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The human female stretch animation which was ’temporarily’ removed a long time ago.
The Asuran axe AA animation which was removed a while back.
You’ve previously removed stuff and sold it back to us, why not these animations?
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I haven’t read every comment in this thread so apologies if this has already been said.
I stopped doing anything in GW2 a month ago when I couldn’t tolerate the boredom any longer, I was a long term supporter since Factions was released. I now just log in for the daily chest and to farm my home instance. I monitor the forums in the hope of seeing it lit up by some recent update fixing major concerns, or a chunk of new and exciting content being released. Maybe the remaining £30 worth of HoT content from the £50 I paid you?
I can see from the comments I’ve read this update gave none of the above and appears to be just more fluff with gliding thrown in to distract from that (this could also sum up HoT). Oh well, keep trying as I (unlike my friends) haven’t removed GW2 from my pc yet. Looks like my hopes are dashed though for another three months. If you want to find me I’ll be in B&S buying NCoin with the money I used to give you every month.
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To be fair, you only missed out on 2 blues and a green.
Lol, and some junk items.
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Gotta agree with some comments here, Anet really kittened me off when they killed off sections of the core game. It seemed like a really callous way to treat their loyal player base in order to force them to play the new content. Also taking away guild stuff and hiding it behind massive gold sinks was extremely annoying along with the shameless and manipulative cash grabbing tactics.
These antics didn’t force me to play the new content for very long or hand over cash to buy stuff, they forced me to look around for an alternative game. In the end we reap what we sow.
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A picture would better sum up what’d end up being a lengthy response from me.
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We’ve coalescing feedback, comments, and questions about the new Shared Inventory Slots, as released in today’s game update. This will allow the team to better review your input and to answer questions, as well.
With this thread, we all can view dev and player comments about the situation.
17 pages worth of comments with just 3 Dev comments and that includes the opening statement above. The Dev comments are all in the first few pages too. Give it up people, this is another abandoned thread. It was merged only to stop complaints about the new cash grab storage slots from filling the front page.
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This forum being almost totally ignored by Devs. A sarcastic person might think they’re all too busy thinking up new ways to cash grab or maybe updating their C.V.s and posting on employment websites.
Oh, I have a good cash grab idea. Introduce gliding to the core game and alter important content so you need to glide to be able to play. Then lock out gliding for anyone who doesn’t buy HoT.
Or release an unfinished expansion and tell us the additional content will follow later. Then change track and look for ways to sell us that content instead. Smaller mini expansions or new time limited Living Story content will be good for that (if you miss the time limit then you need to buy the LS regardless of already owning HoT).
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I was lucky enough to be chosen to beta test BnS last month. I really liked the game as a whole, I found it refreshing and fun to play in a light hearted way.
Lately I’ve become increasingly bored and disinterested with GW2, especially since the release of HoT and massive upsurge in cash grabbing from Anet so was looking around for a replacement. I’d previously been a loyal supporter of GW for 10 years.
I don’t think BnS will replace GW2 as my leading game but I do think it will be a nice filler until BDO is released. I also beta tested BDO as I pre-ordered the game and I think Anet should be more concerned about that game than BnS.
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Only gamble if you’re willing to lose everything, walk away and never mention your loss.
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I’ve posted quite a few complaints about ANet recently but in fairness I have to agree with comments here saying in general terms the festival should be the same every year. It’d be nice to see some less popular items replaced with something new in time but changes should be kept to a minimum.
It’s the familiarity that makes it good, just like every Christmas eve my wife and I watch ’A Christmas Carol’ starring Patrick Stewart while drinking mulled wine. I can almost lip-sync to the narrative now but that doesn’t stop me enjoying the evening.
There are plenty of things in this game that need changing but imo, Wintersday festival isn’t one of those things.
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We paid a fair price for HoT.
As for very little content, New wvw map, new pvp game mode. new tournaments in pvp. 4 new pve maps and relevant content, guild halls, raids, new fractal design, new armor, new weapons, new legendaries, new events, new achievements. And not to mention the continuation of the living story when they get around to that, which was ALOT of content prior to HoT despite how you may feel personally about it. I’d say the price of HoT was fair.
I don’t have the energy to argue against this level of brainwashing. All I can say is I’m glad you’re happy and I congratulate ANet on job job well done.
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That’s it? Six minor tweaks now counts as a major update, enjoy and see you in January? The saddest part in this update is we’re so starved of Dev attention here that people are actually thanking you.
