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Natural degeneration is percentage based. You can have 1 million vitality and you’d still only last up to 25 seconds (or 50 sec with Vital Persistence), not counting in-Shroud lf regen like Life Transfer, Life Reap and some of our traits. So like I said, vitality only improves your Shroud uptime when you’re taking damage.
I know that viper and sinister would be a better choice for pve only, but you die as soon as a moa looks at you in WvW and that’t the reason i didnt mention it on my answer.
Necros aren’t that squishy in WvW with full glass stats.
Personally, I play PvP with a rampager amulet, and I have several sets of gear that I switch between for WvW and PvE. However, if I were to stick with just one set for everything I’d definitely go with the glassier version.
You kinda lost track of the thread topic in your attempt to correct someone who is just trying to help. The question OP asked was “is it viable?” to which the answer is yes it is very viable and used. Also as i mentioned not everyone has “several sets” to switch around which is probably the reason why he made the post in the first place.
Also condi necros are ROAMERS ONLY in wvw since everyone knows condis are crap in ZvZ and GvG because of all the condi clear. Necros are not that squishy in WvW with full glass zerker gear when they get to sit on the backlines and wellbomb enemies and spam marks. In full glass condi gear you will get 2 shotted by every thief you meet and kited while you get 2 shotted by every chrono you meet while roaming.
If he considers himself good enough to go full glass then he should, that still isn’t the topic of the thread. Carrion is good enough for PvE as well as WvW, it isn’t in most other classes because of the lost of precision, but since necros get traited precision anyways you don’t lose much while gaining HP by going that route.
(edited by Squeezzy.4718)
Great initiative, Eremite.
@Kami: WTF is that? “Main Professions: Necromancer & Revenant” TRAITOR!
Ha Ha Ha…. Kami hopped on that Rev train!!!! lmao
I made one too but i would never put that on my signature…. lol
I know GS is not really a condi weapon. But it is fun to look at…
I am using Staff/GS on my Condi Reaper at the moment. I know that if I really want to make the build better, I have to ditch the GS and use Scepter and Dagger…
Yeah GS is not good for a condi build, but if you like it then stick with it. Too many “Metakitten” in this forums ready to jump at you with their criticisms and nothing productive to say. Is a game, have fun playing it.
For what is worth the third strike on your auto attack chain does a bit of chill (if you have chill damage trait you get a few ticks of that lol) plus you can put down Nightfall GS#4 and then RS and Soul Spiral (RS #4) and can get like 12 stacks of poison on mobs. But it doesn’t beat scep/war or scep/dagg.
Vitality directly increases your life force hence giving you more time in reaper shroud
Only if you take damage. It makes no difference with natural degeneration.
Long story kept short: is Carrion gonna hamstring me in terms of damage when playing pve content, or should I choose a different armor set-up?
There’s no point in taking any kind of defensive stat for PvE. The only reason to consider carrion over other stats would be if you spend most of your time in WvW and don’t want the hassle of changing gear in PvE.
That being said, rampager vs sinister vs viper is the real choice you have to make, which means you should mix those stats according to how high you want your crit chance and condition duration to be.
Actually the more vitality you have the more shroud pool you have. Read the wiki, here is a link for you. Second small paragraph.
While you are at it also read the title of the post “open world/wvw”. I assume that like most of us OP doesn’t have the gold to spend on a set for PvE and one for WvW or at least he doesn’t want to go through the trouble of switching between them.
That’t the reason why I gave him the suggestion of going for Carrion which would increase his health pool and his shroud pool, allowing him to stay in shroud longer (even longer if he traits it for slower degeneration) thus answering his question.
I know that viper and sinister would be a better choice for pve only, but you die as soon as a moa looks at you in WvW and that’t the reason i didnt mention it on my answer.
As a reaper you can get really solid damage out of hybrid gear like carrion (power+vitality+condi). Vitality directly increases your life force hence giving you more time in reaper shroud which in turn means more damage. Decimate Defenses takes care of your crit chance so you don’t have to get it with your gear.
Look up GW2Ascii on twitch or youtube he runs a hybrid Reaper in wvw and also uses the same gear for fractals. He’s also really good so it might help you master the class a bit better.
