Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks
Lions arch now loads for me, but just as OP i cant access red borderlands (Sanctum of rall borderlands in our matchup)
I am having the exact same error code but different circumstances.
I have 10 characters.
8 in Lions Arch – Tried all of them, cant load lions arch, map loads for 5 minutes and eventually client disconnects giving me the above error code.
2 characters not in Lions arch
Ratasum – works fine
Drytop – works fine
Looks like i cant access that one particular map?
I just moved my guild here and I can’t tell you enough how helpful and welcoming everyone has been. Definitely has made the transition easier and well worth it!
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your new home as much as we do! Despite being vastly outnumbered in Silver league, NSP has a very strong and dedicated core which will never leave no matter how hard the fight gets!
Our general attitude XD
Just to update everyone.
Thank you all for your interest and keeping this thread on the front page!
Welcome to our new transfers Be it small guild or an individual, Hope you like your new home!
For everyone still looking for a move, If you have any questions contact me in-game!
One popular question is “Does NSP have a teamspeak and what guilds can access it?”
The answer to that is : Yes we have a server teamspeak 3, ALL confirmed* NSP guilds have access to the public teamspeak as-well as their own guild channel! We use it for WvW and for PvE raids! and just general banter
Also yeah, no queues and very against the odds, but the have been having ALOT of fun in wvw facing off against a server with constant queues and mass blob hordes XD So if you are someone who likes a challenge, and many targets to test your skills on… Definitely check us out
How are others finding NSP?
I’m still looking for some feedback on NSP in regards to:
- Oceanic timezone PVE
- Oceanic timezone WvW
Oceanic time-zone for WvW could definitely use some more!
PVE… as far as i know NSP is quite good with pve in most timezones but cant provide specifics sorry
Heads up – NSP will have free transfers to our server in the next few days, starting today.
What are we good at?
NSP is not losing any of it’s guilds to other servers during the transfers. That speaks volumes in it self regarding community and how much we like each other. There is a huge sense of server pride, and if you are a server hopping guild looking at this, please move along. But if you are a guild / players that are looking for a fresh start, a new welcoming home, then read further!
We have strong reset presence every friday, our guilds are great at working together, and responding to each other when help is needed. Open field is our friend! NSP is not dominated by any 1 major guild telling anyone what to do, we run just as effectively as a group of guilds when we want stuff done. So if you are a small guild afraid of being overshadowed, have no fear, you are welcome here.
We have a core group of well known server commanders, who command their guilds and pug command when not doing guild runs, very dedicated, very good, and very friendly. We encourage people to wvw and learn, no question is a stupid question, and all of our main commanders will respond to any questions you may have, so if you are afraid of big ego commanders, have no fear.
ROAMING: We have a fine selection of roaming crew, lots of small mans, always looking for some fights
We haven’t had a big guild efflux since sept 2012 – very stable
NO QEUES – unless we are mass karma training at end of week
We have a server teamspeak, with rooms for any of our wvw guilds, aswell as guild teamspeaks and ventrillos, always somone to chat to and have fun with, at the end of the day, the game is about having fun together and having orders yelled at you.
What we need
What NSP really needs is some SEA guilds/Commanders at that time.
We need to fill the gap during the early EU hours
NSP is a great community, I’ve been commanding for NSP for a year and a half and i can’t imagine myself being anywhere else, just the right mix of good folks. We do lack SEA and Early EU presence – Going into Silver league that will be our major point to address, hence this post.
Let me make this clear however: If you plan to come to NSP to “Show us how its done” you are going to have a bad time. But if you plan on coming to NSP, with an open mind, work with other commanders and guilds and have fun , you will be met with open arms and lots of tears of our enemies <3 I can guarantee it.
PM me in-game for any info.
IGN: Smitry
Is HoD and NSP married? you havn’t touched eachothers BL in the past 4 days and HoD take our EB while NSP hits our BL. Guess when one sucks the must use foul play
Who was in 1st place 4 days ago?
We been in first place until these last 2 days because have HoD hitting us in EB and NSP hitting us in our BL while you sip tea and do each others hair. I expected you guys to be better than IOJ, but i was mistaken.
