Showing Posts For Spinex.3695:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Mega server and instances need to work way better, pretty amateur that you can’t create the code to save how far you were in a story instance just spent a good amount of time in final boss of HoT only to get disconnected.

Customer happiness – low.

Buy waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinex.3695


There is an option to buy waypoints. You need a friend though.

I already have the waypoints I need, so no to answer the question though.

Ahh that is a good point, did not think about that!

Buy waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Hey folks, just an idea but would you buy waypoints if there was an option? I have a character that I just took to 80 using the tomes but I am missing many waypoints, what do you normally do run around to get them all again?

Is the ‘Kneel’ killing the Deadeye’s Rifle?

in Thief

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Did you guys ever play Star Wars Galaxies rifleman? Kneel and prone were very important for accuracy. I can see why people might think this is odd but I welcome this change, it’s quite nice to be able to just sit far away and shoot the hell out something.

Guild wars 2 music.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I can’t stand the new Lion’s Arch music. It is way too loud and energetic.

True, it needs to chill.

Pistol necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I started reading this and was like “dude we have a great sword and that spec” then I saw the date.

Do you reckon they play the game anymore?

Dragon Stand empty?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I was about to state exactly the same thing about the emptiness, will Arena update the worlds at some point so that this endless battle is over one day and turn that area into a more explorable place rather than a barren land of death mobs, basically Queensdale it.

It’s by design. Unlike the other HoT maps, the meta is the entire thing from start to finish. So there isn’t much point to being there if you aren’t doing the meta. That’s why you see dead maps when you go there. The map(s) that are doing the meta have already filled up and the map you’re on is empty because anyone who shows up there will leave, either joining a meta map or finding them full and moving on to something else.

Try showing up just before the dragon clears the map. Either the map you’re on will begin to fill up and organize or you can use LFG to join a map that is. If you show up later than this, chances are the meta maps will already have filled up and all other instances will be dead maps. That’s just how DS works.

To the new/returning players who think HoT is dead:

DS (and all of the other HoT maps) are quite active. However, a side-effect of meta maps and the megaserver system is that you often can’t just show up on a map and complete the meta. While you’re standing around waiting for the map to organize, chances are other maps are organizing and players are leaving your map for those organized maps.

Be aware of when the meta occurs for the map you’re on and use LFG to get to organized maps or you’ll find yourself hopping from one dead map to another wondering where everybody went. That’s why HoT appears “dead” when in fact it’s full of players. They all condensed onto maps that are now full, leaving depleted maps (your map!) behind.

Thank you for that reply.

It is nice to be back!

Dragon Stand empty?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I was about to state exactly the same thing about the emptiness, will Arena update the worlds at some point so that this endless battle is over one day and turn that area into a more explorable place rather than a barren land of death mobs, basically Queensdale it.

Why did you pre-purchase Path of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinex.3695


For me they deserve the money for the fun I have had in a f2p game and not only that but I know I will enjoy the new land.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spinex.3695


-Sky box: finally a proper sky box this automatically makes the environment much more immersive rather than textured plane.
-Flatness: I loved the idea behind the ‘floors’ in HOT but it made navigation frustrating so this is much welcomed.
-Raptor mount/dismount: fast, this I like a lot.

Could be improved
-Sand: shader looks ok but not amazing, could have a higher specular and nicer wind effects across it
-Lighting: interior lighting is still weak imo, especially in the casino where you have lots of light sources but they are actually not creating light (locally or globally). This is an area the engine could do with great improvement
-City: felt a bit quiet, the stampede was cool but not much seemed to be happening there I also didn’t feel each district was unique enough


Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Played through this and really enjoyed it.
- Story, very interesting looking forward to how this unfolds, voice acting was pretty good but you need to fix the pauses between conversations as this breaks the story especially if there is an argument taking place.
- Art, new art for location was good, some nice touches with the mood. The huge trees felt a little out of place and not very grounded, more like an asset just dumped there. The caves all felt a bit empty and the ravine you cross with the wonky planks felt unfinished. I am curious if you have world art supervisors?

Looking forward to the next part.


bo staff

in Thief

Posted by: Spinex.3695


It is a lot of work for a staff. I was about to start this until I noticed how much stuff had to be done. Why make it so hard?

It is but it’s mostly to show off the skin. Although, looking ahead at grinding another crafting profession and then trying to make an Ascended in the current HoT market is pretty clear to me that this mastery grind or hoping for a lucky drop are my two options for how little time I get to play. Much of the collection steps just kind of happen by consequence of doing all of your other stuff there anyway.