GW2 is becoming a tragic farce.
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I’d be careful using yolomouse as it may be a breach of the ToS. It’s a third party program that alters game files in that it redirects the cursor on screen print function to itself.
Might be worthwhile posting a question on Reddit to see if a Dev responds with a clear answer?
LOL “alters game files”
Are you just pretending to know what you’re talking about?
Hmm my apologies, I misread my source. It DOES NOT modify games files, it re routes the cursor file location to its own files to use that image rather than the original. Seems fine to me so you should go ahead and use it.
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I’d be careful using yolomouse as it may be a breach of the ToS. It’s a third party program that alters game files in that it redirects the cursor on screen print function to itself.
Might be worthwhile posting a question on Reddit to see if a Dev responds with a clear answer?
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I’ve spent the weekend beta testing Blade & Soul and it was like a breath of fresh air compared to GW2. Lots and lots to do, the traits tree really does make a difference to your character skills. Fights are fast and fluid. Whether it still feels good in six months remains to be seen but the game is free and not p2w.
I logged onto GW2 for the dailies and guild events and it just felt boring and slow. ANet have removed so much from the game since launch and GW1 that it just seems like an empty shell, the GW1 skill system still outclasses GW2 with its skills locked to weapons nonsense imo. They’ve done this slowly so we hardly noticed a little bit here and there. Then they made us pay the price of a full game for what amounted to very little content and maps.
I’m beta testing Black Desert Online from Wednesday this week as my search for a GW2 replacement continues but one thing is certain, I’m here only until that replacement is found. I pre ordered Black Desert as it’s b2p and was happy to do so as the world looks huge with masses of things to do. Again, I may feel differently in six months but who knows?
Have a look around at what’s on offer in the b2p and f2p market then tell me we paid a fair price for HoT.
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….In an interview some time ago John Smith spoke about account RNG, and “outliers” and basically explained that there will be people that will consistently be rewarded with premium loot more often then the average player, and that there will also be an equal and opposite group that will basically never be rewarded as well as the average player….
How many times have I claimed some people have ‘lucky’ accounts and others don’t, only to be told to shut up? Reading what you wrote was like having a knife in the back from ANet, if this is true then it proves they manipulate RNG to reward only a small group in order to keep the carrot dangling in front of the rest of us. A carrot that almost invariably leads us tottering towards the gem store and trading post to buy the items we’re never lucky enough to get via drops.
It’d be interesting to see the ANet list of lucky accounts along with how much real money those people have spent buying gems. I’m almost at a point now where I’d bet the answer is next to none. It’s my suspicion now that spending real money on gems will forever remove you from the lucky list as ANet have broken that barrier and you can now be milked.
Outliers prove that the system is random. A lack of outliers would prove that the system was managed (so that lucky and unlucky accounts were things that could be toggled on and off in order to maintain an even level of drops).
Your conclusion is disproved by your premise.
I think my point was missed. I’m not denying the existence of outliers, I’m taking issue with the statement that accounts (or people as John Smith said) will be consistently lucky. If RNG is random every time and has no reference to an account then what are the odds of any particular account consistently hitting the outlier or in this case receiving the best rewards? That was my point which then led me to assume there must be an external influence acting upon RNG.
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Ha! Just the opposite of the theory that spending money on Gems enables a ‘lucky’ account we’ve heard for years. /shakes head
Not from me. If I disagree with a theory am I not allowed to advance my own in its place? Both are unproven and so until that changes both are equally valid or invalid depending upon your view.
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HoT coupled with all the nerfs and shameless cash grabbing really turned me off GW. I registered with Blade & Soul and have been selected for the next beta testing which starts tomorrow and runs through to Monday. I also bought Black Desert and their beta testing starts next Wednesday and runs till the following Tuesday I think. By then Wintersday will be running which should carry me close to the Blade & Soul release date. On that date I might end my 10 year love affair with GW, a sad and yet exciting day.
And no, you can’t have my stuff as I will be back from time to time.
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I think the problem is people assume they’re trying to focus. Pretty much the entire game was casual content. A portion fo the playerbase was screaming for harder content. Anet gave them that because it was their turn.
Now it’s WvW’s turn. Then the new living story will come out and it’ll be our turn again.