1) I am the commander responsible for your BL wipes these past few days, hi, nice to meet you. Me and my associates attacked you because you are good, vigilant and fast responding, I like DR and many of your guilds. Whatever “deal” you think we have with hod, check last weeks matchup thread, i assure you there is no such alliance. We hit your BL, you go to defend (some epic defences btw, some terrible :/) and as a result HoD have a window to push you in EB…because you know… SM TO WIN ERMGHERD and all that jazz. Simple maths for them to hit you, and they do hit us and numerous times we lost large chunks of your borderland because we had to pull away and respond to a HoD threat elsewhere on our lands.
2) I hope you learned a valuable lesson with that golem rush on Garrison and Hills in NSP BL.
I remember DR being good but not this good :/
Props to the DDLG team in Hills, i tried a few different angles but you always had scouts/people/mortars/ac’s
And when we finally got to inner you guys showed up really fast with a big response team!
Thank you for making me engage my brain and not be a zombie, ill try harder next time!
Props to DR! Saw alot of DDLG tags there!
We wanted to do something kittened with golems and we did!
We broke the first rule of golem rushing. It was supposed to be a surprise but we posed outside spawn for a screenshot and let DR prepare.
Not an excuse, DR did a FANTASTIC job preparing their keep for that siege! Much props for it! Their repair/build teams definitely worked overtime! all 1700 supply was burned in the process and all golems bar 1 alpha afk at spawn were wiped!
I give you the screenshot that ruined the rush,! But i think the screenshot was worth it!
Total count : 6 Omegas and 45-ish (+/- 5) Alphas we wanted 20 omegas but reached map wide limit lol!
Also… we took briar /flex y u so bad DR?
I havent played reset in a while due to the timezone im in, but my god this was fun, i only had a chance to play the first 1.5 hours.
Good effort on NSP Bay by DDLG ? man and VLK&friends ? man.
Look at the time stamp… we literally turned around from one fight to the next.
bye bye nsp u tried
Smugged a little too soon, bud.
Yep that’s me PVE’in. No shame here.
this was all part of the plan:P LET see how NSP amazing night crew does lafs to dead o wait u guys have no ppl during the night
This adequately represents the events of the past 24 hours. (watch it all for full effect)
sorry buddy try again i want more b u t hurts talking get owned by a t7 server and cry we love the crying cry more nsp allmost losing 1st place to a t7 server and ioj u guys are weak u only have ppl during the night beside that u get farmed and ignored
I actually liked VLK
Sad panda is sad. I guess you forgot that NSP was a t7 server 2 weeks ago and got shot through the ranks by facing much much much stronger enemies than you can imagine.
Nice t3 SM….would be a shame if something were to happen to it… Oh wait.
bye bye nsp u tried
My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.
All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.
With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…
Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P
Natronix I must admit I am very impressed with how friendly and rational you are even when me and bird built a treb on your body, that was not a shame treb but a respect treb. Keep up being awesome.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolHoD didn’t push IoJ into last, NSP did, with holding our BL for as long as you did. Yes we did see you guys hit HoD BL, but with what happened to our BL and within our server, it kind of sealed our placing in this match up. This late in the match up we will probably come last regardless if we attack HoD only. We’re not giving up, just that you’ll probably see less resistance from us due to the majority of our fair weathers going back to pve till the next match up. (even some of our WvW guilds are burning out, and we don’t have many of those)
It’s becoming clearer to me and a lot of our other commanders, that IoJ as a server , is not well liked due to some of the attitudes that some of our player’s have/are displaying. We do try our best to restrain ourselves but it can be more difficult for others and we can’t control everyone. The member from IoJ who was whispering Spet’s (sorry if I got your name wrong) is a bit of a loose canon and even gives our commander’s flak. I’m not making excuses for his actions/words but there’s not much we can do. If it’s that much of an issue, please use the reporting tool to get a more satisfactory result, it’s probably the best anyone can do about it.
Overall, as much as this match up has been frustrating for us, it is still a good learning experience. The majority of the roaming groups we get from the other servers in IoJ BL every night (oceanic tz) are very talented. If I was good enough I may have been able to pick up on some of your tricks, but alas, you’ve just proven to me that I need to go pvp more and do it with player’s that I can learn from that are equal to that calibre shown by our enemies roaming groups. The value of scouts can not be emphasised enough, but sometimes even early warning can not prepare us for a blitzkrieg style attack that NSP is perfecting, yet . In the end all we can do is take away what we learn from this match up and try to improve ourselves as best as we can. I’m hoping for some epic battles to finish this match off with regardless of where we come in at. (2nd would be preferable, but I’m a realist)
Thank you for being a decent rep for IoJ, unfortunately not many are around.