I actually read this “Master Bonner [BUILD]”… -_- kinda disappointed now
If you want to do any type of sustained condition dmg on mesmer in high level fractals without sacrificing your alacrity pumping potential. You need to be dueling/illusions/chronomancer. Vipers gear/weapons, sinister trinkets. Duelists discipline/phantasmal haste with signet of ether as healing skill. Starting a fight you start 2 phantasmal duelists and then scepter 3 pistol 5 for breakbars. Drop your wells to get alacrity going strong. As soon as you are able pop pistol 4 for a 3rd duelist then swap immediately to your viper staff and camp staff dancing around dropping staff 5 and using 4 situationally. Then drop more wells on cooldown. Only swap back to pistol/scepter to summon more duelists. Taking full advantage of the phantasms taking 95% less dmg they will RARELY die and if they do you can use the heal signet to get two back up quickly without losing much dps uptime. If you have the right group who can maintain 25 vuln/might and good quickness uptime on your iduelists you can maintaing CRAZY sustain condi dmg. I was pushing numbers in fractals tonight that were very impressive, 10k bleed ticks with around 5 might and 5 vuln on target and no quickness. I can see a top level mesmer in the right group easily hitting 20k bleeds. Also the duelists attacks are 20% projectile finisher so fire fields be sexy. ALSO rangers sun spirit become super sexy. Warrior condi bannerz. Sexy
also because it is passive dmg through your phantasms leaves you more time to run around and do fight mechanics and avoid red circles not dying and wiping your groups as often. Unlike those sinister condi engis who are so focused on their 60000 button cooldown management system rotation that they keep dying to bloomhungers circles.
I run something like this in dungeons but with sinister gear and it works great (i think) As an added note, wells and chaos storm are ethereal fields so having 3 duelists or wardens up usually stacks about 15-20 confusion if your party lacks fields.
It is clear that his build only worked thanks to his team. It’s not as good to defend a point 1v2 like a cele ele. In particular, the might stacks were multiplied by his trait, but he didn’t create much.
Morality: you see Curunen. If you can’t take shattered strength, just bring in an elementalist
If people couldnt see this coming for the torny meta they know nothing.
The point is that with the shift on the meta, chrono has had to find its role. Roaming DPS is out, and simply going to be a portal bot leaves to much to be desired. Thus, we see the dawn of the Utility Wizard. Bunk Chrono sitting at mid in a team fight with bruisers and/or another dedicated bunker means you create a watertight offense/defense as you buff what everybody else there can do (alacrity, buff/debuff, cc). What you can bring “1v1” is meaningless. Rotating, capturing, and holding is the only thing that matters in the end.
I mentioned in a post before how it looked like chrono was more of a point fighter (which mesmers have never really been known to be) than a squishy burst roamer. After trying and failing to figure out a good build i finally settled for Fay’s awesome bunker chrono build and i love playing it.
When i play with coordinated teamates sometimes i switch Mental Defense for Illusionary Inspiration and eventhough i miss phantasmal defender my teamates are always surprised with all the boons (including alacrity and quickness) i can provide in a fight.
You realize most of the people you’re talking to probably play those “scumbag p2w” specs, right?
I don’t see how it matters as I don’t care whom is playing what.
I’m mad at specs, not at people.
It seems you misclicked about 2 screens before friend, allow me to redirect you.
Although chronomancer (mesmer HoT “p2w” elite spec) is actually pretty good, the pve aspect of it completely outshines the pvp one, hence the chronomancer hype you might hear. PvP chrono so far basically plays the same as regular mesmer with a few more clones and AoE wells that provide some utility to a otherwise very selfish class (unless you play boonshare of course). Better? yes. Op? definitely not.
It seems that where you want to be is the Dragon Hunter forums and mention something about “OP traps” or “brain dead to play” or “Fotm” or “plz nerf” and you will receive much feedback on your inquiries.
Lets try an example:
You summon a iZerker, it has the buff on it.
You mind wrack, iZerker runs at enemy and blows up.
iZerker respawns, without the buff.
You mind wrack again, iZerker runs at enemy and blows up.
iZerker does not respawn.This is on a per-phantasm basis:
Summon iZerker #1, it has the buff.
Mind wrack, iZerker 1 explodes and respawns without the buff.
Summon iZerker #2, it has the buff.
Mind wrack again, iZerker #1 and iZerker #2 explode.
iZerker #2 respawns (without the buff), whereas iZerker #1 does not.Its the act of casting the phantasm creation ability that grants the buff to the phantasm, it never gets it back.
To determine if a phantasm will respawn after shattering just ask yourself “Have I pressed a shatter button since I spawned this phantasm?” If the answer is yes, then it will go away. If the answer is no, it will respawn.
OK this is what i was looking for, thank you.
It’s not a buff on the Mesmer, it’s a buff on the Phantasm. Every Phantasm that is conjured.
There’s no ICD, every Phantasm you conjure get the buff. When a Phantasm with the buff is Shattered it loses the buff so the next time it’s Shattered it’s gone for good, like usual. It’s individual for every Phantasm.
let see if this explains my question better. Once i used all my phantasms in a fight and shattered them and then shattered the resummoned ones. When do i get to use chronophantasma again?
sorry if I’m making it harder than it is, everyone is being very helpful answering the part of the question i already know. Not the part about how “often” can you use chronophantasma
Edit: yes i definitely was making harder than it is
(edited by Squeezzy.4718)
Each Phantasm will only get the Chronophant Buff when they are first summoned through normal skill usage. Their “resummoned” variants will never get that Buff and will disappear permanently if you shatter them.