Sure it looks like the company has no focus. Because they don’t have the manpower to do everything all at once. Not while fixing bugs and planning future stuff. So they do what needs to be done most. They prioritize. People felt the game wasn’t challenging enough and Anet address this, but Fractals are actually easier now. You don’t need agony resistence at all till level 19 for example. That’s far more casual. Break bars have made it even easier.
At the end of the day, the focus is on trying to keep everyone happy, but everyone has different wants and desires.
That’s fine, let ANet feel free to introduce hard core content. Let them work on WvW and PvP too. That’s not the real issue. One issue is with ANet removing or killing existing content in an attempt to force us into playing the new content. What that leaves is people like me, a 10 year GW veteran who logs on every evening, reduced to just doing the PvE dailies then chatting with guildies.
Another issue is recent decisions and the direction changes made by ANet will cost them customers, they had to expect this and so must have a plan in mind for their replacement. What this tells me is ANet no longer cares about long term customer retention and therefore why should I continue to feel loyal and spend my money here?
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….In an interview some time ago John Smith spoke about account RNG, and “outliers” and basically explained that there will be people that will consistently be rewarded with premium loot more often then the average player, and that there will also be an equal and opposite group that will basically never be rewarded as well as the average player….
How many times have I claimed some people have ‘lucky’ accounts and others don’t, only to be told to shut up? Reading what you wrote was like having a knife in the back from ANet, if this is true then it proves they manipulate RNG to reward only a small group in order to keep the carrot dangling in front of the rest of us. A carrot that almost invariably leads us tottering towards the gem store and trading post to buy the items we’re never lucky enough to get via drops.
It’d be interesting to see the ANet list of lucky accounts along with how much real money those people have spent buying gems. I’m almost at a point now where I’d bet the answer is next to none. It’s my suspicion now that spending real money on gems will forever remove you from the lucky list as ANet have broken that barrier and you can now be milked.
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I’ll relate what a guildie said to me last night.
’HoT is being released piecemeal as a means of keeping us logging on. We didn’t buy new content that might be released a year or two from now in the form of living stories, we bought a completed expansion. It seems ANet have devised a new strategy that leads us by the nose towards the gem store from lots of different locations.’
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not, it matters if this is the perception. In our guild this view is rapidly taking hold.
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Please stop asking for guild hall crafting to be weighted depending on the size of the guild. Haven’t you all realised yet that ANet are masters at giving us what we ask for without giving us what we wanted?
I foresee weighting in the future with the current requirements being the baseline for up to a 50 member guild. A 500 member guild would then need 10 times the current quantities.
Anything else you’d like them to fix while they’re at it?
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Save your money and buy Black Desert Online instead.
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Is it okay to use a name like that though?
No. It is against the TOS. Just like Britney Spears.
I assumed it would be OK right now but not OK in the future if he caused a World War or something.
References to real life persons are not allowed in general, especially not if they are widely known persons.
Off topic but, you have 30,000 AP?? How many hours in game? Do you ever sleep?
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Well, you’ve listed a lot of different things and clearly dislike them all. Have you, I dunno, considered playing anything else?
Like why are you even playing this game?
HoT- I enjoy thoroughly
Raids – I, and my guild, enjoy thoroughly
Fractals – my favorite activity in game
Dungeons – this part I’m with you on, but I was never really a big fan in the first place.The game’s not for you, anymore, and that’s fine. But there’s certainly no sense in continuing to log on if you aren’t having fun. There are lots of other games out there that might be more suited to you.
I’ve played Guild Wars since Factions was released and like I said, I really do like parts of this game and don’t want to leave. I have a legendary weapon, Nightfury, a halo, full light ascended armour, 20-odd ascended weapons, synergetic blade shard back item, Mawdrey, etc, etc. I’ve Been There and Done That several times. I’ve also never played any other MMORPG for more than a few days trial because they just didn’t ‘feel’ right to me.
I’m also the leader of our guild and couldn’t possibly abandon our members after we’ve been through so many good times together. Some of our members have stood beside me through thick and thin and I owe them the same consideration.
I don’t like HoT as it feels claustrophobic to me when I’m in the maps, amongst other annoyances. I don’t like PvP or WvW so am limited to non-HoT PvE maps, dungeons and Fractals all of which seem to have been abandoned by ANet.
If I do leave GW it won’t be a snap or angry rage-quit decision as once I leave I’ll not return. I’ll be wiping away ten years history so will just log off one night and quietly vanish from the game and these forums. I will also take as many guildies with me as I can so we can reform elsewhere, these are good friends. Right now that route isn’t even being considered as I want to stay but, and this was the point of my original post, I’m becoming increasingly bored. It’s my hope that ANet will pull a rabbit from the hat as the phrase goes, but I’m becoming increasingly sceptical of that.