You may call me Smitry, since that’s my main.
As for IoJ credit goes to the most notable (in my time-frame) guild group TRBO holding lake and sometimes hills, Sure makes it more challenging and forces us to engage brain instead of autopilot.
As for that rage-kid from ioj, I really hope hes not a commander/never will be one, For IoJ’s sake.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I have examined your evidence and concluded that your picture, shows a plausible* way to hit the edge top of the wall. It does not however reach the yellow X in my screenshot provided which is the centre of the aoe-circle.
I’ve examined your evidence and concluded that your picture does not properly label the center of the circle. I’m getting tired of restating my case so stop being a noob and play the game
please, take my screenshot, and label the screenshot with your opinion of where the centre of that red circle is.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
Sadly yes and that is why I wear glasses. But I assure you they do hit from where I labeled the x’s you can test it you yourself! But I doubt you will since you thrive on calling people hackers without examining any evidence shown before you.
I have examined your evidence and concluded that your picture, shows a plausible* way to hit the edge top of the wall. It does not however reach the yellow X in my screenshot provided which is the centre of the aoe-circle.
I’m awake
Score is actually even atm and it looks like HoD has pushed IoJ well into last.Maybe you guys wanna like,
Try and stop them lolWe new from the start NSP was a threat to us, HoD was just kinda meh since we figured we’d beat them. We didn’t expect them to be scavengers though which allowed them to pass us up this much today so ya we’ll probably hit them some. Also sorry spet those screenshots do infact line up, as much as you want to blame you losing the tower due to hacks it just wasn’t
HOW do they line up? Do you have some sort of a visual problem?
grats NSP, you golem rushed us at our weak point again! And guess what?? We all disconnected right before you arrived You should be proud you guys are big enough to lag us all out. Even though we placed alot of siege it doesn’t matter if we have no one to man it :/ it was 40v5 but it was still fun thinking for a minute we stood a chance against a zerg that big with the numbers we had. Half of the golems were omegas I might add, really who pays for all this?
It’s a shame this picture only shows half the amount you guys had as the rest of you were still making your way up.
EDIT: and of course HoD is there to take our keep from us in EB while we’re outmanned there as well. You guys have some nice coordination going on with NSP. Well whatever, we’ll take it all back and then some when we wake up and it finally becomes even numbers for a short while till IoJ goes back to bed.
No coordination with HoD. infact the slimy kittens ( <3 you really VLK) tried to help you out and take our t2 bay we had in your bl. HoD is also the only* reason you guys did not drop to +0 ppt like i wanted, as they had a massive zerg in our eb side, inner keep i do believe. So we had to devide our forces, leaving me and 3 ( not 40) in your bl.
Those numbers, are all we had. See them ZoS/Os tags at the back? those are the golems and they are the last of us. I know because i was in one.
We only had 3 omegas :/ not exactly alot. and 6 alphas thats 9 not 15.
Also, im still waiting for your
AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.Now stop making yourself and your server look bad and go play the game.
It’s interesting how HoD is always there to scavenge off what we take. Also I’ve already proven how to shoot the AC where I did and it’s funny how you keep bringing it up. Anyways enjoy taking back your freshly flipped borderlands
You haven’t provided anything, you provided a plausible way of getting the AC to hit on top of the wall. You did not provide a screenshot matching the screenshot i posted of you on an arrow-cart hitting way way on top of the wall far beyond your provided screenshot.
Even your server-mate “kinkygirraffe” agrees it is clear….
also to chime in
commong ioj response to us taking their bl: “EAT A KITTEN! HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA YOUHAVE NUMBERSCANTEVEN GET OUTOF OUR TIER HAHAHHAAHAHA” + many more grammar mistakes.
1) What we saw you do with an AC.
2) How you justified it.
Please tell me again how those 2 pictures line up, im all ears.
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
Thank you NSP for the great battles in your BL. [TRBO] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your hills for 6 hours.
Thank you IoJ for the great battes in your BL. [ZoS] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your ENTIRE BORDERLAND for 6 hours
… see what I did there?
As your servermate said.
You attack us while we sleep what do you expect?
