do it with 50 mesmers pulling you off ledges, and your own team ganking you on the traps!

never seen the JP so deserted!

lol thanks for the appreciation ^^
If you enjoyed that one you might enjoy this one as well.
just fyi the music is as stupid as I intended it to be.
It was a LONG time ago. I had transferred to blackgate because my server was getting stomped and I couldn’t get map completion(yeah I’m a whiny baby) and I wanted a bigger server to find groups on. If you look at the bar behind the bandicam logo you can see that blackgate owned literally EVERYTHING. It was pretty ridiculous.

Also I would like to make a new video exhibiting bomb/rifle crit damage burst in the jumping puzzle but I’m not sure how well it will be received. If anyone requests that it be made…it shall be done.

(edited by Skewjo.9243)

Why engi is #1

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


5 minutes is pretty fast though, eh? ^^

ok 6 minutes w/e w/e

Why engi is #1

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243



in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


that 45 power seems nice…and the 4% damage is constant for 9 % that is only crit damage… also – rock dog! He’s hitting for around 580 atm…

also does forceful explosion affect your bomb "auto"attack? it doesn’t seem like it does..

(edited by Skewjo.9243)


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


hmm…can’t follow your link but rifle turret is what I used to use – double lightning bolt from turret explode + surprise shot is pretty awesome…
and yeah bombs would be tough to hit with but they do SO much damage…
I started using them in fractals and my bombs crit for 3300 and hit for 1400 and has a 1/2 second cast time
for comparison my rifle crits for 2200 and hits for 1200 and has a 3/4 second cast time…It just makes me feel I’m playing wrong.

Also if i just payed 9 gold for ogre runes and I need ruby orbs I’m going to cry lol


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


So I quit the game around the time halo 4 came out and have been back for a couple weeks now. I see absolutely NO mention of burst builds that use lightning bolt anymore and I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong. The build I use in this video is 10/30/0/0/30 and shows pretty much how I like to play in wvw.(I just gank in the jumping puzzle a lot – yeah I’m a total jerk).

I’m wondering if there is a better mobile build I can be using. Currently I am using 10/30/0/0/30(;TcAKkMIJQyikDJJSjCA).

I’m also running a full berserker’s set with ogre runes. (HURRDURR I LIKE BIG NUMBERS). I’m running this because I like to kill one person as quickly as possible and run away.

What I’m looking for are suggestions on the build.
I’m willing to sacrifice a small amount of power if I stand to gain a lot of survivability.

TL:DR – Critique my build for high-mobility solo jumping puzzle pvp ^^

Increase the size of WvW zones?

in WvW

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Having more tunnels, caves, canyons, bridges, … would result in having more natural chokepoints, which in turn could make ambushes/general combat more exciting, which in turn could result in the map feeling more natural, which in turn could make the players more on edge (instead of annoyed/bored) while travelling, which could result in more fun.

I want to +1 this like 8 million times. Nothing more fun than ambushing with a group of 3 from high ground. Also the size of the map seems perfect to me. I’m upset when I die and I absolutely hate having to run back, but I’m not alt-tabbing to auto-run for 2 minutes like running across the barrens or something lol.

(edited by Skewjo.9243)

EBG Jumping Puzzle record

in Community Creations

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


This is my fastest time for the EBG jumping puzzle. Just wondering if anyone has better.

Also want to petition for thieves to be able to shadowstep across ledges and mesmers to blink across them. I understand this would make the jumping puzzle easier but I don’t see it being less fun for anyone. Thoughts?

Mystic Forge Hidden Clues in the World

in Crafting

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I was wondering about this as well. There is a mole-person in Sorrow’s Embrace story mode that mentions some kind of rifle and it got me thinking about it.

FOR SCIENce!! - NOT the precursor recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


Can you direct me to this post? I cannot find any post stating that the only way to get your precursor is random drop from 4 rares/exotics. Perhaps some of these combinations are not so random?

FOR SCIENce!! - NOT the precursor recipe

in Crafting

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


I have taken the time to gather 4 exotic rifles from dungeons in the hopes of getting the legendary rifle precursor, The Hunter.
4 rifles:
Rifle of Dragon’s Deep – – Arah
Inquest Rifle – Crucible of Eternity –
Kodan Rifle – Honor of the Waves –
Molten Rifle – Citadel of Flame -
4 Superior Sigils of Rage:

With 3 of the final 4 dungeons having the same stats as the precursor weapon, my imagination took me to a far away land of awesome lazer rifles and infinite gold after making and selling many precursors. The mystic forge then left me with nothing but 70 silver after selling this –

While I am upset with my results I am hoping my endeavours will lead others to figure out a recipe and hopefully share it with the community

- (you may want to turn it down – I have a loud voice)