Oh well, Windersday is here soon so hopefully that’ll provide some entertainment.
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I log on around 8pm, open the daily chest and check the PvE dailies. Next I say hi to guildies and bank the daily item or buy T6 materials if it was Laurels. Then I farm my home instance and do three of the four PvE dailies. I chat to guildies some more.
Then I sit and think, “what should I do now? HoT? Forget it, that’s just an infuriating exercise in futility and my head hurts due to constantly banging it against the glass walls and ceiling. A dungeon run? Ha, I can no longer find enough guildies to form a party and pug groups can take a long time to fill up. Oh I know, Fractals! Oh erm, maybe not. Raids? Nope and best not to mention Raids in guild chat as that word is quickly becoming an Escalator, no need to start another argument. Anyway doing a Raid is no fun as its just ‘stand here now, stand there now, use this skill now, etc.’ No fun at all.”
Then I go and farm something.
Bored reading this? Try to imagine how I feel!
My point? ANet please please please save this game. I used to love this game, I like most of our guildies, I want to do stuff solo or with them again like we used to do before you destroyed the magic. I really don’t want to leave Tyria but I just can’t take this level of boredom for much longer. I’m holding on with the real hope you’ll produce something but I have no idea what that could be. Please just do something.
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Necro Well of Darkness followed by Well of Suffering both dropped at my feet as the annoying little gits swarm me. Then watch them melt.
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Threads of this nature are starting to bug me a little. I think people should be able to wear whatever armour stats they like and play the game in whatever way they feel. That’s freedom of choice, the same as people forming a raid team should also have freedom of choice. If that team doesn’t want players who wear certain armour stats then fine.
What is starting to bug me is listening to people say they want to do whatever they like but then in their next breath they ask that others are denied that freedom.
Oh and with regards to the 15K ap, that’s a joke. Better to say, ’must have a map completion star’ at least then you can assume the player knows a little about the class they’re running. I’ll give you an example, I have full light zerker ascended armour, plenty of zerker ascended trinkets and lots of zerker ascended weapons all of which are account bound. I also have stacks of level up tomes. I could make say an ele, insta level it and kit it out with all zerker ascended stuff, I’d pass the gear check but have no idea what I was doing. How is ap any kind of indicator towards player experience for a particular class?
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Will you prepurchase next expansion?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
No, I feel really let down by HoT. I’m almost never in the maps and have no interest in levelling HoT masteries. I don’t use the new char abilities. I feel precursor crafting is a slap in the face as was the dungeons etc nerfing. Final straw for me was the flurry of new items they put on sale in the gem store. This game is now too far from the original games that won me over. I’ll keep playing for now but I’m looking around for an alternative.
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Welcome to Tyria. If you’re stuck on anything feel free to message me in game.
This game is fairly unique in its ability to bring people together so you should meet lots of good people along the way.
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Necro then ranger.
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I’ve mentioned in another similar thread the I’d love the option to have a long bushy beard for my Asura. It’d be really cool if my lil Asuran necro looked like grandpa Smurf.
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I don’t think they’re available now but probably will be before long.
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I took this from the Eye of the North website:-
The expansion introduces:
41 new armor sets, including rare, stand-alone pieces
100 new profession-specific skills (10 per profession, none of which are elite)
50 new PvE only skills including 3 elite skills
10 new heroes
18 Dungeons
124 new quests
The Hall of Monuments, a place which allows you to obtain unique titles, companions, weapons, armor, and miniatures in Guild Wars 2 based on your achievements in the original Guild Wars.
More than the previous campaigns, Eye of the North is full of easter eggs and “hidden” quests, which are not immediately accessible.
For those who may not know, Eye of the North was the only expansion Anet released during GW1, the other releases were separate campaigns within the same world.
I’ve not delved too deeply into HoT so far but for those that have, how does what we bought compare to the previous expansion in terms of content and value for money?
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I’m pretty sure you did. One guildie just had to hit one foe within the mission area and the guild would get credit if the mission succeeded.
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Hate the axe AA animation. Please give my Asuran back her cool flying spin.
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No, just no. Period. No.
Thank you, don’t come again. :P
Ps, no.