I actually made that post to show that no one likes braggers :/
As i have already told you, I personally built all of those golems, and there were only 3 omega and 6 alpha to start off, i think we made 2 more alphas in garri just to burn supps.
Main reason i keep hitting your BL is because every morning i log on i either face a fortified lake with a bajillion arrowcarts or like this morning WP in hills…
Well I got a wp in your bay today so all is fair i suppose.
I dont have screenshots of IoJ zergs because im mostly leading my group in and thinking of ways to kill said zerg and not take SS’s.
Keep it classy IoJ.
grats NSP, you golem rushed us at our weak point again! And guess what?? We all disconnected right before you arrived You should be proud you guys are big enough to lag us all out. Even though we placed alot of siege it doesn’t matter if we have no one to man it :/ it was 40v5 but it was still fun thinking for a minute we stood a chance against a zerg that big with the numbers we had. Half of the golems were omegas I might add, really who pays for all this?
It’s a shame this picture only shows half the amount you guys had as the rest of you were still making your way up.
EDIT: and of course HoD is there to take our keep from us in EB while we’re outmanned there as well. You guys have some nice coordination going on with NSP. Well whatever, we’ll take it all back and then some when we wake up and it finally becomes even numbers for a short while till IoJ goes back to bed.
No coordination with HoD. infact the slimy kittens ( <3 you really VLK) tried to help you out and take our t2 bay we had in your bl. HoD is also the only* reason you guys did not drop to +0 ppt like i wanted, as they had a massive zerg in our eb side, inner keep i do believe. So we had to devide our forces, leaving me and 3 ( not 40) in your bl.
Those numbers, are all we had. See them ZoS/Os tags at the back? those are the golems and they are the last of us. I know because i was in one.
We only had 3 omegas :/ not exactly alot. and 6 alphas thats 9 not 15.
Also, im still waiting for your AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.
Now stop making yourself and your server look bad and go play the game.
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
Thank you NSP for the great battles in your BL. [TRBO] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your hills for 6 hours.
Thank you IoJ for the great battes in your BL. [ZoS] enjoyed it so much. Too bad we can only hold your ENTIRE BORDERLAND for 6 hours
… see what I did there?
It saddens me to see All of our hard work ruined because we have no one to defend in the early EU hours… im sitting here studying and watching millenium update with a tear in my eye…
NSP needs to get its kitten together w/ regards to coverage, and IOJ should be moved to EU server ladder, simple as :/
all i have to say is nsp guys if this keep up are gone of first place u guys clear have no ppl at all only at few hours of the day u had a strong weekend but now ur keep in eb just gets farmed over and over
Agreed, So far during the week i’ve seen most of NSP numbers from 2:30ish PDT-7ishPDT, The rest of the time it seems you have ~30 within all 4 maps. Earlier when you were pushing our BL, We only had about 5 defending all of EB corner for about 30 minutes and HoD couldnt take anything but camps, By the time NSP came for SM we were even numbers with them. Our Downfall for SM: ~15 people fighting HoD in the south… Like i cant even facedesk enough at them right now XD
Oh Well, Nice job as usual Smitry and Bird. Hats off to you, Never know when our BL will randomly turn red cause of you two. Great commanders (With lots of money fro golems apparently ) :P
I actually have 4 g across my entire account kitten THE FORTUNE BOX GAMBLING!!!!!!
But thank you, you’r reaction time is getting better each time
NSP was born it outmanned!* (not outnumbered ) , Moulded by it! We did not see a zerg until….you get the point.
To all the IoJ sad-cats that keep posting screenshots of a big NSP zerg, you do know that happens like once a day for like 2 hours right? Whereas IoJ (maybe not in your timezone but in mine) Rolls with 30-50 in EB and TRBO with 20ish in our BL lake, when we have like 20 across the 2 maps, HoD too have zergs during their primetime, where they move one big blob around EB, every server has their zerg time, just because it happens while your server is little low on numbers does not mean thakittens always like that.
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
Forgot to take screenshots from todays IoJ BL takeover, but you guys seemed to have burned over 1000 siege before we even got to hills on sieging it up to the brim with arrowcarts and ballista-alike!