Thanks for the quick response, but i understand that part of how it works. What i have questions about is the “reset” for the Chronophant Buff, is there a icd for it? or does it reset after you ooc? or after the fight ends? or after meeting any other requirements? Bc “permanently” means you never get to use it again, and that sounds like a terrible GM trait to take.
Its the first time each individual phantasm is shattered. With Chronophantasma your phantasms spawn with a buff (and a butterfly particle affect around them). When you shatter them, they respawn but lose the buff. If they don’t have the buff, they die after a shatter like usual.
ok i get that, my question is more towards that “buff” once they spawn without it when do they get it back? when does it reset? after you ooc?
Without much typing, basically my question is:
Exactly how does chronophantasma work?
What I’m having trouble understanding specifically is the wording on the wiki and the tooltip.
“Your phantasms are resummoned after the first time they are shattered.
(Resummoned phantasms are briefly dazed.)”
There is no icd or anything like that, so what does “First Time” mean. First time in a fight? First time in a certain amount of time? First time in a match?
I’ve noticed that sometimes my phantasms are resummoned and sometimes they aren’t so this has me a little confused…
I’ve been running a sinister non-shattering build in dungeons that doesn’t interfere much with party alacrity and quickness rotations (except from the personal you get per shatter and the shield) and i think it does pretty decent damage.
I can stack up to 20 stacks of confusion and get around 3k bleed ticks while doing good physical damage and keeping party wide alacrity and quickness almost the entire fight. Basically I summon 2 wardens and 1 duelist and then stack and begin the regular wells rotation while i hack away with sword autos and blurred frenzy.
Since wells are all ethereal fields wardens and duelist stack confusion and sharper images takes care of the bleed on crits which are plenty.
I’m nowhere near hardcore enough, or good enough of a player to go around doing any math but its fun and it feels like i contribute to the fight a lot more than being a reflects bot that we used to be before.
*also 2 duelists and 1 warden work
Hey guys, you have to buy the recipe from the laurel merchant. There’s bag tab that specifically houses unlocked recipes.
Do you unlock the recipe for any character or just the your Mesmer? Bc my crafter is my necro and i rather not have to lvl my tailoring again just for this rune.
Mantras of Distraction is still strong (even after nerf), Mantra heal still has its uses, and mantra of resolve you see in wvw on some players. But since HoT just came out most players are trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
Revert the change plz…
Keep the change, so long as, when pulling with curtain placed directly on top of someone (thus pulling to both extremes), they’re ripped in two.
So I’m creating this thread so I (and anyone who feels like it) can just post “okay, this is cool” whenever you find something new you like.
My turn: Superior Sigil of Absorption – Steal up to 3 boons when interrupting an enemy (no icd).
Because lolinterrupts.Is this in game?
I spotted it in the inventory of the Itzl vendor right at the entrance to the Verdant Brink. So you’ll need to up your Itzl masteries.
Not in sPvP, though, sadly.
Still for those who wvw a lot against all those boon happy classes it sounds like its worth checking out.
So I’m creating this thread so I (and anyone who feels like it) can just post “okay, this is cool” whenever you find something new you like.
My turn: Superior Sigil of Absorption – Steal up to 3 boons when interrupting an enemy (no icd).
Because lolinterrupts.
okay, this is actually pretty cool
I’m finally on the forums!!!! yay!!! I laughed so much watching that vid Donee. I also liked how Holts forgot to turn off the sound on his version and you can hear all of you guys talking
Congrats and welcome to the forum!
Could you hear everyone’s voice or only hollts fat fingers smashing the keys? lol
Secret MLG necro skills smash keys until things die
I’m seeing a lot of poor condi transfer in this thread… -_-
I’m finally on the forums!!!! yay!!! I laughed so much watching that vid Donee. I also liked how Holts forgot to turn off the sound on his version and you can hear all of you guys talking
Staff has:
a fear interrupt #5 (put it down and get saved from any follow up to a basilisk venom jump by a thief)
a condi transfer #4 (well thank you, I’ll take your 14 stacks of burning from one skill burn guard.. not op at all… and here you can have them back)
a chill and a poison field #3 (d/d ele i heard you like fast rotations, chill bro)
a somewhat crappy bleed #2 that actually heals you and teamates while you are in it
and finally a pretty crappy slow auto attack that pierces and has 1200 range (sit on a ledge and let sigil of fire and air proc on cooldown)
So compared to all other weapons it actually is the most versatile choice for a necro. Unfortunately any PvP or WvW build w/o is severely crippling your potential.
I hoped GS would change that a bit, but so far from everything i’ve seen that’s very unlikely. You can go S/X – staff for condi builds or D/X – staff for power builds until axe gets a rework at least.
(edited by Squeezzy.4718)
IGN: Master Squeezzy
Play: PvP, PvE, WvW
Server: Crystal Desert (NA)
Role: Scholar
Time: EST