Showing Posts For Squishei.5810:

Give characters under level 30 access to full action bar in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


If they do this, then next people will ask for normalized gear in WvW too. If you want completely even matches, go do structured.

WvWvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


Are you trying to say there is no reward to escorting dolyaks? It is probably one of the more important jobs in the fact that it is the only way to upgrade your towers and keeps. The incentive to escorting dolyaks are the defense points that you will get when your keeps won’t fall and eventually winning the matchup.

In regards to the fully upgraded camp, those guards actually hurt and there are quite a few of them. They all come when one is pulled so in the least it’s going to take quite a bit of time in which a couple people can defend against 4 attackers. If no one comes that’s your own team’s fault. Supply camps are supposed to be able to be attacked by small groups anyways, it’s not like small groups can do much of anything else but it’s your job to stop them.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I agree with Syphen, the undermanned buff should be helping the lower population into the battlegrounds, not providing them with bonuses should they be able to do anything. If anything I wouldn’t mind if the orb and undermanned buffs were switched around.

Idea: grant Melee fighters passive AoE damage reduction

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I play a guardian and have no issues. You just have to play smart. Pop defensive cooldowns get in a fight, and get off before they wear off.

For example pop protection and retaliation, GS 4 skill “leap” in, pop “whirlwind” and double roll out.

How do you play keep defense/takes in WvWvW?

in Guardian

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I am full tank spec, jump down, pop stand your ground and hold the line. And just disrupt as much as possible before dodging back in the gate. Even the smallest disruption will play with people’s minds. Especially pulls such as GS 5 skill.

Please stop putting JQ against HoD.

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


The ranking system is the glicko system which is similar to the ELO system if you aer familiar with that. At one point, my server (Blackgate) was constantly match against Henge and some other server as well. We kept getting rolled and people left the server, and now we’re dropped quite a few rankings. Not much else you can do.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


The Harpy Feathers effect has something to do with being immune or invisible. Can’t remember exactly, you pick it up in the world and press 1 to use it.

Guild Wars 2 Threat Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I am a toughness/vit guardian and I can keep mobs on me with no problem. Dungeon mobs, mobs out in the world, supply camp masters, no problem. There are some boss abilities that appear to target the squishies such as the “middle” boss in arah EM when he does his shadow step.

Threat mechanics and how to avoid getting focused

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I’m toughness/vit specced as a guardian and have no problem keeping mobs on me in dungeons such as CoF. On the final boss, I have to smack him once, and I can go on my merry way and he’ll follow me around like crazy.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I will test when I get home from work if there’s no response.

Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I know I’ve just gotten in the habit of seeing the F key and pressing it because of this. It’s functional but could be better.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


For all we know, they thought Stonemist is too hard to flip. Otherwise, I have no idea what the point of the second and third floor is now, stairs to climb to the vista?

Things that make you go -_-

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


1) Breaking into blue’s keep. There are 3 outer walls down and 2 inner walls down and a ram on the third. Why? I have no idea… I actually took a pic.

2) When people play grub wars at blue’s keep.

3) When people pull the elite at speldans onto the camp forcing half the raid to stand there for 10 minutes and kill it.

Keep door repair

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


The best way would be to stand in a corner, if possible otherwise, the supply is better spent on defensive sieges such as arrow carts. Things like Guardian’s “3” GS skill will not show as a red circle.