Definitely had me stop and rethink my choices for a few seconds but we still ended up taking it, hope that Omega port to lord room didnt scare you too much
I have taken your BL’s before in the match up and the last, But i must say its good to have my friend Bird Song back, Hope you liked the Smitry-Song special
Sorry we didnt stay and camp the BL for ya, its getting late here
This is getting ridiculous. If you lose they say you suck, if you win they accuse you of cheating. WOW! It’s just plain funny.
I dont think I can trust your opinion of ridiculous when you use /laugh in a 12v4.What? You mean the photo I attached? Were just having fun dude, some of your [oS] guildies also tea bagged me, did I post a complain here?
And you guys need to improve your counting. 12v4? RoTFL! Your entire population was in your BL. No one even defended your keep in EB.
You do seem to like that tower though.
I was ashamed to see it t3.Yeah 3 days in a row, will do it again tomorrow for more jade weapon tickets. Guildies got a total of 3 jade tickets defending your LAKE.
P.S. I pmed you after you took lake from us. It was a good game. I didn’t know you weren’t having fun.
A guilmate had a precursor from a player two days ago.
Good! That’s what we are aiming for. Your guildmate is one lucky SoB.
I already congratulated TRBO for the hold they had on sunday as myself and neo took it back, there is no doubt its an impressive fort they make every day, but that video and the ac just does not add up to me, i would like to know if any of mine were doing something fishy also.
… I hope we can drag NSP down a bit so this will be an exciting match.
like this?
http://youtu.be/h8qm31aVgogNaw lil guy just made himself look silly
Hes shooting the ac through the gap above the gate
I expected this reply, this is the view from the ac position, you can maybe* hit the side of the wall but you cant see the floor at all at all through that hole
This is the MAX zoom out the game will allow from the position of the arrowcart in the video, anymore deviation up or down will either show you more of the upper part of the wall or obscure the gap above the door completely.
your move.
His resolution may be different, different sized monitor, different position.
In the video it doesnt really show the circles focusing the ground rather than the wal
And in your screen shot you haven’t angled your camera the best you can to see through that gate.Screen shot showing you my best angle (im almost certain mine shows more)
As a sidenote I am Still waiting for Mr.Fluffy’s explanation how the [Cast] Commander ( who may or may not be himself as my previous post got deleted for “personal attack on a player”) Shot the ac on top of Mendons Gap tower in EB, Screenshot provided on page 2, have a looksie.
EDIT: for the lazy like myself https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/84672/_zoom_exploit_v2.jpg
This however is clear, and cast should work out who it is. asap
I am happy that you agree about the second case at least, and they know exactly who it is, i just cant say for sake of post being deleted again.
But my friend from nika beat me to it, replied right above me with a picture of the ring radius being on the ground.
Having said that if the AC was right against the gate you could wiggle your camera to hit it, but the video clearly shows where the ac is and from that position there is no way with default zoom.
Different resolutions provide slightly better view but not to that extent, unless its something ridiculous like 900000×40000 :/ and there is* a way to do this without zoomhack, I will not explain it as it is still an unintended mechanic and counts as an exploit.
Whenever i catch an NSP player even suggesting to me to use an ac exploit I report them myself, be it zoomhack or the other unintended way of doing it, And if this was not know by the TRBO guild they should act on it within their own structure, if it was known, well.. shame on them.
As a sidenote I am Still waiting for Mr.Fluffy’s explanation how the [Cast] Commander ( who may or may not be himself as my previous post got deleted for “personal attack on a player”) Shot the ac on top of Mendons Gap tower in EB, Screenshot provided on page 2, have a looksie.
EDIT: for the lazy like myself https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/84672/_zoom_exploit_v2.jpg
… I hope we can drag NSP down a bit so this will be an exciting match.
like this?
http://youtu.be/h8qm31aVgogNaw lil guy just made himself look silly
Hes shooting the ac through the gap above the gate
I expected this reply, this is the view from the ac position, you can maybe* hit the side of the wall but you cant see the floor at all at all through that hole
This is the MAX zoom out the game will allow from the position of the arrowcart in the video, anymore deviation up or down will either show you more of the upper part of the wall or obscure the gap above the door completely.
your move.
My post got removed due to “attacking a person” ie reported i suspect.
But MrFluffy, i am still waiting for that screenshot of how that AC was in LOS, please teach me.mmk here they are, I placed white ’X’s on the spots you shoot at.
