Showing Posts For Sommazzatore.8367:

Ranger Sword Leap Skill suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


I suggest the Ranger sword leap skill be changed to do about 2/3rds damage and to replace that damage you give the ranger a 3/4 second knock down if the target is below 25%.

I think it would make the ranger skill 100% cooler and actually worth all the time you fly through the air if you got a 3/4 second knock down, and it could really add an element of fight reversing if done landed. Just a thought.

Your Vote Matters!

in WvW

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Yea, that stuff is so much more important that scoring. If they want to fix scoring, the first thing they need to do is make winning matter, but they won’t because people’s feelings will get hurt and they will quit the game. Anet only attracts easy mode players and so I am surprised that the actual fixes/changes that matter have as many votes as they do when all of you guys want to get a special participation cookie.

What ever happened to taking PvP out of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


“what happened to taking the pvp out of wvw”

I doubt it was ever a thing and if it was it wasn’t since the first iteration of point per stomp

What a silly question

Another example of an “I only read titles” troll. Nice dude.

What ever happened to taking PvP out of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


All these kitten morons ‘Your q spot is not more important than mine" wahwahwah. Like, come on. That’s not what this is about and if you didn’t have the reading comprehension of a 7 year old you’d know you are just being asked to go to OS so that your play style doesn’t hamper MANY other people. OS dueling means no one interrupting your dueling, no long runs back to your dueling spot, and no mistaking a solo person or duo passing by as duelers. Stop being so sensitive and closed off to such a simple suggestion that assists everyone in playing more efficiently. You are seriously children if this is too difficult.

Fix comeback pip mechanic plz

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Yea my apologies, after re-reading a few articles I realize that I misread one of them, thinking they had two types of comeback pips.

Fix comeback pip mechanic plz

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


I know about the other comeback pip, I read somewhere about the in game comeback pips. Maybe I miss understood them and thought it was something different.

Fix comeback pip mechanic plz

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Just saying. I’ve received one double pip for a comeback and it was only a deficit of 50 points. I won a comeback from 350 – 495 ending in 500-495, no comeback pip. Just won on legacy 50 – 350 cameback and won 570 to 380. Wtf?

Meta isn't really the problem

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


If it really takes 3 people to kill a bunker than you guys are bad, or playing bad people. Either way, the meta will be changed in a month anyway. The pip problem may not be.

Meta isn't really the problem

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


“The meta is fine,”

LMAO! Warriors and thieves might disagree with you.

Nothing is unkillable or a one shot pony.

My chrono bunker and my cele tempest will kindly disagree on the unkillable thing… in my book if it takes 3 people or more to take one down, it can be categorized as a boring unkillable bunker.
I have yet to see ANY KIND of builds that can shut me down or kill me with less than 3 people on my bunker mesmer…

Either you are playing an all bunk class that does no damage and can’t take a point and is therefore balanced, or you are just not playing against challenging players.

Meta isn't really the problem

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


“The meta is fine,”

LMAO! Warriors and thieves might disagree with you.

You got me there. But yes, the meta is fine. Nothing is unkillable or a one shot pony. Meaning that, imo, there isn’t a whole lot wrong with it. Like is said, yes its a bit dull, but its not worth quitting the game over like everyone wants to see.
Most classes can still be played in at least 2 different ways, other than the obviously pitfalls in warrior and thief.

Meta isn't really the problem

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


The meta is fine, even if a little brain dead, but the problem and most discouraging hing for me is pip loss/gain. It isn’t consistent. I don’t mind, and actually favor losing pips for a loss. But earlier I lost 2 pips in a game in which we had a disconnection. So a 4v5 and we lose 2 pips and still scored over 300 points. The day before, we only gained one pip for facing a team of 2 legendaries, 2 rubies and a sapphire when we had an emerald and 2 rubies and 2 diamonds. This will be what makes me quit pvp. Not the meta, even though it is kinda yawn.

What the hell is this matchmaking ?

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Pip loss and gain is so random though

Pip gain/loss needs to be consistant

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Won a game earlier, 5 rubies vs 5 rubies, 2 pips gained. Lost on similar and didn’t lose a pip. Play vs 2 Diamond and 3 ruby, with 3 sapphires on my team, 2 pips gone. Win a game with 2 sapphire vs 5 rubies and premade and get only 1 pip. Come the kitten on. This makes ZERO sense.

P.S. – We need a report for afk option.

(edited by Sommazzatore.8367)

Backpack == Get Diamond Rank 4 times

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


No its a full year. 4 per year. A FULL YEAR. Not sure where your getting that time of 5.

Aren’t leagues of 8 weeks followed by 2 weeks of rest? That would be five leagues of 8+2 weeks which would mean 5 leagues a year…

Didn’t know about the two weeks of rest, but yea, close enough

Backpack == Get Diamond Rank 4 times

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Did you guys fail math? 2 months divided by 12 months is 6 seasons

Please balance PvP ; Please address hacking

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


I feel like you’re probably missing something. Pvp is actually quite balanced. Sure there are some classes that don’t seem as viable as often, but there isn’t one or two classes out there just wrecking everyone. Look up some build videos on youtube and practice. Thats the best advice I can give.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


This is a L2P issue. Nothing one shots. Just learn to build and dodge. Not trying to be rude, but its true.

Explain this match up pls

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


Build wars are so much fun though.

If Cleansing Conditions had priority...

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


being able to chose condition removal (And boon removal) priority would be nice tho

but this sounds like rocket science already…not gonna put any hope on dat

They could just have a list in pvp right under the trait lines or something where you number conditions in order of removal precedence. Not really that much rocket surgery (get it?) involved in that I dnt think.

Ranger - Needed Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


You guys are probably the only group of people in the game that want Ranger buffs. Position yourselves right (L2P) and you will continue to dominate with the least amount of effort (minus Mes and Ele of course, but they will be nerfed soon enough.)