Just have fun in those maps for awhile and see what kind of surplus you have of everything after awhile then get more of a focus, most of those items are giveaways really.

The one thing I realise is that after the grind for exalted this and exalted that it is account unlocked, so once it is completed once it is over which makes it 70% easier in future.

bo staff

in Thief

Posted by: Spinex.3695


It is a lot of work for a staff. I was about to start this until I noticed how much stuff had to be done. Why make it so hard?

Crash on 5% of Mouth of Mordremoth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Why does the game not remember your completion percentage and participation number after you log back in from a crash?

And will this be something that might be available in the future?


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Heart of Thorns Story 6 &7 the friendly AI is terrible. Not sure how it has got so bad but it no longer fights and does not help to res. SO basically I have a team that stand around doing nothing, perhaps they are all still super sad of the Nords death.

But this is really making missions harder in a bad way, even GW1 AI was better to some extents, it seems a step back now.

Winter Wonderland puzzle is EVIL

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Way too annoying, make one easy at least. I don’t even want treasure just an achievement

Guild Wars Music

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Oh really? I will keep an ear out for that then!

Guild Wars Music

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I guess this has been posted before but I thought another pester ‘may’ help.

Will we ever be able to have the original Guild Wars 1 music in GW2 (inc. expansions)? Some of that music is very haunting ( and would work so well in some areas that it would be such a pity to not bring over some of Mr Soules classics. An old friend of mine actually played GW1 just because one of the trailers had The Elementalist theme and another had the Crystal Oasis, the music was enough for us to spend 30 pounds.

I could obviously play a playlist but maybe if one of your designers put the music in place for the correctly themed areas that would be better.

Kind regards.


Shadow Beast - Queensdale

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Yea probably Zaxares. Hopefully this will be back and working soon as its EPIC!

Shadow Beast - Queensdale

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Hi Anet.

Can you increase the time this spawns? I have not seen it once while levelling up four characters and I go back to the swamps at least once a day.

Either its not working or the way to activate is way too obtuse or its a silly long respawn time.

Have you guys thought about adding a timer to show when world events will take place?

Many thanks.

The Undocumented Nerf

in Thief

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Thief is rubbish. I have deleted mine.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spinex.3695


One key for free, two skins. Boom. Yes I am a jammy git.

Don’t buy keys and expect to win anything, its luck of the draw.

Today I installed 2 GTX 670 4GB cards....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Are you the guy in Make Love Not Warcraft?

Disappointed w/ how female norn hold greatsword

in Norn

Posted by: Spinex.3695


It does look a bit heavy for the poor norn lass.

Until she lifts it with one hand to stroke the blade, perhaps it all a smoke and mirrors illusion to lull her prey into a false sense of security!

Or perhaps the Animation director did not think it that important.

Dynamic Events on-screen timer

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Can we get a timer which ticks down when a boss will appear? I have not managed to see the Shadow Behemoth for three characters worth of levelling. And I know its not just me.


Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I would have rolled a human male but they all look like Dolce and Gabanna models and do not seem to be able to grow a beard.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I love these posts. Every single one of them seems to assume that the rest of us haven’t figured out other attunements yet. It’s basically insulting, because it’s nothing more than a veiled “L2P noob”.

Here’s a hint, we’ve figured out attunements, I was doing that from day 1, that doesn’t magically fix all the issues. I don’t think the state is as bad as people make it out to be, but there’s definitely some changes needed.

I am definitely not insulting anyone Morthis. This post is for people who are maybe a bit dissapointed by the class but may have not done any research into it. Silver lining so to speak.

“l2p noob” is something I have never used or will ever use in any context. Its the proclamation of anti social gaming when you start to judge people using derogatory abbreviations.

There are issues but I have not discovered anything game breaking and arena will fix these if they decide to.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spinex.3695


When I started playing elementalist I was ranting and raving about its dps and how squishy they are, why? I was not playing the class properly.

I would sit in Fire attunement trying to kill things without swapping. I used Air just for travel and Water I would use now and then. Earth was never used (fool!).

I play as a Scepter and Dagger build and I have learnt how to play by watching other players videos on YouTube.

Trust me guys who have little faith watch a few videos from professional players and it really helps.

It did for me.

I have a warrior too and that is a simple class to play compared to elementalist, the elementalist really has so much to offer.

Improve dungeons (LFP Finder, Rewards, Incentives)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Too much like wow, no we don’t want that.

Bandithaunt Caverns, Low FPS [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Hi ho!

This killlls my pc aenet. Is there something wrong with the occlusion in this cave?


(edited by Moderator)