As good as that placement is, and i have used it before, it does not reach the target red ring which is seen in this screenshot ( Note I edited the yellow X for where the Target-point would be, the centre of the red ring of AC fire, I also brushed over the name and guild name, but i can assure you its the same screenshot posted earlier which was deleted by mods.)
Please show me how you can hit on that spot with AC fire, note that it is also behind the vertical jut-out that the walls have for protection.
the X you put there isn’t the center of the red ring, with increased radius the top of the jut is. If you look you will see the red ring on the side too.
I’m sorry but anyone who can draw a basic circle can tell you that the top of the jut is not the centre of the circle in question.
It’s ok… I cant even enter IoJ BL without d/c or lagging into a middle of a zerg.
no it’s not ok, anet screwed over IoJ with this annoying issue since we can’t even properly defend during the most crucial moments.
as much as i feel for the dc, IOJ had plenty* of defenders at hills and dawns and wasn’t much pvd except for initial bay take.
The DC issue affects us as much as you, imagine golems dropping left right and centre, mesmer portal chains disrupted and commanders (me) disappearing without a warning or autowalking off a cliff cos i lagged outcant remember if you are theif or not, but i banished a [Cast] Commander off the cliff at dawns, highlight of my day Reminds me of house batiatus!
I don’t remember getting feared off a cliff but I do remember lagging off a cliff today in the middle of calling out orders. Pretty much was a pvd, had NSP been fighting a sieged up garrison/hills with IoJ actually in it then no we wouldn’t have lost it. I’d be surprised if NSP manages to take any keeps from us without ninja’ing it this week
Please do continue to tell me how it was PVD, do tell us that there were not defenders in hills with arrowcarts raining fire on our golems, must have been the doors that took out 8 golems… those kitten ed doors!!!!! We also had to build extra ballistas across your inner because the door kept hitting us
EDIT: it was banish in dawns and you definitely did not lag off that cliff. Stop with excuses and just have a fun matchup.
My post got removed due to “attacking a person” ie reported i suspect.
But MrFluffy, i am still waiting for that screenshot of how that AC was in LOS, please teach me.mmk here they are, I placed white ’X’s on the spots you shoot at.
As good as that placement is, and i have used it before, it does not reach the target red ring which is seen in this screenshot ( Note I edited the yellow X for where the Target-point would be, the centre of the red ring of AC fire, I also brushed over the name and guild name, but i can assure you its the same screenshot posted earlier which was deleted by mods.)
Please show me how you can hit on that spot with AC fire, note that it is also behind the vertical jut-out that the walls have for protection.
It’s ok… I cant even enter IoJ BL without d/c or lagging into a middle of a zerg.
no it’s not ok, anet screwed over IoJ with this annoying issue since we can’t even properly defend during the most crucial moments.
as much as i feel for the dc, IOJ had plenty* of defenders at hills and dawns and wasn’t much pvd except for initial bay take.
The DC issue affects us as much as you, imagine golems dropping left right and centre, mesmer portal chains disrupted and commanders (me) disappearing without a warning or autowalking off a cliff cos i lagged out
cant remember if you are theif or not, but i banished a [Cast] Commander off the cliff at dawns, highlight of my day Reminds me of house batiatus!
My post got removed due to “attacking a person” ie reported i suspect.
But MrFluffy, i am still waiting for that screenshot of how that AC was in LOS, please teach me.
I don’t know whats going on but literally everyone on IoJ borderlands is getting timed out. Like every 5 mins 10-15 players get dc’ed. It’s only on IoJ borderlands too, literally our whole server is dc’ing in our own borderlands…just our BL… this is BS and anet needs to fix this.
I was the commander in charge of your bl takeover today, and yeah the DC thing affected us also I was in vale camp thinking we were taking out cannons but in reality my team already capped bay… gg timeouts we had golems dropping left right and centre, mesmers disappearing its was pretty tough
They wont be pvdooring for long.
Another half week and the crusades begin.PREPARE. YOUR. ANGUS
We gunna have a BBQ
one of the many reasons i love NSP
Ob!!!!!! Was very happy to see we got you guys again! HoD have alot of small man teams who are very fun to fight and dont just kitten run away until they have +10
Sadly i wont be commanding much got some uni stuff to do :/
To IoJ attempts on our keep, please, please come again during the brief times that i am on, i enjoyed it heavily. Pic attached.