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Really, really, really a huge no from me. I spend £17.00 a month buying gems and am happy to do so as I like the game (moaning aside). When something nice appears in the gem store I might buy it or sometimes I just convert to gold. Anet has motivation to tempt me to ensure I continue to buy gems.
A monthly subscription income to Anet would quickly be absorbed and we’d get very little in return. We’d certainly get nothing ’extra’ as we’d have no way to measure that. Next the fee would creep up higher.
I’d very much prefer to continue to decide how much I give Anet based upon how much they tempt me to spend and my overall enjoyment of the game.
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I like this idea though more chance of it happening if it cost gems to buy the skins.
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The snowball battle from EotN Wintersday would be fun. The instanced battle we did outside the town on the ice, where we could partner up with a friend against npc’s or just solo it.
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Completed some guild events last night, results:-
Rush or Race in Gendarran? The ghost wolf one anyway. Completed, no rewards and listed as a fail even though we hit the 15 quota quite early.
Puzzle in Brisban - completed and no rewards, not even xp.
Bounty (only one) - completed and usual rewards.
Trek - completed and no rewards.
This week we had only one bounty to hunt and that was Pooboo, mapped into Kessex Hills and landed right on him. Killed in seconds, guildies asking who is the next bounty? Was a little disappointing to say we now only have one unlocked and not the two-three we used to do. Did Trek to distract everyone from the kitten storm that caused only to get no rewards again.
Overall it was a very poor show and next week may be a struggle to get everyone involved.
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We Chose Lost Precipice to Glide
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
+1 to this from me too.
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Raids gated behind Masteries xp farming is probably causing the delay in release. They tested the water with Hero Point gating and found it too hot (pun intended) so had to reverse that decision pretty quickly.
Imagine the kitten storm if they’d released Raids at launch only for people to learn they were unplayable without weeks of xp grinding first? I don’t imagine Raids would be as easy to alter as Hero Points so rather than risk a storm Anet took the decision to delay release long enough for people to reach the xp level first.
That’s my assumption based upon what I’ve seen so far, I have no inside knowledge. The proof for me will be when I see the actual requirements for entering Raids.
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Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
…..the hobbling of small guilds and putting abilities they had pre-HoT behind a paywall, the lack of solo & casual content and delays on raids & legendaries, bugs, and this feeling that the focus on the game is to manipulate things into gem store purchases…..
^This with the addition of locking story progression behind the requirement for massive xp. Oh and I hate mazes and jumping puzzles.
Compare HoT to EotN and see just how much it’s lacking in every measurable way.
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Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
Certainly regret buying HoT so far and not been back in there since Monday before last. Still early days though, they released the game in an unfinished condition and it may yet improve. I am wondering where the other £30 worth of content will come from though as I value what we got as maybe £20 worth and some fluff.
Either way I’ll have to go back as I’ll need to farm flax seeds and other stuff soon.
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I think the new crafting process for precursors is absolutely fabulous, ANet have made it so easy for me to get a precursor now I’m working on a second legendary.
As soon as the crafting requirements started to leak out I bought a watchwork mining pick and went hunting for rich nodes. The rapidly rising prices for various refined ores means I’m netting around 70g an evening from minimal effort in just 2 hours. In a few more days I’ll be able to just buy the precursor from the TP. The drop in cost for T6 mats for the gifts is also welcome. Oh and a side bonus? I’ve almost completed a second blade shard back item by using all the watchwork sprockets I get while mining!
Gotta say a big thanks to ANet for the introduction of precursor crafting as it really does make it very easy to get one.
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Logged on this evening and received a mail saying i’d received the GWAMM title in error, when I checked all my GW1 titles have gone.
I never earned the GWAMM title, my highest is Flameseeker and I never received it in error either. It is easily checked by typing my account name (without the numbers) into the GW1 HoM reward calculator.
Did this happen to anyone else? I hope it is fixed soon.
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From Guild Leader to Guild Beggar in HoT flat
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
I agree with the OP, this week for the first time in months we didn’t even bother doing the guild missions. Some guildies are donating but we’ve noticed a huge increase in non repping too. Guildies are hiding as the guilt trip caused by not donating is taking effect.
I spent several months running solo before forming our guild nearly a year ago and now I’m seriously considering disbanding and going solo again. I’m losing any interest in spending time and vast resources to get back to where we were before.
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Heart of Thorns: Grossly Unfinished.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869
So when will we see Living Story 3? January 2015? June? October? How long do we wait to receive the remainder of the game I bought several months ago?
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