That steel chest=khilbrons boots tyvm <3
also, get your pesky pets off our walls, was like 5 of the running around there
EDIT: I’m very sad to see HoD lose all their EB Dont give up guys! and dont worry, we all know ioj PvD’s while people sleep, they really belong on an EU server where they can actually get fights
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
100% Smitry Certified.
I would like to thank all of the NSP guilds for their efforts last week! We were matched against DH and IoJ, both servers having an upper hand with coverage, yet we never gave up, and prevailed! Congratulations to all of NSP, well deserved victory (especially after all the anti-NSP forum comments)
Thank you for making my week
But lets not get carried away, we dont want to rise to high, this is getting a little too zergy for my taste
The thing that is most depressing about this match up is the fact that we got NSP. Not to knock NSP, they are doing pretty good. But thanks to the way the ranking system works, all they have to do is keep breathing and they will just drain us of all those hard faught points. I really wanted to face Yaks or Crystal Desert. Hell, I wanted that rematch with Ehmry Bay. instead we got NSP and our points are crashing again. It really does remove my motivation to want to play WvW this week, by a very large margin.
I can totally see this from your guys point of view.
Hello btw! i was just wabby infant commander when we were stuck with that eternal match against BP and AR forever, now all grown up
Was taking the day off, as i went full kitten on it yesterday day to make sure DH never cought up and NSP got that much needed victory. But had to tag up several times due to lack of responses on our bl.
BP crew that capped t3 NSP bay today, gg, you guys seemed to have 2-3? commanders running pincer tactics, and portal bombs. It was very refreshing to see new tactics other than general siege/zergplay, but you do need some practice, those portal bombs were too predictable
Some good fights and wipes today in nsp bl, will be an interesting week!
By far the most red circles i think ive ever seen… gg, we still got it in the end though! Good work with the mortars, had me curse you many many times! XD
I have to congratulate NSP for their performance this week. I’m sure you guys have exceed everyones expectations. I apologize for all the smack talk a lot of us have said here during this match up, It would have been more fun without it. We underestimated you greatly. IoJ will just keep learning every week, enough with the excuses of backstabbing, low on population, etc. We lost. Plain and simple.
There have been multiple fun fights throughout the week, a lot of frustrating moments too I thank both servers for it. Hope you all have more fun match ups in the future, and hopefully next time we are matched up we will be better and more organized by then.
Espiritu De Noche
Apologies for not replying in game to you, i was driving a golem at the time
I gotta say i wanted to rub its in your face more than anything but it does take a stand-up guy to publicly apologise like that and whisper me ingame with the same. Props for that.
I really had fun this matchup, and stressed out alot also, put in inhuman hours while still doing my job.
<3 Every single NSP player, we have been losing for the last several months, we lost many guilds and people, but we stood strong and determined that one day, somehow it will all turn out. Today is that day NSP! Rejoyce!
Someone needs to fill me up on how NSP is winning this week?? Great work NSP!
By not giving up.
I am very proud of NSP this week, we had some really tough opponents! Abys guild from DH stands out the most! SE coming close second!
EDIT: Highlight of the day
(edited by Spets the MilkBandit.9031)
Yeah… about that… If WvW came down to pure skill, IoJ would be in tier 9 EU while NSP would be top 3. Every big server we’ve been up against, we keep wiping you. Over and over again. With fewer numbers.
Yet. You try again.
And again.
And again.Yeah, eventually you might get our keep or tower, but how does it feel, being 50 taking it from 10 people defending it? (If you’re even able to cap).
If we have close to equal numbers, you guys can’t do jack.
I don’t recall ever being particularly impressed by any players or groups with an [AS] tag. I guess I must have never seen you, because you guys sure sound impressive.
Im not just talking about AS. But yes, we are good. If you haven’t seen us, you just haven’t seen us when we are running structured. We tend to run outside the massive blobs.
But we really don’t care if people notice us or not. Makes it easier for us to get stuff done
NSP by far has the worst roamers I have EVER seen, atleast completely inferior in every aspect to the average IoJ roamer. We completely demolish your zergs with equal numbers in open field. Also about that remark about being able to hold something with 10 people, a keep no less. A keep can hold 1700 supply, now thats more then enough to build 5+ arrow carts for every gate, and conveniently for the red corner overlook is by far the easiest keep to defend with the elevation and the fact that there are only 2 inner gates (blue keep has 3) makes it even more so easier to defend. So its nothing that great to brag about honestly especially since you end up losing the keeps in the end anyways. Now if you were to say wipe a zerg of 50 IoJ’ers (which will never happen since we’re better then you and we can’t field 50 people like NSP can) with 10 people in open field then that would certainly be something to brag about.
Not sure if trolling or rly being ignorant. Cause obviously, u haven’t fought SPCA or XOXO, they are one of the best if not the best roamers around
splt/tm/small man Os, guildless level 2’s with no armour… pretty much anyone.
I’d like another NSP, DH, and GoM match up. 3 way awesome.
I miss the Gomnom berries
I’ve said it many times before, I have much much more respect for DH over IoJ, Abyss is one of the contributing factors for that respect.
Always quality fights and no cheap mesmer/permastealth thief/mesmer dying at gates ioj carryon.
“Wild bulbasaur: IoJ last week: “wtf nsp don’t hit our stuff you play 4 2nd hit 1st place
IoJ this week: “oh kitten we said we’re better than NSP last week and now they’re beating us, better hit DH.”
That being said; i’m glad nsp is winning because all the kittenheads from isp saying “it’s so clear we’re a better server.” that kitten is just immature, and i hope you see how stupid you look now that they’re in first.”Look, you little brat. IOJ has been talking to NSP directly, myself included to focus on DH. Even though most of us hate each other we are somehow working togethe, its working. We are beating the biggest server so please don’t get us kitten ed or you will just end up in 3rd like last week. Or do you just think we got weaker in 1 week or you guys magically got better? Please, stop fighting in forums and get back to playing.
Wild isn’t from NSP, silly billy.
lol owned.
RE: said alliance. lol. I will hit whatever gains my server the most ppt. several times ioj have pushed nsp towers and nsp pushed ioj towers (screen attached) as you can see by the chat bar, we were in DH bl with our golems and had to respond to pesky ioj at veloka even though they are the ones who keep whispering NSP commanders for a team-up.
I have no doubt that IoJ whisper DH commanders asking for team-ups also.
Overall i have much more respect for DH than i do for IoJ.
I have 2 highlights from the week:
1. Wiping a NSP zerg that was larger than my zerg at Sunny. You guys managed to get our wall down, but we managed to wipe you at the breach. Don’t worry, I was stressing the whole time trying to work out a way to kill your trebs that you used. We couldn’t get organised quickly enough when I tried to flank your trebs, so I resolved to trying to hold you guys for as long as possible at the breach. I honestly didn’t think we would be able to hold the tower. I wish I had recorded it.If that was earlier today/maybe late last night for you with 3 trebs, that was me
Sadly i did have waggro on the phone for the second half and charged in while on the phone :/ Maybe if i actually took the time to scout it it would be different but very good defence, didnt think you could squeeze anymore ac’s in there.
Hope you liked my treb v treb sniping on your domeWhen we got the treb up on top of the lords room I thought “Yeah we got this!” Then I saw you third treb hit our counter treb, and I was like “wtf did that come from, it wasn’t there a second ago” lol. After our failed attempts at trying to “flank” ( I use the term loosely here since we didn’t have the numbers) I thought “if we’re going to lose the tower(which I genuinely thought we were) I was going to drain it of supply with as much siege as possible and make a last stand”. Was almost going to throw a ram down, as I was out of AC’s, lol.
Was so surprised we managed to wipe you guys, honestly did not expect that.Good Times.
Well deserved wipe aswell, we got fat and lazy :P
I have 2 highlights from the week:
1. Wiping a NSP zerg that was larger than my zerg at Sunny. You guys managed to get our wall down, but we managed to wipe you at the breach. Don’t worry, I was stressing the whole time trying to work out a way to kill your trebs that you used. We couldn’t get organised quickly enough when I tried to flank your trebs, so I resolved to trying to hold you guys for as long as possible at the breach. I honestly didn’t think we would be able to hold the tower. I wish I had recorded it.
If that was earlier today/maybe late last night for you with 3 trebs, that was me
Sadly i did have waggro on the phone for the second half and charged in while on the phone :/ Maybe if i actually took the time to scout it it would be different but very good defence, didnt think you could squeeze anymore ac’s in there.
Hope you liked my treb v treb sniping on your dome
Congrats to DH btw,
this week you guys were fun to fight!
kitten those ac’s….
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